The New York Law School Reporter, vol VII, issue VI, October 1989

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· _by Daniel M'oallem and B.-Sbaw H:05 A.M. Sunday October· ise. A lone security g ard, patrolling the perime-r= ter of N.YLS, discovered -the main door, . leading ·to .the Mendik Library; unlocked. Acting upon his own 'initiative, the security guar entered the construction site-and performed an immediate inspection the pjemises, - Entering a room on the first floor, which contained the blueprin s for - the library const ction, the guard disco_ vered that the new .sheetrock walls were·

and _padlock, -however,-"tfi~ security· guard .discoveted _that the loek was not ,properly secured. The guards, wh_o are not responsible for the security of the_ construction site_, contacted their. supervisor, Geerge _ Hayes . who . netified the contractor. The - contractor is re:spo.nsible for securit:x on ·site - during constructi9n. The police :\Vere never called. · · This i-atest incident at the Jibrary cop·structfon- site occurred ·.only two_ weeks ·.after _anoiherpossible break-in attempt was - thwarted by our fast-actfog security staff. At that time,_ a. white - male was discovered _ trying to gain entrance to the Mendik Library through a· first·Jloor window in the _entrance vestibule. Upon di§covery, the -suspect fled and nq arrest'was made ... After the incident two weeks ago, four - - flood lights were "installed in th_e entranceway of the building ·a'S an - added s~cucity ···measure. A':s of Sunday· the "i5th ot Oc-- _fooer.; oh]y· ~n~ light· was in-operatiollal · order._ fo a~dition, - the .fights -instaUed·


destro etl. Bel] evmg tfiat the perpetrator was· pessi- · - bly still on the premises, the guard. called - .: fOF back-up to conduct a thorough search _of the building. Responding to the. can, ·1h' ·weekend security staff proceeded to swee - the building for. further signs of the perpetratorior perpetrate . Pindiilg no trace of the perpretrator on the premises, the guards returned to.rhebh eprint storage-~ - rn. T!Jere,,·~e~Jeeurity.guards discov. '.·.er~<t th'.a lhe room had been ransac ed anct _:'?l _ , W:bat hadbeen u8~~. .Pi1 ~j>oo ~-~: "too box. Iris notknown atthis time_wha( _ire s are_ missing. ~- · _ Up!)n _le- ing. the building, a blood- stained -blueprint. was found which had been~ discarded at the ei:iitance, possibly ·indicating that the vandal injured herself- during th conduct of her nefarious deeds, . ,_,.,,.+.,_.,_, ~-'-'·-----·''''"'·- .-_-_,, ,,,_,_, _ ,"_ -The e!lfnince to the Mendik Lioraey con- · _.stmctien -site is usually ·locked by chain -

undet;~~affuMmg~_.wtire . erve·_aJiua_

·... tpos -0£-seG:UFity--tigntifi.g ·as·We"l} a~ H- Jlunina1ing~.the ~walkway for ·pedestrians, - _,_, .':,.- "'\Vere not operating this-"weekertd:-· . . . 1Qis rash_ of bre~~ins point to. breaeh - of-sec.uriiy at NYLS. The Mendik Library - is the '·'showcase of this· century oJd in- , stitution~ Wh~t will be done to prevent this . from occurring again?_ '



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_ Aft~r hav_ing her application_ dismissed-- -refusing to consider her allegations. m the -Supreme Court, New York- County, Susan "M,tt a former;NYLS sriident Who was dismissed for ~eademic difici~ncy,, has wen. a reconsideration of one of her. ·final grades thro~gb a r.ecent Appellate di.:. yi-sio ,, First Department decisien (In tlle Matter of the Applic.ation- of Susan ~'M~'. v. New. York Law School, A.EJ.2D 544 N.Y.S.~.829 {App. Div. 19-89}). Tne m(:ltte has been remanded for reconsideration to ew York Law School · wrro is presently seeking ~ leave·to appeal to the Court of_








S-usan "'M'' trren brought suit ~halle-rig- . in N¥LS's decision to dismiss heF and · ·see~ing _·reinstatement. .. New -York Law_ ScltooL represented ])y .Kramer. Levin. Nessen .. Kamin & Frankel. won a dismissal in Supreme Court and argued before . the-Appellate -Division that .. absent some· concrete allegation of improper .conduct .. Editor- of LalY _Review, 4ori Sherman Defects- fo · \a professor's) grading- of. (a student's--) paper is purely ·a matter-of profe-ssional Reporter ... ·c••• ·, • : ••. ~ • ' ••••••••• • pg. 6 - discretjon. '_' In th~ ~chools 's view. fo the - ceurt or even school admi:nistrators to secDIM Sum and "rh_en Som_e-·A Report on the" Chi~'ese Appeals. - ond guess the subjective eyaluation-of an_ Putsuant to -school rules, Susari "'M" essay question_ would infringe upon_., · Immigration Law ~eminai- · . · : . . .. ~ ~ . : . . 3 was placed on academic probation at the .academic _freedom and discretion. end gf her first semester for failing to maln~s. -to the Constitutional Law grade-.. paddy Dea~ejt-.The - Ot~er- Half oFthe Ab~rtiOfl:tai a C. average. Susan HM" thereafter Susan '~'' asserted that he~ professor mis'Equtition . . . . . . .. .. . .. '. ._ . -· .- . ... pg. 17 ha~oo mamtaina semester and cui:nulative led her classmates and herself to believe average or be dismissed at the discretion . that textoooks and o1her materials were - Growing.·With Raciat Tension - in NY--Students of theAdaderoicStatus Committee At the not permitted at the exam, w~en iri fac_t \ . end- of her-fourth semester, she received these materials were allowed. She>~ued- . Speak froTn the Heart . ·. . . ., . . . , .. . . :: ._ pg. 12 a C- in Constitutional Law and a D in ·that the exam should have beeri invali~ated -· Corp0ratiens, her .average falling below a in view of the_ unfair ad ~ntage enjoy~d - _: Karen EtrJma'-- Gets• _Satisfactfon -at. srones· Concert. C. She - presented and written state-'.- by students who took the e:x:am using these .Review_ . . ·. . . . · . : • . •. . .. • : ; . · . . . . ;. . · . . pg. 7 merit~ before 'the Commi ~claiming that materials. N.YLS~ ·accepting argue~do -these grades did not "fairly-and accurately that the misunderstanding was the ,profes- _ Club You Peat With pg.; 4 · reflect- tne knowledge" sfie had demon- · sor's fault, contended no unfair advantage -- strated in bet exam answers. . The resulted and tbat these a_ids haa only a _ . Academic Status· Committee ·dismiSsed margina! impact on.the stiidents' _$rades.-_ ··- ~- Susa11 "M" for a~adell_ltc deficiency after ·~ 9 .- ~- . ~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~........:~~~~...;..;..--._:_ _

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