115 th Commencement Exercises
May 20, 2007
Board of Trustees ............................ . .............. 2 A Message from the Dean ........ . ....................... . .... 3 Jn Memoriam ................................ . ........ .. . . .4 Full-Time Faculty and lnsrrucrional Scaff . ......... , .............. 5 Adjunct Faculty ..... . ........ . ....... . ................ , .... 6 Order of Exercises .......... . ................... . ........... 7 Honors and Prizes ....... . ................................. 11 Degrees with Honors Commencement Prizes Recognition . . ............ . ......... . . .. . . ..... . .......... 15 John Marshall Harlan Scholars Law Review Moor Court Association Public Service Certificate Certificate of Mastery in Law Practice Technology The Graduating Class LL.M. in Taxation Graduates- February l , 2007 ................. 21 LL.M. in Taxation Candidates-May 20 and September I, 2007 J.D. Graduates-February I, 2007 .................. , ...... , ..23 J.D. Candidates- May 20 and September I, 2007 Commencement Speaker and Honorary Degree Recipient ........ . ... 34 David Boies The President's Medal of Honor Recipient ............ , .......... 35 Sybil Shainwald '76 Presenter of the Honorary Degree ....... . . . .................... 37 Maurice R. Greenberg '50 Presenter of the President's Medal of Honor Arthur N. Abbey '59
... , ......... . .. . .....37
President's Medal of Honor Recipients (2002 to the Present) .......... 38 Honorary Degree Recipients (1955 to che Present) . . ............... 39 About New York Law School ................................. 43 The Tradition of Academic Attire and the Symbols of New York Law School ... . .. . ............. . . 48
The audience is requested to remain seared during che processional, ro stand for the singing of the National Anthem, and co remain in place at the conclusion of the Commencement exercises until the recessional is concluded. Pleas<! refrain from using cell phones and pagers during che Commencement exercises.
Board ofTrustees
OFFICERS Arthur N. Abbey '59, Chairman ofthe Board Gerald C. Crotty 76, Vice Chairman ofthe Board Hon. Ernst H. Rosenberger '58, Vice Chairman ofthe Board Sandra S. Weiksner, Vice Chairman ofthe Board Richard A. Marasar, Dean and President
TRUSTEES Armando T. Belly Nancy Lee Berkowitz '97 Anthony Capetola '70 Vincent Carbonell '00 Alan W. Clark '77 David B. Cornscein Kathleen Grimm '80
Jeffrey D. Knowles '75 Ronald LaBow '62 MarcLasry '84 Susan Mendik Ben Pascariu, M .O.* Steven E. Pegalis '65 Andrew Penson '84
Charles E. Phillips Jr. Norman Radow '81 John J. Reddy Jr. '79 Sybil Shaiowald '76 Michael N. Victorio Harry H. Wellington James D. Zirin
TRUSTEES EMERITI Jerry Finkelstein '38 Alexander 0. Forger Sylvia D. Garland '60
Maurice R. Greenberg '50 Bayless Manning Hon. Roger J. Miner '56
Hon. Francis T. Murphy Jr. '52 John M. Regan Jr.
HONORARY TRUSTEE Dr. Calvin H. Plimpton
Officers of Administration Richard A. Macasar, B.A., J.D .................................... . ... . Dean, President, and Professor ofLaw Harry J. Althaus, 8.S. . . . ......... .. .... . ... . ..... . .. . .. . ... . .. . ........ Associate Dean for Special Projects Carol A. Buckler, B.A., J.D............ . ... . ..... . . Associate Dean for Professional Development and Professor ofLa1v Suzanne J.S. Davidson, B.A., J.D................ Associate Dean and Vice President, Development and Alumni Relations Fred Dejohn, B.A., J.D. . .............................. . .... . .... Vice President, Finance and Administration Stephen J. Ellmann, B.A., J.D....... . ... . ......... . ... Associate Dean for Facidty Development and Professor ofLaw Joan Fishman, B.A., M.A. . .............................................. Associate Dean fo1¡ Special Projects Nancy J. Guida, B.A. . ............. . .......... . .............. Vice President, Marketing and Communicatiom Jethro K. Lieberman, B.A., M.Phil., J.D., Ph.D............... Associttte Dean for Academic Affoin and Professor oflaw Joyce D. Salcalamachia, A.B., M.L.S., J.D .......... . .............. Director ofthe law library and Professor ofLaw
'On kave from Board.
A Message from the Dean
Dear Members of che Class of 2007: Graduarion always stirs emorions: Appreciation for che support of parents, family, and friends; dation at finishing school and the srudenc phase of life; anciciparion of unique opporrunities, new jobs, and rhe chance co be a lawyer; anxiety over the unknown challenges ahead and even rhe known challenges (yes, I know rhe bar exam looms for mosr of you!); satisfaction in all that has been accomplished; and joy in che wonderful rhings you plan ro do. Graduates, you now join the ranks of New York Law School alumni, who have been making a real difference in che lives of their clients since the 1890s. You too will use your skills, knowledge, values, and talent co make a difference for those needing your experrise. When you began your career ar New York Law School we started a conversation about values and ideals-those you brought with you to school and chose we hoped you would develop as a student. Several years lacer the dialogue has matured: We know char you are fearless and ready to become innovators in your practice. We are confident that you will be consummate professionals with the integrity char marks our graduates. We are proud that you are committed to a more jusc legal community. The license to practice that you soon will receive requires much from you-ideals, service, commitment to your clienrs, and devotion to the rule oflaw. You are certain to embrace such responsibilities with confidence, humility, and grace. Law teachers often emphasize the incelleccual rigor of che path you have chosen. We are cacricians, technical whizzes, learned in che ways of che law. We hope chat you share in our enthusiasm for a life of the mind. Bur, your faculty and staff colleagues also cli11g to another more emotional side of the life we have chosen-the need to rejoice in the tremendous experiences we have shared over the lase few years, the ability co laugh at our foibles, kid each ocher about our differences, and know char the bonds we share cannoc be broken. Congratulations, Class of 2007. We salute your strength and dedication and welcome you lo the ranks of our graduates. Sincerely,
Richard A. Marasar Dean and President
uw SC!iOOL 115T! 1 COMMENCf.MENT - MAY 20, 2007
( 3
In Memoriam
Joseph H. Koffler Professor ofLaw The crusrees, dean, faculty, students, staff, and alumni of New York Law School mourn lhe death of Professor Joseph H. Koffler, who passed away after a long baccle with Parkinson's disease on November 13. 2006. Professor Koffler, who was 85, taught ac New York Law School for more than 50 years, until he became Emeritus Professor and retired fully in 2003. Professor Koffler's constant dedication co the study of law and co his students has inspired many generations of the New York Law School family. To so many of us, he personified all chat is besc ac rhe Law School: tough, demanding, and caring at the core. Throughout his years here, he adapted co changes aL rhe School and happily continued to challenge his students co reach their potential. Professor Koffler came to New York Law School in J 950, two years after graduating from Harvard Law School. Of the many courses he caught over 50 years, it is his cores class, which he described as the "formative pan" of the legal educalion experience, rhat stands ouc most in rhe minds of his former students. His skilled practice of rhe Socratic method helped create generations of successful lawyers. All of us continue to be inspired by Professor Koffier's briUiance and dedication co students. He gave his professional life co the School through a career he found endlessly challenging and absorbing. ln doing so, he has become synonymous with the New York Law School experience.
