New York Liberty Star

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FRIDAY, MAY 14, 2010


Copyright © 2006, New York Liberty Star

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Caribbean News


ANYA AYOUNG-CHEE teamed up with some of the most highly esteemed Caribbean designers to produce a new three-day “weekend experience.” Page 11



ONIEL EDWARDS, from the reggae group Voicemail, and reggae artist Cobra were both shot in Jamaican this week.

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VOL. 10 ISSUE 199

















○ ○ ○ ○ STAR ○ LIBERTY FRIDAY, MAY 14, 2010 * NEW ○ ○YORK ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○

Local News


Choice Words

Why Ban Sex Offenders From Public Housing?


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Senator Jeff Klein (D-Bronx/Westchester), lead sponsor and Deputy Majority Leader of the Senate said, “Public housing residents will be safer because of the action we took today. We can improve public safety and actually save money through legislation like this that encourages agencies to work together more efficiently. Though we cannot put a price on a child’s safety, the money wasted subsiding housing for the most serious registered sex offenders nationally is $12 million – money that could be better used helping put a safe roof over the heads of struggling families.”

Senator John Sampson Majority Conference Leader “Families who depend on public housing deserve a safe, quality place to live, and this legislation helps ensure they will receive it. We are taking steps to make certain taxpayer money is not used to provide homes for serious sex offenders who have been judged to threaten public safety.”


The New York State Senate passed legislation on Monday that will protect kids from sexual predators living public housing like this one in the East New York section of Brooklyn. (Photo by Leonardo Harrison)

Sex Offenders Barred From Public Housing ALBANY, NY -- Safeguarding children from convicted predators is a tough task for parents living in New York City’s housing projects. However, lawmakers have enacted a new bill that would help weed out serious sex offenders from public housing. The Senate Democratic Majority passed legislation, Monday, requiring public housing authorities to receive monthly updates from law enforcement when Level 2 or 3 sex offenders move into a community, in order to prevent them from residing in taxpayer-subsidized public housing complexes which children and families call home. Despite this residential ban being in place from a 1998 act by Congress, enforcement is lax and in most instances, housing authority administrators are unaware a sex offender has moved in because of a lack of notification from the proper authorities – a problem remedied by the Senate’s bill (S2490D/Klein). “Dangerous sexual offenders have no place in taxpayer-subsidized housing,” said Senator Joseph Addabbo of Queens. “ That is the law, and today, we made sure that the law will be enforced. Our families and communities are safer when law enforcement and public agencies share

information and do their jobs more efficiently, and that is what today's legislation accomplishes.” In 1998, Congress banned subsidized housing for the most serious sex offenders after a convicted sex offender was charged with assaulting and molesting a 9-year-old neighbor living in the same public housing building. The federal legislation prohibits housing authorities from admitting any household that includes a person subject to the lifetime sex offender registration requirement. However, a report by the Inspector General of the federal Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Department, estimated that roughly 2,100-3,000 households currently residing in federally subsidized housing include a serious sex offender. The report notes that noted public housing administrators often fail to ask prospective residents if they are subject to a lifetime registration requirement, and do not check the national sex offender registry prior to recertifying the eligibility of current residents. The Senate legislation corrects the lack of communication between local law enforcement and public housing authorities, ensuring the safety of communities, adherence to federal law, as well as the protection of public assistance for those who need it most.


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New Yorkers Unprepared For Major Evacuation

Assemblyman Boyland Wants City To Prep Residents For Major Disaster

The recent bomb scares in the Times Square area prompted Assemblyman William F. Boyland, Jr. of Brooklyn, to review the evacuation plans for New York City, and he concluded there are “major shortcomings.” For one thing, Boyland says insufficient effort has been made to “educate and organize” New Yorkers so they are prepared to evacuate. Boyland contacted the state’s Office of Emergency Management shortly after the attempted car bomb attack on West 45th Street in Manhattan on May 1st. “I was concerned for the people of my district and wanted to see what plans were in place to evacuate them in the event of a large-scale disaster,” he said. He found there were “laudable” plans to provide thousands of school busses, along with free mass transit, and undertake the massive task of traffic control to get people out of harms way, but that little had been done to get the word out. “Now I am concerned for all New Yorkers,” Boyland says. He concedes it is ultimately the people’s

responsibility to educate and prepare themselves for emergency situations, but Assemblyman Boyland feels people need guidance. “The city has printed a very useful booklet called ReadyNY. It has been available for years, and it details what people should do in the event of an evacuation,” he explains. “But members of my staff and I conducted an informal survey of about 250 people in Brooklyn and Manhattan and found that not one person knew about it. Where do they get the school busses? Where will they find shelter? How long should they be prepared to stay away from their homes? City officials know, but the people don’t. And that is unacceptable.” Over the next few months, Boyland says he and his staff will be developing a grassroots campaign to “educate, organize, mobilize and galvanize” the people of New York so they are

ready in the event of a catastrophic emergency. “People need to know the dangers and their options,” he insists, adding terrorism is not the only concern. “A Category 3 hurricane (Katrina was a Category 5) could generate a storm surge high enough to inundate many areas of the city, causing extensive damage and imperiling thousands of New Yorkers. We all should be aware of how high our homes are above sea level and just how at risk we are.” He further noted that industrial accidents are also an ever-present threat. William F. Boyland, Jr. represents the 55th Assembly District, which encompasses Brooklyn’s Ocean Hill, Brownsville, BedfordStuyvesant, Crown Heights and Bushwick neighborhoods.

Brooklyn Assemblyman William F. Boyland, Jr.



Mix Spice 6


Grenadians In NY To Engage More With Countrymen

The Grenada Ministry of Foreign Affairs is establishing an Office of Diaspora Affairs (ODA), aimed at strengthening ties between Grenadians at home and those based overseas. It also serves the purpose of encouraging and fostering greater participation of Grenadians abroad in all aspects of national development. Through the ODA, an institutional mechanism will be set up to advise on and implement government's policy with respect to the Diaspora. At the moment, however, the focus of the ODA is on a Diaspora Preparatory Conference to be held in Grenada, August 5-6. The conference, which is expected to attract about 150 individuals and representatives from Grenadian organizations overseas, so far has been the subject of discussions in metropolitan cities such as New York and Washington. Grenada’s Consul General to New York, Hon. Derrick James, and Minister/Counselor Michael Mitchell, are members of the Diaspora Steering Committee and met recently with Grenadians living in the southern United States. They stopped in Miami on their way to Grenada, where meetings continued with organisations, business leaders, government officials and various individuals. They included Tourism Minister Glynis Roberts; Youth Empowerment and Sports Minister Patrick Simmons; Director of Private Sector Development in the Ministry of Finance Christopher De Riggs; and Rhonna Andrews of the Concessions’ Department of the Finance Ministry. In addition, Consul General James and Mitchell discussed plans for the Diaspora Preparatory Conference with others such as Acting

Harvard Offers Tuition-Free Education To Low Income Families

Members of the Steering Committee, preparing for a major meeting to bring together Grenadians living at home and abroad, have expressed satisfaction with a round of discussions held in Grenada, this week. Director of the Government Information Service Ray Roberts; General Manager of the Grenada Postal Corporation Leo Roberts; Marketing Manager of LIME Vida Singh; and Brenda Baptiste, Marketing and Promotions Manager of Duty Caribbean Holdings. “These meetings are part of an outreach to all Grenadians, to engage them to support the upcoming conference and the Office of Diaspora Affairs with its potential to assist with our country’s national development,’’ said Consul General James. Foreign Affairs Minister, Hon. Peter David, who has repeatedly underscored the

“We want to have a two-way arrangement where they can see themselves as integrally involved in Grenada.” Grenada’s Foreign Affairs Minister, Hon. Peter David

importance of the Diaspora to Grenada’s economic development, said the ODA is simply about finding an organic way to further integrate Grenadians abroad in the building process at home. “Just as we are doing now with trying to utilize the resources in our maritime space, we need to find a way to utilize that resource called Grenadians in the Diaspora,” David said. “We want to engage them in a more organic way. We want to have a two-way arrangement where they can see themselves as integrally involved in Grenada.’’ The outreach by Hon. David and members of the Diaspora Steering Committee, ahead of the Preparatory Conference, will continue with meetings with Grenadians in other places like Toronto, Montreal, London and Trinidad and Tobago. The ODA is also planning to host a Founding Conference next year and a major Homecoming for nationals in 2012.

