Equitas, vol X, no. 2, October 1978

Page 1

B.ULLE'PIN-~AS- we w~nt to press; Dean» E. Donald -Shapiro 'informed'. _ EQUl~A$ of th~ follo~ng changes i~

v, -

. .the NYLS Athnihis,tratfon:1·Asst: Deari:

_ .: Arn6Id~-Giiibapt~k n~~·Vice~Dean1for ·: ·_. . Flliaiicial \'.Affairs; . Lucille« Hillman is · .

' now Asst. Dean for D.evelbpment; ToftY\ -". Scanlon ts now A:sst.~ beiin-for Acifuis.5t·

-- . ~i;m-

anci E~mel}t:J-:'Ulfaetillls'i(i ~ur.~~:; " .. · : ' ' .. nexfis~llEl: :~-: ·. -·~;{·, :.• ~ 1' _.::· " ~ • "' ' ·.''.' c> • '

world, however ;they_ must be able to use -, iheir'energiel; to prOduce-agefessi~e job , · search .. tactics." ~'The ·Career Counseling. ·

, . active-in.civic .. grol!ps.or political .aesoci-~-- :.:ations. Membership in these organizations · exposes new· students to' climates in which lawyer8 play k~y roles: And these types of : voluntary activities .offer,first year students opportunities to make contacts with . : Jawyers who··occassioll~y refer jobs. to· .. "" . .. . -- .. -· ·l~ " ,~ "' -students. >. ·· : ---. ' <.· . .,.._,'t, · · · ·" sui:mner Job First Go'ai -~-Securing a summer job a8· alegal re; '~-- searchershould be the firSt student's go~;: }~help stud~:nts;:-e~le13s~fy~ar, ~!:;~- 0;·~·~'acquire.and.perfect JOh _ski~~' _&ull1van - · G) · :conducts a SIX sessron course entitled "Law .. - 0- t·students: What's Your.-Future? Career ~or~h~p to::Ass~ss-your,GOals, 1\bjlities, .:~ c



- --~f I ·



. Prof. Peter W.SchrOth presented ma. jor papers recently at three national and· international meetings. The first was the American Bar Association Centennial An-

