Equitas, vol. XI, no. 5, March 1980

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_ Kolvenbach , _ The gradl!_ating-editors of EQUITAS convened on Friday, March 14, to-choose the new e~ito:W ~ard. selections were made after ea~h· candidate went through an extens1v:emterv1ew before the present--board _ · Dorothy Zeman,_ class of 1982; the newly elected Editor-fu.£hief looks forward to taking on her new responsibilities: One of, her main concerns is, ;'the need fo}, more ~vestigative reporting of law scliooland law related issues." Laurie Chisolm, the new Managing Editor, hopes to.increase the size and qriality of the staff by encouragmg all. interested students to join EQU ITAS. ·· · Tlie graduating editors would like to congratulate the follo~g new editors:

Dorothy Zeman Editor-in-Chief

Michael Coneys

Laurie Chisolm ·

MarkCOn~d · News Editoi:

senior Editor

. Managing Editor

_Celeste Miller

Linda D. Crawford

Diane COH>o _

Copy Editor

Production Edito·r

Features Editor ·

Howard Schwartz Business Manager·

Ma!i< AStarita


Adve!lising Editor

Photography Editor

· Leetures _I IL$.

by William Holm Wor~er Democracy . On Thursday, February 28, the InterIn the half hour.during which Dr. Kol-. national Law SocietJ; hosted its first gtie§t venbach addressed the Society memberspeaker event of the semester. Presenting ship, he gave a broad overview of the conthe lecture was Dr: Wal~er Kolvenbach, cept of_ worker democracysin corporate General Counsel of Henkel, K.g.A.A:, one management. This ranged from the deof the largest West German chemical man- - velopment of trade unions in the latter part u~actur~rs., Henkel, a multinational com- of the 19t_h century to the full participation

_P~~y with gross annual sales exceeding 4.~ billion dollars, has undertaken substantial ~cquisit:_ions in the United States chemical mdustry. , Dr. Kolvenbach earned his law egree from the University of'Cofogne-and his.final degree gaining admission to the German bar from the UI1:iversity of Frankfurt in 1951. He _joined the leg~ department at Hekel ·shortly thereafter and became a specialist _in foreign law and licensing -agreements. Dr. Kolvenbach became general manager ofUenkel's entire foreign op. erati~n before rejoining the legal department as General Counsel in ·1970. He is an expert in corporate-legaldepart_ments and workerparticipation in company manage-" ment, having published sevefal Books in · .those fields.

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in decision-making at the board level by representatives· from the work force. The legislation in much of Western' Europe mandating worker participation on the boardofdirectors of companies employing more than a certain' amount· of workers coincides with the emerging theory that . management is responsible not only to the shareholders of a. corporation, but to its laborers as well. . · Dr. Kolvenbach outlinecithe progress made by· labor from the advent of works councils ar~und the turn of the century with elected representatives to present grievances and claim certain rights ofinformation (i.e., with respect to personnel), to the. Co-determination Act of Weste~ Germany, passe_d in 1976, which provides that 50%ofthe Board of Directors of major


b~~~t:~:~~~n~f:roi:~e~~ corporate management by the monied elite by Ronny Green · has been obviated in much of Western The team of Paul Gajewski, Richard· Europe through similar co-determination MacLean and EQUITAS Senior Ecfitgr-j statutes.Wotkershaveseentheirpowerto Scott Batterman has won the first animal influencecorporate policy expand from de-·· National Administrative Law Moot Court cision making at the shop . floor to full, Competition, defeatinga team-fromUC~A · participation-on the board of directors. For Law School in the finals. The victory was the last several decades the fields of labor. all the more satisfyirig because the only law .and corporate law have been merging defeat the NYLS te_am suffered in the enat an increasing rate in Western Europe tire competition came in a preliminary and are now, indeed, inseparable. round at the hands of that same UCLA Morale and Profits Kolv~n6ach's lecture was followed ·by 'Jihe ·competition; hosted by the Unia· 30 minute question-and-answer period ·wersity of Dayton Law School, pitted elevdurmg which he indicated that although en'teams from allover the country against -~- profitability studies have-been undertaken each other. The problem case for the com~ -~ to determine the effect of worker participa- · · - ~titiofi dealt-with the standard of review :;:i - tion, their results are inconclusive. Koland the requir(:!ment of a cost-benefit anal: 3 ·. venbach pointed particularly to- the imysis m.· the little-litigated Food Additives _portant factor of employee morale (or lack . Amendment of 1958. The calibre of ques~ · MacLean, Batterman ana Gajewski \\'ith awanl of strikes) on profitability. In response to a tioning from the bench clearly i;eached its ·The· team,· which nickfiamed itself the semi-final argument agl!inst Florida question on whether worker participation .zenith in the fjnals, - where the bench was "The Pros from Dover,'' a reference from . State University was conducted by ]1atter- might be responsible .for the recent flow of - composeu _of Peter Barton ·Hutt, former the movie M* A *S*H, had been working on man and Paul Gajewski~ who is Chairman . capital from Western Europefo the United -General Counsel to the Food and Drug Ad- t_he competition since early January, when of the Moot Court Board. MacLean's turn State_s (e.g., Henkel's acquisitions) Kolministration, "and the Ieaoing authority on they begiin researchingthe bri~f. AJ'terthe ·came next, as he and Batterman then con- venbach indicated that the Russian~threat Food .Additive -regulation; Professor· Ed- briefs came in,. the team conducted four qucted the final argument against. UCLA. was ipore directly responsible. ward Ziegler of !he University of. Dayton practice rounds; with students and profesWhen asked their impressions- of the The event concluded with a wine ana .· · Law School, who help·ed-prepare the_ prob~ sors s1:!rving as practice round judges. The . competition, all . the ('.Ompetitors agreed . cheese receptionwh_ere studentswere.able Iem: and Jerre Williams_, Presiden.t of the team expressed its gratitucfe to Hon..Judge . that the hardest part of the. com~tition_ to meet Dr. \Kolvenbach informally. Dr. Association of American Law Schools and Di Fede, Professors Sullivan, Scherer came. during thm~e arguments when a team . Kolvenbach is the author of a major article foriner head of the AHA ::lecfion on Ad- and Butein, and Moot Court Board_ Melli- -d1ember was not ariumg. As Gajewski de- on WorkerDen:iocracy in Western Europe ministrative Ljtw. . . . hers Richard Jasper, Paul Capofari, James . scribed it, "It's a feeling of helplessness, to be published in the forthcoming edition . r;r'he corµpetit_ion e~tends; over two, Flannagan and David Pollack; for· their as- knowing that the entii-e matter is-out of of the International Laiv Society days; . aI!d iS unique that ·it provides for . -sistance in preparation.. . . your control:" . . ' . Journal. fmmpreliniinary arguments., instead oftlje -"From-the beiinning, we felt it would, Irollic3.ny, the, greatest mQinents of The Speaker Committee of the Inter"Qsual two. As a result, the- teams in the come down to-UCLA and us,,,-said Richard nervousness for .the winning ·team ~e national Law Society has other events iiiiah! ftati"conducted s~ arguments in.two MaeL~an. In"'fact,the UCLA brief, written after ·the preliminary rounds,· as th~y scheduled for the Spring semester: Watch ,.. da-y,;s, making 'it in t--he words - of Seott Bat- -foFcfespondeu.t, was used by the_ team to . waited --to find out if -th!'!Y had, eve.n the bulletin boards for future announce~ rman,-"sortiething of a marathdn - a8 prepare .tbe practice round judges. Mac . advanced as far as the semi-finals. After ments,conceihing these events and other tnuchanendurancetestasariythingelse." Lean cotild ohly sit nervously,-though, a~ · · , · ,(pleaseturntoprU,:Jeseven)_ Societyfilnctionsplanned: ,


















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, 'ecni1TAS . .

Media;- Ranel~Expl9:res Lifestyles by Frank Sheehan field an attorney must have both a good The Media Law Project of NY-LS pre- accounting background and a street men-. sented a panel on "Legal Lifestyles: Enter- tality. According to Mr. Krasilovsky, tainment and Communications Law" in the "agents and 'managers are-hustlers" and faculty: lounge- on March 5. Th~ panel was ·"an attorney must out-hustle the hustlers." designed to provide students with insight - He was recently involved in siiit involving into day-to-day activities of cornmuni- a Rod Stewart commitme~t to sing for the cations'and entertainment lawyers, United Nations. It resulted in a settlement. The 'first gQest ,speaker was_ Melvin of3.5 million dollars. · · ' _ Simensky, Esq., a partner of Gersten, The final speaker of the evening was Scherer and Kaplowitz, and an Adjunct.' Jerome S. Boros, Esq., a partner of Fly, Professor at ·New York University Law Shuebruk, Blume, Gaguine, Boros,' and Sen~};He is an entertainment law practi- · Schulkind, and an author. of "Gomrnunica_t.ioner and described the field as consisting tions Law" for the 1973-1974 Survey of .of many different areas such as music, the- American Law. His emphasis was upon ater, films, and even book publishing. He <communications law-and the Federal Comstated that he: has a "very different view- munieations Commission. Most of the cases . point: ·from.what a lot of people have con- that he is involved with are publicinterest cernirrg entertainment law. Mr. Simensky suits against the industry. He stated that "·'believes that an attorney in this field should this field o~ law does contain a gl:imorous . "be a good lawyer fipit." He also revealed ele~ent which consists of broadcasting and that this type oflaw is based upon contracts +;elevisionarenas. Mr. Boro·; also disclosed that convey intellectual property .and that· that a tremendously large percentage of · the entertainment business is highly re- · the communications industry is of a conglated to this type of practice. Iomerate or large corporate nature. T~ The second - speaker was William B. corporate size and strength brings in large Krasilovsky, Esq.;;a partner of Feinman, advertising revenues which provide influ& Krasilovsky, P. C.; author of a oook en- ertce and control over listeners and viewtitled This Business of ·M,usic~ and a ers. specialist in copyright law. He practices in the music business, representing such notThere was a wine and cheese reception ables as Burt Bacharaeh and Paul Anka, for infp~ discussion and socializing at Krasilovsky stated that to succeed in this the conclusion-of the panel. · (An Advertisement)_-.........._...;..·--------

Return of ·-the 'Blues . Bros.,,


Costs of legal edueatten soar Tlie cost of making a law)'.'er _ goes up every year. The· most visible costs, tuition and textbooks, have-gone up between lS-250Jo, over· the last three · years and in the next three years the rate of inflation could easily add another'300/ci. , At the same time; the "incidental'' but · necessary · expenses ~ for transportation, study. aids. .and bar · review courses are rising at the same pace,

by Martin Brandfon news again. All this and more (or less) The Third Second Annual NYLS Re- including a cast party, to be held ·at 47 vue will be held on S'aturday, March 29 at Worth immediately followingthe show. 8:00 p.m., at the Murray Bergtraum High The Third Second Annual NYLS ReSchool Auditorium (corner of Pearl Street· 'vue is sponsored by New York Law School, and Park Row, behind Police P~). Ad- .the Student Bar Association, and Dwight mission is $3. 00. Ratea R for ridictilous. -- Inn of Phi Delta Phi. This year's Jlevue promises to be the If yo{! want to help with the show or best yet, with talent from all walks.-of party, it's not too late! Contact Martin NYLS~life and depth. The Blue Brose are · Brandfon or Cliff Green, Production back! The Band is back; the Emcee.is fr6nt; Coordinators. and' the faculty ,is out to. lunch. Who's on Don't'be one of those people whosays, first remains<- to be seen; the Village "Gee, sorry I missed it. I heard it was Plaintiffs are taking-thew case to court; and great!" Start your outlines on April Fool's the NYLS Weekeri9 Update is makiM :Dayandhe·attheRevueonMarch29.


count on necessary·stu_ayaids . -and, at.- the same time, roll back the tuition cost.s of .bar review.

