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:: ;o ~nterth~s-~o~te~t,yoU: ~~st~~ a high school junior or. senior and ¡your State must. be parti~ipating.
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This artiele T~ounts the ·major.·. ·a~d th~s eligible lo hnmigrate t~ ; thotisandS ofCubari.refug;es durThe refugees which are deemed changes .brought a'l>Out 'oy- the 'the :Unit~ States. This is a special became the device most commonly in1f the Cuban Fortilla, .The onlY--· eligible.can be "gran~edJa~ulper-. Refµgee Act of 1980,1 and how it . ,... deference·not equally enjo;yed-by~ . __used- because- it afforded i'he: condition'for its implementationis .' manent resident status !lfier behrg . alters p.revioUS'refugee legislation. other nati.~ms.. It·wu pursuant· -tb - - gte!ltest flexibility and discre-that is be pursuantio Presidential physi.caily present .in the' United·. Jilts e9J.phasis specifically·relate1Ho .this specific provision that more .otionary.authority, This viewis con- r- authorization .;after", appropriate Stats for at least one year."" The Act · the Cubarl refugee, with special atthan 1.25,000 Cuban refugeeswere sistent,-with the Refugee .Act, of Congre·ssional .consultlitiori.•.• · of November2nd, 1966 orily confer, - tenfion _to those -Cuban Fefugeps . °' granted temporary aamissioniThis 1980; which prohibits the use of . Emergency conditions lire not ab- ' - • red this-status after a t~o year pro; ' who were admitted. during the.' . provision afforas the-possibilityof :\, parole to .admit large "groups of solutely 'defined •but.•the Refugee-> batioriaryperioo,•"'justified by the period of April 21st, 1980; t'o Juni;i·~ - refugee ·status to tens of'.tliousandS · . ref11.gees.. It· could ·however· be Act.of 1980 states: · unforeseen - circumstance of the . 19tli, 1980 when asuddeh inflwi:of o(Cuban~_stilI wi.thiP-the'coqntry, - • employed to - . admit ~individual . -. That UpOll a detern;,lpation by . ; Cuban exodus._The A'.ct is also pan· _ 125,000 Culi~n: refugee~ ·were - ' ~f suc'h person'snatirinality claim-··· refugees:for"compellin16eason5of- . _ - the _President, and .alter, ap- · -predede'nt .for the, Refugee Act of ~ted·a.~Ihl-tempo~ S~tus ; ·jng tl:ie ~status. This, however, is ..puo}ic interest."17Jn the j!lStant \' propna,teconsul,;ition,that (1) an . J980, which, en~oinp!).SSeS :·the ·· _ m the Umte!{Statesunti! 9o?ifress' : c0nsistimtwiththe prior treatment ca8e, "compelJing reaso~-ofpubHc - uiiforeseen.emergency refugee . refug~.situ!!.~ionand United.States r · ~~uld eflect1:1S;,t~a meamngful_·· • ofearlierwavesofCubaµFefugees .. inter~st-'-' was interpretea:b'y: the . situation exists (2):the'admispolicy considerations on a·globar· · qurse of actioµ. Vte Jun~ 19th, - . given: past and,, present United President - as _Cuban. refugees of .. _ Sion cif certain refugees·- in. - s.cale;.The prob~t:iqnary p_erfod is 1980.cµtoff date was extended ·,to ·. · _States policy. considerations. · , . special humanitarian·concern· to . response to, the ;emergency _ jµs~ified since. the ·.reception of -~ - OCtobet 1-Jth~ ~~~0.--Thil!e_xtention Im_migran&wh~Iar~ admitted8,8: _ -2-~e Unite_,d States. _nlis;,~~bstance · situatiqn.is'justified by grave' refugees-oftenbYRa'ss.estlie nqnrial_·, · ~a~- gr_an~ed for r.;,ason~ of refugee!')m!lyfrrst·be-gra,ntedtem--~ .supefcededformWitlires~tOthe ' .·humanitarian .concerns~or: is · ~creeriing proces~_.2! Th.is .Wa8,~~~ humanitarian concern .and ta en- porary admjssi(!n under a disc.reCongi-e~j_,o_nalintent ,ot tlteUlle <?f . .~thei;v~se in_ the· national . in-. - situation wi~h the ·cuban l"ortilla sme ~ mo;e._~~:4i~ble i:e~edy. t.o tionary aµthority known a5 parole._ parole-and, sub~uently,::125,QOO ·. ·terest, and (3) the admission to · in.19SO. where D.ci UnitedStates of-·· the ~itua~ion,; i~ a~o~. w:t.h the -'.l'he term ,"parole" is !!OWhere Cuorurrefugeeswere ailinltted, the . ·the 'u nit'ed' States of- these ficia:i.-Or age~cjr'sup~nrise~,those Presuient s determmation. -· . defined,- ·and.;:ma}! encompass a. -vast'- -majority under tne parole , .....~fugeescan iJ,ot be.a!:(:omplfsh· deaving for the~U,nite'.d.Statesfrom:· " ~ .. ~ .. .:. _ -Yariety ofs-it-tJ.~ti0~Jn.wh:\ch· 8(status~Ilditlg)classUication. ~~ ed undel-_the··g.eneral SuQdivi:_ ihePost,of"Mariel~·C1;1ba_. .. They-~-'··~ Tile -Vnited'Sta:tes p:dcir~to-1921 - tempi>r~ stay in the Un.ited -: It is apparent that this "action - sion(A)of the Act, the President' · rived-at Key Wes'tare$ereproC:ess, did not enact:;any· refugee provi- -- 'states-iS authorued.tni.Scllipensaabndged the.mandate ofCongress -may fi~ anymber ofrefuge~sto' - ' ed-and rel6cated to varlo~ i:esettli. sions.Those-whodiqobtamsanc- . ._ tion .does np.t 'grant any 'legal set;forth.by~the Reiuge!l-Act of _-" be admitted -to the Uniied . mentcaml)!lthro,ughol!Uhelfoited "'-tuary 'Were ajmitted under· the.. . reside?JC$stat_us.!,Thestatus doos _: 198$). Tbeincidentalso emphasizes Sta~es .during the .succe!;!ping . - .Stat.es.,.. ~ii an:h:al~were µiediC!ll- - _ ·. general authorization of'the .Iln-~ Jfpow~niPor-~.haroo}'agein. this _the discretionary RQWer-o(~ting period (not to. exceed_ twelve . , ly screened ·as requ}J'.ed by 111-w and· ·: nligi:a~ion In 1921, with'the -countfy for humane considerations wliat is in.effecta blaiike~i:efugee months'): in response . to -the . under the·general ~irectiori of the ... ' - enactment oHhe Quota laws, im _or fo~ reasons 'rootedin the P-uolic status·,.'lifter"' Congressional ap.emergency·refugees'0£ speeial - -~blic Healtli-Serv-icl!; ,medic~l . - - : migration - .opportunities"'_for interest-andprovides-wideflexibiliproval, t() a group who fqr:political _humanit'atiaq concern to· the - . -treatment or,hospifali~ationwere -refuge.,es. w-ere - ConSider:ably -; · ey i:i-Working fitial deteimiDatiOns. ~easo~· hjlve~hee~"SO ·de~igilated · ~ Uri~ted S~Jltes_:.·in\accord witn. a· ~vaiJ8.Dlefor tliOse whO"neededit. - curtailed.5 This became.apparent . it i:naintaill!'l the legm fictiqn thaf ' aliens of special h~itafiaii con' - determination- made ,,.by" the In 'geqeral -- an·- applicant- who wlie"ilhundreds; of thousands were ,the alien has yet.to effectuate an - cern to the Uriited States; Such. . · - Presidentafter appropriate eondesiresiO"be adJriitted as 'ar:ef~gee . . .rou~inely de~ed admiss!-Qnin_to,tll~ -. - ~ ·eri~n<-although·~h'ysi~'lly {lresen.~:~ . discretlQn should not-be--use'1 ar- ' ' sultation provided' under thS h~ the burdenof proofwith l'JlSpect . • . -Ul).lted:S~te,tiafter-fleeing Hitler's <in.the UniWdS.tatesJ:TliTu pro.Vides ' '· bi4'arilY-.wlrenso many courltries _ subsection.24 :.,. : _, - _·ot the establishment of is oppression.