October Newsletter

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New York District Division 7

Newsletter October 2020


Table of Contents 1



Table of Contents


Lieutenant Governor's Greeting


District Publications


Service Spotlights


Youth Opportunities Fund and Empire Key


MRF Competition Winner


Division Events


Fundraising Goals


Fundraising Ideas


Service Ideas


NYDKC Projects


New York Kiwanis


International Partners


Social Media


Paperwork Tracker


Contact Information

Lieutenant Governor’s Greeting:

Hi Division 7, Happy October! How have your school years been so far? Hopefully you’re settling back in now and your year is off to a great start. My school year has been off to a good start, but I’ve been pretty busy with college applications. I just have some minor edits left to do now, which I’m happy about. What should October look like for Key Club this year? Well, I’m glad you asked! Now is a great time to recruit new members to your club. Normally, this would be mostly done in September but I know club starts were delayed for many of your clubs. Also, some clubs aren’t happening this year, so you can bring in members from a wider population this year. October is also a perfect time to start collecting dues. Members must pay $13 in dues, plus any club fees set up. As collection of paper money or checks may not be possible for your club, you can set up an online payment system to collect membership dues, but they must be submitted to the District as a check. Fall Rally promotion is also important during the month of October. It’s virtual this year, so I’m hoping many members from Division 7 attend. Before we get into the rest of the newsletter, I just wanted to mention a few other things. First, thank you to all who attended the Officer Training Divisional! There will be a recap later on, but I wanted to say it here as well. Second, keep up the great work on paperwork submission. I’m extremely happy with where we are right now paperwork wise. Finally, I’ve seen some nice service projects in your MRF reports. Keep that energy going the rest of the year. As always, feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions. Yours in service, Matthew Friedman


District Publications:

New York Minute https://youtu.be/ZDaNYy_hJo4 Empire Key https://bit.ly/2R7aRJi


Service Spotlight:

Lynbrook Key Club Starting this year, COVID-19 left many uncertainties. When beginning this year, our Lynbrook Key Club wanted to maintain some sense of normalcy. Annually, our club sells gourmet popcorn from the company “Double Good,” where half of the proceeds goes to causes of your choice. Unlike the past, we could not go around collecting checks and filling out forms; therefore, the company created an online, easy-access platform in which you can share via social media, message, email, etc. Hearing this fantastic news, our executive board made the decision on which cause to raise money for. Struggling to pick one, we decided to fundraise for five: for Dr.Barbarino Scholarship, Rose Brucia Education Foundation, Long Island Coalition for the Homeless, Kiwanis children’s Fund, and Project 9 Line. Each of the organizations benefit the community which is what we aim to do as a club. In the beginning, our goal was to sell a little over 5,000 dollars, which was what we sold last year. However, when launching out pop up stores, within an hour, we raised $2,000. At this rate, we were in store for great success. In the first 24 hours, we raised $15,000. Thanks to our incredible, hardworking members, the final outcome in 4 days was $​36,939 worth of popcorn sold, granted by 752 gracious donors. The motivation from the whole executive board drove the members to go above and beyond, while simultaneously enjoying the process. This fundraiser made history in our club, enabling us to raise about $18,500 in four days for local charities. Once again, thank you to everyone who participated. The success of this program will always be appreciated; kickstarting a fantastic year for the Lynbrook Key Club 2020-2021. 5

Do you have an idea for a project but don’t have the funds to start it? If so, you should apply for a grant from the Y ​ outh Opportunities Fund (YOF).

The YOF is a pool of funds maintained by Kiwanis that is used to fund service projects, and both clubs and individuals can apply to receive funds from it by describing their service project idea. Applicants must also provide a detailed plan on how they plan to use the funds received. Y ​ ou can receive between $100 and $2,000 upon acceptance of your application.​ The application deadline (October 15th) is rapidly approaching, so make sure you get working on that application. Best of luck to all entering! Find out more: https://www.keyclub.org/youth-opportunities-fund/ Apply: https://www.grantinterface.com/Home/Logon?urlkey=kiwanis

If you have already held ​a service project that you wish to share with the district​, submit an article to the Empire Key with the link below. This District-wide newsletter goes to clubs across NY State and is a great way for you to publicize your club and its activities. Here’s the submission link: h ​ ttps://forms.gle/jxFvqpCeKvUzWTo4A


MRF Competition Winner: Last month’s winner of the MRF Service Hour Competition, for both total and per-capita hours is…

Lynbrook Key Club

Keep up the great work!