Students .who enroll in a 1981 or later BRC .revie.w · ....course ·before March 21, 1980 (the - student may transfer in the - senior year at no cost to any BRC course in the country) ·and pay a $50 non-refµndable deposit will rece_ive over . sroo in ouflines, tapes and ·dis- counts; a continuous lOOJo dis·While it is encouraging to 'count on publications of CES · know "that salaries for starting · and roll back the course price lawyers are. also going up· to 1979 pr~_ces.· (some major firms are reportThe written materials in- edly paying top graduates in . elude four new - unmarked -excess of $30,000 per yearj ; this fact does not make getting BRC -Law Summaries in Conthrough the rest of law school tracts, Criminal Law, G-rimi- any . easier._ The_ Josephson nal Procedure ang Torts in the Center for Creative Educa- first year and a new set o(rour tional Services (CES) and Bar. outlines in ·the second year. Review - Center of America The_ CES discounts _include _-(BRC) 'have developed pro- two 500Jo coupons on tape sets gram to _deal with these rising (Worth up to $30) and lOOJo costs. Wi_th a group. they call Preferred · Student Oiscount· NAFI (National - Alliance to Card entitling the early enrol· Figlit Inflation), thecombihed· lee to cash discount!t on: CES buying power of first and sec- • purchases throughout law · ond -year. students and the val- school. · ue Qf predictable enrollment . base have enabled the· compa.: . Students who onl~ 'Yish to · · nies to offer a package of ben- ·freel.e the· bar . review course efits- whjch permits law stu- price. may-do so by a $25 non-: . dents "to get a · su}?stantial dis- refundable deposit. ·



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I 1.un!sodw.h'.s al{l puy A'.:ew-sgxa.r, U! w.i:y .M.:ef a g.i:odwa .i:of:ew aai.8ap aql oi sasga.i:aur saw~np:el.8sjooqcs pepuona oq.M. ardoad aqi .i:oJ ~ 'ams w,1 :e OlU! :ia.8 ol .8upd~an:e awnp:e.i:.8 v ·onan Mq .i:aqwu:e J:aAo pa.i:!q .8u!aq Jo saounqo 'na.M. sa am .tOJ auo lTIJl!fUJ :e ag or pasoad -aauuoj·pu:e 'A'.as.i:ar Ma N ':>[J:OA. .M.a N) :ea.i::e ,saJ:enp:e.i:.8 mo 'sA'.au.i:on:e i(irr:enb .8u! a;>uaµadxa aq.r, ·rooqas M:er Ol .8ii!Ardd:e a:i:e!PaWW! aql wo.IJ a.i:e yooq;>s .M.WJ }[J:OA. -;>npo.i:d S! {OOq;>S·M:e'J }[J:O,\ .M.aN l~ql l;>UJ .8uµap!SUO;> A'.n:e;>ypads asoql Wo.IJ ap!sg .M.aN :i:e SlUapnlS aql JO lSOW ':iaasa.i:d lV aq+ JO a.i::e.M.:e awo;>aq A'.aql uaq.M: ·sA'.aUJ:O'l ardoad pa.i:punq r:eJ:aAas ql!.M. :ia:elUO;) Olli! ·.8u!Aydd:e u!.8aq Al!llflWWO;) .i:ap!.M. :e WO.IJ -:i:e-.tO!Unf .IOJ .8u!q;>.r:eas sw.ry Arn{ JO -aruJ aw:e;> I ·yooq;>s aql lll-pyaq A'BQ Al!UOµoddo s:iu:earrdd:e lioos pu:e 'APP!Ub A.raA sp:ea.rds S! aurns aq.r, ·puan:e o:i syooaqs .M.q JO a:>1oqa Al!J:Oll!W· awnp:e.rn :e puall:e o'i A'.a~:>J:.rag p.ro.M. 'yaAaI u!:eµa;> :e saq;>:ea.r. yooq;>s .M.U'J :e aA:eq l:eql s:iuapnls A'.lrr:enb JO p~s aq :e :ew.rom:eo J9 Al!S.IaA!Ufl aq:J Ol lUas :>J:.lO,\ .M.aN WO.IJ s..\au.rOllU IJlJSSa;>;>ns JO . .. u:e;> s!qJ, ·l,uaAnq A'.aql asoql u:eql osa.i:ow_ sg.M. I '6L6I JO .raqol;>O '!WI u1 ·s:iuapnls .raqwnu aql uaqM ·as:ea.r;>u! w<jql A'.q pa.r!q sAoMpl so ewo:>1eM .8If!srµaAp:e q.8no.i:quo p.ll'laq .ro uaas aA,A'.aq1 dol l!fl.l;>a.r o:i .8u!:>J:aas 'p.ro.M. aqnlu!p:ea.rds .8ll!aq JO sa;>ut?q;> ,slqapn1s .rno 'rooq;>s Sl;>npo.rd :isrul ardoad ·a1,mm ou ql!.M. 1anp - -uon:eu aq1 sso.r;>:e _sa.8anoa snoµl?A, Ol M.:e'J :>J:.IOA_ .M.aN awtm aql.r:eaq sapJ:I;> ITIJ s~uc~pn~s SlAN -0.ld .l:el!fil!S g .IaAO 1anpo.rd -pu~q awi?u am _siaqwaw AllU;>:eJ pu:e-s1uapn1s {tiaAaS lUaS -.ra.M.od U'f "i3ldoad a.tow SV 'stiu:y~:ey. awuq j~1µed.Jaie:::i MOU 9M asooq;> sA'.:e.M.~·n,A'.aql 'a;>!oq;> y:e;>pag.i:d u S! a;>yjo suo!SS!ufpy aH.L ·a~!otp 1s.ry .u su ..\q pa.i:m :8u!aq .r!aql ]6 sa;>u:eqa aq1 .ra1 1-l'J311'il3BVN\fll'J·M~N l:l30Nn a.ratflJ! 'SJa:>[.I:eWJ:adns U! doqs s.rawnsuoa .. iooq;>S MR'J JI.IO,\ .M.~fal Ol A'.ydd:e- uo9:eu aql > ~1aq,a_i{l 's1uapn)s aqpanaqaqJ, ·a.8:eu.q Sl! uaqM_ ·sRawo'lw paYTimilfsa5npo;i:~{OO~PS _ ssru;>:e sa.8ano;> ~1ry:enb ili,;iBM .io~as a;>unqua o~ .rap:io u! arq!ssod s:iuapn'.)s 1saq · ·p.ruog aA)lnjax3 .M:WJ }[.IOA_ .M.aN ·pnpo.rd :e nas Ol A:e.M. lSa(i . U! s:iuapnlS aA:eq Ol sn:eo.8 a.8ug.i:"µOl{S aq.r, aq1 .IOJ uonpadWO;> OlU! .ra1ua lSrtW yooq;>S µnO::J lQOW aq'.l U!Of Ol pa:>[S:e aq A'.yq:eqo.rd aq:i S! A'..r:ia!lo;> aq:i .sso.ra:e ;>!!qnd aip.Jo s.r~a ·a.8:ew! s.rooq;>s aql .8upu:equa Sl;>aJJa a~u:ei :e 1:eq:i ..\uap u:e;> auo ou 'a1adwo;) 01 .rap.ro mu. s.romadrno;> .raino aquo A:u:ew ·n:eJ S!ql aq1 lluodn awuu aq1 .8u!ddo.rp 'a~:eW! JO -.8uor s:e na.M. st? a.8uru-µoqs aA:eq Ol paii.8!S U! 1dop:e 1snw rooq;>s ~:er u q;>!q.M. a.IOl;)O.llS . uomadiuo:) r:euonu.N aq1 U! S'JA.N .8unuas SuUal U! pu:e l'q;>aJJa {:e!ayauaq .8upSU{ aAUt{ - -ap S! WuJ:.80.Id S!qJ, ·A.r1unoa aql SSO.I;>g a1g.i:odJ:i);> aql lSli~lJ:e a.r:e ardoad S:e· tpnw ::a.Ida.I JO .IOUOq aq1 UaA!lJ aqn!M SlUaWnl!.Iu Af~:iqnopun mM surn.1$0.r·d asaq.r, ·s1uap /pauu:eds . sgq W'!H wu.i:.80.r~ ~umru;>,a.r :e - sv ·s:iuapn1s A'.1rr:enb .8up;>u.rri:e JO ssau aqi wo.rJ s.romactrnm> aa.rtj1 do:i aq.r, · -OlS {OOq;>s q~!ll ~O!Unf pu:e {OOq;>s q2fti. uodn pa:>[.r:eqwa suq yooq;>s. .M.:e'J}[.IO,\ .M.aN- -!snqaql U! SfOOq;>s M_:e[.8uow:e uorniadwo;> _ ·sdno.r~ w papa.i!P sw:e.i:.80.rd papunJ osyu s:eq uo~1 'uoyuR;>S :Auoinuv u:eaaJo uo!PaJ:!p aqpap wa.i:.8 S! a.raq.r, · ..\.r1u~o;> aq:i JO s:ea.r:e sno · ·aw!.r;>~nu:e . [tf;>or JO sa1!i\n;>u a;>nod .· aqi -:e.IJ,S!{l!WP:e BqJ, ·yooq;>s .M.tq }{.IO MaN JO .. ::gfL 'r:eo~. $!l{l_~urs.rnd U! a!l'p;>:e -Arawa.rixa -µ:eA WO.IJ s:iuapn1s A::in:enb p:e.r:iw Ol sa1:en JO uonsanb raAOU ain pmi 'rasuno;> JO a;>u:e :iauu:eq aq1 waq:i ql!.M. .8,lf!l\.u:e_:>'srooqas snci uaaq s:eq - a;>YJO suo!SS!filPV. aq.r, -pu.r.8 Sl! pu:e s:iuapnls. Sl! uodn A:1a.r· 1snw ;-+s!ssu aq+ onq.8!.r s,pasn;>;>u uu JO ado;>s aq1 · -!.IUA 01 :iuas uaaq aA:eq s:iuapn+s .raq1() ··op 01 aA:eq )ou op·ar:ex pi.m p.r:eA rooq;>s :e 'J\:i!;'\alluo1 A'.u:e u!:eW!UW. o.r,. JO anss! ain sas!:e.r 'oz 1J11v w ·a sa1v1s parw:] · · ·pawasa.Jdi.r . -.r:eH llu!q:iarnos 'rooq;>s .M._'WJ: :>J:.IOA A\aNJO . ·saµo:is .runw!s aw '.rua..\ s!ql :iuawn.8.r:e .roJ as:e;> aq.r,. , OS{U afa.M. :isruu, ·.rBAOU:eH S,.Ja.IUl;)UJUUl'IW aw:eu aq'.) 1s:e;>puo.rq 01 A.IlUUO;) aq'.) iaA.o n:e na1 spua!.IJ p:eq-aA.J ·yooq;>s .M.:e'J }[.IO,\ .M.aN ·ono;)s AUOL[lUV JO r:eµ1 J1uµaa1a}[ 'UOXX:>J: 'saU![J:!V pa1!U Il 'S.JOlOW. y:e,.raua!') - . U.8~dw:e;> uas p.r:eq :e U! a.8:e~ua_ 1snw uon:e.r1 : papua:i1u 1:eq1 auoawos .M.aU}[ oq.M. <iuoawos -;)RI aq1 puu sau.r:eg A}[;)!N JO 1:eµ1 ~rup" s:e-1pns SlU1'1!.8 aw:wd.roa· .raqlo pu:e WHI '-S!U!wp:e aq:i 1:eq1 :iuap!Aa sawo;>aq l! 'a.roJ OlU! u:e.r A'.aq1 :i:eq1 .ro O!pru aqi uo rooq;>s . aq:i p;nmaso.rd ..\nnJssa;>;>ns '..\au.ro11v · · ·1uaum.r.aA0.8JO sa1puu.rq .ratpo pu:e saa.ro..i · -a.raq.1; ·suop;>auuo;> -1noq1!.M. 1uaw..\ordwa u.:e1 }f.IO,\ .M.a N aw:eu aq1 JO uonuaw awos :s ·n su s.maA'. .inoJ .rayu a;>q;>:e.rd awAµd patiuv at:p 'uoq:ellqsaAUJ JO n:ea.rng r:e.ia uos put? U~.I{) AUU01J p.r:eaq ..\aq:i 1:eq1 aw na:i put; n:e;>. sa1:e1s .raq'.)O 0'.l pau.rn+a.r A{lU<l,;>a.r OL[M 'a:>[S!.f "l;)!-{lS!ff -pa..i ain ~A'.;>uallv aaua.8ma:iun:e.r:iuao aqi rno.IJ saAn:era.r p:eq aA.J ·yooq;>s .M.:e1 :>J:iox_ u.raq:inos aq1 .rnJ A'.auionv saw1s pa1run. WO.IJ saA!lUlUasa.rda.r a.ra.M. a.raq.r, ·w.iw u.a N JO 1uuzru.80;> sawo;>aq swapnls mo JO .raw.IOJ '· bs:>J: '·.r r 'a}fS!.!l ·g--:µaqon puu . -u.raA0.8 p~.rapaJ 'aql s:e na.M. s:e SUOp:e.rod.ro;> auo q'.)!M_l;>:elUO;> OlU! sawoa 1:eq1 aUOA.IaA3: .• !O'HOJS AUOL[lUV J:ap:ea[ .IOqU[ JO {:e!.Il aql SfiO!J:UA .8U!lUaSaJ:cla.r A'..rlUOO;> aql .la AO IIR - ·s.ras!µfiAp:e ·a!{!{ UO!l;>UilJ pun sarnunw .raA(i pap!Sa.rd A{lUa;>a.r OL[.M. 'P!J:lS!Q U.Ia · WO.I.f>'.lUas a!doad a.ra.M. a.raq+ '"W JO ·fl aq1 -mo;> a,\n;>adsa.r J:!am Ol }[JUq {OOq;>S 141 -1nnog aquo 'osru '· .rf ''.)iu.M.ais · 3: Sa[.Illlf::) lV ·s.raA'.oydwa s:e uaAt sg '(srooq;>s ssau!snq JO aw:eu aq1 a:>J::el s1uapn1s atj.1, ·s:iuapnis arq:e.rouqH aq1 !:>J:.IO,\ .M.aN JO l;>!J:lS!CT. pu'B'yn;>!paw ·a·!) srooqas y:euo!ssajo.rd .raq10 s+! S! u.M.o .rno sg q;>ns yooq;>s· :e JO 1ass:e u.raq+nos_atruo aN.01 uosui{or A'..ruw ayqu.ro qi!.M. 1nq '.raqlQulil. auo qlf.M.· Ryuo lOU uon lUl!,µodw! +sow ayllu!s aq.r, :;>rrqnd aq1 oi . -uoH aq'.J :Jo lS!suo;> [I!.M. q~uaq a1n!pa1<>ayas -nadwoa ur a;i::e srooqas .M.:e'} ·yooq;)S .M.U'J .rooq;is .M.:e'J }[.tO,\ .M._aN JO aw:eu aql llumas 'uaaq a~:eq puno.r [UUY aq~ .lOJ sa~pnf · :>[.IOA_ .M.aN Ol .8U!Afdd:e JO lUalU!. aypads JO ssau!snq aql U! S! uon:e.rlS!U!filp:e s,yooq;>S "Jf66I ti! {OOL[;>S u.:e1 :>[.IOA_ .M.aN lliO.IJ pa1u aqi -.8u!A:eq awos !:>[.IO,\ .M.<i.N U! .8uf.h'.pn1saq1 JO lio!S!A!P q;>:e~ ·alf:eW! .8u!Ao.r.dw! · -npu~ oq.M. '.p:er.ruH ·w uqor a;insnrl.rnoo·· U! pa1sa.IalU! a.ra.M. ltif{l s1uaprqs AlI:eW.ql!.M. -A'.p:ea.If'B Sl! lSOoq, , Ol · spaau yooqas- arna.rdns SaWlS pa'.J,!U [l .lqW.lOJ JO ,lOUOq ~, WW-U!Rlf:e pu:e u:e.8!q;>!W '.roq.1y uuy ti! UR~ '.M.:e'J }[.IO,\ .M.aN 1:eql l3'11J aql JO papU!W u~p;}tu,:e:U S! uopnadrno;> aq.r, "10f7VUIO<JVU! . -JqO!WJO Al!SJ:aA!Ufl ath w lli_n!soaUL\s A'.:ep -a.i: A{lUtqSUQ;) S! uonrul§1!ll!WP:e aq.r, ·:iua.r ·ui·d 9 w 'gz q;>.r:ew uo pyaq aq U!.M. ·qarq:.M. .:-OMl :e papuan:e I A.r:enU'Ef lS:ed S!l{J; -ampousn~q;>s ..·\W''.Pf.IOA_.M.aN.·a.8:ew!Sl! 'uonnadwoo µO():) 1oow u:er.rug uqor· . ·a:>u:ep!U.8 tl{n!{ :e papaau pu:e :ea:.rn aau:equa Ol .8~ql<)W(1S .8ti!OP A'.snq ·s! yooqas . s.-rnaA s_!l{l jo sr:euy am· pua11:e. Ol pai!AU( · " }[J:'OA. .M.aN aq1 ,u! s1ooq~s. MUI ~l ~0rddu aql a.r:e s~:>ci:eq~ ua1n 'syooqys .M.:ey ..aurn_N · S! Al!U~i.uwo;> 19oq;>s '.M.:ei a.rnua aqJ, JO asodmd aql.IOJ a.rat:{l a.ra-.M. wq1 s1uapn1s .8rg,, .raqio aq1 JO auo .ro 'ar:eA. :p.1:eA.IUH --- ,: · . !.rnJodl?:.) fill?d ieq , :iaw l ·sam+ua aw.r:edas a.1aMqooqas MU'J · 'u:e.8!q;>!W JO Al!S.IaA!Ufl aq1 wu S! spua1 Al!SJ:iJAfU[l }[.IO,\' MaN pu:e roo.1ps .1no wq1 . tl:e auo rooq;>s .M.:er aql JO a~:eu aql JI . .M.aIDf_ oq.M. pu:e yooqas .M.:e'J :>J:.IOA. .M.a N JO · · . , ·_ ,, . - ua;U{) .Auu<>,i ieq

