JULY 30 - AUGUST 12, 2009
Copyright © 2006, New York Liberty Star
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UNITED STATES ARMY VETERAN, SHEM WALKER was shot and killed by an undercover Police at his mother’s house. Page 18
PATRICIA CHIN receives award from Winston Blake at Annual Merritone Family Funday, held recently in Middlebury, Connecticut.
Grenada’s 16 Y-O Kirani James Smashes Bolt’s Records, P21 St. Lucians In NYC Urged To Get More Involved, P3 Jamaicans In NYC Celebrate 47TH Independence, P6
VOL. 9 ISSUE 167
In 2005, the National Institute of Health reported that 3.2 million African Americans had diabetes. TRINIDAD & TOBAGO
Prime Minister Hon. Denzil L. Douglas gave assurance all crimes will be addressed seriously. GRENADA’S LIGHTENING
Cover photo by Ivrol Hines
Brooklyn Celebrates Caricom Day PM EVADES ASSASSINS
PM Patrick Manning alleges an unnamed organization planned to assassinate him.
Grenadian teen Kirani James is being compared to Beijing’s triple Olympic gold medallist Usain Bolt.
Hon. Yvonne Graham, Deputy Borough President of Brooklyn, hosted the New York CARICOM Consular Corps and members of Brooklyn’s Caribbean community, civic leaders, dignitaries and others in honor of CARICOM Day, Wednesday, to commemorate the establishment of the Caribbean Community and Common Market (CARICOM).
NYPD Kills Guyanese Man In Front Of Mom’s House BROOKLYN, NY -The New York based Caribbean Guyana Institute for Democracy (CGID) is calling on Brooklyn District Attorney, Charles Hynes, to charge an undercover NYPD narcotics cop with manslaughter, for what it called “The willful shooting to death of Guyanese-American and United States Army veteran, Shem Walker.” Walker, who was visiting his sick mother, Lydia Walker, at her brownstone home at 370 Lafayette Ave, Fort Greene, Brooklyn, had just finished feeding her dinner, July11, at around 7:45 P.M, and had gone outside for a smoke, when he encountered a man sitting on his stairs. He reportedly asked the stranger leave, and a struggle may have ensued. However, the trespasser turned out to be an undercover Police officer from the Brooklyn North Narcotics squad, who was purportedly equipped with headphones and allegedly listening in on a drug buy. The New York Post reported that the two wrestled and fell to the
ground, and that the cop broke free, reached for his gun and shot Walker in the head and chest. Walker was taken to the nearby Brooklyn Hospital Center where he was pronounced dead. Walker’s sister, Jean Nurse, told CGID officials who visited the family, that she heard the gunshot and rushed to the window, only to see her brother lying on the steps bleeding. She said that she got to the front door within 60 seconds of seeing her brother lying on the stairs, and observed a uniform Police officer with his gun drawn at the alleged shooter. The alleged shooter then showed what appeared to be a badge and identification to the uniform officer, and subsequently walked away from the scene and disappeared. Nurse said that she was most hurt by Police officers from the 88th Precinct, with guns drawn, prevented family members from coming outside to render aid to Walker for about eight (8) minutes, until an ambulance arrived. Officers also refused to allow family members to ride in the ambulance. Walker ’s brother, Patrick Nurse and other siblings, who rushed over to ensure their mother’s safety, were held at bay in a deluge of rain for several hours before they were allowed in the home. Nurse complained that although she had given her brother’s name three times to the Police officers, who accompanied her brother to the hospital, they deliberately checked
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Guyanese-American and United States Army veteran, Shem Walker, was shot and killed by an undercover police, trespassing on his property. him into the Emergency Room as a “John Doe.” Walker was only officially identified at the hospital when a nurse found a prescription in his pocket bearing his true name. Walker, 49, was born on March 18, 1960, in Guyana. He grew up in Craig Village, East Bank Demerara, and migrated to the United States with his family at an early age. He served for fifteen years in the United
States Army. Sunday CGID President, Rickford Burke, in a statement said “I join State Assemblyman Hakeem Jeffries, New York City Councilmember Leticia James, Rev. Al Sharpton, as well as other community leaders and elected officials, in condemning this unjustified “murder by cop”, of an innocent man.”
New York Liberty Star welcomes letters from readers and press releases. We reserve the right to edit all materials, in keeping with publication standards. To submit an article, send email to: nylibertystar@yahoo.com. Hours of operation: M-F, 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. All material due by 4 p.m., Monday of publication week. The New York Liberty Star is not responsible for typographical errors in ads beyond the cost of the space occupied by the error. Copyright New York Liberty Star 2001. All rightsreserved / Ivrol D. Hines.
St. Lucians In NYC Urged To Get More Involved
NEW YORK, NY - The Office of St. Lucia’s Prime Minister is encouraging St. Lucians in the Diaspora to become more involved in the development of their 30 year-old nation. Dr. June Soomer, St. Lucia’s Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary with responsibility for the OECS, CARICOM and Diaspora Affairs, is calling on nationals - both young and old - to participate in a town hall-style forum at Brooklyn’s Borough Hall (209 Joralemon Street) on Thursday, August 6 from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. Speaking at the St. Lucia Consulate and Mission to the United Nations this week while in transit from Taiwan to St. Lucia, Ambassador Soomer announced the Diaspora Road Show begins this weekend in London and will feature a country team representing the National Development Bank, the National Development Corporation, the Ministry of Finance, and the Office of the Prime Minister. The show then travels to Ottawa and Toronto in Canada as well as several cities in the United States, including New York, Washington DC, Atlanta, Texas and Miami. “We want people to come out in numbers to hear about the opportunities that are available in their country,” said Ambassador Soomer who believes overseas-based St. Lucians are not fully aware of investment and small business opportunities on the island, the availability of government bonds, and the advantages of being part of the OECS Economic Union to be launched next year. The Caribbean envoy also said under discussion at the meetings will be “Homecoming 2010” which she hopes will solidify bonds between
Ambassador June Soomer St. Lucians at home and abroad. “We are hoping that over the next year individuals, groups and associations will recognise the value of celebrating themselves as St. Lucians,” said Dr. Soomer, who said nationals will congregate next summer in St. Lucia under the theme “Tout Sent Lisi Se Yonn” (All St. Lucians Are One.) As part of the homecoming celebrations, Ambassador Soomer anticipates a stimulating youth summit as well as the launch of an official St. Lucia policy for the Diaspora. “We will be developing a draft over the next year starting with the Road Show. We will have a final copy to be signed at the 2010 reunion so that in the future everybody will be guided by a policy that has been developed by all St. Lucians.”