Full-Time Faculty and Instructional Staff 2006-2007 Susan J. Abraham Deborah N. Archer Richard C.E. Beck Lcnni B. Benson Andrew R. Berman Anica Bernstein Roberr Blecker Anne Bloom Lloyd Bonfield Michael Bocein Frank A. Brcss James Brook Camille Broussard Carol A. Buckler Eugene Cerruti Elizabeth Chambliss Pamela R. Champine David Chang Lung-chu Chen Tai-Heng Cheng Sydney M. Cone lII Stephen J. Ellmann Aleta G. Estreicher Diane L. Fahey Kris Franklin Cathy Glaser Brande Goldstein Annette Gordon-Recd Lawrence M. Grosberg Karen Gross Jeffrey J. Haas Seth D. Harris Mariana Hogan OaJ1 Hunter Sandra K. Janin '75 David Johnson Randolph N. Jonakait Faith Scevdmaa Kahn
Kennech C. Kettering Peter C. Kosram William P. LaPiana Arthur S. Leonard Lawrence C. Levine Jerhro K. Lieberman Joseph L. Marino Richard D. Marsico Richard A. Matasar Michael T. McCarthy Carlin Meyer Howard S. Meyers William R. Mills Elliott Milstein Frank W. Munger Stephen A. Newman Berh Simone Noveck Rudolph J.R. Peritt Michael L. Perlin Edward A. Purcell Jr. Sadiq Reza Michael Roffcr '83 Elizabeth Rosen Tanina Rostain Joyce D. Saltalamach ia Rosalie M. Sanderson Ross Sandler David S. Schocnbrod Richard K. Sherwin James F. Simon Michael B.W Sinclair Cameron Scracher Nadine Srrossen Lynn Boepple Su Ruri G. Teitel Ann F. T homas Harry H. Wellington Donald H. Zeigler
Faculty Emeriti
Hon. Sidney H. Asch Hon. Frederic S. Berman '51 B. James George Jr. Quintin Johnstone Joseph H. Kofflerâ&#x20AC;˘ Kim M. Lang Joel S. Lee Donald 1~ Rothschild E. Donald Shapiro
'WI- mourn tht pas,i11g ofJoseph H. Kojflt:r 011 Noum,brr / j, 2006.
NE\v YORK I.Aw Sc i root 11 S 1H COMMENCEMENT - MAY 20. 2007
Adjunct Faculty 2006-2007 Daniel S. Abraham '99 Miriam R. Adelman lkiesha T. Al-Shabazz 'O 1 Willem F. Korchals Alces Joshua Annenberg John Barrie Marc S. Bekerman AmeerBcnno Arminda Bepko '04 Richard B. Bernstein Jeffrey C. Bloom Marrin Bowe '00 S. Gregory Boyd Raymond H. Brescia Judith Bresler '74 Joseph Brinde Audrey Browne Ahmed BuJbulia Anne Callagy Emily Campbell Peter Canelias Raymond R. Cascello Frederick Cederqvist '94 Michael Cestaro Nancy Chadrjian Barbara Champoux '82 Pei Pei Cheng-de Castro '00 Vincent Chirico '93 Margaret L. Clancy Louise E. Cohen Pamela Cohen Faith Colangelo Anrhony W. Crowell Lindsay A. Curcio Eva-Marie Cusack '00 Anastasia Danias Cesar de Castro '00 Lisa Del Pizzo Mark F. Dewan Henry A. Dlugacz '91 Donald L. Doernberg Donna Dougherty Kevin Doyle Laura Drager Laura Ebersccin Jayni L. Edelstein '92
James Emory '88 David Epstein Lloyd Epstein Francis James Facciolo TIT Rona Feinberg Lawrence Feld Lucas A. Ferrara David L. Ferscendig Daniel Finkelstein Robert J. Firestone '90 David Fish '96 Lisa Fleischmann Hon. Helen E. Freedman Hon. Debra Freeman Jacob I. Friedman '75 Richard Friedman Paul Gardephe Rachel Geman Elizabeth Gem Joseph Giamboi Christopher P. Giordano '93 Hon. Judith J. Gische Jessica L. G ladstone David Glass Scott Goldfinger Mark S. Gordieb Keri Gottld Tamar Gribcrz Kathleen Grimm '80 Alice Haemmerli Rosanne Harvey John C. Henry David Horowitz Richard M. Horowitz Mona Houck '04 Thomas Hughes '85 Andrew Hurwitz Terry J. Ilardi William Jannace '92 Rhonnie Broder Jaus Emily F. Johnson Peter Johnson Judith Kaufman David N. Kelley '86 Chris Kendall John R. Kenny
Sceven L. Kessler Hon. Diane Kiesel Jay Kogan Anna Kozoulina '00 Sherry Laird Craig A. Landy Hon. Gerald Lebovits Lawrence Lederman Michelle B. Lee Margaret Sipser Leibowitz Dean W.M. Les.lie Kelly Koenig Levi Martin P. Levin '83 Amy Lierman Robert Marino II '94 Daniel L. Master Robyn G. McAllister Michael McCarthy Philip J. Michaels '76 Oscar Michelen '85 Zuhayr A. Moghrabi '67 Hon. William Mogulescu Avraham C. Moskowitz John J. Mulligan Brian Murphy Lisa A. PadiUa Steven E. Pegalis '65 Russell J. Pin ii is Christopher P. Pisciotta Sceven Plotnick Judith B. Prowda John J. Reddy Jr. Michael Resko Labe Richman Hon. Rosalyn H. Richter Raymond L. Rodriguez Michael Roffer '83 Hon. Ernst H. Rosenberger '58 Robert Rosh James Rosini G ideon Rothchild '80 Andrew Rothman Mitchell Rubinstein K. Elizabech Ryder '93 Michael S. Sackheim David G. Samuels
Rosalie M. Sanderson Anne-Marie Santangelo SteUa Schindler Karen Schlossberg Paul Schneiderman Jennifer Schuster '96 Beth Schwarcz Andrew Seewald Philip C. Segal '73 Wendy Seltzer Ilene Shifrin Elizabeth Shollenberger Richard Siegler Ronald A. Sinakin Pecer Sistrom Cary Stewart Sklaren Claudia Slovinsky Christina Olson Spiesel Lawton W. Squires '83 Alexandra Standish 'O I Peter Suauss Lynn Su Kim Sweec K.A. Taipale Barry Temkin Sandra Thorn Gary Tidwell Scan Towne Dominick Tuminaro Andrew Turro Francis J. Valentino Ad Van Loon AmyVernick Alan Vinegrad Nancy Waite Su-Lan Jewell Walsh Charles Weiss Lori Wencworch-Odierno '92 LisWiehl Jack Williams Hon. Patricia Anne Williams Hon. James A. Yates Daniel Young Peter Zablocsky Eric Zohn
Order of Exercises Dean Richard A. Marasar, Presiding PRELUDE
Jubilate Deo-Gregor Aichinger Co11trapunctw-J .S. Bach Quintet #I-Victor Ewald
Victoria Eascus, Assistant Dean, Academic Affairs Kenneth Non, Assistant Dean for Acadmic Planning and Programming
Pomp a11d Circum.sumce, No. J Op. 39---Sir Edward Elgar Triumphal Mnrch, Aida-Giuseppe Verdi
Richard A. Macasar
Dean n11d Presi~TII
Sheila Anne Horgan
Cla.ss o/2007 lNTRODUCT[ON OF
Dean Macasar
Arthur N. Abbey '59
Chainna11, Board ofTmstees
OTTO L. WALTER DISTfNGUlSHED WRrnNG AWARDS Pmmted by Associare Dean Stephen}. EL!mnm1 Faculty Awards To be announced
J 511-1 COMMENCEMENT - M,\Y 20, 2007
Order of Exercises continued AWARDING OF PRIZES co11ti>1u,d
Student Awards Linda M. Lemien, Evening Division For the article, "Should Pensions Be a Mandacory Subject of Collective Bargaining Under the Law?" Todd David Marcus, Day Division For the article, "Fostering Creativity in Virtual Worlds: Removing the Restrictiveness of Copyright for User-Created Conrenr» •THE FINALISTS FOR THE TRUSTEES' PRIZE FOR THE HIGHEST AVERAGE Prese111111ion by Associate Dt1111 Jethro K. Liebm11,m
Day Division Catherine Hughes Corwin William Johnson Cyril Touchard
Evening Division Poopak Rafacy Banky Score G lorzer
THE ALFRED L. ROSE AWARD FOR EXCELLENCE Pmm11111011 by Assocince De1111 Carol A. Buckler
Catherine Hughes Corwin, Day Division Alice Louise King. Evening Division THE DEAN'S AWARD FOR STUDENT LEADERSHIP Pre,mtntion by kocinte Denn Carol A. Bttekkr
Marie A. Boniraribus Christian Gonzale?. Asha Saran Smith
CLASS OF 2007 TEACHING AWARD Presmrntion by Associ,tt, Den11 Stephm j. El/111111111
Professor Sadiq Re-£a
Katherine E. Smith, Day Division Alice Louise King, Evening Division
PRESIDENT'S MEDAL OF HONOR Prm:ntation by Arthur N. Aubry '59, Chnimum, Bonrd ofTmstees
Awarded co Sybil Shainwald 76 Membn- of1he Board ofTrmtm, New York Law School Presidem, Law Offim ofSybil Shni11w11/d
Based on fifrh semester grades for Day Division 3nd seventh semester grades for Evening Division srudenrs. The final awards will be made after all grades are complete in June. co the scudenc with the highest average in each.