nu3I Meeting in New York City; where he .spoke on comparative eii\rironmentaJ Jaw. ,Hi~- paper, which dealswith public partieipation in environmental deeisionmaking,. . will appear in the·fallIssue of Forum. "~- Schroth also spoke on American and . · 'Yugoslav products )!al;>ility_at the Second Bilateral-Scientific Conference of,United . . , - States·~d-Yugoslav Jurists in Belgrade,c- -'\' ''lfis ·paper,,}Vill be publish~'}~ a seroo... . . Croation translationJnPravin Zioot, and in · English in law~view'. - ·: ·· ', ~. Finally,.. he was. one .. of tlie u nited · : States represen~ativesat the 1.:eii:th International G,Ongi:ess of,CompacitiveLaw in Budapest, ·Hungary. Schroth was the 'National Reporter.on .Produc~s liablilty for_ the United "States, delivering a 'paper which has.already been published m the' '.American Jouma! o/Camp<irative Law. In· addition, he was asked· by the World Reporters at.two sessiollf! tO make special, . -extemporaneous p~sentatiol\S~on . of the winning essay was ''Monty:fyt}io~: since the end of September. Fislier &·.,.it is pre~atur'.Ei-to set a target completion ~tort law_priottothe general discussion. -_ 'A Statementon Deletion; Disclaiiil~, and. Fisher,_ the· NYLS architects, have de- date, Kingcorifirmedthat~novationofthe This is an honor offered even once to no. . American , Comm~ Television." Ms: signed-a facad~ similar-to 47 Worth:-How- basement-clinic offices and the first floor 'more than teri or tweive of the several hun-. . ·LuskYi&agi'ai:luateofHunterCollege,and ·ever, it Will have a simplera~pe~~due 'library .is the first stage of the building dred representativesattendingfrom most was a member of DWi~t Inn, Phi Delta 'Guaranteed · < program. .· :.i. · : - . of the countriesof the world," - : , · ·Phi. . • _ ,.. _ . . · ' . · . - . ~ . Access to the 55~Worthfirst.uoo_r lib_-· · · .· A . , · .,;., '-TheNath&nBurkaDMe~orial~ml)e-'.: S.ame:~ayServ1ce · ~willbethreughtheFroesseILibijry.. '.· Remmel.Rides gam. . . tition is-sponsoi'edtiy~e Arrteri~ Society' o · •'in 57 Warth: AlSo planned is a stairway tc. ' .. : LarrrRe~e),._a former-.member of ,' --~ of Composers; Au~oi's 8!_ld PUblishers ~ , · 1 · L:i; · . connect the first and second floors of the battllilg section C, c~s of ;79~ one o! . f ASCAP' first Ge eia1 C · Jibi-ary in. otder to elimirulte unnecessary the region_alwinners at th,~ ~978 Nati.onal-~ · fj,8stimtliai: intere:;.f; - .' elevator:t~ps.•The-restrooms on the 'fiist .:Trial Adv~ Competiton. Mt. Remmel. · "" . tile.field ofcop•vPi.....i..t law._ _ ~. . ' floor have been designed to accofilodate th,e transferred-to -Washington and Lee Uni- : LOma.Ve~dl:NYIB,_asecondy~ -to. tt"le puolic -haildieap~. '. , · · .'.\rersityattheeridofhlsfirstyear.atNYLS.__ · ~nd· . -"- ~-·_9_ ~·- · . . :--~nardRo~·-. .· eveniDg student, ~ptured.tlJ.e $100 .., ... .. • .· ·. . ·MarieRichUdson J.. • --pme in the competition:wJiich-wasJ~1dgaj _ 10 _·per, copy .- - b -PrOfr"'~. Ed~·SamueJs &M' Ad.:· - \.. • Y ~r . _'·; . - ·Cut your copying -costs by more ' - JUDct. Pi9J~r Seymour Pe~. He_r Pathan · half; wHile enjoying the fJnest · · ,_ .- per, "Cab.le Televisfon's .Oompul$o!"Y Liquality gopi~s ffom ou[ Xero)i( 9'400s :' cense: The Wall ·comes,TuJJiblingDOwil,".-- (rated speed l?O ·cpm. 7;200 cph'). · Ms. Lusky's will' be forwai-dedto a· ' • A wholesale order involves un., djstinguishedpanelofjud~: 'f!leyWill'be~ ' bound originals of ·aQiform size and ~nsideied, aloqg·with papers from law. standard thickness. Minimum order-$5. scboolS -througnoui_tlie eounµ-y; for ~aB'1ease:·ca11 us tot free estimate. ' .. eLAW:CASSETTES · ·~ . , GoldPennPress , _ tioilal Pri?.es of$1,500, $1,000, $750, $500 170.Broadway. Suitej710. NYC and $250~ The. outsta?Jding'essays will ~ . · e -RESTATEMENl'S -:·, selected.for publication in ~AP Copy(one blockeast otWorl~ l'rad~<;en,ter)

an :American


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::_ - • Undergraduates can-attend our Jan. 1979 & June 1W9· series, On grad ~ti~n;tiPon payment of ~nly one fee. .:; . '· - ' .






furi1re'; inform:,ti~n ·; -contact:



• WUIS S. OLENICK _ (evening age~o· . or-

. "-..




