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JAM $35 | US $0.50 | NYLIBERTYSTAR.COM | VOL. 10 ISSUE 210

Local News


WYCLEF JEAN will join Danny Clover and Claire Nelson as the 2010 West Indian Day Parade Grand Marshalls. Page 23

Sports News


VERONICA CAMPBELL-BROWN defeated Carmelita Jeter in a scintillating photo-finish, Thursday in Monaco.





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Local News


IN BRIEF Two Charged With Murder Of Guyanese Man

MTA Cuts Hurt Disabled

NEW YORK, NY – Police have charged two men, including a taxi driver, in connection with the murder of a 58-yearold Guyanese national.

Police said that Deevan Jagnarine, 21, and his friend, Alex Gobardhan, 19, both of Queens, were also charged with robbery and criminal possession of stolen property. Lawmen found Ramnarain Matadin, 58, a building superintendent, on the streets with a head injury. But he was pronounced dead on arrival at the Jamaica Hospital in Queens. Police said Matadin had been drinking at his favorite bar and that a car service had been called to bring him home. Law enforcement officials said that the crime and the taxi’s registration plate had been recorded by surveillance video. Police said Matadin’s wallet, a gold bracelet and a cell phone were found at the homes of the suspects.

DO YOU NEED TO ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS? CALL 718-785-9722 “New York Liberty Star hopes to develop a platform wherein the contributions the Caribbean immigrant and the African American can be showcased in its most positive light.” Publisher: Ivrol D. Hines

LENECIA HINES Publisher / Editor-In-Chief RueZalia Watkins, plaintiff (with microphone), speaks at Borough Hall press conference surrounded by (left to right): Edith Prentiss, disabilities advocate; Anthony Trocchia, plaintiff; Christopher Greif, disabilities and transportation advocate; Assemblywoman Joan Millman; Marvin Wasserman, executive director, Brooklyn Center for the Independence of the Disabled; BP Markowitz; Council Member Letitia James. (Photo by Mark Zustovich) Brooklyn Borough President Marty Markowitz joined Council Member Letitia James, Assemblywoman Joan Millman, other elected officials—as well as the plaintiffs and attorneys who filed a lawsuit challenging the MTA’s cuts to bus lines and Access-A-Ride—at a press conference and rally outside Brooklyn Borough Hall, Tuesday. “Some of these routes may not be the most heavily

used, but they are absolute lifelines for riders with disabilities or who are elderly,” said BP Markowitz. “There is simply no reasonable way for people with mobility and accessibility issues who cannot take the subway—especially considering many stations are not ADA-compliant—to get around with cuts to these vital bus routes and Access-A-Ride.”

IVROL HINES Publisher / Managing Editor KHADINE BRYAN Editor VANESSA BARNES Staff Writer MARJORIE FLASH Photojournalist

Wyclef Named Grand Marshall For Annual Labor Day Parade


Claire Nelson, Danny Clover To Also Lead West Indian Day Carnival

Telephone: (718) 785-9722 Fax: (215) 294-5903

vibrant, and energetic Caribbean cultural heritage in New York City, complimented by the presence thousands of Caribbean-Americans in the UnitFor more than forty years, West of ed States. Dr. Nelson was selected for her longstandIndian culture has gone on efforts to highlight and raise awareness about display every Labor Day in ing Caribbean culture in the U.S. She is recognized as Brooklyn, NY. This year will the architect of the designation of June as National American Heritage Month. The West be no exception and Institute Caribbean Indian-American Day Carnival Association (WIof Caribbean Studies President ADCA) described her as an “icon” whose accomshould be “saluted and honored.” Dr. Claire Nelson will join plishments The Labor Day celebrations run from Sept. 2the celebration as one of three 6. The highlight of the celebrations is the parade held Monday, Sept. 6 along East2010 Grand Marshalls. She will ern Parkway, when more than 50 costumed bands, musical bands, join actor Danny Glover and and floats are on display. Haitian singer Wyclef Jean, The viewing audience is expected to surpass 3.3 milalso selected as 2010 Grand lion. Marshalls. Previous Grand MarThe popular Labor Day parade atshalls for the Carnival Parade tracts more than 3 million attendees have included Colin Powell, every year. It has become one of the former Secretary of State and nation’s premiere events celebrating Joint Chiefs of Staff; New and displaying Caribbean culture. York Mayor Michael Vendors, masqueraders and hundreds Bloomberg, New of thousands of visitors descend on York Gov. David Eastern Parkway in Brooklyn in Paterson, and Dr. celebration of West Indian heritage Elizabeth Nunez, and culture. former Provost for The Labor Day Carnival Medgar Evers ColParade showcases the unique, lege. Dr. Claire Nelson By Melissa Williams

Established in 1967, the WIADCA plays a pivotal role as an economic stimulus for New York City and the state of New York. According to a 2003 report by the Empire State Development Corporation (ESDC) conducted by the LUGANO Group, the Carnival contributes approximated $86 million annually ($101,277,619 in 2010 dollar value) to New York City’s revenue.


NEW YORK CITY CORPORATE OFFICE 397 Rockaway Ave Brooklyn, NY 11212 Send all Mail to: New York Liberty Star 1930 Rockaway Pkwy. Brooklyn, NY 11236

Haitian singer Wyclef Jean

New York Liberty Star welcomes letters from readers and press releases. We reserve the right to edit all materials, in keeping with publication standards. To submit an article, send email to: Hours of operation: M-F, 9 a.m. 5 p.m. All material due by 5 p.m., Tuesday of publication week. The New York Liberty Star is not responsible for typographical errors in ads beyond the cost of the space occupied by the error. Copyright New York Liberty Star 2001. All rights reserved / Ivrol D. Hines.


Tenants To Receive Notice Prior To Being Forced from Homes

BROOKLYN, NY -- A new law guaranteeing greater protections for tenants of buildings in foreclosure has been signed by the New York State Senate.

Under the Senate’s new law, rent-regulated tenants are now required to receive a notice of their housing rights, along with a notice of the building owner’s foreclosure. The bill takes effect 30 days from the date of signing. A review of the state’s prior notification requirement for renters revealed that existing law failed to effectively communicate to rent-controlled and rent-stabilized tenants that their housing rights are unaffected by a foreclosure proceeding. “This is a significant victory for rent regulated and stabilized tenants, setting up a fairer and more understandable system,” said Senator John Sampson. “Tenants should not automatically assume they have to leave because their building is under foreclosure. This bill ensures all tenants are prepared with the appropriate information about their rights.” To empower tenants and curb misleading behavior, this law also requires the foreclosing entity to provide a name, address, and phone number on the notice so affected parties know who they are receiving information from and can contact for additional questions and concerns; previously, tenants had great difficulty accessing this information. The senator noted that most non-regulated or stabilized tenants with leases may potentially stay in their dwelling for the remainder of the lease term, despite foreclosure. Rent-stabilized tenants and rent-controlled tenants are protected with respect to eviction and lease renewals, and their rights are unaffected by a building entering foreclosure status.

CACCI Celebrates 25 Yrs


Chamber To Host Reception At Borough Hall BROOKLYN, NY – The Caribbean American Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CACCI) has announced plans to celebrate 25 Years of continuous Service to the Small Business Community with an Official 25th Anniversary Membership Business Networking Reception on Thursday, August 26, 5:30 p.m. at The Historic Brooklyn Borough Hall, Brooklyn, NY.

According to Dr. Roy A. Hastick, Sr., President/CEO: “As we prepare to celebrate this major milestone, we seize this opportunity to thank CACCI members, supporters and well-wishers who have helped to sustain CACCI over the years, and enabled us to survive and thrive despite many challenges. We also wish to thank our board of directors, elected officials, business partners, public and private sector agencies, and the wider community, who have helped us to reach this historic milestone.” Over the years CACCI has accomplished the following: Developed expertise in providing business assistance to small business owners in areas of business planning, preparing for accessing financing, certification preparation, business expansion, and promoting trade, investment and tourism in the Caribbean. CACCI’s extensive track record of service delivery, established partnerships with government and private sectors have enabled the organization to survive and thrive for 25 years. Hosted Caribbean trade delegations in New York, and conducted trade missions to the Caribbean focusing on trade and investment, health, mental health and disaster relief assistance. Launched and currently operates a Financial Literacy Initiative and a Small Business Services program and conducts Small Business Workshops in such areas as: Access to Small Business Finances, Credit Worthiness, Cash Flow, Insurance, Budgeting, Real Estate Mortgages, Homeownership and Asset Protection. Made considerable progress in developing the first ever Caribbean Trade Center Small

Dr. Roy A. Hastick, Sr., President/CEO of CACCI Business Incubator in New York, a 28,000 sq. ft building located in a major commercial corridor adjacent to one of New York City’s historic educational institutions, Erasmus High School, in East Flatbush Brooklyn. Upon completion, this landmark building will serve as CACCI’s headquarters, house major anchor tenants, offer fee-for-service domestic and international business services, and create jobs. Managed and operated the Flatbush Caton Market (FCM), a 9,000 sq. ft. micro-enterprise incubator, an indoor shopping mall in the Flatbush section of Brooklyn with over 40 vendors who sell a variety of African, American and Caribbean artifacts. As a result of the modernization of the FCM by the Mayor’s office City of New York, the signage on the Market was selected and was awarded its highest honor for excellence in design, which exemplifies the highest design standards. CACCI has partnered with the Brooklyn Navy Yard Development Corporation; State University of New York Brooklyn Educational Opportunity Center; Opportunities for a Better Tomorrow; The Hope Program that offer internships in areas of job preparation and development and field education. Especially during

challenging economic times, in collaboration with these agencies, CACCI provides a service to help address members’ staffing needs, by connecting them to agency representatives for introduction to trained graduates eligible for employment in areas of computerized bookkeeping, medical office administration, computers and networking technology, general office support, web page design and maintenance. CACCI and Service Corps of Retired Business Executives (SCORE) continues to conduct weekly confidential small business clinics at the Flatbush Caton Market Conference Center, which have proven to be helpful for start ups and emerging business owners who need technical assistance and guidance in how to start, operate and manage a successful business. Over the years, they have counseled hundreds of wouldbe as well as established business owners. For further information on CACCI membership, the 25th Anniversary Membership Business Networking Reception, CACCI small business services, vending opportunities at the Flatbush Caton Market, or to request an appointment for free small business confidential counseling services, contact CACCI: Tel.: (718) 834-4544.