• Th~ U ni~States d@" the abilityto deny eertain subsfan-_ are _experiencing'llin)ilar·. if not . It remain5 s~mewbatlµIlbigiious; · . "eligibility.30 One~having,pettionedf -~OW~Yer_participateactiyely.in thi. - .. tiv~.and _pi'~duiaffigh~ w~ich - ,' ~gz:eater. ar~sbi~, 'soc!~l,_ and, asto _whatconstitutes~ e'mer~enthe . applicants seekfog . refugee mternafaoiial r.efugee programs -would 0tt:.erw.is~lrilvebeen afford-< ~ econ:onuc depravat~qn··-as·welf as cy sitµation,The Act thus proVides· _ stat~ are_in1ernew¢"d~ither-ii:lthe whi,ch:'i'ollow~ Wor~~Wai II; and ea if admitted ·under other politieal dbmmation. , ·- .,,- _ a<!_ditional flexibility and· disere· - oyerseas imn1.igration office o_r the admitted:tlioµsands as. refugees categories: -.. hnmigrantSborn in th'e Eastern tiort, ~tit len~itselfto.thecriticism · - _refugee ~amps,- sucp_ as t_!iose .to - persuant .to speCial leg,ish~tive ·The wtrole staty,s of special im . ._._. Hemisphet~, who .because of ~ that the p~an·does not provide.any _ which- thE! .majority. of :~qban ~ ..:;: authorization$.7\ · · ·7 pOrtance~since it was crucial ill the : perSicution or fean: of; persecution assunin<;e Pf unifOrm.appliction ~n4 · " refugees w~~ traha~ort.ed fQr their -~ <;!~,,.;..... 1· : ' . -~ 'd'' ' .. 'irii.piemelJ.tation of ~·, anting tern- ~-'for race, religion, or politieal ,opi· - that it is totally ~iscretionacy and ' interviews an<lsubsequent reloca, Um..._,"" 14'1""' po icy cons~ era-· · a;~is~ion ·.ii·- ·. .. . _ · ,PJ,on • an · d__ w.h-o·u "-"''dfled -·· · · Rr0<;~ssing. · · •\ Th-~ tions continue'fo su -<rt admiS-, _ : poraey t<;i,t ~ _cubans ..._ .. _ -a;icommunist · can . on lY._ b, e invo.ke·d... ~p<in a "- {t~6I}S afte. r p~oper e sion of refu · . objectiv.ehas~ - who -arnved Jn. the Um~ S~tes, - . n1m~ ?omina~~~try-oi:. .Presidential determmation. . • t alternative ·mterv1ewmg can also.. ~ · tliE! Remieei:A-ct·>.· ~tw.~n·t~e~o~A_P.m-a¥:th,,e._~ . r_ .~ny_cgunt1?' h~n the )t ~ctiila ,J~e ·noteJ~~t thQse >.be scliedule~_m'pp.e ~tlises'offl!ot 1'9&0:Tit ot-tlie'Actdec\mes -,~ ,J~~~rl:~O',_~~~-;\, ~,t·im~ -C~~~g~;uie·ell~"$~--·~~tin,_, - . stde~tr-. the inte~tio~'of Congress.to con'. who ~ere;~1hgproceS!!ed'~Y ~ne · _ _ , ; . ouldnot return _ . _li ~oun- . t~lla.are_n,~t:::im~ediately ~anted ding on l~al condi s ~ tpe im:25 , _, tinue the hist.Orie United States ImII1;1graflon and Naturahzation: _.try. ~r area o~ . accou~j _of . nice, ~roiiµienj;resident sta_tris. Their ·migration invesj:igator or govern: .PQlicy to. ~n<l t0 tJie-- urgint .. ~o/lre. Th~above W~r, _gran~d.a ... reli~OlJ. o;-_pol1tJ~a1- PJ?~mon, -and -_ eiltty is in 'fact conditiorial admis-. _ ment official deciaes the li,Ilenis not . . ~ f · , . · l:i'ect to ' ,-, ·,.::si~ month parole-penoil AAd were~ who was-no.ta natmna_lQfthecoun- · ;s1on silbj~.toipSpecti® an~-~eter- · , firmly i:esettled in_a foreign coun; ~. . ~ -:~: )~ll ds' ~h qualified . as "CubaDfHaitian e . · ,try or ·area-wherean app!icationfor . . mmatioriof eligibility. The.findings . ' try, is. deterriiine'CI to be of special ' ;0~ i ' ' ome an . , ;: :n· -- trants'' pending a,fin'itldeteiminarefugee status '\'{_as -ge_ing.. filed,, •that they pax.tii;if>atedjn pe~i?ecµ- . hµpianitarian concern . to "the, ~ u _es'.t. ~ ~n ~r~pi:~~~-· ". tion Jn ~the J!latter.- ·once tliis . couldappJ~for·condj.tion3Jentry ifl, ,. ·tion·woulQ.:invalidate any.request UnitedStates, and is admisilibJefo C:::du:~:ance ~-~: r : d~signatea,pi;ir4od.expired:i~ was~ .: to the U nitedcSiatef!.181:f1ere _wa8, for -refugee status and would ilioof ~ - tlre United States'iiSan;iminiirant, · , ft tts:t· - . t~ t Y.1 · · · - •-extended •'.to- make additiopal however, noparallel Congressional the question of.their aajustmenito --then ~efugeestatus is-granted. 011~QmQ ,=as. e 0~"' - sttidies ·an·a ·re:view ·possible enactment wliichauthorized the legal peniianent.residency.Those alien is d~termined to be firmly - th.1011an fpn;ess~·-a ·r ion; -;- -alterna:tiv:es:'"Th~Cuban/Haitian useo{conditionalentryforanyone -who were.member~ of the Cuban,:_ resettled·in a foreign co.iintcy.he. 1 - -entrant status is identicaltoparole . ·h. 1S i;o~t~ o _ re ugees 0 .tspectiha born in the"Western Hemisphere.- Fortilla and who were impi:isoned becomes . ineligible. for ... refugee · ·Uu~.:.!1i Satan~~ condcetrn· ?t.. - el -. and is consistanl:withreffigee..nro- · -It w~s .not until ·the pron;,ulgation as. criminals'·in· Cuba for' serioufl ·. status.•2 The standard is vague: It · m~, tO~an . r~stl~~:i _grams previQusly-authorizid~ith ,,.. of the' .A:ct of October 5tli; 1978, crimes'were also excluded from ad·may be used with dfacretion so_that '&!tes,. ~- gees m e ru - . the re~eption.oflar~e numbers or''_:_.·" ~hich altered~the_ global dis~i~c: mlSsion and were incai:ceratedpen, ifan alien is outside the country of · "' (Jubaµ refugees fl~emg the Castro · t~on,and t!iat a-urufie_d \Y'Prld wide ·ding a determination for their hi!; nationality-and accepts employ_The term "!llfugee'; ~ defiµed~y regime.1i i,t'urthefhiorli"·the':Presi- quota _systerti":was:provided.affor- ·- dep0rtation_to· Cu.ha .. The Cuban -ment or establishes a dom~cile or. th!.! Refugee;Act· of 1980;-stati;is: . - dent o.f the""lJnite(Suit-es'.after ap- - ding th~ benefi~ to· ~onditionalen-_. governm~ntl).as caused .quite. a engag~s in overt- acts 'which .in- - ', - (AJ Any person- who is ou~ide propriate c6nsultati6n12With J:!ori-- . trarits from·all:parts of the world · dilemma.with their refusal to fake - dicate he may be."availing himself >an:>: country of such person's ria'gress determined.thatpre_serit1md'- . in a uniform fashion.'0.The condi- - back these aliens. The problem-is 6fthe host country, !>r combination tionalityo:r.ipthe-countcysuch frirme!politicalprisohersand-their . tional _entry. was applicable to far from being resolved. · _ thifreof, this may be sufficient to pi;i~nlast haoit'ually-r!lsided, ~family members and~ persons fo refugees only, and wa& extensive- . . • , (Continued Page 13) .and'wh#sunab_Je0r,,u~willing . , Cuba withr_ei!ltive~i'n_theU)ii~d ·-..___ ly eniploy~d for the admission-:-of . . · . '" .fureturft·tO.andJ.Bunableo:rUnStates will be-c'onsideiedrefUgees' Cuban refugees, who 'oiigirialfy ..... • . - ,wilfing· io _avail hfmsel£'·Qr·~~- of~ialnumanitananconcernfor ·'were:~oLqualified because.they_ h.erseffoftheproteai<>nol:the ·;. tlieUnitedStatesi!ventl:ioughthey ~were_ born 'in .a~-western· .. ' f;~--1· .. >Countzybecaus~·ofpersecution·~ .are.still'withintheircountries.of. tJemisphere·coi,mtry.Priorfothe .'.·,: ·-~- - ~ r ·~or a_ wen founded feai:;-.of ·; . nationality or ljfib.itAAIresidence.'~ amend'm¢nts.of the bnmigi:ation _ \::) per8ecufioq on account,,of-r~ce, ·_ 1~Thishas substantfal_1egalimplica~. - 'A.ct of 1965?° those ref1:1geesadmii_ r,eHiion,n~~iona!ity:~e~b.t1r.~ f;; 'tiq,ns sAnc("su'Cl!l!~~.~in~ti(?~·.;r• !eAw~Fe_:yn~e:..the c~asiific_atiori?f · · -'·' •:;. ' · · ~p~ ~ plll'tic~~ SOCfli! gr02.-P .: ·. W_?u!d ~ord fu1tdu,e_J>rocess.ng!if:;'l;.;-.. : :~~eCi!ll.~mm1gra~ts/' which w~_s_, : . '.(N·tl.-.;· .. h) I .t·. ~ ,. - "' or· pol1ticaJ oplniQn, or (B). m,r · , QE!fore the parol!*),st;ituscoulcf be,...,.. - ,~h~ functiqnal equivalent of con<lj-. - '.'"t-'fl """[) ~ '-t-' t'l such special ciretiinStarices ~ ;: revoked of an alie~ a,u.1y;~nvli¢CI-'£Ci"7 .. ';~i,qpal erlt~nts, This i}erillitted i~'· .: . /\' . -. . . <
