New York Liberty Star

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FRIDAY, JULY 9, 2010


Copyright © 2006, New York Liberty Star

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VOL. 10 ISSUE 206



BARRINGTON LEVY was definitely the star of the concert with a superb performance he thrilled the audience with extraordinary renditions. Page 11




SHELLY-ANN FRASER tested positive for a banned substance after taking medication to treat a toothache.

Taxi Drivers Wanted? No Car Needed! SEE OUR AD ON PAGE 5








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State Senator John Sampson

Senate Protects Kids From Pervs BROOKLYN, NY -- Majority Conference Leader State Senator John L. Sampson announced the passing of legislation in the Senate which will help prevent employers from hiring registered sex offenders and those guilty of child abuse for jobs that require a significant time spent around children. While hiring policies utilized by public schools already include background checks and ensure this security for children, other organizations do not currently practice similar diligence. Senator Sampson praised the passing of the bill, noting this will prevent anyone on either the New York State Sex Offender Registry or the Statewide Central Registry of Child Abuse and Maltreatment from gaining employment in a manner that again places a child at risk. “Our primary objective must be to keep our children safe from dangerous predators,” said Senator Sampson. “This legislation reduces the risk of exposing new victims to sexual abuse by keeping known offenders from spending extended time around children.” The senator continued, “Extending the background check requirement to other child-oriented fields benefits the whole community. It gives parents the peace of mind of knowing their child is safe, it guards sex offenders and abusers from potentially committing another violation, and it reduces the risk of creating new victims of sexual abuse by prohibiting known offenders from interacting with children.” This bill passed the Senate unanimously (61-0) and is awaiting action in the Assembly.


Local News Pat’s $50 Million Loan Fund To Help Struggling Small Biz

Governor David A. Paterson

Governor David A. Paterson announced the creation of a $50 million Small Business Revolving Loan Fund to provide capital to minority and women-owned enterprises and other entrepreneurs that are having difficulty accessing regular credit markets.

The fund, which is supported by $25 million in State funds, will leverage $25 million in private matching funds from selected lending institutions. Governor Paterson proposed the creation of such a fund in his 2010 State of the State address and included funding for it in his 2010-11 Executive Budget. “Over the course of the past two years, I have worked to expand opportunities for small businesses, to double alternative lending resources for entrepreneurs and increase the participation of minority and womenowned business in government contracting,” Governor Paterson said. “The Small Business Revolving Loan Fund is a culmination of those efforts and a result of the work of the Small Business Task Force, which I created last summer to develop new strategies and introduce new resources to promote the growth and development of small businesses in New York. A more diverse and competitive business climate will mean more jobs and more money in the pockets of hardworking

New Yorkers.” “At the heart of our State’s economy are small businesses. All across New York – from Buffalo to New York City – small firms supply their local area with vitally needed goods and services,” Empire State Development Chairman and CEO Dennis M. Mullen said. “This fund is targeted towards those everyday businesses that are having trouble in our current economy. The Small Business Revolving Loan Fund will provide small businesses with access to fair and affordable capital. With the announcement of this fund, along with New York State’s technical assistance and other small business development support, we are better poised to strengthen our economy. I commend Governor Paterson and my fellow Task Force members; this is a true triumph for small business in New York.” The Small Business Revolving Loan Fund will be targeted to main street everyday businesses throughout the State – mom and pop businesses,

retail, service and manufacturing businesses. In addition, new startup businesses may also be eligible if they meet certain conditions, such as having a credible business plan, collateral and a track record of other business success. In July 2009, in an effort to develop new strategies to promote the growth and development of small businesses in New York, Governor Paterson created the Small Business Task Force. Taking the first steps towards assisting businesses in the State, the Task Force created two free online manuals aimed at connecting small business owners and entrepreneurs to important resources. The New York State Directory of Small Business Programs is an interactive online directory of State business resources and the New York State Small Business Lending Guide is a free online manual geared towards connecting small business owners and entrepreneurs with alternative banks and credit unions that are currently lending. Both manuals are available at: In December 2009, the Governor ’s Small Business Task Force submitted its Final Report to the Governor. The report included proposals to address increasing access to capital; reducing red tape and providing regulatory reform; strengthening and enhancing training and technical assistance for business owners, employees and aspiring entrepreneurs; and improving access to, and awareness of, available State resources. Since then, New York State has either completed or made substantial progress on more than half of the Task Force’s recommendations. Program loans may be used for working capital, acquisition and or improvement of real property, the acquisition of machinery and equipment, or the refinancing of debt obligations. A small business is defined as resident in New York State, independently owned and operated, not dominant in its field, and with one hundred or fewer employees. For more information on the State’s Small Business Division and its programs, please visit:

SPIRITUAL READING Man from Jamaica ~ Clairvoyant

Prayer of the Guardian Angel

Oh protector spirit who incessantly watch over me. You who have received this mission, because you enjoy doing good works; and you need to do it for me and my family, so your soul will advance. Save me and my family during the night when our spirits wander through the unknown passage. Guide us safely to friends and loved-ones and those who would teach us lessons and grant us council useful to my living which are enact tomorrow. Guide our souls through nature. Help us contemplate it and lift our souls above new challenges that could make us lose our hope. Amen. In the name of the father, son and holy spirit. Light a guardian angel candle, starting on Mondays. Best use with this prayer.

For reading call for appointment: Email:




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Brings Slavery Casts Mangano Fresh Produce, A Long Shadow Jobs To Roosevelt By Hannah Rubenstein

NEW YORK, NY (IPS/TerraViva) - Ayana rises before the sun. She bathes, dresses, and leaves the house before her daughters awake. Transferring from bus to train to taxi, she arrives at the high-rise apartment an hour later as the sky begins to lighten. She will prepare breakfast for the children, pack their lunches, see them off to school, clean the apartment, wash the laundry, pick the children up, take them to piano lessons and soccer practice, return to the apartment, bathe and dress them, prepare dinner, monitor homework, and wash the dishes. The sky will be dark again 12 hours later when Ayana boards the departing train. When she arrives home, her daughters will be in bed. She’ll kiss them goodnight and turn off the lights. In the next week, Ayana will spend upwards of 50 hours caring for children and a home that are not her own. For her effort, she will earn a low wage that hovers on the federal poverty line. She will not receive overtime wages, paid time off, or health insurance. She does not have a work contract. She will likely not be paid on time. With her paltry salary, she must support a household of four and send a portion of her earnings to her family back in Trinidad. She will be late on her rent payment. Again. Ayana’s situation is not an exception to the rule. She is a composite of domestic workers in the U.S., the majority of who are immigrant women

of colour being exploited for poverty wages. She is the Average Domestic Worker - one of approximately 2.5 million living and working in the United States. Ayana is representative of the urban domestic workforce as a whole, defined as anyone employed to work in a private home by the head(s) of household, including nannies, housekeepers, elderly companions, cleaners, babysitters, baby nurses, and cooks. Estimates of the number of domestic workers in New York City range from 200,000 to 600,000, with speculation that the population is even greater. Jill Shenker, lead organiser of the National Domestic Workers Alliance (NDWA), tells TerraViva that “one of the realities of this workforce across the world is that it isn’t very well understood or researched.” Currently, there is no comprehensive national data available, although NDWA is planning to launch a countrywide survey in 2011 aimed at gathering statistics on the workforce. What is known about the domestic workforce is that it is underpaid and overworked. A 2006 Domestic Workers United (DWU) report that has provided the most conclusive data on the workforce surveyed 547 domestic workers in New York from 42 countries, and found that 99 percent

Estimates of the number of domestic workers in New York City range from 200,000 to 600,000.

