February NYHOL 2013

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February 2013 Vol. 2 Issue 5

Celebrate Ice Hockey February 15 Wear Your Jersey Day! Feb. 16 - Try Hockey Day! Feb. 17 Celebrate Hockey Heroes Day!

Advertising/Publication Information for 2013 Issues of NY Hockey On-Line

-An electronic magazine covering all ice hockey in New York State!

Advertising Rates Full Page - 8” x 11” - $225 (12 Issues/$2,000) 1/2 Page - 8” x 5” - $150 (12 Issues/$1,000) 1/4 Page - 4” x 2.5” - $80 Business Card size - 2” x 3.5” - $50 Ads should be submitted as jpegs or pdfs (no changes can be made to pdfs) at 150 dpi or better. They should be designed to exact size, allowing us room to reduce for borders. We an also design your ad for a set-up fee of $10. At present time we cannot offer advertising on our website, but look for it in the future. Rates will change at that time! Anyone with 2012 12-month contract will not be assessed increase in magazine ad fee; but will be assessed a minor charge for web advertising. Deadlines are 23rd of month for upcoming issue. (i.e. September 23 for October issue)

Editorial Information Stories and press releases, try-out and tournament information should be sent to Randy@nyhockeyonline. com at least one week prior to publication. Deadline is generally the 23rd of each month for publication on the first of the following month. Editorial copy must be sent as an attached word document or placed within an email message. Photographs and graphics should be sent in jpeg format at least 4” x 6” with a resolution of at least 250 dpi. PDF’s are acceptable but no additions or corrections can be made to them once they have been submitted. Corrections would have to be made by the original designer and another copy sent. NY Hockey On-Line reserves the right to edit copy and photographs and not publish material that the editorial staff deems inappropriate. Contact us: Randy Schultz, Publisher/Owner/Advertising/ Editorial: Randy@nyhockeyonline.com Janet Schultz, Women’s Hockey/Photographer/ Designer: Janet@nyhockeyonline.com Warren Kozireski, College Hockey, Rochester Amerks; special assignments: Koz@nyhockeyonline.com

In This Issue: Army & Hockey: A Passion............13 Central Section................................12 Coaching With Gridley......................6 College, Men’s Central....................17 College, Men’s East.........................24 College, Men’s North......................34 College, Men’s West........................44 College, Women’s Central...............19 College, Women’s East....................29 College, Women’s, North................36 College, Women’s West...................46 Collegiate Club Hockey..................49 East Section.....................................21 Empire State Games/Hockey.............4 Haseks Heroes/Kids Escaping Drugs.....38 High School Girls News....................7 Hockey Across America....................5 Hockey with Sedia.............................8 Hudson Valley Showcase................30 Kid’s Page........................................53 Mariners Hockey Survives Sandy...22 North Section...................................33 NY Raptors Hockey........................26 Spring Hockey (Girls).....................39 Tim Horton Classic..........................40 USA Hockey....................................50 West Section....................................37 What’s A Girl To Do..........................9

Dear Hockey Family, This is our biggest issue yet! We have all of you to thank for that. You invited us to your rinks, told us about your tournaments and your experiences playing them and also introduced us to some great youth hockey players. We also met a young man who is serving his country and playing hockey for the U.S. Army. The most interesting part was that he had an instructor at West Point that just happens to be our son-in-law, SFC Scott Adams, now serving at Ft. Campbell, Kentucky. We also shared some memories with our family when an adult league invited us to a fundraiser for the New York Raptors. Our nephew plays for the Raptors. Check out the story in this issue of a game played for a cause and played in the fog! We welcome a new columnist from Rochester, Rob Sedia. He will share his insights on physical development in hockey. NY Hockey is also welcoming advertisers D’Youville Men’s Club Hockey who are hosting a championship in Buffalo and Janosz Goaltending School. Our advertisers will keep this coming to your email box. Let us advertise your tryouts in our March issue and keep the stories coming. We are heading into the end of the season and want to know who’s heading off to States and Nationals. Also tell us about any high school to college movements of your players. Sincerely, Randy Schultz Publisher NY Hockey Online Magazine

NY Hockey On-Line (E-Magazine) 3663 Irish Road Wilson, New York 14172 716-751-6524 nyhockeyonline@ nyhockeyonline.com Publisher &Managing Editor Randy Schultz Randy@nyhockeyonline.com Designer/Photographer Janet Schultz Janet@nyhockeyonline.com

Columnists Warren Kozireski, Koz@nyhockeyonline.com Janet Schultz Randy Schultz Rob Sedia Chuck Gridley NY Hockey OnLine is an equal opportunity employer. Contents 2012 NY Hockey Online All rights reserved NY Hockey OnLine is published monthly at no charge and can be accessed via the publication’s website www.Nyhockeyonline.com


NY Hockey OnLine

Empire State Games / Page 4

33rd Empire State Games--Women’s Ice Hockey


he women will take to the ice February 7-10 in Lake Placid as part of the Empire State Winter Games. The six regions (Central, Western, Long Island, Adirondack, Hudson Valley, New York City) of New York will be represented by women over the age of 18 taking part in three days of intense, high-quality hockey. “Having the games in Lake Placid is wonderful and exciting because it’s where the Olympics were played,” said Shawnee Oberholtzer, WNY Region. Oberholtzer has played in the Empire State Games since the beginning in 1999 “I’ve made friends from all the different regions

and it’s great to get together with them once a year for the tournament,” said Oberholtzer. “The competition has increased a lot over the years with the speed and talent of the players,” “You never know how the games will end,” she continued. “There’s always the possibility of an upset.” Oberholtzer began her hockey career in the Lockport’s Kenan Center Ice Arena when she was younger. She has continued playing in Senior men’s leagues and also with local women’s teams including the Cheektowaga Warriors, Saints, Tonawanda Lightning, Buffalo Hornets and most recently the Wheatfield Blades. Players in the regions will come from 19U teams, collegiate teams and women’s teams of all levels. It will be an exciting time. Opening ceremonies will be held at 6 p.m. in the Her Brooks 1980 Rink on Thursday, Feb. 7. Women’s Ice Hockey opens with Central vs Western at 8 a.m. on Friday, Feb. 8. Playing schedule can be found at http://www. empirestatewintergames.com Y


NY Hockey OnLine

Hockey Across America / Page 5

HOCKEY WEEKEND ACROSS AMERICA By Randy Schultz Randy@nyhockeyonline.com


ockey Weekend Across America, presented by CCM, returns on February 15-17, as USA Hockey teams up with hockey organizations from coast to coast for the sixth annual celebration of this great game. In keeping with its tradition, each day of Hockey Weekend Across America is broken up into a specific theme designed to celebrate the passion and dedication that players, coaches, parents, officials and fans have for the game. “It is a great program,” remarked Joe Baudo, President of the New York State Amateur Hockey Association and a USA Hockey District Director. “This program has really come a long way in six years. “Organizations have come up with different plans on how to deal with the weekend. Hockey is really strong in New York State. “We have consistently shown that over the years.” Friday, Feb. 15 will be “Wear Your Favorite Hockey Jersey To School Day,” sponsored by ShopUSAHockey. com. This is a chance for hockey fans to show your hockey pride by wearing their favorite jersey to school. It can be a favorite youth hockey jersey, or one of your favorite Junior,

college or pro team’s colors. This would also be a good time for organizations to work with local schools to showcase hockey in gym class, the classroom or during an assembly. Saturday, Feb. 16 is “Try Hockey For Free Day,” sponsored by the National Hockey League. This is the perfect opportunity for youth hockey organizations to host an open house to expose hockey to those who don’t play the game. Youth players are encouraged to bring a friend to the rink for public skating or just to watch a Junior, college or pro game.

“To me, there is no end in site when it comes to the growth of hockey in our country.” --Joe Baudo, president NYSAHA “I think this has been one that has been very popular all across our state,” added Baudo. “Over the past four or five years, our numbers have really gone up with our younger kids. “I really like the idea of bringing a friend to a hockey game. It is a very simple way of introducing others to hockey.” Sunday, Feb. 17 is “Celebrate Local Hockey Heroes Day.” Don’t think you have any local hockey heroes in your town? Just look around. Here’s the chance to honor a favorite

coach, volunteer or referee through a special recognition event. An organization could also host an open hour at which some of their local heroes can talk about the benefits of hockey hockey. “The New York State Amateur Hockey Association has four trailers filled with hockey equipment that kids can use to get introduced to the game of hockey on ice,” added Baudo. “They can be taken to any city or town in New York State for any hockey organization to use. “Hockey Weekend Across American has really grown over the past. And I see it doing nothing but growing even more. “To me, there is no end in site when it comes to the growth of hockey in our country.” For more information, log on to USAHockey.com/hwaa. Y

Send your photos and stories on how your organization took part in Hockey Weekend Across America. Send to nyhockeyonline@nyhockeyonline.com by February 23!


NY Hockey OnLine

Coaching With Gridley / Page 6

Coaching With Chuck Gridley

Small Area Games


any coaches have heard the term “Small Area Games”. Some youth hockey coaches have even incorporated these games into their practices. But you might be surprised about who else is using this concept. If you’ve had the opportunity to watch a college or pro team practice lately, you have no doubt witnessed small games in action. That’s right…….many college and pro teams use small games on a regular basis. My introduction to Small Area Games came a number of years ago at a Level 4 in Lake Placid. The main presenter was Bill Beaney, and the topic was Small Area Games. I listened to coach Beaney’s presentation and my initial reaction was one of skepticism. But sometime during that weekend, the light bulb came on. The real test was when I brought these new “games” back and put them to use in my own practices. Before long I was a true believer. Any coach who has been on the ice with me for a Level 1 will know that I love sharing my passion for Small Games in those clinics. I like introducing this concept to new coaches and seeing the “light come on” for them, just as it did for me in Lake Placid many years earlier. New coaches come to the practice ice with the same tools that their own coaches used 20 years earlier. It makes sense right? We do what we know. The game has changed quite a bit in those 20 years. Players are bigger, stronger and faster. The players mind has to process a lot of information in a short amount of time. This ability to process information in the heat of a game is sometimes called “hockey sense”. The use of Small Area Games in practice is one way to help develop this ability. So how do Small Are Games help improve “hockey sense”? By compressing the space in which a game is played, we see increased puck touches, increased number of shots and increased scoring opportunities. On the other side of the puck we see more opportunities to defend. In between the offensive and defensive opportunities we see countless opportunities to develop the transition game. Everything that happens in a full ice game happens in a small

area game, but in small games it happens more often. This repetition speeds development. And best of all………your players will love this part of your practice because small games are FUN! As coaches, we tend to want to control everything on the ice. Many of us are guilty of “over coaching”. The beauty of Small Are Games is that the game becomes the teacher. Our job as the coach in this process is to; 1) decide what we want to address (passing, transition, D-coverage, etc.), 2) Choose (or invent) a game to address this. 3) Set up the games parameters (object, rules, etc.), 4) communicate the rules and objectives to the players, 5) then let them play. Here are some general tips to ensure success; • The games should be competitive (set up teams within your team). Make sure to keep score. • Be sure there are consequences for winning and losing. This keeps the level of competition high. • Shifts should be similar to that of a game (45 seconds – 1 minute) • Keep the play within the designated area. If the puck comes out of that area, put a new puck in. • The games should start and stop on a whistle. • Be patient. You may have to run a game 4 or 5 times before the players really “get it”. Don’t give up! All coaches receive a Small Area Games book when they attend a Level 1 clinic, but Small Area Games can be found in many other places as well. Here are some links to get you stated; http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kep8vkloVjE http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pd6A1r_k0vo http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QQ8ik78xz_Q http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ugdmw-NAjD0 http://coachnielsen.wordpress.com/category/small-areagames/ h t t p : / / f i l e s . l e a g u e a t h l e t i c s . c o m / Te x t / D o c u ments/8037/28072.doc http://www.usahockeymagazine.com/article/2011-10/ small-area-games-twist-work-vital-skills When used properly, Small Area Games can help in the development of a player’s awareness on the ice, ability to anticipate, as well as their problem solving skills and creativity (not to mention basic hockey skills). If you haven’t done so already, give Small Area Games a try! Y


Chuck Gridley NY District Coach-in -Chief

NY Hockey OnLine

Girls High School / Page 7

NYS High School Girls Hockey Section XI Potsdam 24 pts Massena 16 pts Canton 14 pts Salmon River 3 pts St. Lawrence 0 pts

Section VII

Beekmantown 15 pts Albany Academies 9 pts Lake Placid 8 pts Saranac Lake 1 pt

Section III

Skaneateles 13 1/2 pts Ithaca 8 pts Alexandria Bay 7 pts Oswego 4 1/2 pts Late Breaking as we go to Press: WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 30, 2013 Semi-Final Results for Girl’s High School Hockey in the East and North: Section X Semifinals (#1) Potsdam 9, (#4) Salmon River 0 (#3) Canton 3, (#2) Massena 1 Section III Semifinals (#1) Skaneateles 7, (#4) Oswego 0 Section VII Semifinals (#2) Albany Academy 5, (#3) Lake Placid 0 (#1) Beekmantown 5, (#4) Saranac Lake 1

New York State Girls Varsity Ice Hockey Championships will be held in Canton on February 8 and 9!