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~the ftesi~entJlller ~P_P~op~ate,. .:_ '. t~~ _ U~i~ed•_ Sfafe)i-~~{~r ;.afvi&:u'als-)!be~t from th~~st~rt·. .. _' ~. _·;~.~-·-··~-._.-,n.·i.··.··.teft. _.consultation may _specify any ~ -,aiscretion·.!•·, '" . · _,. , : '; • ; .,;o;.: _· c Hemisp.he,re, to be -aqm1tted ;a,s"' J _. •_ _ . ~ pers0n·wliaiswi~ithe,~~tcy '!"~ :,'£!l~ftJirtdard'.fQr3c..onsi.di!'r.?-tio~·- refu~ees; The.v~t majori!Y~(thoie:. - · - u f' .in:W,hiCh such;person.is·habitµa:· i :seems rather'uncleat'.artdarbit<U"Y .... ·.· aQnntted· under the special im- . -1y .•~res:ic,Jihg,·-anQ.. · wHo ·is - The'only-critedon is that those· aa:~ ,migrant status were (fubans. This_ persecuted or. who.hat ll well mitted be d~terJ!linedby the Pl'esiis attributed_to the fact that ~uba JoUJld~ f9ar of peraecutio,rl-oq ~ ·_ dent, and'with Cop.gressional· !iP· - ~as·th~only c,ommunist-dominated aeco~t ofrace,t~li~o~andna-. provaJ; ."as~ refugees ~of', spe¢i~1 , c:oun~r-y ,- in :~he - .Western . tionahty;m~mbei::ship:m a par- · humamtat1an concern_ rto the ·· Hemisphere., . ~. · ,_ . tic'!}lar social gfOUp·orpoliticaf· . ·united St.ates.Any Jiatioil:stB;teso , ' - ,Ute co~diti!)n~L e_I?c_trY.. ~ategory ,0piruon: _ . / / . -d~ignated\l'.,Quldqualify:~owever,· · _was abcihsheacbY.the Refugee Act The wrm refugee does not indude there 'is niJ pr~edure by whklrin-· ' of ,1980,21 . and a new statutory · any perso~ who ordei:~d, . cited, , habitants of any' couhtfy could petischeh:le was :adopted. The 'A.ct_pro/. assist~; or oth~ise participated ~ ,. tion_ the "United ,States-to,. grant . \rides for tl!e. ad_mission of 50!()00 .'): in the persecutibnofanY'personon .them such status: . refugees. ann!_lii,lly for 198q,,·1981, accou.n_!_ofrace,l\e'li!iiqn,nationali. The us.e of parole for 'the:~dmis: -and 1982, With 'othet prov_isions:to , ·· · ty membeFship in a· particular· siori of ref11gees into the United provide greater fl~xibiHty and th~ ~ial group, or- p<ilitical opinion. Stites~ been.fourtd,unaC£E!ptilble · admissio~of more refugees if dee.mr Tfiedefinitionofwhalconstitutes by °the legislature sin~· t,l)e Im- - - -ed ,_necessary. This category ~or a refugee has f>eeit broad_enedmigrati<in Act of 1965'.'~·Their ·. refugees is exclusive gf those.'imunder the Refugee Act 6f1980's -._ deliberatiQns preceQ.in.g-tlie 1965 . , ,rµigr:ants who, ;tfe .subject. to ·the new interpretation. It is at 'the . . Amend!nentsexpressed-~tisfac: -~- ~eneraJnmp.erica~ lim\tations:The President's<Uscrefion to' ~etertnine _.fjon with f:\Uch-.imp'lementatioriof.•. ; Act also jncludesa_provi$iontocope · · ·which.individuals-as ~ell as-groups the'pli;role status·.1~·Itwas neye,r in-- '· - . with ·emergi;incy conditions,22 _such, of people ·round in their country of t~n_ded.t_o a,ct-asa floodgatefor the. •. as-that encountere4 by the United . origin ~ll be clas8ifieclas r,efugees. admission of thousandSofrefugees ,. ' ~ta,tes - when admitting' . tens of.' . ~ . ' . ....
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,_ -Chief J~stice War~en advised 'that when·· 'determining the·: ~suitability of ... a _particular - _ ·punishrnenf we should be guided •:'automobile, ·having i-~trieved :by.'.'[T]he evolving standards of ' fro~ his home a shotgun, with '·deeency that - ~k the pt;ogress w~ch _ he inµi~i:led to disperse of p. maturing soci.ety.''.8 Thei:_e is-, tlie ~emblage.8'_ Tlie disper~al. · little <lece~cy,inJ}).e type of law resulted jn,a 'rath_er bloody death , -·at issue here. P ·' ·, - ': .' ·. ,,_,, \ •for the vicHm.. " - '. - - '-- df 'it~'.couid.iu;,_v~--b~n.. ri:{ adj;~ent,Browfil.d:·.c~u~ty, "'-. wo~se. for- ~9rris. -Ear1ie~' this DQC'tor Fred Blanton strolled ..o-ut.. ·. y.ear the. Uni~ State~ Supreme~ .. ~·~f biS ~t>rt ·La~derd8Ie home and ~ Q<?urt ~ii~h0IQ.:·~;s~nteiiCe ~f -fOrtY'' · ' · ·· .greeted' tw_o approaching. police·,· - ye~s - !n pri~on '. and 'a_ $20,000 _ officers by dropping to-orie,kneEf, _,__: _ fine qnpo~e_d on .a Virgfilia1man;: . 'pointed:a;,s~otgun at·them and , 'convicted of .distributing nine; _, shou_ting: "I!ve. got five shots m" .. ounce§" of -marijuana_.' Mercury . tliis;glln, a:nd-ifl'..ou don't. get,off. . ¥orris p_robably dqesi:r't see this' _ my ,-prop~rty,' 1'ff-blow ·.your'_' as a silv~r lining,to_his s_ituation; : _ heads off!-"• - __ ,· -_ < • - -. - ' ·- -~ • _-' " . -DoctOr~Blaritort wa~ senre'nced ._ ~to tht.eli years in prison aiid two -' ' ._. . :tears .of .pfo!)~tiCln."T4e ·trial . •... " , ~ judge'Jelt -that thil'! sentence- was· f_OOT:NOT,ES _ . . -~ :Severe imd · 11e imposed it._ .' :::,,_I: . . F~'.- ..§ta~. 8·9~.135 Ji), (b( 3' ·_, Oruy because the lay;. required a . -:_:, prQVIdes;· .• '· - ., , - , , ;! , - mandatocy'8entence of ·at least· - (1) Except as authoi:izeci'in this : '•three'years'for.,crimes comntltted:· •' ., chapter or in $!hapter 500 and . _;, with - a tir~ann,!· _ -•. - - ,.. - · . , not~ths!;anding the _ provis,i<?ns.' -Mtlrcury -M.orris'faces. fiv~- -.,;~fs.893:13: ,::'-" :.-·.., .,, '-, times as much time in pgson for ·_ (~)' 1'!1-Y pE_lrson whq_; knowjngly _ ;d~ling;.'.456,<grams of_ cocaine·' •. se~. ~~fa~.tures, .deliver~. or , t)lan h,e. _would ·h11-ve haw-he - -: b_rmg!\ mto this state, or who is committed· _a', crime cwith- a - · ~owiJ!gly,in act'(Ial'.or cQnstruc-' ' fir~.:ici.ie: logic behfud ·tliis:i~ - .- tive,poss~_ss~oi{Of 28 fri'an1S oi:_ : _pn;z}j9g.. Wh:q_ wgu1<J yQ,u rather·· - , mC?I'e~of,cocain,~ ~~'4e!!c~b~ iµ s,, - , run-mt.o m -JI. dark-alley; Mercury - 893.03(2)(a)4~ or pf, any 1D,1Xture ; --. M;orris a~d his_cocfilrie or.those _ ,c9ntail}i'{l'g'con~~"(s;.guilty.;ofa::' _ men with-their s_fiotguns?. - : , ~ felony of~the first~aegree, ·w~ch _ .Unquestionably-, Florida has ·, felony s!tiill be known,,as ·"tra:f,, !)een flood~ wit_?- illegal dtugs iri "i: ~<;~g 4i coCai_ne". If the q\l-an• _ recent- years.:.and ~this has beeri 3 tiJy 1']lvol".ed:' _\·:-; ~- _ ,·partly, ie-spQnsible .fQr:the .ever 3. -Is. 400-grams or mor.!', such: incre11.sing· crime·. r.ate,,·-'but ~person· sh~ be· sentenced to; a"locking. qp Mercury Morris for a ~l\~~!l_toi,:~ minimui:p.'· t(ir)!i of long stretCh will IJ.o,t,solve_- the ~ iIIJ.in:r-s~nrn~nt0,oJ )-~ __ cal'e~dar,,,'·
·;:-=-~'=- ~~~~~~~=~~=
.i ,
• ~robk~~e~~pe~~~--~~u~~qd drug· .bui'liness , with· enoug:I} Z $250,000.