of domestic workers are foreign-born, 95 percent are of colour, and 93 percent are women. The majority of workers are from Latin America, the Caribbean, and the Philippines. Not surprisingly, the domestic work industry in the U.S. has roots in slavery. Following abolition, domestic work became a predominantly African-American, female occupation. After the Civil Rights movement of the 1970s expanded work options for African-American women, the domestic workforce began to swell with immigrant women of colour seeking to escape the poverty of their birthplaces. Because of its fraught history, domestic work - like farm work, the other traditional slave occupation in the United States - has never been subject to any legal protections. Domestic workers have been excluded from the National Labour Relations Act, Fair Labour Standards Act (FLSA), Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA), Civil Rights Law, Americans with Disabilities Act, and the Age Discrimination in Employment Act, either as “casual employees” not protected by the law, as with FLSA, or as “a matter of policy,” in the case of OSHA. Groups like Domestic Workers United, and its umbrella organisation, the National Domestic Workers Alliance, have been fighting for change. Recently, by a small margin of 33- 28, the New York State Senate passed a Domestic Workers Bill of Rights ensuring workplace protection and standards for domestic workers, defeating opposition from legislators claiming that their constituents couldn’t afford to pay overtime and severance wages. The New York State Assembly passed a similar measure last year; once the bills are reconciled, Governor David Paterson has agreed to sign the measure into law. In other states in the U.S., such as California and Colorado, workers rights groups are campaigning for similar legislation. Shenker says the most beneficial step would be federal legislation ensuring workers rights. “Basic protections and a basic understanding of the household as a workplace for millions of people could help us move forward at a faster rate,” she tells TerraViva. The Domestic Workers Bill of Rights promises change. There are discrepancies between the Assembly and Senate versions of the bill, but both share a commitment to improving domestic work conditions. Under the Domestic Bill of Rights - which many activists hope will be the blueprint for federal legislation - Ayana would be paid for overtime, or time-and-a-half, for every hour worked above 40 hours per week. She would be guaranteed one day off per week. Depending on the final version of the bill, Ayana could earn a limited number of paid vacation, holiday, and sick days; a guarantee of severance pay; protection from workplace discrimination; and inclusion in collective bargaining and disability laws.

Nassau County Partners With Community-Based Groups For Youth-Run Farm Stand

Mineola, NY – Nassau County Executive Edward P. Mangano announced this week the establishment of a farmer ’s market in Roosevelt that will be operated by neighborhood youth and supplied by local farmers, giving community members unprecedented access to fresh produce. The Roosevelt Youth Farmers Market is part of a pilot program that was partially funded by a $50,000 Community Development Block Grant from Nassau County . “This market will provide Roosevelt residents with locally grown fruits, produce and other products, right here in their own neighborhood. It will help establish a sense of community and will give high school students a chance to learn about the basics of running a

Nassau County Executive Edward P. Mangano

business,” said County Executive Mangano. “I am pleased that the county was able to help fund this great program.” The Roosevelt Youth Farmer’s Market is part of a pilot program established by Sustainable Long Island to make locally grown produce available to currently underserved communities, with a Youth Farmers Market also opening Bellport, Suffolk County . Open twice a week beginning on July 11, the Roosevelt market will be operated by five Roosevelt High School students who will each work 25 hours a week at $7.50 per hour, and one part-time seasonal market manager working 30 hours a week at $15 per hour. The student workers will, after completing a training program, be responsible for promoting and publicizing the market and running the farm stand under the direction of the Long Island Farm Bureau. The Roosevelt Community Revitalization Group is also sponsoring the program, along with NuHealth (Nassau Health Care Corporation), which has agreed to host the market at the NuHealth Clinic at 380 Nassau Road . Participating farms include Anderson Farms, Philip A. Schmitt & Son, Deer Run Farms, and W & K Farms.

Windy City Gets A Taste Of Jamaica Hundreds of families and kids got a “taste” of Jamaica during the recent Taste of Chicago, the country’s largest free admission food and music festival attracting more than three million visitors. The Jamaica Tourist Board, along with partner Sunset Resorts Jamaica, hosted a fun-packed day of family activities in the event’s family booth. Face painting, face stamping, bracelet making, a limbo contest, Reggae sing-along, and also a chance to win a trip to Sunset Beach Resort, Spa & Waterpark in Montego Bay rounded out the family friendly activities. Representatives from Jamaica Tourist Board and Sunset Resorts were on hand to talk about summer travel to Jamaica and travel deals for families.

Jamaica Tourist Board Senior District Manager Glen Bucknor pets a rare bird.


Immigration Frees Sick J’can After 5 Yrs

A legal permanent resident from Jamaica, who has languished in a detention center in Louisiana for five years, as his health deteriorates, has finally been freed.

Carlyle Leslie Owen Dale, 61, who had worked in New York for three decades, was released last Friday. Immigration advocates said he seemed at risk of dying in an Oakdale, Louisiana, immigration jail, while his court appeals against an order of deportation languished. Advocates at the Chicago, Illinois-based National Immigrant Justice Center (NIJC) said they had submitted an unusual petition last week to the United Nations as a last-ditch effort to win Dale’s release. They said, as Dale’s court appeals languished, his health had “sharply declined” from diabetes, chronic asthma, liver disease, severe arthritis and high blood pressure. An outline of Dale’s case was presented at a White House meeting in May under the heading, “The Next Death in Immigration Detention,” NJIC said. The advocates said they had decided to turn to the United Nations only after “fruitless appeals” to officials at the US Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), including Phyllis Coven, the acting director of detention policy and planning, who visited Oakdale last month. But last Friday, for the first time in five years, Dale said he woke up listening to the voices of his grandchildren – two and 12 years old – instead of to orders shouted inside the federal detention center. “I want to tell you how good it feels to be back in my America — the America that I love and that loves me,” he told reporters from the home of his son, Dwight, in Orlando, Florida. It was an abrupt change of fortune for Dale, whose ill health had deteriorated drastically at the Oakdale Federal Detention Center, leading to five hospitalizations in 20 months.

Paying For College Is More Than Tuition, Room And Board

“The government detains individuals on a massive scale without really evaluating whether that person merits detention.” Claudia Valenzuela, attorney

As college-bound students eagerly await the coming fall and their first days at college, many are shopping for the supplies they want to bring along to campus.

Last month, a US federal appeals court judge had overruled Dale’s deportation order, finding that the Board of Immigration Appeals had been wrong to conclude that a conviction in 2000 for attempted assault made him deportable as an “aggravated felon,” and sent the matter back to the board for a new decision. The US government has been trying to deport Dale since 2005, based on his guilty plea to attempted aggravated assault in a 1998 shooting at a halfway house that he operated in Uniondale, in upstate New York, for recovering substance abusers. Dale, who had never been in trouble with the law, served three and a half years in jail and paid more than US$9,000 in restitution to a resident whom he shot with an unregistered gun during a confrontation in which he said the resident attacked him with a knife. Immigration officials had refused numerous requests to release Dale while his appeals were pending. And even after last week’s ruling, by the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit, they maintained at first that Dale was still subject to mandatory detention. But, on Wednesday, in a settlement with his justice center lawyers, who withdrew a pending habeas corpus petition in his case, US federal officials freed him on his own recognizance. Claudia Valenzuela, the justice center lawyer who represented Dale, said the case highlighted the arbitrariness of the detention system. “The government detains individuals on a massive scale without really evaluating whether that person merits detention,” she said. “It serves to create a system in