Monsignor Martin (pictured above) 28 pts Williamsville 20 pts Kenmore 19 pts Orchard Park/Frontier 15 pts Amherst/Sweet Home 8 pts West Seneca 8 pts Lancaster 0 pts Scoring Leader in WNYGIHF: West Seneca’s Erin Gehen (left) with 50 points

Leading in Goaltending in WNYGIHF: Monsignor Martin’s Courtney Wesolowski (right) with a .973 save % (Standings are latest posted on websites for January 27 If you have updated information please forward to Janet@nyhockeyonline.com)


NY Hockey OnLine

Sedia Hockey / Page 8

by Rob Sedia Professional Hockey Instructor

rob@ newedgehockey.com

Bad Habit: The Fly By

How Practice Can Create Good and Bad Hockey Habits REBOUND! REBOUND! REBOUND!


almost involuntary. This definition, as it relates to ice hockey, implies that “what we do in practice has a direct impact on how we play”. We practice much more than we play and practice is about repetition so it’s easy to see how good and bad habits can be made. We must pay extra attention to some bad hockey habits that I call “game changers”.

ow often in a hockey game have you seen a scramble in front of the net and a crew of puck-hungry players battle for the puck as the intensity from the crowd starts to heighten? Moments like these can get pretty crazy and when the battle results in a goal the crowd can really go wild! Even though these are not the prettiest of goals (often referred to as “garbage goals”), they make up the lion’s share of lamp lighters. At a very young age, players need to create a habit of getting to the net and pouncing on rebounds. Coaches will often make this part of their pre-game and game time talk but do enough coaches make this part of their practice? The dictionary defines the word habit as: an acquired behavior pattern regularly followed until it has become

Following shots and attacking the net is a pretty basic hockey tactic yet time and time again I watch players fly by the net when a teammate takes a shot or after they take a shot themselves. Most of the time they end up curling into the corner or behind the goal line allowing juicy rebounds to sit there until gobbled up by the opponent. The only way to score on a rebound is to be there, so creating a “follow, stop, jam” habit is critical. Unfortunately, most practice drills that include shooting promote the “fly by” simply because it is not recognized that it is happening. For example, I was watching a squirt team practice the other day and they were doing a great half ice drill that incorporated an open pivot, a direction change, receiving a pass and taking a shot. The coaching staff paid a great deal of attention to the pivots, direction changes, and passing yet allowed the players to “fly by” the net after EVERY shot! The number of rebounds left untouched, far surpassed any other shot result. Although this is just one example, this scenario happens all too often. Every time I see it happen during a game, I cringe and can’t help but wonder how many times this player did a “fly by” during practice! It is my opinion that most coaches preach “go to the net” during games in an effort to maximize

rebound opportunities but without constant reinforcement of this action during practice (where the most repetitions occur) the likelihood of compliance at game time is drastically reduced. If we refer back to the dictionary’s definition of the word habit, we can easily see how “fly bys” in practice can lead to a bad game time habit. It is not a coincidence that at the highest levels of the game, the number of goals scored as a result of rebounds make up the highest percentage of total goals scored (some sources show it to be as high as 75%). This tells us that the most talented and discipline players on the planet have the follow, stop, and jam habit. With limited space and defensive coverage in front of the net, scoring on a rebound requires good timing, quickness, and strength, you must be strong on your skates and work your way to the puck. Make the “follow, stop, and jam” a mandatory part of any drill that incorporates shooting (when applicable) and enjoy the additional game time scoring opportunities that come from forming this good hockey habit. Y Rob Sedia is a Partner/Professional

Instructor with the NewEdge Hockey Training Company and will be writing a monthly column for NY Hockey Magazine. If you would like to comment on this article, ask questions, provide feedback, or share your thoughts, please send an email to: rob@newedgehockey.com


NY Hockey OnLine

What’s A Girl To Do / Page 9

What’s a Girl To Do? By Janet Schultz Janet@nyhockeyonline.com


ou’ve played hockey since you were four years old. You play girls travel and want to play for your high school. But, like many girls in New York and other states, there is no varsity girl’s team. Then you go to a college where there’s no women’s program at any level. What’s a girl to do? Lauren Orynawka decided to try out for the boy’s team. She made it on the squad of the Iroquois-Alden boy’s varsity team. “There was a girl goalie already playing and she invited me to tryout,” explains Orynawka. “We were on the same travel league and after that a couple of other girls came to play forward.” “In high school the boys are more immature and were aggravated thinking that the girls wanted to take over,” she goes on. “Once they realized that wasn’t happening we became part of the team and they were fun to play with,”

continued Orynawka. Then Orynawka graduates and decideds to pursue her studies in Physical Therapy. D’Youville College was the college of choice, but only has a men’s club ice hockey team. She decided to go for it. She tried out. She made it. “I wanted to play, anywhere I can get ice, I’m happy with,” she says with a smile. Orynawka, who started her career with the Pepsi Kids at Amherst and then moved to the Buffalo Regals, Amherst Youth Hockey and most recently the Buffalo Stars, fits right in with the team. “She’s an absolute breath of fresh air,” said Coach Ed Draper. “She came at a time when we didn’t have a goaltender and then thought we’d have only one. “From practice we liked what we saw and kept her.”

While Draper did worry about how the team would handle her, D’Youville has a structure that makes players feel welcome. In addition, the Navy veteran read them the military riot act on how their behavior should be and they followed accordingly, Draper explains with a smile. Draper goes on to explain that her play has improved since her first time on ice, even though she won her first collegiate game. “The guys play well in front of her and she’s getting use to the speed,” Orynawka agrees that the speed of the play and the precise shooting of her teammates is the major difference between men and women’s hockey. “You have to get your angles down,” she explains. She also had to get used to the age differences on the team.


NY Hockey OnLine

What’s A Girl To Do / Page 10

Club hockey allows freshman to graduate students to play, so ages vary from 18 to 25. The physical aspect of the game is also an issue but she had

confidence in her teammates. “I know they are going to protect, first as their goalie and at the same time I’m a girl and they know that for that reason I may get run,” explains Orynawka. “In a way it (checking/hitting) bother me and I wish they didn’t have it because there are people out there just to hit and not play the game. But at the same time it adds pizzazz for the crowd and they like that stuff.” Playing goal was hard on her parents. Her Dad made sure that she played forward and defense and when she insisted she wanted to be a goalie he made sure she knew how to skate. “Goalies are the best skaters on the ice and that is the way I wanted her to start out,” said Stan

Orynawka, Lauren’s Dad. “I also asked myself if I was protecting her or myself if I didn’t let her do it.” So one Christmas she received her first set of pads. “I’m proud of the way she handles herself and I couldn’t be more proud of her,” said Mr. Orynawka. “Whether she plays one year or more, which I hope she does, this is a good set up for the trials of life as she gets older. “Goalie is a mental position,” he goes on. “You are an island. People don’t see the mistakes when forwards or defensemen make them; but everyone sees when the goalie makes a mistake.” (Continued on next page)

D’Youville College Men’s Club Hockey is Hosting the

National Association of Intercollegiate Hockey National Championship Tournament March 15 - 17

Riverside Rink (2607 Niagara Street, Buffalo 14207) and Cazenovia Rink (Corner Cazenovia St. & Abbott Road, Buffalo 14220)

Visit NAIH at www.naihockey.com


NY Hockey OnLine

What’s A Girl To Do / Page 11

“I think everyone should get involved in hockey,” said Mr. Orynawka. There’s more hockey in Orynawka’s life as she prepares for the Empire State Winter Games as part of the Western Region Team. Be There. Be Square. While she has never taken part in the ESG or even seen them, she is looking forward to the trip to Lake Placid in February and considers it an opportunity to play and have fun. “Don’t let anyone intimidate you,” she advices young players coming up. “If you have a bad game (and she did the day of this interview) don’t let it get to you; enjoy the game and try your best at all times. What ever happens, happens. “Don’t let anything or anyone scare you away from playing.” She also has advice for those parents apprehensive about letting their daughter not only play hockey, but in goal. “Let me have that experience but make sure they learn how to skate first,” said Orynawka. “I suggest playing forward and/or defense first and then try goal. If you enjoy it, do it.” Before leaving Orynawka I had to find out if she, like many NHL goalies, have quirks or superstitions on or off ice. “When the boys are on the ice during warm-ups and are speeding around shooting at the empty net, I’m watching the puck and realizing what I have to foSign up and register today. cus on for the next couple of hours,” she www.bobjanosz.com | Call: (716) 308-9224 explains. She also gets “jittery” before each game and considers that a good omen. “If I’m jittery, I know it’s going to be a good game.” Then watch her at face-offs. Whichever side they face-off takes place on, you’ll see her hit the pipe on that side three times and finally, she chews gum. “My mother gives me gum and I chew it during every game,” she says smiling. “It’s my lucky gum!” Luck is only a small part. According to Coach Draper Orynawka is mechanically exceptionally sound in the net. “My team welcomes me with open arms and appreciates me being there,” she concludes. “That’s all that matters!” Y

TIC, TAC, Toe-Save


Central New York

Serving His Country; Playing His Sport!

NY Hockey OnLine

Starczewski / Page 13

Whitesboro Native Combines Two Passions -The U.S. Army and Hockey by Randy Schultz Randy@nyhockeyonline.com


a l w a y s wanted to play Division I hockey and serve this great country of ours. West Point gave me the opportunity to do both.” That is how Army Black Knights forward, Andy Starczewski described his feelings about the choice he made as a senior in high school four years ago. The Whitesboro, NY native is now a senior at West Point and can’t believe that the time has flown by so quickly. “The time has really flown by fast,” said the 6-1, 205-pound Starczewski. “It really feels like I’ve just come off my freshman year. “I’ve always been looking at ways to improve my game. Now it’s all about using what I’ve learned. “I’ve been lucky to play with some very talented players during my four seasons. I can only be as good as the players I play with.” Starczewski remembers the turning point for him in his final year of high school when he decided on what he was going to do next. “I remember hearing our answering machine at home,” recalled the Northwood High School graduate. “Just hearing the coach say he was from West Point made me take notice. “I had several schools in the area recruiting me. But when I heard those two words, ‘West Point,’ that clinched it for me. “At one point in my life I wasn’t sure if it was going to be a path in baseball, football or hockey. But there is something about that ice and that’s why I leaned towards hockey in the end.” Starczewski’s coach during his four seasons of play with Army has been Brian Riley. The Black Knights head

coach has watched the veteran forward mature during that time. “Aside from being an outstanding player, somebody who can score goals, ‘Starzy is just a great kid,” commented Riley. “Especially this year when we have so many young players, he is great to have in the locker room. “West Point can present many challenges, especially to the freshmen. So to have somebody to go to like ‘Starzy’ makes that first year a lot easier.” Statistically, Starczewski has improved every season. “I think part of it is maturity,” continued Riley. “It’s also about feeling comfortable and confident. “Andy is a very confident player. When we need goals, he’s the guy that we look to. “He has got as good a shot as any player in this league. I think every time he is out on the ice, he is a threat to score.” Riley knew from the day he saw Starczewski that the Whitesboro native was a player he wanted on the hockey team. “We knew he could score goals,” stated Riley. “We had never been a very high powered offensive team. “We felt that Andy could boost our offense. And he has


NY Hockey OnLine

Starczewski / Page 14

“The people here are what makes this place special. The tradition is special.” --Starczewski, about West Point Military Academy

certainly done that. “He is a wonderful kid.” What special memories will Starczewski take with him? “The one thing that will stick out in my mind will be those guys in that (locker) room with me,” said Starczewski, motioning with his hand to the team room located behind him. “Those are special guys. “I wouldn’t be surprised that some of those guys will go on to be great world leaders. I also remember some games, like beating Air Force here and out there.” Although Starczewski has a military commitment to the Army, what does the West Point Business Major have in store for himself after that? “I’ve been weighing my options,” responded Starczewski, who played youth hockey for Whitestone. “I love sports. “If there is a management role that could keep me close to the ice, close to a baseball diamond or football field I would look to do something like that. “Coaching hockey might be another option. And, who knows? Maybe I might make a career out of the Army.” Starczewski will be commissioned a Field Artillery Officer. Where he will end up is still up in the air. So is West Point everything Starczewski thought it was

going to be? “The first couple of years weren’t the easiest,” concluded Starczewski. “It was hard to get used to the scheduling. “Now I’m used to the scheduling, the routine. I’m a bit faster with getting things done and a bit more efficient. “Now that I’m a second semester senior, I value the time I have with my friends and the guys around me because you never know what is going to happen down the road. “The people here are what makes this place special. The tradition is special. “You learn that there are things that you are not going to want to do, but you have to do it. You take that in stride and learn to handle things yourself. “It’s been a very unique experience. I just want to finish strong. “Then we’ll see where things take us from there. I’m ready for whatever life is ready to throw at me. “I’m glad to have had the Army experience.” Y


NY Hockey OnLine

Central / Page 15

Fans Throw a Punch--To Help Find a Cure!


swego Lakers Head Coach Andy Rozak spear-headed an effort to raise some money to honor and support Mary Gosek and Paula Roll. Mary and Paula are married to Ed Gosek (coach of Oswego University Men’s club team) and George Roll (coach of Nazareth men’s team in their inaugural season), respectively. Both Mary and Paula have been battling cancer for some time now. Andy played at Oswego State University for both George and Ed (Ed took over for George when George was recruited to coach at Clarkson). The initial idea was to raise a few hundred dollars and present a check at

the Oswego Minor Hockey (OMHA) Night game between the two clubs (Oswego State has a OMHA night each season when the college is in recess to help spur attendance). In four weeks, mostly through social media, the community raised over $8,000. NHL’er Erik Cole was coached by Ed as a Pee Wee in Oswego and was one of George’s last recruits at Clarkson (when George was an assistant coach before he left to coach at Oswego St. Through the help of Cole’s Dream Big Foundation Cole decided to match what the community raised. At a recent game between Oswego and Nazareth the American Cancer

Central Section News and Notes ...Oswego’s 2 Squirt White Team has a perfect season going through 11 games. They have won all their games and received Fair Play Points for all their games. Kudos also go to the Thousand Islands Squirt Red and Camillus 1 PeeWee White teams who had perfect half seasons after their first eight games.

Society received over $16,000 from the Oswego community! “I just wanted to let your readers know that while the NHL took some time off, cancer never does,” said Kevin Caraccioli, director of the Erik Cole Dream Big Foundation, Inc. “A bunch of hockey fans in Oswego, NY, with the assistance of our local NHL ambassador, just threw another punch in the fight to find a cure and more effective treatments. Hockey Fights Cancer indeed.”Y

In the adult division, the Cobras were the winners, captained by James Dunn. This was the Cobras third appearance, as they were at the Inaugural Tournament in 2010. Below are photos from the event!

...Valley Hockey had 37 teams participate in their Ducks on the Pond Hockey Tournament. However, the outdoor ice wasn’t thick enough so the tournament moved inside. The largest group was at the Squirt Level with 12 teams. The Syracuse Nats PeeWee Travel Team played in a Bantam travel and Midget house Team due to lower-than-anticipated numbers. The Nats made it to the finals and lost in sudden death overtime by a goal. However everyone had a great time.


NY Hockey OnLine

Central / Page 16

Central News Continued... ...Syracuse Blazers are off to a great start in 2013 with 4 victories, three in divisional play, despite dealing with injuries and illness. ...Whitetown will host the Bob Mercurio Extreme Freeze Mite Tournament on March 8-10. This is for A-B-C levels and 1/2 ice for Mites A, B and C. Contact lgemery@aol. com ...Camillus is looking for a Travel Head Coach. Applications are due 2/28/13. Go to cyha.org ...The results from the Center State Bantam Tourament are in: It was Clinton 3 over Lysander 1 in the Championship round. Geneva and Perinton tied at 4 in a consolation match-up and Oswego took the Stampede 10-7 in the fifth vs sixth consolation game. In the Midget Tournament the Stampede took the championship 6-2 over Clifton Park. Camillus 1 beat Camillus 2 in the consolation match. ...Cortland County Youth Hockey will hold a CYH Night with the Syracuse Crunch on Feb. 2. The Crunch take on the Rochester Americans. ...The Elmira Jackals Bantams won the Gene Harrington Winter Ice Tournament. The Jacklas ar collecting food for Food Bank of the Southern Tier from through February 3. ...Three teams from Rome Youth Hockey went to the International Silver Tickets tournament in Ontario. The Rome Grizzlies made it to the semi-finals, losing 2-1 in overtime to the eventual Championship Mt. Brydges. The Jefferson Jaguars and Utica Coyote Squirts finished as runners-up in Championship games. ...Oswego Minor Hockey hosted the 30th Novelis Invitational Tournament with Oswego II, Oswego taking home championships. ...Southern Tier Hockey Association announces that the Sport International Hockey Academy will be returning for the 26th year. It will be held at the Chenango Rink, July 22-26 and August 26-30. Go to the SIHA websire for information on this program for 6 to 17 year old players. ...Snowbelt League Standings as of Jan. 26: Squirt Blue: Binghamton Blue Squirt White: Oswego 2 Squirt Red: Thousand Island Red PeeWee Blue: Cortland PeeWee White: Camillus 2 PeeWee Red: Elmira Red Bantam Blue: Salmon River Bantam Red: Ithaca Red Midget: Elmira

...Liverpool High School, playing in NYS Section III D1 is 7-8-1 on the season with games against Baldwinsville on February 5 and West Geneseo on Feb. 8. ...The Ithaca High School Girls Hockey team honored five players who will be graduating this year. Recognized were Co-Captains Lauren Herrick and Jackie Cornell, Forwards Allison Miettunen and Kaleigh Stilwell and Alex Stagliano, They played their final game on Wednesday, Jan. 23, losing to Skaneateles 2-1. Ithaca Girl’s team is coached by Jessica Link, in her first year. She is a 2005 graduate of Brown University and a two-time All-ECAC Hockey player and a three-time all-academic team honoree. She finished her career fifth on Brown’s all-time scoring list with 83 goals/73 assists in 124 games.