NEW YORK !..Aw Sci IOOL l I 5,-11 CoMMENCEMENT - MAv 20, 2007
DOCTOR OF LAWS (LLD.) Pre,m1ntio11 by Mnurfr, R. Grcmb~ '50.
Tr11,r,e Emeritus
David Boies Cham11n11, Boies, Schillrr and Fl,xncr LLP
Mr. Boies
Introduction of Candidates Professor Ann F. Thomas Associate Dean Suzanne J.S. Davidson Associate Dean Carol A. Buckler Professor Elizabeth Chambliss Professor Annette Gordon-Reed Professor Serh D. Harris Professor Michael L. Perlin Professor Nadine Scrossen Presentation of Candidates Dean Macasar Conferring of Degrees Chairman Abbey
Dean Marasar
Two ¼lunt,iries- Henry Purcell
Nhw YoRK !..Aw SCHOOL I 15TI-I COMMENCEMENT~ Mw 20, 2007
Honors and Prizes
Degrees with Honors
February 1, 2007 Magna Cum Laude Linda M. Lemiesz
Cum Laude Alice Louise King
Steven Alexander Marcus
Taewoo Nam
Jennifer M. Nelsen
May 20, 2007 May honors are tentative pending computation offinal grades.
Summa Cum Laude Christopher Goodspeed Boies
Catherine Hughes Corwin Scon Gloczcr
Elizabeth Anne Baldwin Poopak Rafaty Banky Lea Malani Bays Frances Buttafarro Patrick T. Campbell Miles Baker Cowan
Jessica B. Dolfman Lucia L. Freda Daniel P. Goldberger Elijah Joel Hammans Kurr J. Havens Tracey Erin Levi
Jennifer M. Addonizio Marisa Beth Baldaccini Ross K Baron Francis Joseph Berlen Christine Claudia Blomquist Natasha Lucia Carroll-Ferrary Domenic Cervoni Matthew Roberr Cuttler Jeffrey Daniel Louisa DeRose Michael Eisenberg Julia Hyacinth Fernandez William Davis Foley Brian Francolla Jordan M. Fry
Davide F. Garofalo Sonal Gibson Alexander J. Gochal Jordan Goldsmith Christian Gonzalez Scocc Aaron Goodman David I. Hancman Kerry E. Higgins Kristin N. Hirsous Jonathan Isaacson Nadia F. Jafri Jacqueline S. Kahman Gena Marie Kaufman Christine M. Kearney Bryanne Elizabeth Kelleher
William Johnson Katherine Grinnell Smith
Cyril Touchard
Magna Cum Laude Erin Michele Magnor Todd David Marcus Keith R. Martorana Melanie A. McLaughlin Aaron Frank Miner Laurie A. Moffat
Kevin Rubinstein Dorothy J. Sancos Ryan Thomas Sexton Barbara Yan
Cum Laude
I N~w YORK u.w SCHOOL 115TH CoMMENCEMENT - M,w 20, 2007
Shawn Kodes Kerry J. Land Daniel C. LaTerra Theresa Loken Lauren Elizabeth Mahoney Jaimee Marc Nadell Erika Nagy Erica L. Norey Michael V. O'Neil Jennifer Brooke Pastarnack Roderick Potts Jennifer Cohen Premisler PeterT. Puk Ilana Reed Laurie Danielle Reilly
Layne S. Roiscacher Jessica Eileen Rorh Anthony P. Scali David A. Smiley Katherine E. Smith Connie Solimeo KateTagerc Eduard Tamma Eu Ting Chaeri Kim Tornay William H. Vidal Sarah E. Warne Catherine Yoon Michael J. Zussman
Commencement Prizes
Jessica Eileen Roth
Sarah E. Warne
Shlomic Aroubas Jonathan A. Reingold William H. Vidal
Theresa Loken William H. Vidal I IELEN
Marie A. Boniracibus Jenny S. Cheung Rachel Einbund Brian Francolla NEW YORK LAW SCHOOL MOOT COURT AWARD FOR SERVING WITH DISTINCITON
Jose M. Gomez Christian Gonzalez Gena Maria Kaufman Jeff $modish
Catherine Hughes Corwin Barbara Yan DANIEL I'JNKELSTEIN WRITING AWARD
(Established in honor of Professor Roben Blecker) David A. Smiley
Marie A. Bonicatibus Jenny S. Cheung Rachel Einbund Brian Francolla Jose M. Gomez Christian Gonzalez Gena Macia Kaufman Carolyn A. Klos Kerona K. Samuels Jeff Smodish HONORARY ORDER OF THE BARRISTER AWARD
Basil F. O'Connor '75
Chaeri Kim Tornay
Pacrick T. Campbell Natasha Lucia Carroll-Ferrary
Matthew Benjamin Gerst
Jennifer Brooke Pascarnack
For the article, "A Historical Perspective of che Fair Report Privilege'"
Patrick T. Campbell Todd David Marcus Keith R. Martorana
NEw YoRK I...Aw So 10m 11 sn, COMMENCF.MENT
- MAY 20,
Commencement Prizes
(to be announced)
These prius will be awarded after computation offinal grades and will be announced on the Law School's Web site.
Profissor Vincent Lolordo Award for Excellence in Administration ofCriminalJustice
Dr. Max Reich Award for Excellence in Civil Trial Advocacy
MAv 20, 2007
Professor Ivan Soubbotitch Award for Excellence i,i Poverty law and Civil Rights
The John Marshall Harlan Scholars The Harlan Scholars designfltion is tentative pending completion ofprogram requirements.
The John Marshall Harlan Scholars honors program is named for New York Law School's alumnus and Un iced Scaces Supreme Court justice who served on the Court from I 955 co 1971. The program offers cop srudenrs che opportunity to pursue in-depth srudy in a field of law through affiliation with one of the Law School's seven academic centers. We are pleased to acknowledge the Harlan Scholars of the Class of 2007.
Alexander J. Gochal Daniel P. Goldberger Elijah Joel Hammans Kure J. Havens Kerry E. Higgins William Johnson Christine M. Kearney Bryanne Elizabeth Kelleher Alice Louise King Kerry J. Land Tracey Erin Levi Erin Michele Magnor Todd David Marcus Keith R. Martorana Melanie A. McLaughlin Aaron Frank Miner Christopher M. Neely Erica L. Norey
Marisa Bech Baldaccini Elizabeth Anne Baldwin Poopak Rafaty Banky Ross K. Baron Lea Malani Bays Christopher Goodspeed Boies Patrick T. Campbell Natasha Lucia Carroll-Ferrary Domenic Cervoni Catherine Hughes Corwin Miles Baker Cowan Matthew Robert Curtler Kelly DeAngelis Jessica B. Dolfman Michael Eisenberg Julia Hyacinth Fernandez Lucia I. Freda Score Glori.er
MAY 20,
Katherine Olshansky Michael V. O'Neil Jennifer Brooke Pascarnack PcrerT. Puk Ilana Reed Layne S. Roiscacher Kevin Rubinstein Dorothy J. Santos Ryan Thomas Sexton David A. Smiley Katherine Grinnell Smith Lauren Smythe Connie Solimeo Eduard Tamma Cyril Touchard Sarah E. Warne Barbara Yan Catherine Yoon
New York Law School Law Review
The New York Lm1.1 School Lnw Review is the L1w School's journal for legal scholarship. Members are primarily Harlan Scholars, selected for chat honor and for the Law Review based on rheir GPAs, although a few srudenrs are selected through a wriring competition. law Review editors work with the faculty co plan academic symposia as well as with the faculty publisher to select papers for publication. The edirors edir all articles, and arc responsible for all aspects of the publication process. We are pleased to recognize their achievements.
