Late fall Newsletter

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Year: 2013-2014


4 Our Communities The Official Newsletter of Division 4

Inside this Issue: Page 1—————Lieutenant Governor’s Greeting Page 2—————Reminders and Upcoming Events Page 3—————Recap of the Fall Rally Page 4—————Recap of October Divisional Page 5—————Service Spotlights Page 7—————Charity of the Month Page 8—————Leadership Training Conference Page 9—————Key Club Week Page 10————Paperwork Update Page 11———Important Information Page 12————Contact Information Page 13————Extras

4 Our Communities—Issue 5

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From the Desk of Lt. Governor Michael Dear Division 4, I hope all is well as we enter the holiday season. As a Key Clubber this is one of my favorite times of the year. There are so many ways to help your community during the holidays: Prepare meals or collect cans for the needy, participate in the Salvation Army’s annual bell ringing campaign, run a toy drive for underprivileged children, go caroling in assisted living facilities, and the list goes on and on! I know many clubs are already involved in activities like these around the holidays, and (as corny as this may sound) it warms my heart! In this edition you will read about our most recent gatherings as a division, the charity of the month, Key Club Week, and the 2014 Leadership Training Conference. Recent gatherings include the October divisional meeting and the Fall Rally which was held on Saturday November 9th. We did not have a divisional in November, but we will be having a December divisional on the 10th. I hope to see many of you there. We had a great attendance at the October divisional and I hope that we exceed that number at the December divisional. December is the time when lieutenant governors begin their search for a replacement. While my term is not over until March, my successor needs to be elected at least two months in advance. I would highly recommend running. While there is a certain amount of work lieutenant governors are expected to do, it is well worth it for the friends you make and the skills you acquire. While the skills you learn will help in any career, they are especially useful for students interested in entering business, politics, or law. If you are interested in running for the position of Division 4 Lieutenant Governor for the 2014-2015 school year, you must e-mail me a letter of intent by Friday December 20th. We will be holding the election at the January divisional. If you have any questions, please feel free to email me. I would be more than happy to share my experiences as a lieutenant governor with you to help you decide as to whether or not you would like to run for this position. Your in Service, Lt. Governor Michael

4 Our Communities—Issue 5

December Divisional Tuesday December 10, 2013 6:30 PM Elmont High School 555 Ridge Rd Elmont, NY 11003

Send in Dues Dues were due December 1st. If your club has not sent in dues please send them in as soon as possible. Please let me know if you are having any trouble. I would be more than happy to assist you.

Leadership Training Conference March 28th to March 30th 2014 Keep reading to find out more!

Key Leader April 25-27, 2014 Camp Greenkill Huguenot, NY

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Upcoming Events Send in your Letter of Intent If you would like to run for the position of Lt. Governor, you must send me a letter of intent by Friday December 20th.

The EliMiNaTe Project Experience Friday December 6, 2013 Bowling Green Elementary School (East Lobby) 2340 Stewart Ave. Westbury, NY 11590 Come learn more about the EliMiNaTe project and why it is so important to eliminate Maternal and Neonatal Tetanus. Admission is $10 for adults and $5 for students will proceeds going to the EliMiNaTe Project.

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Rah-RahRally! On the morning of November 9th, Key Clubbers from all over Nassau County gathered at North Shore High School for the annual Division 4,5,6,7 Fall Rally. A Fall Rally is a regional training conference held for several Key Club divisions. The primary purpose of the event is to train club officers; however, there are other activities. Various workshops are held so that attendees can learn about Key Club, service, and leadership. Fall Rallies typically also feature a service project. We kicked off our Fall Rally with the officer training workshops. We held a Presidents/Vice-Presidents Workshop, a Treasurers/Secretaries Workshop, and a Webmaster/Editor Workshop. Attendees that were not club officers were encouraged to attend a workshop to learn more about a position that they were interested in running for. The second and third rounds of workshops were about Key Club, service, and leadership. I ran workshops entitled “Balancing School, Key Club, and Life” which was about time management and “Key Club Networking” which focused on how to promote events and used social media. The Kiwanians in attendance that day ran workshops titled “Kiwanis Family Relations” and “Kiwanis District Charities.” After the third round of workshops we did a service project. The project consisted of making flashcards for children. These flashcards, which covered everything from letters to multiplication problems, were given to a speech pathologist to use with her students. They came out really good! If you missed the Fall Rally, don’t worry! There are officer training materials posted on our division website under “Links and Resources.” For even more officer training materials or for information distributed during the workshops, please feel free to send me an e-mail. Thank you to all of the clubs that came and I hope you will consider attending the 2014 Fall Rally.

