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· Page5
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April. 1979
. . _ by Leon Yapkwich. . . . __ ..... -.--~-.......... At one,t~e-on another you'v~ allsoon.me cnns .: ,. i~gthn>ugh Gil's With..a s~e p~yingon~y. · -, · · . · · -. T!J:; . • ' by Ro . beit.·F •. 'lvia.· '. ·. · ''.. -., n,'oftrain'ed to h~ndle-ahy reque. sts .. pe rtainlips !Uld said; "Hey, th~re ~oes. tnat. w!rie gliy. He Jl!UStihave fun, Jus~ sitting around all - · ·· day drinking' mat.witie and getting loade~."Welllet me tell writing tli~e wine ._-.· As.Lexis apEroaches its-third year at", ipg;Jo-texii:;"cbeyond handing 'thekey or' ;"" ·amcleshaS beenfuugh~ -. ·• " . · . . _· · ~~-, . ·_ NYLS,. its paradoxiea] existence has.be-' ,_, si~up'.Sheefto a user. predominantly .' · -, -. · .· · • ... .,... -« . · . · - "· · . . • • come.'inc:reasjngly _e~de'nt; \vith. us3ge~a.t. ,,off2hours·_use ~f the.system man.dates.that . l'spend J)oUJ'S' talki_J!&-towine ve_ndors and Viiieyaro o'wners/ I. read;do~ns ofarti_cies,. 1 , • • .·. _etmsuI~ eountless bOOlts.,Do you t~ this ~tl~as~yle come~-natUriilly?Itlake&me six . re~~ lev.eJs:~et with ~t~~ api:i~ent com:.. .. , so_meo_ne on the s~l:5e ~pable o~ ass~ti?g hoQrs j-QSt- to hammer out the obvi<YUs glitches. ·Then there's the. · neet unctuation. _mitment by. the. ad~}ration., to . the,'· with.at least the slmpler problems .. .While _ , · · . · . ·· ·, · ~ .. ·. · . ~ P · . · ·· .system. fiexIS, Me.!ld Data Central's leg~.· the:.library' ·is undou9tetlly:.understaffed, . · ,.lnsertiilg the, precISe. word. I .have •to .eall·• multilingu;d mends• ··to check the I • ·•• or:· •.··- compu · t er· -ne-·t.wor · k IS . · a rapi'dl y·evo · · Ivmg· -· ' · the~_..-LeXIS· · , sy''s·tern, 'pro•"des an· lm.porta.nt ·. 1 • • • · • • ••. · ·• • ·• • ,,.. .~rman,orF:rench._ldrawthe_maP.s .. l~nd~eandmoneys.:\:!oppmgfc.>l"'aW!Pebottle · . .. . · ' · . · . . ·. . · ... · ~· - · - -1abeU can soak off the ·bottle hav.e prj.nted in o~er toillu~trate the facts I try to' impart~ and.expanding_d~ta base w?ich ca~ ~rQVIde·:. me~ of gm.rung._ ~cces~ .. to doc~ents • A ""d'-all through the re' · th epronounsan · . . d.descnp . ··· ·.. ti .ons-gen d eressso l. . · rapid . access . to·· fast quantities not available .n.u . . · wn··~i.e:S I t ry_ ·to· · ren d er. . . · · . . ~of · · which. · · 1._·. are A.dd": · · m'· the· NYLS · . -·.lers.of·ei'ther ·ma··· 1·d·..• ,~;with . 1 · ~....... _.-~ ·.· · t' ti' . ·. . . · · information. . . ·'. · .· . - r stac.lU). , itionally,_ v~dalized_ .and :nus~. .· , reau . . sex y enw.c.r . my c ever.cuan,ci.e:r cons rue ons.. _ A NYLS h .. h L . · ;. · · if als · ail bl L · · · Now ,,what am I supposed'io do ~h!!n my editors change (albeit v.'ery sJti}lfully) whan . . . btl . . ' . owhev~r, tlac.ekin·e~s~?stem: . ~~g ~ourcbees., ·.. . edo ~vt . alie o~ f e~, can consider umm.·p. rovable . . h. . ., w·hat -·. h enproiessors ~ . thirik .. resem an, . t"h hg ·lto""'n auquate . '"ways . ·.P · uDct:u at"ion. orwo. r d.·c.01ce. . . d o ·Id · o.w · ..es. ~ t• orp .;..:1· ... ~ · t'h· lib pnut ·" · ou .m eu o gomg to , my articles a,re "snotty" and clas$mates ~k niewhy I .~:ion't revie~ th~ir f~v~rite BEER'!' manag~men m ocue• •0T ·. e sc_ 00. iWlY. ·· · ano er· rary. · WhatdQ Hlo when my ~eridS" tell me the~ saw my picture inEQUITAs but didn't.want to _read the ~icle l>Eicause it was .toO long?J cfon'fdo an;Ything; thereis nothing ieft tO do but get drtink and forget' about it: - ,_ · · · . · · ·;r. ·• . • . · -:-: • : .· But for you, niy beloved, readers, who ha~e read this far atiji plan to read on, you; .wh.~se small bits ofi.nterest and l~y~ty make all my work worth it, fol' you I will explain_, · evef11.a,_s I fall drqnkertly gutter-ward, what you need to know about the wines tliat will hel.p y9t'.rAfollow me there.. . ·~ · ·, ·. · · · ·. · ~ ·· ·_ . Ifyou're going to<get dn:ink and forget al>Out somethfug, \\'hat's _the use of buying • Cbambolle Musigily "71? ¥ ou start buying. that stuff and you'll go baillrrUpt before your· senses ate e.ven· diilled. What we are interested now is wine from the reahn where Quantity riiles over Q\Iality. W~ ~interested iri~~hat I caU~"powe; wines", of which . "Th1:1nderbird", ")ID 20:.:20", ''.Night Train Express'\ and '~ild IriSll RQse" are well~ knoWn examples. '· · · · . . . ...,. .. How are these Wfilei; made? Where do they Qriginate? What are some of their characteristic qwilities? WHO eARE8?.!! There's only one thiilg you want to-know when · you're headed for Stupor City: the Alcohol Content; ~ _ . · _ . Witti your C.hian~1 Ol' your ·Burgm:idy, you're gettirig_ l4% alcohol~if you're luc~. Power: .wines. lire-between 19% and 20% iilooholi and to make yoitr se1ection easy1 or ·. l,Ulimpoftant, the ·pOWer wiriei;mentioned abOve are all priced the Same. ($i.90/tifth, tax.