Harvard University announced that from now on undergraduate students from low-income families will pay no tuition. In making the announcement, Harvard’s president Lawrence H. Summers said, “When only ten percent of the students in elite higher education come from families in the lower half of the income distribution, we are not doing enough. We are not doing enough in bringing elite higher education to the lower half of the income distribution.” If you know of a family earning less than $60,000 a year with an honor student graduating from high school soon, Harvard University wants to pay the tuition. The prestigious university recently announced that from now on undergraduate students from low-income families can go to Harvard for free... no tuition and no student loans! To find out more about Harvard offering free tuition for families making less than $60,000 a year, visit Harvard’s financial aid website at: or call the school’s financial aid office at (617) 495-1581.

If your family earns less that $60,000 per year, you could attend Harvard University for FREE. Call (617) 495-1581.



Caribbean Caribbean Consulates In New York Antigua & Barbuda 610 Fifth Avenue, Suite 311 New York, N.Y. 10020 Tel. 212-541-4117 Bahamas 231 East 46th Street New York, NY 10017 (212) 421-6420 Barbados 800 Second Avenue, 2nd Fl. New York, N.Y. 10017 Tel. 212-867-8435 Belize 800 Second Avenue, Suite 400G New York, N.Y. 10017 Tel. 212-599-0233 Cayman Islands (Dept. of Tourism) 420 Lexington Ave New York, NY 10170 (212) 682-5582 Dominican Republic 1500 Broadway, Suite 410 New York, N.Y. 10036 Tel. 212-768-2480 Grenada 800 Second Avenue, Suite 400K New York, N.Y. 10017 Tel. 212-599-0301 Guyana 866 UN Plaza, Room 304 New York, N.Y. 10017 Tel. 212-527-3215 Haiti 271 Madison Avenue, 17th Floor New York, N.Y. 10016 Tel. 212-697-9767 Honduras 80 Wall Street, Suite 415, 4th Floor New York, N.Y. 10005 Tel. 212-269-3611 Jamaica 767 Third Avenue New York, N.Y. 10017-2993 Tel. 212-935-9000 Martinique 444 Madison Avenue, 16th Floor New York, N.Y. 10022 Tel. 212-838-6887 Montserrat 845 Third Avenue New York, N.Y. 10022 Tel. 212-745-0200 Panama 1212 Avenue of the Americas, 6th Floor New York, N.Y. 10036 Tel. 212-840-2450 Puerto Rico 666 Fifth Avenue, 15th Floor New York, N.Y. 10103 Tel. 800-223-6530 St. Kitts & Nevis 414 East 75th Street, 5th Floor New York, N.Y. 10021 Tel. 212-535-1234 St. Lucia 800 Second Avenue, 9th Floor New York, N.Y. 10007 Tel. 212-697-9360 St. Maarten 675 Third Avenue, Ste. 1807 New York, N.Y. 10017 Tel. 800-786-2278 St. Vincent & The Grenadines 801 Second Avenue, 21st Floor New York, N.Y. 10017 Tel. 212-687-4981 Trinidad & Tobago 125 Maiden Lane New York, N.Y. Tel. 212-682-7272


US Help Makes Caribbean Safer Gonsalves Gives Credit To Obama St. Vincent & The Grenadines Prime Minister Dr. Ralph Gonsalves said Tuesday that the Barack Obama administration “is very much determined to re-engage with the Caribbean” following the United States rethinking on security issues in the region. “I must admit that there was a time, shortly after the preoccupation of the United States of America with the invasion of Iraq, there appeared to have been a retreat from some security issues with us,” Gonsalves said prior to signing an agreement that allows the United States to board St. Vincent and the Grenadines registered vessels suspected of transporting weapons of mass destruction (WMDs). “I am happy to say that that retreat has come to an end and we are now seeing some advance in this cooperation,” Gonsalves said. A statement from the U.S. Embassy in Barbados said the agreement was signed under the auspices of the Proliferation Security Initiative, and it would allow St. Vincent and the

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton says the US will engage more vigorously with the Caribbean this year. Grenadines and the United States to co-operate “in ensuring that Vincentian-flagged cargo vessels are not used by traffickers in weapons of mass destruction”. Last month, the United States signed similar agreement with Antigua and Barbuda and that the accord would “support the reliability and sustainability of Antigua’s ship’s registry operations throughout the world”. Chargé d’affaires at the U.S. Embassy Brent Hardt, said Washington has reflected it renewed commitment to the Caribbean with the recent visits to the region of Secretary of Defense Robert Gates, Attorney General Eric Holder, and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. He said Clinton has spoken of the

need to “engage more vigorously with the Caribbean this year”. The Barbados-based diplomat said the United States had increased its Caribbean Basin Initiative budget for 2010 from US$30 million to US$45 million and US$70 million has been allocated for 2011, pending Congress approval. “One of the critical things I would like to note about this is that it’s not what we call traditional security assistance – support to police forces, coastguards – although there is plenty of that. But, we also understand the problems of the region have deep roots in social issues and economic issues,” Hardt said. He said that the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) was developing

Jamaica PM To Cut Ties With Criminals President of the Jamaica Hotel and Tourist Association (JHTA), Wayne Cummings, has called on the Bruce Golding government to break its bond with the country's criminals and to engage the army in the fight against crime. Addressing the JHTA annual general meeting in the tourist capital of Montego Bay, Cummings said the Golding administration has not divorced itself from criminals and warned that the country is now reaping the effects of the unofficial support that successive administrations had provided for criminal enterprises over the past 30 years. "What is now playing out itself in the worst form of drug-running, scamming and other manifestations is due to the strong base of legitimacy that the criminals have secured during these last generations. “Sadly we are now faced with independently powerful camps that are exacting dominance and jungle justice as a show of force to protect their ill-gotten gains," said Cummings. Cummings did not call names, but his call for severing ties with criminals comes at a time when the government is stoutly defending a prominent member of the constituency represented by the Prime Minister, who is wanted in the United States on drugs and gun related charges. Cummings said that the police members are not equipped to deal with the crime situation in the country and that it was important for the army to help quell the situation. He said that while there may be some concerns about the impact on the tourism sector of having soldiers patrolling the streets, "it is far more outraged that Jamaicans are being cut down by thugs who are unashamed of their actions and unperturbed about the clearly ineffective penalties for their crime. "It is time that all of us take a stand to push back the country from this precipice,” he said, adding that the crime

Prime Minister Bruce Golding hot spots are known to the authorities. "We are intimately aware that the majority of the residents who live in troubled and war-torn areas are lawabiding and good citizens who, by virtue of what is taking place, have become shut-ins and pawns that can be sacrificed for the criminal gains of the selfish minority." Since the start of this year, more than 600 people have been murdered. Last year, the murder toll stood above 1,600. Meanwhile, the entertainment industry is reeling from another attack on an artiste after popular dancehall entertainer, Ewart Everton Brown aka Mad Cobra was shot several times on Tuesday. Police said that the singer was shot and seriously injured during an altercation with some people when he visited the community of Braeton. The incident follows the gun attack on O’Neil Edwards, a member of the group “Voicemail” who was shot and seriously injured earlier this week.

programmes to teach young people education and employment skills that would lead to better prospects. Washington is also seeking to partner with the Caribbean on issues relating to the economy, climates change, health and HIV/AIDS, Hardt said. “We are engaging in many ways and today’s agreement is one more step, one more reflection of the close security cooperation that we have enjoyed with St. Vincent and the Grenadines,” Hardt said. Gonsalves recalled the move by Washington to force some Caribbean countries, like Trinidad and Tobago and Barbados to sign a waiver granting US citizens certain immunities under the Rome Statute establishing the International Criminal Court in 2002. Washington had in an attempt to pressure the Caribbean countries to support its position, threatened and subsequently withdrew military aid that signed and ratified the Rome Statute. “President Obama’s presidency has put an end to that kind of a demand and more resources are opened up. Because there were certain restrictions placed on resources coming to us,” Gonsalves said, noting that the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) countries have been at odds with Washington on issues relating to Cuba.