_ ~:p9 .• a . fiM-~--- "": .money , 'to-i ,buy .... banks. €an - . '. Fla. Sta_t~8_9:p35 (2) provides: · ,;_ al_lyone_ -serioµsJy •. claim_ that ~ r-.[otV'{ithStandirig .tlie pro-visions; ' .~ these J)OOpie'will'-be <leterred by :: ' of 948.01-: with· respect t<Lany the.. ~ars~ trea,tni_ent given to-~ •• c-p~r~. ;who --~13~ f~und: i,o '"i].ave=, gqy whQ,wa_s.teymg t() deal 45_6·,,, viol11.ted:-.',t,his. se~tion,, -ad-, g:iams? _.~. _ - ~ _ . ,• . - . - ·'. · - __ . ' judication of gWit .,or. '~:>, imposition: :t, ~ -~r . ~ ·'~-'#· •. . ., 'f~-~~ ' Maybe there are some. def~n--- ,ofsentence sl)all not-~ suspend-- · ~. da'h:t - _,whos~ - - background, , -ed, deferred, or - Withheld, no!," ~uires that the~ be given long.. ·"shall.such ~son be eu.iahle for -· _,J~t~iice"~fW!vibI_ai'~g '<irug ·~Jaws.• Mercury Morns 1s not one dtttor¥ ·IDlDJmUlil termo 'if:-im: , . <?f theW.: There is no al).egation '.' , prisomnent' :presctioed by' ·£bis t,l:Uit he is a meniber 6t'.organized" sectfon: ~- - , - ,' - · _ cririie, cp.or is. he .a':tafeer'crlininat ': · 2.- Fla. Stat. 89S.l35 {3) _ _· ·. ·- '~ ' With~ a· iong record/ who -- Views' - 3~ Cunning.ha'm· v. Staie; 385 ·8rrests"andl'j&iJ.':time' al'J'_pirt of-~ - So.24 72i at.:722:23. (Fla. niSt. " tfre ~!>u.siness:":-.. Nci'.·;,one_- bas\ _ C~.A}>p.. 1~9~0).- ' .- ~ c,_ ;! ," ·' · suggested:'_t-hau':Morris:~whos:e·--;~ ,.4:. Bla:lit_on v. State, 388 'So.2d ;-Iif~'ha$ meatly'-~n sfilt£terifil.; 127l'aC127:Z-(F~. Dist: Ct. App. by 'j;}]ig ex~tjen<ie,'.'i'.s:a..:; <f~mgerfir_, 198.0). - . - - . '. - . ' ~ ·society iH~e remams.a:t large; He - - 5'? Id: at 1273: The'. sentel_lce was ~<,lfdn't;'deay~>chilaren - an_<l: he.' _ inJ.posed pursuant. to Fla. -Stat. didri'f leave'·a~traihof ho.dies in - _ 775.087 (2). :' ·. · his patli; surely a sentence short - ' -6< Trop 'Dulles, '355· U'.S. j!6 at . pf~fifteen ·years·,· would' be: ap:;> _-'101 (1958). -· .:::': prbpriate ''here; Fifteen years - - ~: See Hutfo v; J?a~s, · U;S. may-8eem cheap .when ·someone - ..:_____:; 102 S.Ct. 703, 70 L.Ed.2d elSEi is doirij;fthe tiine.. - -556 (1982). ' - ,· ~,, . . -'""'
-,., BY Miclilt~f~G/Mufuahgeli~ _'
:public.~:___-·'' "". ;,_,_/''-,' _ _ Ha:V'e you ever kiiown a~r8on - . ~ C!\1_ef 'Justice· Taney, of "the· - ::who has never been in a car, made United States Supreme Court, as_:;; , - 4 spoke the - ~on?-1Ihpossi~le«'llliiheam oNn · •arts,!';;-kno.wn'to·theancients, bu~1[~ · this day and age? No; not jn coun- wliich died w.ith their inventors ,oi~-.'. "- - tnes where bicyi;les and foot . diseoverers:~ ]Dessengers are. as common as j; . ·-u is &l~Il lho-\v.n-that__centwies: . [ ·aspiri.Dand radios are in ihe United ago di!!Coveries.were made in ce~- _ . --:_ •§ltate8. The Peoples ReR.ublic of _ t~11arts~ the (niits of wliich \!ave.:.. - China, for example, whichhas'been,. come down to.us, but the means by;,,.~·~ 'in existence .for a few thousand . ·o· • ,.,-- y~, Still remains a predominant: ·ly. agricwtural !lOCietY in great n~ - ' ·-Of ~new technology, new--ipdustry knowledge-hasbeen lost for agesy t. -·and· new jobs. What could be a In order to encourage somebody~ible reason for-thisdi.screp-an-: to - try· to rediscover or re-invent~ -~ • ' cy between a nation that has been - ' - those lost _8.rts, C~e( Justice T~~Y~ ;; · : around thousands of years-before ·· offered the "induce~eilt that suph -~ , .. ;,_. Christ and one that was founded: somebo.dy: ' · • .' _ .· " •, ~:less than ftvo~eiituries before ~an (W)ould be e~titleci to pa:~: -" _'Walked on the moon?lli. Y.C: Wen,· • tent ... he would be;the first to ~n- • J'ormer director of Telegraph_·and. fei: on the public the _benefit of the.: !felephone.f<ir tlie Department (!f in:ventio_n-. _ _ _ ;. - Communications for China·--: was -_:__ instance of an invention trrat -- o- . ~ked'by- an".American teiephone f.ras known 'to the ancients; but. . ,engineen~· - _ --~ · >;;;-io-": __,.:----:._ wh!ch'Yasfor.gotten,~djhere.aftei;; ,~ <,
of "lost~
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w~':a'!o~~u!:~i:!h~{~~t~~j. lecithe world ill civiliZation and-in ~;.J'tlie long:Iostpodalicversiori:"This-:- -- the manufacture ofgoodS, be~nn-- "'1~ a niethod, used by obstetricia~;~ '-ing.abO.ut two _hundred yean;;ag~; , oftuniing _a ch~ld in the mqthei:!.<'· what had untiLrecently been the ~\vombwhen it was for~erly jn.~ · 'barbaroiis tribes of.Western Europe . position}liatmade deli:very Qther--Y" ,_suddenly ~k the l~ad in'. the --..'Yi.Se- ~~~ib~~/:'l'hi_s '.'long l_~st development of. physical science - ·p_ajahc,,version-·- has.bee11>desqiband_its applications,in building up 1: ;;;e«! .·J,.5:.-,." a death conq!f~rin~t_; production; in -standard of living;-<:> me¥rire,''andits lo8a as ':a @al¢- ' and: in j>ower't'_" _ - . -· . .:;,:•- _ A:y thatis perh:aps without parallel -
:_ _ :... • ·;-:;. ~.
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, disc(?yery,or invent'on he triedJo · mariied a .patent and its vafoe·~ . -- keep i_t 8eeret. The.irlf'.orma~ij)n:_w~- · · saying: , · -~ · _ • - ~ - · '~ -. . - , _passed; on _from 'father to 59n,)1.nd:-- It is the reward stipulated for the..