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"spuo;,as a:Ay-.hµOJ nnJ,, lfOO(lOO a.lO'.JO.!f -PIOD :A'.pnr '(lU<IP!S<l.Id a;,!A) s:rn.qs~l?W UOS.Iad 'B '.I<IAM.1?{ 1? sv,, ';sn!)fs SUO!l'Bj<l.I U'BW u puads P!P aq ll?ql sa;,unouun A{pno.rd _ . "·uawssi?p.Iaddn ptm siuapms .Il?aA -a;J!A aql JO auo 'Al!U.Iall?.Id aq1 uj arojoq -nq .1oi paau aq:i sassa.11s os{u aH .. ·paAjOA · ufa.rnw 'µoqs li.taA a.II: wrn. q;,ua U! s1.1ud . .IaAa ui?ql sauepms .8~!UaAa -arour OS{l? a.rn -U!,, a.row awo;,aq .h~ql .ll?q'.J .. !waql puno.11? . aql q2noq1iv .:ul?WOM paµ.1i?wun uv: .. ls.lY uaaM.'.)aq A{{l?padsa,, 'sasmoo pun saos a.1aqJ, '6961.U! pa-o;, aqre';,aq Al!U.Ialtu.f'aql 'S,lU1{M.,, JO <1.Il?M.1? _\UOW aq swapn'.)S .l'Bl{l puu .. '2uo)I 2u!)I,, .. 'I.I!D a.\qpoon aqJ,;, sn -SaJO.Id 1noqi? "uma1s JJO 1a1,, pue ...zamoue 'V a;,u!S SUUJ a!{l2UOW1? eouamoco uounuoaun S'.)Sa2.8ns tlH 'SlS<l.I<llU! S,U!µ'BW JO adOpS q;,ns suirn u~ sa10.1 !Il?WS pi?q s"Bq pu'B '.Iopr. auo q1!M- a1i?;,!Unwwo;, uso s1uapnJs,, wu 'B 'uoos ;xru'.js~l?W aww,aJ 1? aAuq p{no;, aq:'.J pal!lUIT. 10u_ si::q · A'.pn'.)s .\\l?j 1na uu pul? .Ialf.d~OlO!{d 'B 's2u!ql .1aqlo 2uowu a.iaqM. "SUO!SS<IS ifo.I,, S1? {Ia"M Sl?. 'sall?lS aq uunq.8!J\\.Q aql '.tl?ql al(l!SSOO S! l! lliq'.) SalQU . '{OOl{_;)S ptlU Ul?l'.)UqUt~WU! awoq S!q uaa.\\'.)aq 'Sl? pa)j.IOM. sliq U!µ'BW '.TalU<lql U! .1ofuw' "'s.Ia)jl?<l'd'.s l{l!M swi?i8oJ:d ;,!rnapt:;>l? a.1om u!µRW pul? 'uawoM. aJ:l? S.Iaqwaw M.au a1n sdµ'.} AJJl?P. aql Ol AI!.Il?wµd .8U!P!-l S!q l!W!{ . '1? 4l!·\\ a2ano8 .1nd.I"BH JO alunp"B.1.8 v aaso1 a)!!I P,I,, ·A'.nl1Jlq.8noql-Sasni?d U!µ'BW JO a~i?1ua;,.1ad a~.Il?{V '.Il?a.A lS'Bd aq1 U!ql!·\\ 01 pa;).IOJ uaaq s"Bq U!µl?W 'lS!{;>A;>Iq P!·\U 'a.InlllJ aq1 U! .qsrrdwo;,;,i? A'.J!ll.Iall?.Id aql dNS.Iaqwaw Sl! pa1dµ1. Sl?!f 'sndwi?;, uo UV •ssaulY {'B;)!SAqd .IOJ SU {I<I.\\ SU '.ta'.)'Baql aas Ol a)j!{ p1noM: aq ll?qM.: pa)jSl? uaqM_ UO!ll?Z!Ul?-8.IO 1uapn1s 1sapio aqJ pul? '66l?Pl! pul? sa!Aciw :IOJ awfl ssa1 Ol 2unu!od· 's.hm: .. :a:i:aq aA!ssai80.1d A:.~aA h · .i..rn a . . ·A.I s0 _ JOOqos M.l?'J )j.IOA_ Ma1'l 11? paqsrrq'B'.)sa 'UUJ aq .. '1ooq;,s .\\l?l q2no.1q1 la2 Ol sa;,Y!.IJHS M,, "· wno;, <:llH U! I og;,s .IaJJ:lO aql }q.8tM.Q ay1 ll?t{l '.);)1?,taq1 01 AJPnO.Id s1mod · .hui?w ' i:lJitiw Ol pmi: an"Buos.rnd aA..J., JO Alli? ql!M. .m~1? uo Sl?M. 1ooq;,s M.l?'J )!·10:!. m~w· . ".Il?.IlSt.81?W s11 JO · drnS.Iapi?a{ ~ql ·.8u!pui?wap, S! i\pn'.)s {"B.8a1 wql sapaJuo:> MaN •i?q• 'sa•ruoqi?{a aq '•1ar I ·auo · · · · ·01 · ' " . "" · " · · " " .t. " " · • .1apun rqd 1?'.){a(:r l!JJ JO q'.)M.oi.8 aq1 Ol pa'.)nq U!l.I'BW ·amt?s sawu aq • .'saf.1aswaql uuql a;,mAO.Id wnn .8maq 1noqi? poo-8 Af{.l?a.I llar · . · · · · -~ · . . . . "'" -Ulll? aq ii?w A'.1rr1q1sIA pasi?a.1;,m s1q1 JO .1aqw auo.hµi? JO a.IUM.1? uaAa wu a.r.i\aql aq wqi sa•""s u1,, •)?nr ·1ooq;,s .M.l?'J ".Io y;, • • • •· • • • 'l ";" .• ..- .n , , ·1 n.. · µi?d ,:S.Iapi?apuapn1s aquo )j.IOM: p.rnq aql 'sno!Arrqo os (I~oq;,s .\\l?'J )j.to..x.. .\\aN) , M<IN pill? uAI)jOO.IH ·, Ull?qp.IOd Al!&JaA Ol S)jUl?q'.l '.Il?a;(lSl?<f'aql 2uunp sndw'BJ a.iaq q2nO.Ill:J 02 S'.)Uapn'.)S awos,. ''.)Uql . ~.~qoy 'lS ll? pal'B;,01 su~; aql sapnpu!- uo ..aI9!s!~'.. a.1oumaaq 'up.rnw.ol .8un).10;,;,u '.)snf. 'ua:vo~ oo) !fl?' 'a.In s'.)uapn'.)s .. ~'Bl WJH · l{ !'{A\. am .;,!qQl?i.8oa.8_aq;1 · u0 . ;>Uf.\O.Id 'aA11q SUOlll?ZTU~-8.Io lUapnlS '1ootp§1 ,'l<\'B'J 's1aaJ aH ·uo1puu.1a u!l-rnW o:i -1Uul-iodw! WO.IJ aAJlU'.)uasa.Ida.t 1? Sl?M. aH "lS~nv lSl?{ :Io M.a ·ll? G. ll?dl? a '.I 0 a'.jtds ut '.jn S! "J'BUO!SU<IW!P!Ufl., 2U!UIO;>aq .taAaN ;>:¥'tan"' m uoquaAuo;, {1?UOT11?tua'.)ut {l?nu }[ !X. N q, q J · · H -'"l v · · · · · AllU.Ialt?J: J JO·"'.JA\O.In .. ·1u -ill? aq1 papualw aq uaqh_\ S.Iagwaw ~qd l?l{ · "1 , ~ "·aJUl?{l?q -uo!suaw!p!un., 'sp.rn.\\' .1aqw u! 'lOu a.ta.\\ ~a !qd .hui?w laa~ o1 Al!unµoddo .Ia'.)i?ai.8 . a.1ow ·Ol pannua aq p1rioM. 'rooq;,s .\rn1 .haq.L "·sl!ns,md ·.raqw U! saA1asµzaql° i\ofua - uaAa Ul? pap.t~;>al?~M .Il?.IlS~l?W aq.,L . ·. '!:tn JO ,S.Iawnsuo;,, aqi sl? 's1uapn1s· aql. Ol M.Oq .\\<IU)j OS{U., i\aql 'A{lUl?µodw! a.tom · . :' . , . "a{~oad Ol_Pa<>npO.IlU! 2U!aqJO _, -aM. '.)l?ql;, '!?)[.Il?Wi:l.I aq .. ')jU!m.PfnO.\\ no,X~, 'll?ql lnq "'S:JUapn:JS poo2,; a.Ia.\\ .\\OU)j Ol Al?M poo~ 1? s,'.l!l,. uµ.8 Pl?~Cfl? 0lUf~VP£Ua.Iq . "·ssauaAaun,;_ A'.q pazµal<>l?.Il?tp S! 'puaua-8 aUll?;> aq s.1aqwaw !4d l?l{<IQ !qd aqf W4l a;,l?J S!q saZ!Si?qdwa~aq puy,," lUl?Si?aJ.d U! 'Al{n;,uJ aq1 s1aaJ aq ''.l;,ana1ii! ,s1uapn1s . sur:1dxa aH "·1ooq;,s Ml?! u~aq Ol AR\\ poo.8 . a.iow ~;,uaµadxa 1ooq<>s- ~l?I. a1oq.\\ aql · i'lql a2ual{l?q;, oqM.1ooq;,s Ml?T)!J:Ox. .M.aN w 1? Si?.\\ wql lq2nom 1 pui?,, 'sq.8ni?I uq.rnw ·1ooq;)s ,a}fl?w,, 1no SlU!od U!µRW .. swaAa {l?pos,, s.iaq;,i?= paY!{i?nb M.ar 1? a.11? a.1aq• .8no , ,:sado.I · aql aw pa:Moqs i\aqJ,,, "{OOq;>s .\\U1 JI.IO}. M<IN Ol .8U!ll0J a.toJaq .iaa.IBJ q q .. ·amaH 1ooq;,s ~1?1 }{.IO~ Ma~ I1:_nuuv puo -rv "·.8u!.J!dsu!lln,, S.Iap!suo;, aq ~oq.\\ Ml?l JO .Ii?ai\ -l~·IY S!Jl aA!A.ms Ol M.oq-tio aJ!A · pa.IaJI;,aqJ 1? puq aA!lUU puu1s1 .8uo1 PIO -oJas ~.l!ltLaql .1i?a:A S!ql Pill? .A:p,oq lUapn:;is JO isom ·~aqwaw A'.11n;,1?J ll? pa{aAaI aq U'B;> ~pl? .I'B.I~s~i:w lUasa.Id aql aA"B2 'uompp1? l[! -.Il?aA-A'µ!ql aql "'alll!l awos .IOJ,, PU!Ul SN ,JO f1Uaua.8_aql 0'.1 uado a.11? q;,NM. s_wl?i.8rud '.saAarracf U!µl?W 'wsf;,pµ;, awi?s aq..L 'pul? 'Al!U.I<l'.JU.I.!J aql JO uop;,U:nJ aql pau!U{d )jJ&q aql U! uaaq pi?q,, q;,!l{.\\ .8u!qlawos SR\\ a:aJI:eads si?<ltf'.j q;,ns '1?1Ua'Aa 1m;,os snmawnu . -· . -xa .haq.L "SV.Llilba JO Ja!q:)-U!-.IOl!P3: .\pn'.)s 1n2a1 ·q2noql{V ·wawuo.I!Atia ;-.1nn1 pul? !ttur "'O'.j a~µ.xas j-0 UO!'l!li.80;,a.1 J:<llS!lh?~ !lid Ull;)_O ma .1aUI.IOJ 1? S! woqM.JO .1ani{ aql '.1assnM.qa!.I.L -Janaw! a.tow., 'B papaau pu'B •.' '.)n.r n OW! ·-?< ur .Iaqwaui AlJn;>l?J l?·O'.J pa1uasa;rd S! p.ll?M. =lf\lUOf pi:rn ssoH: .huuai s.1aqwaw A'.J!ll.Iall?.IJ 2uma2 SUM., aq 11aJ aq' asnn;,aq 1ooqJs .\\H{ '<IUOlS- "i?.Ir .aq'.j q;>NM. ll? '.I~UU!P .rna:A'.-JO~pua' ~ '.jaw aH ·!qd l?J{aa !qd ql!M. pawpmb puann Ol pappap aq ll?4l s_awls un.mw Il?IlUUl? ul? !suop1?U!U11?X'1 .8U!)!lll-PU1? 'saU!I ? -;,-e aUll?;,aq up:.rnw ll?ql wi?.1.80.Id uop ·1ooqJS M.l?'J JI.to_A M<IN puu !qd -lno aS.Ino;, .8uiu:da.id: '.8uµpn'.Js U! swa -~lliaµo .1ua.h-:Js.iy aql .8u!.Irip SR~ ll . t:?l!aa !.lid U! .sa;,uaµadxa S!q :Jnoqu A{)jUU.IJ -pnlS J:l?aK· lS.llJ .P!l? o+ ,,.Il?U!WaS {l?A!A.Ins,, ·.. sado11 aqi ~U!U.It?a'J ' , aJiods aq SV.Lli] 03 , 4l!M .. \\a!A.talU! {!mUUl? Ul? :p,apripu! aMif Sa!l!A!l;)l? tiUJ ' . ' ' ·anws wa;>a.I 1? UI "UOJpurug U!µl?w JO AJ!ll? ""UO!ll?{OS! 11!,, lUadS aq '.)OU paau '.Il?aA lS.IY,. 1? ql!M sppl? ay 'Mou '11so1 J p1?{2 JO !lU!JI · -uoS.Iad·aql saqs!Il.8uns!p .1opu"B;> q;,ns aql .liuµnp A{.Il!Jn;,!µl?d '1ooq;,~ U! SAl?p li?ql. w,1 1nq., 'sa;Js!urwa.1 · aq .. 'paw!oddi?S!P ·· · ·- "Sl!WIJU A{P!PUl?;>_ os .~1qspuaHJ pui? .µoddns .IaJJO ·ul?;> oqM. . Sl?M. r .. ·'<llOA auo A{UO_ i\q 2U!SO{ 'f'Ba'.A 1s.1y : aq "'as1a' auoawos .IOJ paioA 1 .. ·pa1;,atas a1d.oad,, SJ lL, ·uop1?pOSS1? Jl?UO!SS<IJO.Id-a.Id;, · s!q,.8upnp lU<IP!S<l.Id V.s:s .IOJ_Ul?.I uaAa aH aqo'.)pa'.);,adxa .Ia:Aau aq '.I"Ba'"A '.)sud aq1 .IOJ .1? fi71w '.)OU S! l! '.)yql .l~l?J aql sr '11?.IJS~l?W, "S.Il?<IA .aa.iql .IOJ ·aA!ll?lU,asa.1da.I UO!W!;)OS UUI aquo (lU<llj!S<l.Id) .I'B.I'.JS~UW SU paA.I~as aql.Ol .8U!P.IO;);)R 'Al!U.1811?.Id aql JO q'.)M.oi.8 -sv .1i:9 }uapnls S'B pa"A.Ias si?q up;rnw '!qd si?q ~pm~ '!qd RlJ<IQ !qd JO· uur 1q.8!M.Q . _ 1?'.)F'lQ!l£d0'.JSUonnqµ'.)UO;)·S!qo1uompp1?UJ S.JOOl.IJS M1?1 JI.IO}. M<IN aq1 U!. aAqJn aql ;ioJ uoSBa.1 lUi?µodw! .1aqlouv ·uopi?Z!U1?2.10 ai:nJciq'.)M.6.1.8 <fql pa.8i?~no;,ua "{Ooq;,s Ml?~ )!.IO"}.- MaN w asn poo-8 01 swa1 uaaq si?q aa.1ouoq s,.1i?a.h s!ql q2noq11v -l?'l· uopi?;,!unwwoJ S!q ~nd s'i?q u!µl?W ·.Ii?a.h Sl?q pire "'.ta!Sl?a,, .Il?aA SNi qof sm apl?W Si?q 'sapa;,uo;, U!µi?W 'uopi?.Iadoo;,·qarts ·a;,rug "·uo!sSaJO.Id {1?2a1 aq'.J U! lU'Bl aq'.I woq.8n0.1ql A'.J!U.IaW.I.!J aql 01· a;,!A.Ias . -.Iodw! OSjl? . a.Iu,, 'sawls aq " ;,µowq.1 pul? '.)sawa.1.8 aql pa.1apua.1 si?q oqM. '.)uapn:is aqi ·treaa A'.1.rnin;,p,rnd · 'A{.I!l?J uonl?Z!Ul?-8.Io UO!'.)l?;)!UnWWO;) '.I<lll?aq1 aq:i JO S{OO'.} aqJ,,, . .IOUOlj Ol p;;i~!sap S! '!qd 'Bl{<IG !4d JO S.Iaq . sm P<l}l?a.I'.j Sl?q QU1?",a'Af1ruadoo;,,,.Auruaua-8 "·;,µ.trnuAp a.1our aq,p1noM. s1uapn1s "M.1?{ JO .hpnlS aql .IOJ uorwpunoJ IllJd{aq · '-waw aq'.I :A'.q .&111?nuu1? api?w 'uopi?1uasa.1d uaag si?q u_o!ll?.IlS!iI!UIPl?· aql s1aaJ OS{l? aH .. ·araoad 2U!Il!M. Ol A'.IIT!~!suodsa.raw.8a1ap,, ll?q.l )!U!lll p,no.h ll?ql lSnf sm,, 'too,qJS Ml?'J 1? aq p1noM. .I<l'.)l?aq·l U!J)Uno.l.8}f;>l?q S!q W4l .aq.L' 'Al!U.l<llR.Ii {1?.8a1 {l?UO!ll?U.I<llUI !qd 01 Ksi?a l! punOJ Si?q u!µl?W 'uut lq.8!M.G )!.Iox. Ma N re spuaµJ asop awos apuUI Sl?lf · llaJ OSJl? aH ·su!1?1dxa aq "' M.O.I.Il?Q . a;,ua: l?l!<IQ !4d aql A<:j 086I-6l6I _.IOJ .1tia x. aq1 JO _ aq wq'.I .8unou 'SUJl?{dxa· aq .. !A:ooow a.1ow -.I~{:) SU q;>!).S 'M.1?{ aql U! san!Il?UQS.Iad ;)!W'B awnpU.If) UUI 1q2!M.Q pawaras lfu!aq 01 U9!l ll? .1a;,ruo U1? S1? - a.InUal SN- .8uµ"Ul?tu.IaA ~ a. a)!l?wJ'.nl?nluaAa Ol lSilf 1ooq;,s M.l?f U! a.iaq cuA'.p <l'.I<IM'.. oqM. <ljdOad Aq passa.IdW! Sl?M. -Jl?a.I sm aqµJsap O'.) sasn UOJpUl?.18 U!:J,rnN ·.~ sp:ioM:- aq1 a.11?'.--,.'pa~:>o{ls.' "Alll?!l!UI,. -us pui? o.Ii?las S.IossaJO.Id -a.11? !qd l?l{aa ·st iuapms A.laAa '.ll?q'.I wu s,u,, ·paA{O_Al:f!lln· j,, · Ml?i~aql .1oi p=ealSl!! pa'.Jdo up.I'BW "·u;}aM.1aq .Il?J pui? M.aJ 001 a.1aM. - _oa'Iaa qi?.1oqaa ,cg !tfd .101 S.IOS!APl? A'.l1n;,i?~ ·suuv ll? wa-8.Il?S a:;rn SlUapnls Ill? lOU ll?ql Sl!WPl? u!µl?W