·:s. a·
t:alian_ . ,.
fuel ..). . . It Will
say farewell
- '
. :. .
to my Impressionab!e Companion, DiSarining · Stranger, and Alluring lQ'~w Stucient, who fulye unkriowirigly piilcked symphonies on m.Y, - . heart.strings for the last three year$. And when that time com~, there Will be nQlbing-lefl..~ to do bUt get drurik and forget'a.oout it. l{you too Will misS an 1£, DS, or ALNS, I'lf°in~t y_ou:. . . then in tile" gutter, with a pa~r-bagged po_wer wine in my lfunq. . . 809D be .time to.
.. .
Prof.• Jan_,·~tTracy researchin..... on Lexis ·· · ·=-
. - ~neftt fr0~-1t8 l)~$eD~~ ternrlruil~is. ~. " .The' adv~tages of J"'e~ for, certain . - · 1ocatea on the eighth floor of 57 'Worth, the : research,. as as the fu.st semester sign-up·sheets:aiid_key are:on~the nin~h . -traiJiingrequirfi!ment;h~vel~dtoYeryhigh .. f~ ' · f . · · · · · · ·. · · . · · · . " floor," and the Lexis system is under the Lexis usage ratesfo the past year. Despite . The. Co'uncil on tl,te Enviro~ent, a· month;a sp¬ aker·-will1Je~coming toNYLS •nomin~ direction.of Professor Janet Tracy, .. · m1nilruil summ~r.u~e, from Sept . .1977 to' . ·recent addition to the NYLS com:niunity, - ·to lecture onJitigatj~n procedures to pl'e- - whose_. office .is in ~47 Worth. Logistical· :_July~ 1978,;NYLS average<l}(tt ~o\irs ~r ·soUci.ts student suppor!; w further its goals. _ventruicle;ir power plantco~truetlon. The prQble:rp.~ are inevitable; ·~ . · . 111.onth .• While. J ~.llai-y 1~8 and ~f.ebruary . , , TheCoun¢JseekstoprovidethelawJ>ChOQl _.C~uricil hr pres~ntly contactll.ig·govem-" . _ ~· ' . . 1978 c0mbined to only .123.hoi.irs, the first - · community with legal and sci~nt.!fic ihfo,r-.' meQtal agencies and environmental orgam~. . · Profess<ir Tracy served with Mead for. · two months o~ 1979 doubled that usage, ... rnation on env_ironmental issues, tO provide , iations to · set .-.up· res~li, ·projects: for ·several years, and handles many of the de- with 257. hours of Lexis time.' This in., . . . support lawyers and organizations en-'" cquncil members:-: _Next· seme~ter',, the· tails .regarding the system. However, her ·creased utilization has overburdened the . . gaged in enVfronmental .litigation, and ~, , Council. plans~ to ttold i symposium on a · schedule does not permit· her to become_ facility and. sign-up time. is often unavail- ;.. . train its members-for adv.ocacy int.he field ')"elev:mt env~ll!!lel!tal issue. _ · · fully involved· with the daily· problem~ able. As a result, the weekly limit on 'stu. of environmental _law. . . - ,:' : . ' . . . :. .. i . . ·~ which .. students . may. have with _!!le dent usage has been reduced from three ·. The Council is publishing a newsletter· Stud~nts .. interested in· bec~g in- ·. machirie. ·She fear8 that some problems go _ hours per student to one hour. this mon.Ui, des~gned to· iiifo~ NYLS-. volv.ed?in !YiY- C?uncil ~ivitie~;urged ·· . unresolved for -weeks before sh~ learns of · - ·. ~_!We ~ead ~ata Central has over 100 commumty about recent en.VJ!Ol?Jllental -to.attend Couricil m~tmgs, generally held_ them.. _ . termmals placed1n NYC alone, the firm of- . . events and th~ir impµcations. Later this: on ~ednesdaysat 3_:00 P.M: · . ,,.. . The desk personnel in the libracy are fe_rs NYLS a generous discount.· In ex. · · '' · "' . charige, the school certifies that all usage is · for academic research, and agrees to av:oid .~using the machine during peak hours, frOril . 2-5 p.m. on weekdays. Our monthly charge ·for Lexis is only $660, a fraction of the cost paid.by law firms and·agencies for similar ·usage. An alternative system, Westlaw, · developed by West Pul.)lishing Company, would. 'cost several. thousand dollars more per montn that the· Lexis system. While Westiaw offers. some features which are not yet incorporated. into Lexis, the latter 'aI¢ offers !lOme advantages. . . . ', ~ . An option currently :available the ~--,;_, .. school is renting an.additional Le~ termi:: nat The cost would be 0nly. $460 per month . ·and would lessen the problem ofavailabil- . ' Jty; The added expense would~ more than · : off&et by the benefit. toJ"aculty mElmbers students, who would l;>e encoµragea to .. · :utilize· t!µs. legru .resource. ·coupled with ·· · strongeJ< management 'of Lexis, another :
· ·~
Env:i:vonmen-tal ·llaw .at- ·NYES
) and
· .. would .. te.rminaI NYLs.· · l~=~=;;~~~;iiii=;iiiii~;;i~;i;;;i;;=;;;;;;;iiiiiiiiiiiiii=iiiiiiiiiii;i;;iiii;;;;;;;;iii;iiii;iiii;;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii;;iiiii£1.
facilitate' legal research at .