New Law Protects Victims Of Sex Trafficking

State Protects Women Forced Into Sex Slave Trade BROOKLYN, NY – New York State Senate Majority Conference Leader Senator John L. Sampson celebrated the signing of legislation that will allow victims of sex trafficking to clear prostitution convictions off of their criminal records if forced into the underground sex slave trade. Victims of forced prostitution -- typically children, young women, non-English speaking immigrants and runaways -- previously had to deal with sexual liaisons against their will and the likelihood of facing criminal charges without adequate means or representation. Young women are often lured to the New York area with promises of jobs and then find themselves coerced into prostitution. Many of these young women get arrested and charged with a crime even though they were forced to do the work against their will. “Victims who suffer through the nightmare of sex trafficking deserve a chance to piece their lives back together,” said Senator Sampson. “This law protects them from having to defend themselves against activi-

ties they were forced into.” Not only are there lifelong emotional and physical consequences for the victims of sex trafficking, but economic as well; a victim’s record can be a massive obstacle when applying for jobs, immigration status, housing and other opportunities.. This legislation removes the burden of criminal convictions for these forced acts. The landmark legislation--New York’s law is the first in the country--will allow trafficking survivors to start their lives over with a clean slate. As it stands, women who’ve been abused for years are then forced to disclose their criminal convictions to potential employers. This law will give them a desperately needed second chance they deserve. The law is designed to attack the

“supply” side of human trafficking by creating two new crimes – sex trafficking and labor trafficking. It gives prosecutors the ability to bring charges against purveyors of so-called “prostitution tourism.” New York’s law also targets demand by eliminating the distinction between trafficking and prostitution. It increases the penalty for patronizing a prostitute from three months in jail to up to a year. “Even after being victimized by forced prostitution, the burden of unwarranted criminal charges would keep these individuals shackled to a shattered life,” Senator Sampson said. “I am very proud that legislation I believe is fair, just, and humane is now law in the State of New York.” In New York City for the month

of May 2010 over 3,200 girls were commercially sexually exploited than the number of teen suicide victims (54). And the seriousness of this illicit and dehumanizing activity that includes the active participation of criminal enterprises is clearly borne out by the fact that on Super Bowl Sunday 2010, there were 80 percent more paid sex ads on Craigslist in New York. This popular online website has come under increasing attack for what many see as “facilitating sexual exploitation.” Sex trafficking is rampant in New York City and the numbers are growing. The U.S. Department of State has determined that NYC’s JFK airport is a “major entry point” for the trafficking in human beings (2002). In 2004 the U.S. Department of Justice estimated that between 14,500 and 17,500 men, women and children are trafficked into the United States every year. About 80% of trafficking victims are female and 40-66% of those trafficked into the U.S. come

State Senator John Sampson from Asia and the Pacific Rim. “The sex industries in Manhattan, Brooklyn, Bronx, and Queens range from street prostitution to strip clubs, peep booth shows, massage parlors, bars, private apartments, and escort services. Contrary to popular belief, a woman does not simply decide to become a “prostitute.” Rather, she often finds herself trafficked as a result of economic deprivation, coercion of some sort and a history of sexual abuse,” Senator Sampson said.





PM’s Spygame A Worry For Criminals, Opposition Douglas Wants To Listen In On Kittitian Phone Calls In Order To Fight Crime BASSETERRE, St. Kitts – The government of this twin-island federation is hoping that its Interception of Communications Bill will send a strong signal that it is serious about fighting crime, but an opposition legislator is expressing concern about the implications of the proposed law.

Prime Minister Dr. Denzil Douglas

Government Probes Sexual Allegations Against Police CASTRIES, St. Lucia – The St. Lucia government has announced that an independent commission would probe allegations that a 22-year-old woman had been gang raped by some members of the police service.

While no one has been arrested in connection with the alleged incident, the Ministry of Home Affairs and National Security said it would leave no stone un-turned, “in addressing the issues relating to the allegations.

“The image and integrity of the Royal St. Lucia Police Force is too important to our national psyche and well being as St. Lucians to allow our citizens to even contemplate that these matters will go unheeded,” the Ministry said in a statement. The Ministry reiterated “its confidence in the Royal Saint Lucia Police Force” and reminded the general public that “any attempt by members (detractors within) the Police Force or members of the public to bring the organization into disrepute will be dealt with the full extent of the law.” The police have also said that it would issue a statement on the public allegation by the woman that she was physically and sexually assaulted by members of two police units last Sunday.

Prime Minister Dr. Denzil Douglas has said the bill will assist law enforcement in fighting crime as criminals are using cell phones and other forms of technology to perpetrate their illegal activities. “They are using these to maim and kill whomever they wish - including, sometimes, ‘the wrong person’; to wreak havoc in homes and neighborhoods across the federation. “They use this technology to lure young girls away from their classrooms and to create bedlam in our hospitals - putting our nurses and our doctors and other medical personnel under undue stress and pressure,” the Prime Minister said at his monthly press conference on Wednesday. Dr. Douglas said while his government will do everything to protect the privacy rights of citizens when the proposed bill becomes law, violence and brutality must be stamped out. “We will therefore fight fire with fire, and technology with technology where crime is concerned. But we will do so within the confines of the laws of the Federation of St. Kitts and Nevis subject to the keen review and guidance of our courts,” he told journalists. He said the government cannot and will not sit idly by while the criminals run wild. “It is the duty of my government to protect the innocent, and this we shall do. It is also the duty of the government to ensure that the rights of this country’s citizens and residents are protected and this, the Interception of Communications Bill, most assuredly will do...” The Prime Minister explained that “under the terms of this proposed legislation, it is a High Court Judge - and a High Court Judge, only - who will decide whether or not any particular interception will be allowed”.

Nonetheless, opposition lawmaker Eugene Hamilton expressed concern about the implications of the “wiretapping bill” and questioned whether the government has such equipment and technology already operational and in use. “With the announcement of this proposed wiretapping legislation it begs the question whether the government is already currently indulging in such activities to monitor citizens of this country including political opponents,” said the deputy political leader of the People’s Action Movement (PAM). “We have certainly seen over the last few months where many incidents have been exposed which involves the use of high-tech, interceptory type equipment. “It is certainly not far-fetched to imagine that the government has already been indulged in this sort of activity and the legislation may just be a means to legalise it,” the first-term parliamentarian said. Hamilton said he was also concerned that the proposed law could result in “serious impingement and violation of the rights of citizens and also an invasion of privacy”. “I am very deeply disturbed at what appears to me to be our government’s hell-bent intention to rummage through the private affairs of citizens of this country. “This seems to be an effort to not only to monitor the activities of persons through the interception of their communications but also to control persons through the monitoring of their personal day to day activities. “In the hands of any government such as the Denzil Douglas-led administration this type of Bill is a very slippery slope, as any right-thinking citizen would agree,” the PAM representative said.

Opposition Lawmaker Eugene Hamilton Information Minister Nigel Carty has said “some legislation already exists such as the Anti-terrorism Act of 2002 which makes some provision for authorised interception”. But he added that the Interception of Communication Bill sets the stage for a new and comprehensive regime of interception of communications by mobile phones, fixed line phones, telegraphs, wireless networks and devices, mailing systems including parcels and couriers, and other means of communication. Carty said the proposed bill will provide public authorities with the scope within the law to intercept the communications of targeted suspects, and help solve crimes which have remained difficult to unravel. “The bill is a tool that is likely to reap dividends as it has in other jurisdictions where it has been in existence for some time,” he added.

Gunmen Kill Girl At Birthday Party Four Other Injured In Trini Shooting PORT OF SPAIN, Trinidad – One person was killed and four others wounded, as gunmen fired bullets indiscriminately at persons attending a birthday party in St. Madeline, in Central Trinidad on Thursday night.