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s ~

School Drills f on Paydirt by Celeste D. Mill'er The addition of 53 Worth Street to New York Law School has alleviated some space problems.- However the school's plans for expansion are not yet· complete. Plans for a fourth building are being mulled over by the Board of Trustees. Tentative plans -call for the fourth building to be finished in two years. Its site would be the property adjacent to 47 Worth, owned by NYLS and currently leased to the Edison Parking Gorp. As~ the first step in the building process, the underground strata is flow being studied by civil engineers. No architect has been recommended by the school's building committee as of this date, nor has a formal statement been issued regarding building plans."

The administration envisions that this fourth building · might, provide two very large classrooriis, enabling the first-year class to be divided between two sections for - their required courses. The added space - would allow for library expansion and more accessible shelving for books and adminis- - some more breathing room: for his devoted trative records. Staff members would be patrons. Financial considerations weigh heavprovided- with some sorely needed office space and maybe Gil, too, could be given ily o_n the minds of the planners, encourag-

Indian Law Conference· Set

The first New York Area Symposium on American Indian Law willbe held at New York Law Schoolon Saturday, March _ 22, from 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.nr, The program will include Indian land claims, federal legislation affecting Indians, and international remedies available for grievances. The speakers will include: - Oren Lyons, Onondaga Nation Council Chiefs; Sam Deloria, Executive Director of Indian Law Center, Univ. ofNewMexicoSchoolof Law; Frank· Ryan, Lecturer, Harvard Law School, Director of American Indian Program at Harvard; Bill Means, International Indian Treaty Council-U.N.; Ai-lin'da Locklear, Native American Rights Fund Representative; Tim Coulter, Executive ]-e Director, Indian Law Resource Center: - Bert Hirsch, Association of American fo~ dian Affairs; Marguerite Smith, Attorney ~ for the Shinnecock Nation; Howard Berman, Le~turer, Buffalo (SUNY) School of ing them trrbe cautious. Nonetheless, it is Law. Re~strationfee is $5.00. Those wishexhilarating for students to see NYLS' ex- ing to attend must pre-register by March pansion and realize that with it, we will 18. Forms are available in Room 210; 47 become a more competitive law school. Worth Street.