-~. ·:~~:.::::;:o;o::::: growtli
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comm:unications has'made it Clear, exertions ... The public ,yields thattheottlyre1evantfactor·which nothingwhichithasnotagreedi<>'has affected the aift"erent of -yield; it receives all which ifli~ thetw~atiODS;'.isthefact:tli~ton- .. contracted to-,i;eceiye. The fuff _iyonehaspa~ptlawstlrathelpin-· ben~tofdiscovery,after-itsenjoy-durepe0pleto disclose theirne:w'in- • ment by·the discoverer for 14 years veiltions, to' the general.. J?.-Ubl}c; .~' (nowrl7"ye;irs) is-preserved;and for ·,: Eventually, others can improve-on , ·,his: e;xclils_iv_e enjoyment of• its~ older, disclosed inventions and the__ diScoVecy, that time thep:u_blie faith-_ indqstry of.the entire-nati~n ad- - isplegW.' - - _ • · :. ·, . vanCI!$. But, doesn't thisnaturally > NotWithStiindingthis'enligh.te.g--· o.ccur_ without the iajificiaLincen- · - ing description,many IieopJe tOday. · - . tive of a P!ltent syste_m? Basic - ;are- still oonfu,sed-as to just· what - human nature says it can't! There -.' - ' are inventions, for example, that disappeared foreverbecilUSt?ithere _ was_ no incen~ive, to m~e tliem
' ", - '
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(f;~_- .,::_·._•-__<_,~:,~_:-·_·.~- ~~~-·-=::\~~-- ~-~Op_~~~-~-i:'~\:~(lbpp_;,-~_~. ~-- --
, •,
'-~_Monday-Saturday. - . ' , - ~:--; Happv, ttour: at the Bar - ,>_:,_4_.·i_-~O_-~p._m;Jo:6:00cp-.m. _ --'
-, 131Du~ne Street,· N)/.c~..~Bet. ~Chu_rch _and· W-: Broadway . : : -
,, '
.draw , it~ recognition. ot . EQUi'l' As and bestow-it :qpoh .. •the Advocate (nee· Coiilition) . . ·~is.su~. The·SBA h~s'll~.au~rity. : TheY,:.aU. .ex~ec~ EQUIT~~ to. ·.·.··to mil.p.date. that .this or· any.. ~- cooperatewith this .supressron of , ·other . s~tu,d,ent ""l)ublicatioa :. - ou~. Ffrat ~m1an~~~nt fright,: . . disband. - ,: · · ~ .. , Amun,·they were unsuccessful.j.. .' ,._,, , t: _:_;_.• EQUITAS was. begUri by and -· We will-not bow to the deman-. ~.:~. ' for the: students thirteen· years .ds: of the.- SBA which .is. con" · : : . ago•. Last y~ under' the diree- ' trolled, by' a. few, students w~o • • - -~ ·. · ;.tfon oJ · .~f.Cli :r.eld; .the ~aper a,re captives. o{ s~a! Lnte~est . - .. -suffered dissension both .Intergi:oups~ EQUITAS is cojnprised -- · ~nhllyand !lXtetnanY:.Mosl oUne - of NYLS _·students. we' do. not, . editorial staffquit'after the fiist ... need. the SBA1~ sanction .. Our . issue. The SBA tried .to squashe:#steqce is j~s~ified solely ·~n .· ~ the paper; ~ey. -we~ not· sue-· . the· basis Qf _our mimi?ership .,;;. - · . cessfu.l. After many meetings · . .the students; Anyone who wants _,:,_·,; · - ;'.'\ b'etween ,0EQU'ITAS .. and :-the .. -~'.to ~,J:an . :' part~cil:)a t~" o_n ·tfAs · "".: SBA,.,._ that-., '' body v,otea t0.C.With- ' ~wapaper. ·~ • . /....- ... /: ~ .. · .._
1\-figiiel Fittipaldi ;-
. • Since Dean Shapirowill resjgri at·. ·. :· the end of Ju~e the Board c;if Direc: fors has commenced a search for a · suc.~ess.or.·We of Equitas· nave a few suggestions ~f.ciur own.. ~· - . '., . .. - '. ' . '. ··: _. ·. , .•::JOHN DE LOREAN, entrepeneur, drug dealer: guarante-ed to find . · no:vel way~ of fin~ncing th~ new - bti_ilding, ~ ·· , · -
'·'-LEW LEHRMAN, ex-guherriatorjal ca'.ndidate:will .eliminate ti.lition by buying the school: : ' - - - . ' . . CARMELO,· ~revat~r·;-~;erator: knows the'schoolup and down·, NANCY REAGAN, '.Ffrst L~dy: · , promises hew chin& fcirthe faculty .dfnirig room: . ,.., ' ' - '
This is.. in -resppnse ~to ·th~- . . _ . _ . . . -, , : · rNY_LS's Lli'W)'ers'. 'Guild's article =, .. P.-ews publicationsIs m:and of 1~-~: in .the Novembet issue· of the- , self. a cheap shot. This myopic · <: 4-dvocaie which contained many View. J.~ayes;~UC:~ to ~ desired; \ seri~s Inaccuracies -or misinterIs this _orgaruzat10nblind to the . converse· situation with.irespect . . to ,EQUIT AS,. or - is .it so near-' . sighte~·'that~ it . cannot see the fallacy and- absurdity of its . · position? ' '-, · 'EQUl'f AS will : cifntinue to grow iri- its- membership, reader~.
no to the worms; . The rights and liberties of yesteryear · · · · .That centuries have barely kept
!is there are interested students .alive _ ·who feel that such a tradition Are pre-ordained to fade and . should. not:.meet its ··demise. .disappear . · :EQUITAS is glad to see that. the By a majority of only five." . . NYLS Gµild does not stand idly by' Distracted. by the ' carpet's while v/e continue to grow, print muted threads, ' aod improve; Any. action which - One hardly hears the falling of motivates , students, even· if the heads. misdirectedr« . is welcome: ispecially ~-given ·the degree . of, . William Kunstler - apathy. and hon-involvement respect."to- NYLS "student
JJ1e gteat pleasure in life · _- i~· dping that which ,..:,,()~her~ say you. cannot
-c-. ;,,:.:J ..
wage .mcreases, but . this year, whe'-1" other court employees · have received wage increases 'of .8·10% the ~LAA feels_ ithas no . choice -but to strike in order to get management to" take 'its . demands seriously. .~ •• The ALAA haaasked for the support of all those interested in their. fight. Expressions :of sup- .. port · may be sent· 'to the · • Aasoclation of'Legal Aid Attorneys, District 65,: U.A.W., 13 Astor Place, N.Y.- 10013, .674' 4188. Demands ;..that · management erid . the strike should be sent to Archibald
··Act of ~barred discrim: inatjon .in al).y federally-assistea '-;progiain on the ground_S .of race,
· .: (Contiriui>rl on l'ai:r• /;ii
_:·:New -York ~faw: · Scho6l'.s · Antit'rusf · Moot Court", Team _ took First Place and ' 'Best Oralist honors in · the annim.i 'Antitrust .Ccimpelition·· sponsored, - by- the: New ;Yoi:k·· · County":'··, Lawyers As!l,Ociation.· · Tlie team of-Brenda ·, .Denham •· Harms, · Sheila Hilley. and ElizabethJoslin won the final agreement against the Cornell. University ·team. on November 4th; held .. in the Assqciation's ·auditorium- at 14. Vesey•. Street.. Miss , _, •·.Joslin also took the 1 • ' ·award Tor.· Best- . Oralist in the competition.