·~ Page ?
· ....
_-! •
New Yor:k-(:~fy, at sia·t1er l:tilt~n, , 7th Ave. &33rd St: - -.. ."-
• ,PMBE's-THE BEST-'· 'fl,~ . . ,'
> ·~
ERi'S. wnv: . '. : _: -
~ercentage of stu~~nts, _who attended our June/Juiy:1978 Prelimi~ary Mujtistat~ Baj, E~a!!lination · Seminars~ s'°'ccessfully passing their .respective State bar examinations*: -. . , . ....
.-:.--Alabama:· 88% Missouri: 92% ., · -. Arkaosas: 92.o/o Nevada:86% California: 82% · New Jersey: 11 % New Mexico:.·100%. Colorado: 88% ·.North Carolina: 100% · Connecticut: 90o/O .. Otiio: 85% .: . Delaware: 72% _· . . - . . · Oklahonia:.:100%: .· - Distr-ict of Columbia: 88% :· - Florida: 80% · Oregon: 94°io ·. Georgia:--78o/~~ _·P.e~osylvaJlia: 100%, Illinois: 86% --_ .· Tennessee: 88% \ : · Texas:~95% · ~. Kentuclty: 82%. . Virginia: 08%, ' Maryland: 80°1~·. -Ma~sachusetts: 85%~ / ·wisconsin: 100%. .. _ · Michigan: 86% >---- "" .. ,. . Wyoming :Jl3% . J_,Jssj~~ipp~: 94% ·-·.._/..
- \
.. J ·""""-~.
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-:sta.tistics-are b~sed on·~1.1 studentsreleaslnq their respective-state bar .exam resµlts to Multistate Lega~ Studies, Inc. .• · · ., . - . - · . . _
. · __ ENR-OLLM-ENT,·.:F'E'E~ $125,
pa·~a-blEf to . . ~~- ', )Vtu!tist~te·~~~gal'Sfud'fes,r_(ric: · .. · · 743 ·spruce St.,--Philadelphia, P~· 19106 . .. :,"·. . · · (~15L925-4109. · -. ~ :, .-J
- -~
, , •,
, c.i kiss to Mary
'n, a.k.a. Susan
her .' . . on t want _ o get ~.y· wife or r». enjealous!) -, . . --. -'fo-the news ~taff 'emd.Dennis Gagn~n. ·.~ewE~:litor-in-Ghief, goodluck, .. you ore . -. ---- _,,..,., ·oing to need it. The school's Administration is going_---to occuse-you of being' .too harsh. "
.r-~ ."
, · ', (pleas~ftu~·topagefourteen)
\: .
·-~ 1
l" ·--.;
.. -
.. --
· A.Pril, 1979 ,
Page 15
'some of my fell~w editors are liaving similm:~-~~olbut fhreedeons'to a school, now ever}new ·' Gil's. '.At:thevery.least/ NYLSwill always be c .. ': difficulties~ I th~k:.-the~JSest·way tq_' handle < position. is"not. "rear: viitliout a correspond- · the fli~nd~ Lc;mne:to;lm.o:wdheSecond Floor· . this.spaee v.r.ithoutbecomirig:los~)nstyle Is: .ing title.~Perhaps my,complaint is properly· will merelybecome.whet if truly is, omem- ·• . ,·. -simpJy to.-~ 'through -colleetion, of. my. (;lireeted at JUnerica 1979-where triple word- ·ocy of hikecuremicetcrbelaughed~tdurinq" ~ · tlfouglits.about_NYf.s.. · . · · '. ! ... titles are .manda~ory. Nevertheless.': Iriusf -nostalgic·moments. · _Tobegin, 1 sh'.buld. stctrt'with my begin-··. NYLS·fol! prey to:_sc>ciarwhims?.I thinknclt·. ·-.· .·.'of thelcw ,Xqm:only.cis·knowledgeable. ning here; Aside from the tunci sandwicl;i'the An: institution pf' legal. education should- as :mY. ability to understcmd .its fast paced .' A~ministration p_rovidEKI~.o_iientdtion .Was q .. stand··steadfast·agaihst such' irrespoiisibfo . ·changes;'-we are 'the. people Lewis .Carroll .:.· - ·functfonal w~ste.·-,. :t:tost ·st_ude~·ts· woultl. trends_andfollow·a'niorerecisoricibl~fcourse: .. spoke of, who-run-ns-fcst-cs-we can only to _- ..'. agree that: gathering.300new ·stuqe_nts·for'.:2 · ·. ·· It would be the easy wqy out to efid'this -· stay in ·the. same;plas_e. N?W:• .on the eve· of ., (now 3) d~s ~c~omp~ishes-nothing save· to .. column· with· a vig(?rous laml:>astmg-<?f tlie,: graduatio~.-th~re st~ds.~e~or~Uie worl~ an ·_. provide·tl~:einitial ftiel'to fi~estµdent distru$t · Second FlOQ:r;;· but i}is·~ally proper-tohigh- ·.aspiring,: _ la,,Jyer. delicately: balanced on a· and di.Sre'spept toward the A~lnjstration. light some'ot·.my ·pet<peeves'regardjng,.my .. silken threshold of the seamless-=web.I only · ·. wds. it neces~ary.lo- cc;mipel our attendemce. 'follow ..; sttid~nts' '011· :,ih~ 'way towcirc;l ..~--the. hopeJhat 'distance ofthe·run, y.re do):iot ~- .. ~ ·. ~ . .,... .. . - . irlJhe . . · to liste_nto.. the over:..inflatedegos of ·the ad-: . ::~o:-~t of.this,column: ·~ .:.