Jennifer M. Addonizio Marisa Beth Baldaccini Eli1.aberh Anne Baldwin Poopak Rafaty Banky Ross K. Baron Lea Malani Bays Chrisropher Goodspeed Boies Frances Bu ttafarro Pacrick T. Campbell Natasha Lucia Carroll-Ferrary Domenic Cervoni Catherine Hughes Corwin Miles Baker Cowan Matthew Robert Cuttler Kelly DeAngelis Jessica B. Dolfman Michael Eisenberg Julia Hyacinth Fernandez Lucia l. Freda Scott Glotzer
Alexander J. Gochal Daniel P. Goldberger Elijah Joel Hammans David l. Hantman Kurt J. Havens Kerry E. Higgins William Johnson Christine M. Kearney Bryanne Elizabeth Kelleher Alice Louise King Shawn Kodes Kerry J. Land Tracey Erin Levi Erin Michele Magner Todd David Marcus Keith R. Martorana Melanie A. McLaughlin Aaron Frank Miner Laurie A. Moffat Christopher M. Neely
Erica L. Norey Katherine Olshansky Michael V O'Neil Jennifer Brooke Pasrarnack PeterT. Puk Kristyn M. Redmond Ilana Reed Layne S. Roisracher Kevin Rubinstein Dorothy J. Santos Anthony P. Scali Ryan Thomas Sexwn David A. Smiley Katherine Grinnell Smith Lauren Smythe Connie Solimeo Eduard Tamma Cyril Touchard Sarah E. Warne Barbara Yan
NEw Yo RK I.Aw Sc1â&#x17E;&#x201D;00~ l I 5Tli
20, 2007
New York Law School Moot Court Association
The New York Law School Moor Court Associarion is a student-run organizarion chat focuses on oral advocacy and brief writing skills at the appellate level. Srudenrs are accepted inro the organization by competing in che Charles W. Froessel Moor Court Competition, a conscirurional law intramural competition. Froessel is one of Lhe most challenging inrramural competitions in the country and one of the most demanding recruiting tools used by a moor court association in selecting ics members. We are pleased to recognize rhe members of the Mooe Court Association.
Shlomit Aroubas Marie A. Bonitatibus Jenny S. Cheung Dina B. Cohen Louisa DeRose Jessica B. Dolfman Rachel Einbw1d Brian Francolla Sam Gebrael Shahab Dean Ghalambor Jordan Goldsmith Jose M. Gomez
Christian Gonzalez Jonathan Isaacson Jacqueline S. Kahman Gena Marie Kaufman Carolyn A. Klos Jessica E. Levine Jonathan David Luczky Aaron Frank Miner Mika M. Mooney Samir Patel Charles Edward Phillips Jennifer Cohen Premisler
j NEW YORK I.Aw SCIIOOL 115TH CoMMENCEMl:Nr â&#x20AC;˘ MAY 20, 2007
Alyssa Anne Preston Helen 8. Pusrel Kerona K. Samuels Anthony P. Scali Katherine E. Smith Jeff Smodish Holly Stiles Kate Tagert Brandon John Walters Cole Michael Young
Public Service Certificate The Office of Professional Development is pleased to recognize the members of the Class of2007 who have earned the Public Service Certificate. Students earning the certificate have performed ar least forty hours of voluntary service while in law school, or have a combination of at least thirty hours of voluntary service and another thirty hours of public interest work done through a work-study placement, clinlc, or exrernship.
Macthew Benjamin Abrams Regina Amporfro Elizabeth Anne Baldwin Gillian T. Ballentine Pooja Bhatnagar Benjamin J. Brandow Marcelo Choi Sarah M. Chuba Joseph Claro Aryeh B. Cohen John William Fendt UJ Julia Hyacinth Fernandez Sarah Elizabeth Fightmastcr
Shahab Dean Ghalambor Robert Gerard Giancola Alanna Clare Iacono Anya E. Irons Margarethe Javellana Tracy Lauren Kaminctsky Shawn Kodes Linda M. Lemiesz Theresa Loken Leslie C. Myers Adam M. Nicolazzo Michael V. O'Neil Jacob Daniel Plotsky
Alyssa Anne Preston Patricia B. Quan Jonathan A Reingold Jessica Eileen Roth Asha Saran Smith Jasmine Scone JanetW. Suk Chaeri Kim Tornay Alexa Taiz Torres William H. Vidal Tashecca Winstead Eric Justin Wursthorn Cole Michael Young
Certificate of Mastery of Law Practice Technology
The Instirure for Information Law and Technology is pleased to recognize the following students who have earned a Certificate of Mastery of Law Practice Technology. This certificate recognizes srudencs who have demonstrated an exceptional understanding, use, and/or design of technologies that will improve law practice and legal institutions. The certificate program offers tutored exploration of various legal technology topics, regular meerings to share acquired expertise, access co software programs for hands-on learning. guest speakers, and opportunities for ream projects as well as individual work. We are pleased ro acknowledge che Certificate of Mastery of Law Practice Technology recipients of the C lass of 2007.
Miles Baker Cowan Matthew Robert Currier Nicholas Glaeser Daly Bradley S. Leinhardr Daniel Levy Rahan Uddin
MAY 20, 2007
LL.M. in Taxation Graduates February l, 2007
LL.M. in Taxation Candidates May 20, 2007
and September 1, 2007
LL.M. in Taxation Graduates- February 1, 2007 Ronald Shields Cook B.S. Dowling College j.D. New York Law School
John J. Sweeney B.B.A. City University efNrw York!Borurh 0,//ege M.B.A. Pace University J.D. Neiu York Low School
LL.M. in Taxation Candidates-May 20, 2007 and September 1, 2007 Carolina L. Abenancc
B.S. Stto11 Holl Univemty j.D. New York Law School
Suzanne Alexandra Ascher B.S. Sr. john's Uni11mity j.D. Ne111 York Low School
Mark Henry Demecropoulos B.S. Adelphi University j.D. New York law School
Megan K. Laird B.A. Colby 0,/kgc ].D. Univmity ofMaine at Augusto
Neil Fang B.A. Stony Brook University M.B.A. Hofirto University J.D. Touro low unrer
Katherine Lynch B.A. Mori.st College j.D. Q;,i,mipinc Univmity School ofLow
Stephen Bonfa B.A. Fordham Univmity j.D. New York Low School
Irina Glazer j.D. I.!. MedJnzkov Odessa Stare
S. James Crafton
Nancy Ka.shuck
B.A. Indiana University J.D. Neiu York LJtw School
B.S. New York U11i11mity j.D. New York Low School
Suzanne M. Sicora Ludwig B.A. Rurgm, The Store Univcrtity ofNe,u Jmey j.D. New York low School
This is nor intended as an official list of the graduates and candidates for rhc degree. Verincarion for official purposes is availa.ble only from the Office of the Registrar.