Mooi Court Honors ... the first four rounds, the team was 3-1, as - Harold- R. Leventhal of the Court pf Apwere .UCLA and two other teams. Two peals for the District ofColumbia Circuit, - teams were undefeated, and thus automat- will be on display in the school- for the year ically advanced to the semi-finals. "I really - plans are now being made by the Moot wasn't at all sure we had a chance - there Court Executive Board to· acquire a display were two other teams I thought would be cabinet for the Moot Court Room, to house ahead. of-us on points: UCLA,_ who had this trophy and others won in previous "beaten us; and- the University ofvlndiana, , years, now scattered thoughbutthe school, · · who had beaten UCLA;-'' explained Mac- After the year, the trophy will travel to Lean. After an "interminable" luncheon 'Dayton and be presented to the winner of anda round of speeches.-the announcement next year's competition. At that time a rewas made. The last team announced was plica will be presented to NYLS. The team wishes to express its appreNew York Law School. _ The trophy, named in honor of the late . ciation to the Moot Court Board of the University 'of Dayton for an excellent job -in conducting this. tournament; particular thanks go to Edna Scheuer, ChiefJ ustice of the Board; Steve Koen, who supervised the competition; and very special thanks tu Elyzabeth Holford, a member of the Board who took time out to serve as hostess and guide to the NYLS team.

D.G. - - Staff is (was) cor- - To the turd who helped hi~/ What li'I GREEK GIRL was reet. _I wouldn't have print_ed her self to a pair of. ski seen not playing cards last gloves in Gil's: You've got ·wednesday night? tt)is~ J;T. 'An informed source ._ _ _ the moral turpitude to be at J. T. - Thanks! BuUm1,111t be NYLS·RC> _ - ,• , Oochie,.: Would. YOl! be-my doin_g something right -~- -· , , . . •. check pag.e one (upper left). - , lQ'.SobD_,_:Conf1de~t1al, six- date to the Senior:Prom? Big Louie Don't yoft_agree? D.G. teen cantiles and Boi:"_they'll -burn brigh_t,Tm ail yours af-:Dear Denise: when I stop by fer midnight tonighl. Gil'.s and ask for 115 l~s of the 'good stuff', you'll know J.F. '---Congrats and saluta- Richie W.: Congrats-0Jt1he what I mean . Love and Kisses - S.H. tions on your appearance in new job. Public Interest!! Cheri RD Paula - Thinking of you. would be proud of.you! Howard D.G.: If Virginia only knew! Zad · The girls

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pazOSUOOS UaWOM_ .IOJ UO!ltlF)OSSV Jtl$a'J· a1n 'W61 'z µ:gri.x9aJt 'At1p.xnlt1S uo «: . SeM a4 1e41 sn SlWOJU! we4e1~ ueag A:1a1euni10JU[l ·sasuadxa JO 1eA01dde :.IOl!P3 OJ; 'aqt uo w-e4e1~ m~aa uappµ.iaAo se4 uo1wo4i u4of saa1srui JO p1eog aq1 JO uewire4:J 1e418u!lll!e1::>'1uno:xm asuadxa s ~ueaa a41 ssmsw pt s418u.a11ea18 ·· · . ("snoaµ,no:>SJp svm 01 sao8 apµie attl ·i\trmeJ pam1enb lOJ a1aawm 01 aiqe aq 011ap10 U! sapnod ·alipn{..a-11.1 1'D1/.1 fivs Jf!-P a'l/S reptnu. a.wm 1enlll!s aAel[, ea.n: a41 U! s1004::>s Mt?{ 1atno tel[l pu~ 'A11n)eJ pa1rtua1 a41 JQ UOUWJOFf O'J &]QV.Wavf f:1WJill:r,.V'JS. WYl{fn . siaqwaw 1a410 sp!e hnod a411e41tno1uJod of s1::>a18au H ·a8ano:::>p1eAJeH te ':!.sa:>vf eptnu; afipn{ aw 7'D'l/.7 P&1V7S fi]dUl~S 1a148nep e seq·a4asne::>aq.ueana41JO1uauaq a4101 samu! AJl1ed lJ::>JlfM klnod OU>]J,Vf! ·7xa,uo:> S'J-1/1 u~ ..pa,v7s,, p.wm a1{1 uoJSSJWa,r uomnt e se4SlAN1elj11no s1u!od 1a41mi apn1e atti ·sannp 1e1n8a.i . 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(continuedfrom page eight! ._ which came from. other members of the NYLS community and from friends in the legal community' their attitude would have resulted in a disasterous failure. Their negative attitude ensures failure to studentinitiated events. It is _unfortunate since their assistance and experience, particularly: during the early planning of our events, could have prevented a lot oJheadaches and ensured a success for which we could now share the credit. Due, however to their philosophy, I feel-obliged only to thank those who truely helped LAW in making our'conference the success it was. _ Carol Schlei~ _President, LAW

was announced while they went on. In are now commercially available and supply other words, they represented an oasis-of more than-empty calories. Fresh fruit, yofriendly competition and sporting ex- gurt, raw - nuts and whole grain breads cellence eve~ in a grim world. Things are could be easily supplied. For students who bad in world politics and, accordingly, I don't want to consume caffeine between.

feel we need the ccrnraderie, the peaceful competition, the pleasure of the Games even more. Those who say the Berlin Games were a showpiece of Nazi propaganda are quite wrong. The Olympic Committee ordered all the Swastikas taken down from the stadium the first day. Hitler's theories of Aryan racial superiority were decisively repudiated by the four gold. medals of Jesse Owens. So far· from being a propaganda triumph for him, he actually stormed out of the stadium in order not to have to present Owens' medals. Owens himself has recorded that he owed his long-jump world record to advice from the German champion about his run-up. These men became fine friends, and that, it seems to me, is what the Games are about. Destroying them to put insignificant pressure on Russian foreign policy is perfectly silly. But then Carter and Thatcher are perfectly silly. I get prettycross about all this." Rather than using the games for political (or enterprise) purposes, we should remembei· that they were of religious origin - to glorify the Godlike achievements of the superb athletes of the day. _Somehov.; this spirit has been lost amidst nationalism and ethnocentrism. - Personally, I support the Otympic movement to restore the games to their homeland in Greece. In the meantime, our athletes should i:iot be deprived of an opportunity to compete in games that are only held once every four · years. How would our politicians feel if we boycotted . the 1980 elections or erased their names from the ·ballot after their hard-fought campaigns'? In short; as witnessed by the recent Winter Olympics at Lake Placid, the pride that we feel in the success of our Olympic teams can only serve to unify our natiorr and others at a critical point in- history when the world seems to be coming apart at the seams. By participating in the Olympics, we can begin to rnendounrifts with .our foes without alienating our friends, By implementing a boycott we can only do further damage to already-battered international relations. Sincerely, Martin Brandfon

every class, herbal teas or vegetable broth bullion cubes should be available. From time to time !have asked Gil to consider some of the above to the menu and each time received sonie evasive - runaround. The yogurt machine which was fuially purchased is hardly more nutritious than ice cream and the money would 1!ave been better spent on a "home yogurt maker" ff Gilfound commercially prepared yogurt impossible to obtain. In any case, a quick scan across the front counter-would convince anyone that Gil's should open itself up to some healthier alternatives. Sincerely, Gary_Graif!"an 0

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serve. We are, on the other hand; almost never exposed to the data that would allow us to. intelligently answer the question of whose interests the law furthers. And that question is of far greater importance and /urgency to those .aspiring .to a practice of law. Looking at it as beniglily as possible, law, in a republican society, is the means by which the eligible majority imposes behavioral conformity upon the individual. In a great many instances, however, the law does not even attairr this dubious honor. . Rather, it is a tool used by the ecomonic and political elite ·of American society to protect its interests - often at the expen8e of the poor, tlie alienated, and the disenfranchised. And, all too often, it is the attorney who devises the means by_ which the law can protect those interests and enforce that conformity. Perliaps it is theoretically possible to devise a system of law tnat is truly neutral and egalitarian both in its foundation and in its enforcement. -There has never been such a-system devised ifi any post-tribal society, however. Law in the modern, post-industrial capitalist society has, inevitably, become an instrument used to repress socially unpopular behavior .patterns and to protect and further a patently inequitable· system of wealth distribu~ion. More often than not, the law has been used to maintain- the status quo· rather than to correct its inequities. . It is in this aspect of the- law, that (ple~se turn to page thirteen) ....---•

To the Editor: While traveling. by plane during ourrecent intersession vacation, I had the good fortune to be seated next to a captain · of a major international airline. _He was a . To the Editor: very patriotic Alabamian, a former Air During my nearly three years 'of atForce pilot and was heading home to do -tendance at New York Law: School-I have some hunting during a vacation from his 'come to notice a serious omission in the law home base in West Berlin. For the past few school curriculum. Law students are years, he has flown short routes over most trained to analyze a myriad offactual-situaof Eastern Europe, including Russia. 'Our tions in light of the relevant worldconversation turned from travel to politics; situation. I believe that this important the current events at that time included the facet of legal education is overlooked by recent invasion of Afghanistan by the almost every law school in America, and Soviet Union and the continuing crisis in. that suchanoversightisaterriblemistake. Iran. . . . In the course Qf a legal education the The captain showed keen insight into law studentis exposed· to ,a great many European sentiment toward America and theories concerning what the law is, how it our foreign policy (or lack thereof). He ex-, originated and what purposes it ought to pressed feelings of embarrassment and ---------------------------humiliation as a result of our lack of reaction to Moscow's coup. While I: did rrot agree, totally on any drastic military intervention in Afghanis- tan, I was amazed'by what he told me about the city of Moscow. He'd been there numemus. times and described the atmosphere as "Thirteenth-Century" in terms of aecommodations," Foreign currency must be exchanged for rubles at inflated rates. Four hotels are open to tourists. There is no central heating and there are no -telephones in the· rooms. As a matter of fact, there are only about 20,000 private phones in Moscow - and 110-directory! Meals must be ordered and paid for in advance. There are no public bars or restau1;a~ts that you can just drop into for refreshment or mingling with the locals.. According to him, the sights can Be seen in two days and the night life is fionexistant. . I mentioned to him how appalled I was :about the fact that; during the 1980 Olymp- To the E-ditor: There is rio doubt that Gil's is an imie's, allof Moscow's children between the ages of eleven and seventeen have been portant part ~f NYLS. As the central ordered to attend· summer camps, ·1--ather meeting and eating place one might say it's than being permitted to witness the spec- the only real "campus" we have~ The book:_ tacle in-the city, lest they be exposed to store outlet is also an esse}!tialservice pro"foreign" ideas. He laughed wryly at my .vided to students. However~ there i& one_ naivete and commented "What do you ex- .cruci;u area where Gil's is deficient. That is . pect from them'! They're still living in the . in supplying- o~ student bodi~s with some Dark Ages. America must _wake up to healthy food alternatives. At first, I · thought it - was merely my _finicky taste this." . . · This brings me to the subject of the leading me astray, but I discov~red there is Olympics, the proposed U.S. boycottofthe · a substantial· number of students who summer games, and-our pressure on other would prefer that Gil's serve some nutritious alternatives to the selectio!ls now ofnations to join us in this boycott. fered there. . My: feelings on this topic_are mjrr~_red The quick snack between claSses is the by those of a close friend of m111e as expres-. sed in. a recent letter I received from Eng- most popular type of transaction that takes (Pearl St & Park R~w, behind land. A former captain and r~cord holder at place across the front counter, and itis here the -University of Edinburgh swim team, fhat the fare is mo_st limited and most unhis wife:was a member of the Scottish Na- healthy. 'lihere is-no reason Why nutritious tional fencing team._.I quote.hi~ <Ijrectly;, -. - alternatives to the sugar-laden pastries· Admission $3.00 . ''ThiS"&iJycbtOs the stupidest thing I and refined food produ~ts now served couldn't 'bemade available. Whole grail! e l:'.!r heard of. in ancient µreece the Games we're neld dit_ri 1it/ wars: .a temporary truce pastries · whicn"are rilirumally sweetened