Belize Makes CCJ Its Final Court BELMOPAN, Belize – The Belize government said Tuesday that it would abolish all appeals to the London –based Privy Council on June 1 this year, effectively making the Trinidadbased Caribbean Court of Justice (CCJ) its final court. A statement from the Office of the Prime Minister Dean Barrow said he said issued orders that bring into force the Belize Constitution (Seventh Amendment) Act and the Caribbean Court of Justice Act with effect from June 1, 2010. The statement said the removal of the Privy Council and its replacement by the CCJ as the highest court for Belize “represents a major landmark in the constitutional and legal history of Belize.” The government announcement stresses, that the move to the CCJ on June 1, will not affect any appeals pending before the Privy Council on May 31, 2010. Belize now joins Guyana and Barbados as the only Caribbean Community (CARICOM) countries to sign on to both the appellate and original jurisdiction of the CCJ that was established in 2001.



Caribbean Gets More Funds For HIV Treatment GEORGETOWN, Guyana – The United States is providing an additional US$100 million to Caribbean Community (CARICOM) countries to combat the deadly HIV virus over the next five years. Chargé d’Affaires at the US Embassy in Guyana, Karen Williams and CARICOM Deputy Secretary General Ambassador Lolita Applewhaite Tuesday signed the agreement to extend the United States President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR). . “On this day CARICOM will sign a Partnership Framework agreement with the United States to chart a path for sustained support in the fight against this devastating disease.” “This new collaboration, worth up to US$100 million over five years, is made possible by the United States President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR),” according to a statement issued by the Embassy. It said the funds will be available as of June this year and will focus on programmatic cooperation in prevention, laboratory strengthening, strategic information, capacity building, and sustainability. “As the region with the second highest rate of HIV/AIDS prevalence in the world, second only to Sub-Saharan Africa, the United States recognises that a regionally targeted programme for the Caribbean could directly meet critical public health needs and support the outstanding work already ongoing in the region to combat this disease. “The AIDS epidemic continues to be a leading cause of death among Caribbean adults age 25-44 years of age and has left nearly a quarter of a million Caribbean children orphaned,” the Embassy said. It said similar signing have taken place in Suriname, Barbados and the Organization of Easter Caribbean States (OECS), with Trinidad and Tobago, Belize, Bahamas and Jamaica joining soon. PEPFAR was launched in 2003 to reduce the incidence and limit the spread of HIV/AIDS while assisting persons living with the disease. Washington said that the programme has so far treated more than two million infected persons as well as providing care for over 10 million. It has also prevented an estimated seven million new infections.

Anthony Wants Caribbean To Decide On Executions

St. Lucia’s Opposition Leader, Dr. Kenny Anthony, says Caribbean countries should make the Caribbean Court of Justice their final court and shun the British Privy Council.

St. Lucia’s Opposition Leader Dr. Kenny Anthony Tuesday said that Caribbean countries should amend their constitutions in order to execute convicted murders without having to worry about the repercussions emanating from the London-based Privy Council, the region’s highest court. Anthony, speaking on a radio broadcaSt., said the St. Lucia Labour Party (SLP) if it is elected to office would amend the Constitution so as to ensure that convicted murderers are executed. He told listeners he believed in capital punishment. “In the last five years I do not think the Privy Council has upheld a conviction by hanging by any country of the Commonwealth Caribbean. They have been singularly persistent in making sure that any appeal that comes to them on the basis that someone has been sentenced to death by hanging, they will ensure that they reject the sentence of the court and allow the appeal on whatever grounds.” Anthony said Britain had abolished hangings and that British judges were no longer deciding issues of hanging on judicial or constitutional grounds. “What they are doing is basically deciding on those issues on ideological grounds, on po-

litical grounds, because in their own country they have decided that hanging is abolished and it is therefore immoral to engage in any judicial decision making that sanctions it in any jurisdiction. “So once someone from the Commonwealth Caribbean has been convicted of hanging, once that appeal goes to the Privy Council it will find a way to make sure that that sentence is not carried out. That is St. Lucia’s problem. “So even if the Government of St. Lucia for instance were to ensure that the appropriate order is given that hanging be proceeded with, once an appeal is made to the Privy Council there will not be any approval of any hanging.” Anthony said if regional governments were to shun the Privy Council and proceed with executing convicted murderers it could result in both the government and the country being isolated. “You would be treated as a rogue state by

organizations like (the human rights group) Amnesty International,” Anthony said, adding that St. Lucia should follow Barbados and at the appropriate time, amend its constitution to make it absolutely clear that hanging is a sentence that will be carried out. “If we (the SLP) have an opportunity to amend the constitution we will, in much the same way, for example as in the case of St. Vincent when (Prime Minister) Ralph Gonsalves tried to alter the constitution he attempted to revoke some of the decisions of the Privy Council and make it absolute that hanging will be carried out in St. Vincent. “That has always been my position, but there are persons who hold different views. I am one of those who support capital punishment. I believe in it, I think it is necessary especially in small societies like ours where we simply do not have the kind of resources available to us to be able to deal with persons who thrive on criminal activity, especially that which involves violent crimes.” Anthony, a strong advocate of the regional integration movement, said he also supported the island joining the appellate jurisdiction of the Trinidad-based Caribbean Court of Justice (CCJ). Only Barbados and Guyana are signatories to the appellate jurisdiction of the court though many of the CARICOM countries have signed on to the original jurisdiction of the court that was established to replace the Privy Council as the region’s final court. He said St. Lucia had to resolve whether or not there is need to amend the constitution that allows it to join the appellate jurisdiction of the CCJ. “There is a mechanism that the SLP did put in place which I think the government could make use of. That is an act called Constitutional Reference Questions Act where, if a government is uncertain how to proceed on a matter and suspects that there may be a constitutional problem, what it does is that it frames a question for the court and asks the court to pronounce on it to determine whether the particular act is unconstitutional or not. “The court then gives an advisory opinion. I think a good way to proceed in the case of St. Lucia is to put the question to the Court and allow it to determine whether St. Lucia needs to amend its constitution or whether in fact it can make use of certain provisions of the constitution that suggest a way out.”

Portia Wants Out Of ‘Dudus’ Extradition Case

Opposition Leader, PSOJ Prez Granted Leave To Have Names Withdrawn

Jamaica’s High Court has given Opposition Leader Portia Simpson Miller and the Joseph Matalon, President of the Private Sector Organization of Jamaica (PSOJ), leave to have their names withdrawn from a motion brought by the government relating to the extradition of a man wanted in the United States on drug related charges. Justice Minister and Attorney General Dorothy Lightbourne had named them as defendants in the controversial issue surrounding the United States request for the extradition of Christopher “Dudus” Coke, a prominent ruling party supporter, on drug related charges. If convicted he faces a term of life imprisonment. The Bruce Golding administration has in the past defended its decision not to extradite Coke, stating that it would not act hastily and violate the extradition treaty between the two

countries. Lightbourne is seeking several declarations from the court regarding her powers as minister in the extradition issue. When the matter was heard in court last week Wednesday, Justice Roy Jones reserved judgment on the applications. Attorneys for the Opposition Leader have criticized the government over its decision to name her as a defendant along with Matalon and Coke. The defendants had argued that it was legally wrong to name them as defendants when all they did was ex-

press an opinion on the Coke extradition matter. Coke was not represented in court, as he had not been served with court documents. The US government last August requested the extradition of Coke to face charges associated with trafficking in drugs and guns. Lightbourne has refused to sign the authority to proceed, raising concerns from various sectors of society regarding her motive. In reacting to the ruling, Simpson Miller said the Attorney General was wrong to have included her in the case. “I don’t want them to get me involved or engaged in what I do not wish to, because no leader of a country is supposed to be interfering in the legal process,” Simpson Miller said. Legal observers say as a result of the court ruling the government’s case could collapse

Jamaica’s Opposition Leader, Hon. Portia Simpson Miller, said it was wrong to name her as a defendant in the Christopher “Dudus” Coke trial.