THE HEALTHCARE DEBATE: Crisis In Brooklyn By Councilmember Dr. Kendall B. Stewart
Like the rest of New York City the Borough of Brooklyn faces a number of serious healthcare challenges. From unacceptably high levels of HIV/AIDS to a spiraling out of control diabetes, juvenile asthma, alcoholism, hypertension, cancers of all kinds, and other opportunistic diseases the health care picture is very bleak indeed. And because of an endemic at healthcare in the district and the and systemic poverty and a grow- borough. At the top of the list of ing, racially diverse population things to do must be local comBrooklyn has seen a rapid decline munity health education and the promotion of alternain not only access to tive healthy lifestyles healthcare but also in the aimed at beating back quality delivered to palifestyle diseases like tients in the borough. For diabetes, high-blood example, in parts of Cenpressure, lung cancer tral Brooklyn juvenile and AIDS. asthma is a major health But there are other issue that has been aggrathings that have a vated but cramped living negative impact on conditions, a built up of garbage that has spawned Dr. Kendall Stewart healthcare in my District and the borough rats and other vermin that are triggers to asthma and the chal- as a whole. They include sub-stanlenge faced by poor families in dard housing and sporadic garbage procuring medicines for juvenile disposal that help breed vermin. This in turn increases the number asthma sufferers. Then add to this the fact that of emergency hospital visits for most – if not all – major hospitals children and adults suffering from in the Borough are delivering sub- asthma, as one example. Other barriers to healthcare instandard quality of care to residents. This is compounded by the clude immigration, especially as it fact that 99 percent of all relates to the undocumented who Brooklyn’s hospitals are failing. fear going to hospitals for treatWhat this means is that these in- ment except in cases when their stitutions are cutting back on vital ailments become life threatening. health services that impact the Poverty – already mentioned – is community further aggravating the a key factor in poor health outalready dire health situation. These comes like low infant birth weight cuts in services disproportionately and mortality rates. A lack of affect low-income, at-risk commu- knowledge of health entitlement nities of color and immigrant com- programs and other available sermunities that use emergency vices round out the challenges, barriers and disparities in rooms as clinics. There are no easy answers to healthcare that present plague the dealing with the problem of health borough. Finally, language probcare in my 45th district and the bor- lems where English is not the ough as a whole. But I believe that immigrant’s first language, and we can deal this issue a strong violence in the community. blow by harnessing the collective Over the years violence has resources that we presently have been treated as a law enforcement after taking a comprehensive look problem. But I believe that it is
also a public health problem since the root causes of violence stem from a number of unhealthy environments spawned by such poverty-related diseases as alcoholism and drug abuse. Hopelessness and a lack of opportunities are also responsible for youth anger and subsequent violence. Gang initiation and violence – both of which impact the public health system – can also be traced to family breakups, single parent female-headed households and a lack of mentorship programs in the community. I have been a strong supporter of Kings County Hospital Center, SUNY Downstate Medical Center and other health institutions in Brooklyn. During the last budget cycle I was able to secure thousands of dollars to Kings County Hospital’s Diabetes and Cancer centers as well as a new Back and Spine Center. In addition I have secured funding for Kings County Hospital’s Nursing School recognizing the need for more nurses in our health system – especially nurses that reflect Brooklyn’s racially and ethnically diverse communities. I am also a big fan of federally-funded Community Health Centers and look forward to instituting at least two such institutions in my district. They will provide quality, affordable healthcare regardless of ability to pay. These centers will be located in at-risk, low-income communities. Finally, I want to publicly offer my support to President Obama’s healthcare initiative and urge our federal representatives to do their part in making this a reality. The United States is the only modern, industrialized nation that does not have universal healthcare. It is time that we do this. 45 million uninsured Americans will continue to drag down our national healthcare system. Healthcare reform that includes everybody is the way to go.
Obama Needs No Apology By Earl Ofari Hutchinson
President Obama may have used the wrong words “acted stupid” to describe the actions of the Cambridge Police Sgt. James Crawley in cuffing Harvard Professor Henry Louis Gates. He backed off slightly from it in a follow up interview when he made it clear that he wasn’t indicting the entire Cambridge police department. And by all accounts Crawley is a model cop, a stellar family man, and he’s been even hailed for his effort to train other cops not to racially profile. And certainly, Gates’s arrest hardly fits the textbook definition of racial harassment, let alone profiling. Yet, that doesn’t change the brutal reality
that racial matters are still every bit as agonizing, contentious, and divisive as ever. In the past couple of weeks, black and Latino kids were booted from a pool in Philadelphia, black parents were fighting a dogged battle to save a black high school in Louisiana ordered shut down by a majority white school board, blacks and whites squared off in Paris, Texas when charges were dropped against two white men previously accused in the alleged dragging death of a young black man, Brandon McClelland, a reinvigorated mass movement complete with a name “the birthers” to prove that President Obama is an illegal alien and should be dumped from the presidency. There’s also the rash of complaints and lawsuits alleging that several major lenders deliberately and systematically steered blacks and Latinos into extortionist interest rate, sub prime loans. Then there’s the internet whether it’s the issue of Michael Jackson’s death or the relent-
less low intensity verbal broadsides aimed at Obama, legions of chat rooms and websites pulsate with unbounded hate chatter. Obama’s knock at police in Gate’s arrest, and his finger point at the overwhelming disproportionate unwarranted stops of blacks and Latinos by some in law enforcement, need no soft pedaling and certainly not an apology. Presidents are asked and offer their opinions, give their personal views, and even express their prejudices countless time in press interviews and in front of the White House press corps. And few would dare demand that they apologize for a testy or intemperate quip. Bush certainly was never called on the carpet for his Testerone laced bring em’ on crack in reference to unnamed Terrorists, and his rough talk saber rattle against alleged “foreign enemies.” It took just the right touch of passion, and hint of anger that Obama brought to the table in the Gate’s affair to get the tongues wagging about race and policing, and how wide-
spread racial profiling really is. Obama has the world’s most powerful and most watched bully pulpit to cajole, prod, and educate the public on compelU.S. President ling and even painBarack Obama ful public policy issues; race being right at the top of the list. The perennial usual suspect Obama foes called him on the mat for weighing in on the racial profiling debate irresponsible. It would have been even more irresponsible for Obama to fire back “no comment, next question” to the reporter’s demand for an opinion about Gates. A no comment or waffling, duck and dodge pap remark to tough questions is not leadership, or courage. No apology needed, President Obama for speaking out on Gates.
Brooklyn Celebrates CARICOM Day Hon. Yvonne Graham, Deputy Borough President of Brooklyn, hosted the New York CARICOM Consular Corps and members of Brooklyn’s Caribbean community, civic leaders, dignitaries and others in honor of CARICOM Day, Wednesday, to commemorate the establishment of the Caribbean Community and Common Market (CARICOM). CARICOM Consul General and Consul General of Trinidad and Tobago Dr. Harold Robertson; Chair of the New York CARICOM Consular Corps and Consul General of Barbados Hon. Lennox Price; and the Permanent Observer of the Caribbean Community to the United Nations H.E. Ambassador Noel Sinclair were on hand to address the gathering and stressed the importance of strenghtening the Caribbean Community. Following the ceremony, the Caricom Flag was raised atop the Brooklyn Borough Hall. CARICOM was created on July 4, 1973, in Trinidad with the signing of the Treaty of Chaguaramas, allowing the 15
Permanent Observer of the Caribbean Community to the United Nations, H.E. Ambassador Noel Sinclair delivers remarks at Brooklyn Borough Hall, Wednesday. (Photo by Ivrol Hines.) Caribbean region member nations to move labor and capital freely between one another, advance coordination of trade, agricultural, industrial and foreign policies and act as a single market economy.
Blacks In Brooklyn Struggle With Diabetes By Dr. Dexter McKenzie
In a 2005 National Institute of Health Report, 3.2 million African Americans ages 20 years and older (or 13.3 percent) had diabetes, one-third of whom were undiagnosed. Our unscientific poll conducted in Central Brooklyn in 2007 certainly intimates that perhaps the epidemic maybe more severe in blacks in Brooklyn than in blacks on a national level. “The prevalence of diabetes in Brooklyn is considerably higher than the national average. The ethnic composition of Brooklyn is heavily African-American, and this group has a genetic predisposition to develop type 2 diabetes at approximately twice the rate of whites,” explains Dr. Rochelle Chaiken, Pfizer’s vice president for global medical affairs. According to a report of The Opportunity Agenda, the prevalence of diabetes in African Americans in Brooklyn is 33% higher than the city average. Family history is a well-known risk factor for type 2 diabetes, with risk estimates (relative risks [RRs]) ranging from 2 to 6 depending on study design and case definition (Harris, Am J Prev Med. 2003;24:152-15910). Family histories reflect both inherited genetic suscepti-
Dr. Dexter McKenzie meets with an unidentified senior in Brooklyn, recently.