THE 3rd·


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'sput:map J!S.~q a.wm aq+ 'aApJads.iad-pqua~punJ_aql · 'aA.iasa.i uo JJnis aqi HP. pRa(I., ·aJ!APP. po~ aA~ Kaq.L ·samqamos 'uP.J .\aq.L .. ·u!P.Jdxa., .8u~Ulll[J i\q -uamJO.SP(!!ll pull sµ"!laq a1n lJaJJll,, 01 :idwa11t: prnoqs s.1ai\.<\\U! '.llll[l u.i'Bal or .i'3JJO A'.aq.L -souqmo .l!aqi noA'. aA~ oj .IaJJO A'aq.L - S3NO"Ifl-id'13H 3HJ. n noA 'Ulllll <ll~UO!SSRQ ll sap!ll pai1a1u! ltUfPP!q.IOJ S,!lllfnoaJW 'JO.Id PU!l[aq 1mn S!llaAa.i . . .. · ·.\l.P.!-ll!-·•aqww .\m lJ ·+ra~n n,no;,. '(996I) 'Aa(I ·1 'll!) L 'flJJ".IJOS iJiJ.l.d .IO,![ iJJUiJJ)ll.tdS_l.fllj p'Baii(r. JO am pururar .\aq.L ,,'-:) P. Wlt I ..'P!P I' .. aq.\t:m" ·pua aqi ll!" ·a1w1 P. ialf 11.no.\- ··isaq .mo.\ ·1mJAa i\u-e u! 2umo.i slfu!l[l µ'Bis II!M lI ·app.i'B s,a.ioow uqor pn;;u-,\\ON((. -, op 'Ut!J nq.\ wq.-w op isnr;. ·qlfno_.iql pojd rsntn nokwql MOU)[ puP. 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I '.¥.ON da+s· 01· sn MO!lll Ol papaau S! ..trnrnqnJOA !ll!Jads S!l[J, "·alfn~unr .iaq'.lQUll JO uomuyap (ja.iaq all'l!J I a.IOJaquos.iad poolf P. q;:ins SllM I puv 'lfll!PI!nq-gJO lJP.qs .IOlP.At)Ja paqs!uyun aspa.ld .IOJ rna'.ls£s Jp'S]:~un -e S!,, 'a.ioow uqorsA'.ns ,:asuas ;:i!ss-ep-Sl! ll! alfll~Ullj-l'qaru v.. aqiu! wap!J;:ip, awunµoJun Ull l[l!-¥- l'lll swapnls asoq1 lRql lfu!ll'Ba.Ip :iaqwama.i I) 'S)fW.¥. ·µafqns .i!atp ssnJS!POl pa1"!la.IJ aAnq naMSSll'J pur. re~UOQJWS.IOSSaJO.ld l[J!l[M alfll~Ullf papuammoJa.1 aquo auo A.IaA a l{'l!M .IP.!f!illP~ A!l{lfno.IOl[~ A'.1sno!~qo a.ia,\\ oq,\\ 'swapn1s aql ·'l!l<lll JO pu!)[ ll JO asn aq1 S! si\nssa 1sJy A.raA as<lql l{l!M as,mo_;:i JO warqo.id aqJ, JO 0.¥.1.io auo pun .iossaJo.Id aq1 uaaM1aq sas.inoJS!P lllll!II!.Iq allios a.iaM a.I?l[.L ·lfu!masun '-?ll!PUlllS.IapunJO .Iarurun~ .\l!llnba pa AO.Id a.inpa1 lS.l.Y aq.L '!!UAP. OU O'.) !ll!P..8U paµ:i I uomuyap Aill l[l!A\ paru.iv lrJOJ uMos uaaq p'Bq paas ain 'lSll! w pull a.ioow uqor i\q snM pa[)[Jlll 1·ap!µll ixau aq.r, ·am. . jamq lSO[ pm~ asal!lldllf 01 paqJl!MS uoos a)[nS!H '.lna ·dwrq;> .8U!)[!Ul aq1 'O)[O)I a)[!I isnf 'u;rea1 aq1 w Wl{l .<\\OU)j +ou P!P' I as.inoJ Jo1nq 'suoqRiado uo auou put: sa1m Jlllfa1 uo S!suqdma P(rtOJ r Mall)[ I ·pa1q1fnap SP.MI !qsn.8u3: Ufflld li! 'lfullq n l{l!M paµlllS 11 ·p1nzns a)[nS!3: qJnll 001 Jtupll!d 'lfUO.L<\\ .\psow SP..\\ uaA0 uoq!uyap dtil lP.l{l MOU no,\ na1 UllJ I. 'naM , .\q i,m.i.qnaq1 ll! aA.Iasa.i uo app.Ill Ull pa1sa.81fns aH ·J\"!lssa i\.io1;inpo.i1u! 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Scholars Debate Value of · Hi!f}her' Ed -

·. . . ·


~ This 1s~ue, our two legal ·legends have decided to. focus their biting repartee not on· NYLS specifically, but on a problem every law student thoughout the country has had to face. This problem simply put, is that of gaining admission to any law school. Mr. Wheeze ~ discuss the merits. of the current requirements (plus one additional requirement), while Mr. Deedodah rejects this and any other system supported by, Mr. Wheeze.


My Dean Tormented Zip, . . . . . The futility of simple discussion with you on basic concepts has not yet defeated me, so at this juncture I.have _chosen·a topic where on conflict is impossible - admission to law .





· . The common standards for admission tolaw sch.ool are numerical in nature - a grade ~int average and anLBAT.score. Nowof course] one cannot dispute the infallibilitY, of these criteria, No self-respecting attorney would ever present himself in court knowing fulbvell that his LSAT fell below 600. Nor would his conscience allow.hirn ever to interview a client while he harbored the sordid fact that his GPA always looked up to a3.0. I give you these as fair and precise. But I would embellish with one more criterion height. An individual endowed with adequate portions of GP A and LSAT and height will invariably become the epitome of the stalwart advocate, the model of intelligence and legal ability, Zip, please rest your depleted attention span for a few hours and digest the facts as Lhave outlined them thus far: GPA plus LSAT plus Height equals Success. · , Gohell prizewinner, Dr. Smuggly Smockley of Hubbub U., has determined that, of My Dear P., . the many crucial factors necessary to success at law, height stands above the rest. The For once, my old friend, you have got me. I must agree that finding only the slig/ztest greater the height, the more intimidating the presence and the less likely it is that flaw in your logic would indeed require the best of luck. disputes will arise. Thus justice will be done more efficiently. Apparently, according to · On the other hand, finding a flaw the size of the San Andreas fault would be easy. I'm Dr, Smoekley's study, the lofty ideals .espoused oy all members of the bar will be more · afraid that this time you've finally flipped your lid, lost your marbles, and gone over the readily attained by an attorney whose stature alone places him at the proper altitude. Of edge, all at the same time. You have succeeded in taking a system, already rocked by · course, as further substantiation of Dr ... Smockley's revelation, who can ignore that criticism, and added the most'absurd requirement of all- height. I must assume that the· oft-quote(fstat.ement of one of An~erica's great leaders and legal lords, Abraham.Lincoln, · . cause of this recent bout which the disease doctors can only describe as "loonyness" comes who is saidjo have remarked prior to the inception of a.particularily significant courtroom from youi many attempts at testing your new entrance procedure. You have obviously ba tle, "We can beat that fella. He's so short." . . walked into one too many low bridges, therebyeausrng whatever-was left of your brain to . A brief outline of the admissions process shoiild be given. Picture the simplicity. AJl · · skip town. How else could you.explain your support for this ridiculous theory, put.forth, I applicants to a given institution would be required to line up single file outside the sCTiooL ~ might say, by a man who apparently seeks to surpass even you in the race for the coveted There would be two lines, one for males, the other for females. The process would then "Dumber than Steve Martins' Jerk Award." , . begin by instructing each applicant to walk barefoot through ari entrance way into the.. As it now stands-the current requirements for entering law school are questionable in admissions office. Those who could proceedthrough their sex'sportal (slightly higher for · and of themselves. While law schools must have some objective criteria for judging the men than women) without bumping their heads would immediately be removed for lack of . hundreds of applications they receive, to -~ely as heavily as· they do on the scores of a the new crucial dimension. Those who could not would tlien proceed in their slightly dazed one-shot, fill-in-as-many-cireles-as-you-can test destroys the chances of many a prospeceoridition to their interview with the admissions inspector. Of. course, the taller the tise lawyer. And to add this additional requirement that a candidate must suffer cranial applicant the more likefy he or she.will be to succeed as an_attorneyand the less need there discomfort at the hands of-yourr''higher-than thou" doorway only takes this system (which will be for the inspector to ask questions. Therefore, since the temporary superficial seeks to restrict rather than to encourage higher education) to its ultimate and.totally-, ... -· damage done to the candidate by the crown of the doorway Will increase in direct relation to · ludicrous end. · the distance his head exceeds the doorway, there will be decreased consciousness with tfie ·. · I feel I must conclude this discussion before I say·anything you might regret in the result that unnecessary questions and tediot1s responses will be omitted. morning.' I can only hope that-when your ersatz brain returns from its winter hiat~s you Thus Zip, wit{i.the help of the unassailable conclusions of Dr: Smuggly Smockley, the will recognize that when great educators of the world speak of"higher" education, !hey perfect system has been.devised and the end goal of creatfog only perfect attorneys is now speak not in terms of distance from head,to toe, but of a much greater stature. in sight. ~od luck in-findjng even the slightest flaw in my logic.· Always, P. Zip




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By Anthony J. Belkowski . BRETHR~N by 'Bob Woodwaro . , d Scott Armstrong (Simon and Scfiti~. 467 pgs.,.$13.95) · While he was still a court t>f appeals udge, Warren Burger, in a speech to-the . · hiO Judicial Conference stated: ''A court hich is final and unreviewableneeds more . ful scrutiny thanany ether. Unreviewle power is the most likely to engage in ispassionate self-analysis.".. In a country · e ours, no public· institution, or the peole who operate it, can be above. public ebate." My how times have changed. The. rethren, co-authored by Bob Woodward of Al the President's M en fame) and Scott strong is an attempt to bring the be"nd-tlie-scenes manuvering on the Sureme Court to-public scruntiny, or, iLyou a fan of tfte Chief Justice, just"another ttempt to make'some money. r

Tales of the Bench Without a doubt The Brethren is the ost entertaining book about the-Supreme urt that this reviewer has· ever read. e book-is re~lete with anecdotes offering 111 view of the Justices as human beings with ~ of their frailties and virtues (some being. ess virtuous than others). Many of these : . tories deal with Chief Justice Burger's al~ · eged arrogance, pompousness, under-. ndedness, · lack of intelligence and the actionsoftheotherJusticestohi .Some .U.S. Supreme Cou~ Justices stories are quite humerous, especially the ones dealing with the Court's viewing of interviewed more than two hundred _peo- AMERIC;\J" CONSTITUTI01'j'AL LAW various constitutional doctrines are inter3)ornl1graphic movies in order to come to a pie, including severalJustices, more than by Laurence Tribe (Foundation P:ress, . connected and offers predictions on the fu-_ decision in a case .. In another episode 170 fonuer law clerks, and several daze:n -1204_pp. andsupgleme1,1t,109 pp'.-) ~ - ture course the law may· take: A student UJbarles. Reich was trying to convince hls {orme~ Court employees,' all of these ··One would think,that the 1l;lst°thing a . :reading-Tribe's book comes away with the filling-friendJustice·E>oug1asto resigf from ;sources _have been kept confidential, The law student. forced to- wade through. Gun:.. feelfu:gfhat there has been some coherence ·' !the Court, Reich finally became exasper- · authors freely admit to this but maintain ther's casebook on constitutional law would_ in the long line of Supreme Court decisions ated by. the .feisty Douglas and asked him .. that an assurance of confidentiality was need is another twelve~hundred page tome as opposed to the view given by Gunther's ~ow he could decide cases when he could necessary to gainthe cooperation of these. to read (not including an obligatory supple- casebook that the only thing consistent ot even read, to which Douglas respond- sources. . menrof course). Yet, American Constit1k about the Supreme Court- is its ·inconsis- · , "I'll listen to see how the Chief votes Another major flaw with The Brethren tional L<)zc i$ one volume on this subject tency: and vote the other way." · · is the attribution of.thoughts,feelings, con- which this reviewer believes every law stuThe supplement is a work unto itself. . Other stories are more disheartening, clusions, predispositions and motivations den~should own, even.ifyou decided to buy Rather than attempting to present the .:.especially the one dealing with Justice to. each of the Justices by the authors. Al- Legalines instead of Gunther's collection of. material in a manner which invites direct Douglas's vain attempt to-remain an active though many of these interpretations may unanswered questicms. insertion into parts of the main volume, member of the-Court following his resigna- be reasonably drawn from the actions of In this vo!Ume· Professor Tribe at• · Tribe'has opted for the use of an unbroken tion. Even his closest colleagues on the the Justices and the documents the authors tempts to present a "unified analysis of con- narrative .style Which in effect makes the ;ttourt had no choice but to ignore him when, claim to possess, it does seem that these stitutional law." Tribe accomplishes this supplement a mini-volume of the original ~lhe "tenth'. member" wished to have his· characterizations rely on evidence even feat by offering_a sy.flt~matic treatment of_ text. Without a doubt this approach will opinion on a case released with the Court's more tenuous than the other sources relied the subject using· seven analytic models :;;erve to aid, rather than confuse the stuown. · ' · on by the authors in detailing the Court's which not~only, erillfrace the case law out dent since . the supplement can be read also social and· political ·theqries as well. apart from the text in order to gain insight - Lack of Documentation behind-the-scenes activity, Although The Brethren"might seem to · Despite these shortcomings The Being the complete opposite of Gunther's into recent developments in the law. American Constitutional Law is cer~ the general public to be a brilliant piece of , Brethren makes for interesting reading. It casebook which is a hodgepodge of cases investigative journalism it does suffer from offers a new perspective on an institution broli:enup by questions which tend to con- tainly must for any law student and will 'one de astating.flaw, a lack of doeumenta- which is poorly understood by the.general fuse rather tftan illumifiate, _Tribe offers a prove invaluable as a tool for any practiciiig 'coherent narrative which shows how the lawyer faced with a constitutional issue. tion. Although the authors claim to have public. . '