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Voicemail Member Shooter Found Dead Mad Cobra Shot Twice In Portmore

Jamaican police are reporting that the main suspect in the shooting of Oneil Edwards, a member of the reggae group Voicemail, was found dead Wednesday afternoon.

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Oneil Edwards

The Constabulary Communication Network (CCN) says the man’s body was found in the community of Chancery Hall in St. Andrew. According to the CCN, the suspect had earlier evaded a police dragnet. The police information arm says Edward’s cell phone was found in the dead man’s possession. Edwards remains hospitalized in critical condition after he was shot several times on Monday by gunmen while attempting to enter his home in Duhaney Park, St Andrew. The police say a second suspect was picked up by the Manchester Police last night. He was scheduled to be transported to Kingston where he will be questioned by senior investigators. In the meantime, popular entertainer Mad Cobra is now recuperating in hospital after being shot twice in Portmore, St. Catherine around 7 p.m. Tuesday night. The deejay, whose real name is Ewart Brown, was admitted to the Spanish Town Hospital with two gunshot wounds to his shoulders. He was later transferred to a private institution. Sources say Cobra’s condition has been improving. A close friend of the Portmore-based deejay say he was shot when he stopped his car to speak to someone in a section of Braeton Reggae artist Mad Cobra Phase One.

Capleton To Blaze St. Kitts Music Fest

Jamaican reggae and dancehall artist, Capleton, is scheduled to perform at this year’s 14th annual St. Kitts Music Festival, which is scheduled to take place, June 24-26. Widely known as the prophet, Capleton is expected to unleash some of his most memorable hits at the festival, including Alms House, Music is a Mission and Tour. Capleton was born Clifton George Bailey III, but is also referred to as King Shango, King David and The Fireman. His lyrics are deep, precise, and thoughtful, while his stage shows comprise nothing less than dynamic and explosive performances. Chairman of the Executive Committee of the St. Kitts Music Festival, Faron Lawrence said, “Capleton is indeed one of the hottest

entertainers in the worldwide reggae fraternity. We are certainly expecting a memorable show from one of reggae’s most reliable hitmakers.” He has won numerous reggae awards and has been honored for many of his charity works in Jamaica, as he continues to be among the elite artists of reggae music. The St. Kitts Music Festival features a mix of musical styles on the popular market, including R&B, jazz, hip-hop, reggae, soca, calypso, gospel and contemporary. Past artists have included such prominent acts as John Legend, T-Pain, Michael Bolton, KC & The Sunshine Band, Wyclef Jean, Ne-Yo, Air Supply, Dionne Warwick and Billy Ocean. Performers previously announced for this year’s line-up include Infamous, Kenny “Babyface” Edmonds and Ky-mani Marley. Tickets to the 14th annual St. Kitts music festival are US $40 per person, per night.


Jackson, Brown Among Apollo’s Walk Of Fame In NY New York’s Apollo Theater took on a touch of Hollywood on Monday when it began installing its own Walk of Fame with plaques that will honor entertainers including late singers James Brown and Michael Jackson.

IRON MAN 2 The world is aware that billionaire inventor Tony Stark is the armored Super Hero Iron Man. Under pressure from the government, the press and the public to share his technology with the military, Tony is unwilling to divulge the secrets behind the Iron Man armor because he fears the information will slip into the wrong hands. With Pepper Potts, and James "Rhodey" Rhodes at his side, Tony forges new alliances and confronts powerful new forces.

Michael Jackson

The famed Harlem auditorium had every year been creating its own Hall of Fame list of legends who had close ties to the theater. But on Monday it began installing bronze rectangular plaques on the sidewalk outside the theater, including for James Brown, Smokey Robinson and Ella Fitzgerald. “I started out at the Apollo and it will always be a home to me,” Robinson, 70, said in a statement on being named in the first group to have plaques installed. “For me to have a plaque honoring me in front of the Apollo Theater is one of the proudest achievements in my life.” Michael Jackson and Aretha Franklin will have their own plaques laid down when their names are inducted into the theater’s Hall of Fame next month. In recent years, the theater has served as a place for thousands of fans to honor both Jackson and James Brown after they died. Jackson first performed at the Apollo’s Amateur Night at age 9 with his brothers. Their group, the Jackson 5, won the competition in 1969, when the pop singer was 11 years old, performing Smokey Robinson’s “Who’s Lovin’ You.”



Reggae Artists Rock 29th IRAWMA Reggae and World Music royalty jammed the red carpet at the 29th Annual International Reggae and World Music Awards (IRAWMA), May 2. Produced by Martin’s International & Associates, the star-studded

Julian Marley at the IRAWMA Awards. (Photo by Sharon Bennett)

Star-Studded Event Dedicated To ‘Health Awareness’ And ‘People Of Haiti’ yearly event returned to the York College Performing Arts Center in Queens, NY. Hosts for the evening included Tony Rebel, Allison Hinds and Saran Dunmore. Actress and comedian Hazelle Goodman hosted the VIP reception. Most notable at the IRAWMA was the “next generation” of performers: Julian Marley, Gramps Morgan, Queen Ifrica, Awilo Longomba, Tarrus Riley and New Kingston Band, who “mashed up” the stage like their famous musical dads: Bob Marley, Denroy Morgan, Delroy Morgan, Jimmy Riley and Courtney Panton. While Machel Montano “Socasized”the audience, poet Mutabaruka used his lyrical vibratto

as only Muta can and Brigadier Jerry combined past and present hits in one performance. Alison Hinds, Queen Ifrica, Barbee and Winsome Benjamin commanded the stage with feminine swagger and grace. IRAWMA Musical Director Dean Fraser and Gramps Morgan dedicated a song to Buju Banton. Dance groups Dancerzblvd, Over Marz, Black Blingaz and Fearless Dancers and delivered a moving and fiery performance choreographed by Donna Ray. Top nominee Queen Ifrica won the most awards, four total ( Recording Artist of the Year, Best Female DJ/ Rapper, Most Educational Entertainer and Songwriter of the Year). Gramps Morgan nabbed the awards for Best Song, Best New Entertainer and Best

Machel Montano accepts his IRAWMA award at York College in Queens, May 2. (Photo by Sharon Bennett) Crossover Song; while Machel Montano copped Entertainer of the Year, Best Calypso/Soca Entertainer, and Most Outstanding Show Band. Multi-platinum recording artist Wyclef Jean and civil rights activist Rev. Al Sharpton received the Marcus Garvey Humanitarian Award. Jean delivered his acceptance speech via video and gave an impromptu performance. Tony Ryan, Maurice “Jack Scorpio” Johnson, Noel

“King Sporty” Williams and Tony Greene were inducted into the IRAWMA Hall of Fame. Songtress India.Arie and wordsmith Matisyahu received the “Award of Honor.” Radio broadcasters Trevor Forde, Ron Muschette, Donovan Longmore and Ricot Dupuy were also honored. Entertainer, songwriter Rennie Cogle was given the “Producer ’s Respect Award.”