To avoid a budgeting crisis in the fall, remember that college costs include more than tuition, room and board. The New York State Higher Education Services Corp. (HESC) reminds students and families to plan for living expenses and school supplies that add significantly to college costs. HESC is the state’s financial aid agency that helps people pay for college. Here are a few college startup costs to keep in mind: Dorm supplies New college students will need bedding – a set or two of sheets (usually extra-long); blanket/s, bedspread and pillows; towels; a desk lamp; laundry basket or hamper; alarm clock; cleaning supplies; toiletries; and room decorations. Your college’s residence life website will have a list of suggestions. You may be able to coordinate with roommates for a television, mini-refrigerator, fan, book shelves and perhaps an area rug, small chair and other accessories. Textbooks and supplies As of July 1, a new federal law requires colleges to provide booklists for courses at the time of registration. This allows students to comparison shop at the bookstore, online or a book rental service. There may be other expenses such as lab and computing fees, art or music supplies or other material fees depending on your academic program. Be sure to ask your advisor about first-year academic expenses. Meal Plans Meals can be the third highest expense at college, after tuition and room charges. Many colleges offer a variety of plans based on how much food you might eat in a week. Rather than opt for the most expensive plan with the most meals, review your eating habits and select a plan that will give you the most value for your money. Many plans include “flex” money that can be used at different campus locations. Check the terms of the flex options and find out if unused meal money can be refunded or rolled over to another academic term. Knowing this may help you make the best selection for your budget. After your first semester, you may want to reconsider meal plan options that may result in additional savings. Meal plan details are usually available on the dining and residence life pages of the college website. Computer Most colleges have computers available for use by students in user rooms in the dorms, libraries and

National Immigrant Justice Center

Carlyle Leslie Owen Dale which individuals who should never be detained in the first place, much less for years on end, find themselves deprived of their liberty, of everyday contact with family and friends, and of even basic medical services without justification,” she added. As expected, Dale said he was overjoyed to be free again. “My 2-year-old, she’s all over me,” he said of his granddaughter, born while he was in detention. “My health is not as bad because my spirits are so high. “I’ve been thinking about a lot of people I left there (in detention center), people who have been going through so much hardship, and they’re still going through that.”

Brooklyn’s Top Rated Cardiologist Opens New State Of The Art Facility In E. Flatbush Cardiologist Dr. Oluyemi Badero is set to open a new Brooklyn office in East Flatbush, today, at 687 Lenox Road, (corner of E 46TH St.). Dr. Badero is an award-winning, world renowned Interventional Cardiologist, with over twenty five years experience as a licensed physician, an unprecedented Nine years of continuous post graduate training spanning four specialties and subspecialties and three board certifications. Dr. Badero is also the recipient of a US congressional honor for excellence and several academic accolades. For over twelve years, Dr. Badero and Cardiac Specialists of Brooklyn, have provided world-class, state of the art, highest quality, “One-stop-shop”, comprehensive cardiovascular services to the residents of central Brooklyn and Medical pilgrims from the Caribbean, Africa, Asia and Europe at their Flagship office in Canarsie section of Brooklyn at 1932 Rockaway Pkwy. In the delivery of expert cardiovascular care, Dr. Badero and Cardiac specialists of Brooklyn have involved the patients and their family as integral parts of the treat-

ment plan and decision making process whereby they provided information, education and explanation to each patient in the clearest, but basic layman’s terms. This allows for the delivery of care that aims for excellence and hits every mark. With this philosophy, they have meticulously built a formidable reputation with their peers of referring physicians and strong patient loyalty, one patient at a time. Dr. Badero has helped and healed thousands of patients, many of whom included Physicians, Nurses, other members of the healthcare team and their families. “Our mission is to heal our people and help reduce the scourge of heart disease in central Brooklyn, one heart at a time. Simply put, ‘When It Comes to Matters of the Heart, We Get to the Heart of the Matter,’” said Dr. Badero.“Our new location allows us to bring the same excellent, one-stop-shop care to the residents of East Flatbush.” Dr. Badero and staff invites the general public to the Grand Opening and Informal Reception ceremony of this Medical Plaza today, starting at noon.

other campus locations, but you may still wish to have your own computer to use whenever and wherever you want. Purchase a model that will be compatible with the systems used on campus. Some colleges have arrangements with computer vendors to sell equipment at a discounted, student rate through the bookstore or computing services, but shop around. If you plan to use a personal computer, you may need an Ethernet card and cable to connect to the college’s servers. You can save money and time by purchasing your cable locally or online before heading to campus. Cable TV Your TV set will most likely need cable service to work properly on campus and your college may or may not include local cable service with the room fee, so check ahead if having your own TV is a “must.” Entertainment College life includes making new friends, socializing and going out for movies, pizza, concerts, participating in sports and other activities. Talk with your family about how much money to budget for weekly entertainment expenses. Campus Cards for Miscellaneous Expenses Students and families should budget an amount of money that will be available for use on a monthly or semester basis to cover miscellaneous expenses. Laundry, photocopying, vending machine purchases and other incidentals can add up quickly and you may be able to pre-pay these expenses by securing a campus card that works like a debit card. Many campus cards may also be used off-campus at local fast-food restaurants and other businesses. Check the terms of the campus card and find out whether unused funds can be refunded or carried over to the next academic term. Planning ahead and preparing for these additional college expenses over the summer will help you start the new fall term on the right track




Caribbean Consulates In New York Antigua & Barbuda 305 East 47th Street New York, N.Y. 10017 Tel. 212-541-4119 Bahamas 231 East 46th Street New York, NY 10017 (212) 421-6420 Barbados 820 Second Avenue, 2nd Fl. New York, N.Y. 10017 Tel. 212-551-4300 Belize 800 Second Avenue, Suite 400G New York, N.Y. 10017 Tel. 212-421-6934 Cayman Islands (Dept. of Tourism) 641 Lexington Ave, Suite 1435 New York, NY 10170 (877) 874-5104 Dominican Republic 1501 Broadway, Suite 410 New York, N.Y. 10036 Tel. 212-768-2480 Grenada 820 Second Avenue, Suite 900D New York, N.Y. 10017 Tel. 212-599-0301 Guyana 370 7th Avenue New York, N.Y. 10017 Tel. 212-947-5110 Haiti 271 Madison Avenue, 5th Floor New York, N.Y. 10016 Tel. 212-697-9767 Honduras 80 Wall Street, Suite 415, 4th Floor New York, N.Y. 10005 Tel. 212-269-3611 Jamaica 767 Third Avenue New York, N.Y. 10017-2993 Tel. 212-935-9000 Martinique 444 Madison Avenue, 16th Floor New York, N.Y. 10022 Tel. 212-838-6887 Montserrat 845 Third Avenue New York, N.Y. 10022 Tel. 212-745-0200 Panama 1212 Avenue of the Americas, 6th Floor New York, N.Y. 10036 Tel. 212-840-2450 Puerto Rico 666 Fifth Avenue, 15th Floor New York, N.Y. 10103 Tel. 800-223-6530 St. Kitts & Nevis 414 East 75th Street, 5th Floor New York, N.Y. 10021 Tel. 212-535-1234 St. Lucia 800 Second Avenue, 9th Floor New York, N.Y. 10007 Tel. 212-697-9360 St. Maarten 675 Third Avenue, Ste. 1807 New York, N.Y. 10017 Tel. 800-786-2278 St. Vincent & The Grenadines 801 Second Avenue, 21st Floor New York, N.Y. 10017 Tel. 212-687-4981 Trinidad & Tobago 125 Maiden Lane, #4 New York, N.Y. Tel. 212-742-8021