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What did I miss at the October Divisional Meeting? We discussed a lot of news and upcoming events at the October Divisional. As always we began the divisional with the Pledge of Allegiance, the Key Club Pledge, the recognition of distinguished guests, and roll call. After these formalities, we did the “60 Second Brainstorm” icebreaker that has been popular at previous divisionals. Those in attendance found the activity to be a lot of fun, and were able to meet new people. Following in the traditional divisional format we moved on to discussing old business. We discussed paperwork, service spotlight submission, club visitations, the division website, and the Leadership Training Conference. The important old business is as follows: ! Clubs should note that the Leadership Training Conference is now being held from March 28th to March 30th, 2014. ! Clubs should continue to submit service spotlights to me. ! Club secretaries should be submitting Monthly Report Forms on the seventh of each month. ! I encourage all clubs to visit the division website,, for helpful resources and the most up to date information about what is going on around the division. The first piece of new business on the agenda was the K-Family Dinner. Every year the Long Island North Kiwanis Division hosts a dinner and invites Key Clubbers to attend. While this dinner has passed, I encourage all Key Clubs to attend next year’s dinner. It is a fun evening, and it helps strengthen the bonds between the different branches of the K-Family. We then discussed that dues are due December 1st. Clubs were encouraged to submit their dues before leaving for the Thanksgiving vacation. (If your club still has not submitted dues please do so as soon as possible.) Next up on the agenda was the Fall Rally. This event has also passed, but you can read about what happened on page 3. We then discussed a very important upcoming event: Key Leader. Key Leader is a weekend long conference where attendees learn about how to be an effective leader. As a graduate of this program I highly recommend attending it. To learn more about Key Leader please visit The Key Leader event near us is at Camp Greenkill in Hugenot, NY from April 25th-27th, 2014. After discussing Key Leader we voted to make the mascot of Division 4 the penguin, asked if any clubs were willing to host the December Divisional, and talked about Key Club week. We ended the evening by discussing upcoming and recent events. Our guest speaker, Kelly Chan, was unable to make it. Thank you to everyone that came out! Since there is less news to discuss, the December divisional will place a greater emphasis on team building activities. I hope that your club will consider sending a representative or two! Remember that divisionals are open to all Key Clubbers. Members, as well as officers, are invited.

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Service Spotlights This is a picture of four Key Club members who served food at the Glen Cove Soup Kitchen, The North Shore Inn. One young lady said on the way home that she felt great after serving at the soup kitchen. It felt as good as going to church. -Mrs. Cuomo, Advisor

Glen Cove High School Key Club volunteers at the North Shore Inn Soup Kitchen. Elmont High School Key Club participates in the Lupus Walk. Members of Elmont Key Club joined the Lupus Walk on October 20, 2013 at Eisenhower Park. It was a beautiful day for a walk in the park and to join the fight against Lupus. With generous donations by members and parents, together we donated $410 to the cause. -Farrahlee Gerasta, President

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Elmont High School Key Club participates in the Lupus Walk.

The Elmont Key Club sold pink ribbons to raise money for the fight against Breast Cancer. Members were very enthusiastic about selling the ribbons and sold them very quickly. On the ribbons, it would either say "In loving memory of" or "In loving support of" and it would be hung up on our Wall of Hope. Together the club raised and donated $450 to the cause. -Farrahlee Gerasta, President

Thank you for all of the Service Spotlight submissions this month. Please keep sending them in! They are only a picture and a few sentences about the event. Remember there is no deadline. All submissions will be considered for the upcoming edition. Please send all service spotlights to