Please send all your Youth, College, Junior, Adults and Minor League Hockey News to: NYHockeyonline @nyhockeyonline.com Girls Hockey News should be directed to Janet@nyhockeyonline. com


NY Hockey OnLine

Central / Page 17


The Raiders have been on a tear since mid-November going 9-3-1 through the end of January. And that’s with five freshman among the top-ten scorers on the team. Colgate rookie Kyle Baun added to his awards this season as he was named ECAC Player of the Month for December. He ranks second in the league among rookies in points with 14 on seven goals and seven assists. Baun trails teammate Tylor Spink by two points for the conference lead. He leads the Raiders and ECAC rookies in goals with seven. Nathan Sinz and Daniel Gentzler each scored their first collegiate goals January 4th against Sacred Heart. Kevin Gough netted his January 26th against Yale. Head coach Don Vaughan picked up the 325th win of his career against Sacred Heart January 5th. His 326th win January 25th versus Brown put him among the top 60 in career wins all-time in Division I & Division III.

U.S. national team at the International Ice Hockey Federation World Junior Championships. Bardreau scored one goal and added two assists while serving as an assistant captain for the United States in this year’s tournament. He is just the second member of the Big Red to win a medal with the U.S. team at the prestigious international Under-20 tournament. Junior goalie Andy Iles (Ithaca) was the first, earning bronze in the 2011 tournament in Buffalo. Big Red commitments forward Matt Buckles and defenseman Clint Lewis

Central New York Men’s College Hockey Report


Great expectations have turned sour for the Big Red—winners of just one of their last seven games heading into February. A key factor has been scoring the second fewest goals in conference games averaging two per game through the opening 12. Fairport’s Cole Bardreau has done what no Big Red athlete has done before – won a gold medal with the

by Warren Kozireski

were listed 134th and 164th overall in the NHL Central Scouting midterm rankings. They project as a fifth and sixth round selection respectively for the June 2013 Entry Draft. Late notice from Cornell--Cornell sophomore forward Cole Bardreau will miss the rest of the season after suffering a fractured neck on Jan. 19 against Rensselaer, according to the Ithaca Journal. Bardreau was hit into the boards from behind by Greg Burgdoerfer in the Renssealer game. Burgdoerfer was assessed a five-minute major and a game misconduct. Bardreau sat out his next shift, but finished the game. “He’s a very lucky human being,” Cornell coach Mike Schafer said in the report. “He had no pain during

the course of the game, no indication that had happened. He’s a lucky kid.” “It was a huge blow to us [because] he’s such a big part of our team,” linemate John McCarron added. “After getting the gold medal at the World Juniors, I can’t even imagine how high his emotions were and now to get this, probably an alltime low in his life, it’s hard to deal with. He’s going to support our team and be with us the rest of the way and all hope for the best for him and we’re going to look out for him.”


Without a conference point earned since the schedule turned to December, the Red Dragons find themselves looking up at everyone in the SUNYAC conference. The good news is that they were just three points out of a playoff spot with five remaining including one each with the three teams immediately ahead of them. Sophomore Nick Zappia (Manlius) recorded his first career hat trick and junior goalie Lyle Rocker (Buffalo) stopped all 31 shots for his first collegiate shutout January 11th against Utica. Greg Ryan (Rochester) scored his first collegiate goal January 18th against Oswego.


Allowing over five goals per game against conference foes is not usually a format for success and the Soaring Eagles had just three ECAC West wins through the January portion of the schedule.


NY Hockey OnLine

Central / Page 18

Freshman Michael Collins and George Whittle have been bright spots offensively with sophomore Josh Burnell emerging from his 3-3 freshman campaign to surpass the 20 point mark this season with five regular season games left. Nick Angelo (Williamsville) netted his first collegiate goal January 12th versus Morrisville.


Goals continue to be hard to find, but freshman defenseman Marko Brelih is displaying good signs for the future with his teamleading eight assists and co-team high 12 points. Freshman Matt Tetro (Williamsville) scored his first collegiate goal New Year’s Eve against Curry and added his first two-point game January 4th versus Colby. Robbie Gardner (Larchmont) netted his first collegiate goal in the same Colby game.


Ranked fifth in the nation at 142-2 and with Frank Salituro among the top 20th nationally in scoring and goals, the Statesmen are primed for a ECAC West championship repeat and avoiding another NCAA playoff run in February. Freshman Mac Olson continues his battle with Elmira’s Michael Collins for ECAC West Rookie of the Year honors with 20 points over his first 20 games. Senior goaltender Nick Broadwater stood second in the nation in goals against and first in save percentage through the end of January.


With just 16 skaters and two goaltenders, the Hawks were looking for the first win of the season with one game remaining. The team was allowing over 11 goals per game. Individual stats have not been provided to the league website.

Nick Rivait netted his first collegiate goal January 4th against Elmira. Sophomore Peter Rodrigues netted his first collegiate goal versus Hamilton January 19th.



Three consecutive wins at the end of January launched the Mustangs into playoff contention. Juniors Mike Dolman and Jamie Nelson had passed the 20-point mark with classmate Ryan Marcuz right behind.


Just three losses and outscoring opponents 57-19 apparently isn’t good enough as the Lakers found themselves ranked fourth in the nation but receiving no first place votes at the end of January. Justin Gilbert earned his first collegiate win after tallying 21 saves to help head coach Ed Gosek to his 200th career win January 12th against Nazareth. Oswego State men’s ice hockey player Jesse McConney was named the SUNYAC Player of the Week for the period ending January 6th. The senior defenseman was named the Most Valuable Player of the Pathfinder Bank/ Oswego State Hockey Classic after posting six points on three goals and McConnery three assists.

Winners of 11-of-12 since Thanksgiving, the Pioneers are vying with Hobart for ECAC West supremacy as well as nationally—ranked 8th as of January 24th. Louie Educate was tied for fifth in the country in scoring, 11th in goals per game and 12th in assists per game. Rob Morton (New Hartford), Jon Gaffney and Trevor Hertz had reached the ten-goal mark with Donny Olivieri and Ridge Garbutt sitting one-two in assists on the team. Three on the road to finish the regular season will be a primer for the postseason.

OTHER AREA NOTES: ...Mercyhurst sophomore forward Michael Zay (Glendale) was named Atlantic Hockey Association Player of the Week for the period ending December 23rd. He scored his fourth goal of the season at the 2:58 mark of overtime to lift Mercyhurst to a 3-2 home conference victory over Canisius. It was Zay’s first gamewinning goal of the season and the first over¬time game-winner of his collegiate career. Y SID’s--Make sure you are sending your press releases to Warren!


NY Hockey OnLine

Central / Page 19

Central Women’s College Ice Hockey Report by Janet Schultz Janet@nyhockeyonline.com


The Big Red moved into first place after a 4-2 win at Brown. Coach Doug Derraugh also had his 135th career win, tying for first with Bill Duthie. Derraugh can move ahead with a win over Mercy-

hurst on January 30. Lauren Slebodnick was named ECAC Goaltender of the Week for January 22 and teammate Brianne Jenner was named ECAC Player of the Week for the same time period. Slebodnick had her best week of the season with 13 shots saved in a game against Syracuse; 16 saves versus #6 Clarkson and 20 saves in a shutout over St. Lawrence. Jenner had 5 points in the game against Syracuse, 2 goals and 2 assists against St. Lawrence and a goal and assist versus Clarkson. New York native Anna Zorn (Churchville/ Rochester Edge) has 3 goals and 2 assists for 5 points on the season. Akwesane’s Oliva Cook has appeared in 13 games. The Big Red will hold their Do It For Daron Series in games against Union on February 1 and RPI on February 2. Cornell will end their season with games against Quinnipiac, Princeton, Harvard and Dartmouth.


Cortland’s Lauren Drew was named ECAC Rookie of the Week for January 22 after she scored her first 2 collegiate coals in a 6-0 win over Chatham.

With a 4-13-1 overall Maggie Giamo record, the Red Dragons will finish out the season with games against Buffalo State College, Utica and Oswego. Senior Chelsey Wright has 11 points with 5 goals and 6 assists followed by Orchard Park’s Maggie Giamo (RIT) with 6 goals and 3 assists. Other New York natives on the score sheet include Brianne Rossi (Stormville/Brewster Bulldogs) 2 goals/2 assists; Chelsie Hausberger (West Seneca/Buffalo Bisons) 3 goals/3 assists; Abbie Adams (Potsdam/Cornwall Typhoons) 1 goal/6 assists; Erika Osborne (Sharon Springs/ Harvey School) 1 goal/1 assist; Gina Tomei (Bronx/Sound Shore) 7 assists; Katie Giki (Brooklyn/NJ Rockets) 1 goal/2 assists and Kellie Micillo (Sayville/Suffolk PAL) 2 goals/2 assists.


The Soaring Eagles Ashley Ryan scored her first hat trick against Manhattanville. In the 3-0 victory, she was the only scorer. The Rochester native was named Elmira Athlete of the Week and the ECAC West Player of the Week for January 7. Freshman Taylor Steadman had her first hat trick in a 9-0 victory over Chatham. She was named Elmira Athlete of the Week and ECAC West Rookie of the Week for January 14 after the first goal was the game winner at 3:51 into the first period. Cassidy Delainey was named to the ECAC West Honor Roll for her 3 goals and 2 assists in the win over Chatham. At the end of January Elmira has a 17-3-1 overall record and faces Stevenson, Oswego and Middlebury as they close out the season.


Hamilton is 9-6-1 overall as they face Wesleyan, Utica, Bowdoin and Colby to end the season. Senior Abby Runyon (Fairport/Buffalo Bisons) has 9 points in 16 games played and Junior Jill Tokarczyk (North Tonawanda/Buffalo Bisons) has 3 goals and 5 assists on the season. Leading the scoring is Katie Zimmerman with 15


NY Hockey OnLine

Central / Page 20

goals and 3 assists in 16 games played.

Utica College

The Pioneers held their Gold Ribbon Game to raise funds for the Shawn Grady Fund for Childhood Cancer Awareness. The team wore collector edition white and gold jerseys which were auctioned off following the game. Proceeds will help a local family with expenses associated with a child who has cancer. Grady passed away in the Fall of his sophomore year of high school at age 16. For information on the organization go to ShawnGradyFund.org With a 10-6-1 overall record, Utica will finish out 2012-13 against Plattsburgh, Hamilton, Buffalo State and Cortland. Megan Myers (LA Selects) was named ECAC West Player of the Week for January 23 after having 3 goals and 3 assists in a two-day sweep of Neumann College. She had her hand in every goal in a 3-2 OT victory in the first game and a goal and two assists in a 4-1 victory the following day. She is fourth in the conference with 11 goals and has a team-high 19 points. Utica held Senior Day and recognized Myers, Lindsay Horton (Eden/Buffalo Bisons) and Marissa Hotaling (Whitesboro/Whitesboro High). New York players on the scoresheet this season include MacKenzie Roy (Clinton/Clinton), Samatha Pucci (Pearl River/Conn. Polar Bears), Caitlyn Moccaldi (Clinton/ Clinton HS Boys) and Norton. Their three goalies this season are all from New York including Marissa McNamara (Camillus/Lysander Lightning), Jennifer Hamel (Ithaca/ Northwood School) and Marissa Hotaling.

Colgate Raiders

Brittany Phillips had a hat trick and the game winner in a 3-2 victory over RIT. It was the second overtime victory for Colgate this season. Colgate will hold their annual Autism Awareness Game when they meet RPI on February 1. The team has been supporting Autism Speaks and since 2011 has raised over $30,000. Susan Allen (Rochester/Spencerport HS) has a 2-6-0 record on the season. Philips has 9 goals/7 assists and Jenna Kynstra has 4 goals/11 assists on the season. The Red Raiders have a 7-15-3 overall record as the

finish the season against RPI, Union, Princeton, Quinnipiac, Dartmouth, Harvard and Union.


The Orange are 14-11-1 overall and face Robert Morris, RIT, Mercyhurst and Lindenwood in season enders. Kallie Billadeau was named SU Scholar/Athlete of the Week for January 7. She is fifth in the nation in GAA at 1.43 and save percentage, .941. She has had five shutouts this season, a new Syracuse record, and seven shutouts in her career. Shann Darkangelo recorded her second career hat trick and third in Syracuse history in a 6-0 win over Colgate. She was chosen CHA Player of the Week for January 14. Billadeau and Melissa Placentini were named to the CHA Honor Roll for January 14. Other honors went to Cara Johnson who was named SU Scholar/Athlete of the Week; Placentini, CHA Rookie of the Week and Nicole Ferrar and Kallie Goodnough were named to the CHA Honor Rolll. All for outstanding performances over Lindenwood. NY’ers scoring for the Orange this season include Brittany Krebs (Marathon/NSA) 1 goal/5 assists; Jacquie Greco (Buffalo/Nichols) 7 goals/2 assists; Kaillie Goodnough (Mannsville/NSA) 1 goal and 11 assists.


Oswego will honor their faculty and staff on February 8 and their seniors on Feb. 9. With a 11-9-1 record, the Lakers will face Elmira and Cortland in their final four games of the season. Oswego named Laker hockey players Megan Hagg and Melissa Seamont Athletes of the Week for January 6 and 20, respectively. Hagg helped in three of four goals scored against St. Norbert and Seamont had the game winners in both games against Buffalo State. She leads the team with 7 goals and 20 points. Lizzy Marks (Penfield/Rochester Edge) has 3 goals/2 assists; Chelsea Hunt (Brockport/Buffalo Bisons) 2 goals/4 assists; Jayne McCreary (Waterloo/Lysander Lightning) 1 assist; Bianca Camillaci (Hilton/Edge) 2 assists and Erin Ganley (Baldwin/skaneateles) 1 assist. Y


East Hockey

East showcases the Best!