bilities and shared environments, which include cultural factors such as preferences, values, and perceptions and behavioral factors such as diet and physical activity. (Keku,Am J Prev Med. 2003;24:170-176). Given the suggestion that that a significant number of minority children are being raised in households where parents and other relatives are diabetic and where the non-genetic risk factors (largely preventable) for developing diabetes are constant and unremitting then it is understandable that Centers for Disease Control (CDC) estimates that nearly 50% of African-American and Latino children born in 2000 will get diabetes in their lifetime. Of particular concern for those who suffer from diabetes are the dreaded complications such as heart attack, stroke, blindness, kidney failure, nerve damage, and the need to amputate limbs. According to the Department of Health, end-stage kidney disease, one of the major causes of death due to diabetes, was two times higher in Brooklyn than in all of New York. For African Americans in Brooklyn, family history of diabetes should be employed as a tool to identify individuals at increased risk of the disease and target behavior modifications that could potentially delay disease onset and improve health outcomes. For example, individuals with impaired glucose tolerance could be encouraged to make lifestyle changes, given that results from randomized clinical trials indicate that losing weight, reducing fat intake, and increasing physical activity can result in a 58% reduction in the incidence of diabetes. (Tuomilehto, N Engl J Med. 2001;344:1343-1350) Within communities such as Central Brooklyn and others with heavy African American populations these screening activities should probably commence at earlier than recommended ages since diabetes and its complications are recognized earlier in blacks than in the general population and it’s estimated that 33% to 50% of people with type 2 diabetes are not diagnosed. (Harris, Diabetes Care. 1992;15:815-819). This concept is made more attractive since evidence suggests that individuals with a known family history of diabetes are more likely to engage in healthy behaviors than individuals without such a family history. (Baptiste, American Journal of Public Health 2007; 97(5):907-912) An approach that targets excess body weight for height and low physical activity levels should be integrated into such strategies since the prevalence of diagnosed diabetes in the United States is increasing, coincident with increases in the prevalence of obesity and sedentary lifestyle. (Flegal, JAMA. 2002;288:1723-1727)
Geneive Brown Metzger Consul General
Consulate General of Jamaica As we celebrate our 47th year of Independence, it is the time to reflect on where we have reached as a nation. We have so much of which to be proud and must be careful to maintain the tradition of excellence demonstrated by our people in every stratum of society and across every field of vocation. Jamaicans are outstanding as a people. We have captured international acclaim through our indomitable spirit as we attain a level of success of which no other nation of our size can boast. The winning spirit of our people is evident in the remarkable performance of the likes of Usain Bolt who rocked the world at the 2008 Olympics, Winston ‘Burning Spear’ Rodney who copped the award for this year’s Best Reggae Album at the 2009 Grammy Awards. Our culture and beauty are embraced worldwide. Despite the current tough economic challenges, Jamaica’s tourism product is at an all time high with an increase in tourist numbers. Our Motto, “Out of Many, One People,” which is the theme of New York’s Independence 2009 celebration, speaks volume to who we are as a nation — one, even with our varied ethnicity and very importantly; one, even as we are scattered in every corner of the world. You, the people of the Jamaican Diaspora in the United States of America have proven our bond of unity as you continue to demonstrate your care and concern for your fellow Jamaicans here and at home in organizing medical missions, providing equipment and supplies for hospitals and schools in Jamaica and teaching the culture to young Jamaicans overseas. Our challenges are many, but if we continue to build on the foundations which have been laid by our forefathers who fought for our emancipation and independence, we will prevail. I encourage you in the Diaspora to continue with your missions which play a great role in the development of our nation. Thank you from the bottom of my heart, for all that you do and will do for our homeland. May God richly bless you as we celebrate our proud nation.
Celebrating 47 Years Of Independence
he history of Jamaica is one of passion and pain — the peaceful thirst for freedom intertwined with violent resistance to oppression. Through the tribulations of Jamaican history, a rich and dynamic Jamaican culture has emerged, with its own unique music, dialect, beliefs, and values. The human history of Jamaica began a little over a thousand years ago, when Arawak American Indians arrived in the island from South America. The Arawaks were a peaceful people who thrived by hunting, fishing, and growing yams, beans, and other crops (including corn for eating and alcohol production). The people of this first Jamaican culture developed skills in such crafts as pottery making and shipbuilding. The Arawaks’ peaceful existence was shattered when Christopher Columbus landed on St. Ann’s Bay in 1494, on the second of his four voyages to the new world, beginning the Spanish period of Jamaican history. Within a few decades of the Spanish conquest of Jamaica, the Arawaks were almost completely eradicated by disease, slavery, and violent treatment. In 1517, the Spanish began importing African slaves to buck up their depleted forced labor. During the Spanish history of Jamaica, the island was relatively ignored by Spain because it did not have the wealth of its South and Central American colonies. Remnants of Spanish Jamaican culture are few and far between, mostly seen in the architecture of the old capital at present-day Spanish Town. In the mid-17th century, the English government under Lord Cromwell decided to break the Spanish trade monopoly in the Americas. A force led by Admiral William Penn (the father of the founder of Pennsylvania) and General Robert Venables captured Jamaica for the British in 1655. The island would remain part of the British Empire for the next three hundred years of Jamaican history. Britain was at war with Spain for much of the 1600s. To aid in its struggle, Britain enlisted the help of buccaneers (or pirates), who harassed Spanish ships and settlements throughout the Americas from bases in Jamaica. The most important base was Port Royal, near present-day Kingston. Famous pirates from this period of Jamaica history include Blackbeard, Captain Morgan, and Calico Jack. The local pirates were suppressed in the 1690s after Britain concluded its wars against Spain, but a new force was already dominant in Jamaican culture: the slave plantations. By 1800, 300,000 slaves of Africa descent worked under harsh conditions on vast sugar plantations. Jamaica was the site of many fierce slave uprisings. For years, Maroons —
descendents of slaves freed by the Spanish in 1655 and runaway slaves from British rule — fought a guerilla struggle against plantation owners and British forces. The largest revolt in Jamaica history occurred in 1831, when an initially peaceful protest against working on Christmas turned violent. The oppressive response to the “Christmas Revolt” helped convince the British parliament to abolish slavery throughout the British Empire in 1834. The legacy of slavery has loomed large over Jamaican culture in the subsequent history of Jamaica. Jamaicans have a fierce nationalism and identify strongly with Africa, to the extent that “world news” in Jamaica often features more stories on Africa than the Americas. Even after abolition, workers on Jamaica’s sugar and banana plantations have had to struggle for rights and better treatment. This has led to the formation of a strong labor movement and occasional outbursts of violence. Jamaica was granted autonomy from the UK in 1947 and full independence in 1962, although it remains a part of the British Commonwealth and the Queen of England is still the nominal head of state. Since independence, Jamaican politics have been dominated by two political parties, the left-leaning People’s National Party and the center-right Jamaican Labour Party. Recent Jamaica history has seen the rise of the tourist industry, the development of a internationally renowned Jamaican music industry, and the invention of a unique Rastafarian culture. Drugs, crime, and poverty are continuing problems in Jamaican culture, but the struggles of Jamaican history have forged a unique and vibrant nation.