Caribbean Don’t Blame Population For CARICOM’s Failures By Sir Ronald Sanders

last resort. New governments in CARICOM do not appear to be immune from the virus of injudicious public statements. Thus, the new Prime Minister of Trinidad and Tobago, Kamla PersaudBissessar, declared publicly that her country was not an “ATM machine” from which other CARICOM countries could draw money as they want it. Such statements would not endear Trinidad and Tobago to the rest of the CARICOM countries, nor would it encourage citizens of Trinidad and Tobago to regard other CARICOM citizens with anything but contempt. In reality, the relationship between Trinidad and Tobago and other CARICOM countries, particularly the smaller nations of the Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS), is

far more mutually beneficial than is conveyed by the analogy of the “ATM machine”. Other CARICOM countries are a lucrative and protected market for Trinidad and Tobago’s manufactured products and financial services under the CARICOM Treaty. Were it not for their membership of CARICOM, these countries could purchase most of what they buy from Trinidad and Tobago at cheaper prices elsewhere in the world. Barbados, too, benefits significantly from the export of goods and services to CARICOM. It is Bardados largest area for exports. This is one of the reasons why the Barbados government was concerned with the intention of the previous Patrick Manning government in Trinidad and Tobago to forge an economic union with the members of the OECS. The point is that membership of

CARICOM is not a one-way street, nor indeed is it a one-way street only for the marketing of goods and services. Of equal importance is the bargaining strength which collective negotiations in the international community bring to each of the countries individually. But, little credit is given to the benefits of regional cooperation. It is seldom, if at all, mentioned by governments in their parliaments or in their media conferences. The impression left in the minds of the people is that CARICOM is a useless organisation that brings no benefit to them, and that they would be better off shedding it and dealing with the world on their own. Of course, leaders know better. That is why none of them have abandoned CARICOM, and more recent leaders, such as Bruce Golding, have significantly altered the almost hostile attitude to CARICOM with which they started out. There are a multitude of crucial matters that CARICOM countries cannot manage on their own and for which each of them needs to be bolstered by the collective effort of all. Dealing with drug trafficking is one example. There are myriad others such as coping with the effects of natural disasters and bargaining with the international community. Serious observers within the Caribbean and many more, including governments and international financial institutions, had hoped that the recent summit would address two matters with the gravity and urgency they deserved and so reinvigorate regional integration and reignite interest – if not passion – for it among the Caribbean people and the wider world.

The Trinidad and Tobago government says it will continue with the agreement reached between Caribbean Airlines (CAL) and Air Jamaica earlier this year.

because her People’s Partnership government was not privy to any of the details while it formed the opposition. But Trinidad and Tobago’s Finance Minister Winston Dookeran has described the decision as a “good deal”. Dookeran, addressing a private sector meeting here this week, said the board of directors appointed by the previous administration at Caribbean Airlines had done good work. He said the “recent arrangement” in which Caribbean Airlines had purchased the revenue stream but not the debts of Air Jamaica was a good, sound one, which allowed Caribbean Airlines “to expand”. Last month the government appointed a three-member team to examine the deal and Dookeran said he recently took the team’s report to Cabinet. He said the report would help the government make important decisions in relation to the national budget expected in the next few months.

Trinidad & Tobago Prime Minister Kamla Persad Bissessar

Some leaders of countries of the Caribbean Community and Common Market (CARICOM) often suggest that the slow progress of regional integration is due to a lack of “trust and understanding” among the people. Certainly this was a view expressed by Bruce Golding, the Prime Minister of Jamaica, at the opening of the 31st CARICOM Heads of Government Conference in Jamaica. Interestingly Golding also said that integration also requires “building trust and understanding” among the leaders themselves. He is right on both counts. But, if the people of CARICOM countries lack trust and understanding of the benefits of regional integration, the blame lies with the leaders. Over the last 20 years of CARICOM’s existence, the people of the region have been fed a regular diet of CARICOM bashing in the media. That bashing was – and is – conducted by CARICOM leaders. The media simply report it. Instead of resolving trade disputes at the table of quiet diplomacy, government representatives choose to amplify them with heated exchanges through the media, creating the impression that CARICOM’s trade arrangements don’t work fairly. Yet, the CARICOM Treaty provides for the amicable settlement of disputes through consultation with recourse to the Caribbean Court of Justice only a

Caribbean Community leaders: (L-R) Dominica’s Prime Minister Roosevelt Skerrit, Guyana’s President Bharrat Jagdeo, Suriname’s President Ronald Venetiaan and CARICOM Secretary-General Edwin Carrington.

Trinidad Keeping Air Jamaica Deal Under the agreement, the Jamaica government owns 16 per cent of CAL as part of the conditions for the CAL taking over the lucrative routes of the cash-strapped Air Jamaica. Prime Minister Kamla Persad Bissessar, who is winding up an official visit here, told a news conference that Air Jamaica will continue to fly under its own brand name. “It took us a while to review the agreement, but we are happy to know we will be partners when it comes to Air Jamaica and Caribbean Airlines,” she said, adding however “I am sure we could have done some things differently but we are not going back to that”. The deal also allows for Trinidad and Tobago agreeing to a US$300 million transition plan for CAL to ac-

quire and operate six Air Jamaica aircraft and eight of its routes. Persad Bissessar said that one of the risks involved in the agreement is the fact that Jamaica has signed an Open Skies agreement that would allow any United States carrier to fly to the island thereby reducing Air Jamaica’s competitive edge because of the several US-based low-cost carriers that have started operating on the route. Additionally, she said, the airline could be further affected when the current fuel subsidy comes to an end in December. “When you couple that with those low cost airlines, there is a risk in that regard,” she said. Persad-Bissessar said her administration decided to do a review of the Air Jamaica-Caribbean Airlines deal






Caribbean Woman On Death Row In U.S. Has Brits Peeved The British government says it will do “anything that is necessary” to help a woman from St. Kitts and Nevis on death row in the United States. Linda Carty, 51, who is also a British citizen, was convicted over the abduction and murder of 25-year-old Joana Rodriguez in a trial in 2002 that supporters described as “catastrophically flawed”. “My Lords, we are committed to using all appropriate influence to prevent the execution of any British national, and that is certainly our starting point in this case,” Security Minister Baroness Neville-Jones told the House of Lords on Thursday. “In the case of Linda Carty, we are supporting her efforts to get clemency in Texas. We are in close consultation with Miss Carty’s lawyers and with the NGO Reprieve, and we are planning our representations carefully with them,” she added. “This is a sensitive case, and I hope that the House will understand that it would not be sensible for me to go into further detail while these discussions are taking place. “I will add one further thing. Since Linda Carty potentially faces the death penalty, I am sure that the House will wish to know that the government reaffirms the position taken by our predecessors on the death penalty,” she said. In May, the US Supreme Court ruled against reviewing Carty’s case, exhausting her legal options. But Baroness Neville-Jones said


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$ kittitian and British citizen Linda Carty awaits her execution date at Mountain View prison in Gatesville, Texas. the British government has not ruled out taking Carty’s case to the International Court of Justice (ICJ). “I am aware of that precedent. Our current advice is that it is not necessarily particularly helpful, but I certainly do not rule out pursuing that route if we have grounds to believe that it will help,” said the security minister, responding to a question from Lord Thomas of Gresford on the issue. Lord Thomas noted that Mexico and Germany had taken the United States to the ICJ and obtained a ruling that, under international law, was “illegal to execute a person who had not had the benefit of consular protection”. “My Lords, my noble friend is right to say that part of the problem in this case was that we were not notified by the Texas authorities, as should have been the case,” Baroness Neville-Jones said. “That is one reason why our ability to help Miss Carty has come rather

late in the day,” she added. Defence attorneys said Rodriguez was seized with her four-day-old son by three men on May 16, 2001. The baby was later found unharmed in a car, but Rodriguez was killed. Prosecutors said she was suffocated with duct-tape over her mouth and a plastic bag placed around her head. Carty has always maintained her innocence, stating she was framed by the men who carried out the abduction because of her earlier work as an informant for the US Drug Enforcement Agency. The Labour Party’s Lord Faulkner of Worcester told peers that Carty has been on death row in Texas for nine years. “Her trial has been described as a travesty,” he said. “The provision of her defence counsel was a joke. The founder of Reprieve described this as a most desperate, outrageous miscarriage of justice,” he added.