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₵harity of the Month

JDRF is the largest global organization funding type 1 diabetes research. As opposed to type 2 diabetes which is acquired later in life by making unhealthy lifestyle choices, type 1 diabetes is a disease people are born with. There is currently no cure, and people with type 1 diabetes have to constantly monitor their blood sugar and inject insulin. The organization is now formally known as JDRF. Previously they were known as the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation. However, to show that they support people of all ages with the disease, they changed their name. The foundation supports people with type 1 diabetes of all ages. 85% of people in the United States with type 1 diabetes are adults. Currently JDRF is sponsoring $530 million in scientific research in 17 countries. $110 million was spent in 2012 alone to fund research. 80% of donations go to support research and research-related education. awarded JDRF a 70 out of 70 for its “Accountability and Transparency Score,” so you can be confident that JDRF is a cause worthy of your donations. The easiest way to help JDRF is to fundraise for them. Hold a bake sale, car wash, or other fundraiser. Get creative! JDRF sponsors many walks and bike-a-thons throughout the year in our area. Visit to find out where the nearest one to you is. Another way to get involved is to promote awareness about the disease in your community. Help spread the word about this disease and educate parents on the symptoms of this disease.

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Gettin' to the 2014 Leadership Training Conference

The Leadership Training Conference (LTC) is the New York District’s annual statewide Key Club convention. Since the date of the event (March 28th-March 30th) is fast approaching, I wanted to give the clubs of Division 4 a step by step list of everything that should be done you would like to go to LTC. If you would like to learn more about what takes place at the conference, please feel free to e-mail me or read the articles I wrote about LTC in the May and September newsletters. This month I will be focusing on the logistics and what needs to be done if your club would like to send representatives to LTC. If you are unfamiliar with what the Leadership Training Conference is, I have summed up the event in the 5W's: Who: Every Key Clubber in New York State (that has paid dues) is welcome to attend. All Key Clubbers need to be chaperoned by an adult (usually a faculty member, parent, or Kiwanian). What: A weekend long convention where Key Clubbers have the opportunity to meet new people, learn new things, and elect district officers. The theme of the 2014 Leadership Training Conference is “Magic.” It is an amazing experience and it is a lot of fun. The cost is still to be determined, and clubs will be able to register online shortly. When: From Friday March 28th at 4:00 PM to Sunday March 30th at Noon. Where: The Desmond Hotel, 660 Albany Shaker Rd, Albany, NY 12211 (Right off of I-87) Why: LTC is one of the experiences that is uniquely available to Key Clubbers. Having attended for the past three years, you always meet so many great people and are able to grow as a person. Any club that is interested in attending LTC should start doing the following things as soon as possible: ! Meeting with your school’s administration. It is absolutely imperative that you meet with an administrator from your school now and explain that you would like to attend. It could take weeks, or even months for your school to approve the trip, which is why you should set up a meeting right away. ! Solicit the members of your club to see who is interested in going. The price of transportation is

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not included, and the price of transportation will be smaller per person if more people go. Research transportation options. A mini school bus is the cheapest option. While it might not be the most comfortable, my club charters one every year and it gets you from point A to point B. Find an adult, Kiwanian, or faculty member that is willing to chaperone you. Bear in mind that chaperones do have to pay to attend the conference. Contact your sponsoring Kiwanis Club and let them know that you would like to attend. They might be able to help you pay for transportation, subsidize the cost of an attendee, or subsidize the cost of a chaperone. Do not feel awkward about asking them to assist you. I have already asked all of the Kiwanis Clubs in our area to set aside some money to help their clubs with the costs associated with LTC. Most importantly, please e-mail me right away. If you would like to go to LTC I am here to help you through this process. This is especially true of clubs that will only be sending a few members. There are clubs that have offered to transport other Key Clubbers in the event that another club can not charter their own bus.

January 15th-—By this date I need to know which clubs are definitely or possibly going to LTC. Your answer can change, but I need to give the people in charge of organizing the conference a preliminary count of how many clubs from Division 4 are interested in going. Mid-January—Clubs should aim to sign up for LTC in mid-January. This is the best time to sign up because there are still lots of spots open and you will get the most desirable rooms. Clubs should also charter a bus or arrange for transportation. March 1st—Clubs should think of this as the deadline to register. While this is not the actual deadline, it is very hard to arrange a trip to LTC in only one month. Clubs that are going should have everything planned by this point. Please contact me if your club is interested in sending members to LTC. I can help you plan. ************ If you are an artist, consider designing the logo for the Leadership Training Conference. The logo should include Key Club elements as well as elements in line with this year’s theme of magic. If you email me your submission I will forward it to the appropriate person.