Police said that that they have no motive for the attack that began when the three gunmen alighted from a vehicle and began shooting, killing Asha Fernando, whose age

was not given, and injuring four others. The injured are now patients at the san Fernando General Hospital. So far more than 360 people have been murdered here this year and senior government ministers have publicly called for the resumption of state executions as a deterrent to murders in the country. Works and Transport Minister Jack Warner has already written Attorney General Anand Ramlogan on the matter and National Security Minister Brigadier John Sandy told reporters that the death penalty will be a deterrent to potential murderers. “I’m sure you’ll observe when it is their time (to be executed), they try all means available to them to escape

the noose. So if they know that their lives are so worthy, that their lives are so precious, I think that they will probably think twice before they commit some of the heinous crimes that they have been committing.” “I support the death penalty to some extent. In other words, I’m saying if someone is found guilty of murder, I’m not saying that it must be exclusive, once you are found guilty of murder you ought to be hanged. “I’m saying that each case must be dealt with on its merit and if it is felt that the person ought to lose his life as well, then I have absolutely no problem with that,” he told reporters. The last person executed here was Anthony Briggs who was hanged in 1999 for the murder of a taxi driver.


Head Of Failed Investment Scheme Indicted In The US

KINGSTON, Jamaica – Jamaican businessman David Smith, who headed the failed investment scheme Olint, has been indicted on 23 charges in the United States.

tences, representations and promises”. According to the prosecutors, Smith did not invest the money in foreign-exchange trading as promised, while sending his clients false statements about their accounts. In the meantime, US authorities are seeking to seize US$128 million, which they claim Smith gained through wire fraud. They have also requested that The indictment handed down the court allow them to seize premin the US District ises in Florida, which Court in the Middle Smith purchased alDistrict of Florida, legedly with criminal Orlando Division, proceeds, as well as on Thursday accused precious gemstones and Smith of transferring metals, jewellery and millions of dollars inother owned by him. vested by people from The former Olint Jamaica and the rest of head is on bail in the the Caribbean, as well Turks and Caicos Isas Floridians, which he lands, where he is facused to finance his laving 30 charges, and is ish lifestyle. now expected to be the David Smith Among the chargsubject of an extradies the Jamaican is facing are four tion request from the US. counts of wire fraud and one count Just three weeks ago, Direcof conspiracy to commit money tor of Public Prosecutions Paula laundering. He is also facing 18 Llewelyn, acting on behalf of the counts of money laundering to con- US government, obtained a court ceal specified unlawful activity. order giving local investigators the According to the indictment, power to dig into Smith’s accounts, Smith “knowingly, wilfully and those of his wife Tracy Ann, with intent to defraud, did devise his brother Gilbert and other pera scheme and artifice to defraud sons connected to the creation of investors, and for obtaining money Olint. and property from investors by All of Smith’s assets and those means of false and fraudulent pre- of Olint have been frozen.

Fire Destroys 5 Homes In St. Catherine By Vanessa Barnes New York Liberty Star

PORTMORE, St. Catherine - A fire destroyed the homes of 20 persons in Portmore, ST. Catherine on Sunday morning. The disaster spread rapidly across five houses of the same roofing, causing greater damage to first floor of each house.

Two houses in particular were severely burnt. Sympathy went out to those affected persons who suffered the loss of their children’s back to school books, uniforms and school fee among other items. “I don’t know what to’s like a dream” said Keniesha Lowe, a victim, who lost one of her children’s school fees in the fire, according to a local news medium. “Majority of the houses in this community build dah way yah, suh da problem here caan happen again,” one resident said. Not all was lost; some residents were still able to rescue a few of their belongings from the rubble. Based on an assessment by fire brigade, the burnt areas totaled J$30 million in losses. Representatives from the Ministry of Labour and Social Security in South, St. Catherine evaluated the more urgent needs of the victims and will be providing help to them within the coming days.


Clinton Assesses Effort To Rebuild Haiti After Quake PORT AU PRINCE, Haiti – United Nations Special Envoy for Haiti Bill Clinton is here to discuss the country’s reconstruction in the wake of the devastating January earthquake.

On Wednesday, the former United States president met with Government ministers and representatives of UN bodies, non-governmental organisations (NGOs) and private sector donors. “His discussions centred on education, energy and debris management schemes,” said a statement issued by the UN. It added that while in Haiti, the Special Envoy also met with top officials of the UN peacekeeping mission, known as MINUSTAH. The magnitude-7.0 quake which struck here on January 12 claimed an estimated 300,000 lives, according to government estimates. More than one million others were rendered homeless. Countless buildings, including Government facilities, hospitals and schools, were also destroyed.

United Nations Special Envoy for Haiti Bill Clinton

Education Is An Investment, Says UWI Deputy Principal

BRIDGETOWN, Barbados – Education cannot be seen as a costly or unaffordable venture. Professor Eudine Barriteau, Deputy Principal of the University of the West Indies (UWI), Cave Hill Campus, made this clear when she spoke at the CARICOM Research Centre during the programme launch of the EDULINK project on Monday. The Barbados Advocate reported that Professor Barriteau stressed the need for education to be seen as an investment and that failure to do so would allow private enterprises to “poach the

field of academic endeavour” just as was happening in Africa. “It is our view that those responsible for providing tertiary education in the Caribbean cannot and should not adopt a

posture that education is costly or an unaffordable good. Instead, education should be seen as an investment which is vital to the further development of all our economies and societies,” she said. Professor Barriteau disclosed that, with an enrollment of over 40,000 students at UWI, governments were finding themselves increasingly challenged to source more funds for education out of declining tax-based revenues and that the university was looking at alternate ways in which to earn additional revenue. “In order to reduce the depen-

dency on state funds, academics and professional staff are more industrious in seeking out innovative methods of raising funds through collaborative and mutually beneficial partnerships,” she said. “The EDULINK Project in itself conforms to our new vision in that it aims to help create a shift from traditional sources of funding by teaching academic and administrative staff how to generate revenues through four key activities: philanthropy, grantsmanship, commercialisation of research and business development,” she added.

Bajan Doctors Protest Firing Of Cecil Rambarat By Vanessa Barnes New York Liberty Star

BRIDGETOWN, Barbados Doctors at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital (QEH) in Bridgetown said they will only be treating cases of emergency, as they continue to protest against the firing of Dr. Cecil Rambarat, who gave 15 years of service to the hospital. According to Caribbean news media, Dr. Carlos Chase, president of the Barbados Asso-

ciation of Medical Practitioners (BAMP), said, “BAMP regrets that we have been forced to expand on the industrial action with immediate effect…all members are herby instructed to attend to emergency calls until further notice”. The decision was made to end radiologist’s contract, during a committee meeting on May 20th, which revealed a lack of timeliness in the department which he heads, noting that it could lead to medical and legal problems for the Hospital. A local news medium report uncovered that the Accident and Emergency (A&E) Department had difficulties in getting CT Scans during the nights.Dr. Rambarat worked, as according to his colleague Dr. Haresh Thani,Dr. Rambarat refused to come out (to carry out his job). Refusing to indulge fully in the matter, at this time, Minister of Health, Donville Inniss

said, “I’m not going to get into all the details regarding this situation at this time. I am in constant contact with the board of the QEH, and these issues have been discussed seriously.” The health minister said he will be giving all parties involved time to arrive at a settlement. However, Rev Guy Hewitt said he’s opting for a quick end to the matter and seeking to secure the interest of the Barbadian people. “We know that what the Barbadian public is looking for is what the board is also looking for, and we are therefore hopefully going to get this matter resolved in the greater interest … and, hopefully, BAMP will recognize that it has a role in healthcare which is beyond just satisfying its professional needs and will come back to the table and sit down and start to work towards the public’s good,” said Rev. Hewitt.



Caribbean Consulates In New York City Antigua & Barbuda 305 East 47th Street New York, N.Y. 10017 212-541-4119 Bahamas 231 East 46th Street New York, NY 10017 (212) 421-6420 Barbados 820 Second Avenue, 2nd Fl. New York, N.Y. 10017 212-551-4300 Belize 800 Second Avenue, Suite 400G New York, N.Y. 10017 212-421-6934 Cayman Islands (Dept. of Tourism) 641 Lexington Ave, Suite 1435 New York, NY 10170 (877) 874-5104

Thomas To Be More Creative In Managing Grenada Economy NNP Issues Challenge To Prime Minister ST GEORGE’S, Grenada - The main opposition New National Party (NNP) on Thursday challenged the government of Prime Minister Tillman Thomas to be more creative and proactive in dealing with the struggling Grenadian economy, warning that without proper leadership the situation will get worse. “While the New National Party acknowledges that we have been adversely impacted by the global recession, we believe that the governm e n t ’s

Dominican Republic 1501 Broadway, Suite 410 New York, N.Y. 10036 212-768-2480 Grenada 820 Second Avenue, Suite 900D New York, N.Y. 10017 212-599-0301 Guyana 370 7th Avenue New York, N.Y. 10017 212-947-5110 Haiti 271 Madison Avenue, 5th Floor New York, N.Y. 10016 212-697-9767 Honduras 80 Wall Street, Suite 415, 4th Flr New York, N.Y. 10005 212-269-3611 Jamaica 767 Third Avenue New York, N.Y. 10017-2993 212-935-9000 Martinique 444 Madison Avenue, 16th Floor New York, N.Y. 10022 212-838-6887 Montserrat 845 Third Avenue New York, N.Y. 10022 212-745-0200 Panama 1212 Avenue of the Americas, 6th Floor New York, N.Y. 10036 212-840-2450 Puerto Rico 666 Fifth Avenue, 15th Floor New York, N.Y. 10103 800-223-6530 St. Kitts & Nevis 414 East 75th Street, 5th Floor New York, N.Y. 10021 212-535-1234 St. Lucia 800 Second Avenue, 9th Floor New York, N.Y. 10007 212-697-9360 St. Maarten 675 Third Avenue, Ste. 1807 New York, N.Y. 10017 800-786-2278 St. Vincent & The Grenadines 801 Second Avenue, 21st Floor New York, N.Y. 10017 212-687-4981 Trinidad & Tobago 125 Maiden Lane, #4 New York, N.Y. 212-742-8021