NY Hockey OnLine

East / Page 22

Mariners Interference Call Comes from “Sandy!” by Randy Schultz, Randy@nyhockeyonline.com Photos by Janet Schultz, Janet@nyhockeyonline.com

track. It was not going to be an easy task. “We had been at Rye since 1999,” said Guberti. “We were using their ice six out of seven days and nights a week. “That all ended when Sandy hit. Sandy stopped hockey in its tracks.” Guberti recalled the days and even hours leading up to the storm. “We were actually playing games at Rye on that Sunday,” continued Guberti. “When those last games ended SunMariners get ready to go on the ice at The Ice Hutch, one of the arenas they are playing out of day afternoon, it wasn’t really after Playland was destroyed by Hurricane Sandy. raining, but the winds were blowing and the waves off Long Island Sound were really crashing. hen Rich Guberti, Hockey Director for the Westchester “For some reason, a bunch of us took Mariners materials from the Mariners, began planning first floor to the second floor. It is still the Mariners hockey season back in there. September, little did he realize what “When the storm hit, the rink was laid ahead for him and the organizaflooded with about six feet of water. tion. Pipes were destroyed, as was the ice. Then in late October 2012 Hur “There was fish, shrimp and lobricane Sandy came along. On Octoster all over the ice. ber 29 the storm hit New York City, “We lost power. There was no flooding streets, tunnels and subway communication.” lines, damaging or destroying homes But there was a ray of hope. and cut power in and around the city. Countless stories have been heard “I had power at my office where I work,” remembered Guberti,who and told about the aftermath of Huralso coaches the men’s hockey team ricane Sandy. One of those stories was about the Mariners, who lost their at Fordham University. “That’s when I began trying to get messages out to hockey home, Rye Playland, which was destroyed and has been closed for parents about hockey. “I got a spread sheet in front of the season due to the storm. me of the Mariners entire organiza After the storm disappeared, Guberti spent the next few days not only tional schedule. That’s when I began to wonder how we were going to save trying to put his life back together, any part of our season. but put the Mariners season back on


“The one thing I had on my side is that the power was out in and around the area for almost two weeks. I began calling around to find out if we could find some ice to practice and play on. “Between October 30 and November 7 when the power came back, we had all of our game slots filled. Thanks to the efforts of different hockey rinks and organizations in and around our area, we were able to fill the game slots. “By the second week of November, the New York Rangers stepped in and offered them the use of their Greenburgh Practice facility. That helped the Mariners get the practice time they needed. “We could have folded the season, but we wouldn’t give up. Everybody bought into the plan. “And our season continued rolling along.” For Art Della Salla, mite director for the Mariners, Sandy and its aftermath presented an interesting situation. “Sandy threw us a curveball when she took our home rink away from us,” recalled Della Salla. “Through the kindness of many other organizations we have been able to survive. “I think the kids have flourished as a result. Families have spent a lot more time on the road together. “We do a lot more travel. Our schedule is a bit more scattered. “Thanks to all those who have helped us out with ice, we really haven’t missed a beat.


NY Hockey OnLine

East / Page 23

Playing hockey is what matters to the Mariners!

“I think Rich (Guberti) really did a great job securing ice and securing it in the immediate area. I don’t think any of the families are having to travel any more than 45 minutes to any rink.” While it may have been tough enough explaining Sandy to the kids, how to you explain the whole change to the way hockey season has turned out? “At the mite level the kids really didn’t question it,” answered Della Salla. “They just really wanted to play hockey. “Some of the older kids have asked questions or made comments about the distance we would have to travel to a game. That’s when you explain to them that sometimes things aren’t perfect and you do the best you can. “Hockey is fun, no matter where you play it. I think the kids have really embraced the situation that has been presented to them and handled everything quite well. “The teams really have come together and so have the parents. Hockey is about teaching life experiences.” For Amy Gorman and her family, the 2012-13 hockey season has been a “Sandy really blew our hockey world around,” said Amy. “I have two boys that play, one a mite and the other a squirt. “This is our first season of playing hockey. I thought it was going to be easy, with back-to-back

practices at the same rink. “It went from a nice, easy season to one where we are driving all over. We sometimes have to go to two different places on the same day for practices. “But the kids love it. It’s been worth it. “I’m really grateful for what Rich and everyone else did. They could have very easily said, ‘OK, we have no rink. Sorry.’ “But they didn’t. Nobody has given up, despite everything that happened. “We really don’t have it that bad. There are a lot of other people that I know that lost a lot more than we did, with their homes and all. “We just have to drive a little more. We’ve got it pretty good.” Steve Tosi has seen the goodness in other hockey organizations. “We are all very appreciative of what other hockey organizations and their rinks have done for us,” commented Tosi. “We lost a really great rink with Rye. “It was a beautiful rink. I miss it. “We all do, but we move ahead. There have been a lot of rinks and organizations out there that have been

very gracious to us. “I think the Mariners have become a much better and stronger organization because of this. Team has become a key word, especially when it comes to parents and the kids. “They have all worked together as one big team. And I think we’re much better for it.” Bill Keane, a parent and on-ice coach for the Mariners, saw how the parents pulled together. “During a normal, you get to know parents,” remarked Keane. “But after Sandy, the parents seem to pull together for the good or their kids and the organization. “There was more car pooling. Everybody began helping each other out. “And I had already learned that this hockey experience with your kids comes along just once. You want to make the most of it while you can because I’m told by older parents that you will miss it once your kids are out of the game. “As strange as this sounds, I think we, as parents, are going to cherish this season maybe a little more than if Sandy had never come along. “We’re just making the best of a tough situation and I think it’s working. “Especially the kids. I think to their credit, they did very well with the situation. “They adjusted very well. It’s made for a great and memorable season.” Y


NY Hockey OnLine ARMY


Black Knights goaltender After winning 11 of their Rob Tadazak was credited with first 16 games this season, the Army’s first shutout since Jan. 22, Valiants were fighting through 2010 when Army beat Canisius their first multi-game losing 1-0 in overtime December 30th. skid as of deadline loser of Jay Clark had the last shutout three straight road conference against Connecticut. One week games. later Tadazak turned in his second Sophomore Mark Rivera by Warren Kozireski straight shutout, making fives was leading the team in scorsaves in the first, nine in the secing through 19 games doing ond and eight in the final period most of his damage in nonto beat Robert Morris. The last time Army shutout conconference affairs with Scott Hudson tops in goal scoring. secutive opponents was February 15-16, 2008. Freshman Matt Coleman (Brentwood) was the top fresh Freshman Andrew O’Leary netted his first collegiate man in goals and scoring. goal January 12th against Air Force. Sophomore Brian Fleming had earned eight of the Army senior defenseman Cheyne Rocha played in his team’s first 11 wins in net. 100th career game January 18th versus RIT. He is the third Army player to eclipse the century mark in games played R.P.I. joining Andy Starczewski (Whitesboro) (120) and John Junior defenseman Mat Bodie (70 points) is just four Clark (117) points shy of the Union career points record by a defense Atlantic Hockey Commissioner, Robert M. DeGregoman in the Division I era record held by Lane Caffaro ‘09 rio, Jr. suspended Army freshman, Andrew O’Leary, for (79 points). an additional two games under the leagues supplemental Milos Bubela was named the ECAC Hockey Rookie discipline policy. O’Leary was given a major penalty for of the Month for December. The freshman forward was contact to the head/cross-checking and also received a the top scorer for the Engineers in six games, tallying five disqualification penalty at the 6:02 mark of the first period goals and four assists for nine points, was also a plus-4, on Saturday, December 29 against Canisius. Along with and had at least one point in four games and multiple O’Leary sitting out the series finale against the Griffs, he points in three. missed the Black Knights two-game series on January 4-5 Jason Kasdorf was named the ECAC Hockey Rookie at Tate Rink against Robert Morris. of the Week for the period ending January 20th. Against


Eastern New York Men’s College Hockey Report

Freshmen William Huber (Hopewell) and James Murphy (Long Island) continue to pace the Vikings, who were ranked third in the nation as of January 26th. Huber led the country with 44 points though 15 games and Murphy was tops in goals with 25 over the same period.

Colgate & Cornell on the weekend he had 66 saves. In the December 31st edition of The Hockey News, it was reported that Edina High School defenseman Parker Reno is committed to attend RPI. He was slotted 119th overall by Central Scouting midterm rankings and projected as a fourth round selection for the June 2013 NHL Entry Draft.


NY Hockey OnLine

East / Page 25


Senior forward Wayne Simpson became the ninth Union player in the Division I era and 22nd Union player all-time to reach 100 career points on January 12th at Quinnipiac. Sophomore defenseman Shayne Gostisbehere was one of 23 players who won a gold medal with the 2013 U.S. National Junior Team—the first Union player ever to participate in the IIHF World Junior Championships. Junior defenseman Mat Bodie (71 points) is just 7 points shy of the Union career points record by a defenseman in the Division I era record held by Lane Caffaro ‘09 (79 points). Union is the only team in the nation to have top-4 power play and penalty kill units.

East News and Notes ... Greater New York Ice Hockey League has announced the return of its 3 on 3 League and clinics for the spring of 2013. The program will run for five weeks from March 5, 2013 until April 4, 2013 on Tuesday and Thursday nights. The program will be for all age levels Mites (2005-2006) Squirts (2003-2004) Peewees (2001-2002) Bantams (1999-2000) and Midgets (1995-1998). This program is open to travel players from all organizations. However, any player from another organization other than Greater New York will need permission from their organization’s Governor. The permission should be emailed to Adam Moloney. Full details on the program available on their website http://www. gnycihl.com ...Greater New York City Ice Hockey League will field a 16U Eastern Elite Prospects League Team in 2013-14.

Other ...Port Jefferson Station native Daniel O’Donoghue of Mercyhurst was named Atlantic Hockey Conference Player of the Week for the period ending January 6th after recording his first career hat-trick as part of a career-high five-point night in Mercyhurst’s 5-2 victory at Maine. Y

College SID’s: If your logo isn’t shown, please forward it, and any photos to: Janet@nyhockeyonline.com

...The MIHS of Canada College and Junior Showcase Camp Session 1 will be held at the Brewster Ice Arena on Saturday and Sunday, March 23 & 24. The camp will showcase the top players in the tri-state area for college coaches. ...The NY-CONN Selects will be having Spring-Summer Select Travel Teams at the birth years 2007-1994. Players will be selected by coaches from the entire East Coast. Go to www.brewstericehockey.com ... MLK Weekend Winter Challenge at Ice Time in Newburgh--The Westchester Dragons traveled up to Ice Time in Newburgh MLK Weekend. They beat Maine and the Wolfpack to start the weekend. In the 3rd game the Aviators beat them 4-2. This left Maine, Aviators and the Dragons tied for 2 playoff spots. Maine and the Dragons advanced with the fewest goals as tie breaker. In the finals Maine beat the Dragons coming from behind to win 4 to 3. Chris Ramondelli was tournament MVP. Coach Rich Guberti was happy

with his teams play in reaching the finals for the 2nd tournament in a row. “ A good effort but now it is time to win a championship.” Guberti exclaimed.

East: Please forward your news and photos, along with team logos to: nyhockeyonline@ nyhockeyonline.com


NY Hockey OnLine

Raptors / Page 26

Teaming Up for a Cause! by Randy Schultz Randy@nyhockeyonline.com


t is 2 p.m. on a Saturday afternoon in January. Steve Grossman arrives at the Ebersole Ice Rink in White Plains, NY. For approximately the next five hours Grossman will be participating in the 2013 Hockey North America Winter Classic. The event was held on January 12 as a fundraiser to benefit the New York Raptors, Westchester’s Special needs hockey team. Grossman’s involvement was two-fold: he is a coach with the Raptors and is a player for the Ice Breakers, an adult hockey team that would be participating in the opening hockey game that afternoon versus the Lightning. The primary game featured the Raptors playing the Long Island Blues. For Grossman, Saturday is just another day at the “hockey office.” All proceeds of the event went to the Raptors to assist in equipment, ice time, travel expense for tournaments, and scholarship programs. “There is a lot of work that goes into something like this,” commented Grossman. “There are a lot of

people who donated a lot of time to this event as well. “And the HNA really stepped up. They really helped out a lot and took care of a lot of the big expenses. “The great part of all of this is that for four hours these kids feel no different than anyone else. These kids actually skate better than me. “My son plays on this team. He’s learned to go after the puck and then to pass it to another player. “It’s taken seven years to do it. But it has been worth it. When he does it today, it actually brings a tear to my eye.” Hockey North America was started in 1980, hot on the heels of Team USA’s gold medal win at Lake Placid, by --Steve Grossman a group of people that wanted to learn how to play the game. At that time there were no adult beginner schools, so they developed on. Today, 33 years later, HNA continues to operate adult hockey leagues in both the United States and Canada. The Raptors are part of a special ice hockey program designed

“Everybody is a winner.”

to bring the thrill of hockey to players of all abilities. Special hockey is a unique program open to children and adults with developmental and other disabilities who are unable or ineligible to participate in other organized hockey programs due to their disabilities. The team is only one of about 50 U.S. teams affiliated with Special Hockey International and the USA Hockey/American Special Hockey Association. The team skates at the Westchester Skating Academy in Elmsford on Sunday afternoons in the fall and winter. The Blues, an ASHA team, play other ASHA teams all over the east coast like the Albany Cougars, New Jersey Daredevils and Raptors. The players listed on the Raptors roster for the game included: Adam Boekman, Michael Cardiello, Victor Chung, Greg DiRoma, Max Fahrbach, Max Feldman, James Ferrara. Evan Grossman, Michael Grossman, David Inz, Kimberly Jones, Sam Kahn-Kravis, Alyssa Kaye, David Majsak, Logan Mensch. Michael Meyers, Conner Milligan, Nicholas Quartarone, Vineet Reddy, Joseph Riguzzi, Vincent Saturn, Timmy Singleton. Adam Stein, Amare Stephen, Nick Tiseo, Johathan Valencia, Mat-


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Raptors / Page 27

thew Von Dollen, Patrick Walsh and Jacob Wiener. The Blues roster included Conor Heffernan, Michael Israelton, Justin Katzman, John Lachky, Alex Lagueuex. Lynn Lakis, Victor Lipovec, Erica Maginnis, Matthew Miley, Daniel Mulvaney, Nilo Nantsis, Ethan Obayley. John Ortega, Travis Ortega, Andrew Papush, Joseph Penzel, Matthew Pope, Chelsea Poretti. Nicholas Russo, Daniel Savitz, Keith Theiss, Paul Weinberg, Chase Wolanski, Michael Azveski. For Liz Truly, head coach of the Raptors, it was truly a special day. “We wanted to offer the

public an opportunity to see a different phase of hockey,” remarked Truly. “USA Hockey has the theme of ‘hockey is for everyone.’ “A game like this ‘hockey is for everyone’ really takes on a very special meaning. We spend a lot of time practicing during the season. “It takes many of our players longer to acquire the skills needed to play the game, not to mentioned the positional skill needed to play hockey. When we reach that point of the season when we can put all of our players on the ice and play a competitive game, it is a very special time for our players. “It calls on them to use not just their playing skills, but their team skills and social skills as well. There is a lot going on out there on the ice for these

players. “The Raptors also know many of the players on the Blues because the two teams have played against each other many times over the years. Many friendships have developed because of this. “It all adds up to a special day for all of us.” Maybe Grossman summed it up the best. “There are no losers in a game like this between the Raptors and Blues. You don’t look at the scoreboard. “Everybody is a winner.” Y