NEW YoRK L\w SCHOOL I J 5rn CoMMENO!MF.NT - MAY 20, 2007
J. D. Graduates February I, 2007
J.D. Candidates May 20, 2007 and
September l, 2007
J.D. Graduates-February 1, 2007
Joshua F. Andriano B.A. San Francisco State Univer,ity
Anya E. Irons B.A. Sarah l.owrmce Co/1,g,
Asha Saran Smith B.A. Kalamazoo Coll,gr
Reuben Friedman Adas B.A. Viwor Colkge
Alice Louise King B.S. Califomia Stau University M.B.A. B111kr University
Diana StinarofF 8.S. University ofMarylnnd!Collegr Pm-k
Shyamala 1-1. Brown B.A. Uni,,,rsrty ofSor, Francisco Joseph John Compitello B.A. Lofaymt Collrge Deborah K. Foley B.A. Villn11011a Univmity
Kati Anda Fulton B.A. Smith College Jina Lian Gouraige B.A. Hampton U11ivmity
Ani Lee B.A. University ofMichigan Linda M. LemieS7. B.A. Smith Colkgr Ian Ogden Malin B.A. Middlebury Colkge Steven Alexander Marcus B.A. Rutgers, The State U11ivmity ofNew }miry
Leigh H. Surton B.A. 80,ro11 Umvrniry Shawn Tabankin 8.A. Florida lmematio11al Univmity Rahan Uddin 8.S. City UnivmhyofNew York/City College Brendan Pearson Warcrhouse B.A. Bucknell Uniumity
Taewoo Nam B.S. Stt1tr U11iversity ofNew York!Bujji,/o
Deborah Weiss B.S. City Ur1iversity ofNew York/john Jay Cclkge ofCrimir,n/Jwtia M.A. City Ur,ivmity ofNew Yol'k/john Joy Collrge ofCrimi110I}11.Stic, M.A. Touro Colkge
Melanie Hope B.A. Oberlin Colkge M.A. New York Uni11mity
Jennifer M. Nelsen B.A. Washington and Lu Ut1ivmity
1:,shecca Winstead B.A. Syrncu,e Univmiry
Sheila Anne Horgan B.A. Col&ge of1hr Holy Cron
Kevin Shea B.A. Stony Brook U11i11eni1y
Daniel J. Hsu B.S. Clnrk«m Univmity
Jonathan R. Shech ter 8.A. Umvmir:y ofMorylnnd!Co/1,ge Park
Joshua Hergan 8.A. U11i11ersity ofColorado
I Ntw YoRK LAw Sc11001
Daniel Scott Mirman B.S. Univrnity ofNew Hamp,hirr
115TH CoMMENCl:MENT - MAv 20, 2007
J.D. Candidates-May 20, 2007 and September I, 2007
Manhe-.v Benjamin Abrams B.A. Columbia Unirwsiry
Lea Malani Bays B.A. U11ivmiry ofCalifamia/S,111ra Cruz
Melissa Canton B.A. Tiu George Wnshi11gro11 U11ivmi1J•
Jennifer M. Addonizio B.A. Ithaca College
Francis Joseph Berlen B.S. State U11ivmity of New York/8i11ghnmt011 Uni,,miry
Seth Canror B.S. Arizona Srnre University
Adebisi Asabi Agunbiade B.A. Unit,ersity ofMirm,sour Ana Lucia Alvarado B.B.A. City Univmity ofNew York!Bamch College Regina Amporfro 8.A. Come/I Uniumiry Nicole Lyn Anncnberg B.A. U11ivmiry ofMirhigar, Andrew Arbeir B.A. Sum Univmiry ofNew York/Alb1111y
Pooja Bhamagar B.A. Barn11rd College-Col11mbia U11ivmiry
Brian M. Carovcllo B.S. Iow,011 State Universi~y Joseph Patrick Carbon B.A. Loyola University Chicago
Alla Bi renberg B.A. State U11ivmity of New York/Binghamton Univemry
Nacasha Lucia CarroU-Ferrary B.A. U11ivmity ofOtliforni11/&rkdey
Chri~tinc: Claudia Blomquist B.A. \li'nk, Form U1111,,mry
Tiffiuiy Casanova B.A. long l,/111,d U11h1emty
Chri,topher Goodspeed Boies B.A. Dartmouth Co/kg,
Thomas Emmet Casey B.A. Slr1d111ort: Co/kg,
Shlomir Arouba.~ B.8.A. City Umvmity ofNe,u York/Bamch College
Marie A. Bonicatibus B.A. Arizonfl State University M.S.N. Y,,le University
Domenic Cervoni B.A. Hofi1ra Univmity
Kamilla Aslanova B.A. Fr1111kli11 ,md Marshall College
John L. Boutsikakis B.A. Mtthlmbng Colkgr
B.A. Borudoi11 College
Naim 8ajraktari B.A. Boston College
Benjamin J. Brandow B.S. Norrhwrsr,m U11iversity
Cassira B. Charles B.A. City U11itimity ofNeru York/Brookly11 College
Marisa Beth Baldaccini B.S. Cornell U11ivmi,y
Danielle Brenner B.A. Nm, York Univmity
Scephanic Ann Leonard Chen B. S. Bosto11 Co/1,:gr
Karina Aleksandra Baldassarri
George Brown 8.A. Trinity College
B.A. Pacc U11ivmity
B.A. S111te Univemry of Ne,u York/Stony Brook U11iversiry
Elizabeth Anne Baldwin B.S. (Jnilll'rsity ofCo,muticur
Kathryn M. Chandler
Monica Cheng
Frances Buttafarro 8.A. Momdair Stare Univmiry
Jenny S. Cheung B.A. Col111nbi,1 Unir<t:rsiry B.S. Columbia University/Tiu Fu Fo1111datio11 School ofEngineering a11d Applied Sdenc,
Benigno J . Caiola Gillian T. Ballentin<' B.A. R111gm, Th, Sr,m UT1i11miry ofNew Jmey Poopak Rafary Banky B.A. \V,l/i111T1S Coll~, Ph.D. Univmiry ofCalifim1in!Sn11 Diego Ross K Baron B.A. U11ivi,ni,y ofF/Qridn John Batik 8.B.A. University ofTncns at El Ptuo John Joseph Bacmron Jr. B.A. Hoftrra U,,ivmity Ti mothy Charles Bauman B.A. Boston U11ivmity
B.S. Fordham U11i11mity
Marcelo Choi B.B.A. Metro Co/kg, ofNew York
Jessica Calvo 8. B.A. Pnrr Uni,,mity
Areci Chriscoforatos B.S. St. Johns U11ivmity
Janica La'Tray Porcer Campbell B.S. Merry College
Sarah M. Chuba B.A. VA Polyreeh11ic Imritute
Jessica Lee Campbell B.A. Th, Co/leg,• ofNrtv Jm,y Patrick T. Campbell B.B.A. City Univmi,y ofNew York!B11ruch College Anne-Marie Canavan B.A. Colltgt of1hr Ho!, Cross
Sukjun Chun 8.B.A. U,,i,,mity ofBritish Co/11mbia Ashley Herrick Clarke B.S. ],mm Madison Unit~rs,ry Joseph Claro 8.A. U11ii1miry ofCalifarnin/Los Ang&s
NE\\ YORK L\w Sn1oot I I 5rn CoMMPJ-ICfMlNT - MAY 20, 2007
J.D. Candjdates-May 20, 2007 and September 1, 2007
Ncr~a Marion Coan B.A. Montclair State Umvmity
Malthew J. D'Emic Jr. B.S. Loyola Co/kg, in Maryland
Bryan J. Foley 8.S. Srau U11iversity ofNew York/Albany
Arych B. Cohen UGR Mirra Yeshiva Central {11st.
Louisa DeRose BA New ¼,rk University
William Davis Foley 8.A. Coll,ge ofWilliam & Mary
Dina B. Cohen B.A. State Univmity ofN,w York!Buffolo
AmanJus J.M. Derr B.S. Univmity ofRichmond
Vanessa fiorcina B.B.A. City University ofNtw York/Bari.ch Co/leg,
Barbara Allen Cole B.S. Umvm,ry ofFlom.In.