. . :' -. ·. : :18~oai:t .•· · · ''·
.For real
•. - ·'NEW-YOFfK
~ ...... ..... ~- .,
. or - on"'. p;~ole .. It.' authorizes; an. _: :':asylurii application by"an alien at: . authorized tor waive any. other
account of race, religion, nationali-
·ty,·; membersh,ip -in a. particular :--a port of entry e,_venthough he.may ' groundSofexclusioi;on their.behalf.. group, or politica1-opiniori'.5~- • -v-, _, :: be-cQmiQgwithout documents Q~as - . except those relating to nat~onal . The. applicatiorijs'examined by a. ,_a stowaway-,or~a·crewman.••.This . security,]S'azls, and trafficking' in - . immigrationofficeror judge before . .. ...... ,_. .. _ ....••• ?:\·j·r Jl "I Ad .., represeuts.-a signifu<ant"cuange· narcotics,' · .,':~ .- ·, · '··-. · adjudicatiorr-of'-asylum.". n ad-" .. from the ·prior la~which imposed- . TheRefug~-A~t of'19,80provid· visory , opinion "from 'the . State. ~ •. ea for the first time'sfatutory sane, Department Bureau or'- Human 'tidns' to the. informal' asylum proRights'and Humanitarian Affairs · of refugees who-could petitiop for cedure which had previouslybeen (B:{IRHA)· is requested by the asylum status.. '. .. - · ~- ~ - developed.Challenges tothe infor" Distr'ict Director or-Immigration Theconcepts:of· asylum ._status.,,: ·. mality.i>fthispr¥~dure-and otl:~er '. :Judgeto'_whom·t1ie.·applicati9nis-. and refugee status aT~-.i~terreJated; Cf!ptentions were-aJTegecl)nCOUft c ; sltomitted.°9 ":. '·. . . • ' ·• : . ' ., but can be.differentiated. "Wliile proceedings. !ncluding the allegaThe District Director makes. a the legal dfatinctfun1.S~ot cleai:·cut, , . tion•that' persons seeking as;Y!uni., written-decisionQ~ any-application.. it is useful .to -think: of the difstatus had full constitutionii.l pro-.. , submitted to him in ihEYexerciseof - feren.ce"s'this .• way: Asylum 18 tettion~ Tl).is. was rejected by tlte· ·:: h~·delicretiqn.AltP,ougli.tliereis rio~- - grantedWpersorurwl}oare alre~dy court~•·The _cou~ denie4.an e,n~i-y'.: . appeal:from h~ clisc&eti()fi, an ai( applicant run· cqns-titutional . plication Iriay be i:enewed_before.an guarantees,and con!=IUdecHhat.th~ lpimigrationJudge exclusioQor' inimi~ati6ii11i:id NatiiraTization ~ dep0rtati§n.procee"dings.•~~ -: -~': Service~s-a.sylumprocedure created · The various t.opics whiCh have . States."•• ·• . - ; · ,no· new. 'rights,. put Il).erely- fm:: · heerrdiscussed in·the boCfy~oftliis.. · For those ofihe.;:C.µ_Jiani<?rtilla,• ' plt?mentedexi.Sting:rigbj;S un~erex- . · artjt!e iiiclud~speciii:immiw=ants,_.· Congress ~ha.§ .i;macte.d .speeial istirig im1p.igratfon la~!?. ·an"dah,e ·· 'conditio~!lLentran~s;-~~~anJ!Iai-· .: egislationregl{afuingtheir staW!> : -Uni~e.d_Nationl?R~f1,1gee~Cqnv~m-__ ·:, H~n. entrants,. parol.~es; a,lien_sre; _ -aS' Cubari/Haitian.entrants,_gran- .· tions•ahd · Protocal, which has the- . · questing. asy!um,.. and • obviously";~ ting originAllya $1X.m<inthp~ofe force O[lk,tr-eaty;.and,t]ie.tef&e·,the . r~j'.ugee'. ~tatui;'" The' respective __: .. i: period whicli was suQ.8eq11entlY,exforce oflaw.°' The.Plytoeal pr9vides statusesn~vevaried in ihe degree ' ·. tended until a final determination . th~~ no signing·~tat7-'.sh.al~1·ebgn, o[rfght~ a~d thtfi?~~~~~tlim~afford-;· a se_ekerof asyl\Wlw,ho would :face_ · . ed under each provlSlpn, However,_ a threat to his lifeorfreedom ... "o~' all have servedtheir purpose;th3,t acC.ounf~f his-::i:-.ace, religion •. ria~~ js-toPtovide ~rnaVen.fOrthpse im--- · ~~: .. . tion~lityr'merjib~r!)!}~p·1~· a par- '· perile9 by·~~r,t~ln~ne, ~:~dl:iy the_ .. ticular ~a<;iaJ . group. or . J)Qliticai., rutJi}el!S ; SJ!ppres~ion_'}>f, human -' · ,spirits. The Uni~ States·hastradi. tionally~been · a.' Beacofi"tor the ll§ylum ~s mad~ on a "Request for" . homelessanp persecuted:·.. w~ ar~ A.sY-lum ill;the United States,"FQrm.. .a_ nation of imniigra:n.ts_and their. I,589, includin~ the applicant's. ~ sdhS and daughters:"Nop.ation,~j.th sP.ouseand child in the same petisuch.a-history can:furn itipii:ck on: tion. The-PEltiti:on ~sho'U!dpe· accomits own tradtions·withauf>·losing· ~- pa!lied .with a•Farm G~32&'w~ich-.: ·S-:-ometliing or°fts"·soul:;'•1·'.. . , -. details_biographicar'data. oi(th~apThis should· continue- to be the piicant;~iid a flJigerprint,ch~itfor"". stand the United Stat'es.irtiJ.intafus.,·. • each indi,v{dii!ll-include9 i~~lie ap:.. . However,:such a.policy_inayhavE( ·~ plication wha i~'fo}lrlee11-years.or, . far rea,ching.consequem;es_In ~he ·. older.""-,' ,· .. ~ ·- ' ;.. ·• · - ·past ~~vefal ,years the United · States has· received' hundreds of thousands ~f refugees-for resettle-. · ment~incll!dingoyer'1251000'linex-_ 0
Rule, ..
· . ~- P,~ge ·:t4\
-r. . . . ;. 1( u111i111u>d_frp~h Pallt:·l.11:
. ~ it's.J>racti~ ~.The ~fugee : 'this s~~- disb-etio~ary tool, the ~u~ lS a questionwhich penetrates . · 'refugee: ceilj.ng·oii aihi:ris8itin•into t?'the h~att_o£o~ ~ry as a na- ;·: the United Stfites vtas tnplea:ror . tion whic~ cherishes and upholds <the year:l980~ The. 50,000 ceiling • 'bu~an rtghrs ...and no n-t'-tion . for that year was abolishedIQid the· . • • , .. , . which ~ itself as a ,champronof ' c~_exoduscouldQn}y have geen 14. ~· Pato!'OVIC'sv. Morff, 260 •. human 1"1glits can maintain its • compar.ed with· the ·.Iridonesfah . F .. 2d. 610 (2 Cir. 19S8),and-Mat·.~chaei G;M~ang;li . · . ~bility·unl~itis~llirigfu .~ave·:of 18i5.-when~~17SOO(f. terofM.B.,81N.406(19S9).· · .. ·· . ·~·,·;• ,ili-;;·~... ··· -, ~elcome in the name-.of human refugees weJ:eadmitted'. = ' lS. 8 U:S.C. 11Sl-(196S) ·~ ..; . .. The..:icourt reporter ~io~'·hi;,(··.. ~he_ only' person' O~at" .,appears, . ngh~~osewhaha:ae beenoppr~· . Tiie· Cub_an iIDI1,1.igratio_·n wave . _16. H.R: Rep. N.o~ 74S, 89th Cong., ·eyes-:and, napPe(l between triaIS: ·1f~ any; is ~a friend 'parent ~· . - ed. an7 ~u~d. . . .. " : . clearly: benefited -with the im- . 1st Sess .. (196S), and S. -Rep, .No. . . The.;h_ailiffs.s~ blaiik!y .. iJ!to. ~to PaY·t!l~.fiJ!e., .,c •. '. - .·' . · . ·;o · -~ . ' plementat1onofthe:.itefugeeAciof 7~8, 89th Cong., 1 ~ess. (196§).: . . spa,ce:' while the. assistant . The bailiff contmues to fuone · _- ~ certainllre11_~tl~e ~fficiaI<:,;... ~l980'. With i~ prom~lgl!tion, t~e -~ ~~: ~d~.S.C, llS~ t19~5). ~" . . ·District Attorney picked his no5e.- .. ou_!the same charges agaliist the . policy off~redby_.the State Depart: . ~n~ow._defirut10nfounchn the Im{ ••_ .19 U S C . r .