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Raptors / Page 26

Memories from the 2013 New York Raptors Winter Classic


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East / Page 29

Shenae Lundberg was named the Hogan Hockey/ECAC Goaltender of the Month for December. She had a 2-2-1 record with 144 saves, a .928 save percentage and by Janet Schultz 2.18 GAA. This was the first time a Janet@nyhockeyonline.com woman player was given the monthly honor. She was also named Goalie of the Week on The Engineers are 8-15-1 on the October 23 and November 13. season and face Colgate, Cornell, Leading the Dutchwomen in scoring are Courtney Clarkson, St. Lawrence, Yale and Turner with 4 goals/7 assists; Jessica Kaminsky, 5 Brown before calling the season a goals/6 assists and Christine Valente, 5 goals and 6 finish. assists. Jenn Godin (Clarence Center/ Buffalo’s Haley Welch has an assist. Welch (East Tabor Academy) is fifth in scoring Amherst/Nichols) is a sophomore defenseman. with 1 goal and 9 assists for 10 points in 25 games. Players Rebecca Babiak and Jessica Kaminsky Leading is Alexa Gruschow, a freshman forward with visited Darah Joseph, a young girl battling with Ew9 goals and 11 assist for 20 points. ing’s Sarcoma over the holiday break back in their hometown of Winnipeg, Manitoba. Manhattanville Babiak and Kaminsky met up with Darah through Head Coach Claudia Asano Barcomb and Shelly The Manhattanville Valiants have Shinebarger, Director of Student Support Services at faced much adversity this season Union College. Shelly’s daughter Kristen Shinebarger following the destroying of their was diagnosed with the same disease and heard about home arena, Playland, to Hurricane Darah’s story through a website called CaringBridge. Sandy. They are currently calling The website is a health social network that allows Terry Connors Rink in Stamford, users to stay connected with friends and family with a Ct. home. personal website. The Shinebarger and Joseph fami They are 11-7-1 on the season lies have been in touch, exchanging tips and learning as they look to play Castleton, New England, Salve about the latest research about Ewing’s Sarcoma. Regina, Holy Cross, Norwich and St. Michaels in The 13-year-old girl was an all-around athlete that upcoming games. played hockey, track and volleyball. In a track meet Katie Little is leading the scoring chard with 9 back in the spring of 2011, Joseph broke her femur goals and 9 assists. Smithtown’s Melissa Hauptman after crossing the finish line in a 100-meter sprint. (Sound Shore Warriors of MAWHL) has one goal this The break led to complications and unusual swelling, season. resulting in further X-rays, CT scans, MRIs, and a Manhattanville is ranked #9 in the USCHO.,com biopsy of her lungs. Doctors eventually diagnosed her DIII poll., with Ewing’s Sarcoma, a rare and complex disease in The coaching staff of Manhattanville is looking which cancer cells are found in the bone or soft tisto compile a database of former players. Please email sue. them if you were part, or know of someone who was, Both Babiak and Kaminsky found Joseph’s story of their team. “dedicated” and “inspirational” as the young girl is determined to one-day skate again. Additionally, the Union College Union Freshman commented that Joseph’s story was humbling and was enlightened by her positive out The Dutchwomen are 7-16-3 overall and look to look on life. face Cornell, Colgate, St. Lawrence, Clarkson, Brown They presented Darah with an autographed jersey and Yale as season-enders. by all the Dutchwomen players and coaching staff. Y

East Women’s College Report


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East Showcase / Page 30

East High School Tournament Showcases The Best!


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East Showcase / Page 31

Inaugural Hudson Valley All-Star Event A Success! by Randy Schultz Randy@nyhockeyonline.com


he first ever All-Star Showcase was held between the Hudson Valley High School Ice Hockey League (HVHSIHL) and the Suffolk County High School Hockey League (SCHSHL) was held on Sunday, January 20. The Showcase featured the best players from the JV level of each league playing each other in the first contest, while the second game had the top players from the Varsity level of each league playing. “I have been implementing programs that attract and foster a competitive environment for our talented high school hockey players in the six counties we serve in the Hudson Valley area,” said Craig Smith, President of the HVHSIHA. “At this showcase the Hudson Valley players competed against All-Stars from the SCHSHA. “Both the JV and Varsity games will give tri-state colleges, universities and junior or travel programs and excellent opportunity to assess their ability and potential for their respective teams. “Our focus here has been to continue to grow the Hudson Valley League. We want to give our kids the opportunity and exposure. “When we announced the idea, we immediately got response from the New York Rangers as well

as many different colleges and universities in the area. I think players from the Hudson Valley area have been overlooked in recent years. “We’re trying to change that. Among the college recruiters who registered for the event included Marist College, Siena College, RPI, SUNY Albany, Maritime College, SUNY New Paltz, the University of New Hampshire, New York Applecore and numerous travel programs. William Ducey of Maritime College was one of the scouts on hand for the game. “The key to any successful hockey program is recruitment,” said Ducey, who is Director of Player Operations for Maritime. “This is where you come to find the good talent. “We have a couple of players on our team already from this area. We hope to add some more if possible. “It’s an excellent idea,” commented Ralph Scannapieco, president of the East Section of the New York State Amateur Hockey Association. “They are combining the All-Stars from each league. “It is very similar when, back in the day, Nassau County would put together an All-Star team and play Suffolk County. “And it’s all for a good cause

and getting the kids some recognition.” Sannapieco continued. “There is excellent high school hockey here in the Hudson Valley Region. It’s also great to see hockey back here in a building like the Ice Time Sports Complex here in Newburgh. “The original owners of the building sold it a few years ago. The new owners came in and really didn’t seem to know what they were doing. “What had been a thriving hockey arena at one time, suddenly was not thriving. Finally those owners closed the building down. “Then the original owners came back in the picture, with a new group of investors, and reopened the building this past fall. That was great, not only for the community, but for high school hockey as well. “This building is once again thriving.” Smith echoed those comments. “Having this building open again has really brought life back into the community,” remarked Smith. “When the building closed a year and a half ago, it hurt amateur hockey here. “Players who played for travel teams went to other areas to play. Once the building reopened, a lot of those players came back. “It’s a win-win situation for everyone involved.” Y


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East Showcase / Page 32

HVHSIHA Junior Varsity All-Stars NAME PLAYS FOR Thomas Alsdorf Washingtonville Richie Bittles OCW Mike Carfora OCW Billy Cole John Jay Robert Cunney Washingtonville Andrew Glum John Jay Hannah Hackett FDR Wyatt Kelly FDR Matthew Laya Washingtonville Kyle Ludwig John Jay Chris Macagnone Arlington Alex Markgjonaj Washingtonville Chris Mattone Washingtonville Charlotte Peterson FDR Zack Prosser FDR Colton Rogers OCW Joe Scaglione Arlington Jason Seitz OCW Michael Sirota Washingtonville Jordan Stein FDR Joe Tofallos OCW Austin Valentine Arlington Nick Williams John Jay

SCHSHL Junior Varsity All-Stars Joshua Cremer Kings Park/ Andrew Cuffaro Northport/Huntington Matthew Cunningham Half Hollow Hills Evan Gennarelli Connetquot William Hanley St. John’s Kyle Henshaw West Islip Evan Hyman Half Hollow Hills Michael Ioveno Connetquot Devin Jenny Smithtown Jonah Kann Northport/Huntingtonn James Kateridge East Islip Nicholas Magliano Sachem Alexander Marino Kings Park/Commack Sean Mccabe St. John’s Thomas Moore Ward Melville Alex Salvarezza Sachem Samuel Scavone Ward Melville Connor Schwarz East Islip Ian Wallace West Islip Anthony Zyller Smithtown

HVHSIHL VARSITY ALL-STARS Nick Allardi Arlington Steven Beck FDR Aidan Burkhard FDR Jack Busch John Jay Tim Conlin OCW Chris Cookingham FDR Lucian Dempsey John Jay Brandon Doherty John Jay Nick Donato Arlington Ryan Doyle OCW John Everson Washingtonville Ben Fleischman FDR Matthew Graham Arlington Brian Hogan Arlington Connor Hogan Washingtonville Richard Krafft Washingtonville Michael Laffin John Jay Jayson Maserjian OCW Liam McAleer Washingtonville Kyle McNamara OCW John Morris Arlington Art Ryan FDR Matt Tiedtke FDR Jack Tofallos OCW Michael Valentine John Jay SCHSHL VARSITY ALL-STARS Anthony Abruzzo Middle Country Nick Ambrey Smithtown Bryan Arroyo Connetquot Chris Digiovanna Sachem P.J. Dimartino Connetquot Brian Fenster Connetquot Michael Giola Smithtown Michael Guidi St. Anthony’s Phil Marino East Islip Stephen Montgomery St. John’s Daniel Nelson Smithtown Matthew Oshaunessy St. John’s Chris Perpezko Half Hollow Hills Anthony Pollice Sachem Alex Posillico Sachem Dylan Scarpinella Northport/Huntington Eric Steinberg Half Hollow Hills Eric Tatarian Half Hollow Hills Sean Tinschert Kings Park/Commack Josh Wegar St. John’s


Hockey North

Empire State Winter Games Lake Placid - February 7-10 (Photo: West vs Adirondack, 2010)

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North / Page 34


The Watertown Daily News reported in early January that Carl Michaelson was replaced as head coach by Pat Martin, currently the school’s assistant athletic director and compliance coordinator. Martin was previously Canton’s head coach for seven campaigns helping them qualify for the NJCCA national championship tournament three times, including the championship game in 2001-02. No reason was given for the change. The Roos were 7-13 with five games remaining on the schedule. Trevor Wight and John Payne were tied for the team lead in goals while Corey Frizell was tops with eight assists.

Northern New York Men’s College Hockey Report by Warren Kozireski

sixth rounder.


The Cardinals rode a five-game conference unbeaten streak into February and were doing it with defense—a league best 15 goals allowed in ten games. Freshman Luke Baleshta continues his bid for SUNYAC Rookie of the Year honors tied for the team lead with senior Jared Docking in CLARKSON points. The team allowed one or fewer The Golden Knights added TJ goals in all but three of their first Moor at the January break and he ten conference games this season. recorded his first career multiplepoint night with a pair of assists January 19th against St. Lawrence. POTSDAM He has tallied three assists through One win since the 2013 portion five games. Six of their final eight games of the schedule began has the Bears two points out of a playoff position come on home ice. Golden Knights commitment as the schedule turned to February. Troy Joseph’s was listed 166th Billy Pascalli (Deer Park) was overall in the Central Scouting the top rookie scorer on the team midterm rankings for the June 2013 with 14 point in his first 18 games. NHL Entry Draft. That projects as a Freshman goaltender Jon Hall

(Dexter) made 33 saves to earn his first collegiate win January 11th versus Western New England.


Kyle Flanagan and Greg Carey stood-3-4 in the nation in points per game as of the end of January with Carey tied for second in goals per game and Flanagan sixth in assists per game. Defenseman George Hughes was also fourth in points per game by blueliners. The Saints came out of a winless December by going 4-2-1 in January. Six of ten games at home the rest of the way may help in their quest for a first round home playoff series. RIT assistant coach Brian Hill’s son Trevor has committed to play for the Saints beginning in fall 2013. He is currently with Chilliwack of the BCHL. Y


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North / Page 35

ADK Winter Classic XIX Girl’s Hockey Tournament

he Adirondack Winter Classic Girls Ice Hockey Tournament was held January 18-21 at Glens Falls Civic Center. This is one of the oldest and largest “Girls only” ice hockey tournaments in New York. Adirondack hosts 50 teams from Canada and the Northeast states that participate in five age divisions. As always, the Northstars use the tourney to raise money for local charities, and have raised almost $30,000 since 2006. Games were also played at Glens Falls Rec Center on Fire Rd, Glens Falls and at the Lake George Forum, 2200 State Rte 9, Lake

George. The results listng the top four finishers follows: 12U Rec Ottawa Valley Connecticut Quarry Cats Greenwich 12U A Charles River Kanata CNY Bobcats Connecticut 14U Rec Clifton Park Beacon Hill Adirondack Massena

Northern News and Notes... Bethlehem--The Pee Wee A team won the 18th Annual Power Play Invitational in Oswego in January. They went 5-0 on the tournament and beat Ithaca 4-1 for the championship. Anthony Sericolo was named MVP and Thomas Liebold won the Skills Competition. Capital District--The Over 24 Non-Checking League will hold the Labatt Blue Hosley Pond Hockey Tournament on Saturday Feb. 23 at Averill Park. For information go to www.labattbluepondhockey.com Clifton Park--The 14A and 14UB teams took gold at the Adirondack Winter Classic. Olivia Scolmiero won the Puck/Stick Handling event and Emina Acee and

14U A Clifton Park Ct. Polar Bears Princeton Ottawa Valley 16U A North Country Troy Albany Westchester Buffalo Stars 19U A Black: Buffalo Stars Ottawa Valley Northern Lights Red: Monroe County Lake Placid Y

LIzzy Congrusta took the speed relay in the Skills Competition. Clifton’s Bantam B team won the Auburn Tournament. Lewis County--The Cobras won the first game of the Alex Bay Hutchenson Memorial Tournament 5-3. The first goal was scored by Kindrie Roy and Devan Maurer added the other four. Assists went to Jake Plamer and Tyler Dubach. Albany Academy Girls Varsity Ice Hockey Team is heading for the State Finals after Emily Cassin had a hat trick and Zoe Shannon had a 32-shot shutout in a 5-0 win over Lake Placid. Albany now faces #1 Beekmantown.


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North / Page 36

North Women’s College Report by Janet Schultz



risten Domanski was named ECAC West Rookie of the Holowka Domanski Week for January 6. She had her first two collegiate goals in a win at the Double Tree Ice Hockey Classic in South Burlington, VT. She scored the first goal of the tournament at 3:34 in a 6-4 win over Nichols College. Her second career goal came in the third period of a 4-1 victory over St. Michaels. Alexandra Holowka was named to the ECAC West Honor Rll on January 6 after a four point weekend at the Classic. Dawn Salvarina was named ECAC West Goalie of the Week for January 14. She stopped 71 of 74 shots in two starts and a 4-1 win over Castleton and a 2-0 loss to Utica. In nine games she has a .917 save percentage and 254 GAA. The Bears are 7-10-2 as they bring the 2012-13 season to an end. They have a game against Hamilton and Plattsburgh, two against Chatham and Buffalo before the end of the season.


Shannon Stewart (Pickering,Ont) was named ECAC West Player of the Week for January 13 after having 7 points in 2 games against Oswego. She had the game winner in an 8-0 win and in 19 games has 18 goals and 12 assists. Teal Grove leads the scoring with 17 goals/16 assists for 33 points. Lynbrook’s Alyssa Parke has 5 goals and 6 assists this season. She came from the

National Sports Academy. Plattsburgh is on top in the USCHO.com DIII poll. They finish their season with games against Middlebury, Utica, Potsdam and Neumann.


The Golden Knights have a 206-0 overall record this season and play ECAC rivals St. Lawrence, RPI, Union, Princeton, Quinnipiac, Dartmouth and Harvard before ending the season. Jamie Lee Rattray has 16 goals and 22 assists followed by Carly Mercer with 13 goals/22 assists. ECAC honors went to Brittany Styner, Danielle Skirrow, Erica Howe and Erin Ambrose as they were named to the Honor Roll during the month of January. Howe was also named ECAC Goalie of the Week on January 14.

St. Lawrence

Kelly Sabatine leads the scoring with 12 goals/16 assists followed by Rylee Smith, 10 goals/16 assists and Amanda Boulier, 5 goals/20 assists. Carmen MacDonald was named Goaltender of the Week for January 9 after a shutout over Northeastern and making 30 saves against #5 Boston College. St. Lawrence is 14-10-2 overall and will play Clarkson, Union, RPI, Quinnipiac, Harvard and Dartmouth in February.


The Kangaroos are 5-12-1 in their Inaugural Season with two games left on February 1 against St. Lawrence and February 2 at Oswego. They will also take part in the Eastern Collegiate Women’s Hockey Tournament at the University of Rhode Island on February 15-17. Several New York natives are playing for the Roos. Grace Lyone (Winthrop/St. Lawrence Central) has 9 goals/2 assists; Caty Darling (Oswego/Oswego High) has one goal and 4 assists; Karley Creek (Hogansburg/Salmon River Central) 6 goals/4 assists; Stephanie Hyde (Massena/North Country Storm) 3 goals; Devyn Hutcheson (Oswego/Oswego High) 3 goals and Steph Kushir (Goshen/Trinity Pawling) 2 goals/3 assists this season. Canton’s Isreal Tyler has been playing forward and defense for 13 games. Y


Hockey NY West

Rochester Players Make News-Maksymum Players Named to All Star at Elite Prospects Girls Travel to Russia!