Former J’can Commish Jailed On Bribery, Extortion Charges MIAMI, Fla. - A United States federal judge has sentenced a Jamaicanborn former Miramar City Commissioner to more than four years in prison on bribery and extortion charges. US District Judge James Cohn imposed the sentence on Fitzroy Salesman, 53, who begged for compassion. Salesman was convicted in April by a 12-member jury after his September 2009 arrest for steering city construction contracts to bribe-paying contractors who were

Former Miramar City Commissioner Fitzroy Salesman


actually undercover FBI agents. “The shame that has been brought on me and my family, if I could give my life to reverse it, your honour, I would,” Salesman told the judge before sentencing on Thursday. He, however, denied taking bribes or extorting the FBI agents and informants posing as construction contractors and money managers during the two and a half year investigation. “Your honor, I did not go down that road,” said Salesman, who also was sentenced to three years of supervised release after his release from jail. During Salesman’s trial, prosecutors presented damning audio and video recordings of the former Miramar City Commissioner pocketing payoffs and orchestrating contributions from the FBI agents to the campaigns and pet charities of Broward County, Southern Florida politicians in order to win government construction contracts. Salesman said he was working as a legitimate political consultant while he was suspended from public office. He told the judge that if making contributions to charities and campaigns were a crime, “I guess all the way down from the White House to city halls, crimes have been committed.” But Judge Cohn described Salesman’s actions as “paradoxical,” noting that “Mr. Salesman would openly recognize the illegality of pay to play but, nevertheless, engage in the illegal action.” The sentencing guidelines for Salesman, based on the amount of money involved and his criminal history, ranged from 51 to 63 months. Assistant US Attorney Jeffrey Kaplan, who prosecuted the case, had recommended that Salesman receive the maximum sentence. “A sentence of six to seven years would be more appropriate,” he told the judge.



KINGSTON, Jamaica - Popular dancehall artiste Vybz Kartel will find out on Friday if he will be released from police detention after being questioned in relations to criminal gangs, while another high profile act, Bounty Killer is to return to court in September on marijuana-related charges. Kartel, whose real name is Adijah Palmer, was detained last Friday, days after he and five other men were named as major persons of interest in related to gang activity in the central parish of St. Catherine. “His detention order is up tomorrow. We are hoping that they will release him,” the entertainer’s lawyer, Chris Tavares-Finson, was quoted by the Jamaica newspaper as saying on Thursday. Meanwhile, veteran performer Rodney “Bounty Killer” Price appeared in court on Wednesday, when his bail in the drug case was extended. He is due to reappear in court on September 27. It has been alleged that Price was spotted smoking marijuana in New Kingston last October and upon a search was found to have a small quantity of the drug in his possession. He has denied the charges.


Popular Deejays Still Uncertain Of Fate

Rodney “Bounty Killer” Price

Jamaica’s First Female Ambassador To U.S. United States President Barack Obama shares a light moment with Jamaica’s first female Ambassador to the United States, Her Excellency Audrey Marks in the Oval Office at the White House after she presented her letters of credentials. (White House Photo Office)





Barrington Levy Stole Show At Brooklyn Music Festival Story & Photos By Marjorie Flash It felt like 96 degrees in the shade and it probably was on Sunday afternoon at the Brooklyn Music Festival held at the Aviator Sports & Recreation Center, and presented by Jammins Entertainment. However, this did not deter the hundreds of reggae fans that converged on Floyd Bennett Field to endure the heat and listen to reggae music from some of their favorite entertainers. Security was extra tight and granted, extra precautions are always a good thing at concerts with so many people in attendance. However, more steps could have been taken to prevent overcrowding in the VIP/Backstage area where artists and media were trying to conduct interviews and in my case, also take photographs. One of the security’s main goal is to ensure pa-

MOVIES now in theatres New Releases Toy Story 3 The Karate Kid The A-Team Get Him to the Greek Shrek Forever After Grown Ups Killers Jonah Hex Iron Man The Last Airbender

trons attending the event were in a safe and violent free environment which was achieved with no reports of any violent outbreak. The event started close to schedule with early performances by The Rudie Crew Ska Band, the NY Ska Jazz Ensemble, Mikey Jarrett, Kayla Bliss, TiliBop, Bennybwoy and Lynx modeling their latest jacket designs. Surprising to say but legendary King Yellowman was lumped in this early slot too. Performing under the blazing hot sun with a small crowd diminished his great act; however, he tried his best to rally a somewhat sun-dazed crowd with his usual hype routine and did a fantastic job. New Kingston Band, one of my favorite up-and-coming groups also gave a solid performance stirring the crowd with their music and with the added attraction of professional dancers. Tanya Stephen’s performance was lackluster; her singing was a far cry from the Tanya we all know and love and she was somewhat underdressed for a dancehall diva! Crowd pleasers were the fabulous Marcia Griffiths, who looked stunning and did her utmost to work with a band that did her no justice, but as usual the gracious lady did her thing and her fans adored her; Assassin’s performance was also very good with a solid routine although he too worked hard to rope in the audience with his clever lyrics. Natural Blacks’ performance was most enjoyable and one lady remarked her son was rocking and singing along with him. Gregory Isaacs deserves an honorable mention although on stage he looked like he had been partying hard for days but to his credit he sang with his usual “Cool Ruler” style. Barrington Levy was definitely the star of the concert with a superb performance he thrilled the audience with extraordinary renditions. Barrington brought his A-game and gave an energized routine that had the concert goers on their feet. Then here comes Shaggy and friends. Barrington was a tough act to follow, so Shaggy had to work double time to keep the crowd hyped. At times he seemed to achieve this especially when Rayvon and Red Foxx joined him on stage to complete the reunion. A surprise appearance by Christopher Martin with the crew also helped keep the audience in high gear as he ran on stage to put his two cents in for one number. However, with a limited amount of time remaining for still some major acts to follow, Shaggy was on too long. Lady Saw returned to Brooklyn to thunderous applause singing the hits she is so well

TOY STORY 3 More adventures from Woody, Buzz Lightyear and the rest of Andy’s toys as they go on the road and out of Andy’s room.

Lady Saw

This Time Round: Shabba Ranks performs at Brooklyn Music Festival, Sunday, at Floyd Bennett Field. known for. But in the usual “Saw style”, her act turned to slackness when she brought a young man on stage, where she preceded to touch his private parts and put his hand on hers, performing lewd antics, all this interspersed with foul language. After years of performing in this manner, and as a grown woman with children of her own not to mention children in the audience, Lady Saw should realize that she is bigger than this kind of behavior and should no longer need to resort to vulgar activities to get a forward. Shabba Ranks was the final act of the evening and the mighty Shabba came on stage to a roaring welcome which was short-lived when he got into his routine and started with the bad language. Although he sang some favorites, Shabba had to work madly to keep the crowd pumped but he too soon resorted to slackness lyrics to get a forward. When told he had to cut his act short, Shabba expressed his displeasure that Brooklyn was treating him shabbily (profanity notwithstanding!). Less than thirty minutes into his set at 11 PM the mike was abruptly cut and the show was over. As for those who never made it to the stage, I personally saw Da’Ville waiting patiently all day long to perform and I must say that based on the rumblings in the audience, it was a huge disappointment to fans that he did not get a chance to take the stage. With an all-day concert, time should never prevent scheduled artists from performing as several artists left the event disgruntled. The Brooklyn Music Festival in its 3rd year of operation continues to have minor growing pains but the fact is that fans continue to have a great time returning each year in greater numbers to support this annual event. Something to consider would be to ensure that all artists coming to the stage are mindful of the fact that the Brooklyn Music Fest is a concert for the entire family and that coordination efforts are such that all artists billed and ready to appear have an opportunity to do so. More uplifting Roots & Culture bands and singers would definitely be a plus and add to the desired quality of the festival. Remember, you can please some of the people some times, but you can’t please all of the people all the time. The audience that the Brooklyn Music Festival attracts, I am sure they achieved that. Until next year!