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Key Club Week

According to, Key Club Week “gives you the opportunity to show your community what Key Club is truly about: service.” Every day features a different theme, and clubs are encouraged to participate and show their Key Club pride! While the official Key Club Week was from November 4th through November 8th, this does not preclude you from celebrating it another week or from making plans to celebrate it next year. To give you an idea of what Key Club week is about, I have outlined the official Key Club week schedule below: Monday November 4th was titled “Show your K in Every Way.” Clubs were encourage to wear Key Club gear and publicize Key Club both inside and outside of school Tuesday November 5th was “Kudos to the Key Players” day. Key Clubbers were asked to thank all of the Key Club supporters in their community—parents, teachers, administrators, and Kiwanians. There were many ways to do this: clubs could have written thank you notes, sponsored a thank you lunch, or simply said thank you face to face. Wednesday November 6th was “Connect the K’s” day. Clubs were encouraged to reach out to other branches of the K-Family and participate in joint service projects. Thursday November 7th was “Bring a Friend to Key Club” day. Members were encouraged to tell their friends about Key Club and help recruit new members. On Friday November 8th, clubs were able to celebrate “their way” meaning there was no set theme. Key Clubbers were encouraged to get creative and brainstorm their own activities to finish up Key Club Week. When you celebrate Key Club Week you are working alongside thousands of other Key Clubbers to promote our organization and celebrate our accomplishments. I hope that your club will consider celebrating Key Club Week if not this year, next year. To learn more, please visit

Remember: It’s never too late to submit paperwork that is past due! To fill out paperwork please visit 4 Our Communities—Issue 5

A Link to the Election Report Form can be under Links and Resources. Monthly Report Forms, Fundraising Report Forms, and Lieutenant Governor Evaluations can be filled out under Report Forms.

Paperwork Update

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harities endorsed by nnect Club he Newwith YorkKey District on Facebook

mportant formation

Alzeihmer’s Association 4Facebook Our Communities—Issue 5 JDRF On search American Cancer Society Wounded WarriorKey Project ew York District Club Kiwanis Pediatric Trauma Center ew York District Key Club Pediatric Lyme Disease Division 4 Foundation Kamp Kiwanis EliMiNaTe

Governor’s Project to the 2014 VisitCome our division website, Leadership Training Nurturing our K-Family Conference Fill out paperwork, read back Any done in see issues of 4 project Our th-30 th, 2014 March 28Communities, conjunction another Kwhen our nextwith divisional is, see what upcoming events there are, Family Club (i.e. Kiwanis, KThe Desmond Inn and learn more about Key Club! Kids, Builders Club, etc.) 660is Albany Rd. up There so much Shaker information contributes to the Governor’s Albany, New York there and I am constantly Project. updating it!

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Contact Information

rict GovernorLieutenant Paul DeSantis Governor Michael District Rovner Secretary Helen Wong *** 4 Our Communities—Issue 5 516-375-3681 *** 7 Helen Street, Greenvale, NY 11548 istrict Treasurer Alex Mok District Editor Hannah Song

trict Webmaster Jimmy Lin

ct Administrator John Goldstein

Executive Assistant Nabiha Qudsi

Kiwanis Committee Rep Michael Berthel

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Who is the current Key Club International President? Vice-President? A.______________________________________________

Key Club Trivia! Can you answer all the questions? A.______________________________________________ Answers will be in Issue 6.

4 Our Communities—Issue What month is K-Family Month5 (Hint: When is Key Club Week?)

Who is the International Trustee to the New York District? A.______________________________________________

How many clubs are in Division 4? A.______________________________________________

Where is the 2014 Key Club International Convention? A.______________________________________________

What is the mascot of the New York District? A.______________________________________________

What are the Key Club colors? (Three answers) A.______________________________________________

Page 14 636 WOODVIEW TRACE INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46268 USA 317-­‐875-­‐8755●US AND CANADA: 800-­‐KIWANIS 4 Our Communities—Issue 5

Thank you for reading. Stay tuned for Issue 6 of 4 Our Communities. Have a Merry Christmas, a Happy Hanukah, and a Happy New Year! Enjoy your well-­‐deserved winter vacation.

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