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Division Events

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Service Spotlights

Service Spotlights

Officer Training Recap

We had our own, division-wide officer training sessions at our divisional on September 22. Thank you again to all who attended the event; you helped make it incredible. While many people were able to come, a few were unable to attend and received copies of the slideshows used or even video recordings of the presentations. A separate workshop was held for each officer position to ensure tailored training. The workshops covered the responsibilities of their respective positions, necessary skills, and tips for a great service year. I was extremely happy to see that the workshops were helpful and engaging based upon your feedback. You can access the slideshows with the links below.


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Fall Rally

Who? All Key Clubbers, both members and officers, may attend

What (can I expect)? This year’s Fall District Conference will run in the same style as previous Fall Rallies, but its larger size means more for you. More workshop choices will be available, more workshop slots will be scheduled, and more Key Clubbers for you to meet! The International President for Kiwanis, Peter Mancuso, will likely be the Keynote Speaker. Workshop options include Key Club Reimagined: From In-person to Virtual (which I’m running and you all should attend), Key Club for Introverts, and Diversity in Key Club. Mental health sessions and officer training workshops will also be available.

When? Saturday, November 21st to Sunday, November 22nd from 1-5 PM

Where? Your house (or anywhere else)!

Why? Instead of having regional Fall Rallies, our District has decided to hold one large District Fall Conference this year. The Covid-19 pandemic would prevent in-person Fall Rallies, so the District chose to merge all local events into one, virtual, District wide Fall Conference.

How? Zoom

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