Grenadian Prime Minister Tillman Thomas

flawed economic policy coupled with their poor management have contributed quite significantly towards the current situation now faced by many of the businesses here,” the NNP said in a statement released to the media. “It is interesting to note that while other countries in the region have also been affected by the global recession, their leadership has been able to embark on initiatives to cushion the impact of the crisis on their population,” the Keith Mitchell-led party said further. It said it empathises with members of the local

business community who have been hard hit by the economic downturn and have had to close their businesses, lay-off workers or have them work on a rotation basis “in an attempt to survive this present crisis”. “Already, the unemployment statistics are very high, and if government fails to urgently address the situation, the crisis is likely to deepen and worsen,” it said. The NNP, which ran Grenada’s affairs from 1995 to 2008, noted that many local businesses “are at this time expressing deep frustration with the current

level of inaction as well as the seemingly uncaring treatment meted out to them by government. “Some business entrepreneurs have raised many concerns with members of the Tillman Thomas administration as it relates to the problems they face and even identified some possible actions that can be taken by government to help alleviate the problems and in turn help to save jobs, but they feel that they have not been taken seriously. “It is against this background that the New National Party is exhorting government to seriously and genuinely engage members of the private sector in charting the way forward, aggressively work towards attracting local as well as foreign investors and purposefully adopting a more positive approach in helping to take this country out of its present economic malaise,” the opposition

CARICOM Unveils New Plan To Move Nationals Throughout Region

secretariat. Golding said that he hopes that by July 2011, the Revised Treaty of Chaguaramas which establishes CARICOM would be further adjusted to recognise the Council of Ambassadors as an independent organ. He told reporters that in the interim, the Council of Ambassadors could be set up as a Sub-ComCARICOM Chairman and Jamaica’s Prime CARICOM and to advance plans for the review of mittee to the Heads. The meeting here was attended by the prime Minister Bruce Golding told reporters he hoped the organisation of the CARICOM institutions and ministers of Dominica, St. Vincent and the Grenathe new mechanism would be approved dines, St. Kitts and Nevis, Grenada when the regional leaders meet later and Guyana’s President Bharrat this year. Jagdeo. “The concept would be that the Trinidad and Tobago’s Prime ambassadors would be based in their Minister Kamla Persad Bissessar, respective countries, they would head who is a member of the CARICOM what we have termed the regional sub-committee on Governance did integration unit which is to be estabnot attend the one-day meeting, lished in a few months,” said Golding, since she is on a 10-day trip to the who chaired a one-day meeting of the United States. Port of Spain was repCARICOM sub-committee on Goverresented by the Foreign Affairs Minnance. ister Dr. Surujrattan Rambachan. “Some countries already have it, The meeting also agreed to the like St. Vincent and the Grenadines, establishment of a nine-member other countries have a unit which is committee to begin the process of for…the implementation of the CSME pre-selecting candidates to replace (CARICOM Single Market and EconCARICOM Secretary General Edomy) obligation. win Carrington, who announced his “The concept is that we won’t have intention to step down by year end to create new institutions where these after 18 years in the job. exist already, what we would need to Golding said the committee do is ensure that they are calibrated would be chaired by Barbados Forwith the new mandate of the ambaseign Minister Maxine McLean and sadors,” Golding said, adding that the that he hopes the committee could jobs of the ambassadors would be “to come up with a preliminary report follow up, make sure that domestic acand a list of candidates by Septemtion is taken to give effect to the deciber when the Heads gather in New sions of the heads”. York. The Jamaica Prime Minister The meeting here followed consaid he hopes the new CARICOM cerns raised at the Jamaica meeting of Secretary General would be in place regional leaders in July that there was by January 2011. a need to improve the governance of CARICOM Chairman and Jamaica’s Prime Minister Bruce Golding

ST GEORGE’S, Grenada – Caribbean Community (CARICOM) leaders have agreed to the establishment of a Council of Ambassadors as a new mechanism they hope will lead to the effective implementation of decisions taken in the efforts to deepen the regional integration movement.





Premier Sends Best Wishes To Ailing Actor

Michael Douglas Diagnosed With Throat Cancer HAMILTON, Bermuda – Premier Ewart Brown has joined Bermudians in wishing American actor Michael Douglas a speedy recovery after he was diagnosed with throat cancer.

Michael Douglas

“Apart from being an accomplished actor, Michael has been a tremendous friend to Bermuda and to our family. “We are thankful for all that he and his family have done for Bermuda. I have been in touch with him in recent days and he is confident of a positive outcome. (My wife) Wanda and I, on behalf of the government and people of Bermuda, wish him a safe and speedy re-

covery,” said Brown.’ The Oscar-winning actor, who has assured Bermudians that he’s doing fine, is undergoing eight weeks of radiation and chemotherapy after doctors found a tumor in his throat. Douglas, 65, whose actress mother, Diana Dill is Bermudian, is said to be “very optimistic” and is hopeful he will make a full recovery. The news of his illness comes just over a year after Douglas and his actress wife Catherine Zeta-Jones, left the island for “a temporary leave of absence.” They rented out their home in Warwick parish, which they bought nine years ago, and their children Dylan and Carys were taken out of Warwick Academy. They were expected to be off the island working on film projects until next year.

Busy Signal Breaks New Ground with Suavemente! Busy Signal is one of the best Dancehall artists whose versatility has made him one of the most sought after artists. Whether implementing the soulful importance of the Commodores Night Shift on his song of the same name, or his lyrical versatility connecting with fans young or mature such his mastery with Reggae Queen, and member of the I-Three’s, Marcia Griffiths on the song Automatic,

Miss Jamaica Yendi Phillips poses for photographers during the Miss Universe 2010 Contestant Swimsuit Event at the Mandalay Bay Hotel in Las Vegas. The finals of the Miss Universe 2010 competition that will be held at the hotel on August 23. Busy Signal

Busy Signal knows what buttons to push, and where. His third album for the VP Records imprint, D.O.B, gives listeners Busy’s extended versatility, and also sees the young star break new ground with a Latin audience by teaming with Elvis Crespo for the chune Suavemente Busy’s second release following Sum’n Ah Gwaan featuring Bounty Killer. Based off of Crespo’s 1998 hit record Suavemente Busy introduces authentic dancehall to a new Latin audience by performing lyrics over the fast paced backdrop of trumpets, a salsa drum beat and piano proving

that there is no genre of music the award winner can’t add ‘busy’ flavor to. A recording like this has not been done by a Dancehall DJ from Jamaica in recent memory, especially with an artist of Crespo’s caliber being a Grammy award winning, platinum selling artist with this single. If Crespo’s success with the song is any indication, Busy Signal can look forward to a possible Grammy nomination for ‘Best Latin Single,’ and can look forward to hundreds of thousands of digital downloads by new fans via online portals such as i-Tunes. A nomination would mark the first time in Grammy history that a Dancehall artist is nominated for a Latin Recording. Busy recently returned from performances in Europe, one of which was the 2010 Uppsala Reggae Festival held in Sweden, where tens of thousands of people packed the venue to hear the artist perform. People from all backgrounds sang word for word with the lyrical master. Night Shift, One More Night and Peace Reign went over especially well, allowing Busy to hold the microphone out to the audience and have them sing parts of the song. “Anytime I can perform for my fans makes me happy,” said Busy in between shows. “The fans inspire me to do more musically, and explore new grounds such as what we did with Suavamente.” In partnership with manager Shane Brown, Busy continues to explore and conquer new territory musically, and in business as the pair recently launched the ‘Turf Gear’ clothing line which is doing well.









The Ethiopian World Federation International Executive Council 2010-2011: (Left to right) Vernon Headley (treasurer), Wynberne Welcome (recording correspondence secretary), Barrymore Tittle (1st Vice president), Emma Young (International President), Trevor Clark (2nd Vice president), Lloyd Robinson (International organizer), Pauline Anderson (elected member),and Lawrence Davis (elected member). Photo by Manielyah Welcome.