Jennifer Lynne DiMarzo B.A. Smmums Co/kg,
Brian Francolla B.A. Sr. u,wr,nc, University
Nicole Confiname B.A. Marist College
Jessica B. Dolfman B.A. Tht Pm,uylva11io Stare Univmity
Lucia [. Freda B.A. Syraeuse University
Anchony Concardo B.S. Come// Univm,ty
Alexander Duke 8.A. Carholi< U111vmity ofAmerica
Shana Fried B.S. Nortluasrem U111venity
Michael Bradford Cooke B.A. Fairleigh Did,iwo11 Uniuurity
Andrew 13alint Egerhazy B.A. Drew Univemty
Daniel S. Fromm B.A. Cit.y University ofNew York/Qu.uns Colkge
Catherine Hughes Corwin 8.A, 8osto11 Univenity
Rachel Einbund B.A. New l'ork U111vmity
Jordan M. Fry 8.S. long lsl,111d University
Miles Baker Cowan B.M. Tiu }ttilliard Srhool
Michael Eisenberg B.S. Nau York Umvm1t.y
B.A. The U11i,,mi1J ofNorrh Carolina
Elizabeth Reilly Crorcy B.A. Hamiltou Colkge
Nicholas Elcock B.A. St. Fm11ris College
B.A. 'nshiva U11i11mity
Kathleen Cunin B.A. Univmily ofD,/111var,
Ann Fabrikant B.A. Ru,gm. The S111u Umverrity ofNw }mcy
Jasmine Garcia-Vieux B.S. St. John's University
Matthew Robert Cuttler B.A. State University ofN,w York/A/ba11y
Kathryn L. Farrara B.S. The Pmn.sylvania State Univmity
Davide F. Garofalo B.A. Rurgm, 71,e Srau University ofNew Jersey
Kenncrh J. Dale 8.A. City University of New York/Colli:~ ofSwen /Jl,md
Zl:11a Fayer 8. B.A. Hofitra University
Sam Gebrael 8.B.A. l'ork University M.B.A. York Univmi1y
Nicholas Glaeser Daly BA University ofWisro11si11-Madison Jeffrey Daniel 8.A. City U11ivmity ofNew York/Qumu Colkge
John William Fendt lH B.A. Adelphi U111vmity Julia Hyacinth Fernande-L B. 8.A. Sourhan M,rhodist University
Gram Gallovitch
David Ganrz
Alexandra Haley Gellman 8.A. Univmity ofArizqna Melissa Maria Gencarelli B.A. Lehigh U,,ivmiry
Sarah £lizabech Fighrmaster Lydia U. Daniel B.A. ~usar College Kelly Dc:Angclis JJ.A. Unir,miiy ofMichigm, Amy Katherine Delaney B.A. State University of Nw York/Binghamto11 University
B.A. Em1Jry University
Michael William Fiorvanri 8.A. Bro,1111 University Daniel Ram Flecha B.A. Fordham University Jennifer Leigh Flei~cher B.S. Rmgm, The Stnr, U11ivmi1J ofNew }mcy
Anne Margarcr Dellis B.A. Fordham U11iumit.y
Ryan Leyland Genrile 8.A. Geuysb11rg Co/kg, Laini George IJ.A. City U11i11mity ofNew York/Brook/yrt College
Lia Geraci B.A. S111u University ofNew Yor/t/Alba11y Matthew Benjamin Gem 8.S. Ohio U11/vmiry!Atht1u
Allison Gersten
Stanley Griswold
Jih Eui Hong
B.S. Tht /><1111syl111mia Stau Uniuer,ity
B.A. Havrrford Co1ltgt
B.A. U11ivmiry ofPmmylvania
Shahab Dean Ghalambor
David Groeger
Alicia Yong-Zhu Hou
B.A. Cnlifamin Srnrt U11ivmiry-Sa11 &n111rdi110
B.A. Univmity ofMiami
B.A. U11ivmiry ofCalifamillllrvi11,
Alexandra Giaailone
Kristine Grossman
Alanna Clare Iacono
B.S. The Co/1,:g,: ofNtw }trsry
B.A. Ntw York U11ivmity
B.A. U11ivmity ofDelaware
Robert Gerard Giancola
Erin M. Grover
Jonathan ha.icson
B.S. Boston Collrgt
B.A. Sima Co!kgt
B.A. Sflltr U11ivmiry ofNew York/Buffalo
SonaJ Gibson
Elijah Joel Hammans B.S. U11ivmiry of!ndia11apo!u
Jennifer Bcrh lren
Heidi Giegerich B.A. New Yt>rk U11ivmity
Adam Hanan
B.A. Yt,shiM U11ivusiry
David M. Jacobs B.A. Bra11dris Univmity
Scorr Glorzcr
B.A. Univmiry of Rochmer
David I. Hantman B.S. Cornell u,,;,,,,.,;ry
Nadia F. Jafri B.B.A. Ti:mpk U11ivmir:y
Alexander J. Gochal
Mary Ashley Hatch
Margarethe Javellana
B.A. Tht Jo/ms lfopki11s U11ivmiry
B.A. Kmyo11 Co!kgt
B.A. Snmh lawrmrr Co/leg,
Daniel P. Goldberger B.A. 8011011 Um'verrity
Kun J. Havens B.B.A. Ut1fom11y ofIowa
William Johnson
Jordan Goldsmith
Adi Hcrmoni
Joshua D. Jordon
B.A. U11ivmiry ofM,usadmsm,
B.S. Norrhrvtstem Unfrmiry
B.A. Stare U11ivmity of Nrw Yt>rlr/Bi11gham1011 U11ivm1r:y
Irena Golodkeyer 8.S. City Univmity ofNtw Yorlr/BrooklJ11 Colltg,
Deborah Hem, B.A. City U11ivrrsiry ofNrw Yt>rltl John Jay College ofCriminal}rmiu
B.S. Com,// Univmiry
B.A. uhigh U11i11mity
B.A. Sr. Franci..r College
Nicole Mari Junco B.A. New York Univmity
Jose M. Gomez
B.S. Florid,, State U11i11mity
Matthew Edward Hickey 8.A. Sr. Francis Co!lege
Deana Kabakibi
Kerry E. Higgins B.A. Sarah la111rence College
Jacqueline S. .Kahman
Kristin N. Hicsous B.A. S111te U11ivmiry uf New Yt>rldBingham1011 U11ivrrsiry
MarcJ. Kaim
B.A. Fordham Umvmiry
Alexandra M. Gomei:-Jimcne;,,
B.A. Florida ln1muuio11al U11ivmity
B.A. N,111 York U11111miry
Bronwyn Elaine Goni.ile,
B.A. U11i11miry ofTi:xns atAustin Christian Gonzalez B.A. Rurgm, Tht Srau Uniumity ofNew }mry
Tracy Lauren Kaminersky Anna Hock
Amanda R. Goodman B.A. Sr. la111rmu Univtrtity
B.A. Nnu ~rk Univmir:y
B.S. Sr. john's U11ivmity April Luv Hoellman
Scott Aaron Goodman B.A. Skidmore Co/leg,
B.A. Stme Umvrrsir:y ofNnu York/Pl,m1b11rgh
B.S. U11i11emry ofGrorgia-Arhms B.A. Uni,,miry ofG,orgia-Ar}mu
Lindsay Rebecca Kaplow B.A. India1111 U11ivmiry Kacayon Kashfi
B.S. Chapman U11i,,mity Anna N. Gorodc:nskaia 8.A. Rutgers, The Srau Uuivmity ofNew }mty
Andrew L. Hoffman
Dana Lauren Gonlieb
Dana C. Honcharuk
BA New Yt>rk U11i11trsity M.A. Columbia U11ivmity!Grad11att School ofArts & Scimces
B.S. Wag11er Co/kg,
B.A. Central W,uhi11gro11 U11ivmiry
Melissa A. K.~C7.
B.S. Bosro11 U11111errity Gena Marie Kaufman
B.A. Th, Ohio Sltlle Ut1i11miry
20, 2007
I 27
J.D. Candidates-May 20, 2007 and September 1, 2007
Christine M. Kearney B.A. College of1/Je Holy Crou
Cindy Cho Lee 8.S. Massnrh111e1ts lnstiture ofTtrlmo/Qgy
Michael P. Lovascio B.A. Thr George Washi11gto11 U11iveniry
Bryanne Eli,.abech Kelleher B.S. Syrnmse U11iveniry
Jae Yoon Lee 8.A. Emory U11ivenity
Chelsea Luna B.A. Univerrity of1e1111essu--Kr1oxvill,
Sakima V. Kelly B.A. Nm, ~rk U11i11miry
Yumi Lee B.A. Brn11deis U11i11mity MA. Georgetown Univm,ry
Jonathan David Luriky B.A. Uniumiry ofPmnsylvn11it1
Kathryn Glynn Kerrigan 8.A. Brow11 Uni11enity
Bradley S. Leinhardt B.A. U11ivmiry ofMiami
David G. Kcrt 8.S. U11ivmity ofM11ry/111ui/Colltgr P,,rk
Roman Leonoff B.M. Dubna f111tn111rio1111l Univemry
Ushcevii King 8.A. City Univmiry ofNew ~rkl}oh11 Jny Collegr ofCrimi11nl j,mia
Tracey Erin Levi 8.A. Unio11 College
Kerri Kirschbaum B.A. Adelphi Univmiry
] C.1Sica E. Levine B.A. Emory Univmiry
Carolyn A. Klos B.S. F/()nd,1 S1att Universiry
Daniel Levy B.A. Swe Univmiry ofNew Yorlr!Alba11y
David Knopflcr B.S. Touro Co/kg,
Xinyu Li B.A. Tin11ji11 Umvmiry • P.R. ofChina M.S. U11i11mity ofCalifomia/San Diego
Shawn Kodes 8.A. Syrnrnsr U11i11tniry
Aaron Mackler B.A. Univmity ofC11lifamin/los A11grle, Michael A. Macride, B.A. Fra11kli,1 and Mntshnll College Erin Michele Magnor B.A. Jnmes M11duo11 U11ivmiry Tareq Mahmud B.A. U11ivmiry ofChicago Lauren Elizabeth Mahoney B.A. Faitfidd Uniumiry Lydia Y. Maun B.A. R.111gm, The Srau U11ivmity ofNew jeruy Todd David Marcus B.A. Bnrd College