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Haseks Heroes & Kids / Page 38

Hasek’s Heroes and Kids Escaping Drugs Announce Game for a Goal Results


he Sabres Foundation teamed up with Hasek’s Heroes and Kids Escaping Drugs to create the Game for a Goal initiative. In a year when the only hockey headlines involved contract talks, over 300 young athletes from the WNY Community pledged to playing and living healthy and dedicated one of their games to Game for a Goal to benefit Kids Escaping Drugs and Hasek’s Heroes. Hasek’s Heroes was started in 2001 by former Buffalo Sabres’ goalie, Dominik Hasek while he was still playing for the team. Hasek provided $1 million in financial support with the intent of providing underprivileged children the opportunity to play hockey. Louis, a father of two young boys described the joy and confidence his sons received through the Hasek’s Heroes program. “Without the support of Sean Green and the family at Hasek’s my boys would never know what it means to step on the ice, let alone play the game of hockey. I don’t have the ability to financially provide them this opportunity, and now that they play, I can’t ever imagine their life without hockey.” Alcohol and Drug Dependency Services Foundation Inc., also known as Kids Escaping Drugs (KED), raises, manages and distributes funds for the development and support of the Renaissance Campus, a 62 bed residential rehab facility for adolescents 12 – 20 suffering from drug and/or alcohol addiction. KED also provides community education and advocacy programs for adolescents and their families in Western New York suffering from alcohol and/or drug dependency/addiction. Will, a graduate from the Renaissance Campus, said, “Renaissance helped me because it showed me how to

be me again and how to have fun. Most importantly, it taught me how to live.” On behalf of Game for a Goal’s partners, Buffalo Sabres, McMahon Agency, Chiampou Travis Besaw & Kershner, LLP, and Landmark Wealth Management, we would like to recognize and thank all the

gratulate the following teams as the AllStar Drawing winners: Cazenovia Chiefs Squirt Minor, Clarence Mustangs PeeWee Minor, Clarence Mustangs Bantam Minor and Niagara County Coyotes Peewee. In addition, the top four fundraising teams that met the program’s Rink Rat requirements were eligible to win one of the following prizes: team’s season banquet in the party suite at a Sabres game, a pizza lunch during a Sabres practice at the First Niagara Center and tour of the locker room, (30) 300-level tickets to a Sabres game along with a post-game meeting with a player or autographed mini-sticks for the entire roster delivered by Sabres Alumni at a team practice. Our Rink Rat Contest winners were Wheatfield Blades Mite Major AAA, Amherst Blue Bandits Girls House, Amherst White Breakaways Girls House and Buffalo Regals PeeWee AA. We awarded Clarence Mustangs Youth Hockey and Cazenovia Park Hockey Association as the Organizations of the Year. These two organizations had the highest percentage of participation in Game for a Goal. For more information please visit the Game for a Goal website www.GameforaGoal.com or Facebook page www.facebook.com/gameforagoal. Once again we gratefully thank all our supporters and friends for their participation in Game for a Goal. Y

Clarence Mustangs Youth Hockey Cazenovia Park Hockey Association Named Organizations of the Year participants and supporters of the 1st Annual Game for a Goal. We appreciate the support and dedication received by these teams. The participating Shut-Out Club Teams (raised between $300.00 and $750.00) included: Buffalo Regals PeeWee AA, Clarence Mustangs Mite Minor, Clarence Mustangs Squirt Minor, Clarence Mustangs Squirt Major, Clarence Mustangs PeeWee Minor, Clarence Mustangs PeeWee Major, Clarence Mustangs Bantam Minor, Cazenovia Chiefs PeeWee (Gallo), Cazenovia Chiefs PeeWee (Rosen), Cazenovia Chiefs Squirt Minor, Cazenovia Chiefs 10 & Under and Niagara County Coyotes PeeWee. The participating 98 Gold Medaler Teams (raised between $751.00 and $1250.00) included: Amherst Blue Bandits House Girls, Amherst White Breakaways House Girls and Wheatfield Blades Mite Major AAA. All participants received one Buffalo Sabres wristband and one limited edition Game for a Goal wristband. All teams were entered into an All Star drawing for unique hockey experiences. We con-


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West / Page 39

Girls Spring Hockey 2013 Just Around the Corner!

irls Spring Hockey and WNY Elite Hockey continue to develop and improve selected girl travel players during the spring. The program has grown just as the Girls Game has. Coaches David Carlon, James Roland and Patrick Becker continue to expand and grow the Girls Spring Hockey program. Begun in 2011 the program has grown to accommodate youth age players from throughout the region. The initial focus was on 2001 and 2002 female hockey players, and starting in 2013, will begin to involve the 2003 and 2004 age group. Coach Dave Carlon stated that “eight (8) different organizations were represented at our camp and on the tournament team. We had Elite girls from Syracuse, NY through Erie, PA and organizations in between. Many of the girls play on Boys travel teams during the year but the spring was for them to play with other girls”. The ten (10) week camp/clinic allows players to focus on further developing their skills with other high level players. Competition is a part of every clinic whether it is in stick handling, shooting, passing drills or minigames. Coach Becker indicated “we saw a dramatic improvement from all of our girls from our first clinic to our last tournament game.” Coach Jamie Roland added “not only do the girls leave us with an improved skill set and return to their winter team a better player all around player, they leave with a new set of friends and an experience that they will talk about for year to come”. WNY Elite Hockey for Girls played in four (4) tournaments and won two (2) of them this past spring. WNY Elite Hockey will continue this spring and may play in a variety of events such as Skate for a Cure; Boys vs Girls; and different tourna-

ments such as Kingston, ON, Toronto, and Rochester. If you have a player interested (birth year 01-04), please contact Coach Carlon at girlsspringhockey@yahoo.com as this is a select camp. WHAT IS GIRLS SPRING HOCKEY? This is 10 week camp that concentrates on ice training that will allow our players to develop and improve their individual skills while competing against top quality players. We focus on skills such as puck control, shooting and passing through a variety of small group stations and small ice games that provides players with the confidence to be creative and successful. We provide an exceptional opportunity for our players to create friendships with other top players in the area, and to develop and grow in a structured and organized hockey program. WHERE DO OUR PLAYERS COME FROM? In our first year, we had 15 skaters from the Buffalo area and Southern Ontario, and have grown to over 25 girls that include players from Erie, PA, Rochester, and Syracuse. Most of these players are playing at travel AA levels or higher, and many girls come from Tier 1 and Tier 2 girl teams.

developed our weekly sessions to touch on all aspects of the game, and concentrate on different skills each week. DOES THE CAMP INCLUDE ANY TOURNAMENT PLAY? In our first year, we competed in the CAN-LAN Summer Chill in Toronto. It was a great experience, and we played against older teams. By 2012, we expanded into a variety of opportunities, under the “WNY Elite Hockey” name, we had a team participate in the Skate for Cure, Can-Lan Summer Chill in Toronto, Rochester Maksymum Hockey Spring Tournament, and placed a team in the North American Prospects (NAPS) Tournament. Our 10U and 12U teams placed first in Rochester in June 2012. WHAT IS THE COST – We utilize the Tacoma North Buffalo ice rink, and have 1 and 2 hour sessions on Saturday morning from April through June. The cost is based on the number of players in each session and will range from $150 to $175 per player this season. Tournament costs are extra. Please visit or website at http:// dcarlon.wix.com/girlsspringhockeycom or contact us at girlsspringhockey@yahoo.com for more information. Y (Article submitted by Spring Hockey Program organizers)

WHAT DOES THE PROGRAM OFFER? First and foremost this is a skill development program. We work with top players that have a strong skating ability, and focus our practice plans around individual and small groups. This is not a skating clinic, but we do focus on increased speed and confidence with the puck. We have


NY Hockey OnLine

West / Page 40

Junior Purple Eagles Award Gary Hill Memorial Scholarships


he Niagara Junior Purple Eagles Gary Hill Memorial Scholarship Committee is pleased to announce Alexander Ahne, Dylan Gagnon, Richard Minicucci, and Sarah Stanczyk as the 2012 scholarship recipients. Alexander Ahne is attending the State University of New York Insti-

tute of Technology College majoring in aerodynamic engineering, Dylan Gagnon, who attends Binghamton University, will pursue a career in mechanical engineering, Richard Minicucci attends Miami University of Ohio majoring in accounting, and Sarah Stanczyk attends Duke University as a pre-medical student. The NJPE Gary Hill Memorial Scholarship is awarded to graduating high school students, both male and female, who exhibit evidence of dedication to then Niagara Junior Purple Eagles Hockey League (formerly Grand Niagara Hockey League), extracurricular activities, humanitarianism in the community and academic achievement. It is awarded in memory of the late Coach Gary

Hill, who served as a positive role model and exemplified all of these attributes. As a coach and friend to young hockey players Mr. Hill was well respected and to this day lives on in many hearts. Y Photo from left: Steve Zafuto, scholarship committee member, Dylan Gagnon’s parents, Sarah Stanczyk, Alexander Ahne, Richard Minicucci and Judy Villani, scholarship committee chairwoman. (NJPE Photo)

Tim Horton Classic A Success, Even After Weather Delay

The Tim Horton Backyard Classic had to be rescheduled due to warm weather in Buffalo. However that didn’t stop the Tournament from becoming another successful one for Organizer Nick Penberthy. Thirty-two teams took part from youth to adult, with $25,000 raised for Hasek’s Heroes, a Buffalo-based hockey organization that assists players from economic and socially challenged areas to play hockey. Tournament winners (pictured l to r) were Adult Division: Klassy Kats; Youth: Buffalo Regals 3; High School: Buffalo Barn Muckers and Middle School: M2J2. Y


NY Hockey OnLine

West / Page 41

West News and Notes Buffalo Bison’s Capture 2nd Straight Connecticut Polar Bear Tournament By Buffalo Bisons


he Buffalo Bison’s 19U Team entered the 37th Annual Connecticut Polar Bear Tournament with the goal of repeating as Champion after capturing the title last year. The Bison’s opened the tournament by going undefeated in the preliminary by beating Mid Fairfield, Boston Terriers, Princeton, and New England Junior Falcons. In the Quarter Finals the Buffalo Bison’s beat the Vermont Shamrocks by a score of 3-0. The next morning the Bison’s defeated the Dallas Stars 3-1. That would pit the Bison’s against the Connecticut Polars Bears who is nationally recognized. The Bison’s won a hard fought game by a score of 2-0 to capture the title for the second year in a row! Over the last 2 years, the Buffalo Bison’s 19’s have won 14 games straight in this tournament.

Nichols Leads NAPHA League


ichols recently hosted the North American Prep Hockey Association League weekend tournament. Nichols opened up the weekend with a 3-3 tie with Ridley College. Nichols rallied from a 3 goal deficit with 3 minutes left in the game to

tie the game with 1 second left to play. Nichols would play Gilmore Academy in game 2, and won by a score of 2-0. Nichols then went on to win convincingly over Wyoming Seminary 4-0 and Trinity College 9-0. Nichols currently is in first place in the league with a record of 7W-0L1T.

Batavia Ramparts on ‘ Major Winning Streak!


he Batavia Rampart Pee Wee III have a 21-0-0 record as they continue on their winning streak.

Maksymum’s Peters MVP


aksymum Stars U16 AAA player Chris Peters was named the MVP of the 2013 Eastern Junior Elite Prospects League All-Star Event. Peters started the event with two goals in a 6-4 loss for the White team on Sunday, and finished with three assists in a 4-0 win on Monday to take home the MVP award. Peters leads the Stars and is tied for fourth in the EJEPL with 23 points on the season. “Chris really played well this weekend,” said Stars coach Dave Maksymiu, who also coached the White All-Star team. “He was responsible for 5 of the team’s 8 goals on the weekend.”

In the first game, Matthew Buchbinder tallied two goals and an assist and Ritchie Francis added an assist. Austin Pieniaszek and Matt Damelio registered assists in the second game for the White squad. Stars goalie Monty Cunningham stopped 25 of the 26 shots he faced in the two games. “All of our guys played great,” added Maksymiu. “They were involved in all 8 of our team’s goals.” The Stars were formed in a partnership between RYH and Maksymum Hockey to field a fullseason U16 team and have qualified for the NYS Championships.

Neal Chosen Eastern All-Star


ochester Stars defenseman Jonathan Neal was named to the Northern Division All-Star team for the 2013 Eastern Junior Hockey League All-Star Game. Neal leads all Stars defensemen in scoring this season with 15 points. The Encitas, CA native is one of six defensemen chosen to represent the Northern Division. “John is one of our captains and a leader of the team,” said Stars head coach Tony Maksymiu. “He is an outstanding skater and has had a great season so far.” The 2013 EJHL All-Star Game, the 20th annual contest, was played on January 21st, 2013 at Merrimack


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West / Page 42

Buffalo Stars Girls 16U SOLID in Lake George By Tom Mullen


he Buffalo Stars 16U team traveled to Lake George on the weekend of January 18-21, 2013 for the Adirondack Northstars Winter Classic XIX tournament they came home disappointed but more determined than ever. The Stars had a pretty solid showing considering the team was hit hard with the flu bug. In the first game they took on the Lady Quakers of Pennsylvania, a team that had beaten them earlier in the season. The Stars came out fast and furious dominating the Quakers but found themselves in penalty trouble. Forward Megan Urbank then took control scoring two shorthanded goals and bringing the momentum back to her team. Goaltender Mikaela Ditonto kept the Quakers off the board and Urbank finished off her natural hat trick with a strong goal driving to the net in the third period. The Stars played well, moving the puck sharply in the offensive zone using all five players. They were also very strong in the faceoff circles. Defenseman Leanne Atkisson won the Spirit and Sportsmanship award for the game. On Sunday night the Stars traveled to the Glens Falls Civic Center to face the Troy Albany Ice Cats. The girls out shot the Cats 28-8. Troy Albany came away with a 3-0 win.

Shannon Munley received the Spirit and Sportsmanship award for the game. On Monday morning the Stars faced the Webster Cyclones in the quarterfinal round. In a game that was win or go home situation Goaltender Alessandra Santarosa kept the Cyclones in check. Megan Urbank who won the Spirit and Sportsmanship award for this game had 1 goal and 1 assist. Alyssa Franklin scored and Katelyn Koester with her 3rd period goal sealed the victory. The win put the team back in the Civic Center with a semifinal showdown against the #1 seed, North Country Wild. The Wild had not lost or been scored on in their last two tournaments. The Wild scored first, but 30 seconds later Koester countered for the Stars with the assist going to Emily Certo. North Country showed their talent in the second period scoring 4 goals to take a 5-1 lead. The Stars came out strong in the 3rd period. Megan Urbank continued to show her skills with another goal for the Stars. The Stars didn’t give up but lost 6-2. Madeline Kromer received the Spirit and Sportsman award for this final game. “A loss is a loss but I am extremely proud of my team” said Coach Dawn Robinson. “To play a team like this we need everyone healthy and going.” “I love these girls, they never quit. There is no shame losing to a team like that” Said Coach Norm Robinson. The tournament featured a skills competition and the Stars made their presence known there. Sisters Megan and Jessica Urbank won the Fastest Skater Relay in 16U

Division. The 16U team is a very close group and enjoys being together and this was evident throughout the entire weekend but notable at the skills competition with the entire team dressed up in team colors and sunglasses to support each other and the 19U team as well. A job well done to Coaches, Dawn and Norm Robinson, Mike Ditonto and Scott Then, who not only coach the 16U but the 19U. The 16U and 19U girls and families shared a bus for the ride to Lake George and a great time was had by all. This 16U team would like to thank President Peter Preteroti and Vice president Greg Flurry for joining the teams on the bus and at the games, we all appreciated the support. The 16U team would also like to congratulate their big sisters on the 19U team for winning the championship. All in all it was a great weekend for the Buffalo Stars Girl Hockey. The girls will now take the next few days to load up on chicken soup and Vick’s as they get ready for Erie, Pennsylvania looking to defend their 16U Championship from last year in the SARAH Backstrom tournament.