Old Organization Gets Refreshing Bath In The Island Of Jamaica

The Ethiopian World Federation (EWF) held its annual convention in Jamaica, West Indies. The EWF is an organization founded in 1937 when black people in Harlem wanted to centralize its support and speak in one voice in support of Ethiopia and against the ungodly invasion by Italy. Ethiopia a country 3000 years isolated from the rest of the world on its spiritual path for enlightenment came into the sight of the greedy world who now seek to conquer and subdue these godly people. The black people in America arising from years of torment on their own path said “no, not Ethiopia” and reached out to the King H.I.M Emperor Haile Selassie asking how they can help. The king sent his Emissary Malaku Emanuel Bayen to assess and assist and The Ethiopian World Federation was born. Now 73 years later the Black People still seeing a need for this gift from the king H.I.M Emperor Haile Selassie wishes to announce the successful completion of its annual Convention held at the Willow Winds Salem, Runaway Bay, Jamaica July 14th-21st 2010. The event was extremely well attended by delegates from New York, Miami, London, Birmingham and Paris with other members from across Jamaica including local # 43 Kingston, Montego

Bay and St Ann. Many other members and visitors came from various groups such as the Nyabinghi, Millenium Council, Bo Bo Shanti and others group were also in attendance. Local guest included the Chief of Police from Runaway Bay speaking of his desire to touch base and work in kind with the activities in his jurisdiction for the good of community. All locals gave reports along with individual members who kept a private session where ones were encouraged not to allow any small group to distract the work of the Federation. One key agreement to come out of the Convention was that locals would work collectively together, interacting and trading and developing local businesses worldwide to support its activities. Discussions also took place around the correct registration needed worldwide including Ethiopia Jamaica, French territories, USA states and South Africa, along with Ghana etc as well. The Malaku Emanuel Bayen and Voice of Ethiopia exhibition was extremely well received with thoughts of a Museum. In attendance was Robert Simms Attorney at law from New York who was appointed to act as our Parliamentarian. His input was invaluable and he will be making a full independent report to the members worldwide.

We would like to give thanks to our Attorney Kyesha Brookes for her continued work and Ato Adamu Shiferaw and the Addis Ababa Law University Ethiopia for their sterling work. We would also like to give a big thanks to Barrymore Tittle the outgoing International President and all officers of 2009/10. We now continue to move forward to a more productive future with EMMA YOUNG as our new President. The results of elections for International officers are as follows: Emma Young (Empress Ima) President; Barrymore Tittle (Mora) 1st Vice; Trevor Clarke ( Kulcha) 2nd Vice; Wynberne Welcome Executive Secretary; Vernon Headley (Dave Judah)Treasurer; Lloyd Robinson (Obadiah Judah) Organizer; Raymond Topping (Iqulah) Chaplain and Lawrence Davis, Ivory Black and Pauline Anderson (Wolette Gabriel) 3 Executive members We give special thanks to local Presidents Iqulah and Ras Igi for the hard work of Local # 32 Montego Bay and local # 17 St Ann’s members who provided transport, video, food, accommodation, security and other support. Now let us go to work and build a bigger and better Ethiopian World Federation. The venue for next year’s Convention 2011 is set for Jamaica.







New Attraction In Barbados Targets Heritage Tourism Market BRIDGETOWN, Barbados – The Ministry of Tourism in Barbados said that it is “on the ball” in implementing creative ways to continue to attract visitors to the island’s shores. With its latest venture, the Barbados Slave Route Heritage Trail and Tour, “Freedom Footprints, the Barbados Story”, the Ministry said it was now attempting to home in on the lucrative heritage tourism market and augment the country’s cultural diversity. “Freedom Footprints, the Barbados Story”, which has its roots in the UNESCO/ World Tourism Organization Cultural Slave Route Signage Project, is being spearheaded by the Ministry of Tourism in association with the Barbados Museum and Historical Society (BMHS). A number of town hall meetings have been held so far to educate residents in the communities about the attraction, garner their support and identify the ways they could get involved. The four-hour pilot tour, which is being offered twice monthly until year-end, will start and end at the BMHS headquarters and is being developed around memorable sites on the island that are related to the slave

trade. These sites include the Gun Hill Signal Station and Sweet Vale, (formerly Sweet Bottom) in St. George; the Newton Slave Burial Ground at Newton Plantation and Bourne’s Land, all in Christ Church; and The Cage, Bridgetown. Other locations are also being actively considered for placing signs, including Emancipation Statue at Haggatt Hall, St. Michael; the Cotton Tower in St. Joseph; the Sharon Moravian Church in St. Thomas; Bayley’s Plantation in St. Philip; and Codrington College, St. John. Self-guided tours are also planned. Minister of Tourism Richard Sealy described it as “a work in progress”, which was not only a way of keeping repeat visitors coming back for more, but also about educating locals on their own history. “Our local population [is] somewhat starved of a clear understanding of our ‘Afro-centricity’ and the whole slavery experience and the significance of so much that has taken place at Bayley’s Plantation - for example, the free villages and post emancipation and the whole experience of freed slaves,” said Sealy, “and this project is a good opportunity to have all of that in a tidy capsule, that we can have not only for the benefit of our school children, who, of course, need to have that added experience, but certainly, adults as well, who may have lacked that clear understanding

[of local history].” Sealy said that the tours would also be a means of bringing to life the history that was so often only learned through textbooks. “I was in awe to go to the slave burial ground in Newton to actually see the mound where the slaves were buried and then to hear the remarkable history of that being one of the few sites like that anywhere in the world. So this is really a phenomenal project in many respects,” he said. The project became a priority as the Barbados government saw the need to diversify the island’s product offerings from just sun, sea and sand, especially against the background of the global economic situation. Sealy said that visitors wanted much more and that they expected value for money. This was also emphasised by BMHS Curator, Miguel Pena, who pointed out that the heritage tourism market was growing around the world, and in particular in Barbados for tourists who were interested in having a greater experience and learning more about the country’s heritage. In giving some background to areas selected, he explained that the Newton Burial Ground was one of the largest excavated, communal burial grounds of enslaved people in this entire hemisphere. Pena stated that Newton was extensively excavated in the late 1960s and early 1970s by historian and archaeologist, Professor Jerome Handler. He added that the

visit to Bourne’s Land represented a celebration of another sort of survival struggle in Barbados during the slavery period namely, philanthropy. “And then the tour moves on to the Gun Hill Signal Station, which was erected in 1817; this is after the 1816 slave rebellion in Barbados which shook enslavement to its very core,” Pena said. “There were rebellions throughout St Philip, Christ Church, St George and other parishes in the island. The Signal Station formed part of communication that started from the east coast right down into Bridgetown, and it was built after the rebellion to inform the Garrison at if another rebellion would take place and also to inform Bridgetown of the approach of ships coming up the coast of the island.”

Participants will then travel on to Sweet Vale in St George, described as the oldest, non-white free village in Barbados, established in 1777 by Francis Butcher. During the tour there will be one stop for lunch and residents will have an opportunity to offer indigenous craft for sale at a selected venue. The next town hall discussions are slated for Christ Church at the St. Christopher’s Resource Centre for residents of Bourne’s Land and the Lodge Road Wesleyan Holiness Church for persons in the Newton area. The Tourism Minister advised residents to “get on board” since the synergies that were developed from the meetings would bring tangible benefits.

Speightstown, Barbados

Locals Worry As New Cruise Ship US To Charge Terminal Gets Underway In Jam. Visa Waiver By Vanessa Barnes New York Liberty Star

FALMOUTH, Trelawny – A cruise ship terminal is currently under construction, at Falmouth’s pier close to the Martha Brae River in the parish of Trelawny.

The project is being carried out by the Urban Development Commission (UDC), with a reported J$260 million budget. This will cover costs of building a new transport centre, repair sidewalks, implement pedestrian crossings, expand roads and drains and improve buildings. In November of this year, two ships will be docked at the pier ahead of the arrival of the largest cruise line in the world, the Oasis of the Seas, on deadline for the completion of the project, March 13th, 2011. The Royal Caribbean Cruise Line (RCCL) is also expected to withdraw over 500,000 of its passengers from its previous location in Ocho Rios, St. Ann to its new home in Falmouth. According to local reports U.S. $75,000 in advancement fees are to be paid by businesses intending to rent the

many persons. To facilitate traffic flow from the happenings of the new project, the present market in Falmouth will be relocated to another area in the same town by the Port Authority of Jamaica, who is also responsible for the construction of the new cruise terminal. Though vendors are not complaining about the move, persons are curious to see that the market will be a better environment than the present one. “As long as a better place dem ago put wi, me nave a problem”, The new Falmouth pier is expected to draw thouone vendor said. sands of new tourist to the parish of St. Ann. The unsightly appearance of the town brings worry to many, as there is a great need for improvements in a number of places. Local reports reveal that in weeks to come, the Tourism Product Development of Jamaica Company (TPDCO) will begin working to rebuild and repair many areas. This raises a major concern for the protection of history, said Dr. James Parrent, leader of the Falmouth Heritage Renewal. “I believe a lot of the people coming on the ship will have Jewish ancestors and will want to visit the cemetery, which is the resting place of some of the founding fathers of Trelawny,” he said.

stores to be constructed on the marina for tourist shopping. Business owners will also need to acquire a banker’s guarantee of U.S.$375,000 and to sign a 5 year noexit lease agreement, which is expected to increase by 3% each year. With ships not exceeding 122 calls per year, covering 96 days, and businesses will remain stagnant for the remainder of the year. These among other issues are being raised by

Registration Fee BRIDGETOWN, Barbados -- US Customs and Border Protection (CBP) has announced new regulations requiring travelers from Visa Waiver Program (VWP) countries to pay operational and travel promotion fees when applying for an Electronic System for Travel Authorization (ESTA) beginning September 8, 2010. The total fee will be US$14.