Benai L. Lifshicz. 8.A. Srnu U11ivmity of New York/Stony Brook Univm,ry
Keith R. Martorana B.S. Fo,·dhnm U11i11mity
Nikon Limbcris B.!J: Srau U11ivmiry ofNew York!All,nny
Mandana Massiha B.A. New J't,rk Univemry
Irina Kolmakova B.S. Stnu U11i11mity ofN,111 York! College at Oneonta
Lisa Ling B.S. Boston College
Shelly-Ann Maye B.B.A. City U11ivmity ofNerv ~rk!B11r11ch Co/1,gr
Alina Kors B.A. Lehigh Umvmiry
Marc E. Linman B.A. l/nivmiry ofCmzral Florid,,
Siobhan Ellen McGreal 8.A. UmvcNiry ofPmnsylvnnia
Anna-Rachel Krakowsky B.A. )',shiva U11111miry
Theresa Lokc:n B.A. Univmiry ofSouthern Califamin
Melanie A. Mclaughlin B.A. Northwcstem U11ivmity
Kerry J. land B.A. U11ivm1ry ofFlorida
Anrhony Loman B.A. State U11ivmity ofNeu, York/Nm, Paltz
Melissa Medina B.A. Sr. John's Univemry
Matthew A. Langer
Silvia Maria Lopez B.A. Saim Marys Collrge
Ian Scott Mellor B.A. Univmity ofM11ryland/Colkg, Park
Sandy Ilene Lorch B.A. Bra11deis Univmity
Aaron Scott Menddsohn B.S. Cue Wcuem Reserve Univmiry M.B.A. Mercy Collegr
Melanie A. Kollander 8.A. Ban111rd Collegr-Columbia Univmiry M.S. London School ofEto11omirs
B.S. Unll'miry ofMichign11 M.P.A. Nrw York U11iverriry
Daniel C. LaTerra B.A. Lafoye,u Colkgr John Craig Laurence B.S. Po/ytrdmir U11i11mity
I Ntw YOJU< l..>.w Sc ~1001
Anthony Losardo B.A. Vanderbilt Umvmity
115TH COMMF.NCEMENT - MAY 20, 2007
Heacher Helene Meccalfc B.A. Loyola Marymoum U11i11mity
Randi Jill Meyers B.A. American Univer1i,y
David Parrick Ofcnloch B.A. Boston Collegr
Jennifer Cohen Premisler B.S. U1Ji11miry ofColora,/q
A.-iron Frank Miner B.A. U1Jiver1iry ofRochtstrr
Wakako Ohga B.A. Keio U11it,miry
Peter T. Puk B.S. New Mirk Univmiry
Jaclyn Michelle Mintzer B.A. U11ivmity ofMaryln11d/Collegr Park
Ka1heri ne Olshansky B.A. Brandeis Univmity
Helen B. Pus1el 8.11. Stmt Univmity of New York/Bingh11m1011 U11ivmll)'
L-iurie A. Moffat B.A. Srarr University of Nr,11 Yorkl~iony Brook U11i11miry
Michael V. O'Neil B.S. Fairfield Univm,ty
Mika M. Mooney B.A. Swr Uniumity of New York/Binghan11011 Univmity John A. Morgano B.A. Drew U,iivmity John Robert Morrison B.S. Univmiry ofColora,/q Nicholas A. Moschella Jr. 8.A. Stto11 Hall U11ivmiry Jason William Moussourakis B.A. The George Washi,,g,011 Uuiutr1iry Leslie C. Myers B.A. Hampron U111vemty Mohamed H. Nabulsi B.A. William Patmon University Jaimee Marc Nadell B.A. Columbia Umv,rsuy Erika Nagy B.A. City U,,ivmity ofN,w York/Humer College Natasha Monae Neal B.A. Mfrhigan Srau Univmity
Patricia B. Quan B.B.A. City U11ivmity o/Neu, York/Barud, Co/leg,
Jennifer Opoku-A.-arc B.A. U11ir,mity ofGh,111,1
Richard RagancUa Jr. B.8.A. Hofitrn U,1ivmity
Louis Panagiocakis B.A. St. jolmi U11ivmity
Marina Raydun B.A. Pac, U11i11er1ity
Jennifer Brooke Pascarnack 8.S. Comell U11ivmity
Kristyn M. Redmond BJ!. E111()ry Univemty
Romil Patel 8.A. Emory U11ivmity
Ilana Recd B.S. U11iumity ofFlorida
Samir Patel B.S. l11dian11 Uni11mity
Nalinie Ramchandrcn 8.A. U1ir11 Coll,geofSyrnmst U11iverr11y
Yogc;h N. Patel B.S. Rurgm, 71Jt S11ue Univmil)• ofNriu Jmry Annamelda Paul B.A. Th, Pmnsylva11ia S1111, Uniumity Patrick A. Pavone 8.A. New York U11i1-,:r1;1y
Valerie Lynn Riso 8.A. S1111, U,ii1•rrsiry of New York/Bingh11111to11 Uni11mity M.S. St. Johns Univmity
Crystal G. Petersen B.A. N,ru YG>rk Uni,,ersiry Charles Edw3rd Phillips B.A. The George W'iuhmgron U11ivmiry Charles A. Pipins II B.F.A. Millilm, Unir,mity
Christopher M. Nguyen B.S. Santa Clara Umvmity
Jacob Danid Plorsky B.S. Arizona Sratr Univmity
Adam M. Nicolazzo B.S. Norlhrasrem Univmity
Roderick Pom B.A. Nonh,a.srrrn U11ivmity
Erica L. Norey B.S. Muhlmbn-g Co/leg,
Alyssa Anne Preston B.A. Loyola Coll,ge in Maryland
Jonathan A. Reingold B.A. Bard College Jeffrey Risman B.S. Stare U11h•m1ty of New York!Bi11ght11111011 U111v.-rriry
Brian Peroff 8.A U11i11emty ofMichigan
Christopher M. Neely B.A. Pensacokt Chri.ltian Colkge M.S. Florida Starr U11ivm11y
Laurie Danielle Reilly 8.S. !th11C" Co/leg,
L'lync S. Roiscachcr B.A. Th, George Washi11gton U11ivmiry Amel.in FcrriU Ross fl.A. Auburn U11ivtrsi,y Jessica Eileen Roch B.A. Northwmtr11 Uniwrsity Kevin Rubinstein 8.S. Cornell University Graig Russo B.S. l11dia11,1 Univtrsity
Nf.W YORK IJ..w SCHOOL I 15m CoMMENO.Mf.N1 - MAY 20, 2007
I 29
J.D. Candidates-May 20, 2007 and September I, 2007 continued Maria Crisrina C. Sales B.A. Brow11 U11iveniry
Megan L. Skubal B.A. Univmity ofFlorida M.B.A. Univmiry ofCmtral Florida
Carrie 8. Talansky B.A. !11dia11a Univerrity
Paul Sloan B.A. Louisiana State Umverriry
Eduard Tamma B.S. City Univmity ofNew York/john Jay College ofCriminal ],mice
David A. Smiley B.A. U11ivmiry ofColorado
Eu Ting B.B.A. Emory U11ivmity
Michael Elliot Smilow B.S. YtJhiva Um'vmity
Chacri !Gm Tomay B.A. Yak U11ivmity
Katherine E. Smith B.S. BoJtOn Univmity
Alexa Taiz Torres B.A. Univmity ofWisconsin-Mil,un"kte
Lewis Patrick Sarrica II B.A. The G,org, Wa1hi11gr.011 U11ivmity M.8.A. U11ivmity ofHawaii a1 Manoa
Katherine Grinnell Smith B.A. U11ivmiry ofKr11mcky
Jusrine Torres B.A. New Yt>rk Uni11mity
Thomas E. Saxcy B.A. Sa,, Diego Sr,11, Univmiry
Jeff Smodish B.A. \¼ke Form U11ivmiry
Cyril Touchard 8.S. Rmgm, 771c Sratt Uni11mi1y ofNrw Jmey
Anrhony P. Scali B.A. Fordham U11iwniry
Lauren Smythe B.A. University ofFlorida
Vincent J. Trerotola B.S. Syrarost Uni11mity
Amanda K. Schmitc B.A. U11ivmiry ofWiscon.ri11-Milwa,,ku
Connie Solimeo 8.A. Thr Pmnsylwmin Srau Univmiry M.B.A. Nrw York Univmiry, Stem School ofBllJinm
George Edward Triffon B.S. Ciry U11ivmity ofNrw York/joh11 jay Collegr ofCrimi11alJustice
Karen Salomon B.S. Uni,,m,ry ofMaryut11d!Coll,g, Park Kcrona K. Samuels B.A. Wathingron University in St. Lollis Alyssa Danielle Sandman B.A. Univmity ofColorado Dorothy J. Santos B.S. Stare Univmity ofN= York!Alba111
Benjamin Ross Schoenfeld B.S. S1rnc11sc Univmity Erika Schwartz B.A. Univmity ofDelaware Marina V. Semenova B.A. U11ivmiry ofCnlifomiallo1 Angrk1 Borislava A Semkova B.A. City U11ivmity ofNtw York!QutenJ Coll,g, Ryan Thomas Sexton B.A. Boston Univmity Julia Shapiro B.A. Sonoma Stat, U11iverriry Karina Shostakovsky B.A. 80110n Umvmity Bobby S.J. Shui B.A. Uni11emty ofCnlifarmalfrvin, Michael L. Sim B.A. New York Univmiry Taryn Ashley Singer B.A. Lehigh University
Ari Adam Spcrt B.A. MlllJ,attnn Coll,gt
Kyle Stefunczyk B.A. Fairfield Uni1,mity Eric Peter Stehn B.S. Alfred University David Jacob Stern B.A. ¼tJJar Colltgt Holly Stiles B.A. Univmity ofNorth Caro/inn Jasmine Scone B.A. U11ivmity ofMic-hig1111
