October Newsletter

Page 8

Division Events: Officer Training Recap We had our own, division-wide officer training sessions at our divisional on ​September 22​. Thank you again to all who attended the event; you helped make it incredible. While many people were able to come, a few were unable to attend and received copies of the slideshows used or even video recordings of the presentations. A separate workshop was held for each officer position to ensure tailored training. The workshops covered the responsibilities of their respective positions, necessary skills, and tips for a great service year. I was extremely happy to see that the workshops were helpful and engaging based upon your feedback. ​You can access the slideshows with the links below.

https://www.googl e.com/url?q=https ://docs.google.co m/presentation/d/1 83FzzQs5gEZlJDI Lz95QvntDSOzJc dgt_qw6gTEiOnk/ edit?usp%3Dshari ng&sa=D&ust=16 02279531550000 &usg=AFQjCNG oBYQGU4Os9Zn Uw3mx1wdYZd4xQ

https://www.googl e.com/url?q=https ://docs.google.co m/presentation/d/1 uJADaeS7pMrUL fTYtIbMnhLFZm dao7zg06rBv-D3j QI/edit?usp%3Ds haring&sa=D&ust =1602279531550 000&usg=AFQjC NGNZ-rY1s-wyt CKYDPN1dVllU pg7g

https://www.googl e.com/url?q=https ://docs.google.co m/presentation/d/1 Ha-JKooMzxlXc Qb0HBppLaNyLk kSK-K0GQCsea0 wiAU/edit?usp%3 Dsharing&sa=D& ust=16022795315 49000&usg=AFQ jCNHYsOLe2dFt dWuOAtriOP6mf _S9Yg


https://www.googl e.com/url?q=https ://drive.google.co m/file/d/1SLajA3 8z_yWjEGDLfc0 O53wL7qPZuMo F/view?usp%3Ds haring&sa=D&ust =1602279531547 000&usg=AFQjC NEAgwY3_5xJeT qDy3MH6_ixOn NQGw

https://www.googl e.com/url?q=https ://docs.google.co m/presentation/d/1 sB0tFdqiXT-p_yR H26rgefnP7C0vz BS2dawsjZS8cI8/ edit?usp%3Ddrive sdk&sa=D&ust=1 602279531548000 &usg=AFQjCNEz 5jfv5eUL5ZpLTr BVxZ-ABJFE4A

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