(·. ~ ·· .. ·To the right $at a,dozen -suspeets '~f?iu,"ds of_ continually· B:rriving . ment._Wh.at.must be e~amined in~, m1jp'at1on·and Nationality Act of . · 8 · · · 15 1 ,196S),as amend· .wh9exchanged-questionableglaric: s_uspE7ts -,· muggjrig assaul~. ~~ta~lis.ho~ clQ8~ly tni& ~jreclive-# ' ~9S~ was·y~adened ail~ su~: ·. · ~~..b~.Pub~ L .. N?. -9~:412(197~).. ·es. ·with ·the arresting .. police : pro~t1tution, ·drug sales~~ The r lS bemg carnedout:and.wno ari!'the ~ .. quently. PJ.:0V1ded much needed -. • Id . . . . · . . . officers, In"the 'spectator_.gallery- ·mot~ons and· ·object~ons' lire iil~nefi~iaries of those -~Ii~ co~~ · refugtll! assistance P!~grams f?r . 21. 9=~nded by ~b._~· No. . !ounged_ a yariety__of~inwvi1;foals, var:_ia~l:>:.. :thll --.same, ·and 96 Id. · s_~derat1ons. If the ~oble1deahs cartlios~ Cubans an~.Ha1tians adnnt> · ,. mclui;li~g a bag ·ladyt a~ few · •somet~ll).es the littll) olq man· r1~C!~tthe~equ1ta!>ly.th_enthere '=:_.~dasCuban/Ha1t1anentrantsbe~~· 22. N 'nf: . ~ . releasep...~als an4.~~coup_le,..:·.putshi~.head b~t~een hi~hands · can never be an ·ol>jectionto sucli,,... ween the 21st of April ~1980; and -:... . 23~Footnot · . . . e o. 17• 1 . ra. . . of acquitted -S\l~Pe.cts: . There . a~d ql,l}etly, "'.a1t~ until both ~licy. But if,th~ u5ebfsubjec.tfve . the exten_cie'd cuto.ffdate, the, (1996652).a:i~men.?· ·: were others there: just•'to ·view ·. side.s· haye·• s~ated· their ·case:· cnte~ll witijout,uBiformity are :· of0ctober1980._' , . J.· :. l~irn·20·-. 0~ ·-.1~(l98_9). · ~theproceeding'sort~.keepwarm .Onl~ wheri a~n.ew;argument is ,. " 25 made the b~f!.is for the exclusio_nof ~ · For ~the>.· CU.bani, the .current-.~ :26: _ · 7).(198~), :. ':. -~ (tom the late.nigh~_gus~. ·Above. · . made, or strange. facts· asserted;· .. 8-CF. "'-! 1.._;.1~1;.n ProVi.w u;~ "'" • ,,,, & u ""'ne ,., a • tion 81!d who lll'.e ~orded no pro- . . , uruque advantage in our i . . . . . . i 28 SO" uis C ; ~. .. .: : . - . . . . ,. ~ e o _maQ.. 111 an .. !)~en !>~ck ha' . .. s . . tection, then maybe !t is time that · tion Statutory scheine.The~~~~~- . ,29: DEPT. ·0F~~ATE1~B1U(lL9L48N). fr , ·· rtno~ed· .whko -shuffled pap~s. ~nd ~ . ~ .;&even·)tids.at': hoim:Lto ·sup- ·· . _a _truly~comprehens1vesys~m be . t~.nJty should be extended to othe.: . '::2041 c·A- .. '80J . . . . .• ~tOhl. eep every_.thingrunrung. •P()rt)"9oes.the. lit.tle &Id inan peek. prom lg ted Th u "ted Stat . · · · · -. . . . · •· ·· ug;: · 1,.. · .. " · ..• smoot y. ; be.tween his fingers ·anel stare aL . lud .. a e. n~ e& . nations~ho aresii:riilarlysituated.' . 36. Sbubashv DiStrict Directoi'· ''Docketb ~ 10.. 8.~9 . .·thi;i_-.:. s~_eaker. 'w. i_th~o-_ut' .·any·.·:· sou n9t avetobearthebwrlen · Ifsuchapoli cowdbe' ·ed·. 4 . · . . . .· ·.. ..u,m_er . • .. . _ · c..h "~one:However,.it8!1<1..ul~~t~eag- -~uitably: n:·.,Only th~ub~~ .. '3~~ri'E:;;~cfF(~*ACTE1r.. Bl_ULg.71L). ~ · ~D8.pekt Salvia, pr()s~1tuti911~·.. h'es1tat_10µ,. ·.or,., in .:. depth. :· gress __ .1_v~leader.~~ ..izmg_mte]'· -wh_ohave.eStablishedcanini· ...~-t' A , . . _ .No.~: . Smith ~et auto nu1111>er-1Q-,9,0 ,Re, dis~u~s.ionsw:ltHhe,sqspects,he~ "' tt " po......... theft D~aid k t qµ1ckly sentences or releases the 2041 ( ug. 80) . ·:r:1~n~~x:i~it=~ni:eso veth:e . -~ent, bu!-m~y otll~·nation ' . . . ~2.8u.s.c.1isiti965) •. 8J!~end. nuill~ 10-9!; 'ste~~~···Mo~~ e.. indivl~u~def~ndant.s. The bailiff 1 t . ·. "• •. g . ., ,~tates ~n~~t·W'.h,o_are S!) w,_elL ·ed. by Pub .. L: No. 96-2}.2 (1980). ~arcQtiti;i;_'.. W,ith'th9se intr=· then ~ects the defendant.to the~ . . " :; eser:v . .... 33: Id. . . , L. ' ., . . ... t1ons froqiJhe:.bailiff, the defen··. . rec.ordiJtg :c;Ierk, where .fines are:". • · IfCongressontheotherhand·in ,. 34. !d. , . )lints tise from their sei.ts and - -p~1d and ielease.·papers are i~ pl.e!W"Y aut~ority'over.~--· 35: U.S. News and Worfa ~port, · 'quie~y. if. nQt re~orsefllt!y~l!P- · -~v~n:: ~- then . ~pproaches, tlie tiott1SSues,.cb~tofixan-annuaI .,, . 2ct. _13t}i, 1978, at.63, ana New proach ~he bench., They· are a~s1s~an_t DA; b_etween nose Hmit of: somewhere- between He~ublic, Sept. 27, 1980. .brought 'h,ere. d4"ectly •from the .. 1n~ks; ~for ,the next Batch of 500,000 amH;OQ0,000 fo tlie total -i. 8 tJ.S;C.(i965i.as aminded.by... _36.U.S._~ews aD.dWoddReport, :. . seen~ (__)f. arrest from 'the!!· .. '~P-!<>ple V .... : ·' . " " c;oII).;. · ~ n\imber.~of hlLimDiigrant adm.is~ . the Act of, March i1th;· l980,·Pub"' ; . suprfl., -at 60. -· •y. • • . · • • • • .-' holding c:ells .on ·Rikers ~.lstand: · piaihts-:ajld. t!J.eti . resumes With · s!ons granted, it would provid~no L. ,No.-.96-212(1980)."" ' ...... ·.•· 37. 8 U.8_.C. llOl(a) (3S)(l9S2); Tliey are charied ·with. a crime · his "DocRet mimber" 'introduC- '- · flexi~ilityjor the;admiss(of.aliens 2.. See: 51 Int. Rei. 312 (1980):~ . . '38. 8~U.S;C'.· 11Q1 (t>Hi> (1952J. and then either released{or seri· tio11ti· . . ~. -:- ._ " · ' ' : who are of-true hUJPanjtarian.con~ 3. lS WEEKLY'C!OMP.OF PRES. 39. 8 J:J .RC. 11s1·(196S),iis iimend: · ., l<ei!Ced-bY the little old inan with. . This il!I the scene ·in one :or the • ~ni ~the Uni.tE;<i ~tat.es. It wQ_uld DOC.vl889 (Siipt·. ?I,_ 1980). . :; ~ed by Pub. L. No'..·96·2l2 (1980).. > .• -Bag~, un.der his ey,~!! . .'):!lcil ·. courtr_<>?ms in the cr~nal.co)ir:: · :_ viola~ the. sp~t o,~past United ·4.:.Ger~en and RoSe_nfield, ·m,_, - _40. S:8 bit,J~el: 62 .(1981) : .. ,, suspect ~s prose~!-1te~;-rhY:;tl,ie · .. tho"Q.se m.Ma11hatt,an. Six,days }i · StateS public ?.)licy considerations:.•. :.pugration Law. apd PrOcedur.e, . 4L 8 U.S:C. --:u.m ,(a)-(3S}! (b) ,(1) same. asSlStant D.1-··-~and :ea,cp. , -~~k, .~wenty. four· hours ~ day.~ whiCh-have::tongfavored an·order.:.· ' $¢;ion-I, 24 (i). . . . -. •· (195_2), 8 . u.s.c, T 1101~ part ~208' ope lSf defe1;1ded .by tile same~ :... with sliort-br0aks 'at l_pm; 6 pm. . ly_~o.w of immigrant$ i~to~tne §:Id:;"·> ·~-~-(1952). · . :'···, .· . ,Lega!Aido.r·c()~t:appojnt;edai- .~a.2~mf~rfoo([-~nd:thoug~t. United States,qt certainJy,w~uld 6. I.d. .. . 42:_8U.s.9. HOl(19S~),at'~2Q8 •. torney:· Tlu~ ._is of~ cow-Se. JUS~~~;contm_ues~to ~e,;expoun:: . '· -represent a serious statutOry im7~ 50 U.S.G.-App. l~S1 (1948),. so (a'). De_fmes gerreraf • asylum ' ;.- unless_!;_he !!ll~ts can afford to 4ed : for th:e • oenef1t. of·· the ·.