~ :~·: · '. ~-- · ..- - for.get what ~exists off the web, for the l<Iw . ministrators?.The~swe{.was:''NO'.:;-~a in-· ~-- · ~H(IVey_o}i:~~er_notifecf the inconsid~r-,\i~oi~ted_from,life,·isJn~_eeddeadly:,·.<·' st,aµtly NYLS. and· the· Clas_s-·61- 1979 begqn . ateness .and : sheer, unreasonableness of · · ·· ·. · .· - · , ·.:, . , · · :-, .· '._ : _·•·• · · ·. · . ·· ... their ,relationship with· vqgue 'feelings~ of- s.Ome_of)our fellow·students? For fustab.ie,·. ~. '!~D;-'.' . ·.. . : . m,i.iniosity: · : · . -~ · . . ·. ' ·. ·_ ·- _. ~n47W9rth.~whe:r~acubidel.iial6bbysei-v-···. > ... , ,~-- ~nard.Ross: '. ·~ · ~·'My philosophy. :\!hen Lcame liei:e; was · ihg.trafficfromJow:.directions; ·plus· pt.iblic. , '. ·~~>~ll~ioil~McDjagerEmeritua· · to. leam the Jaw .Wid to~CIVoid. th<;1t which· phoI).es; OK the building is p00rly designed·· prev~rited m!3 from doing~so. However; after ··(I'm sutpri.se4 it has Fire .Dept: clearance),; that initiakonta.ctwith the ·Administr.ationit l?ut:if;_it neces,sa!f for thiiiking people to stop ~.. · Jaec~~e·cl~r that the Aaminfstration and : in the 3 foot. doo~~s for a chat ~~-make,_ -. •, ·the po~icies it su_gported too -Often became matters worse?_ How cibOutriding .the eleva. o~stacles on that phiJosopliica1 r~d: It is a }or w!tli the perso~·whq i,s ''.only9olngdoyvn" .. · sad state of affairs when the Administration and·refu~~s to put out the cigarette after po~_~ .. . of ari-eaucationa:J institution views itself as_' -utelyd:>ei_ngtold you can'f br~athe? I've got-:' · .. ·more important than th:e.students and fac.: · ten better treatment on the "D" train .. "I liesi.: . ulty of the institution. Although·a full narra- tote.to tliink that our fUture lawyers at NYLS · tive of the lore-oJNYLS Wars is too long for are representative. of ·the society they' (Ire· . th~s cqlumn, nhinkjherea~ae:r-shouldlcripw . sup~sed.)o'be.seiving,~ - . -. of-sue.h things as~the "fight for Haines Hill''.." . -11}~§e of. you . who !lave ailigently_.' .·. the,"d_efecit-q.t PessenPoinf';and the."consis- searched. EQUITAS.... for "news. of ·the ·nEtYI ~ ~.tent conqu_estof.C,on Law". - . - . - . . . . ~ buildil!g have pr~oo}Jlywondered now such'. . ·· The~~:r;sttwoincidents reflect ~ narrovV:-:- · a _tot<J1tlac;:k-of new dev~~(?p~ent~regaidi~g ~ a; .... _ _ ._' '"91inQ.edAdministration-pol~g_gf.Jiiringpro-_ the new-lmWi.center. each mon~ltbe p-qt in,.. ·'· > • ·. · . _ >· - : .. _. ' '_' fes~~s basecl uwn· strict-·iesume require:. - new ciettti'.vew<IYs: -t:c~anonly telryou tliat it'. This·is· iUAii>exgetience tliat·lfasDeen filled .. · ' , . . . ments without ·que··reg<irdto the 'applicant's. was no(easy>Jne ·latest ffo~ithe grapevine. . with cl~ ;fuuoh' ariguish as joy: 1'.Pe jo'y,'has· . ability -to leach. -Teaching,' like tiidf'advo- ·is a propbsed.grouriQ'-Dreaking this Decem- come from many 9f the warm. relatfonships_ ·Cacy, -is ·an art; 'the technicalities 'mgy -~ ·bei;:~ presumt:ilily_on. the parking lot.tMY.}?ref··-. that] .have f<?rtn~ these wst thfee y~s. · .. ~learn~ after·c~n.sider~_leworlf, b~t.the ta!.:,.··, d_iction~ go to Atl?~ti~ 91ty{ i~ 1~·? .saf~r ~t( ... mici t~e anguish from ·the •tedious aspect· of. · ented teac~er IS Innctte1y·c~le. 9f~captur- , NY1Son the,parkmg lot; unless Its adnve'"m ~ law school. .- . . . . · · · . . . . . ing~ tne imagination of :Students;·without _ law-~chool (what'ano-imiovatton);:~liould·be. · AlthoU:ghmy time isshc:>rtiarid my .con-· ~- icn:igling 'keys 'and · calli~g ·for -voll~ybcilr . fprgott~n.~I-don'ts!:lrwe~9-on'frie0d-it,.we do. - centration at an all time fow, Tll try to share:. , .. games. Unfortunateiy, though t}ie· Second· Nor:do 1· say~ that the. _lot i~ n·or techn'ically. some of my feelings abouf the past three ·· . , . '1• Floor e,"qUatesa rec.entJDfro'ni H~ard,.Yale. _'corr~ct: it is. However the 'pcn:king lot is 'not years. l would like to end ,'ori a happy note, '• .or Co.Iumpia~w:ith, riatur~:d·tegcliing·abilitY, ·'-opoli~ically correct and t_hatis the key', ThEi .