Bob Marley The Rastafari movement was founded in Jamaica. This Back to Africa movement believes that Haile Selassie of Ethiopia was God incarnate, the returned black messiah, come to take the lost Twelve Tribes of Israel back to live with him in Holy Mount Zion in a world of perfect peace, love and harmony. Bob Marley, a convert to the faith, spread the message of Rastafari to the world. There are now estimated to be more than a million Rastafarians throughout the world. Though a small nation, Jamaica is
rich in culture and has a strong global presence. The musical genres reggae, ska, mento, rocksteady, dub, and, more recently, dancehall and ragga all originated in the island's vibrant, popular urban recording industry. Jamaica also played an important role in the development of punk rock, through reggae and ska. Reggae has also influenced American rap music, as they both share their roots as rhythmic, African styles of music. Some rappers, such as The Notorious B.I.G. and Heavy D, are of Jamaican descent. Internationally known reggae musician Bob Marley was born in Jamaica and is very respected there. Many other internationally known artists were born in Jamaica including Lee "Scratch" Perry, Peter Tosh, Bunny Wailer, Big Youth, Jimmy Cliff, Dennis Brown, Desmond Dekker, Beres Hammond, Beenie Man, Shaggy, Tami Chynn, Tessanne Chin, Grace Jones, Shabba Ranks, Super Cat, Buju Banton, Sean Paul, I Wayne, Bounty Killer and many others. Famous band artist groups that came from Jamaica include Black Uhuru, Third World Band, Inner Circle, Chalice Reggae Band, Culture, Fab Five and Morgan Heritage. The genre jungle emerged from London's Jamaican diaspora. The birth of hip-hop in New York also owed much to the city's Jamaican community. Ian Fleming, who lived in Jamaica, repeatedly used the island as a setting in the James Bond novels, including Live and Let Die, Doctor No, For Your Eyes Only, The Man with the Golden Gun and Octopussy. In addition, James Bond uses a Jamaica-based cover in Casino Royale. So far, the only James Bond film adaption to have been set in Jamaica is Doctor No. Filming for the fictional island of San Monique in Live and Let Die, however, took place in Jamaica. The American film Cocktail, starring Tom Cruise, is one of the most popular films to depict Jamaica. A look at delinquent youth in Jamaica is presented in the 1970s musical crime film The Harder They Come, starring Jimmy Cliff as a frustrated (and psychopathic) reggae musician who descends into a murderous crime spree. Another popular Jamaican-based film is the 1993 comedy Cool Runnings which is loosely based on the true story of Jamaica's first bobsled team trying to make it in the Winter Olympics. Errol Flynn lived with his third wife Patrice Wymore in Port Antonio in the 1950s. He was responsible for developing tourism to this area, popularising raft trips down rivers on bamboo rafts. The island is famous for its Jamaican jerk spice which forms a popular part of Jamaican cuisine. Jamaica is also home to the world-renowned Red Stripe Beer and Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee. Jamaicans, in general, have a large
Patrick Allen, ON, GCMG, CD Governor-General of Jamaica
Governor-General Of Jamaica With so many Jamaicans living away from their homeland, one thing is certain, Jamaica’s Independence Day will be celebrated in almost every corner of the world. I greet you warmly as you join in commemorating the 47th anniversary of Jamaica’s Independence. Forty-seven years ago our founding fathers charged us to “go into the world [and] stand on our own feet and make our own way forward by hard work and discipline.” Our global reach has been made possible by Jamaicans who continue to make their mark and leave a legacy in many spheres of the international arena. Persons like our athletes with their record-breaking achievements, musicians such as Bob Marley who gave us the ‘song of the 20th Century’, artisans, diplomats, academicians and other Jamaicans in the Diaspora. Your sojourn has contributed to the image of Jamaica overseas and aided in the development, promotion and recognition of ‘brand Jamaica’ as a viable and competitive force to be reckoned with. Like the rest of the world Jamaica is beset with many difficulties. I believe that Jamaicans both at home and in the Diaspora should ‘join hands and hearts in working together to restore our nation. I believe that we can achieve this if we ‘pledge the love and loyalty of our hearts, the wisdom and courage of our minds, the strength and vigour of our bodies in the service of our fellow citizens’. And like the Oyster that produces valuable pearls after enduring difficult circumstance, Jamaica will once again emerge as the pearl of the Caribbean. Won’t you join us now! I wish you an enjoyable and satisfying Independence. interest in sports. Cricket, football (soccer), athletics and horse-racing are several popular sports. The Jamaican national cricket team competes regionally, and also provides players for the West Indies. The national football team qualified for the 1998 FIFA World Cup. Jamaican athletics have been well represented at the Olympics, World Championships and other major athletics events over the years with leading athletes obtaining medals. Usain Bolt, world record holder in the 100m for men at 9.69s, and 200m for men at 19.30s is among a rich heritage of Jamaican sprinters to compete on the world stage. They have also boasted athletes such as Delloreen EnnisLondon, Veronica Campbell-Brown, Brigitte Foster-Hylton, and former 100m world record holder Asafa Powell. The Jamaica national bobsled team was once a serious contender in the Winter Olympics, beating many well-established teams.
Bruce Golding Honorable Prime Minister
Honorable Prime Minister Forty-seven (47) years ago, Jamaica attained one of the most singular achievements that any country could boast – its independence. At that time, such an accomplishment was met with much excitement and high expectations. Expectations of taking hold of the ‘steering wheel’ and charting our own course, to greater advancement for our nation and people. The journey over the last 47 years, while marked with victories, has also been beset with challenges – challenges that have remained with us throughout the years; and exacerbated by the current global economic crisis. I however urge our people, to not be discouraged by the problems that prevail – because, while they are tremendous, they are not insurmountable. We must not allow the problems to mask our successes – successes that have earned us worldwide acclaim. Our athletes, musicians and artists, continue to ‘shine’ and do us proud. While our island stands as one of the most beautiful in the world; attracting many tourists, year after year. I am pleased that a Church Service is being held, to commemorate this milestone in our nation’s history. It serves as an acknowledgement that God must be at the helm of all that we do; as with Him, all things are possible. I am further encouraged by the display of loyalty and patriotism from our Jamaican Diaspora. Your contributions to our country in various fields are welcomed; as building a nation will take collaboration and cooperation – not isolation. I urge us all, to join forces, in love and unity; in order to take Jamaica to that place of sustained peace, order, security and prosperity, that we envisioned 47 years ago. May God continue to guide, bless and strengthen our nation and people!
The outgoing Vicar Bishop for New York City, The Right Reverend E. Don Taylor, is awarded a plaque from Jamaica’s Consul General, Hon. Geneive Brown Metzger at Cathedral of St. John the Divine, in Manhattan, Sunday. (Photo by Sharon Bennett).
Jamaicans Celebrate Independence Day Jamaican’s across the United States ring in the island’s 47th anniversary of Independence with a host of exciting and memorable events under the theme “I Believe In Jamaica”. This year also marks the 171st anniversary of Jamaica’s emancipation from slavery and a number of events will be hosted across the U.S. to celebrate the occasion. In recent years, the festivities have grown from weekend events to weeklong celebrations in markets across the United States. The celebrations provide not only Jamaicans, but people from various Caribbean nations and lovers of the region, the opportunity to come together and enjoy the fellowship and company of friends, and the chance to experience and appreciate the genius of Jamaica – the people, food, music, art and culture. Throughout the week, Independence activities will demonstrate the range of Jamaica’s culture from church services, fairs and concerts to town hall meetings, flag raising ceremonies, art exhibitions and Independence Balls. Events com-
menced this week with a Church Service of Thanksgiving, held at the Cathedral of St. John the Divine in Manhattan. Sunday. Many more events, geared towards the 47th Independence Celebrations, are scheduled to occur over the next two weeks. “The government of Jamaica remains committed to ensuring that there remains a strong connection between Jamaica and the Diaspora,” said Edmund Bartlett, Minister of Tourism. “In our continuous efforts to showcase the inherent cultural beauty of our island, we encourage all Jamaicans across the Americas to join us in the celebrations which reflect the “I Believe In Jamaica” theme. History Jamaica gained Independence from England on August 6, 1962, after more than 300 years of British rule. On August 7, 1962, the first meeting of Jamaica’s new Parliament was held in Gordon House where Jamaica was officially welcomed as a member of the Commonwealth of Nations. In the period since the milestone events of Emancipation and Independence, Jamaica has weathered many challenges and is now poised for an unparalleled period of growth fueled by large investments in the tourism sector.