Allergy Relief Really Is Possible We’re in the middle of one of the worse allergy seasons on record. But if you are one of the millions of Americans suffering from seasonal allergies, this isn’t exactly a newsflash. What might be news, though, is the fact that you don’t have to suffer and you don’t necessarily have to get doped up with prescription drugs to get you through the misery. The first step is to understand what precisely is causing the allergy. That is, to say it’s just pollen is analogous to saying germs cause disease. Knowing the type of pollen or whatever the trigger is will better enable you to minimize your exposure, avoid foods that might make the allergy worse, and find the best treatment. That treatment could be something as benign as saline drops. Heavy early spring rains followed quickly by warm weather has resulted in unprecedented levels of tree pollen, a primary cause for seasonal allergies, resulting in itchy eyes, nasal stuffiness and runny noses. Some parts of the country have experienced record-breaking pollen counts. You might be able to reduce exposure. This would entail avoidance strategies such as tuning into the reported daily pollen count; staying indoors during midday when the counts are the highest; washing your hair and changing your clothes more often; and wearing a mask. But according to the American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology, two-thirds of spring allergy sufferers actually have year-round symptoms. Pollen might only be part of the problem. For this reason, you need to know your triggers. And this involves visiting an allergist. Spring-blooming trees such as birch, maple, poplar, oak, sycamore and walnut are all notorious triggers, peeking at slightly different times in the spring. If you know your triggers, you might be able to avoid them all together. Clifford Bassett, a practicing allergist and a faculty member at New York University School of Medicine, recommends a three-tier approach to relief: the aforementioned avoidance; then medicine ranging from benign water or saline solution to prescription drugs; then (if all else fails) immunotherapy via injections.

Nasal irrigation, or washing out your nose once or twice daily with warm salt water, can be quite useful. You can use a cheap bulb syringe or a more expensive neti pot. Videos abound on YouTube demonstrating this, and there are plenty of rigorous science studies justifying the comical-looking practice of funneling water in one nostril and out the other. Just don’t do it with milk. Oregano oil is a popular word-of-mouth remedy, but there are absolutely no scientific studies supporting its use, and you run the risk of smelling like a pizza shop for no good reason. Medication can be quite effective, Bassett said, and he’s surprised by how many people shun it (and shun seeing an allergist), opting instead to suffer through the season. Bassett said there’s sometimes a perception that treatments don’t work because of “nasal priming,” the phenomenon in which fewer and fewer allergen particles are needed to trigger symptoms. But this is a result of a hyperactive immune system, not the medication. Common allergy medications such as antihistamines or corticosteroids only treat your symptoms. Immunotherapy, in contrast, entails gradually introducing the offending allergen to the body so that you can build a normal immune response to it. Pollen allergies can be exacerbated by certain foods. Carrots and celery can make grass pollen allergies worse; many fruits and vegetables, particularly those not in season, can make the spring tree pollen allergies worse. This is called a cross reaction, and this is due to the fact that the immune system - already running amok with pollen - might confuse these food proteins with pollen proteins. An allergist, Bassett said, can help you strategize a course to relief. It’s all a matter of understanding the specifics of your misery. Knowledge, like much of the pollen coating your street, is golden.

HEALTH TIPS Sign Up Your Child For A Sports League

What To Do Before The Babysitter Cares For Your Child

Enrolling your child in a baseball, soccer or other sports league can ensure regular exercise, promote friendships and instill a sense of teamwork. The Nemours Foundation offers these suggestions before you sign up your child for a team sport: · Consider how much time the sport will take away from family time, homework and relaxation. · Think about how sports participation will impact the rest of the family. · Make sure you work out any transportation and schedule issues, especially if you have more than one child playing sports. · Consider lending a hand to your child’s sport. Volunteering can encourage your child to participate and help you spend quality time together.

Before you choose a new babysitter or leave the sitter alone with your child for the first time, the American Academy of Pediatrics suggests you take the following precautions: · Choose a sitter who has good references and has training in first aid and CPR. · Make sure the sitter is mature, knows what to do in an emergency and is at least 13 years old. · Give the sitter a tour of your home, and encourage the sitter to show up well before you need to leave. · Provide instructions in the event of a fire, including offering detailed escape plans. · Direct the sitter on how and when to feed, bathe and “tuck in” your child. · Be sure that your sitter knows about any health conditions affecting your child, including any allergies. · Inform your sitter of where you’re going and when you’ll be back.

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Does ‘The Pill’ Cut Women’s Sex Drive? By Catherine Elton


t is a statement on the evolution of society’s attitudes toward sex when you compare the concerns that were raised about the birth control pill 50 years ago - when it was approved by the Food and Drug Administration - with those of today. In the 1960s, there was much hue and cry that the Pill would turn women into sex fiends and put marriages in peril. But in recent decades, medical concerns about hormonal birth control have shifted to the other end of the spectrum, with doctors maintaining that it may actually lower women’s libido and in some cases lead to sexual dysfunction. Now a new study of female sexual function, published in the May 4 issue of the Journal of Sexual Medicine, adds evidence to the argument. Using questionnaires to assess sexual function in more than 1,000 female medical students in Germany, researchers found that women who used a hormonal method of birth control mostly oral contraceptives - had lower levels of sexual desire and arousal than women who used nonhormonal methods like condoms or no contraception at all. “To our knowledge, this is the largest study in which the effect of hormonal contraception on sexual function has been evaluated. We had a large and homogeneous group, and our results lead us to believe that hormones may indeed influence sexual function,” said Alfred Mueck, who directs the Center of Women’s Health at the University Hospital of TÜbingen in Germany and is one of the study’s authors. Mueck says the analysis of the data showed that the association between lower libido and hormonal contraceptives was independent of other variables, such as stress or relationship status, that are commonly known to contribute to low sex drive. But the author cautions that at this point the data show only an association, not a cause-and-effect relationship, between the Pill and sexual dysfunction. Figuring out whether hormonal

contraception can directly dampen libido would involve further study to isolate the mechanism at work. In theory, however, it makes biological sense, said Anita Clayton, a University of Virginia professor of psychiatry who treats female sexual dysfunction and recently helped lead a clinical trial on the drug flibanserin as a potential treatment. Hormonal contraception has been shown in women to lower the level of free and available testosterone circulating in the blood. And although the evidence is still uncertain, testosterone is believed to play a role in sex drive in women. Testosterone treatment has been shown to relieve a common form of female sexual dysfunction known as hypoactive sexual desire disorder. Clayton says she has similar anecdotal evidence of the connection between the Pill and low sex drive from her own patients. Further, said Kim Wallen, an Emory University professor of psychology and neuroendocrinology, sex drive appears to ebb and flow in tandem with hormone levels during a woman’s normal menstrual cycle. During ovulation, for instance - when the level of hormones rises in order to prompt the ovary’s release of an egg - women are more apt to initiate sex. The Pill works by preventing ovulation, and women who take it experience less hormonal fluctuation throughout their menstrual cycle. Wallen notes that a study published in the New England Journal of Medicine as early as 1978 showed that women who were taking the Pill had no such midcycle rise in sexual motivation. Since then, however, other studies directly evaluating whether the Pill is associated with female sexual dysfunction have had varying and inconclusive results. Commenting on the German study, Wallen says it has certain limitations. For one, the study participants were asked only whether they were in a stable relationship, not how long they had been in a relationship. As most people in long-lasting partnerships know, sexual frequency and desire tend to plummet over time.

“We know that long-term relationships increase the risk of female sexual dysfunction - a condition easily treated with a new partner, which is many times more effective than any drug or hormone,” Wallen said (although it has been shown to be true in medical research). He adds that women who use the Pill are more likely to be in long-term relationships than those who use other forms of birth control. Clayton notes another weakness of the study: it was observational. Rather than randomly assigning women to use various methods of hormonal and nonhormonal contraception, the study involved women who had already chosen their method of birth control. “There could be something different about women who chose oral contraceptives as opposed to those who chose another method. We don’t know if that characteristic is what has a negative effect on sexual functioning, and we can’t tease it out from these data,” says Clayton. A larger criticism of research like Mueck’s is that it mischaracterizes female sexual dysfunction in general. As drug companies race to find treatments for problems like low sexual desire, researchers hotly debate whether such conditions should be considered a medical disorder at all, or whether low desire is really just a relational issue. Mueck says his team is conducting a larger study that may include enough participants to enable them to break down results by length of relationship and by the dosage of hormones in various types of contraception. Whatever the conclusion, Wallen says, women are long overdue for a serious look at this issue. “I find it pretty surprising that millions of women have been taking the Pill for decades without anyone ever investigating the possible side effects [on their sex lives],” Wallen says. Perhaps future studies will show that the solution for many women isn’t a female version of the little blue pill but simply reconsidering the Pill they’re already on.