Division Events: Officer Training Recap We had our own, division-wide officer training sessions at our divisional on ​September 22​. Thank you again to all who attended the event; you helped make it incredible. While many people were able to come, a few were unable to attend and received copies of the slideshows used or even video recordings of the presentations. A separate workshop was held for each officer position to ensure tailored training. The workshops covered the responsibilities of their respective positions, necessary skills, and tips for a great service year. I was extremely happy to see that the workshops were helpful and engaging based upon your feedback. ​You can access the slideshows with the links below.

https://www.googl e.com/url?q=https ://docs.google.co m/presentation/d/1 83FzzQs5gEZlJDI Lz95QvntDSOzJc dgt_qw6gTEiOnk/ edit?usp%3Dshari ng&sa=D&ust=16 02279531550000 &usg=AFQjCNG oBYQGU4Os9Zn Uw3mx1wdYZd4xQ

https://www.googl e.com/url?q=https ://docs.google.co m/presentation/d/1 uJADaeS7pMrUL fTYtIbMnhLFZm dao7zg06rBv-D3j QI/edit?usp%3Ds haring&sa=D&ust =1602279531550 000&usg=AFQjC NGNZ-rY1s-wyt CKYDPN1dVllU pg7g

https://www.googl e.com/url?q=https ://docs.google.co m/presentation/d/1 Ha-JKooMzxlXc Qb0HBppLaNyLk kSK-K0GQCsea0 wiAU/edit?usp%3 Dsharing&sa=D& ust=16022795315 49000&usg=AFQ jCNHYsOLe2dFt dWuOAtriOP6mf _S9Yg


https://www.googl e.com/url?q=https ://drive.google.co m/file/d/1SLajA3 8z_yWjEGDLfc0 O53wL7qPZuMo F/view?usp%3Ds haring&sa=D&ust =1602279531547 000&usg=AFQjC NEAgwY3_5xJeT qDy3MH6_ixOn NQGw

https://www.googl e.com/url?q=https ://docs.google.co m/presentation/d/1 sB0tFdqiXT-p_yR H26rgefnP7C0vz BS2dawsjZS8cI8/ edit?usp%3Ddrive sdk&sa=D&ust=1 602279531548000 &usg=AFQjCNEz 5jfv5eUL5ZpLTr BVxZ-ABJFE4A

Fall Rally Who?​ All Key Clubbers, both members and officers, may attend What (can I expect)?​ This year’s Fall District Conference will run in the same style as previous Fall Rallies, but its larger size means more for you. More workshop choices​ will be available, m ​ ore workshop slots​ will be scheduled, and​ more Key Clubbers for you to meet​! The International President for Kiwanis, Peter Mancuso, will likely be the Keynote Speaker. Workshop options include K ​ ey Club Reimagined: From In-person to Virtual (which I’m running and you all should attend), ​Key Club for Introverts​, and Diversity in Key Club​. Mental health sessions and officer training workshops will also be available. When?​ S ​ aturday, November 21​st​ to Sunday, November 22​nd​ from 1-5 PM Where? ​Your house (or anywhere else)! Why?​ Instead of having regional Fall Rallies, our District has decided to hold one large District Fall Conference this year. The Covid-19 pandemic would prevent in-person Fall Rallies, so the District chose to merge all local events into one, virtual, District wide Fall Conference. How?​ Zoom

Make sure to mark your calendar so you can attend! I’m hoping to see many of you there!


Fundraising Goals: This is our progress as of October 7th, 2020. Let’s keep working on those goals by filling out MRFs and FRFs!


Fundraising Ideas: Charity Miles​: Now that schools and (many) clubs have restarted, it's a perfect time to share the Charity Miles fundraiser with your members! You can introduce members to the project in less than 10 minutes, and this will continually benefit a charity with long-term donations. Make sure to have members download the Charity Miles app from the app store or use the link below. Then, have the members join the Division 7 Team and choose UNICEF or March of Dimes as their charity. Once members are set up, let them know they can raise money just by walking ($0.25/mile) or biking ($0.10/miles). I will be keeping track of our division’s overall progress and filling out an FRF each month. This means that it is very important to ensure members are in the Division 7 Team, so check that they successfully joined the team. Link: h ​ ttps://miles.app.link/XAJnrsPEa8 Double Good Popcorn​: I think Lynbrook’s Service Spotlight article truly highlighted the potential of doing a virtual fundraiser through this site. Read through it to learn how to maximize the impact of your fundraiser, and please reach out if you have any questions about setting one up. You can explore the Double Good Popcorn website and begin setting up your fundraiser with the ​link​ below. You can fundraise for any charity with this service, but remember to fill out an FRF after the 4 day selling period ends. https://popup.doublegood.com/store-demo 11

In addition to fundraising projects that require constant actions from your members, there are a few p ​ assive projects​ that can have a large impact. The following ideas ​allow members to continually contribute just by going about their daily life once they are set up.

One example is ​Ecosia​. This functions similarly to Google, and it can even be added to Chrome. However, the company will plant a tree after fulfilling search requests allowing you to help the environment. This is an extremely easy way to have a positive impact on the world, and it tracks the number of trees you’ve helped plant in the top right (​www.ecosia.org​).

