Nye & Associates - Creative (by Lee Clark, Wichita, Kansas)

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HUNTING FOR THE PERFECT GIFT? A gift for someone you love, or maybe a gift for yourself? Either way - Husky Liners offers the gift that keeps on giving… comprehensive vehicle protection. Our custom fit floor, trunk and cargo liners feature a raised edge design. They keep spills, mud and mess on the liner and not on your floor! Our liners come in three different colors and are guaranteed not to crack or break! Also try Husky’s mud guards, under seat storage, contractor racks and tailgates and paint protection film.

Under Seat Storage/GearBox®

Heavy Duty Aluminum Tailgate

For more ways to protect your vehicle visit: www.huskyliners.com

| 1-800-344-8759

Custom Mud Guards

Husky Shield Protection Film

Made in the USA • Lifetime Guarantee

HUNTING FOR THE PERFECT GIFT? A gift for someone you love, or maybe a gift for yourself? Either way - Husky Liners offers the gift that keeps on giving… comprehensive vehicle protection. Our custom fit floor, trunk and cargo liners feature a raised edge design. They keep spills, mud and mess on the liner and not on your floor! Our liners come in three different colors and are guaranteed not to crack or break! Also try Husky’s mud guards, under seat storage, contractor racks and tailgates and paint protection film.

For more ways to protect your vehicle visit: www.huskyliners.com

| 1-800-344-8759

Made in the USA • Lifetime Guarantee

Under Seat Storage/GearBox®

Heavy Duty Aluminum Tailgate

Custom Mud Guards

Husky Shield Protection Film


! S E S S E M G I B

EMPOWER AN Adventure by giving the gift of Husky Liners.

With Husky Liners there’s no need to worry about bringing the adventure (dirt, mud, mess) into your vehicle. Husky’s custom-fit floor liners are easy to remove, spray off and replace.

Simple. Durable. Husky. For more ways to protect your vehicle visit: www.huskyliners.com

| 1-800-344-8759

Made in the USA • Lifetime Guarantee


VEHICLE PROTECTION! Husky Liners custom-fit floor, trunk and cargo liners make the perfect gift for any occasion for those interested in taking care of their vehicle. Our liners feature a raised edge design which helps contain spills, mud and mess.

Also try Husky’s mud guards, under seat storage, contractor racks, tailgates, and protection films for paint and headlights.

Under Seat Storage/GearBox®

Heavy Duty Aluminum Tailgate

For more ways to protect your vehicle visit: www.huskyliners.com

| 1-800-344-8759

Custom Mud Guards

Husky Shield Protection Film

Made in the USA • Lifetime Guarantee

NO HORSIN’ AROUND. The ultimate protection for your vehicle. You worry about riding, roping and wrangling. Let us worry about taking care of your vehicle. Husky Liners floor, trunk and cargo liners are made with a raised edge design that helps keep spills, mud and mess on the liner, and not on your floor. Our liners are manufactured to fit your vehicle exactly and they’re manufactured right here in the U.S.A. Husky Liners also carries other products to help protect your vehicle. Including mud guards for single or dual wheel vehicles, under seat storage, aluminum accessories like contractor racks and tailgates, and paint protection film and headlite guard.

For more ways to protect your vehicle visit: www.huskyliners.com Under Seat Storage/GearBox®

Heavy Duty Aluminum Tailgate

Custom Mud Guards

Husky Shield Protection Film

| 1-800-344-8759

Made in the USA • Lifetime Guarantee


ome say their home is their castle. We say, our castle is our car, truck or SUV! And nothing protects better than Husky Liners. To Sir Husky Liners we say, “well done.”

For more ways to protect your vehicle visit: www.huskyliners.com

| 1-800-344-8759

Made in the USA • Lifetime Guarantee

Chew on

Husky Shield Paint Protection Sheild Husky Shield Headlite Guard

Aluminum Accessories

THIS! * * * * *

Contractor Racks & Tailgates

Longer lasting

Protects better Easy to clean American made Gauranteed freshness

Add a Vent

Custom Fit Mud Guards Custom Fit Floor, Cargo and Trunk Liners

Pick your Flavors For more ways to protect your vehicle visit: www.huskyliners.com

| 1-800-344-8759

No matter your taste, Husky’s got a flavor that’s right for you. Choose from a wide variety of long lasting

Made in the USA • Lifetime Guarantee

products made to protect and extend the life of your vehicle.


FUN, BUT Dirty Thanks to Husky Liners custom fit floor, trunk and cargo liners you get to enjoy the fun and forget about the mess. For more ways to help keep your vehicle clean visit: www.huskyliners.com | 1-800-344-8759 MADE IN USA

Deal erLogI n



Pr oduct s



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Ourgoal i st opr ov i dey ouwi t h t hei nf or mat i ony ouneedt omak e ani nf or med,i nt el l i gentpur c has e.

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XLT3255TS3GasDownl oad

Cl i c kher et odownl oadXL T' s3255TS3GasOv enSpecSheet .

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Cl i c kher et odownl oadXL T' s3255TSEl ec t r i cOv enSpecSheet .



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redefines packaging solutions

SAVES THE DAY You care about your customer’s takeout food experience, so does Eco-Flute.™

redefines packaging solutions


of the 3 layers

Unlike traditional food containers, Eco-Flute™ offers your customers an enjoyable take-out experience thanks to its light weight specialty corrugated structure.


Keeps hot food hot, and cold food cold… longer!

EXTRAORDINARY BREATHABILITY Quick moisture release and absorption Food stays crispy and tasting great longer!

Keeps food looking appetizing IMPROVED GREASE RESISTANCE

No messy stains Food looks more appealing


Maintains food integrity


Easier to stack and fill Easier to hold and carry

Switching to Eco-Flute™ helps enhance your consumer’s experience!

Learn how Eco-Flute™ satisfies your customers www.eco-flute.com | 1-855-ECO-FLUTE

redefines packaging solutions

SAVES THE PLANET Eco-flute™ clamshell products are made from renewable resources. They are recyclable and fully compostable.

redefines packaging solutions


• 100% ED

0% R ECY E


100% R

D • 100% LE

• 10

Most SBS food containers do not use recycled content.

• Less virgin material used • Less pollution produced • Less solid waste created • Less energy consumed

Switching to Eco-Flute™ Helps Reduce Your Environmental Foot Print Eco-Flute™ vs SBS

SBS ECO-FLUTE™ 16pts 41/35/30

Wood Use Net Energy

100% 100%


100% 48%

Sulfur Dioxide (SO2) Greenhouse Gases Nitrogen Oxides (NOx) Particulates Hazardous Air Pollutants (HAPs) Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) Total Reduced Sulfur (TRS)


Wastewater Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD)

36% 53%

100% 59% 100% 52% 100% 56% 100% 48% 100% 45% 100% 52% 100% 45% 100% 30% 100% 39% 100% 35% 100% 29%

*Note: The above data relates to the entire production process & sourced from the Environmental Paper Network www.papercalculator.org

Learn how Eco-Flute™ helps you go green www.eco-flute.com | 1-855-ECO-FLUTE











Eco-Flute™ clamshells made with light weight specialty corrugate that has been specif ically designed as a green alternative to traditional food containers like SBS and polystyrene.

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