Jamaican Songstress Ready To Tell Her Story The time for Alrica’s highly anticipated sophomore CD release (This Time Round-The Untold Stories) is finally here and she will be performing with a live band to celebrate. The party will be held at Harlem’s legendary Shrine World Music located at 2271 Adam Clayton Powell JR Blvd. NY, NY from 9:00pm to 11:00pm on August 21st, 2010. Admission for this event is free. Alrica’s vocal style is a unique blend of rich soul and reggae fused with jazz and hip hop. Onstage, she is a truly breathtaking performer. Her debut CD, an EP entitled This Time Round generated excitement from fans and music connoisseurs worldwide. Audiences were impressed with her ability to transition smoothly from the soulful sound of tracks such as Just one Time and Journey for Love to more dance floor ready tracks such as Move and Ooh La La. In an interview with Liberating Style Magazine, Alrica stated, “I feel comfortable in both lanes, but I prefer singing the slower songs that really allow me to experiment lyrically and touch a certain place emotionally.” Alrica is finally ready to fill in the gaps and share the stories that her fans had not been privy to in her debut release. Her sophomore release, This Time Round-The Untold Stories includes all of the best tracks from her debut album as well as seven new songs. Infidelity, broken hearts and economic suffering, only begin to scratch the surface of the subject matter Alrica shares with her audience. Music critics who have had the opportunity to preview the album are particularly impressed with the strong emotional connection Alrica continually exudes in her delivery. The bill for Alrica’s CD release party on August 21st 2010 includes other great acts such as Barbudan Reggae Artist JR Dread, singer Shae Fiol and Jewish Reggae sensation, Benny Bwoy. JR Dread and Shae Fiol both took part in the creation of This Time Round-The Untold Stories and will be performing on their own as well as alongside Alrica in songs from the album. To learn more about Alrica and her upcoming CD, This Time Round-The Untold Stories, visit her website













Mom’s Favoritism Stings, Even For Adults By Jeanna Bryner

Even after kids move out, Mom’s favoritism still matters. When Mom repeatedly singles out one adult child more than another, whether for praise or a slap on the wrist, she’s unwittingly contributing to her offspring’s depression, research announced last week suggests. “Perceived favoritism from one’s mother still matters to a child’s psychological well-being, even if they have been living for years outside the parental home and have started families of their own,” said study researcher Karl Pillemer, a Cornell University gerontologist. “It doesn’t matter whether you are the chosen child or not, the perception of unequal treatment has damaging effects for all siblings.” Even Mom’s favorites take a hit. “Interestingly, being the favorite child has some serious drawbacks, research has found,” Pillemer told LiveScience. “The favored child can feel guilty, and he or she can experience negative relationships with the

According to researchers, siblings compare themselves to one another, and they compare their relationships with mom. other siblings, who may be resentful. With older parents, favored children may be expected to provide more care and assistance for the parent, leading to stress.” As for which children become

Mom’s favorites, Pillemer are still figuring this out. “Parents tend to prefer oldest or youngest (as opposed to middle) children, and they gravitate toward those children who are more similar to them in personal

characteristics and values,” Pillemer said. Mom’s favorites The results are based on interviews conducted between August 2001 and January 2003 with 275 Boston-area mothers in their 60s and 70s, who had at least two living adult children. Researchers also surveyed the 671 offspring, whose average age was 43. Pillemer and colleague J. Jill Suitor of Purdue University detailed their results in the April issue of the Journal of Marriage and Family. To gauge favoritism, the researchers asked the moms three questions: To which child in your family do you feel the most emotional closeness? If you became ill or disabled and needed help on a dayto-day basis, which child in your family would be most likely to help you? With which child do you have the most disagreements or arguments? The majority of moms differentiated: 70 percent of mothers named a child they felt closest to; 79 percent named a child as the most likely caregiver; and 73 percent named a child she had the most arguments and disagreements with. The adult children were more likely to believe their mom had a favorite child than was actually the case. Just 15 percent of children said there was no favoritism, but 30 percent of moms reported the same. Perception of favoritism had more impact on well-being than actual favoritism. Depression scores

Black Patients Twice As Likely To Die From Cancer Black cancer patients in the United States are up to two times more likely to die prematurely from their disease than patients of other races — a disparity linked to factors that include patients, doctors and hospitals, a new review from the University of Michigan shows. Racial disparities exist for nearly all types of common cancers, but are largest for cancers that benefit most from treatment. This suggests that blacks are less likely to receive lifesaving treatments, according to researchers at the University of Michigan (U-M) Comprehensive Cancer Center. They noted that five-year survival rates varied by 10 percent between blacks and whites with colorectal cancer and by 25 percent among patients with uterine cancer. Both types of cancers can be cured with surgery and medical treatments, but tend to be fatal if patients don’t receive these treatments. The researchers said three factors appear to play a role in these disparities: black patients are often diagnosed with more advanced cancer and are more likely to have

other underlying health problems; black patients are less likely to be advised about cancer screenings and less likely to receive surgery or chemotherapy; and hospitals that mostly treat black patients tend to have fewer resources and offer lower quality care. “Black cancer patients don’t fare as well as whites. Their cancers are diagnosed at a later stage, the care they receive is often not as good — or they get no care at all. Black patients may trust their doctors less, they may be unable to pay and the hospitals that serve more black patients tend to have fewer resources,” study author Dr. Arden Morris, an associate professor of surgery at the U-M Medical School and chief of general surgery at the VA Ann Arbor Healthcare System, said in a U-M news release. “This is a complex problem and it won’t be easy to solve,” she added. Morris and colleagues recommended a number of policy changes, including expansion of public insurance systems to make cancer care more affordable for patients and changes to pay-for-performance programs for hospitals that meet certain standards. “Programs that reward better quality with more money need to take into account what that does to hospitals that already have far fewer resources. Perhaps pay-for-performance could take into account where a hospital is starting from and could be considered as pay-for-improvement,” Morris said.

were higher for adult children who believed their mom was closest to a particular child in the family. Adult children who reported their mothers had greater conflict with a particular sibling also reported higher depression. The scientists didn’t find a link between depression and a mom’s actual differentiation among her children regarding conflict or emotional closeness. Parent-child relationships “We know that the quality of relationships between adult children and their parents can have a significant effect on children’s psychological well-being,” Pillemer said. “In addition, parent-child relationships continue after children leave the home.” Just as the relationships continue, so do the effects of favoritism, he added. And, kids will be kids, and even as adults. Siblings compare themselves to one another, and they compare their relationships with mom. Favoritism by mom has also been shown to have a detrimental effect on the quality of sibling relations in adulthood. Parents don’t condone the favoritism themselves. “Most parents worry about showing favoritism (if they are aware of it),” Pillemer said. “Ideally, parents to the greatest degree possible can avoid obvious remarks about favoritism, or comparing one child to the other in discussions.”