Travelers with an approved ESTA prior to September 8, 2010 will not need to pay the ESTA fees when updating an ESTA application. However, travelers with new passports and re-applying for an ESTA beginning September 8 will need to pay the ESTA fee. ESTA is a web-based, electronic travel authorization that all nationals of VWP countries must obtain prior to boarding a carrier to travel by air or sea to the United States under the VWP. Visit for complete information about ESTA. The VWP is administered by the US Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and enables eligible nationals of 36 designated countries to travel to the United States for tourism or business for stays of 90 days or fewer without obtaining a visa.









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How Do I Protect My Child From Sexual Abuse? Q. My neighbor told me recently that one of the teachers at her son’s school was fired for allegedly having sexual contact with a student. Who would ever think that you couldn’t trust a teacher? How often does this happen? A. These are good questions! Nothing angers me more than when adults who are charged to protect and nurture children, betray them in this way. There is no amount of jail time that would make that child feel whole again. Remember that child predators went to the countries destroyed by the tsunami, a few years back, in search of children to steal and place in the sex trade business because they knew there was chaos there. With child pornography on the rise and the ability to reach children like never before via computers, child sexual abuse is rising. Unfortunately, a small but dangerous contingent of sexual predators lurks among the dedicated teachers in our nation’s classrooms. Sexual misconduct by educators is a volatile, sensitive subject that’s been whispered about in school hallways and behind closed office doors as long as there have been schools. However, a lack of public acknowledgment has helped the problem to spread and the bad teachers to circulate. The Post-Gazette examined 727 cases across the U.S. in which an educator has lost his or her license for sex offenses during the past five years, and has found some disturbing trends. Among them:

1. The number of teachers who have lost their licenses because of sex offenses has increased nearly 80 percent since 1994. 2. Several of those who lost their licenses were caught only after they had been molesting students for many years. 3. Offending teachers sometimes get help landing another teaching job from a unexpected source -- their former bosses. The practice is so well-known among educators that they refer to it by name. They call it “passing the trash.” 4. Individual states’ aggressiveness in detecting and removing predators from the classroom varies widely, and some states do no background checks on teacher applicants at all. There is a private, national clearinghouse that tracks problem teachers but its director admits that states’ reporting can be spotty, leaving everyone vulnerable to the so-called “mobile molester.” 5. Even when caught, offending teachers can launch appeals that allow them to retain their teaching certificate for two to three more years. In some cases, those teachers have moved to another state and used that certificate to get a new teaching job until their appeals run out. 6. Weak communication between the education and criminal branches of state governments means that education officials don’t always find out if a teacher has been arrested for sex crimes or other offenses. In one case, Missouri education officials had to send a license-revocation order to a Kansas man who had already begun serving a 90-year sentence for raping a teen-aged girl. Visit for more information. Signs of abuse include: venereal disease,

pregnancy, blood in bedding or clothes, or scratches, itching, bruises, rashes, or cuts in the genital area. There are many emotional signs that your child has been abuse, including but not limited to, aggressive behavior especially towards younger children, fear of a certain person, fear of a certain place, a sudden interest in sex, an unusual interest in sex, a highly developed knowledge of sex, any artwork having to do with sex, any stories written about sex, insomnia, nightmares, seductive behavior towards adults, sexual behavior towards other children, dressing too old for their age, changes in eating behaviors like binging or not eating enough, problems at school either disciplinary or grades, wetting the bed or other behavior that is younger than their age, secretive behavior, sexual play (such as making dolls do sexual acts), excessive masturbation, having unexplained gifts or money, self-deprecating statements about themselves or their body, cutting or self-mutilating behavior, depression or extreme emotional behavior, defiance or rebelling in a child that is not usually that way, threatening or attempting suicide, using drugs and alcohol, promiscuous behavior, being to uptight sexually, not thinking of themselves as sexual if it is appropriate at their age, running away, setting fires, lying, stealing, being obsessed with death, or dropping friends. That’s a long list but if parents see changes in their children, they should perk up and pay attention. Don’t brush if off as a phase. Parents must also have open and honest communication with their children. Parents should not question young children themselves. Seek out a child psychologist or licensed social worker who specializes in sexual abuse if you suspect any injury to your child. Visit for more information.

Happy Birthday Marcus Garvey Dear Friends: One hundred and twenty-three years after his birth, Marcus Garvey remains unparalleled in his accomplishments as an empowered entrepreneur and visionary. Back in the nineties when I decided that ICS should participate actively in the Campaign to Exonerate the Right Excellent Marcus Mosiah Garvey, if you were to ask me why, I would have said it’s a matter of principle. Garvey is a National Hero of Jamaica, a Legend and a Legacy. The Exoneration Campaign continues, unabated, by the stalwarts that study his philosophy as gospel. In the years since I joined arms with fellow Garveyites I have done and learnt a lot about the issue of racism and social and economic exclusion. On this August 17th, I urge those who have not found a passion for economic empowerment to be a part of the movement to ex-

Marcus Garvey

onerate Marcus Garvey. The campaign is not just about clearing his name. It is about, we as a people, taking up the charge to continue the work he began. Garvey had a vision of a World Order that would no longer limit people of African descent and Africans everywhere to break free of the chains of “Les Miserables.” Marcus Garvey had a vision that one day African peoples would arise from their slumber and repair the ravages wreaked by slavery and colonialism and be equal among all other peoples. He envisioned a world where our cities, our nations, and our peoples would occupy the same space as people of other races. With Barack Obama in the White House, one might say we have achieved a measure of respect. To an extent, yes we have --- but as noted in the 2001 Durban Agenda of the United Nations World Conference against Racism, the world and people of African descent still suffer the ravages of

an economic and political history and a system based on racism. In seeking to exonerate Marcus Garvey, we are seeking to excavate truth from the debris of Hoover’s demolition derby. We are seeking to exonerate the dream of Garvey because we know we must exorcise once and for all the dread of past failures and see them for what they are --- landmarks on our collective journey through time and space, not tombstones. We must excise the tumors of mistrust that have prevented the mass development of economic empowerment that keeps us disenfranchised. We seek to exonerate Marcus Garvey because we know we must exact a new opportunity to gather together a new community of dreamers that individually believe in the VISIONS of a Better World. So Happy Birthday Mr. Garvey! Our gift to you is our pledge to continue to work together to EXONERATE our common good. As part of this effort, ICS has launched LIFESEED, a development program for youth that encourages entrepreneurship and a spirit of self-achievement. Mr. Garvey long championed self-sustenance and this project honors that vision. We encourage you to join us in support of LIFESEED. Help our youth break the chains of corporatism and build bridges of innovation. We also ask you to hold fast to our faith in ONE GOD. ONE I AM. ONE DESTINY.... ONE LOVE. By Claire A. Nelson Ph.D.

Lisa-Anne Ray-Byers is a licensed and certified speech-language pathologist who has worked in education for over two decades. She holds graduate degrees in speechlanguage pathology and multicultural education. She also holds certification in educational administration. She is the author of the book, They Say I Have ADHD, I Say Life Sucks! Thoughts From Nicholas available at You may contact her at or by visiting her website at

Another Coined Terminology ‘Council Of Ambassadors’ By Ian Francis

Following the failed CARICOM Heads of Government Meeting held in Montego Bay, Jamaica, last month, another meeting was recently concluded in Grenada under the chairmanship of Prime Minister Bruce Golding of Jamaica. While I await a copy of the final communiqué and a full list of ministerial and official delegates, much information has evolved from diverse sources close to the gathering, which has enabled the production of this article to continue the vital call for structural and progressive rebranding within the CARICOM Secretariat is adhered to. It was quite evident that the outcome of the Montego Bay deliberations was a general acceptance of ignorance by our Heads as to what their specific roles and responsibilities are with respect to the management affairs of the CARICOM Secretariat in Georgetown, Guyana. To many observers, this acceptance was shocking but not surprising. These Heads are observed daily managing the affairs of their own governments with great incapacity. The Georgetown Secretariat which has become far more complex in its daily operations than any of our elected governments is considered well above the heads of some of our elected leaders who are part of that illustrious group known as “The Heads”. There was a general understanding that the meeting in Grenada was to address issues of governance; deal with the announced intention of Dr Carrington to demit office two years

ahead of his term and to do some strategic planning for the next inter-Sessional Ministerial Meeting. Certainly, all three topics were dealt with but foremost on the mind of the Heads who attended were the tasks of effective governing the affairs of the Secretariat and the banding around of names of potential candidates who might be interested in filling Carrington’s position. Let’s not be fooled, the new term “Council of Ambassadors” and its mandate of ensuring that decisions made at meetings are implemented is far from the medicine required to bring the CARICOM Secretariat in line. Given the above, it is clear that those who attended the Grenada meeting are still very much confused about their governance and participatory role with respect to managing the affairs of the CARICOM Secretariat. It is very disappointing that Heads have not yet understood the issues and creating a “Council of Ambassadors” is yet another smokescreen to justify to the global community that much was achieved in Grenada. In my personal opinion, it was another failed meeting, as Heads did not heel the advice and comments by many regional observers and analysts that they need technical and human resources assistance in addressing the organizational and structural deficits in the Secretariat. So, as the “Council of Ambassadors” proceeds with its task of looking for a new Secretary General, one thing that is very certain is the limited interest of having one of Carrington’s deputies to succeed him. In conclusion, we herald the task taken by Prime Ministers Golding, Gonsalves and Douglas to begin the process of calling a few people who might be interested in the position.