Business Feature SRPS Expands Legal Document Services To A 24 Hour BROOKLYN, NY - President and founder of Superior Research & Paralegal Services (SRPS) Audy-Ann Wisdom recently announced the significant enhancement of the company, an independent firm providing legal support services and legal document preparing services. In addition to existing services and in response to customers’ demands, SRPS is currently providing all needs and services 24 hours around the clock. SRPS was established to provide reasonable rates legal document preparing as well as fast reliable legal support services to its clients, who depend on a legal document preparing/legal services support team for fast and reliable services. The company was also established to accommodate the growing demand by pro se litigant and law offices that wanted to conserve on resources. As the legal community continues to increase in the number of pro se litigants, who are low income individuals in need of simple affordable service for their undisputed legal matter and the law offices that are trying to survive the economical down turn, legal support services continue to be one of the top priorities for the legal community. While law offices are looking to maximize their billable hours and still satisfy their client in a professional and timely manner, they are seeking to team with a legal support service that will provide 24 hour services that would better suit them and exceed the need and desired services of their clients. “We have established this service for each and everyone and make it into a one stop shop
for all legal needs and services and we will maintain this status and expand to superior services, if its possible to go beyond that point,” states Wisdom. Some of the services SRPS provides to its clients includes: preparation of immigration, divorce, bankruptcy, landlord tenant dispute, corporation formation, wills, and name change document preparation, including inhome services to those who find inconvenient to travel. In addition to legal document preparation, SRPS also provides to law offices, services from nationwide process serving to assistance with the drafting of pleadings and correspondences. The company also provides free attorney referral services to clients interested in a specific legal matter. The expertise provided by SRPS is the result of rigorous hands on training; a wealth of legal educational backgrounds, as well as work experience with widely known, well established law offices. The company maintains an extensive ongoing training for our staff and keeps up to date with the latest in legal document preparation and legal support services. According to Wisdom, “SRPS does the leg work and treat every one of our clients with the same due diligence, so that busy individuals and law offices don’t have to. We are the backbone of successful and reasonable rates legal services.” SRPS, located in the Crown Heights area of Brooklyn, was created with everyone in mind, from individuals, who are low income to law offices that just need a reliable, timely and convenient service.
111 Court Street, Brooklyn, NY 2nd Floor, Suite 2L 718.221.5186 866.840.2566
St Kitts-Nevis PM Vows White-Collar And Gang-Related ...
Crimes Taken Seriously By Erasmus Williams
BASSETERRE, St Kitts — St Kitts/Nevis Prime Minister Hon. Denzil L. Douglas gave assurance all crimes will be addressed seriously. “The criminal justice system, our law enforcement establishment, and the apparatus of the state has been addressing, and will continue to address the issue of existing criminals, whether they be white collar or gang-related,” said Prime Minister Douglas during his weekly radio program, “Ask the Prime Minister”, on Tuesday. He said that the criminal justice system will deal with the white collar criminals, and it will deal with violent gangs. “No country that hopes to make any progress in the associated and key area of crime prevention, however, will make any progress as long as there are those within that society who attempt to politicise crime, who attempt to use crime to make themselves, in some way look good, who try to twist the global phenomenon of crime into some strange evidence of just how much the country is suffering because they do not have political power. Whether the politicians in question are in New York, in London, or in Johannesburg, it is opportunistic, it is cynical, and it lacks a sense of honour. And I want the people of St Kitts and Nevis to be sophisticated enough, and wise enough, to see this,” said the Prime Minister. Douglas, who is also the Minister of national Security said the issue of crime prevention, however, is never the responsibility of government alone. “Not in St Kitts-Nevis, not in Tokyo, not anywhere else. All over the world, the societies with the lowest levels of crime are those in which there are high levels of societal concern, societal interaction, and societal collaboration across class, age, and other lines. What any country that is serious about battling crime needs, therefore, is a concerned, an energetic, and a socially involved populace,” said Minister Douglas.
He said any unelected politician, anywhere in the world, therefore, who wants to impress upon the electorate his or her genuine concern about crime, should be judged, not by how loudly he or she condemns the existence of crime, but by how active he or she is in mobilising their supporters to roll up their sleeves and become involved in after school programmes, in church groups, literacy programs, in the type of cultural, life-skills, and self-esteem programmes that caring individuals all over the world spear-head in order to prevent their societies from succumbing to the lure of drugs, and violence, and despair. Prime Minister Douglas pointed out that one does not need to be in government to demonstrate that one is genuinely concerned about crime. “One does not have to be in government to demonstrate that one has good and workable ideas to battle crime where it matters most – that is, in the area of crime prevention. One does not have to be in government in order to demonstrate one’s ability to turn lives around. It is very easy to talk, of course, it is very easy to condemn, it is very easy to criticize,” said Douglas. He issued a challenge to unelected politicians all over the world, to use the enormous amounts of free-time available to them to stop talking and start acting - while the democratically elected officials grapple with the challenges of providing training for police officers, developing innovative programs for the schools, strengthening the judiciary, securing funding and personnel for in-prison skills training and strengthening strategic law-enforcement alliances within the region and beyond. According to Prime Minister Douglas, elected officials have real and pressing responsibilities in the area of crime fighting, and in the case of St Kitts-Nevis Labour Party Administration, “are meeting these responsibilities with a degree of concern, commitment, and determination never before seen in this country.” “Some try to be politically opportunistic by pointing out that there have been more killings in recent years in St Kitts and Nevis than there were before.
REGIONALBriefs Jamaica’s Lady Bustamante Dies At UHWI KINGSTON, Jamaica -Lady Gladys Bustamante, widow of Jamaica's National Hero, the Rt. Excellent Sir Alexander Bustamante, and a prominent member of the Jamaican trade union movement, died in the Tony Thwaites Wing of the University Hospital of the West Indies (UHWI), Monday afternoon.
Prime Minister Denzil L. Douglas “Is St Kitts & Nevis also to be blamed for the rise in killings in Antigua and Barbuda, St Vincent, Trinidad and Tobago, Eastern Europe, Colombia, and rural America in recent years as well? Clearly, both white collar crime and increasing gang violence are global phenomena. That does not make it acceptable in St Kitts and Nevis, and my government has been doing, and will continue to do everything in its power in our fight against this cancer,” said Douglas. He said while unelected officials have the right to criticise and condemn, that is not enough. ”They must do more than condemn in these challenging times. They must use the enormous amounts of free time on their hands to think of and implement programmes as genuinely concerned citizens, to make a difference…..to lead others away from lives of crime…..to make drugs, violence and criminality less appealing to those who may be tempted to think that there is no other way,” said the Prime Minister.
Lady Bustamante, as she is well known, had been confined to home for the past two years and, although she had not made any public appearance since then, "she was feeling no pain or discomfort," according to close family friend, Seragh Lakasingh. However, things changed for the worse Sunday afternoon, when she expressed a feeling of discomfort and developed a high temperature. She was taken to the Tony Thwaites Wing of the Hospital at 2 p.m. on Monday. She died at 4.45 p.m. Although she is usually referred as the widow of Sir Alexander, Lady Bustamante, or Lady "B" as she is even more affectionately known, was a prominent member of the Jamaican trade union movement since 1938. At the time of her death she was still Honorary Treasurer and a Trustee of the Bustamante Industrial Trade Union (BITU), founded by Sir Alexander. She was also a member of the executive and a trustee of the Jamaica Labour Party(JLP), which was also founded by Sir Alexander, as well as patron of the Bustamante Hospital for Children in Kingston.