KASS PROBLEM ANALYSIS' - _CLINICS 27W,illiamStreet, N.Y.C: ·:c· (Wh. 3-2690)

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. 740 Broadway (at Astor Place)

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· .. * 21 Warren Street (off Broadway)

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. 732-8746, 47

- X~ROX co~ies~(81hx B)5 -~7'._0FFSET-~PRINTING _· "-~ . ---_ "--8~-,dl - . >- one side - • both sides . -

-_. -.o.,-,

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cents each,...(at>ove-100~ 4 cents eachj. . . - .-_- . ~ - -APPEAL PRINTING :. ~ < 30 Appeals or Briefs _ ' -_ (includes binding) -~ - JJp"to 2fi pages;::st.95/page . 26 i~ 75 pages,••. $1. 7'0/page , 75tol5(tpages •.• $1.50/page -

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.- $17.90...--















~EW SERVICE: Color ehlargments fro~ 35~ni~slides ."OFFSET PRINTI~G - -- ' - - _;.; . , -




.. ...?"


::_ - • Undergraduates can-attend our Jan. 1979 & June 1W9· series, On grad ~ti~n;tiPon payment of ~nly one fee. .:; . '· - ' .






furi1re'; inform:,ti~n ·; -contact:



• WUIS S. OLENICK _ (evening age~o· . or-

. "-..




KASS PROBLEM ANALYSIS' - _CLINICS 27W,illiamStreet, N.Y.C: ·:c· (Wh. 3-2690)

. ;-OFFSET-· ,. --. __

~,XEROXING - : . _i




· While-U.:Wait-Se~ice * - ,..._






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. 740 Broadway (at Astor Place)

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· .. * 21 Warren Street (off Broadway)

." -. " -; . · _ -~ i2 John Street <Off Broadway r-


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.- - --

. 732-8746, 47

- X~ROX co~ies~(81hx B)5 -~7'._0FFSET-~PRINTING _· "-~ . ---_ "--8~-,dl - . >- one side - • both sides . -

-_. -.o.,-,

; -~--

cents each,...(at>ove-100~ 4 cents eachj. . . - .-_- . ~ - -APPEAL PRINTING :. ~ < 30 Appeals or Briefs _ ' -_ (includes binding) -~ - JJp"to 2fi pages;::st.95/page . 26 i~ 75 pages,••. $1. 7'0/page , 75tol5(tpages •.• $1.50/page -

s2~8o~~ - ' -$5._60·

""""'--soo : -s6,35:~- :? 'sn. 70 $9.95'·







.- $17.90...--















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. Page5 -~~~~~.....:...~-'-..,....,-~--:-,--~~__,;;,~~---'-~~-'-~~,..-.:.....,-~~-,~-1.