·srandfon ... (continued from page nine) It is the (unfortunately neglected) retraditional legal education is lacking.· Law sponsibility of the law schools to present· students are never taught before accept- this dilemma to their students and to make ing an assignment to ask the following 'available the material we need to be able to .:.questions: 1. Whose interests· is. the law adequately analyze and intelligen~I~ . reServing. here? 2. · Whose is. it harming?; solve this problem. Th~ final responsibility, ahd, most importantly, 3. "How do I feel. however, is with each individ~al law stuabout that result?" It is the 'failure on t1ie . .dent (and 'lawyer); At some pomt each law part of the la~yers to ask such questions student and every lawyer m~st d_ecide for . "lbat has resulted in the consistently poor him/herself whether he/she 1s gomg tp be showing lawyers a~hieve in tfie periodi.c an.agent of f:eedom an_d dignity, _a defenaublicopinio_npolls which ask the A~enof the_ ah~nated, d1senfranch1~ed ~a"t:Ul public which occupations or profess10ns Jor,ity, or Just another attorney usmg his/ i,t feels ru:e worthy of respect. It is the her skill and educati~nto protect the status Aiilure to ask such questions (and the lure quo and further the mterests of those who i-Oflarge fees) that has resulted in the law-· already have so very much. Somewhere yer being, primarily, an agent-ofthe status ifown the lihe we will ~ach have to answer uo rather than a leader in the battle for to ourselves for the ch01ces we make today. rogressive reform; the defender of those Yours truly., ho ha:ve the most rather than of those Daniel Hupert · st in need of legal aid and protection. ·


(continuedfrorn page six) , being jointly sp~nsored by the New York eventually be employed iii a medium-sized Law School, the Student Bar Association, law firm. He also applied for a position in and Phi Delta Phi. Participation in the Re~ the Bronx District Attorney'soffice, based vue is' open to &11,' and ~nyone interested ' upon his interest in crirpinal law.•· may get ih touch with either Martin Brand.: Martin fs. still a little ambivalent about fon or Cliff Greene as soon as p~ssible. The · lflw; "I still find it hard to see myse~f as a event will be·held March 29 at the Murray ·lawyer," he confesses, but notes that he, Bergtraum High School Auditorium (corhas "invested alot of time and effort in law ner of Rear! Street and Park Row, 'behind school," and that he will "apply himself with Police Plaza).· Admission is ~3. 00. diligence" to whatever position he eventu- · ' any accepts.. ms wife, he acknowledges, has helped smooth the transition for him. " Since their m_artiage last summer, he Equitas needs type~ters, · , claims to be a "different person;" th~nks to especially electric: ones. Generous his spouse's support. tax deductible gifts from Alumni would be highly appreciated. When asked for a final comment, Martin urges that the student body and Our hand cranked models have faculty members at the New York Uaw1 given thefr, last. School support the Third Second Annual THANKS!! New York Law Schoo Revue, Which is

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·r-epyauaq -ll!JOSlaads-esno!-1-eApaluasa.Id,/J~syt?ci _ . A'.[lireµaa S! · 'A.lol-epu-ew lOU anqM A:ilp-w:apow,, -e si .Iaqwaw auo_A:q·paqµas ·pawup aq ffiM s~uaµJ .Io saA!Wla.I J:!a:cn .Io A'.a:in 1'Bql pooqna}[!I aql 'aauaµadxa µnoo lOOW: 'M'Bl fl?UO!~'BU.I~U! -ap 'U.Ian-ed l=>'BJ xardwoa aqJ, ·uonnad f 1'1'.l-OS['B lnq '-eaµawv .Ianaq 'B pu-e aa-ead PIJ:OA\ Ol alngµluoa Ol A':IlJO :iou 'uo'.l$u!l{S'BM. . JO a.8payM.oll}[ O!S'Bq -e aJ:!nba.I Ol pu-e p'BO.Iq · -uma uanµM aq1 U! pJ:!ql paaqd qa!qM Jaµq Ptm. JJO A'Bpolill'BS 'B a~l 'sarnpaqas [OO!PS M'BY A'.snq '!'.gdsap 'slg,apnlS l'Bl{l }(S'B aq 0:) pual uasoqa S=>!dOl aql aall!S ayq-esuad Sl! .IOJ ureal S'l.AN aql A'.q papayas arm aql -uQ1.8u!l{S'BM. Ol rooqas ~!4l WO.IJ (aydood og lnoq-e) Sluapnls JO p'Boysnq auo '.}S"Bay l'B JO -S!PU! S! Mq fl?UO!l'BW~ll! ;)!{qnd U!. asmoa s.'BM ..aS"B:) A:lmq'B!'l aa-eds .Ia'.}no aqJ,,, a'S .aip !'B0.8 'B sli '.}as aA'BJl a.Iaq S.Ia}[.IOM yrup::nuv ·.8unµM S!l{l JO S'B pauu-eyd a.I'B uo'.} -e. l'Bl{l paS!A?'B a.I'B urea'.} s,.reaA: '.}xau uo '61 [µdy WM,Ol s'.}a}[an snqJo ay~S:'B p.i.re lJrup aql u_o.8ll!'.}aaw ('BuommuOJll! uR 'S'l.AN lV .8ll!l1:dP!µ-ed ll! pa'.}Sa.Ia'.}U! swapnls uo uonnadwoa' ['Buon'BU.IalU! u'B u! a'.}adwoa llS A~ 'suonru-ed::ud .I'BM 'JOU 'sqof a.I'B papaau S! l'Bl{M. ·san!llnµoddo qof> paS'BaJ:;)U! 'Pi'llardwoa a.IaM ''.}uapuodsa.I aq'.} .IOJ auo ffiM uonnadwoa Y'BllO!'.}'BU aqlJO .IaUU!A\ aq.L · 'B l[l!M 1J'B.Ip aql Ol uomsoddo aql pa}[U!I a~-eq S.Iazµrnfuo qJ.I'BW ·.Ia!aWU!'llS'B)I pu-e wrondd-e aq'.} .IOJ auo 'sJaµq OMl aq'.} '81 q.8nruq+ gnµdy uo ':)'CT 'uo~ll!l{S'BM. pm. 'SS!a M P'U. 'si:µnnaa ·Pfl?UOt[ SUOS.Iadssa.ufUO::) p1re uon'B!=>OSSy '.}Uapnls - . uaqM '8 ~ruqa...i uo P~'Bll!WIIl;) sµona U! uonnoowoa ywon-eu aqJ O'.} o.8 IUM . .Iau tp .8tqpnptrf 'sa.iii.1fy y-eamycxLpug suon'BZ!ll'Bltlo l'Buon-eu 4u"Bw A'.q paS.Iopua uaa~ Ua'.}lµM . J:!alil 'u'B.8<>q q<J.I'Basa.I I'B!l!ll,! -ll!M aaqd lpY aqa. ·uo!ln~woa y"Buo!.8all ---.:·~~~·-il·· alil. '66 qa.zew '.\-ep;m+-es uo UOliJl!!lfS'Bi\rll! qa:nnu '\J'B.IP-!lull I"Buon-eu aql -J:!am uaq.M. IlllJ lS'Bl aau!s µaauoa iz!· .8uPt.IoM ·U.Ia'.}S'B~ S!l{l ll! pa'.}adwo;J s1o0qas. uai . · BO~S'.}UapnlS a.8'1Unooua O'.} S! dnoJ:.8 '.IJ'B.IP-!lll'B S'JA.N aqlJO ~'.}µoµd lUa.IJ:Il;) aq.L . Ua<lq aA~q S'.}Uapn'.}S aAy asaq'.} 'paapUJ · 'll!}[ll!l{:) TQ!lSU! S! vrup -e Jr M'BI aa!A.Ias aAnaaras uo Sluana a;inlry J:!aq'.} rasunoa Ol pa.I-eda.Id _ · "'.Iaq'.}OU'B auo l{l!M a'.}ruadoo;J aunS!.IlJ:::> .IossaJo:id · A:q paqawa . S'B.\\ ~p S'.}uapn'.}s aql .l'Bl{l os 'A'.yitUaua.8 an SS! aql '.}noq-e A'.poq '.}uapn'.}s aql uuoJil! Ol S}[aas A'.I['Ba.I s'.}uap~ls M'Bl sawn MaJ aql JO a~o,, · puanrulad "BuqlaAS pu-e ona.8iew ya-eqa!w i?'<lno.UJ '.IJ&IP-!lU'B S'l.AN '.aql 'WUP al{l Ol uoh1soddo .8U!l'B{t1W!'.}S WO.IJ' amsv '+.J'B.IP S.! diissar aq'.} ll! .8UH'BOP!l.I'Bd 'ltnn paA.Iasqo '.Iil!.!{ P!A'BQ 'AOJ:Uo:) µaqoa 'pruUO:) }[.I'BW ~ a1n awnsa.I op-ea.1.8 aq IUM a.mssa.Id aql 'pa.IalsµJ'<U upaq aA-eq aydoad .,gunoA'. a;Juo A'.o.nio:) qog. 'Sltraiun.8.ra rruo aql JO pua Hl[l · JO pasodfuoa. S'BM urea'.} S'I:XN· aqJ, ·uon ~a ffiA\ uonru'.}sµ}a.I A:pio '.l'Bql awnss-e auo prnoqs~SlS!A!la"B-aql Al!_s '.ION ·.&lmq!ssod l'B JJO.Ila_dwq'.}aAS ~q passa.Idxa S'BM "'uon · ·. =!lad woo aql JO .8~pnr pull uon-e.IW!U!WP'B ~ SJ.aA. 'B ffilS S! lJ1UP aql !s.Iazµre.8.Io :ijrup-nll'B Ol .8tgp.Ioaa-e 'A:aua;J-eydwo;J .iOJ woo.1 ou -qa pu-e Ja!Ja.I JO ~uas ~nopuawa.It, v aq'.} ~U!U.Iaauoa A'.S.IaAru'.}uoa aums 1sp!W'B Sl~ql 'y&lp aq'.} 0'.l ssa.I.8uoo U! uomsodd~ S! a.Ia~n aftqM_ ·saA!l'B'.}UaSa.Idat[ JO aSilOH aq'.} . ·pan.8.I'B sans aaqd l&IY }[OOl . 'lSOq s,.I'BaA S!l{l 'yooq;JS . ~-atiruas attl JO s.Iaqwaw oi was aq II!M sam;i-ell.8!s asaqJ, ·a!lln S!l{l l'B py'.}U'B.l.I'BM 1oq -~ aq'.} .8uqw-e <µa.A\ uon'B'.}a.Id.Ialll! A'.}'Ba.I'.l M'B'J uA:I}[orug '6 pu-e 8 q;)J:'BW uonnadwo:) SJM ~'Blfl 1aaJ'Aydfil!s oqM asoql pu-e aydpuµd uo +.J'B.IP A:ull Ol pasoddo. a.re oqM asoq'.} puli 'Sa'.}ffia'.}'Bs-A.reuon'B'.}soa.8 lilO.IJ· 2ll!lS'B=>' .µno:) wow M'B'J ['BUO!l'BU.Ia'.}UJ dnssar ['Bnu l!l()q'wo.g pa1aanoa a.IaM Sa.In'.}'Bfi.8!s sn0.1alll!lN ·a2uno1 luapn'.}s aqlu! pa'.}anpuo;J A'.nua;Ja.I . -p"Bruq Pa.I!P JO sasn aiq!SS!WJ:ad 'a;Jl?ds -u-e aql l'B ·S.Iouoq aa'B!d puoaas }jOOl ureal ~ &µp uonµad V ·.awmi aww aq'.} JO dnoJ:.8 y-euoni?u aq'.} sµoddns dnQ.tlj sndurea .Ia'.}no ll! SUO!SO[dxa pirn S'.}Sa'.} SUod'BaM .. .Iaqwaw-aAy S,[OOl{JS M'B'J}[J:OA_ MaN. lllltJ. ·<(l\7W) lJiia aq'.l lSll!'B.8V uon-ezmqow pan-ea uon-ezµre.8.Io yrup-nu'B sndwro -e ilmq'B!'l ·M_'B[ twon'BU.Ial· w1osrq:::> a!.1nu'l A'.g .3uJui.lo1':1! S['BRP!A!PU! pll'B sdno~ .Ia1no l{l!M pau!or s-eq wsyp-ed pll'B M'B'J uo .Ia'.}ua:) '.}uap ·ll1$;)tf.L 4a.mltlJ .InoA: U! WUP 'B aq a.Iaql ffiM :p"Baq-e osre uonsan~ al'B!pawW! a.Iow 4'.}snrooyoq .mapnu uaAa. .IO A'.l!I!q'BJSU! pIJ:OM Ol p'Bay A'llll1T61{.l S'.}tiaAa uonow ll! 2ll!nas :Ay.8uµlu!lJlun a& a.I"B '.lo 4s<lsµ;) lUa.I.IJl;JaqtU!J=>'Ba.I aM ~!dllhla'.}:.8uoyill{lJO snopsuoa ah\ a.ry 4sap-e:>ap O;\\'.} '.}Xau.aqpaAO S'.}aµQs aq'.} l{l!h\ ~ .mo uo1sµ\[a aM op MOH 4Mou _a.IOW uaAa papaau X'.}t?a.I'.} aq'.} 's1 4s'.}a!A(?S aq'.} mi!Bµ;) 'B JO asn'Baaq panaau-ea .10 paA:-eyap aq Al'Ba.I'.} aq1JO uon-eaynru p1noqs '( SU'B!SSn H aqr~ .IOA'BJ 'B S'B pawno.8au '.}OU S'BM A:yureµaa A'.}'Ba.Il am !UO!lUa'.}U!_aq1 S'BA\ A[SilO!Aqo ~. sifn' ptt:e) i\1µnaas ·s· fl aAo.Idfil! Ol pal'B!l0.8au .S'Bh.\ Alia.Il II J, 'IVS aql J! 'lxa'.}uoa 91!I!.UJ .l,UO!'.}Jnpa.z SW.I'B lilOl{l!A\ A'.'.}!J:Il:>aSJ'BUO!l'BU {'Ba.I 'B aq ~.Iatp U~:) j;A'.}µIl;JaS ['BUO!l'BU ltll[M !9.I'B Al!UilWWO;) S'lXN aql JO uonua;iw aq'.} Ol SI['Ba WSY!~'Bd pt:re _M'B'J UO~Ua:'.) }U<!finlS at{l q=>NM SUO!lSantJ aql JO ·ua}['B'.} a.I'B qa!l{M SUO_!:;)'B ;)yj;Jads aq'.} •. Sl.lY[qO.Id 'B·Srtoµas S'B asod A'BW suonsan b ['B;)nµa }(S'B O'.} a.IIl[!'BJ aq'.}!S!Sµa JO sawn UJ , · A'.'.}apos JO s.IO'.};Jas ire:~ a;lll'B'.}S!Sil.1 R'Baidsap!M al'Bl!dpa.Id II!M suonai? ansµ'Bl!I!W l'Bl{l S.Iap'Bay '.}Uaw -ll.laA~Aq uonda;)J:ad aql S! aaru suu'B ·aql JO UO!l'B['B=>Sa .IaqµTIJ .8ll!ltWAa.Id U! aA!'PaJ}a <!qf'l!Ull'Bl{J sjU!ql A~O aql JO auo ..Ial'Ba.1.8 S! aa}?ad ;IOJ paau aq} 'UO!SUa'.} y-euon'Bu:ia'.}U!JO sauig·U! 'µ'BJ UJ ·uo 0.8 '.}SilUI }[.IOA\ aq'.} 's.Ia}('BWa;J'Bad aq'.} ·pu:awoa ',\ya.Ins S'B '.}Snf'.lng 'P.I'Bl{ .\FJinsS!·~'Bwa.1"Bad 'dnpunq A;relmw paMaua.I aql pu_-e U!l'.}S!ll-eq.8JV pu'B U'B.IJ u) sasµ;J ~,Walp?Maql u1 ·1ooq;is M'B'J :lf.IOA. Ma N aql l'B a.I:"q ws!JJa-e~:i.pu-e _M'B'J uo .Iawao wapnl$ Ul! A:ntiµon-e qloq 1Jup-eJ a.1'B luawaAow aa"Bad aquf? s.Iaqwaw wql Al!I'B'!.l 'B JOUO!S -saiilxa aq'.} osrn S! lI 'im.8µ.Ipg ya!{fua A'.q waod 'B JO ann aq'.} S! p;fVH SJ. OuJ3fVUW;JVa d -----s:CuA\a.8utu'.JS lf!.Ia A'.g-·--~----...;...--~,.




