The New York Law School Reporter, vol III, no. 5, May 1986

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• MAY~1986

, ;L«ivitSkj: "charg~s ,Si!Do:ll

'Fo:rcecf His IJ~~igriatioD. •


•. : . 'By Glen Gentile . . .: ,BY Robert-Goldman . .; by-theboard of which you are the chair-- .. Mayor Koch said . ~,~we- have yet to _" ~ Serge Levitsky, NYL$.professor of'in- man;was turned into a dishonest farce." find a cure for evil in tlte human soul," :'\ ternational law, has charged his resigna-, . · · · · · . .' · · · . · . · , · -as discussed the-corruption scandal · tion from the faculty was forced b)l Dean In· another - letter to Forger, .Prof: . currently plaguing the eiiy and decri~d Simon.: ·: · _ . -Levitsky said 'that a faculty -member the perception that corruption is notProf. Levitsky said he was "summon- . stated to him both before and after the mal ancf;· perhaps, neeessary compo- -: ed'·' to-Dean Simon's office in October .review· that the "decision-of the school's . .:. "nent of- govern.merit. The 'Mayor's· andaskedto submithisresignation. Ifhe administration had been taken at least a remarks were delivered-as the twelfth -- did not .§Ubmif his 'resignation, Prof. year earlier .... In a candid 111!.d unofficial . annual Jeffords.lecture at New York.· Levitskysaid hewouldhave beenvwrit- evaluation ofthe situation, the same : Law School'on March 19. . . ten out of the pr<)fession.,,· . . highly.respected member of the faculty, . - rCit1ng a reeent New York Times poll . At the October.m~tmg, Prof~ Levit- stated that hl his interpretation of the adwhich indicated that only fifty-fomper-. . . sky .said, Prof·.. George-Dent, chairman minstration's attitute, I did not fit into .c<mt thougnt the city of the. tenure committee, said !'The· the new.long range poljcy of the school could operate· witho.Jlt corrupticn; · tenure committee'has: completed ·its re- which.•will, be .based upon yOUng and · · · who will make .their · Koch said this ''cynicism; stems from Koch addl{esses-crowdin'Fr:oesselRoom · appointment review and- based upon the junior· ·professors, .: theheightened.level of .scrutiny to which tivities were.,discovered as a resultof:an - criteria 9fteaching, scholarship-arid con:. full contribution tocthe school in twenty _ public servarits are subJected. "In the. intercepted teiephorteCall. law scfiool~ Jia§'recom-, y¢s. !"had ,no.fµttl're at NYLS, will· · . f)rivate sector~" the Mayoi:_ said,·" .. The Mayor then. outlined.the steps be mend¢ to deny re~ppoinfment~" never be given tcluife,'.and should pro.,Jtici.Cbacks and payoffs ~,eoft~n has taken in the hope ~of counteracting - Prof. Levitsky, whose s(qdent,evalu~- ttably start lookhlg for- anotller .affilia·.-:-. called bilsiness eXj)enses .. In the·'public.:, corruption~ A:_f9inmission, h~ded by tions'for his thr~;y.e.ars-at NYJ:S:were .. ti~n.'-' . :· , , : · .. - "'~or~Jtte:~cli!Jies"~XQC~al§.Q , ~Crilqm]?ilt 1:!lliverSit~ ~D~. ~ic~ael -~ery:.~Iavo,H;b-1{~,'·call~~d- ~lt~e.;-.:': :' · · arn~~~t>~ref~_ld.-U1e~oti<zn . ~~~~-~ill'° t\.-k~t\it"'\ong-~o~~tn1P~'b~15~ -~L~~~~mted:by~®hc~'d~, al'iPQt!\~\lt~'tlt-:r:ev1e . .. . ._"ii~sti~ne~ . ,,. . • . . ~> . . . ~~Yi~ . --~e many New -Y'orkers perceive it as GOvernor .Man_9. Ct!omo.. - to examme farce~/'·. · . _ , ._ _ · bifing youngeJ Jaeµlty meth6'°ers ~as• ¢vitable~. ~ . campaign Smancing laws. ·Koeh has · Jn a: letter to· Alexander D. Forger, - - "baseless~'', He adamaritly denied that · - The problem with· fighting corrup- directed .Kenneth .ConbOy, recently a~ . chaimlan ..of the board;.:.Qf truStees at th~ ~dnlinstraiion ·attempted to in~ tion, Ko~h said,' is finding where-:-it ex.: , whited commissioner the departmen~ 'NYLS, Prof. Levitsky said. •t only know . fluence· the. decision of 't~e tenlire. CGrr'~ _ i$_ts. According-to the Mayor, in.order of investigation, to conduct a review .of thatwhileupto,now,lhaveregardedthe mittee.wHich, he·said~·"went,about its · to detect corruption's breeding places,~ · the inspector general.system. Th~M"ayor ,. individuals involved in mr dismissal as - -job With great care. "He also rejected an inspector general system was . has .also ·'created· a· n~w j,ositi~n of ·merely devoid· of-a sense honor-and Prof. Levitsky;s a8se~_ign. that.the adesta,blishea i~ 1978,, p~acing :an inspec- au~to~ general·. to "con~uc~ internal ·deeency, · ~e stude11t -evaluati?ns ·made mm~.hadl)~etefmined the out- · , tor, general m each city aBency. As a. auaits of all mayoral agencies." The me reahze that the. enti,re · :,:r.e~eome of-the comIDittee as "nonsense.'