Guyana Police Uncover Plot Behind Health Ministry Bombing Investigators in Guyana say they have uncovered a network behind the firebombing of the Health Ministry complex in Georgetown and Home Affairs Minister Clement Rohee on Monday told reporters that the arson was clearly politically motivated. Two people were charged in connection with the arson and appeared on Monday before a city magistrate while two others mysteriously vanished from a secure police station cell. Adding to what the minister called “a very intriguing case”, two of four other men held in the probe disappeared before dawn Monday from secure lockups in the Providence police station under the noses of a female police corporal and another rank on duty. At a joint press conference at
the Home Affairs Ministry on Brickdam, the minister and Police Commissioner Henry Greene said there were “intellectual authors” behind the arson plot and investigators are looking for some key players. But while Greene said “we don’t know where this (the investigation) will lead us”, Rohee told reporters the available and emerging evidence indicates that the arson was “obviously conceived within a political context”. “…the intellectual authors of the act have been established,” he declared. Greene said the disappearance of the two men from the Providence lockups has triggered serious concern, adding that there was no sign of breakage at the lockups and the men simply vanished while the corporal and the other cop were on duty. He said the corporal and the other rank have been arrested and are being questioned about the disappearance of the two men. The commissioner said police
are working on a theory that the two were removed from the lockups “by some corrupt means”. He said the firebombing was “carefully planned and executed” and suspects detained have given statements implicating other central players. “We are still looking for at least two other key players who we feel can assist us in this investigation…We feel we have a lot more to unearth based on statements that have been made in this matter as to who is supporting what took place at the Ministry of Health. We have that in writing,” he said. Rohee said the “well-orchestrated and planned activity” was conceived by some well-known persons who hired underlings to set fire to the Health Ministry. He said the network included the intellectual authors, planners, recruiters and those who carried out the act. There were active and passive players behind the firebombing plot and police have a “fairly good grasp”
of their network, he added. “Let the chips fall where they may,” he offered in response to a question about how high the investigation could lead. He also commended the police force for its excellent work in unraveling the case so far. “It shows that our force has now reached a level where they can crack an activity like this in such a short period…and that speaks well for the organization,” he said. Greene said evidence points to a clear pattern in the July 17 predawn torching of the building and those who recruited others for the plot told them they did not like the government and they were going to set cars on fire and create diversions. “Initially some of the people were told ‘we’re going to burn cars’ and then subsequently, when pulled together”, it ended up in the burning of the Health Ministry in which Molotov cocktails (channa bombs) were used, he said. According to the top cop, those recruited were promised payment for
their services and some have confessed to receiving money for their part in the plot. Rohee said some of the underlings were sent to buy bottles, gasoline and channa and the police have information about where and when meetings for the planning were held and with whom. Greene said the police have clear evidence of persons “entering the building and doing what they had to do”. He told reporters some employees of the ministry are also to be questioned in relation to the fire. The firebombing triggered heightened security at all government facilities and key installations, including Guyana Elections Commission offices, he said. President Bharrat Jagdeo, after the fire, said several channa bombs were located in the compound and investigations pointed to a “deliberate act”. Asked if the firebombing may be part of a bigger plot, he said then: “We can’t take chances – so no stone is being left unturned”.
AIR JAMAICA OFFERS LAST MINUTE TICKETING Purchase Tickets Online Up To Two Hours Prior To Departure MIAMI, Fla. – Travelers making last-minute travel arrangements will find Air Jamaica has made the process even easier by allowing them to purchase tickets up to two hours before the scheduled flight departure time at www.AirJamaica.com. “Air Jamaica is always looking for new ways to make travel more convenient and enhance the overall travel experience for our passengers. This new feature on our website allows last minute travel plans to be quickly actioned – with reservations, ticketing, check-in and boarding pass printing handled from the comfort of their home,” said Rob Shand, Air Jamaica’s Director e-Commerce. Tickets purchased at www.AirJamaica.com also offer the convenience of no additional ticketing fees, plus payment can be made with most major credit cards, or with cash at any Western Union location throughout the U.S. and the Caribbean. For tickets purchased online within 24 hours before the scheduled departure flight, both the credit card used and the cardholder must be verified by an authorized Air Jamaica representative at the airport prior to departure. Visit www.AirJamaica.com for the airline’s lowest fares, to purchase tickets, check-in, print boarding passes, check flight status, review 7th Heaven Rewards miles and more. For further information or reservations, call Air Jamaica at 1-800-523-5585 or visit the website at www.AirJamaica.com. About Air Jamaica Air Jamaica’s new summer schedule has 246 weekly flights to 13 destinations, with service between Jamaica and Toronto, New York (JFK), Chicago (O’Hare), Baltimore, Philadelphia, Orlando, Fort Lauderdale, Curacao and Nassau, as well as service between New York and Barbados and between New York and Grenada.
Fearless Trinidad PM Discloses Botched Assassination Attempt PORT OF SPAIN, Trinidad – A lawyer has described as “incredible” a statement by Prime Minister Patrick Manning that an unnamed organisation had planned to assassinate him last year. Manning, speaking at a public education rally of his ruling People’s National Movement (PNM) in Arima, east of here on Monday night, said that he had averted bloodshed in the country by not reporting the matter to the police. The Prime Minister said information about the alleged assassination had been delivered on the eve of the observance of the 1990 failed coup to the office of his wife, Hazel, who is also the Minister of Local Government. Manning sought to link the alleged attempt on his life to an incident involving a police officer and his security detail last year. “One year ago, on the morning of Saturday July 26, when the Minister of Local Government and myself were on the way to our gym at 3.30 in the morning, a marked police vehicle sought to peel off the final vehicle in our (security) detail. We had one unmarked car in which we were travelling and there were two jeeps behind us, so everybody knew it was the Prime Minister’s detail.” “A marked police vehicle came and made an attempt to peel off the final jeep in our detail.” Manning said noting that the vehicle in the security detail refused to be peeled off “and to be separated from the rest of the (security) detail. “All kinds of scuffles ensued, which caused us to abort our mission that morning and to return home very quickly,” Manning said. But attorney Garvin Nicholas, who represents the police officer who is appealing his dismissal from the service as a result of the
incident, said he was amazed at the statement of the Prime Minister. “If you are the Prime Minister and you are travelling in an unmarked vehicle...and you have two vehicles behind you and you see one is being threatened do you just run off and go home or do you call and notify all the authorities in Trinidad and Tobago...that the persons who have plotted against you, these criminal minds who believe that they could take you out as Prime Minister should be apprehended at once.” Nicholas said Manning should have also ensured that “this perpetrator, assassinator should never be allowed to get away. Did he do that?” The attorney said the statements by the Prime Minister at the public meeting were worrying, considering the fact that he had even
spoken to the police officer during the ensuing melee on that morning. “Why would you intervene if you believe or suspect that there are assassins in a marked police vehicle coming to your home, you would as Prime Minister then open yourself out and come out to greet those assassins? “Again it shows a consistent nonsense in the inconsistency of the Prime Minister and what we need to really focus on is the mental health of this Prime Minister because for somebody to actually stand up and come up with these stories in his mind...you have to be concerned because this is the Commander in Chief,” Nicholas told the news conference. In his address carried live on television here, Manning said he does not live in fear. “I fear no man, I fear no man, I am a child of God, I fear no man,” he added.
Trinidad & Tobago Prime Minister Patrick Manning said that he had averted bloodshed in the country by not reporting the matter to the police.
HOROSCOPE ARIES (Mar. 21- April 20) Major moves will be emotional and not necessarily to your benefit. You can't help everyone. You're in a high cycle for romance.
LIBRA (Sept. 24 -Oct. 23) Make sure to arrange in advance to spend quality time together. Your ability to talk circles around your colleagues will help you forge ahead in the workforce.
TAURUS (Apr. 21- may 21) You may exaggerate your emotional situation. Investments may be misrepresented this week. Sudden changes regarding your circle of friends could prove interesting and stimulating.
SCORPIO (Oct. 24 - Nov. 22) Keep important information to yourself. Social get-together will bring you in contact with intelligent new friends.
GEMINI (May 22-June 21) Opportunities to get ahead are evident. Not everything you hear will be legitimate. You will need to finalize important deals this week.
SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 23 -Dec. 21) Your lover will be extremely sensitive and now will not be a good time to make changes that they won't like. You should want to feel good about yourself and your goals. Your diplomacy will be of utmost importance this week.
CANCER (June 22-July 22) You will be best suited to doing things around the house or inviting friends over for a visit. Residential moves will be in your best interest.
CAPRICORN (Dec 22.- Jan. 20) Matters pertaining to work must be completed before you leave. Take time to make physical improvements that will enhance your appearance.
LEO (July 23-Aug 22) Travel will stimulate your need to experience exciting new things. Be careful what you consume this week. Involvement in groups will be favorable and lead to valuable information.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 21 -Feb. 19) Don't overspend on entertainment, on children, or make poor investments. Your ideas may be a little ahead of their time; don't push them, instead just continue working on development.
VIRGO (Aug. 23 -Sept. 23) Residential moves will be hectic and may be unsatisfactory. Don't make a move; your confusion has caused this dilemma and you are best to back away and reassess the situation.
PISCES (Feb. 20-Mar. 20) You can pick up valuable information if you listen to those with more experience. Your hypnotic eyes will capture the hearts of those who interest you.
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ENTERTAINMENT Three Days With Quincy Jones At Bermuda Music Festival
Miss Patricia Chin, owner of VP Records, receives award from Winston Blake at Merritone Family Funday.