Bush Doctor Rahsan A. Hakim

Teff Enjera For Stamina, Strength, Endurance & More Teff is one of the oldest foods cultivated by mankind; it’s native to Ethiopia. The darker varieties are more flovorful and richer than the lighter varieties. By Dr. Rahsan A. Hakim


egend has it that in ancient times there was a famine in the area of The Ametic Cushitie Empire today known as Ethiopia. An angel appeared to the Queen and told her to go to the hills and you’ll find lots of food. She obeyed and went and found mountains of grass bearing seeds (Simien Mountains), which she grounded into meal and flour to make bread that later became known as Enjera. Teff Enjera provides more food energy than any other grain except Fonio. Teff Enjera strengthens the veins, arteries, ligaments and bones. Its high mineral and iron content builds red blood cells that carries oxygen, rejuvenates and energizes the body on the cellular level; meaning it slows down the aging process, energizes the brain and improved memory. Teff gives stamina and endurance

to win long distance marathons and to perform work. It is very beneficial to those suffering from Anemia, allergies, weak muscles and bodily weaknesses. Teff Enjera contains substantial amount of the following minerals and vitamins: Potassium, Phosphorus, Magnesium, Manganese, Calcium, Zinc, Iron, Copper, Vitamins A,B,C,D and Whole Proteins, just to name a few. It contains no Gluten that causes allergic reactions like Hybrid Wheat. Ethiopian Teff can be used to make Enjera dumplings and nutritional porridge for babies and weak and sick people to supply strength and energy.

“I give you all the grasses bearing seed for food and all fruits with seeds in it for meat.” Peace Blessings.


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Fashion, Food And Funk In T&T PORT OF SPAIN, Trinidad -Antilia, the Caribbean entertainment brand, is teaming up with some of the most highly esteemed Caribbean designers to produce a brand new three-day “weekend experience” where international style meets Caribbean elegance at The Carlton Savannah from May 28 to 30, 2010. Creatively staged by designer Charisse Parsons, “be.” will be supported by international celebrities and media personnel in a display which aims to position the twin-island republic as the fashion capital of the region. The experience will be hosted by international supermodel model Tyson Beckford who has Caribbean roots. Celebrated Trinidadian fashion designer Meiling, who was awarded the national Chaconia Medal and “Grand Master of Fashion” award for

her creative genius, will debut her “Noir” collection, based on her personal colour of choice, black, where she will explore the possibilities and immense freedom of being monochromatic. “I am excited to be collaborating with such notable, seasoned design artistes in addition to emerging fashion entrepreneurs,” said Simon Khan, CEO of Antilia, who also announced that former Miss Trinidad and Tobago Anya Ayoung-Chee will unveil her new collection “Anya de Rogue”. “We are aiming to position Trinidad and Tobago as the hot new international weekend destination of fashion shows and private parties,” said Khan, who disclosed that more exciting announcements will be disclosed in the weeks ahead. ABOUT ANTILIA Antilia is a Caribbean entertain-

Anya Ayoung-Chee

How To Have A Safe And Fun Summer Road Trip Summer is the perfect time to hit the road and discover new back roads in your state or drive cross-country. A summer road trip is a great opportunity for those once-in-a-lifetime experiences and a great way to make memories with your friends and family. A little planning and preparation will make your road trip even better. Here are some tips that can be essential to summer road trip success. Plan your route. One of the most exciting parts of a summer road trip is the planning stage. By getting everyone involved, you can ensure that everyone gets to visit the stops they want to see along the way. The most important part of planning your summer road trip is mapping out your route. Numerous online resources can help you plan your pit stops along the way. If you’re looking to see places off the beaten path, try one of the scenic byways listed on State tourism websites are also a great place to find summer road trip ideas and most offer online tools to help you plan your trip. Book reservations for your accommodations. If you’re not able to stay with friends and family along your route, it is recommended you make hotel or campground reservations in advance. Also, research what each company’s policy is for late check-ins or canceled reservations in case you get delayed by weather or road construction.


Spring Sale

Without your travel agent you are on your own

Tyson Beckford ment brand dedicated to the global promotion of Caribbean culture, entertainment and tourism. The company represents a nexus between Caribbean elegance and New York style, allowing US citizens, overseas-based Caribbean nationals, the media and others to experience the integration of cultures through visionary special event productions. For the 2009/2010 season, Antilia launched the first ever premium, bundled travel packages to Trinidad’s annual Carnival festival, the second largest street festival in the world, which culminated on February 15 and 16, 2010 in the capital of Port-ofSpain. The company continues to promote the most prestigious and upscale elements of Caribbean culture such as Caribbean art, music, fashion, spirits & liqueurs, fine dining and sought after festivals, both within and outside the region. Antilia has offices in New York City and in Port-of-Spain, Trinidad.

Florida............................... 168 Trinidad..............................238 Kingston............................ 238 Montego Bay..................... 238 Haiti................................... 298 London...............................541 St. Lucia.............................318 Barbados........................... 278 St. Vincent......................... 480 George Town..................... 458 Grenada............................ 622 Taxes not included. Restrictions apply. All rates are subject to change.










See solution, Page 24









I Need To Find A Summer Camp For A Special Needs Kid Q. My daughter has Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder-ADHD and I’m having a hard time finding a summer camp that will accept her and that will understand her special needs. How can I find her a good special needs camp? A. It can be very hard to find a summer camp for children who have any kind of learning disability. First, you must decide if you want a fun camp or an academic camp. Either way, camps should involve fun. Second, you want to find ones that will accommodate your daughter’s needs. How much do they know about ADHD? How do they discipline? Are they easy to contact, especially in an emergency? Do you want day camps only or overnight camps? Are there enough adults per child? Then finally, you want one that fits your budget. To accomplish this, you must start looking early. Here are some resources that I hope you find helpful: 1. The National Dissemination Center for Children with Special Needs (NICHCY) provides this quick connect to camps and summer opportunities (Feb 2010). 2. CHADD Summer Camp Award Fund 2010. Awards of up to $8,000 each designed to help parents or guardians. 3. ADHD-LD Summer Camp Guide -- Learn how specialized camps can benefit your child, and search the camp programs listed in the ADHD Summer Camp Directory. Visit the website at guide/camp.html 4. ADHD Summer Enrichment Camp at the Leelanau School. Introductory program from July 18-23 intended for students entering grades 5 through 12 and their parents. 5. Looking for Special Needs Camps? 6. National Directory of Day and Residential Camps, Camp Easter Seals. PageServer?pagename=ntl_directory_camprec 7. The American Camp Association (ACA; 765-342-8456), one of the largest camping organizations in the U.S., also operates a “find a camp” service at CAMP-a Resource for Families. 8. SOAR, Inc. is a non-profit wilderness adventure program for AD/HD and LD youth. 9. National Camp Association, Inc (NCA). By phone (800966-CAMP). Also 10. National Camp Association - Guidance and referrals. 11. includes a directory listing for Special Needs Camps and Military Camps. 12. - summer camp referral program. 13. Bridges4Kids has a comprehensive listing of Summer Camps across the nation. 14. Religious camps at Also check out your local YMCA, churches, community organizations, library, schools and colleges for camps close to home and small enough to accommodate your daughter. Good luck! Lisa-Anne Ray-Byers is a licensed and certified speechlanguage pathologist who has worked in education for over two decades. She holds graduate degrees in speech-language pathology and multicultural education. She also holds certification in educational administration. She is the author of the book, They Say I Have ADHD, I Say Life Sucks! Thoughts From Nicholas. You may contact her at or by visiting her website at