· therefo,relwill deal-with my negative feel. · foo often no correlation exists. Thetemay be ·reason for a new·1aW- centeristo Cirawatten~· · ings first:· · - lio~; the Administration m(;iy have learned tion to' NYLs (nofNYU}and build our i:mcige. . _ :·, · · "" ·· -i from :Past experience, ai; severaV'incomP:t-- ..· IIi a world wnehidomi ~dipse$'substance, ci. ., ' ~- About NYLS once this school gets tent turkeys1'--no .longer fin~ a per~h at fhe, . bu~lding Ollthe parki:t?-glot (50' 2( 2qcl') is a'µ ovedts schizophrenia; it COl;lld become a hel.po_di'um.:Perhaps quality t~ar;hers will be error primarily . because .the bulk of the : lqva school. The _schizophrenia I refer to is hired and retpined in ·the future. The imi)o:t-·· ··school 'can:no,t ~ seen.'~ far as the N~_w . the school's practice of spending time and tant p.oint however; .is, ilth,e professor is no. , York Times will ·be concerned, NYLS will m;oney selling the pUblic on the idea of an g_aoo,~COMPL:AIN. A pp;s_si~estud~iit bOdyis .. merely-be adding another ·so foot.'storefronf .. "Urban Law School" while_ they continually . just what jhe Seeond Floor would like.•.. to~,our -Worth,.Street. -facilities. The story, direct all of the school placement facilities at . . · · · - · · · .· _·_.. - . -~ouldbecorisid~rap~differentfoi:theNYLS putting out Wall Str~et.attomeys. I do not &out _the: Administration itselt; -·ljke - . ·image werG the. new law center. to front on . disagree yvith the school's policy of wanting. moi;;t organizations .today.- there mu~t: be : 200'feet of Broodway;·the Times might even t<? coinpete for the Wall Street . positions, some· mec~anism_to run daily ~~fc;xits. ~t: -printourname'cofrectly.·.•· ., . · howeverldodisagreewiththeirapproach.It :.~s .. the-_Second_ Fl_oor~d its d~rivcitives_ - ·. the nieantim~ ~e·aie'to -~ contenr. is my position that if NYLS wants to be are not·a cause for celebratfon. It l3eemsthat with our three.buildin§S on Worth Street.and.· · ·Harvard or, Columbia then they should direct tliesU:pport.staffisgen~rdllycoill~tentt~do_ the_ ~~wledge that:de~pit~ th_e.critic:;isms . all of their ~nergies to"'1ard achieving that ·:the' job, :however,., the - school is overblowµ,· · ancl consistent -misinformation-about NYLS,-~ ·end. As it stands now neither approach has ·.with ~deans and dir~tors who ar~ too inter-;· ·and de!:;pite.:tlie'Sec<Jn~Floor b'linglez:i;. who . been developed to its potential. The students . esteg_ in mak_irig- _themselyes 'appec:ir plecis- ? p!}rporl.tO 'PE!.prof~ssionals,.we owe!t: to qui_" .. · ·at NYLSare as competent. as arty group any., · ing to the outsider wfthol;!tredlly a~v:emc!ng sely~s .to recogni.Ze-wliat,._yve ~e.- Call ine ... where in .this coµntry, and if given a chance - the gµality of NYLS_. Iiishgrt, the·Aamlni$t:ia~,-· naive'if Y<?tf lik,e;" nut ·the ~)1.~~fhing t;hot is , to shi~e they will shine. The !\dministration 'Jlon ~unds~ fOriri. witnouhealsW)!:!tCm-c~ .. ·right a.00u,t tliis ~~}ibc)lls.the·stµ~ent:pcxiy: .. i~'alienati.rig that :Portionofthe sh,1dentbody : I .. refer _:to· th~ unwhoJe§ome deanf_la~iori' WE are NY.I!S• -F;'oi: mys·eit ~~e'J~ma,rkable. . which co.uld do the most forit. . · . ·:which·:t:tastecently-oc_cµf~; 1~:it nec_essarx.to;, f~iends"fi6I1l_B,attiirigS~iQp·!G',~lqs~ofl979 :":. < : . A.Doufthe ~ople.~ .. .I will cherish many . create deanships ~erely beCause :another . ~qnd ·EQUI'!.Jf~~: -h~~ Jef~· ~e ~i~h goO(l.~mo"', · olthe:relc:dionah~psthci(I,hc::xvefomied here. I '· schoo~ chooses to nin:its,-adininistrati9n·!n · ,mentsligntJy,~pr}I,iRlesf'ovetJhe·,genera:Ldis:··· fee~ piivilegedto.li(IVe met people like Judy . - such a titular.fashion? There was onc;:e a:time · gust wh~ch;perin,eates all !3levations. above-~ ; . , · ,·. · . . .. ... . (plea~ ~umt~ pagesixt~~>
$ ••
'I .