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Cook What You Love, Only Healthier With obesity rates on the rise, there is no better time than now for families to build healthier habits. This includes getting more exercise and eating healthier.

Nutritionists recommend eating more whole grains, lean proteins and increasing the amount of vegetables and fruit in their daily diets. While selecting the right foods is the first step, how they are prepared is equally as important. Cooking healthfully includes choosing the right ingredients as well as implementing techniques such as baking, grilling, broiling, roasting and stir frying. Moms across the country have discovered a new way to cook what they love only healthier with the new George Foreman Evolve Grill. With a large variety of meal options for breakfast, lunch, dinner and snack times in between, the Evolve Grill paves a time-saving and healthy path to meal preparation and eating right without sacrificing good taste. The grill comes with four plates to grill, bake and even make mini-burgers. Customize the grill by purchasing

Chicken, Chili & Lime Lettuce Wraps Prep time: 15 minutes Cook time: 8 minutes Cool time: 15 minutes Ingredients: 1 pound boneless, skinless chicken breasts, flattened slightly 3 tablespoons each: honey and lime juice 2 to 3 teaspoons chili garlic sauce (can be found in the Asian foods section of most supermarkets) 1 1/2 teaspoons each: sesame oil and soy sauce 12 to 16 small butter or romaine lettuce leaves 3 tablespoons sliced, toasted almonds 2 tablespoons torn fresh cilantro leaves 2 tablespoons sliced green onion tops Directions: Preheat grill to 425F. Stir together honey, lime juice, chili garlic sauce, sesame oil and soy sauce in a medium bowl. Remove two tablespoons and brush over chicken. Place chicken on hot grill and cook for eight minutes or until chicken is cooked through. Remove from grill and let cool slightly. Cut into bite-size pieces and stir into sauce; refrigerate for 10 minutes or up to 24 hours. To serve, spoon chicken into lettuce leaves and top with almonds, cilantro and green onions. Makes four main dish or eight appetizer servings. Nutritional analysis per serving: Calories: 220, Fat: 7g, Saturated Fat: 1g, Trans Fat: 0g, Cholesterol: 65mg, Sodium: 300mg, Potassium: 287mg, Carbohydrates: 15g, Fiber: 1g, Sugar: 13g, Protein: 24g, Vitamin A: 15 percent, Vitamin C: 10 percent, Calcium: 4 percent, Iron: 8 percent

additional plates for making waffles, omelets, muffins and more, all in one convenient appliance. Moms love that that Evolve Grill not only helps them cook more healthfully, but also it is easy to clean, use and store as well. What makes the Evolve Grill cook foods more healthfully is its design. It has a patented slope that helps the grease drip out, George Touch non-stick coating so the food doesn’t stick to the grill and a grease tray that catches the fat as it slides out of the grill and away from food. The Evolve Grill handles the basics of healthier cooking, making it easier for mom to whip up meals everyone will love. Get creative with mealtime by presenting healthy choices for the family. Get kids excited about eating lean proteins and more veggies by serving favorites such as grilled chicken in a different yet still nutritious way. Try this recipe for Chicken, Chili and Lime Lettuce Wraps that features grilled chicken, leafy greens and hearthealthy almonds. Kids will find it fun to eat with their hands and mom will love the nutrition and great taste it brings her and her family. For more delicious recipes and to learn more about other appliances from the George Foreman Healthy Cooking line, visit www.

Kids Seem More Likely to Reject Those Whose Eyes Cross Children with a condition called strabismus, in which their eyes aren’t straight or don’t line up with each other, may be less likely to be invited to birthday parties than other children, researchers have found. Swiss researchers digitally altered photographs of six children from six identical twin pairs to create inward and outward types of strabismus. They asked 118 children, aged 3 to 12 years, to look at these altered photos as well as the unaltered pictures of the children with normally aligned eyes and select whom they would invite to their birthday party. Children under 6 years of age didn’t have any preference between the photos of the kids with strabismus or normally aligned eyes. But children 6 and older were much less likely to select the photos of the children

with strabismus, Dr. Daniel Mojon, of the department of strabismology and neuro-ophthalmology at Kantonsspital in St. Gallen, Switzerland, and colleagues found. There were 48 children aged 6 to 8 in the study, and among that group 18 did not select any child with a strabismus, 17 selected this type of child once, 11 did so twice and two did so three times, according to the report published online Aug. 18 in the British Journal of Ophthalmology. The researchers found that among the 31 children in the 4- to 6-year age group, only one did not select a child with strabismus, 21 selected a child with strabismus once or twice, and nine selected a child with strabismus three or four times. “Our results show that schoolchildren with strabismus seem less likely to be accepted by their peers, so corrective surgery for strabismus should be performed before the age of 6 years, when negative social implications may arise,” Mojon and colleagues concluded.

Get Involved To Help Stop Diabetes This fall, thousands of people nationwide will join the movement to Stop Diabetes as they walk in the American Diabetes Association’s Step Out: Walk to Fight Diabetes. Rain or shine, walkers will join together to change the future of this growing epidemic that is taking a devastating physical, emotional and financial toll on our country.

Step Out: Walk to Fight Diabetes is the Association’s signature fundraising walk event. With strong support from the business community including sponsorship and corporate teams, this event raises more than $18 million to support the Association’s mission: to prevent and cure diabetes and to improve the lives of all people affected by diabetes. People with diabetes can choose to walk as a Red Strider. A Red Strider is someone who has diabetes - type 1, type 2 or gesta-

tional - who can proudly walk as an individual or create a team and walk with friends, family and co-workers. The purpose of the Red Strider program is to support everyone who lives with diabetes and showcase the courage it takes to live with this serious disease. Christine Schaeberle is one of the many walkers who will join the movement to Stop Diabetes and step out as a Red Strider this year. Red Striders are distinguished at Step Out events by wearing a red hat. “On the day of Step Out, it is very important to recognize all the people with diabetes,” says Schaeberle. “By wearing the red hats, we are able to do that.” Schaeberle is the founder of the Red Strider program and launched the first Red Strider program in Colorado. The program has since gone national. “The Red Strider program opened our eyes to how many people have diabetes. It also made us realize how important it is for us to recognize them and how we need to raise money to cure this disease,” says Schaeberle. “On walk day, I felt particularly supported as I was able to recognize other people with diabetes. All the walkers encouraged us to keep fighting this challenging disease.”

Reasons why you should Step Out and walk to stop diabetes:

* By walking in a Step Out event in your area, you are joining the American Diabetes Association’s movement to Stop Diabetes and helping to change the future of diabetes. * You are showing support for the nearly 24 million children and adults in the U.S with diabetes and the millions more at risk. Most people are either affected by diabetes or know someone who is affected. * There is no fundraising minimum, although it is strongly encouraged to raise funds and awareness to support the American Diabetes Association and its mission. As a reward, incentives are given to walkers for varying levels of fundraising. * Routes are for everyone regardless of age or athletic ability. They range from two to six miles. * The day of the event is a party to celebrate the accomplishments of all the teams and individual participants as well as an opportunity to promote awareness about diabetes and the American Diabetes Association. For more information or to register for a Step Out event in your community, visit www. or call (888) DIABETES (888-342-2383).



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Improving Your Child’s Math Skills With Fun, Educational Programs How do you tell the difference between an online game that is a valuable educational tool and those that are merely fun? It may be difficult to assess the educational value of computer programs aimed at children - especially those aged 4 to 9.

“Parents may see a familiar cartoon character on a product and think that must mean it’s a good game for their child,” says Mickelle Weary, Academic Director of DreamBox Learning K-3 Math, a web-based math program. “But is it really educational? Or is it just fluff? It can be very difficult to know until you’ve already bought the software and your child has played it for a while.” You may allow or even encourage your child to spend a substantial amount of time on a website featuring her favorite cartoon characters (or even spend a lot of money on it), only to find that it’s not very educational. Worse yet, you may also discover that the program doesn’t challenge your child or hold her interest for very long if the software doesn’t adapt to her skill level.

“With education budgets being slashed nationwide, many parents feel that supplementing their child’s education is more important than ever,” Weary says. “Kids are naturally drawn to technology, so fun, online programs can be a great way to supplement what they’re learning in school.” Weary offers parents and teachers some tips for evaluating the educational value of a child’s math game: *Does your child’s school use it? Or other schools? If so, that’s usually a great endorsement that the product is worth trying. * Is it web-based? Does it create a specific account for your child? Web-based software, like DreamBox Learning K-3 Math, is more likely to offer individualized instruction than older generation CD-Roms, and certainly provides more feedback than a workbook. * Does the game adapt as your child’s skill level and needs change? The best products start out by assessing where each child is developmentally in his or her math skills, then adapt all aspects of the game experience to match the child’s needs. And as the child learns more, the game evolves to present challenges that keep pace with the child’s abilities and interest level. * Does the game teach conceptual understanding of new ideas or is it simply a fun way to practice math facts? * Is it interactive and engaging?