·,-pediment for·the adiiiission of. U.S.C.. App.1971(J9S~.,~.R:Rep. f_,procedilre. ~". : ·:·.:_-~'· ·'" -"q hfr~ their ~p~vate aftofli~y. ,''J,>~1?,le:·..'lfyour. iio!e~, an~ refugees and'.woufdindicate ro-the-- No-.10066,87th Oong., 1st Sess.( ). .43. ~ U.>S.C.1151(196S);as amend- · None of the suspects. here can. .. • Ill!~. no~hing to ao, I ·s~rongly · world that the United States is nb. 8. 8 U .s.q. 11SH1965),as ~enp> , ed_by 1?!1li. ,~· No. 96:21~2'~~980);Im· . , The _arrestiiig, jxilice officer is · . rec:~ln!ll~d.:_t~~r:you.attend one ~ ),~~ger ahle to:live up:tO--its com-. ed'byPUb.. L,No. 96-212(1980)."The · m1grat1on_and NationahtYAct ot: usually· ,.present for .. the "of the. shows· at ·.100 Centre . . · .. _nuµnents as:-a :source or-·fn$iom· definiti •. of;; ."refugeef.-h.erei~ ,1~,,section!<U.<aHli2){~)Jl~k ,prosecution. He-is~ tO. sw.ear ~tr~et.1There are no ljnes-a~~ - and opportunity-forth:oaewhQseek ~ends the term as found iii 8 «.8"1'.J':S.O. 11(}1fyai:t20~(1952).-~ · to; th~ ,famt~ess •. o( '..tlle-.ra.fl._..,·•.itt.i.s~~~nmi~t:.·~~,;,sho":. _a. new and better life in 'Ainerica... U .~.C. pQl(a) (42){196_?)•• as well4~_. Id. . . . _ '.. . - . . . fi?av1t_; i,:~argmr t.he , i;usi>e.ct -~· _off-OfiBr~dway.. · _'i-l . -~- .;-. · asm~U.S.C .. (1980)Whichrela£ed .46.DEPl\STATEBULL.No.~2034 w1tb a cnme. Forc~the-defertse_ .. , • Th ' to refugee a5sistam:e policy~.... · • (Jan.'.aO). ~· Warren·f:hri'sto-pher; F'i\:=::;·~~"".""~-· ~~-..._.;,;·_.:.;;;··-'..;'.;.;..~.:;~;,...~~~~;.;::.ii;..:..;,.:..~ · · . e~ntPQhcy~ject1veofthe 9._Kaplan v. ~od, 261.U.S. 228 Deputy Secre~:olState. . ~1te Qouseand Prys1dent~gan . (1~25), .;(: Ma v:,:)Jarber;.,351U.S. _-4.7_. 15WEEKLY COMP. 0£·0RES, '-' ~9~~a~ere ~ ~4e ~fug_~ Act ~f--:', . !85 (1958). LaWfUl .permanent. · ., BOC. 1889JSepL21;)980). • . .· .... . · an continue th~ ~~g~ pro- ·. resid,eriee status is not authorized ' ~. ;!8: DEPf,·STATEBULL-NO. 2034· scheduled, admitting inunde:r parole. admission; . · /-· (Jan. '80). •.'" ·~ .. · '· ·;: ~ · vi •. ·. 'Ol!a~by~basisex-< 10.15WEEKLYCOMPOFPRES · 49.lq. -• . , -_-; •:. ',. othe~J¥. de!l_~gpat~. ~e 1 _DOC. 1889 .(&pt. 21/1980) ·~ _' . . ·so: 8 CFR 20? (1981). ' - - ·.; ' .. . . ~at1onWIS~es to-mamtairt. .·l[. _8.:.U.S.C. 1151(19!lS) as amend- , . SL 8 U~.C-.US1(196S),as ~end- the spmt of the Uruted S1fte.S as? ' . ed.:by PUb, L. N'o. 89_736 (1966)'. - -ed by PUb. L.;..No. 9§-~12 (19~0J_ · • . sy~bol-.offr~m ancl ogpottumT!lis legislation establiShed a two • 52· 8 U.S.C. 1101 (19S2).· ·· ~rdi;r~~nt~~aav~~ the rear ;Probationary perlod.befo~ead. - . 53; .P..ierrev. Unitt;d States'.15;47 ... ·.Tf ...:_IsowoflIDIDl,~tsmto~he -1ustment- ·of status. could be . ...._F, 2d. 1281 (1~77i. - - . .. . ~-,. , "'t'1-';, };atespursuant to the ·1mcommenced, ,....;. · .. S4. DEPr. STATEBULL:-No. 2034 ; . -;~~~tionfaw·~~r?~ures~l,f:- -12. ld.'Defi~es '.~ppr@riate.con:·. , ·cJan. '80). '.'' '~.; ·. , - • ·· • ·Wis~s · rel?n · , s Qr th~ whp • .sulation" as di.~cussions between ' f?S. ld. · · ' •·· ' 1. ~ ~-~bndge those laws. , . cal5inet ·level representatives and ~ S6. 8 GFR:20~.2 . . . ~ . - · . . memliel'l!oftheCoinmitteesonthe _57. 8 CFR 2!)8.1, 8CFR-208.3(a). ·. bi c~p.clusron,the RefugeeAct of .' :Judi~iarYof.the 8enate anii House · 58: _8 CFR 208.S . . .... ·''- . .136...West ·, : Broadway· . ··, ..... __ 1980 direetl¥ _provided ·the,·, o( Representtives'i;oµcernlng the S9, 8,CF;R_208.7 · statutoey langu~e which,perlll).t· • . nll_tureJ~Lthe refugee '§i£uation at.;,._ .6J>. B~.C~2Q8..9<=', .. . . · . , .• • ted tlie arrival of l2S;Q09 Cubans· P.@iFSpecfflCally~the.~ionis ; · · 61: • l)EPT. -sTATE.·-BUL':I:. N.o. ·. un_derthePr.e$ident'sdirectionand-. to co'V:erthe nµmbe_iitia-~Ifoc'~tion , 2044(Nov.·80). •,' ··'. - ·y Congress~onal11pp~oyal~ ordef.to.:' .. ofrefugees ?dlriittllf.'th~proposed;( , ~2._ld~ · ;·' ~· ·. - · - ~ :, •. ,be_ ,_~l~illed. ~ ~migrants ;of~t· _pl~JlS for.refu~~~~ilve~eni and · 63' 64·. ta. ·-,. /-:_ ~pec11ll- human1tar1an.concern 'to -.. i;:e~ttlement, an"anil;ly$isof the ari':. · -Id. . " -" • · , ·.: , ... :" t ..·, _-_the-·~ni~d States; B;f thee use~of,' _-; ti~ipat!<I..._i.1?:!-P~cf" oq_foreigu ~licy. -· 6S: D~.PI'. STATE BULL.No. 205(~'. .• . .• . , ...., .• ' .• ·"' • . , ' ; ..! .~~ - ·.: f'. __ .(8ept'. 81). • .•. ,..
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Robinson, i:_h6-ch{ls gt!liit'e:x;pl;lr~
grateful .'for .. their,
·. JJ.At~J;;S&}!e!d.'.it~ ~reer'Dl!y'af -.~ ti::!..e" ip.-Ei:nP.foYi;e RetiremeriJ~Tr:: • .::~ ticipation and- ins~ht. -~··<•.,
~X:ll·~·<rl}~r_pr_ograi;.n was.
a-__ <:ome Secµri~y; .Edna Wella-js a ~n~trum~ntal_ m .Car~r .Day :; • - s~c~e~s for bot~ BAL~S~., an~ .. R~o~ecul~r_. ip the ·U.S.>· ;"\ttor· . . . were J_u~y. ~i:nt; Co-chairperson .t~~7 NYLS cQmmurtity.3-TJie ~ ~ney s _off1ce.and teacher withthei; · ' and, Lila· Kirton, Secretary 'who ". -· C_iireer }>£iJP-reseiited~_a'µ~que:;;-~~il_ing Skills Center: _in New organized'theevent . . ;"-· i . . opp9t::~!1~~r ;'toJeyi~w-:_yarlc!tJ,s:·.. ·y:ork qty;: ~amiel, Pobron, ~n .. >T}ie ; emphasis•. was :-on ~ -. "f . ~spects_·:o~ taj!}{)rities c and ._die•. , • .attorrteL·. W.!th. ~h~- .Legal .Aid aggressiyeness; a11d- ina~ng up -...:.,. \' ... legal -professi(l11._I~;S.E1~i:d a~:·a ~ ·. _Societ;Y-; .. Victor .Olds;- arid one's mina . early in, one's ·law ' · .souz:c~. of_ ~ea~~· c!'n_tac~s, • D.,aphne Fu!}e_!:, ·both attorneys care~r·-: as. well. a~;;a .;need. .for· ang ..,ID'.OVujed answers, on dif·- · .with•the Attorney· Generals'Of·. . specializ!ltlo.n· which mcreases ferent areas of the]ai:·' ~, :--· • . . fice;-.:G~eg~y· -Tillman,· tax·" '_::.the students_ marketability. Tht) It. was_~a~·t!Jlly insightful ~ex:-. .:'\ ~feree:with_·the~N:Y;~C. Depai,;.. : need for.minority educat9rs was. ·. perienc.e ' for ' ~ll .:. cohcerne'iL. ·. tment. of}\miilice/ProL· Roach;. - .. str~ssed, so as to act as positive · . ...~prese!!_t~<f-~ere'l;tuisl}e.gr~f{e; ·.:' ~ foriner: Judge ~~ith_c !b~. City, of, .. · ·: ·ro!e m?<IeI. and._furth,_er enc~ur;_ige ;·"·· :: ;'~.'Director_·_ oh. Edu.cation,.: New·-YorK,-an-fiiJl·time~ptofessor mmonty.,enro!lments nation .J..::.:1,;':PRDDEF;·_ .,Paulette· Brown· at St7-JohnsLaw School."We are . wide;
"''•'"•"'""·:,i:-.±:<;;l•";~~l ·
<"'~. '>
, '
--~---·2~31. ' ~-~_IC-2.,31 ---~-·.2.77 ... 2.77 ,, ·" 2.77 o...;,.. _..2.77.