· . April,1979
. . . . . ter, more effective voiee in1.he. Adrninistra-_ , To the Editor: . . . :· Yo"i=k State; Our purpose in creating COPsimply do whataver.we feel to be.in the bes~... ti~n. ln !he final:anaJ'ysis,it is t~e quality oJ-. _ · I am ~tfug-t9 resµo'na to Andrew-: S_AR i{ to - ihform students in ,graduate.
illterests of the student body. Rather, With, the l~adership that is-more important (as FraDlilin's:- letterthe· ¥st _ edftion of .schools as to the facts.concerningabortion , "neither ptirse nor sword,:'. our effective- ~ell ~ more effective) than the particular E,QUIT AS. Mr. Franklin, a candidate for and t~e proposals pendingthe State Legis- ness '!ies in· our. ~bility.,,to persuade:. Witli diVislqn_from which the Vice-President or~ . SBA President, suggested that:the SBA be lature which· threaten ·a woman's right to - reason, Witn intellect, with arHrmative a<!-~·~. other officer hap ·~ ris toComes.· '. divid~ into'aDay'_andR!J~Eveii'ingd~Vision. .,,; ~<iOse.~OPSAR also provides means'for ·. ~,,... tion if the situafion~~wres.-And herein .:.. " - . ~ - " ~ Execµtive C<!.unCil W-hile-thiS·sugg~stion.hasa·supei1J_<;_ial ap-::., _ mterest~ students__who"-are pressed for -s: - lies the sfrengt;h_Qf~he current SB,a. Effec-:,, . _ . !:?tudentBar:ASsociati~n - peal; it belies alack-Ofunderstimdingof the· -_tµlie. to P,.articip,3.t~.ii:t. effective lobbying _ · tiv?~es~andg09(1 le~ership, not oo~n- ~.· : , ~ · · problems ofUie SB~ I•i Ne.w Yo~k_Law_. ~1:1~tt-~r-~,ting~campai~ on_~~Y,~ills~ , tatlo!} and ~narchy. ·· . _ ~· , · · · JI'o the Editor: . _ School_:- · · __ . . . · -:: . . ~ · . We are.comriuttedto mamtaimngfree- ' · · f 'Mi. Franklin feels tliat seP.arate ,, ·· · Mike Soltis'sMarch EQVIT AS arti~le;· . ~ All-the.students need a sing!1t-Ujilfieµ" . · dom .of· choice· in :the matter of aoortion. iovernriient .for the da:r. and evefiliig.divi- · ~'Geqige_ ~ashlliiti>n' and, .tbe· Nl!tionaf voice)o pjesentoothcreat!yesuggesfii>ns'· Recent':court·decisions_are.,l€gisfative.acts ~ sion!)·:-would· benefit t~e_en~ student"'-'Labor Relati~ns Bo;ti'd:;~:make~wh~t},,.,~--;for.t.n~ifupro".:ei!}e~tof the•_schoobµ1d'CQr- · .· ha~e. ~hipwd: a.wa§' at' hard-won· rights: ~y, tlien h_e.could !U)v!!and ~~owdJiave·· ·lleve to lie,~ erron~us anq confusm~as.- ·reCt1v~meas~s,forstudents who are uu- ·Since the passage of the lfyde'Amimdment comeJ.othe meetings and broughn_hetopic _SWl1J)tion. He-:PQsitS union ·repfysentation, faii-1y tre~ted: 1(-theSBA h~ failed tO rep- · . whlch cut off federal 1fuiids.for afurtions into a .forwii . whe.re sometbiilg :&>hld ~ e~µons~as "similar to-political elections'.,. resent all-stuqents, day aii.9 evening; then . ,_which' were not "medically necess:acy:" all . done,frankly, we feel that suclla'proJ>Qsal '(Wo adverSarie~rin .his aiialogy, "the 'in-· our eft:ort inust be to.tilld ~way to biiri'gtne· · ·out. 6 states hav~. enacteq sinµlarly,resiic: would create niore.prob~ms~qi~udtWOW~ '~~umbenr_,employ:er"atjd ''th~- 'challenger' .. knowl~ge ang exP,erience of th'e evening.. tive Jaws: New Yor~ still provide!,> I\1edisolve:and, .woul~ le~ to·mor.e..alienatiOn,· ', 1mion,".Y,iefor.v~~s. ~s thiswllilta UQion .st~dents.togeJlier ~th th~ e~th'!sJasm(!f ,·~d: funding for aooitii;ms alth'Oiiih the< ho~·less. Th~ P;1'0ble~~d.issuest~Uhe j~~~sen~tionelec~iori'iSSll ll~?,\? . :· .. 'the day student&': . - ·_ ·~ .. ;• ~ ... ; ··: ' .~Corip~llyamendm~Jit.(New'~ork's ve~{on. ~B:A,haS_ b~n ~v~I~~ ~tfi-·'a!E('~hgse .~~t. • · .. Althoµ~nt~e Board.haS pe~tte? and'· · - '!he SBA ~eeds f~e.pa.rt1c1p~ti~n~fthe~ .otthe ]!~de'Aihendmepttwas.al?postpas·fBtl'ect all stuClentsiilfke. ,iiayand:everung:, .:qas regu!at&temployermvoJv~mentm lln-- eve.