Merritone Brings Friends Together By Anthony Turner
Thousands of fun loving Jamaicans from various states across the USA made the trek to Lake Quassy, in Middlebury, Connecticut for the annual Merritone Family Funday and what a summer soiree it was! This year’s ‘Family Fun Day’ featured the ‘Royal Caribbean Bakery Patty & Bun Eating Contests which had professionals and non professional eaters, various rides for kids and the exciting “Tri-State Knockout Domino Competition.” Dj Roy, Stretch, Glamor Wayne and
Winston Blake and Dobby Dobson at the Merritone Family Funday.
Fridge, Trevor Blake and perennial favorite Winston Blake kept patrons grooving all day with timeless music. Highlight of the day was the kiddies dance competition that some say was the best yet. The boys segment was won by 7 year old Daijon “Drenade” Thomas who showed he was adept at all the latest dancehall moves out of Jamaica and was the envy of even the most accomplished dancehall fan. Pandemonium erupted when he started did the moon-walk across the stage and ended with a dynamic Sabrina HoSang of Caribbean Michael Jackson Food Delights (right) gives dance tribute that instructions to the Patty earned him rapturous applauds from Eating Contestants. the huge crowd. Veteran singer Dobby Dobson who Sound” that went over well with performed after, held his own doing fans. songs from his catalog of hits includBusiness entrepreneur Patricia ing “Loving Pauper,” “Seems to me “Miss Pat” Chin and her family I’m Losing” and “Wonderful owners/operators of VP Records -
were on hand to collect the ‘Caribbean American Family of the Year Appreciation Award.’ All in all it was a splendid day that patrons will remember for many years to come.
HAMILTON, Bermuda — Multi-Grammy winning producer, composer and arranger Quincy Jones will be joined by a number of A-list artists, including Ne-Yo, for a performance at the 14th Annual Bermuda Music Festival from October 29 - 31, 2009. “Bermuda is looking forward to staging some of the most iconic musicians of our time,” said Bermuda’s Premier, Minister of Tourism and Transport, Dr Ewart Brown. “With the talent announced today and more announcements to come, we are confident we can build the kind of excitement that reaffirms Bermuda as a preferred visitor destination.” Over the past 14 years, Bermuda has welcomed an unparalleled lineup of star performers to its pristine pink sand beaches for the Bermuda Music Festival including: Beyonce, Alicia Keys, Kenny G, Seal, Natalie Cole and Isaac Hayes, to name a few. Last year, Beyonce said that she fell in love with Bermuda during the Festival. Named by Time Magazine as one of the six most influential jazz artists of the 20th Century, Quincy Jones stands as one of the most successful and admired creative artists and executives in the entertainment world. Jones is celebrated as the producer and conductor of We Are The World, the number one bestselling single of all time, as well as for collaborating on some of Michael Jackson’s most popular albums including “Off the Wall,” “Thriller” and “Bad.” Kicking off this year’s Bermuda Music Festival on October 29 will be the Grammy Award winning singersongwriter, record producer and actor Ne-Yo. Ne-Yo has wowed audiences with his talents since 2006 with his multi-platinum chart topping debut, In My Own Words.
Hometown Studios To Host NY Calypso Royalty Victory Party Hometown Studios, one of New York City’s devoted and dedicated Calypso and Soca recording “homes”, is planning a big Summer event on August 8th which will pay homage to Calypso Royalty coming out of Trinidad & Tobago’s 2009 carnival. In collaboration with Culture Best Promotions, Hometown Studios with Trinidadian Jamal Talib as its CEO, is planning to honor not one; not two; but THREE of its recording clients who proudly occupied seats in winners’ row in the carnival festivities of Trinidad & Tobago this year. Twiggy (born Ann Marie ParksKojo), the T&T National Queen of Calypso, Bro. Mudada (Allan Fortune) this year’s Veteran’s Calypso Monarch and Frosty Brooks, the current Calypso Monarch of Manzanilla (a small village in south Trinidad), are the special “honorees” at the
grand “Victory Show & Dance”. Afrika House located at 2265 Bedford Avenue in Brooklyn, is the venue for the show, which is anticipated to be one of the big highlights of this year’s pre-Labor Day celebrations. Tickets and additional information about the event are available at Hometown Studios on 135 Bedford Avenue in Brooklyn and Hometown boss Jamal Talib prospective patrons can visit their website: www.hometownstudios.com The indefatigable Soca granddaddy Lord Nelson is down to be a special guest performer in the tribute that is to be paid to the successful Hometown Studios recording artistes. Also making a guest appearance on the night is the long-serving Drums of Freedom aggregation. The role of Master of Ceremonies for the victory celebration is being played by popular Trinidadian radio-man Big C who be assisted by M.C. Oscar Rosvel. Also expected to appear are “Hometown Squad” members humorist calypsonian Brown Boy, Lovey, Ajala, Garth David, and sexy soca sensation Choklet. It will be a birth-night celebration for popular Trinidadian veteran DJ Mad Man Maddy who will provide dance music for the party along with colleague DJs Cassanova (Trinidad), Barbadian Mr. Easy and Guyanese Eddie D. When the clock strikes midnight, it is going to be showtime, according to one of the event’s officials.
St. Joseph’s And St. Aloysius Alumni 2nd Annual Reunion A Huge Success Organizers of the second annual St. Joseph’s and St. Aloysius Alumni Reunion weekend which took place last month at the Walt Disney Resort Hilton Hotel in Lake Buena Vista, Orlando, Florida said it was a huge success. “Over a hundred alumni were on hand to celebrate and reminisce with family and friends,” says Norda Lewis, Organizer of the event. At Friday night’s Meet and Greet, the boys represented St. Aloysius in their khaki uniforms and the girls represented St. Joseph’s in their white blouse, blue skirt and blue tie. Many couldn’t conceal her delight. There was lots of squealing and laughter as alumni members broke out into playing ring games, singing school songs as well as traditional Jamaican folk songs. Spirits were high. There were lots of laughter and tears of joy. Even the former teachers got in to the act.
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SPORTS Grenada’s 16 Y-O Kirani James Smashes Bolt’s Records The Grenadian teenager Kirani James is being compared to Beijing’s magnificent triple Olympic gold medallist Usain Bolt and with good reason. At a mere 16 years old, James is already a world star and has gone faster over 400 metres than Bolt ran at the same stage of the Jamaican’s career. James won the 200 and 400-metre double at the 2009 IAAF World Youth (Under-18) Championship in Bressanone, Italy, the onelap event in a remarkable championship record 45.24 seconds, which bettered Bolt’s mark of 45.35 as the quickest time ever by a Caribbean U18 athlete. There was always promise of this young athlete’s immense potential and so his brilliant triumph at the mid-July World Youth meet was not unexpected. At the 2007 World Youth Championship in the Czech Republic, James – running against older athletes — became the world’s fastest ever 14-year-old over 400 metres by clocking 46.96 seconds for a silver medal. He won 400m silver at the 2008 IAAF
World Junior Championship in Poland in the summer and then travelled to India later in the year to become the Commonwealth Youth Games champion. In April 2009, James shattered another mark by Bolt when he sped to a superb CARIFTA Games victory in St Lucia, clocking 45.45 seconds. The effort easily bettered Bolt’s mark of 46.35 and landed him the Austin Sealy Award as the CARIFTA Games’ most outstanding performer. His run at the George Odlum Stadium also
triggered a barrage of advances from US College recruiting officers, including representatives of Baylor University, whose best known graduate is the remarkable American 400metre world record holder Michael Johnson. The international media at the IAAF World Youth meet in Italy labelled James “the next Usain Bolt”. Soft-spoken but very confident about his talent, James is honoured to be compared to the sprint double world record holder but quietly declares he wants to write his “own history.”