U.S. Faces Severe Nurse Shortage Registered nursing is one of the fastest-growing careers in the U.S. By 2018, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics estimates, 580,000 more nursing positions will be needed, a growth rate of 22 percent since 2008. Nursing is also thought to be highly recession-proof, actually adding positions during economic downturns. In July 2009, when the U.S. saw job losses of more than 450,000, more than 20,000 new nursing positions were added to the economy. In fact, in a December 2009 report on employment trends, the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) reported that in 2009, the U.S. added 631,000 positions in the health care industry, many of which were in nursing. These huge increases mean that many hospitals and clinics are struggling to meet their need for nurses. In fact, a June 2009 Health Affairs article by Peter I. Buerhaus finds that by 2025, the U.S. is expected to have a shortage of more than 250,000 registered nurses. “Simply put, there is a huge need for nurses throughout the country,” says Martha Keough, nursing director at Everest College in Ontario, California. Demand for nurses is high in all types of medical facilities, including hospitals, medical centers, physicians’ offices, nursing homes and assisted living centers. “Nursing is an exciting career option somewhere between an art and a science,” Keough continues. “You get to interact one-onone with patients and know you are making a difference in their lives.” While the number of new nurses entering the profession is growing, growth is not fast enough to meet demand. The American Association of Certified Nurses reported a 2.2 percent increase in enrollments at entry-level baccalaureate nursing programs in 2008 over 2007; however, that increase will not be nearly sufficient to meet the projected number of openings. A number of demographic factors are contributing to this shortage of nurses, says Maureen Peterkin, nursing instructor at Everest University in Brandon, Fla. First, demographic changes are increasing the demand for health care of all kinds, and nurses and other health professionals are in high demand. “With an aging baby-boomer population, the need for more qualified health professionals is increasing dramatically,” says Peterkin. Other demographic trends, such as longer life spans, are creating a need for nurses with specialized training in long-term care and elder care. Second, the rising age of nurses is expected to spur demand for new entrants to the profession.




Jamaican Adderly Gives Islanders Club CFU Title Nicholas Adderly headed the Puerto Rico Islanders to their first-ever Caribbean Football Union Champions Cup title in a 10 victory over Trinidad & Tobago Pro League club San Juan Jabloteh on Sunday. An 18th minute header from the Jamaican striker in the title decider at the Marvin Lee Stadium was enough for the Islanders to capture the championship. With the win, the Islanders ended with seven points, three ahead of Joe Public, who needed to beat Bayamon FC of Puerto Rico by four clear goals in the day’s final match, but instead fell to a 3-1 defeat. The win for the Islanders was the first by a professional club from Puerto Rico in a regionally-organized tournament, and they also became the first club outside of T&T and Jamaica to win the tournament. Since 1997, professional teams from T&T have won the tournament eight times, and Jamaican teams have won three times. In the second match, Joe Public never got into their stride, and gave one of their worst displays over the last 12 months against Bayamon. The Puerto Rican side went ahead 10, as early as the sixth minute, when Daniel Vidal chipped the ball over the Joe Public defence for Alan Riaza to run onto and scoop past goalkeeper Marvin Phillip. Joe Public drew level in the 25th minute, when towering defender Radanfah Abu Bakr rose highest to meet Kareem Young’s right sided corner and planted a header past goalkeeper Maximiliano Torlacoff. The score remained 1-1 at halftime, and early in the second half, the Adrian Brown latched onto a through ball to fire past Phillip for a 2-1 advantage for Baymon. Four minutes later, Bayamon extended their lead, when a right-sided baseline pass from Cesar Quesada was cheekily directed past Phillip on his first post by Bayamon captain Kendall Manley.

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Speed Clash In NYC

Campbell-Brown To Battle Rival Felix June 12 has been set as the date for the two best female half-lap runners in the World to stage a showdown. Veronica Campbell-Brown, the two-time Olympic gold medallist from Jamaica, and Allyson Felix, the three-time World champion, have been given a race date for the Adidas Grand Prix next month in New York. Campbell-Brown and Felix have dominated the 200 over the last five years, but they will contest the distance for the first time on American soil. The two have raced eight times over the distance with Felix holding the 6-2 advantage. Both of Campbell-Brown’s victories however, came in the Olympic Final. “New York is one of those cities you just love to compete in; after all, it is the ‘World capital’,” said Campbell-Brown in an official news release. “I especially love the world-renowned Jamaican track fans that are always in attendance.”

The 27-year-old Campbell-Brown captured the headlines at the start of the season with her victory in the women’s 60m dash at the IAAF World Indoor Championships in early March in Doha. It was her first World Indoor title and her first major championship title since earning gold at the 2008 Beijing Olympics. The 24-year-old Felix won Olympic gold in 2008 in the 4x400m and is a two-time Olympic 200m silver medallist. She is the reigning three-time 200 World champion, beating Campbell-Brown on all three occasions for the title. Felix is also one of 14 official IAAF Diamond League ambassadors, and will open her Diamond League season in Doha on Friday. Trinidad & Tobago’s Kelly-Ann Baptiste, as well as Carmelita Jeter and Marshevet

America’s Allyson Felix

Jamaica’s Veronica Campbell-Brown

Myers (née Hooker), two other Americans, make he women’s 200 an eye-catching event. The 23-year-old Baptiste is the national record holder over the distance for T&T with a time of 22.60 secs, which she ran in Brazil last year. The 30-year-old Jeter is in the best form of her life, and has established herself as the second-fastest woman ever over 100 metres with a time 10.64 seconds. She last raced over 200m in May last year. The 25-year-old Myers was a 2008 Olympic finalist over the distance. The men’s 100 dash also looks appealing with mega star Usain Bolt set to face a stable of Caribbean challengers. They include Olympic silver medalist Richard Thompson of Trinidad & Tobago, Jamaican Yohan Blake, and Daniel Bailey of Antigua & Barbuda. Two other Jamaican men – veteran and twotime Olympic silver medalist Danny MacFarlane and Isa Phillips – will face a strong 400 hurdles field, which also includes Javier Culson of Puerto Rico, and American Olympic bronze medallist Bershawn Jackson. The 25-year-old Culson ran a World-leading and national record time of 47.72 at the Ponce Grand Prix on May 8, and the 27-yearold Jackson owns the third-fastest time in the World this year (48.36). Both finished on the podium at the 2009 World Championships, with Culson claiming the silver medal and 2005 World champion Jackson earning bronze. Jamaica’s Delloreen Ennis-London is also expected to be among the front-runners for the women’s 100 hurdles, which is packed with talent. She will face Beijing Olympic champion Dawn Harper of the United States, Sweden’s Susanna Kallur, the 2006 European champion and is the current world record holder at 60m hurdles indoors, and American Lolo Jones.