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West / Page 43

Buffalo Stars Girls 19U Win the XIX Adirondack Northstar Winter Classic

By Dawn Robinson


his past weekend the Buffalo Stars Girls U19 team headed to Lake George to participate in the Adirondack Winter Classic. With a possible five games in 48 hours the girls had their work cut out for them. Up first for the Stars on Saturday afternoon, the Northern Lights from Connecticut. In a game that had plenty of offense for both teams the Stars topped the Lights 3 – 1. Goal scorers for the Stars Meghan Fonfara, Bernadette O’Connell and Lizz Stoner. Sunday morning the girls faced off against a tough Ottawa Valley Thunder team. In another offensive game the Stars came up short 2 – 0. Sunday evening the girls regrouped to face the always tough and feisty Brewster Lady Bulldogs. The girls had their “A” game with Bernadette O’Connell leading the way with 2 goals and Alyssa Cardina with the clincher to top the Bulldogs 3 – 1. Two wins was enough to put the girls in the semi-finals Monday morning where they faced the Rochester Edge from Monroe. The Edge and Stars have faced off a four times this year and the girls knew it would be a very close game. The Edge came out flying the first period, out shooting Buffalo at the end of the period the Stars somehow managed to score on the lone shot to stay even with the Edge with the Stars goal being scored by Marissa Janiga. A scoreless second period lead to an exciting third period, when Marissa Janiga scored her 2nd goal of the game at the 9:34 mark. Courtney Thornton put Buffalo

up by 2 with 7:16 remaining in the game. The Edge came back hard and scored with 5:42 to get within one. With a minute to go Monroe pulled the goalie for the extra attacker, but could not get a puck by Lauren Orynawka in net. With just 90 minutes between games the girls needed to rest up and get ready to face Ottawa Valley in the finals. Buffalo started a little slow, but turned it on and with a very aggressive fore check and forced the Thunder to turn over the puck time and time again. Bernadette O’Connell put the Buffalo up 1 zip at the 8:28 mark of the 1st period with the assist going Meghan Fonfara. OC and Fonfara connected again at the 6:42 mark of the 1st and the 3:03 mark of the 2nd period. Buffalo never looked back and out shot Ottawa 25 -14. The Buffalo Stars are - in net Margaret Janiga and Lauren Orynawka, on defense and the captain Brandi Bauer, Alyssa Cardina, Brianna Cardina, Alexa Ditonto, Lindsey Shubbuck, and assistant captain Amanda Krauss. Up front for the Stars Meghan Fonfara, assistant captain Marissa Janiga, Claudia Koenig, Megan Niesyty, Bernadette O’Connell, Kathryn Ryan, Lizz Stoner, Courtney Thornton and Jamie Wheeler. The girls would like to send a shout out to the girl’s 16U team who inspired them to play so hard this past weekend. For more information about the Buffalo Stars visit us on line at: www.buffalostars.com

ern Division squad.

College in North Andover, MA. Neal’s Northern Division team won the contest 5-2 over the South-

Versage Chosen Empire Junior All-Star


aksymum Junior Hockey Club forward Dylan Versage has been named to the Western Conference All-Star team for the Empire Junior Hockey League All-Star Event. Versage has helped lead Maksymum to fifth place in the Western Conference, netting 22 goals and 14 assists in 28 games. His 22 goals place him in a tie for ninth in the league. The Empire All-Star Event was held on Sunday January 20th and Monday January 21st in Hooksett, NH.


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West / Page 44


Western New York Men’s College Hockey Report

The Golden Eagles rebuilding with 14 freshmen seems to paying some early dividends with rookie Jess Facchini leading the team in point and assists, rookie Shane Cavalieri tops in goals and Chase Nieuwendyk, who got a late start due to injury, scoring seven points over his first ten collegiate games.

by Warren Kozireski

Two of their first four conference wins came on the road, which could bode well for a first round playoff match-up.


After seeing their five-game unbeaten streak end in mid-January, the Bengals lost two key conference games. They host their final five games of the regular season, but are in a tight race to host a first round playoff series with five teams separated by just three points. Mike Melligan (Sanborn) and Mike Zanella (Ithaca) had both topped the 20-point mark and defenseman Ben Kramer (Great Neck) was third in rookie conference scoring.

CANISIUS Stephen Miller netted the first two goals of his career and Chris Rumble added the first two points of his tenure on a goal and an assist in just his second game against Sacred Heart January 11th. The two tallies marked the first goals scored by any Griffs freshman this season. Rumble earned Atlantic Hockey Rookie of the Week honors for the period ending January 13th as a result of his weekend efforts.

Ralph Cuddemi scored his first collegiate goal January 26th against Mercyhurst. Canisius is a perfect 8-0-0 this season when Torrey Lindsay registers a point and 1-11-5 when he is held scoreless. The Golden Griffins were 8th in the nation in scoring defense allowing just 2.12 goals per game through the first 25 games. Junior defender Ben Danford earned two assists January 12th against Sacred Heart to pass Carl Hudson for the team’s career assists record for a defenseman. The previous mark of 46 assists was set by Hudson from 2006-10. In the same contest Preston Shupe registered the 13th hat trick in Griffs history—the first since Cory Conacher on Feb. 3, 2011. On January 19th, Canisius graduate Cory Conacher ’11 became the first Griff to appear in an NHL game, recording one goal and one assist for the Tampa Bay Lightning in a 6-3 win against Washington.


The Kats were ranked fourth as of the end of January with a 7-5 league record. Ryan Rogalski (Lancaster) was third in the nation in points while Eric Mueller (Hamburg) was third in goals. Goaltender Dan Fulton (Buffalo) was fourth in goals against and winning percentage.

The unit appeared to be getting hot at the right time with four wins in five games during January.


With just one victory since November 10th, the Blue Devils were in danger of missing the conference playoffs for the first time since 2008-09, but still were with six teams within four points of each other fighting for three postseason spots. Much of the trouble was finding offense as they tallied more than two goals just twice since November while being shutout three times over the stretch. Senior Mat Hehr was the only player to exceed the ten point mark through the first 20 games. He had 12.


A three-way race with first place Oswego and third place Plattsburgh was ongoing as two of the three try to earn a first round playoff bye. Forward Brent Bisdee picked the first points of his career January 5th against Salve Regina with a pair of assists. He added his first collegiate goal January 11th versus Franklin Pierce. AJ Sgaraglio (Hicksville) picked up his first collegiate goal and goaltender Nick Horrigan made 20 saves in earning his first collegiate victory in the Salve Regina contest. Sophomore Tyler Brickler registered his first career hat trick January 25th at Cortland. Senior Adrian Rubeniuk was been named SUNYAC Goalie of the Week for the period ending January 20th. Making his first appearance since Nov. 17, Rubeniuk stopped all 27 Fredonia shots for his second career shutout.


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West / Page 45


The defending NJCCA champion and top ranked Tribunes were making a case for a repeat with a 12-6 overall record and 10-4

in conference. The team was getting balanced scoring with 11 players earning ten or more points including Mark Woinicki, who was third in the nation in assists. He along with Mike Boyd and Dan Turgeon had surpassed 20 points in 17 games. MCC will again host the national championships February 23-24 the MCC SportsCentre.


The Golden Flyers picked up the first ECAC West conference win 6-4 versus Manhattanville January 25th on home ice. Fully seven players had scored in double figures through the first 19 games of the program’s history including freshman Packy Jones (Skaneateles), senior Ben Waldman (Pittsford) and junior Zach Lewis (Syracuse).


The Purple Eagles are riding a 15-game unbeaten streak on home ice since Feb. 11, 2012. They have five home games remaining in February. Junior goaltender Carsen Chubak earned Atlantic Hockey Co-Goaltender of the Week for the week ending January 13th after helping Niagara to a weekend sweep over AIC. He pushed aside 49 Yellow Jackets shots in 120 minutes of action to extend the Purple Eagles’ current unbeaten streak to three games. Chubak wrapped up the weekend with a .942 save

percentage and a 1.50 goals-against average. Senior defenseman Jason Beattie is one of 11 finalists for the 2013 Hockey Humanitarian Award. Sophomore defenseman Kevin Albers scored his first collegiate goal at Holy Cross January 18th. Chubak recorded his first collegiate point in the same contest.

R.I.T. The duo of Chris Saracino and Greg Noyes continue to rack up the points from the blueline. Saracino is tied for third nationally in scoring by a defensemen, averaging 0.82 points per game (15 in 18 games), while Noyes is right behind with 16 points. They are the second highest scoring defensive duo in the nation. Junior goaltender Josh Watson was named the Atlantic Hockey coGoaltender of the Week or the period ending January 13th. It is Watson’s first weekly honor of his career. He stopped 57-of-60 shots and recorded his second collegiate shutout in a 4-0 win over Bentley on the 12th. Jeff Smith was named AHA Player of the Week for the period ending January 20th after scoring four goals and one assist in the Army sweep. The Tigers had allowed six shorthanded goals this season—the most in Division I hockey. They allowed two in one game twice—at St. Lawrence January 4th and earlier versus Clarkson in November. It has already been announced that the Tigers will host Michigan in 2013 and Boston College in 2014 for their annual Brick City Homecoming game played at Rochester’s Blue Cross Arena. Rumors are swirling that Bowling Green will be the opponent in 2015, but that has not officially been released as of the end January.

According to the website eliteprospects.com, Churchville native Garrett McMullen has committed to the Tigers starting in fall 2013. McMullen is with the Trail Smoke Eaters in the BCHL and had 15 goals and 31 points over his first 26 games this season. He is listed at 6’1”, 185 lbs. and is a left shot center.

OTHER AREA NOTES: ...Williamsville native Branden Komm registered his first shutout of the season and fourth career at RIT January 11th while stopping 41 shots. “I felt great,” said Komm. “I really tried to back after Christmas break and do a lot better than the first half. I was really happy with how my team played; they did a great job with team defense and the penalty kill. “This definitely helps my confidence. The important thing when I wasn’t getting shutouts is to stay confident and keep working hard. A lot of my family and friends were able to come today, so it was really special to be able to do it in front of them.” Y


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Buffalo State

West / Page 46

Western New York Women’s College Hockey Report

The Bengals are coming into the final part of the season with a 5-13-1 overall record and six ECAC West rivals to face--Cortland, Utica and Potsdam. Courtney Carnes (pictured) is leading in scoring with 4 goals and 10 assists. Buffalo’s Nikki Kirchberger (Buffalo Regals) has 3 goals/4 assists and Binghamton’s Melissa Ash (Syracuse Stars) is at 4 goals/3 assists as well. Following in scoring is Jeyna Minnick (Rochester/Edge) 4 goals/3 assists in 18 games played; Christina Zandri (Baldwinsville/Syracuse Stars) 3 goals/1 assist and Alison Mish (Canastota/CNY Bobcats) with 2 assists. Goalie Jordan Lee has a .892 save % in 19 games played.


over the weekend. She made 22 saves in a 2-2 tie against the Colonials and then in the second game was perfect, stopping all 24 shots as she faced to record her fifth shutout of the season, as RIT secured a 2-0 win. Her best save came in the third period, as she robbed Thea Imbrogno with a sliding blocker save on a shorthanded breakaway. Binnington improved to 9-5-3 this season with a 1.88 goals against average and .926 save percentage to go along with five shutouts, tied for third nationally. In four games against Robert Morris this season, she is 3-0-1 with a 0.98 goals against average and .964 save percentage. She has allowed just nine goals in her last eight games. Kourtney Kunichka (pictured) leads the scoring with 7 goals/11 assists followed by Ariane Yokoyama (6 goals/12 assists), Tenecia Hiller (9 goals/8 assists) and Captain Kim Schlattman (10 goals/6 assists). Kunichka and Schlattman hit their 100th career points on January 4. Kunichka was named CHA Player of the Week on January 20. Y

In their inaugural season as a DI team, the Tigers are 12-104 overall. Goalie Ali

by Janet Schultz Janet@nyhockeyonline.com JDSchultz3663@gmail.com

Binnington was named CHA Goaltender of the Week twice in January. Binnington was tremendous in net for the Tigers, stopping 60-of-62 shots in a road weekend sweep at Robert Morris, who was receiving votes in the USCHO.com Division I national poll. In game one Binnington made 29 saves and helped RIT kill off a key five-minute major penalty early in the third period of a 2-1 win over the Colonials. She was named the game’s second star. The following day she was even better, stopping 31-of32 shots, to be named the game’s first star, as the Tigers upended Robert Morris by the same 2-1 score for RIT’s first ever weekend sweep over a CHA opponent. Binnington has now allowed just one goal in four straight games and is 7-4-2 this season with a 2.08 goals against average and .922 save percentage. Her second honor came after Binnington stopped 46-of-48 shots in a three-point weekend for the Tigers against Robert Morris


NY Hockey OnLine

West / Page 47 Fundraiser February 16, 2013 7 pm

Girls’ Varsity Ice Hockey

Admission price is $15. 00. Pre-sale tickets available or you can pay at the door the night of the event

Gift Basket Raffle •

Doors open at 7pm

$15 per person: Includes food and non alcoholic beverages— fried chicken, appetizers and snacks

Cash bar ($2 draft beer and wine, $3 bottled beer and mixed drinks)

Music Styling of Gary C. Pufpaff

Basket Raffle and 50/50 Split Raffle

VFW Post 416 18 Spring Street (Behind the Eagle House on Main Street) Williamsville, NY 14221 633-9019 If you would like tickets for this event or would like to donate a gift basket, please contact us: Tammy Mallon 716-560-2106 Mary Ellen Kather 716-633-5357


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West / Page 48

Lady Purple Eagles Clean Up -The Community!