KIRANI JAMES CAREER HIGHLIGHT 2007 World Youth Championship Clocks 46.96 to become world’s fastest ever 14-year-old over 400M 2009 IAAF World Youth (Under-18) Championship Clocks 45.24 seconds, which bettered Bolt’s mark of 45.35 quickest time ever by a Caribbean U18 athlete. 2009 CARIFTA Games Clocks 45.45 seconds in the 400M, besting Bolt’s mark of 46.35
Kirani James (r) of Grenada wins the boy’s 200m final from Keenan Brock (c) and Dedric Dukes (l) of USA during day five of the Iaaf World Youth Championships at the Bressanone Sports Complex on July 12, 2009 in Brixone Bressanone, Italy.
Bangladesh Drops Barbados Soundly Whipped Windies In Dominica As Jamaica Lifts TCL Title
ROSEAU, Dominica – A career-best bowling performance from Kemar Roach was overshadowed by another feeble batting display from West Indies which handed Bangladesh a 52-run victory in the first One-day International, Sunday.
Chasing 247 for victory from their allocation of 50 overs, West Indies made Windsor Park’s first international match a sad occasion for the scores of Dominicans that attended, when they were dismissed for 194 in 43.4 overs. Devon Smith hit three boundaries in the top score of 65 from 84 balls, Dave Bernard Jr supported with 38 from 62, and towards the end, Darren Sammy gathered 28 from 38 balls, and Rawl Lewis 21 from 25 balls. West Indies were again undermined by the Bangladesh spinners with left-armer Abdur Razzak leading the way with four wickets for 39 runs from 9.4 overs to earn the Man-
of-the-Match award. The result leaves West Indies trailing 0-1 in the three-match series which continues on Tuesday at the same venue before concluding this coming Friday at St. Kitts’ Warner Park. Roach, playing his third ODI, had collected five wickets for 44 runs from 10 overs, as Bangladesh, sent in to bat, reached 246 for nine from their 50 overs. Despite Roach’s effort, Mohammad Ashraful hit the top score of 57 from 95 balls, Bangladesh captain Shakib Al Hasan made 54 from 60 balls, Mahmudullah got 42 from 39 balls, and Junaid Siddique added 36 from 47 balls to lead the Tigers to their highest total in 14 ODIs against West Indies. But West Indies started disastrously, when they slumped to 23 for three inside the first 10 overs when statutory fielding restrictions are applied. Dale Richards again looked clueless against the spin and was lbw to Razzak for one in the second over. Andre Fletcher, who kept wicket for West Indies, was bowled for five in the third over, when he chopped on a delivery from Syed Rasel.
TCL Cup Under-19 defending champions Barbados were undermined by inept batting and crashed to a 10-wicket defeat to Jamaica, Monday, handing the hosts the 2009 TCL Group West Indies Three-day title. In a game in which they were always in control, Jamaica were set a mere three runs for victory and they required a single delivery to formalize the result at Kensington Park in Kingston, Jamaica. Barbados, who resumed the day at 189 for seven still needing a further 78 runs to avoid the follow on, were dismissed for 284 despite a fighting century from captain Jason Holder who stroked 103. Following on 152 runs behind, Barbados collapsed meekly for 154 in their second innings and with Trinidad & Tobago and Guyana drawing at Elletson Road, Jamaica grabbed the crucial 12
points to top the standings. Resuming from their rocky overnight position, Barbados started positively with Holder, unbeaten on 51 not out, carrying on from where he left off the previous day. He, along with overnight partner Marques Clarke, extended their eighth wicket partnership to 122 before Holder was bowled by occasional off-spinner Jermaine Blackwood. Seemingly a little over-confident after reaching a chanceless century, he was dropped on 101 and was then bowled attempting a big drive. Holder occupied the crease for 221 minutes, faced 185 balls and struck 11 fours and one six. Barbados were then 277 for eight and quickly lost Jomel Warrican without scoring, as the innings folded quickly. Clarke, who batted extremely well in the circumstances, eventually held out to Blackwood off leftarm spinner John Campbell for a well-played 45. He hit three fours and two sixes off 105 balls in 152 minutes at the crease. Left-arm spinner Patrick
Harty led Jamaica with five for 77 and was supported by Blackwood who took two for 28. Following on, Barbados staged a dismal batting display and only Kyle Mayers, who top-scored with 34, and Raymond Reifer, with 28, showed any resistance. Leg-spinner Akeem Dewar did the damage for Jamaica with four for 27, while Campbell finished with three for 41 and Blackwood, two for 50. Anthony Alleyne was the first to go, caught close in by Campbell off Dewar for three with the score on 10 and Roston Chase followed soon afterward for 15, caught by Brian Clarke at slip off Campbell with Barbados having reached 34. Usually reliable opener Kraigg Brathwaite played an uncharacteristic, injudicious shot to be caught at mid-wicket off Campbell for 20 and Barbados never recovered as wickets tumbled steadily. Mayers and wicketkeeper Shane Dowrich (19) added 26 for the seventh wicket, the most productive partnership of the innings, before Mayers was caught at slip by Palmer to end the resistance.
Grenada Nabs Playoff Berth With 2-0 Win BROOKLYN, NY – Grenada grabbed a berth in the New York Caribbean Soccer Cup play-offs on Sunday by beating St. Vincent and the Grenadines 2-0 in treacherous conditions at the Jefferson High School Stadium here. In a do-or-die battle, the Grenadians fought gallantly to seal the victory with their second goal six minutes from the final whistle, as heavy thundershowers brought an early end to the duel. Both teams were locked nil-all at the half-time interval, but the Grenadians, who had to win to keep their play-off prospects alive, were relieved when CONCACAF Gold Cup striker Denron Daniel found the back of the Vincentian nets in the 64th minute. Two minutes later, Cassim Lanjaique, operating on the left flank, blasted past Vincentian goalkeeper Marcus Williams five yards outside the penalty box, to send the Spice Boyz into a frenzy. As fans scampered for shelter with the increasingly heavy showers, the Vincentians were less than impressed when the referee called off the match 20 minutes before the scheduled close, giving the five-time Cup champions a very slim chance of making this season’s play-offs. SVG have no one but themselves to blame for their sound defeat, as they failed to capitalize on at least four scoring opportunities.
GP W L D 5 4 1 4 3 1 5 2 2 1 4 2 2 1 4 1 3 4 - 3 1
5 4 5 4 4 4
3 2 2 2 2 -
2 2 1 2 4
2 1 -
GF 12 11 4 2 5 2
GA PTS 6 12 9 4 7 5 4 5 10 3 1 9
7 6 6 1 6 5 3 2 5 4 1 10
9 8 7 7 6 0
LEADING GOAL SCORERS Grenada’s offense proved too much for St. Vincent in the 2-0 win. Grenada, however, were bolstered by the inclusion of four members of the Gold Cup campaign and managed to shake off their 3-1 loss to Jamaica two weeks ago. “I’m very satisfied with the performance today (Sunday),” head coach Brian Lewis told CMC Sports in a post-match interview. “Since we’ve made the play-offs we’ll go all the way [to the grand finale].” Lewis’s opposite number, Stanley “Luxie” Morris said he was “very disappointed” with his team’s performance, agreeing that his players did not make full use of their scoring chances.
“We had four chances and we did not make use of them. Grenada had two and they put them away,” he noted. Jamaica are currently in second spot on nine points in the East Zone behind Barbados, who have completed their five matches with 12 points. Grenada are on seven points, St. Vincent and the Grenadines have six while Guyana are on three and Dominica bottom of the tables with one point. In the earlier matches on Sunday, Barbados trounced Guyana 5-3 while Colombia beat Antigua and Barbuda 2-0.
Jeffrey Williams Ryan Reid Jermaine Smart Danny Shaw Imron Ponteen Oscar Chaninger Rheason Haynes Damian Williams Alloster Warner Mario Olarte
7 5 4 3 3 3 2 2 2 2
SCHEDULE SUNDAY, AUGUST 2, 2009 2:40pm Unisoc Sports Club vs Jefferson High School Achievers 4:30pm Trinidad and Tobago vs Haiti 6:15pm Jamaica vs St. Vincent and the Grenadines VENUE: THOMAS JEFFERSON ATHLETIC COMPLEX, BROOKLYN
(718) 922-1800
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