We Felt The Pressure To Perform Says Contrite Gayle Chris Gayle continued to be contrite about West Indies’ meek exit from the Twenty20 World Cup, but believes West Indies cracked under the pressure of being host nation. West Indies bowed out of the T20 World Cup on Tuesday, following a six-wicket defeat by Australia at the Beausejour Cricket Ground. Choosing to bat, West Indies’ batting again flopped, when they were dismissed for 105 in 19 overs, and the Australians successfully chased a target of 106 to win with 22 balls to spare. “There are no excuses,” said the West Indies captain. “I apologise to the fans for the display of cricket we played in this T20 World Cup. We still have to hold our heads high. We have worked really hard, but it was just unfortunate.” Gayle swiftly dismissed suggestions that there was unrest in the side, a common feature when the side has under-performed in the past. “There are no problems within the camp,” he said. “The team spirit has been good. It’s just on the on-field – inconsistency – that’s where we are lacking, and we tried everything to actually get that right, but it just didn’t happen.” He added: “It’s always going to be difficult for a team hosting any event. The added pressure even though you know the conditions well. “People spend their money to come to see decent cricket, and whenever you don’t give them that sort of performance, it’s always going to be on the back foot for us. He said; “That’s more presChris Gayle sure for us as well. It’s a situa-

tion, where we will just have to try and overcome these situations whenever this happens again.” Gayle, one of the World’s leading batsmen in the Twenty20 format, admitted that he also felt the personal pressure of the responsibility that the fate of the side rested so much in his hands. “It’s been severe pressure,” he said. “A lot was on my shoulder. I was hoping that someone would take some of that pressure off in the batting department, but it did not happen throughout this tournament. “It’s been disappointing. I tried my best. Not saying that others did not try their best, but the pressure was there, and maybe sometimes I tried to hard, and dug too deep, and got myself in trouble – wanting to do too much instead of playing my role and letting it come naturally.” Gayle welcomed the support his side received throughout the competition, and paid tribute to scores of West Indies supporters that attended the matches in Guyana, St. Lucia, and Barbados, and cheered his side on. “It was really good, man,” he said. “Pot covers and those things beating, sounded good. It brought back memories. The turnout has been brilliant. “I must commend [the crowds] for this, and it’s just unfortunate that we did not carry on to the semifinals. We can’t complain about the crowd turn-out. The support was very good and I must say again, thanks to all the fans who came out and supported us.” West Indies will need the same level of support, when they tackle South Africa in a bilateral series, starting next week. They meet the Proteas in two T20 and five One-day Internationals, as well as three Tests over the next six weeks. “We have the South Africa home series coming up, so we still have to focus,” he said. “Hopefully, we can give the fans something about which to cheer then.”


Tish Skiddish About New Nets’ Ownership

New York City Councilmember Letitia James has express concerns about the National Basketball Association’s pending agreement with Russia’s richest man, Mikhail Prokhorov, who has agreed to buy the New Jersey Nets basketball team.

In a recent interview, you anticipated that in Brooklyn. The Nets expect that transaction Mr. Prokhorov could be sitting among the to close this week, and the long-delayed 18,000NBA’s team owners during the draft lottery on seat arena is to open in 2012. May 18, despite the possibility that he may have “The Nets basketball team is an integral part violated United States sanctions against of the Atlantic Yards redevelopment project - a Zimbabwe that have been in place since 2003,” project that was sold to the public as one that James stated in a recent letter to the NBA presi- would provide many benefits to New Yorkers, dent David Stern. including the creation of thousands of affordShe told Stern that Brooklyn elected offi- able housing units,” said James. “As elected repcials were disappointed that “you are so eager resentatives of the community, we have a sigto close the deal with Mr. Prokhorov, as your nificant responsibility to ensure that the public statement implies, rather than vet the details of is served through the most honorable means posa prospective team owner’s dealings in a sible.” nation run by Robert Mugabe’s oppresThe Nets, however, hope sive dictatorship.” Prokhorov’s wealth—estimated at The deal was approved Tuesday, $9.5 billion through his banking and by NBA’s owners, who welcomed the metals businesses—will be used to first non-North American into their help them bounce back from a 12club. 70 finish that included an NBA“For those who are already worst, 18-game losing streak to fans of the Nets and the NBA, I open the season. intend to give you plenty to The team was ruined by cheer about,” the Russian cost-cutting moves under billionaire said in a stateRatner, who signed off on ment. the trades of Jason Kidd, Prokhorov agreed to Kenyon Martin, Vince buy 80 percent of the Carter and Richard Nets and 45 percent of Jefferson. There’s an arena project in money to spend now, Brooklyn from develwith an estimated $23 oper Bruce Ratner million in salary cap late last year. Final aproom heading into proval of the sale was free agency this delayed until the summer, when state of New York LeBron James, had taken over all the Dwyane Wade and land seized under emiChris Bosh are among nent domain at the site of the players who could be the team’s Barclays Center Councilmember Letitia James available.






Casava Bread INGREDIENTS: 1 cup fresh cassava meal 2 tbsp counter flour 1 tsp baking powder 1 tbsp sugar 1 tbsp vegetable oil 1/3 cup milk 1 tbsp lime juice 1 egg

METHOD: 1. Mix together all the dry ingredients in a large bowl then add egg and milk to produce a thick batter. Stir in oil and lime juice. 2. Pour one half of batter into well greased non-stick frying pan. 3. Cook on moderate heat for about 5 minutes. Turn and cook for another 5 minutes.

Summer Fancy Food Show Brings Caribbean Flavor To New York City In a highly anticipated annual tradition, the Caribbean Export Development Agency (Caribbean Export) will once again sponsor the Caribbean Pavilion at this year’s Summer Fancy Food Show at the Jacob Javits Convention Center in New York City. The show will be open from Sunday, June 27th through Tuesday, June 29th, 2010. The Caribbean Pavilion will showcase top Caribbean food suppliers, highlight new products, and provide an opportunity for industry professionals to network and discuss their business needs. “In a city with the world’s largest Caribbean-born population, Caribbean food is a staple in New York’s restaurants and kitchens,” said Sam Kruiner, Grant Advisor, of Caribbean Export. “The Summer Fancy Food Show is a tremendous opportunity for the biggest names in the food and beverage industry to meet and do business with top Caribbean food suppliers.” More than 15 leading Caribbean specialty food suppliers are expected to participate in this year’s Pavilion. Products showcased will include sauces, syrups, spices and seasonings, jams and jellies, condiments, candy and snacks, rum,

juices and sodas, salsas, dips and seafood. As the global recession continues to restrict family budgets, Caribbean Export has worked to highlight the tremendous value of authentic Caribbean food products. Increasingly, families are finding Caribbean foods to be an affordable indulgence, while restaurants and food suppliers are discovering strong demand for Caribbean products. “As families and restaurant owners continue to stretch every dollar, Caribbean specialty foods offer both outstanding quality and unbeatable ‘bang for the buck,” said Kruiner. The Summer Fancy Food Show features 180,000 specialty foods and beverages, 2,400 exhibitors from 81 countries and more than 24,000 attendees. The exposition is ideal for specialty food retailers, supermarket chains, independent grocery and natural food stores, delis and convenience stores, gift and candy stores, mail order and internet retailers and mass merchants and warehouse clubs. Register before May 22 for $35 off the general admission price of $60.

Taking you on a Journey to rediscover lost crops of Africa and experience their healing and nutritural benefits.

Moringa Oliefera Plant I By Adaeze Agu

am always excited talking about the endless nutritional benefits of Moringa. Looking at so many effects of food additives and insufficient nutrients in crops due to depleted soil, I am sure that African Americans will agree its time to walk back to “our” original foods. Here in America, a great deal of malnutrition is the result of over-eating of nutrient deficient foods (junk food), and under-eating nutrient rich food. Thus, I am sure that Moringa products will nourish the body by providing the lacking nutrients in our daily diet. In Ancient traditional Africa culture, our food is our medicine. This could explain why some Africans in the Diaspora show symptoms of different diseases, years after migrating to the West and eating foods not

grown within their gene pool soil. It is important to eat food that matches your DNA. For now, we are concentrating on Moringa. As one of the rare trees whose leaves can be eaten as vegetables, the Moringa’s nutrients is easily absorbed and no allergy has ever been reported. Most of the nutrients of the Moringa tree are in its dry leaves powder that can be sprinkled on food to add essential nutrients to any dish. Healthy individuals need just 1/2 to 1 teaspoon a day added to water, juice, salads, smoothie and dishes. It can also be cooked. However, to avoid damage from high heat, add to ready to eat cold or warm food item. Unlike synthetic vitamins, some “natural” multivitamins or even green powder supplement, the Moringa leaf is 100% natural. The leaves are delicious either raw or cooked, and nourish the body with a powerhouse of essential and even rare nutrients often lacking in our busy fast-food lifestyles.





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