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• The.Alumn! AssocfationAnnual ~er will ~e pla~e Tuesday evening, No~mber 21st; at.the Waldorf-Astoria Hotek The honored guest speaker~ be ~ano Cuomo,the · Seqetary -~{s.ta~,.C?f t_he-~tate gf ~ew Yor,!<. Mr. C~omO-will ~receive Dean's , .. M;edal. The CJa;s$ reunionl!to be held in'conjunctionwith the Annual Dinner are: the 50th reunion of the class-of'28; the40fh,reunionofthe.claSS-of'38;the 25th reunion'of the 'of 'Qa; the 20th reunio_pof the class of '118;.the~lQth reu~on of ~he c~ _of '6.8~'and the 5~h-; reunionoftheclassof'73. · _ '::;' iilF · . As in the·pagt,flieAssociatiol}isinviting · all N-n.S st'Udents to attend tlie Annual,. Diniier at a 'reduCedprice of-$10.00; -:graduates of-the laSt fjve years~$20.()(); all'·, others, ·$00.oo.' , - · · ~ J:Waldman · M. Richardson · . 'f.he pictw,:eofthe cl8$s.of128:thatap~ in this issue of_E,_QUIT~ lent tO us-by· _ -the clasS·chairinan,.Mw:r&fT. Tra_yman. Mr. TraYmmi and his Wife have aISo established tli,e Murrai rr. and Rae'L~ TraYDi'aQ Scholarship fund, $50,ooo.oo-comimtment,in celebration of-the 50th anmveisary of his giiduatiori. Mi-. Tra~ hal:i been conSistently generous over the 'yearsand anumber oTChairsui the-Moot Court Room bear his name. : Marvin Ray Ra&Jtin, '72, former AssiStant~DjstrictAttorney, Bronx County_ and &nio11'!)ial Attorney-:-~arcoticsBureau,has formed 8parbjershipandWilrengage fu the general p:ractleeof law Stone,.RaslWi &Jsrael. :, , , _ ~. . . . ~ . . -~- . ·. · · .Jerome Al_!Ul ~in, '52; ruis recently had.a book published Q.n the subj~ of the~. divorcing male. The name of the book is Xke Lion's Share~ a Manual ForTke Divord:r111• ' .~Male, an~ is published by '.}'iihes Books. O~tein, wh!) baS ~n divorce~notonly,~m the perspective ofa professi9nal,_ but also as an observer,f'~me of,my best friends_are ·-o: -~divo~.~· h~ says), and participant~ is.eonsider.ed·to.be _one -of the l~g divorce attorneys in the country. .. · _ . _ .· _ ' Dennis Spillane '7&! .is now~ AssiS~t-District Attorney jpr·Bronx county~ While atNYLS~nniswasamemberofthestaffof-~~RigJ:tts.: -: . _ - . · . . . Former-c1ass~s, ~ Bat.e t7~~(a former EQl!l}'.AS editor) and._Ron~ldf~ '15; · · · have formoo~_new·ljtw~nership, Goldfatjl & Bate, wit\! of;t!ces iri Manhattan,~Sta~n Island, and H~en,sack, N:.J. Tli~y have_a general p~ce with.an em12hasis9n_medical ·: , rilalpra.Ctice,criminal and matrimoiiliilcases. Ron was formerly with NYLSPrQf.Henri' - . ROthblatt, and Sal was with Berel; ;Navara & MUuenwhere he was in d!!fend- - ant's Ilf}gligence_cases. THehipm:tnership;l):o.wever,handles prlmaruy_p}aintifi'scases: . ' · . , . The Alumni Assg_cfationis moving·along on the publication of the Alumni Dire(tory · aJ!d. has ~nt out ~~l"y vet1ficatjon_forms ._for _all graduat_es fot- whQm they- have · ad~s. Th_e directbry-will be.divided intothree Sections-alpliabetiCallY,,by c;IasS, and geqgraphi{:ally.When comple~ it Will be the first tini~ sinc"e 1916 that the AIUmni · ~etwork Will be on paper. The Din!ctocy .is exl)ected to'bE; eompleted ~Y tl~e end-of this





class -

Some tHings are-better'the-kcond ~ime arolmd_.::' takJng'the. bar exam isn't one of them: . , · •· . . ' -·, -• - .• '/.:::C. ' : . . . .. ;T'ake a'good lo6k:at the Marino-Josephson/BRC Course and we think youwill ~gree that-th;re isl:io better a~surance that-you will have to t~ke · the_New Yark _B-ar Exam only once .. :-. · ' .





. _- No ott:ier course has'our'experience-(over-'thirty













. . . •• • ·. ~·

. . --














.V'BRC, •.




years with the~New York-exam."and· seven years with the Multistate Exam). our record (aver 30,QOO New York 11ttotneys, conslst~ntly stjp€rior New 'y ork passing . . ratesJxceptional ,Mu ltistate· perf9rmanee), :our materials (our Capsule· .Outlines-:and law Summaries prepared by the.same people'Vyho pr.educe the Sum & Substance ·of Law series.and ari(lotated and edited by the . Marino staff), "the lecturers (drawing· from Marino's experierwed staff-.of · oa'r exam specialists aria BRC's faculty of over.ninety outstanding law·· ·-'·. ·teachers) or. 0-ur. uniquely effective sfuayprogram !the i>rograi'.nnied ·_ Learn in~ Sysier;nJeaiuriog cons.tant-~eedback, ~acing -and d_iscipliqeL · · >),