he Niagara Purple Eagles recognize the value in helping the community and for that reason, they are extremely proud of the work


by Tom Ruggiero, Coach


om Ruggiero has been named Girls Travel Director and will serve on the Buffalo Regals Board of Directors. He will be replacing long-time hockey volunteer Robyn Kirchberger who is retiring after serving in both positions for the past seven years. Ruggiero helped guide the Regals 14U girls team to both a State Championship and to the National Championship game last season in Dallas, Texas and is currently coaching the nationally ranked 16U and the 12U girls teams at the Tier II level this season. With the recent successes the Regals AAA boys are having with their relationship with the Buffalo Jr. Sabres, it has created a lot of excitement around the rink, which the girl’s see on a regular

they do. They have participated in the Neighborhood Sweep which they helped clean up the Deveaux Area Neighborhood and families in the Niagara Falls area. The Purple Eagles are committed to making a positive impact in the community. While making the community a better place for the families who live in the Deveaux Area, they had some big highlights during the season. They have beaten American Collegiate Hockey Association (ACHA) Women’s Division 1’s #14 University at Buffalo women’s hockey team 3 times this year. They traveled hours to #6 Ohio State University whom are also in the ACHA Women’s Division 1 League and won their

first game 9-4 and tied their second

basis and Ruggiero hopes will help move them forward. Next season, not only will the 14 & 16U girls be playing Tier I in the U.S., but both plan on playing full seasons in the Canadian Lower Lakes Female Hockey League at the AA level, the highest level of girls hockey in Canada. In addition, the Regals will field teams at the 12U Tier II level / Canadian league and there are also plans on fielding a 19U team as well. With the success the 14 & 16U are currently having this season in the Canadian LLFHL ‘A’ division and considering how young both teams are, the AA jump is a natural progression for both teams next year. There are a limited number of paths locally available for girls who want to play at the highest levels of hockey. Ruggiero feels that there is more than enough talent in the area to be competitive but they need a program that gives them those opportunities. With Buffalo being so close to one of the best girls hockey leagues in the world, LLFHL, and with the local talent,there are opportunities for girls to achieve their

dreams of playing college hockey. The Regals have built a solid foundation over the past few years and they are looking to build on that with their primary commitment on skill development for girls of all ages. The Regals coaches, parents and players believe in this philosophy and the success is shown both on and off ice. Regals players take part in professionally coached dry-land training once a week throughout the season, focusing on core body and stride development. Reuggiero credits this training with their national successes. Last season the Regals lost to Team Alaska in the National Championship. Team Alaska will be making an appearance and facing off in a two-game contest against the Reglas on Wednesday, February 20 at 4:40 p.m. at Niagara University’s Dwyer Arena and Sunday, February 24 at 7;30 p.m. at Ft. Erie’s LeisurePlex Arena. Y

game 4-4. The Niagara Purple Eagles (12-0-1) have gone a long way since the beginning of their season in 2012. Congratulations to the Niagara University Women’s Club Hockey team on their accomplishments and undefeated season! Y


NY Hockey OnLine

Club Hockey/ Page 49 with Peterson in goal again for a crazy game that they were winning in the middle of hte second 3-2. Then came another season-ending injuring when Defenseman Kate Albright suffered a torn MCL in her knee. With their fourth defenseman out for the season, UB is down to one defenseman but they continued to play rotating forwards back to defense. Wolcott, Kasey Siedlinger (Troy/Albany Ice Cats) and Maggie Ryan (Wheatfield Blades) took on roles as defensemen. While unfamiliar with the role they played well. Team Captain Katelyn Bothwell suffered a season-ending enjury with a broken wrist that requires surgery. She was among the leading scorers in the country as a defenseman when the injury occurred during a scrimmage with the Niagara Coyotes. UB is currently ranked 15th in the country, tied with Vermont. They are in fourth place (5-8-1) in the ECWHL ahead of Canton and Vermont. UB faces third place University of Massachusets followed by the University of Rhode Island and Northeastern to end the season.

NYS Collegiate Club Ice Hockey

UB Lady Ice Bulls


he Lady Ice Bulls are ending the season with injuries and illness and a need for additional players in order to complete their roster. The second semester has been a short one with a 10-2 loss to Niagara University. Lauren Leeson (Adirondack Northstars) scored both goals for the Ice Bulls. Two former NCAA players with Niagara scored 8 of the 10 goals for the Purple Eagles. UB then traveled to Vermont. Playing well, they lost to the University of Colorado 3-1 with Leeson scoring again and Mel Reeb (Lockport) making 35 saves in goal. UB outshot Colorado 40-37. In the next game they faced and beat SUNY Canton 7-4 with Fallon Waxman (Long Island Lady Icers) netting 3 goals, Leeson scoring one and Chrissy Wolcott (West Seneca Wings) putting in two. Chelsea Peterson (Jamestown Lakers) made 42 saves. In the final game they faced host Vermont (ECWHL) and lost 7-4. UB scorers were Shauna Clair (Williamsville), Wolcott, Leeson and Katie Wrona (New England Junior Falcons). Vermont outshot UB 53-50

D’Youville Men Host Championships

hosted by the D’Youville Men’s Club Ice Hockey Team. The games will be placed at Riverside Arena, 2607 Niagara Street and Cazenovia Rink, Corner of Cazenovia Street and Abbott Road in Buffalo. Tickets are: Single Game: $8 adults; $5 students with ID and Veterans, free with ID. Three Day Pass: $20 adults, $12.00 students with ID. Tickets will be available through D’Youville’s Coach Ed Draper beginning March 1 and at the door the day of the event. For information go to www.naihockey.com D’Youville finishes out their season with games at Olean and Brockport against Alfred State and Brockport State, respectively and home against the University of Rochester (ACHA) at Cazenovia on February 10 and a game TBA at Riverside on February 16.

Medaille Men’s Club


edaille is coming off January with two large wins. A 6-3 over Canisius and a 7-1 over Hilbert. They now face Alfred and the University of Rochester on-the-road and end their season at home on February 8 against St. John Fisher at 9:30 p.m. at the Northowns Center, Amherst. Y


he National Association of Intercollegiate Hockey (NAIH) will hold their National Championship Tournament in Buffalo on March 15, 16 and 17. The Championship is being


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USA Hockey News/ Page 50

USA Hockey News Camps would include at least one office development aspect such as nutrition, or strength and conditioning. Specific Goaltending Sessions would be included as a part of the camp format. Camp curriculums would be consistent in all 4 zones. Camp staff selections are done by the G/W Zone Coordinator, and all notifications for advancement are done by the NYS G/W Coordinator.

NYSAHA Girls Player Development Program Zone, District, National Camp Eligibility & Procedures Major Changes Made In order to better provide development opportunities for our female athletes, the NYS Girls/Women Program is implementing some significant changes in its current structure. Over the course of the last few years’, participation levels at all female development events have been on the decline. In addition, the skill level of players at the advanced level, as measured by national standards, has remained stagnant or has declined slightly. Development Program Overview The Girls Player Development process will be changed to a model similar to what currently exists for the boys. In order to be selected for a USAH National Player Development camp, age eligible players must progress through a regional, and then district wide tryout. This is different than in the past, as players only needed to attend an Evaluation Weekend to be considered for the national level camp. PLAYER DEVELOPMENT CAMP STRUCTURE MARCH 22-24, 2013: SECTION (REGIONAL) DEVELOPMENT CAMPS($50 FEE) – 1 PER ZONE Open to all females 12 to 17 years old. Players that are 12 and 13 year olds (0100 birth years) would participate in the camp with the goal of being selected for a NYS High Performance Camp in June. Players aged 14 through 17 year olds (99-96 birth years) would participate with the goal to be selected to the DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT CAMP or the NYS High Performance Camp. Camps would be 2 days with a minimum of 3 ice sessions per player, including 2 ADM skill sessions and 1 game.



DEVELOPMENT CAMPS. Players MUST attend the SECTION DEVELOPMENT CAMP to be eligible. Allotments from each SECTION DEVELOPMENT CAMP will be determined based on registration. Some at-large selections will be at the discretion of the NYS G/W Player Development Committee. Camp will be 3 days long with a minimum of 4 ice sessions to include 2 ADM skill sessions and 2 games. Based on player rankings, selections will be made for both the USAH National Camps and the NYS High Performance Camp. Camp staff selections are done by the NYS G/W Coordinator, and NYS Camp Coordinator. Notification for advancement WILL BE DONE VIA E-MAIL ON OR BEFORE MARCH 31, 2013. Once players are notified of their selection to the District Camp they will have until APRIL 7, 2013 to verify, confirm, and pay for their spot at the tryout camp. Failure to register by April 7th could result in the player being replaced at the camp. NYS HIGH PERFORMANCE CAMP ($300) Players will be invited to this camp based on their previous participation in the SECTION DEVELOPMENT CAMP and/or the DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT CAMP. Camp format will follow the USAH National Camp model and will be staffed at the discretion of the NYS G/W Coordinator, and NYS Camp Coordinator. *** THE LOCATION AND EXACT DATE OF THE NYS HIGH PERFORMANCE CAMP IS YET TO BE DETERMINED. ICE AND HOUSING RESTRAINTS DURING THE JUNE DATES HAVE FORCED US TO CONSIDER OTHER LOCATIONS AND DATES. DETAILS FOR THIS CAMP WILL BE FINALIZED PRIOR TO THE DEADLINES FOR SECTION DEVELOPMENT CAMPS. USA HOCKEY NATIONAL PLAYER DEVELOPMENT CAMP DATES/LOCATIONS Girls’ Select 17 (1996) & Girls’ Select 16 (1997)Player Development Camp


NY Hockey OnLine

Continued Stories / Page 51

St. Cloud, Minn. - July 10-16, 2013 Girls’ Select 15 (1998) & Girls’ Select 14 (1999) Player Development Camp St. Cloud, Minn. - July 19-25, 2013

Sled Hockey Cup Results Indian Trail, N.C. – The U.S. National Sled Team kicked off the inaugural USA Hockey Sled Cup with a 5-0 victory over the U.S. National Developmental Sled Team at the Extreme Ice Center. “I was pleased with our overall play,” said Jeff Sauer, head coach of the U.S. National Sled Team. “It was great to get offense from so many players, but I really liked our defensive effort as well. We have talked about playing consistently each time we get together for a tournament and we did that tonight.” The U.S. National Team struck just 52 seconds after the opening faceoff when Greg Shaw (Merritt Island,Fla.) buried a goal-mouth feed from Declan Farmer (Tampa, Fla.). At 8:33, Adam Page (Lancaster, N.Y.) made it 2-0 following a pass from Joshua Sweeney (Phoenix, Ariz.). The U.S. National Team’s lead doubled to 4-0 with a pair of second period markers. Paul Schaus (Buffalo, N.Y.) tallied at 6:38 and Alex Salamone (Buffalo, N.Y.) scored with 1:41 to play in the middle stanza. Josh Pauls (Green Brook, N.J.) capped the scoring 44 seconds into the third period with a redirection near the left post. Goaltenders Steve Cash (Overland, Mo.) and Jen Lee (San Francisco, Calif.) shared the shutout for the U.S. National Team. Cash made two stops in the first period, while Lee had three saves in the final two frames. The U.S. National Developmental

Rochester Stars players and Maksymum Hockey instructors worked with the kids of the Webster Youth Hockey beginners program on Saturday January 19th at the Webster Ice Arena. The beginners ran through drills with the instructors and were all given a future free lesson with Maksymum Hockey. The Stars played two games against the Philadelphia Revolution at Webster that weekend, winning 4-3 on Saturday and 4-0 on Sunday.” (Photo courtesy Makysmum Hockey) Team goaltender, Justin Kreger (Waterford, Wis.), had 19 saves. The US National Team then took on Russia on January 24. Prior to that game NASCAR driver Joey Logano made a donation to the U.S. National Sled Team and participated in a ceremonial puck drop. Earlier in the day the U.S. National Developmental Team faced Korea.

NY Natives Named Officials to World Championships

Four American officials were named to serve as referees or linesmen for major International Hockey Federation events in 2012-13. NOTES: Jeff Sauer (Madison, Rochester’s Peter Feola served Wis.), former men’s ice hockey as a referee at the 2013 Men’s head coach at Colorado College Olympic Pre-Qualification in Nikand the University of Wisconsin, ko, Japan in November. is the head coach of the U.S. Na- Wheatfield native Dina Altional Sled Team, while Guy Gos- len will referee the 2013 Womens selin (Grafton, Wis.) is the assistant Olympic Final Qualification in Slocoach ... Mike MacMillan (Buf- vakia next week (Feb. 7-10) falo, Minn.) is the head coach of Laura Johnson, Rochester, will the U.S. National Developmental serve as a Linesman at the 2013 Sled Team, while Kip St. Germaine IIHF Women’s World Champion(East Falmouth, Mass.) is the asso- ship in Ottawa on April 2-9. ciate head coach. Y Fraser McIntyre, Amherst, will be a Linesman at the 2013 IIHF Men’s U18 World Championship in Sochi, Russia in April. Y


NY Hockey OnLine

Upper Deck Celebrates Hockey Card Day / Page 52

Upper Deck Celebrates the Return of Hockey by Providing Fans with FREE Packs on National Hockey Card Day in the USA! Carlsbad, CA ...Upper Deck is helping to celebrate the return of hockey with National Hockey Card Day in the United States on Saturday, February 16! Upper Deck will be working with the company’s network of Certified Diamond Dealers to give out hundreds of thousands of exclusive “National Hockey Card Day” NHL® trading card packs for FREE throughout the U.S. All puck fans need to do is head out on Saturday and visit a participating retailer to receive a FREE National Hockey Card Day pack. “The only thing better than Upper Deck NHL cards is FREE Upper Deck NHL cards,” said Chris Carlin, Upper Deck’s sports marketing & social media manager. “On Saturday, February 16, hockey fans throughout the United States are invited to get involved in

the great hobby of collecting NHL trading cards on National Hockey Card Day. All fans have to do is drop in on a participating shop that day to receive a FREE National Hockey Card Day pack that feature some of the top stars in the NHL!” The main draw for collectors to visit participating retailers is the National Hockey Card Day set itself. The 16-card set with the special “National Hockey Card Day” logo on the front consists of three subsets that pay tribute to American-born players and international players on U.S. based NHL® franchises. On the “America’s Franchises” set fans can find cards of Evgeni Malkin (Pittsburgh Penguins), Alexander Ovechkin (Washington Capitals), Ilya Kovalchuk (New Jersey Devils), Henrik Lundqvist (New York Rangers) and Anze Kopitar (Los Angeles Kings). In the “Stars in Stripes” set look for American-born players like Zach Parise (Minnesota Wild), Jonathan Quick (Los Angeles Kings), Patrick Kane (Chicago Blackhawks), Dustin Brown (Los Angeles Kings) and Ryan Miller (Buffalo Sabres). And in the “American Icons” set collectors can capture cards of legends like Mike Modano, Brett Hull, Neal Broten, Tim Thomas and Brian Leetch. Packs will yield five randomly assorted cards featuring the aforementioned players, while a special limited 16th card featuring Los Angeles Kings goalie Jonathan Quick celebrating his 2012 Stanley Cup® victory last season can

be had as a gift with purchase from shop owners while supplies last. Some lucky collectors may also find some other special surprises in National Hockey Card Day packs like rare autograph cards. “Of all professional sports leagues, the NHL has the most passionate fan base,” said Mike Fruitman, owner of Mike’s Stadium Sports Cards in Aurora, Colorado. “Being able to offer collectors FREE National Hockey Day packs with a bonus card of Jonathan Quick will be the perfect compliment to hockey’s return. We have lined up hundreds of packs and we will be sure to stock up on loads of great Upper Deck hockey cards to make sure we have enough to go around.” For more information on National Hockey Card Day in the United States and to view a list of participating retailers, please visit www.upperdeck.com. Also, Upper Deck has set up a Facebook page for the event and will be running a variety of promotions and giveaways on the page so make sure to “like” it today: http://www.facebook.com/NationalHockeyCardDay Y


NY Hockey OnLine

Continued Stories / Page 53

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