~g . students at . its-: ~eetu~gs;. Tl!e · ~ last year an4wW be 'C'onsidereo-bythe , No program or act~ons tak~_!i, have -ever - ion , representation.. ele.ctloris;'~employers · iqeetmgs sho~d,,thererore, be .scn~uled. . "'"Legis,latureoofore.ii vote~~nthe ne:\V bu(I; . been·'exclusiv~1Y~.;f?~ day_~tq~· s_hould_d>e~prohibite<f tro~ any involv~· -~ ~com<>2a~}>othsets of rep~se~t:~ ··get. Other prop<)~<befgreJlie.Legisbi::., · de!ltt""'There IS Ji<>-'-see~gly. msd!uable went. Wli~nballots offer cnoiceamong U!}- ,t~ves. '.flfe ~pecial n~s.oJ!~eevenI?~ dlVl- ture this' term inc1tid~.bW, iiquiringdoc:. . .· p~o~em". o~ ~n~~g m~tings oonve~~~~rniit an·emplOy~lochecli: ''no s~on.i;~ouldoe preser_itedto the ~nnniStra-__ tq~·to 'pare~ts·of ffiin?!S ·'Yho seek ~. ruent_ to both. ~Y an~t evening-stu~e~ts~ ;uruon'l, 18'tne ell!ployee votmg for tlie em-_ tio~ as part ofthe ne¥s o{the stude~t ~Y. :a@rliollS, iµid a call fora FederalQqnst!tu- _ · .our~many m~tings t~~t Y~-~v_e·:'!~loy~f?T;~ep~seofauino~~re8enta..: ·asawhole._ i;'. :. , ..... _'~-~,.:-, ~tiona}Conventi~n'.dou\vilirec~thatt~. been well attendedtiy active and conceme<V t1on.:...electlQn IS' to choose a uruon rep- . · For example,. sq1!1e ;e~ellll!gstuqe~~ ·· last convention was held in 1787 ancJ. sup- , representa~iv~·rrom;th~ e':erung division.~~ ~htative~or- tO choose ~t to tie rep-· hav.e told m~ that tbei:e IS a pro~lem wit~ ' plies us fe,;.·gjotind rules foi:.a modern ver. .:X. Yet<,0111'. chief complaint IS that Mr'. Frank- .. resent.ed by a union.,The employer ~.not a the short lib~ ,hgw:s. on wee~ends,_~t'Sion. Such ·a Convention coul~ well over- · . --~ _ lin' haS nev~r co~n~.the.SBA ~~Y: , party to.the election_. : ;_ '-;... ·".-· wee~en4s~-~hen- o~y-;.t1meof ~~ss to ~· tfil:n·~a \v~inM;s tenuously-1\eld right tO :u1~~ ~aited wi~ht~ m oroe~to~~ an • ~. _ Mr. Soltis's analogy.might be ~ore~ap;. t~e library. ~ req_ue~t:slio~d~ C!)UPl~ en~~ aoof!i~I!·. ·• . :: ; _ . · -- - r JSSuem hiS_~p~gn ~rilil. ·. plicable wllen employers and employr;;es wiffi other .~ugg~s~io~ for th~ 1mpro~e .. ·Base'd o'n.-thetremendous~outpoUring ·l'he fuither:accusation that the SBA-IS through their freely cliosen -union enter ment oHfie libl'!ll'Y,-e.g.' enforcmg:~liere: f rt~ ·h· NYLS t d t · f: ult ''dominated" .by day students·is~a.IsO·er- . 1·n~to·coll.ec"~ve i,,.,..;...::...; ; g _2 an arena· sqelJ'ing requirem.ent,"obµrining currenL'· otaff_suepod -..l--..?: ..:"'t . t' ~ u en s, atcl·ttey, · o;:z&;""'., • ·~ • ••• "' UCU.EJ~ ~ ·• boo:Ks d "od'cals · ialized . ~0f s an CJ.U.11ww:; ra 1onmow:recen e r '< ronf!()US: The-S~A: IS repre~p~ti:ve,..Wlth where the parties a.re' fu ·rui ad:vers3rial re- . ' - ·.an pen. I . ~n spec . ~~ ~drive COPSAR is .a badly needed organi-' .. Class .representatives el~ >from class i~ . -hi-.. Th - n1 1-:~ . . ' ·.. law,_·. ·and .· lm}!rovmg, .. the.. -.,physical . ·. ·; , ' ; . . . ··.. . -~,.......... . both"'- .d·.,..·· . ·1io~·u· . ti'on"' , rations · . e o y.. bwig dcommon -~ e_nVll'Onmen . ' t .·. . . , . - ., . . . . , ,. - zat10.n. ';!;'he lettei:s signed ..P.Y ~y. LS COl]l °""'"!<msm 1VIS1ons. uomma . · P..· liticid . . . . . . _ . ..., . ,. ... 1 ismeartttoreleirtothe·fiCttHaUhe-Cl:irrent.:~~~n ~~-~t~ons,..,,ai:i · tµnoq rep-· · ·The proP!)sed division-of-the_~BA is -~~muty- membe~ "';ere pe~onally de.. oB·A ..,. Pre.- _.d- t ~ ·d· ''t _._, ·t. h -resentation ~lections-uithat the¥ are::-ootH . not a so ution and iii met wohld contrioute live~.to tne legislators on ~arch 13th by . c-0 . ,y<IeeSI en IS a ay s Um.:n , e elections -.. ' . . . 