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Is Ethics Too Much To Ask Foi 7· . ·

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One of the rites of · assa -~.by AndrewJ · Franklin . . .. . as a lawyer :Vithout unders~an_dingthe traditions, history: and philosophiesof'law. Whose . It . d . P g at Ne~ York Law School is a two-credit course m legal footsteps will you be followmg? If you don't know what there-is to live up to how will you eth1cs. is man atory and there is 1 th ·b·li' f "'· · · . . . . · ~ . · .; ' . . ., .v • · regressiv ·th . ' : . · a ways e possi 1 ty o failure for the truly conduct your professional affairs? Is life a downward spiral of ever-decreasin.g expeetaAND BE;~~~~e~Hus1ast1c student who JUST WANTS TO PRACTICE LAW' MAN' tions? . . . . . . . . . . . .. al . . AthT. IS· TH1IS C~AP ~NYWAY? Unfortunately, the authentically ·. Th-e disease:to which I referred much earlier has to do with an~mie and airiilessness. uneth 1c among us e mega mpamacs liars and l · h · 'bl · · · · · .. · · · · thissortofcou B t Ii t h uldb ' ' . mora ~rmps- ~venopr? emwi_th The disease. is manifested-by. an imbalance betweens values.and experiences and t . ·. rse. u :w a s 0 e expected? A course m legal ethics may simply exist knowledge, and the cure is the provision of a professional framework. Thecure is profeso rairalseh.c~nsci_outshness, 01drto cause a student to pause, briefly, to consider that there are sionalisrfi,fr.om which will flow such worthwhile attributes as respon~ibility: honesty ·afld. mo · that is · th e leg3: · 1 equrva · 1ent · · ·· · · '· ·can . be given ' fth cMoices L ·. m · e ~wor.· . and . that upon indictment . . for a crime control. Just as anyone can.be taught to· kill· effectively and· efficiently anyone 0 th Y. ar massacre it will not suffice to posit the defense of only following orders or to the. techniques of legal procedure.~Without a spiritual or intellectual framework all he is sayt thateveryonearoundyouwasalsodoingthesameth" · · an unguided · ·mrssi · -.1e, .subject · to subsequent · th th. t · fth . . . . mg. However,_1it iis my contention IS misdirection. The symptoms of the lack of a ife . r~~ f . . e course Is misguided as well as Irrelevant. Irrelevant.. because for professionalism are· evident throughout tfie system at NYLS "Iwo. credits in the last ~~~t not a 0 thedst~ents .NYL~ ethical characters have already been developed for semester of the third year oflaw schoolis worse than doing nothi~gat all ~iilce it gives the e er 0~ worse, an. a _that r_emams for t~e n_~xt forty years is to av:oid capture and jllusion of accomplishment. And careers built on illusion are simply that', an illu'sion. ··.~ pros~:ut10n. To ~void d01i:g hann-h) others 1s, filter_ all, a nob1e goal, despite its lack of · a~b1tion or media attractiveness. The course is misguided because it fails to attack the · disease whose symptoms are evident throughout the school. . . Example~ abound in the library, where books are negligently left unshelved because the user was Just loo busy to attend the such a mundane task; where egocentric elitists · LindaStanch-------,-..,---'-------1 gather court reporters and law reviews and pompously leave notes on.the stacks com- L.---------__...--by: Rei~taternent ·of the~draft appears imminent, considering the current· militaristic manding all the sundry not to m~ve a single volume (;i.fte:r: all, th~ numbering system on the volumes is there only for ornament); where books are deliberately hidden or misplaced trend sweeping the.country in this ele~tion year. The N:ational La°wyers q:uild has come to ~revent other students from finding-a particular case or to preserve a specific piece of out strongly against pojnting to increased military belligerence, threats against Thinl choice knowledge for one person; where examinations and articles left on reserve are World· countries, an~ the U.S. government and corporate interests' commitment to stolen by thieves who are enrolled as students at NYLS; where not only ~re the regula- greater world-wide military activity. There has never been a registration without a draft and never a draft without a war. tions _regarding the "ef>nsumption of food and ,drink flouted (which probably: isn't so President ·carter clings to the draft in an attempt to mask the pervasive problems of terrible)·but where garbage and filtfr is left behind on the tables and in the desks (which is · i nflation and unemplo_yment: Currently, these problems create a form of economic conplain disgusting). 1 scription :which force young men and women to enlist in the military to ·survive in this And there is lying. Peliberate misstatements of facts by students in the Letters to the Editor column of this newspaper O\'..er the past two ye~rs. are easily documented. Of countrY.' '!'his conscriptionfalls inost heavily on minorities and the poor. On March 18, the NYLS Anti-Draft_ Coalition and the Guild will coswnsor an course, when you consider the framework in which we operate, it is a wonder that lying is informational seminar cm the impending draft.andits political ramifications in RoomA-302 llot more widespread. We have an adminstration that "refinalizes" a final, final:examinaat 4:00. A Guild lawyer will speak on the.anticipated changes in .the draft'law inclu_dingthe tjon schedule after registra~ion.and then daims that everyone knew the nel" rules when th'is ts just n_ot so. There is institutio~alized falsehood represented by the farce of filing :_ more limited deferments and the limited time in which to file for those deferments. Certificates of Attendance attesting to faithful participation ill all but 10% of scheduled Michael Oden of the Union of Radical Political Economists will discuss the expanding classes. It is easier to· accept signed affadivits that mean nothing than to attempt to military budget and its ·effects on the draft. ,. Blacks Britannica ·change an absurd requirement propagatd by the New York State Court of Appeals. So, Blacks Britcmi1ica is a film that presents an analysis of BritiSh raci,sm i~ a working early on in our careers, even before we.become officers of the court, even while we study · class, black perspective. It 4'as been condemned officially by theBriti.sh gpve.rnrrient as a J.ffbecome ~orth . enqugh to wear"thecloth ~e leai:.rr..thefull-v.alue~ofour signatures. Here ."danger'' and supressectby--court injuncti9ns inthel:J .S. and Englaria: \l{GBH,the public at the seminary· we see t)lat if God is not dead He at least turn His head at, "minor" -television station.in Boston whicli,orjgjmtlly comnpssionfd the !Daj<lng ofth,efilrn,refus~d illfractions. · · · · to broadcast the original version. Tne station. l ater aired a brutally censored version from ·If environment _spapes behavior, consider the climate at NYLS. A publi&hed queswhich the filmmakers and participants dissociated themselves ent~rely. A lawsuit was tion regarding the selectioncof winners in a past Human Rights Review writing competion subsequently filed in federal court against tne television station. · goes unanswered because, despite its allegation of impropriety, it was not "submitted to Blc!ck Britannica will be shown at NYLS on March 24 in Room A-501at4:00. ·4fter the Editorial Board'in a proper manner." A past president of the Student Bar Association evidently expended student funds to send his friends off to a l:fa.sketballtournament; too bad th~t he failed to ask for a vot~ on the _expenditure: Another stude~t leader invented his own meta-fanguage in order.to interpret the school constitution to his own advantage. This author had a piece on the Bologna Law Program deliberately omitted from an issue of E.QUIT AS, so tnat it .wouldn'tinterfere with the whitewash of the summer program.The · allegations of cheating on final examinations seem to be increasing~ Now it may be coming out that the school's administration cover_s up such allegations' and, in fact, treats the students who attemptto correct this situation as criminals. As the tuition continues to rise ~and loan ceilings, grants, and TAP allowances do not) the Dean· of the school certainly becomes no poorer. There· is a widespread belief that the Dean of Admissions, Mr . - --NIKON • Anthony Scanlon, was graced with his position not because of his other qualifications but /QUALITY, merely because he is related to Judge Re. When an allegationis made in EQUJTAS that the iATA anonymous grading system is less than foolproof, a vitriolic attack is launched by a ,PRICE member of the administration at the students involved on the paper. A well-liked profesTHAT sor leaves the faculty and claims that a "climate of fear" pervades the school. And · somewher.e, somehow, a sizable number of students ·with whom I've spoken have developed the queer notfon that; while other law schools build their reputations on the excellence of their student&, NYLS is -building its reputation on the elimination of its studetJ.ts. e»



NatiOl"lal [ayvyers. Guild


The Draft . - ~ Threat to ·Societ!Jt _,· .. c

. The dominant ethic at N;)."~S is not the making of money. It is basic survival. It is an· ethic evidently not covered by the Code of Professional Responsibility (which is beirig revised anyway),_ It is typified bJJ: the attitude that encourages students to.lay low and keep their he!;idS down for three years, to take the degre_e and fun. Survival is not necessarily bad,-but without more it produces people. who simply react to intrusions into their compartmentalized lives. The "more" that has been missing and that ~annot be supplie·<fby a two-credit course in legal ethics is a sense of being, a knowledge of who you will be as a lawyer. When I left Quantico, Virginia, after ten months of training, I knew. that I was ·a Marine .officer. I understood the gravity of my responsibility, both to the Corp~ and to the Marines who would be placed ¥i my charge. I believed in a tradition and a history that I would have to live -~p to and I had a sense of my place in the greater ·scheme oftHings. And I was not alone. Two hundred and fifty other lieutenants left with much the same notion. Our backgrounds were at least as diverse as those at N~LS; we began as individuals and ended as individuals in but one vital.area: our professional responsibilities. In this area, we at least started our careers wi~h a singular philosophy of excellence. _ .. , _ _ , . . .· , . . . . . . · I believe that all us here~at NYLS have already developed our own systems of ,values. These .won't be ch~~ged, but theiraJi?pliqitlon ~oi:ld cett~inly be better rurected if ran attempt were.made td pr~vide'students w1Qi a~ orienta:tion in the ProfessionofLmr'. How can vou answer the basic questions of who you are as a lawyer,and who you should be f • . . . . 5



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