_' result, 11,418 complaints .of violations .· contract bidding system has been chang- appointment revi~..;~given f e express Simon appoints the members of by city employees :were referred to pro- · ed s.o .all proposals·· must· now role · , igned'l01t"in the rules approved . · ~ · . . . Continued on page 3 · , secutors between -1978 and i985, the ~undergo a· two-'Uer *evi~)V· before. co ,, · · Mayor said. · ' . ~ sideiation by :..tile ·Board Q.LEsiimate. · Koch was·fearful, however, that in ·K~h also_Ci~te9 ~:coiiiillittee on apthe.zeal to eradicate corruption,. a socie- p·ointments, headed by. constitutional ty reminiscent of that ii" 1984. may . · fuwrer.;Floy<LAbrams, The committee, . cmd China, women engaged. in· the ac• emerge. ''We don •f want a society . wJ}ich W1J1 be .."ari independent screening · By Kay Matkey and Joann~ Zervos . where .Yideo canieras are installed in , panel,'''·@lJ.. make reeortunendations to · , An Acting New:York Silprem~ Court cepted . profe_ssion of prostitution in ·every nook and spy on public·· the ·Mayor as to appoirihnenis to posi.:. - Justice~ c_alled 'prostitution the most order . to avoid the domination and einl'loyees and we don't. want phone 1fams which r_equire ihe a<!'Vice and con- · m_isunderstoq_d ·profession at. a r:eceni allegiance expected of them by the hus-· · band.or in a family situation. During the .. taping· to be an everyday event.'' Koch . sent of tli~-City~Councit: Accordirig J'NLS fo~~. · · · · · · '· noted'tliat Geoffrey: Lindenatt"C:r•s ac-. . . - . , .... ·. . .C.bntintted:(,}n page 5 . JudgeKnst~n Booth Glen said, "Pros- 18th century and ·early 19th century, . ,,. - _ - · " · · . ·. . . · - - 'litut!_on is not only the oldes(profession, Europe mafotained "a laissez-faire atit is:.ihe' most· misunderstood". at the titude foward· prostitution with no clear -MatclflS forum. sponsored by the Legal Continued on page 5 As§<?ciation for · Womeri, the NYLS chapter of the National Lawyer's Guild ., .-· . and.the Gay and Lesbian Society . - Apru·29 . : Electiom of-Officers Glen:' and Arle11e 'Carmen; co-author;,. . _ . ·c-;IQ5 · - .. -. 5P.M. of Working Women: The Subterranean .:page4 . World -of Street frostitution were the Editorial ·April 29 National La~er'sG'1ild · ·; ' ~Gavin Evan5-hi::, stude~t and ·._ • featured speakers at the forum, 'which : d'raft re8ister· ftom South Africa. · '5:30 P.M.' · · : - . . . '· - ., : : . · : - · · . attempted to draw attention to what they . · Wine & Chees~', Student Lounge described aS a.basic aspect of urban life>Annuru Alumni PimJer . street prostitutio,i. · R.S.V;P. May.8~~ , · . . : <rnen·gave a·historicat·perspective oL . $25; $10 students . : :the freatmen_! of prostitution and the ' ' ' \ . . ·Hdnoring Hon. Eniilio.Nunez· · r~ons woi;nen have engaged iQ the pro- ~ Grateful Dead Page 7. . _. .fession over the . centuries. Carmen "ub.orC::ommittee ·, May22 'di~<;:ussed her experiences' working with .B...'.:..405 ... prostltutes·in New YorkCity. · ·.Wine & Cheese Up From The· 1 ""Prostitution . has always . Seen an June7 . ~ Spoi:ting Club, oi)en bar S:00-9:30 p .M. avenue .for women to assert their Underground. · Page6 Hors D'Oeuvers&:OO, Diilller•9:00~ ' ·autonomy and independeijce.'' said · SP.M. : ~ !lfe. in".i_tea $2.S.,. last day f-4ay .1. ·,. ·Glen .. For. .example,. in ancient.- Greece, ...........·......· '..,..·_....._....._'---'-"----------'







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