30 . . tat' . f COPS"'AR d •t• ·_can only f~tftaiteredthat m$ is. · · ·": -~ · · Jeffrev'&Ufm~ ·to the prob!e!p. ~e:.n~ a,tinified ~oic.e to · , represen 1v~s. ~ . · . ,.n. an s u- , tfi' · htto · · te "d - · ti " fth · · ,,. represent"students more'than ever To', dent sup~ners.Among the 13 schoolsw,e .:..ouS:gBA Dcre~, '1 _odn. ::. .l Cl~ of1981 sugge8t divisionof'tlie SBA in liaht of.our .. ~preserity·O~er"...7 ;5Q(Jletter8 we.:.e signed.' . tll'e • arue ""uavez was u•.r e eci.tru. ~ . ~ ,.. ~ · ~ ·. · . -R · · ·rail f: bl , d · · to -the ~offi~ of. Vice-President - ·a ·Ta the EditOr: _ _ currendack.Qfunity indicates Mr. ·Frank.: ... - ·~_act~ons~w:et:e._gene ,J· avora . e, li?, rep~iten~tiv~lect-o(. the·-~vemng divi-:- - :·: · Mru:iy,!;~ to'~·~h~ w_!io.}lelPen·t'9 lin:& ~kohw~ness ~f-~micipatlo~: ~e.we~ ~~le·.to m~~t-manY .of the-I~~- . sioi?whileaneveningdi'Visions~udent.~. ,:.~rnake.Th'e:~ec<mii SeCcmdAnpU!J-l NYL~ this.pastyear. _ · .. · ... ;·.- · -':?wito1;~Jietl~~the~t~~~hef-§~J:d:ft· . "ln,· Mi: /f.~'s . "8ece'ss1oriiSt's"·.- . wue' a·-grea! slicces~---:- cas~. _cre~~_and 'I' ._V1_nc!nt:O'Hara ' ps •. o. ; J:.Pre~n_ ~es ~ VISI .. ~ ' vie'!s,_he ~s'forilt over, substar}C\f."H.e - 3!1di~lk-e( . . . . . - ll'.' -~ • • ·_: · ~~ • ......,. _ . • :..- ,, , ~ . •. · :. · Medi~~ ~ding~o~aoortio~ woµldbe 11!<. ~xploits.t,t1eartificia1 .:'division~ ~tw~n . ·. Andi;hank y~u E'QUITAS ~o.rpromot-. . :r_: . , . ~ . _; , , ·. _. ; . , . ~l·~~~,mt~ year;s_~mdge~. ·,• . . ~ -~ day-and ev~ning ~t;.Jentir whien,~ifoon~: Tug t]ie_ produ~~1on.·.1 appreciate .your:· Totne Editor;./ ~ ~-"''.- "?. _, .... . ,. ..-·- .. ·~ <"".' .· ; .~bb~g le~Jato~ IS an lmJ>?.~t . tinu~. _Will de,:> irreparaole. ha'nrl to the. -i. suppbrt. -, ..._ - -· - :- _; .. ' - ·Th~ C~alitiqn.of:Rn?Jessional.S.tude~ts.:·aebv1ty,,which S~_?uld l>e. dime:by an. CltiN~YLScommunil~.Mr. Frimklinruscitakes · . .,,.~.c -:> , . , . . . - ·/Sincerely:,_ for_.'~~rt1on~·R1~hts,.;:.-.<C<?P~~R)(was ~~i:i;i. -~ut .· espe~uµIy ·~y att_orneys and pot'shQ~:a~tlieSB:Awittio11t tellln.g~hoW:-...,.;~,.,,. : - _ r·':-- ::. ~~m B~dfon ·fo~ed~m'thdallof 197~-m 1:~po~ 19_the . ~t.~o~eY,s.:;tp~~. ~ fy:ure . lawy:rs, we separate' go•·vernmeritwould lead to abet- ':':;_ . ;:......- · -~ ':'·' _· . !SO_~tiog.A . <;ntlcal ·status of. abortion nghts ~-·~e)V l_iave ~vested m~ere.stm supportinglaws ·-= "" · ~ ...;_· >· - - ...-· ; ' · · ' • / ·' • · · - · · · · ._,_ · .._ whichwe think are fair and just. Lobbying ·- '
._3. - _
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~·d<}esn'tnecess:irilyJ.11volvealarge~xpenditure: of tiffie_ or mOriey; rathe~, it ·can be as . siinple as a postcard.or Mailgram to your ~present~tiveswhen an inlport~t bill is .. -before the 4~gislatuie. Of course; :Personal lobbying is the most effective, since the '. ~ legislator~canclelirl/seeyour co;nmitment · •_;to .the issue._This enables you to persuade --him' or. her on the particular proposal, As lawyers, 'you ~l have a first hand .opportunity to use your legal edµcation; your . experience with clients and your status in ... the·, community to influence government ... Don't blow it! $ ,... ···' . Thanl,{s-to. all. who sigped letters,·· . donated what they could to defer our print, .i!lg rost~;arid'ga~e niorru support to a pre-· viously_ disillusioned and cyni~al law -~tu- . :. sent A special thanks to those who· as.. sistoo me in ''manitlng" the table. Anyone , interested . in ·more i.riiormation' about COPSAR and its activities should contact , . _:
,,.1• •.
_ Te.~t (2.!2>s$.:-J3672. :· ·' .· .,. · .,._, <~
· , · Carol Schlein .< · ·. SectionC '81
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. :: Lette~ to th~, edit~i.~~~t·,~
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_ ~~·, ~:. ~t~~e}~,o~~s.:~- ~-6:~o~!lri:~Frt_ ;_,. **~·* LOwest New~York Prices*·*,* ·~ . . . ~. < :~:,·NOF.RILtSi . ;·:< ·.. . ] vottk~ & <;'in from ·$a·~92··a qt.'·. ·..::. R·u..n & Rye :from $4·:o5 a'-,qt. -'
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