The product should be fun as well as instructional. Making education fun is a great way to get kids to keep coming back for more. Children will be drawn to products that encourage them to interact and affect the outcome of the game. * Does the game give the child freedom of choice? Kids will be more engaged if they can direct how they play and choose what to do within the game. A good educational game should offer children options for how to progress at their particular skill level. * Are parents able to track their child’s progress through the game? Look for a product that provides parents the ability to generate detailed reports on their child’s progress. Not only do these reports give parents a snapshot of what their child is learning and how effective the game is, they can be shared with children’s teachers to help focus on areas of strength and challenges. * Is the game credible? Has it earned recognition from educators and parents alike? For example, DreamBox Learning has received many awards, including the Parents’ Choice Gold Award and the AEP Golden Lamp Award for Technology Innovation from the Association of Educational Publishers, and is used in schools all over the U.S. Log on to to learn more or for a free trial of this math product for kids.

Children will be drawn to products that encourage them to interact and affect the outcome of the game.




Henry Smashes Five As T&T Start With Big Win

PORT OF SPAIN, Trinidad – Five goals from striker Shackiel Henry powered Trinidad and Tobago to a dominant 8-0 win over St Kitts and Nevis, igniting their campaign to reach the FIFA Under-17 World Cup Finals in Mexico next year.

Playing in Group E of the second round of qualifiers, Henry scored all his goals in the second half as T&T ran out easy winners at the Marvin Lee Stadium. In the first game, Cuba got a firsthalf double from Darion Perez to whip Bermuda 3-1. It was Henry who made the headlines, however. Akiel Pierre’s eighth minute goal gave T&T a 1-0 lead at the half-time break while substitute Garvin Samaroo made it 2-0, two minutes into the second half before Henry took over. The W Connection youth team player opened his scoring 62nd minute, was on target five minutes later and then tucked in his third in the 74th as T&T sprinted to a 5-0 lead. Second-half substitute Glen Sutton netted in the 78th before Henry added two more items in the 84th and 90th minute to complete the lopsided win. Earlier, Daniel Luis Saez opened the scoring for Cuba in the 18th minute before Perez netted in the 33rd and 44th minutes for a 3-0 lead at the half. Zeiko Lewis to get a 70th minute consolation for Bermuda with the match already decided. The four-team tournament will continue on Friday with Cuba clashing with St Kitts and T&T facing Bermuda, two hours later.


Volcanoes Down Flying Targets Pistons Smash Spice Girls, 47-16, Out Of LIME/CANA Playoffs BROOKLYN, NY - They stride into the Lincoln Terrace Park at Buffalo and East New York Avenues in Brooklyn, just before game time, pushing strollers with one hand, a sports bag weighing down one shoulder and a folding chair on the other. Before you know it, they are dressed and ready to play.

They are the sports moms of netball, migrants from the deep reaches of the Caribbean region and proud to call New York City home. The above scenario plays out every weekend since June 5 – opening day – at the park, the playing headquarters for the LIME/CANA (Caribbean American Netball Association) endorsed tournament which turns 13 years this year. As the umpire’s whistle sounded shortly after 6:00 pm, on Saturday – August 14, and fans took up their positions around the touch lines, it soon became clear that there were 96 degrees of separation between the teams on this humid summer evening. In the span of sixty minutes, that separation would translate into a 47-16 victory for Pitons2 over Spice Girls in the Seniors2 division, as the single elimination (knockout) phase of the tournament tipped off.

The result means an early summer vacation for the Spice Girls and the other losing teams, as you must win to stay in the competition and move on. It was a different atmosphere in the park, with teams knowing that a loss meant the end of a promising season and more than time enough to ponder ‘what if’, looking ahead to the off-season. “The atmosphere on the court and in the park was different, more hustle, more purpose in the play,” noted veteran administrator (player/coach/umpire) Kunkel Blaine. Powered by their athletic center, Sharm Jean Pierre, Pitons2 left no doubt about their second place finish in the crowded and competitive division, scoring at will against an undermanned Spice Girls unit that finished their divisional campaign, one place (11) from the bottom. Pierre, a former St. Lucia national junior player, was a generous off the court as she was during the match, telling this reporter that the entire team contributed to the delivery of the KO punch to the opposition. “It was one of our easier games so far this season as all the players contributed. It was a team effort,” she said. And true to form, the weekend schedule produced no surprises, as the seeded teams all advanced to this weekend’s quarter-final round, among them, Crusaders and Typhoon. Much of the buzz will no doubt be on Senior division champions Volcanoes2, as they go for the double. They closed out division play with an emphatic 57-17 win over Flying Targets that had the coaching staff singing their praise.

NO BASKET. NO GOAL! A Pitons2 GK gets into her defensive stance as her Spice Girls opponent prepares to shoot, during knockout round action at the LIME/CANA tournament at the Lonciln terrace Park, Brooklyn, last weekend. Pitons2 won the match. (Photo by Sharon Bennett)

Chanderpaul Stars With Century As Collymore Also Shines LONDON, England – Veteran West Indies batsman Shiv Chanderpaul lashed his second century in four games for Lancashire to keep them in line for a victory while ex-Test seamer Corey Collymore’s fourwicket haul spurred Sussex to an innings triumph on Friday.

The 36-year-old Chanderpaul reeled off 120 as Lancashire, leading Kent by 17 runs on first innings, were dismissed for 321 in their second innings of their Division One encounter at St Lawrence Ground. At the close, Kent were 84 for two still requiring a further 255 runs for victory. Chanderpaul, who ironically suffered the ignominy of a first-ball duck in Lancs’ first innings, struck 14 fours and faced 234 balls in an innings that lasted nearly 5-1/2 hours. The left-hander added 89 for the fifth wicket with Gareth Cross (50) after Lancashire slipped to 130 for four, and eventually reached his century with a four to deep mid-wicket. Chanderpaul fell to the new ball when Simon Cook (4-62) trapped him lbw. At Horsham, right-armer Collymore captured four for 50 as Derbyshire crumbled for 225 in their second innings to lose by an innings and 109 runs. The 32-year-old, who took 93 wickets in 30 Tests, continued from where he left off on Thursday when he removed Paul Borrington (1) and Leeward Islands batsman Chesney Hughes (4) cheaply in reducing Derby to 27 for two at the close. On Friday, he got the first wicket of the day when he had Wayne Madsen caught at short leg by Ben Brown for 23, laying the foundation for out-of-favour left-arm spinner Monty Panesar (4-67) to run through the middle and lower order. Four batsmen stroked centuries on Thursday as Sussex piled up 576 for three declared in response to Derby’s 242 all out. The victory put Sussex back on top the Division Two tables.

West Indies’ Shivnarine Chanderpaul



Veronica Campbell Exacts Revenge On Jeter In Photo-Finish ZÜRICH, Switzerland – Jamaican Veronica Campbell-Brown won the 100 metres at the Diamond League Weltklasse Zurich meeting on Thursday in a scintillating photo-finish, to exact revenge on the American for her loss in Monaco last month.

“My start was not that good, second part better,” said the 30-year-old who also lost in London last weekend to Myers. Both athletes took home a bonus US$10 000 for going below 10.90 seconds. In the men’s 200 metres, impressive 20year-old Jamaican Yohan Blake sped to a time of 19.86 seconds but was forced to settle for silver as American Wallace Spearmon clocked a meet record 19.79 to clinch the event. Blake survived a wobbly start to burst through the bend and lead with 75 metres re-

maining. However, Spearman produced a telling run on the outside in lane seven to overtake Blake just before the finish. Jamaican Steve Mullings was fourth in a season-best 20.11 seconds while the Netherland Antilles’ Churandy Martina was a disappointing seventh in 20.40 seconds. Kaliese Spencer, meanwhile, captured the 400 metres hurdles, to record her fourth win of the Diamond League series and assure herself of the overall title in the event. The former World junior champion cruised

to a personal best 53.33 seconds, leading from start to finish, and beating Czech Zuzana Hejnová into second in 54.54. In the 400 metres, Jamaican Jermaine Gonzales (44.51) played second fiddle to Jeremy Wariner who clocked a world-leading 44.13 seconds in capturing the contest. There was also a second place finish for another Jamaican Dwight Thomas whose season-best 13.25 seconds left him behind dominant American David Oliver who clocked 12.93 seconds for the win.

Running out of lane five, the 28-year-old exploded from the blocks and seemed to have the race won at the mid-way point until Carmelita Jeter roared back in lane four to force a tense finish at the Letzigrund Stadium. Both sprinters clocked 10.89 seconds while American Marshevet Myers ran third in a season-best 10.97 seconds. Improving Trinidadian Kelly-Ann Baptiste was fourth in 11.11 with Jamaican Sherone Simpson fifth in 11.18 seconds. “My shoulder was a little bit in front so I had the feeling just after the line that I could be the winner,” said Campbell-Brown who was second to Jeter in her last outing in Monaco. Jeter, who won the Diamond League title, said while she was not impressed with her start, she was pleased with how she closed out the race.

Sherone Simpson

Veronica Campbell-Brown (L) of Jamaica runs to win ahead of Carmelita Jeter of the U.S. in the women’s 100 metres competition at the IAAF Diamond League athletics meeting at the Letzigrund stadium in Zurich, Thursday.




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