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Florida............................... 168 Trinidad..............................258 Kingston............................ 238 Montego Bay..................... 238 Haiti................................... 312 London...............................641 St. Lucia.............................310 Barbados........................... 348 St. Vincent......................... 480 George Town..................... 498 Grenada............................ 518


ecently, The Westin Resort, Aruba hosted the destination wedding event of Ashley Nestor and Chris Hahn. The ceremony was held seaside and attended by friends and family who traveled to Aruba for the festivities. Guests included the bride’s family: Jason and Mady Nestor, Kimberly and Matt Forman, and Joshua Nestor; and the groom’s family: David and Carolyn Hahn, Andrea Hahn, and Holly Pelliterri Hahn. Ashley and Chris met and began dating in 2004 while they were both sophomores at Boston University. While on a trip to Asia in the summer of 2009, Chris proposed on a beach in Phuket, Thailand. The couple currently resides in New York City, where Chris attends Colombia Medical School and Ashley works as a pediatric occupational therapist. They intend to celebrate their anniversary in Aruba as often as possible!

Taxes not included. Restrictions apply. All rates are subject to change.

Bermuda Island-Wide New Developments Ready For Summer Tourism Season Travelers heading to Bermuda’s turquoise waters and pink sandy beaches will experience a variety of fresh starts this summer. Several resorts across the island are unveiling multi-million dollar renovations while stunning new developments make a grand entrance, including The Reefs Club, The Fairmont Hamilton Princess’s Bermudiana House and Tucker’s Point Hotel and Spa. The following includes details on new developments and resort renovations at properties across Bermuda. Luxury resort Elbow Beach Bermuda has completed a multi-million dollar project. The refurbished Elbow Beach features 98 luxury cottage rooms and suites with a new range of facilities. The suites and rooms have new in-room entertainment systems, luxurious furnishings, iPod docking stations, personal espresso machines and upgraded bathroom facilities. The resort also enhanced its public spaces, including The Library, a new recreation lounge with complimentary refreshment station; a newly renovated business center and gift shop; upgraded fitness room and new day-use suites. Additionally, its half-mile private pink sand beachfront has new sun loungers and private cabanas. Ocean-side spa therapies will be available at the new Spa Beach Pavilion staring in June. Lido, the resort’s premier dining experience has a new Executive Chef, Guido Brambilla, with extensive five-star resort experience. Also, the resort’s DEEP Lounge and Nightclub have been revamped and will showcase live entertainment. The Reefs Hotel has opened its new The Reefs Club, 19 elegantly appointed two-and threebedroom, beachfront private residences. The Reefs Club is available for purchase on a fractional ownership basis and is available for guest stays. The Reefs Hotel also features the new La Serena Spa, including eight treatment rooms, a spa suite for dual services and a manicure/pedicure room with spectacular ocean views. The spa utilizes luxurious Elemis of London products. For an added guest amenity, The Reefs now offers complimentary Flip digital video cameras for guests to utilize upon arrival. Also, as part of the renovation, The Reefs added a private wine room, which houses over 1,000

bottles of wine, in its Royston’s restaurant available for private events. Tucker’s Point Hotel & Spa is celebrating its first anniversary with several new features. As the hotel enters its second year, it is partnering the acclaimed Tucker’s Point Golf Club with its venerable neighbor, Mid Ocean Club, affording hotel guests the chance to play on the latter’s historic course three times a week. Also, families will feel more at home with an expanded lineup of kids’ activities and new villa accommodations—perfect for multi-generational travelers. The resort features 200 rolling oceanfront acres, a championship18-hole golf course and the longest private beach on island. Tucker’s Point Hotel & Spa has hosted influential guests including Queen Elizabeth II. The Fairmont Hamilton Princess has introduced Bermudiana House, formerly known as the Bay Wing, featuring 113 newly designed guestrooms with the feel of a luxury home including classic designs evocative of the hotel’s Victorian heritage. Marble entryways, flat screen televisions and rain-style showerheads are some of the features throughout Bermudiana House. The Fairmont Southampton has completed a renovation program in its guestrooms and public spaces. The guestroom renovation includes a redesign of each of its spacious bathrooms, including marble tile, vanity, fixtures and lighting. In addition, most guestrooms will feature new bedding, wall coverings and draperies. Every room in the hotel features a balcony. Flat screen televisions have also been added to the guestrooms. The hotel has additionally renovated the former Whaler Inn restaurant, transforming it into the new Ocean Club. Overlooking the hotel’s private beach, the newly renovated restaurant features new décor and a new menu. The Fairmont Southampton also enhanced its meetings facility with new draperies in The Mid Ocean Amphitheatre, renovations to the lower lobby and the purchase of more than 1,000 new banquet chairs. For book your Bermuda vacation, call (718) 693-1500 or contact your local travel agent.





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See solution, Page 23









What Happens To The Baby When The Pregnant Mother Uses Drugs? Q. My niece is 17 years old and is pregnant. She has been in and out of rehab for drugs three times. Her parents have given up on her and have put her out of their house, but I’m hoping something I say will get her off of drugs. She is staying with friends and comes by often for a hot meal. I’m concerned about her baby. What happens when a pregnant mother uses drugs? A. I’m glad that you are a resource for your niece. Drug addiction is a serious and difficult habit to break. It’s hard for parents to put their child out on the streets. However, it is necessary at times to save the rest of the family. Drug addiction consumes everything and everyone in the family going through it. Using drugs while pregnant is a dangerous practice. Even smoking can cause chronic illnesses in children like asthma, allergies, low intelligence, limited growth and more. How much harm depends on the type of drug, the severity of the drug abuse, and the period of the fetus’s development during gestation. What’s frustrating is, young mothers will often say see my baby is fine because there is no physical evidence of harm. As long as the baby has all of his/her limbs, fingers and toes, then there is no problem. Drug addicted babies are often in pain and have medical problems that cause them to be very cranking and difficult to care for. Teen mothers who are not equipped emotionally will abandon their babies or give them up for adoption if a family member doesn’t step in. Others hurt their

babies out of frustration. Many times the harm caused by drugs doesn’t become evident until the child enters school and can not pay attention, focus, remember instructions, has poor impulsive behaviors, is aggressive, slow to learn and is significantly delay in academic skills. The website offers the following symptoms of drug addicted babies: Low birth weight * Disturbed sleep patterns * Hyperactive * Low frustration tolerance * Easily startled * Easily woken * Irritable * Cries all the time * Poor feeding habits * Rapid heartbeat * Excessive sudden movements * Urinary tract defects * Impaired motor skills * Delayed social skills * Behavior problems. Another problem for drug addicted babies is they often become wards of the state because perspective adoptive parents do not want drug babies. Explain to your niece what can happen if she doesn’t stop using drugs and if she wants her innocent baby to suffer these ailments. You can also reach out to the social workers at the rehab centers that your niece attended and ask for assistance, therapy, medical help, financial assistance, and any programs out there for drug addicted teen mothers so she realizes that she is not alone. Good luck! Lisa-Anne Ray-Byers is a licensed and certified speechlanguage pathologist who has worked in education for over two decades. She holds graduate degrees in speech-language pathology and multicultural education. She also holds certification in educational administration. She is the author of the book, The Say I Have ADHD, I Say Life Sucks! Thoughts From Nicholas available at She is currently employed in the Hempstead School District. You may contact her at or by visiting her website at





England Star Back Home After Tests World Cup Disappointment Fraser Positive For Shelly-Ann Fraser

Jermain Defoe has arrived in his ancestral home, looking to soak away the disappointment of England’s early exit from the 2010 World Cup in South Africa.