j· -

Peter &se '77, former~~Edi-·· tor of'EQUITAS, ha$ ~n app0inted.the ,_ n~ · ~un:r ?f the ~rooklyn College g: AJumru· Asscx::ratj.on. He JS also clirrently .. i . coilnsel to the Major I.:eagtie Baseball Play. -~- ers Associat!onwhere he is en~ in the· ~ . practioo of labOr relations law and ~ollect~~ ive bargallting._ _ . - ·.- c J.- _ • 1 :, ·, . ~e Hon. Frederick s .. '51, A_ctingSupreme CourrJustice and :Adjunct- '. Professor _of L.aw at NYLS, recently'8e~ed:as a faculty metnl>E!r during the judicfal' ·' -education and training sessions at The NatiohalJudicW·College,UniversityofNe~'ada,... ·Jules E. (Jed) Orenstein '58 w~ re- · ·, cently nominated· by acclamation.to.·suc_ceed himself and ruri for·a full six year terin ~ • _ on !he D~tricrCourt Bench~ t~e No_v~!D- JudgeOreristei~ 'per 'elections. Judge-OrenstemwasapJJOm- , '•''. . · · _ ted-to that~_stiµ May, 1978...t~~om~lete-~ -~ the tenn -of Judge Ge't>l~ge Greel\Stein of ' ~in~Ia who r-E!tir.ed! : .. - ~· :· . . :. Jµ(}g~Oren&teinreceivedaRS-degree·irOmBucknell'al}d'earnedaMaster'orLawsde~e frim"i New York. Univeciity.He has worked as·an Assistant District Attorney of . · ·. Nassiau County and a8 ·an AssiStantA:ttorneyGenerru of the Staie of New York und~~ ' • - • 'c,,-· · Attm:neyGeneral~ou!s,Lefkowiti> -~ / ,,.~-.-,_ - -~ ·,•;- ,_ ·· - · While a·student a't'NYLS, Orenstein:was.tlfeA.Ssociate Editor-of Law Review, a -- . ·. . Moot-Court-par;tic!Jiant',anSBArepI;eseiitatiieandhegrad~atedfu&tinhisclass.}udg~ - • Orenstein was also seleeted as ·~outstanding Student of the Year'' frYm among<three .; · gl3rluatingclasses .. · · ., , . > · · _,. . ·, _. . -j- . . . -·, · - ·_- - • .- · ~: · > · , ~ · Gary i:;: Dolan, '77,'has been.app0int-· -· · · · ed·as 'litigation s~ppo~ o"PeratiO_ns man-

-! i






EN . ROLL BEFO. RE · · · - ;~ . ·, -- ·

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oc·TOBER . -_



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·REPRESENTATIVES:1' ' •• ·-· • ' . · : ·. · ~ · Robert Cla.rk-~(Coordinator): -_ 873-3166 -~Paul Cohen-··-· . 241-1831: _,._, ' · ' : · · · ·e,cJan'Geller :_-. 67-'S-3049- ·.._- ___ <








• ·



.,~~:;~~~e~;~~~g~i:;~i~~~:~ · · e·~,~~~;~ 8_P,~~~~n ~:-67~~tj6~~-~ · 7


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i .



$30.00 per person . $20.QO per person $10.00 per person


~ -:- -..... ~ . The NYhS chaptei; of the Natiollai LawyersGiill<tmeetsevecy.Wednesciayfrom in ro<>rn 703. Wl!tch t~&bulletin boiirds fo~posted anno~n~~~ntsof special everits. .,

-, ' Edjtnr's

. . ..