Another similar search engine is ​SearchScene​. The company behind the engine donates 95% of its ad revenue to charities fighting climate change, and you can select the recipient while searching. As with ecosia, this lets you fundraise while progressing through daily life (​searchscene.com​). 12

Service Ideas:

Looking for a great service project to dedicate your club to? Have your members help out the U ​ nited Nations​! The UN has a myriad of virtual service opportunities that you can participate in. These projects are entirely online and can be done on your own time. Sign up to help with this link: https://www.onlinevolunteering.org/en/opportunities

Projects include: ● Translating documents ● Writing articles about UN projects ● Creating social media campaigns ● Reviewing annual report drafts ● Conducting citizen science research ● Online fundraising for COVID-19 emergency response


NYDKC Projects: District Project:​ ​We selected​ Project Hope​ to be our District Project this year. This organization “addresses the world’s greatest public health challenges, transform[s] lives and uplift[s] communities.” In the recent months, Project Hope has worked to help combat the Covid-19 pandemic. It also provides general medical aid to resolve health challenges around the world caused by a lack of access to care. By partnering with local healthcare practices and local officials, Project Hope ensures that adequate care is provided, and it also respects national sovereignty along with local customs and culture. If you are thinking of an organization to support with a service project, consider Project Hope. It’s a great organization that helps people both in the US and around the world. You can help by holding fundraisers or holding a service event with a member of the Project Hope Speakers Bureau to raise awareness. You can find more info ​here​: https://www.projecthope.org/ways-to-help/get-involved/

Governor’s Project: C ​ anines for Disabled Kids (CDK)​ is this service year’s Governor’s Project, meaning it is endorsed by the New York District. This organization’s mission is to increase “independence for children with disabilities and their families by promoting service dog partnerships, understanding and awareness throughout the community.” It provides service dogs to disabled children- at no cost to families- in order to boost their quality of life Supporting CDK through fundraisers or service projects will help provide a priceless gift to a disabled child: his or her own service dog. Find out more​ ​here​:​ h ​ ttps://caninesforkids.org/


New York Kiwanis: In addition to the Governor’s Project and District Project, numerous other groups are endorsed for Key Clubs in New York by Kiwanis.. The New York District of Kiwanis runs three charities: ​Pediatric Lyme Disease Foundation​, ​Kamp Kiwanis​, and ​Pediatric Trauma Center​. ● Unfortunately, Kamp Kiwanis is not holding sessions this summer due to the Covid-19 Pandemic, but you can still help the organization prepare for the 2020-2021 summer to make it extra special for those who missed out on camp this year. ● Insurance does not generally cover Lyme Disease, so the Pediatric Lyme Disease Foundation was created to help families pay for the treatment of children with it. ● Kiwanis also sponsors multiple trauma centers to help provide medical care for children throughout New York State.

These are all amazing organizations for your club to help. Some ideas to help ​support t​ hese charities are ​holding fundraisers​, raising awareness​ of their cause, v​ olunteering​ at their events, or anything else you can think of.


International Partners:

The Thirst Project seeks to address the growing water crisis by helping construct freshwater wells in areas facing water shortages. ​Safe drinking water is able to reduce child mortality by about 90%​, and easy access to this vital resource frees up time for women and children to gain education and good jobs​.

Key Club International designates the Children’s Miracle Network as an international partner. This organization works to ensure that children across North America who need to visit hospitals receive quality care at affordable prices​.

Over 10,000 children are treated each day by the 170 hospitals partnered with this organization. In one year, over 10 million kids (or To date, 3,018 projects across 13 countries have been conducted by 10% of the child population of North Thirst Project. The Thirst Project is America) receive treatment. The Children’s Miracle Network is truly one of Key Club International’s Partners, and our two organizations an amazing organization that have worked together on the Thirsty improves the lives of countless children. ​Without this charity’s 30 campaign for over four years. help, many parents would be left This service campaign s ​ eeks to struggling to pay for their child’s educate people about the healthcare​. importance of solving the water crisis while raising funds for Thirst Project’s efforts​ at the same time.


Social Media​:

District:@NYDKC Division:@NYDivision7 International:@kci2021

District:@NYDKC Division:@NYDivision7 International:@KeyClub


Paperwork Tracker:


Contact Information: Division 7 Lieutenant Governor Matthew Friedman, ​division7@nydkc.org

Division 7 Internal Executive Assistant Alex Eckstein, ​alexeckstein5100@gmail.com

Division 7 External Executive Assistant Katrina Tronco, ​katrinatroncooo@gmail.com

Division 7 Secretary

Chloe Moskowitz, ​chloe.moskowitz@lynbrookschools.org

Division 7 Editor Wren Allegra, ​wren.allegra123@gmail.com

Circle-K Lieutenant Governor

Omar Gabr, ​omar.gabr@nycirclek.org Kiwanis Lieutenant Governor Ralph DeSena, ​rdesena@aol.com

Kiwanis Committee Representative Rebecca Ovadia, ​woodsidekiwanis@gmail.com

District Governor

Mariam Makar, ​governor@nydkc.org

District Secretary

Jason Xiong, ​secretary.nydkc@gmail.com

District Treasurer Winnie Huang, ​nydkctreasurer@gmail.com

District Editor Rachel Joh, ​editor@nydkc.org

District Webmaster Kristen Lew, ​webmaster@nydkc.org


District External Executive Assistant Anthony Lim, ​anthonylim.ea@nydkc.org

District Internal Executive Assistant Tatiana Solodova, ​tatianasolodova.ea@nydkc.org

District Administrator Mr. Goldstein, ​nydkca@frontier.com

Assistant Administrators Michael Berthel, ​mjberthel@gmail.com Jason Stenier, ​ianjs@aol.com


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