The parents of the Tottenham Hotspur and England striker hail from Desruisseaux – but the 27-year-old Defoe is no stranger to the island. He was in St. Lucia last year for the funeral of his grandmother who lived in the east-coast village, and visited her gravesite on Thursday to pay his respects. “Being in Saint Lucia is being home,” he said. “My mum is St. Lucian, and I have strived to maintain that one-of-a-kind St. Lucian identity. Being here is more than just a vacation.” A number of official functions

SOLUTION to Sudoku, P21

have been planned to coincide with the striker’s visit, including a tour of the fire ravaged St. Jude’s Hospital, whose operations are now temporarily located at George Odlum National Stadium, and a visit to the Desruisseaux Primary School. He will also interact with children of the Holy Family Children’s Home at Ciceron, presenting them with gift items, and will also make stops at the Gros-Islet Football Academy, as well as several scenic locations on the island, including the famous Sulphur Springs attraction. “I would like to come live here, and become really involved in life here to the point where I am helping to train some of the children here and trying to use my experience to help them develop,” he said. “I remember when I was young, and I wanted to make the England squad, I made sure I was training right, and stayed behind many times to practice my ‘shooting’ to make sure that when I did play, I was 100 per cent ready.” Defoe noted this was some of the

advice and the values that he would like to pass on to young St. Lucian footballers with dreams of playing internationally. The St. Lucia Government will move shortly to formally appoint him

as a Sports & Goodwill Ambassador for the island, looking to cash-in on his international recognition to attract investment to the island. “I will gladly carry the St. Lucian flag with pride,” he said.


More Than Pride At Stake

Unprescribed medication to treat a toothache led to Shelly-Ann Fraser testing positive for a banned substance. Officials of MVP Track & Field Club in Jamaica anounced on Thursday that the reigning women’s Olympic and World 100 metres champion failed a drug test for the painkiller Oxycodone. “We are coming forward with this information because we have nothing to hide,” said Bruce James, president of the MVP, of which she and Asafa Powell are the most recognised athletes. “The positive finding is not a performance-enhancing drug, or a masking agent, and therefore we want to have this matter resolved as fast as possible. We are the ones who are making the immediate decision to come public with this.” Fraser failed the drug test at the IAAF Diamond League meet in Shanghai, China, on May 23. She was set to contest the 100 metres on Thursday at the Diamond League meet at the Stade Olympique de la Pontaise, but she was withdrawn.

Uruguay and Germany, the two losing semi-finalists, are likely to engage in open warfare, when they contest the third-place playoff in the 2010 World Cup on Saturday. Both the Uruguayans and the Germans enter the consolation final, fuming at their close defeats in the semifinals. Uruguay made a late charge, but the Netherlands withstood to win 3-2, and Germany were set aside, when Carlos Puyol’s header gave Spain a 1-0 victory. Neither side is expected to just go through the motions, since both have players on the verge of personal milestones. Uruguay’s captain Diego Forlan and Luis Suarez, along with Germany’s Thomas Mueller and Miroslav Klose are all contenders for the prestigious Golden Boot

Usain Bolt clocked 9.82 seconds to win the men’s 100 metres dash at the IAAF Diamond League meet on Thursday. Bolt equalled this year’s World-leading time of compatriot Asafa Powell set this year in Rome. Compatriot Yohan Blake finished second in a personal season’s best time of 9.96 secs, and Churandy Martina of the Netherlands Antilles ran 10.16 to place third.

England striker and St. Lucian native Jermain Defoe.

award, which is presented to the most prolific scorer in the World Cup. Forlan, Mueller, and Klose have four goals each, and Suarez has three on the scoring chart, which Spain’s matador David Villa and Netherlands’ wonder-boy Wesley Sneijder lead with five goals apiece. Forlan, Suarez, Mueller, and Klose would all like to end the World Cup with a significant personal achiement, which along with a bronze medal might compensate for the disappointment of not reaching the Final to play for the Jules Rimet trophy. For Klose, there is an extra special reason for him to score. A single goal will carry him equal with Ronaldo on 14 goals as the most prolific scorer in World Cup history, and two goals will take him past the Brazilian icon.

Bolt Equals WL 100 Mark In Return




Kemar Roach

Batting Key To Unlock Title Says Roach Kemar Roach has identified bowling as Barbados’ strength heading into the Caribbean Twenty20 Championship, starting later this month in his homeland. The West Indies fast bowler has however, indicated that batting will be the key for his side, if they are to win the inaugural competition, organised by the West Indies Cricket Board. “We have a lot of variety in our attack – we have options,” said Roach. “We have a number of very good bowlers, and good all-rounders as well. “Once the batting clicks, and puts some good scores on the board, I am confident we can go all the way.” The 22-year-old Roach, who has played seven Tests, 13 One-day Internationals, and 10 Twenty20 Internationals for West Indies, will spearhead the Barbados attack. He believes that home advantage should count for Barbados’ first two matches before the competition shifts to Trinidad for its conclusion. “The Bajans will be firing in this tournament,” he said. “We will be firing on all cylinders. It is a big opportunity for all the members of the team to step up and represent the country. “We have a very good chance of going all the way. Playing at home at Kensington Oval will be great for us, and we want to do it for the people.”

He added: “We will have a lot of home support. Bajans love their cricket, and I want to urge the people to come out and support the tournament. “It’s Crop Over (Carnival) time in Barbados, and once the music is playing, I can guarantee the people will come out and have a great time at the matches. “The Caribbean T20 is new and it will be a chance for the players to showcase their skills and the crowds to get involved as well.” Roach acknowledged playing in the Champions League T20 in South Africa, alongside the top T20 clubs from around the cricket World, will be a huge incentive for Barbados, as well as the other teams in the competition. “It would be a great opportunity for any Caribbean team to make it to the Champions League,” he said. “Trinidad & Tobago went last year, and they did really well, playing an exciting brand of cricket. “We, in the Barbados team, would love to make it this time around. It’s a huge incentive, but first we must win the Caribbean T20, so that is the focus of everyone in the team right now.” The Barbadians have been drawn in GroupB, in which they will face the Barbados-based Combined Campuses & Colleges on July 23 at Kensington Oval, where they also meet Windward Islands on July 25. Barbados complete the preliminary competition of the Caribbean T20 against long-standing rivals Guyana on July 29 at Queen’s Park Oval in Trinidad.

Guyana Women Earn Gold Cup Spot Guyana rallied to a 3-1 triumph over Cuba to book their first-ever appearance at the CONCACAF Women’s Gold Cup to complete the eightteam roster.

The Guyanese join fellow Caribbean qualifiers Haiti and Trinidad & Tobago, Central American sides Guatemala and Costa Rica, and North American teams Canada, Mexico, and the United States in the Women’s Gold Cup, set for late October and early November.

The Lady Jaguars, as the Guyana Women are also known, had to come from behind, as midfielder Ashley Rodrigues’ goal in the 37th minute brought the scores level. Cuba had taken the lead two minutes earlier on a strike by Yezenia Gallardo, her seventh in five qualifying matches. The 22-yearold Rodrigues’ fourth goal in seven games, then lit a spark for the Guyana Women. The 20-year-old Brittany Persaud gave Guyana the go-ahead goal in the 44th minute, then 17-year-old defender Justine Rodrigues secured the important third goal three minutes into the second half to send Guyana through with a 3-2 aggregate in the twolegged Caribbean playoff.


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Recipes Glazed Chicken With Cheese INGREDIENTS: 4 chicken breast fillets 750g potatoes 150ml. milk 60ml spoons vinegar 10ml. mustard 3 tsp.clear honey 8 tsp spoon oil 150g cheese salt and black pepper to taste flat leaf parsley, finely chopped Serves: 4

METHOD: Cook the potatoes in lightly salted boiling water for 20 minutes or until tender. Meanwhile, place the chicken in a bowl with the vinegar, mustard and honey. Mix well and leave for at least 5 minutes. Heat oil in a frying pan. Remove the chicken from the marinade and cook for 5-6 minutes each side, until cooked through. When cooked, add the remaining marinade and cook for 1 minute. Drain the potatoes. Add the cheese, milk, seasoning and parsley. Mash until smooth. Serve the chicken on a bed of mashed potatoes and spoon over any remaining pan juices.






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