rro~: Mr.. Himmelstei'n's Opinions are un~ly

sent the views ofthe .stiiffof EQUITAS; . · •


.... ,









h~·(nqp, and do n0t repre~

. ·






iJiit:ner.110,n~e Siioli.~ ~==~.=..~,;,., '°'°~-

<, vey · the limi~iQns and imperfections of, DWight. Inn, Phi Delta Phi, will have - Jiiw in""oealingwith socialproblems, such as , its.next meeting on ThUrsday, October 19, the Karen ~ Qui~ ease, or the abor\ 1978at 5 p.in. in room604. .• .. , . . . ~ tion issue; but at the same time demonstrate _ . The friiternity:,~a school service I~~r ·.that.it's like the choice between.death and : ., since 1899, invitesall.new~andoldmembers old ·age.· Old '.age_ isn't so bad when :y-oi.i . ,' •.. tO attend this meeting. - ·-. - . · . · • conside"r.the alternatives." Dean Bruce·andt . -··.; . '.Weinvit6'theentireN-YLScommuni--:.DeanE. DonaldShapirohavebeenfriend~ _ . . . Dean.l):lruett_ · · ty. to' ~atch the bulletfu. boards for an- :sine({ 1959,when Dean Bruce was-in charge they did what they· had to do to .become ·'nouilcements-concernbig our''AnriuaJ.Fall of continuing.legal education at. Harvard competitive." He addsthat NYLS's loea.· Dinner:.;Ifarice. Tick~ts traditionRlly : sell Law ~ School, and' Dean Shapiro :was in· tion provides students with a tremendous · fast:soaon~.be left out! - ~ . . ~ .. . du~rge .of continuing legal educa'tiOn~ithe adjunct faculty.~.. . . '.- ~ ·~ > : - ~Jonah Triebwasser Univ~r8ity of .Michi~n Law School. "We 'NYLS didn't waste .time using Dean 1 ·· - : · • , ',~used. to publicize each other's programs.. ._Bruce's skills. "When I first got here I was -------------------"-'"""'""----------------~ . When he· publicized a""Program; he really'~ pitched righf into the middle of so. many . publici.Zed it. He's really an increrubly dy- ·: p~ojects -:-- I spent· half of my days. in the ·:; naJ!}ic adminiStrator." ··~. . ,--· . ·. · . Dean's office meeting people and talking to .. . Deap:Bruce also knew_Professor Joel · theni about schedules. Mainly I was work, Mai-tel when ~e :Wasa student a~ :Hru-V:iid ing ori the cumcul~m. interviewing fliculty 'Law Sc}lool,.and testified to how "exceed- members and·adjunct faculty to-see what · mgly bright". Our Property-Con8titutiC>riar they wanted to teach. This school has ad·~ La~ pfc)fessor was student. "He's got ded an enormous nu,_mberof elective cour. a 'feally-amaZjngcareer ahead of him.", ses, and now those courses need to be eval,Pean Likes the Strength of Faclilty uated and categorized' to be· sure we ' , Dean Bruce is_ pleased.· 'Yith the haven't missed important areas of the law . strength. of,the NYLS ·faculty;, "They.'.ve.: th,at students should be.exposed to." . done a. remar~bly fine j90 of recruitment;~ -.~ D~an Bruce ,t~ ~)'.'i.-S ~- making -,Ws ·no. easy task/'. He attriblit~s·inuch of:' e~eptional progress;dueto its-l~!J.dership, the credit to-Dean Shapiro. "He has a vecy' · location;: : and .weµ,:.91;1alified":':::~tµdents.: : ~de c!rcle of,acquaintances ilJ the toplev~ "Th.e:e's:a. lot _g9ing'.. on: pery.:;lt:~~a very_· els of the law because he's been in law exc1tmg place. · GOod students;. excellent· schooladininistration for so mariy'years; in. Ja~ul~y, good facilities~. ~cf With the new Michigan and New York, and at the Pr.ic- building,-the place will be really_fantastic. "tising Law Im~itµte. He's a i}er8onwhq's It's· a gre~t location;· right in the very cen. -just ~op@ priented, and thatm3.kes·re- ter of the American legal profession. What · cruitments a. goOd Cleal easier:· Also,· the ·· finer location could you ask for in a law. , 'l'_!iistees . deie~gd some, time ago t~at ,. sch~l than being two or three blocks from ·---.,.-..,...,._,._,,.....__...._ .......,....__..;..;;......;. ......;. ......._.;...__ '-'. Hiey_were going to: be~ competitive, ··and~. all these courthouses?" •








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