Michael Tsugel 8.8.A. City U11ivmity ofNnu York!B11ruch College Timw-Ture 8.A. Nell) York Univmity Priri R. Vakharia 8.A. College ofWilliam a11d Mary Alex Vaysbaum B.B.A. Pace U11ivmity William H. Vidal B.A. Franklin and MarslJt1ll Colkge Christie Tuyet Mai Vu B.B.A. The U11i11mity ofSainr Thoma, Ho11s1011
Janet W. Suk B.A. New >1irk Univm,ty
Theresa Bui Wade B.A. Start U11ivmiry of N,w York/Binghamton Umvmiry
Scou David Taffec B.A. U11ivcrrity of Pmnsylva11ia
Brandon John Walters B.A Wilke Forest Univermy
KateTagen B.A. American Uni11~rrity
ChurYin Wan B.A. Srau University of New York/Binghamro11 Uni11mity
Sarah E. Warne B.A. Univmity ofDelaware Michelle Lynn Wexler B.A. University ofWiscomi11 Brian Thomas Whipple B.A. University ofMichigan Ilia Eli Wishnivccski B.S. Univemty ofMaryland/College Park Deborah A. Witham B.A. University ofPiruburgh Scott E. Worrman B.A. City University ofNew York/Quems College Eric Justin Wur~thorn B.A. Com,ll U,,iver,ity
Seth M. Zaben B.S. u,,;,,,rsiry ofM,,ry/nnd/College Park
Qinghong Xu B.S. Peki11g Unit•mity Ph.D. University ofMimusota
Raoul Zalcsberg B.A. U11ivmity of!!li11ois nt Urbn,rn-Ch11mpnig11
Yuan Uessica) Xue B.S. Ttikyo Univmity. Tol'lo Jnpn11
Srcphanoi Zannikos B.S. New York U,1i1•mi1J
Barbara Yan B.S. N,w York U,1iversiry
Jeffrey David Zigler B.A. University o/Ttxns 111 Austill
Brandon R. Yankowitz B.A. Br,md,is University Erin Brooke Yavener B.A. Thr George \'Vashirigron U11ivmiry
Lana Zolon B.S. Pace U11ivmity Marisa Zuckerman B.A. Wesleyan University
Catherine Yoon B.A. Sw11rtlm1ore Co/leg,
Michael J. Zussman B.A. BmndeiJ Univmiry
Cole Michael Young B.S. Mfrhigm1 Stare Univmity
This is nor int<ended as an official lisc of the graduares and candidates for the Jcgrce. Verificauon for official purpose., is available only from the Office of the ~imar.
u.w Saioot I I SnI CoMMfNCf.MEITT - MAY 20, 2007 I JI
President's Medal of Honor and Honorary Degree Citations
David Boies Chairman Boies, Schiller and Flexner LLP
ew York Law School is proud co honor David Boies, one of the nation's most prominent and accomplished litigarors, for che courage, inrellect, passion, and commitment he brings to the pursuit of justice. The leadership and skill he has demonstrated throughout his career, in cases that have greatly impacted U.S. legal hisrory, are an inspiration co the entire Law School community. David Boies is Chairman of the law firm of Boies, Sch.iUer and Flexner LLP with offices in New York, Washington, D.C., California, Florida, Nevada, New Hampshire, and New Jersey. Mr. Boies attended college at the University of Redlands and law school ar Northwestern and Yale. He received a B.S. degree &om Northwestern in 1964, his LLB. magntl cum laude from Yale in 1966, and his LL.M. from New York University in 1967. Mr. Boies served as Chief Counsel and Scaff Director of the United Scares Senate Anrirrusr Subcommittee in 1978 and Chief Counsel and Staff Director of the United States Senate Judiciary Committee in 1979. Mr. Boies is the author of numerous publications including COURTING JUSTICE, published by Miramax in 2004, and PUBLIC CONTROL OF BUSINESS, published by Lierle Brown in 1977. Mr. Boies has caught courses at New York University Law School and Cardozo Law School. Mr. Boies is rhe recipienr of an LLD. from the Unjversity of Redlands, che Milton Gould Award for Outstanding Oral Advocacy, the Lifetime Achievement Award from the LO Access Foundation, rhe Oucscanding Learning Disabled Achievers Award from the Lab School of Washington, the Pinnacle Award of the Incernacional Dyslexia Association, and the William Brennan Award from the University of Virginia. He has been named "Lawyer of che Year," by THE NATIONAL LAw JOURNAL, runner-up "Person of the Year,'' by TIME magazine, and "Commercial Lirigaror of rhe Year" by WHO'S WHO. When Mr. Boies received che Milton Gould Award in 1996 the cirarion said, in pare, "No lawyer in America has rried and argued on appeal as many landmark cases in as rnany different areas as Mr. Boies." Mr. Boies' diencs include George Steinbrenner and the New York Yankees, Mike Wal.lace and CBS, Don Imus, Maurice R. "Hank" Greenberg and Scarr Internacional Company, Ernst & Young, DuPont, Tyco, Philip Morris, Nrria, American Express, and Texas fnsrrurnenrs. Mr. Boies is a member of Phi Beta Kappa, a fellow of the American College of Trial Lawyers, and a fellow of the Internacional Academy of Trial Lawyers.
For your outstanding accomplishmems and influence in the field of!aw, New York Law School talus great pride in awarding you, David Boies, the degree ofDoctor ofLaws, honoris causa, with alt the rights, privileges, and responsibilities thel'eunto appertaining.
Sybil Shainwald '76 Member ofthe Board ofTrustees, New Yo1¡k Law School President, Law Offices ofSybil Shainwa!d
his year New York L1w School is honored co award chc Presidenr's Medal of Honor co its 6rsr-ever female rec1pienr, and one of the Law School's mosc accomplished alumni: Sybil Shamwald. In the words of Un ired Scares District Court Judge Jack B. Weinstein, before whom she has appeared hundreds of rimes on behalf of injured women and families from across the globe, Sybil Shainwald's "compassion and professional skills have ennobled the practice of law. Through groundbreaking and passionate advocacy, Sybil Shamwald has advanced a deeply personal commitment to social justice and women's rights. Since her graduation from New York Law School as a member of the evening class of I976, Sybil Shainwald has been a tireless force for safe and dfcctive women's healthcare, and one of the most successful pioneers of the women's health movement. Due to her effom, which have screeched co all comers of the globe, the quality and scope of women¡s health care has dramatically improved. Since rhc beginning, Sybil Shainwald's legal career has focused almost exclusively on women's health issues-often raking on cases orher lmvyers rhoughr impossible to win. Throughout her career, Sybil Shainwald h~ licigated thousands of cases involving drugs and devices harmful co women and their children. Proving thac women had suffered irreparable damage to their reproductive organs and overall health as a result of the pharmaceutical indusrry's failure to rest Diechylsrilbesrrol (DES) before putting it on the market, Sybil Shainwald was co-counsel in the nation's firsr DES daughrer victory, Bichler v. lilly. After Bichkr, thousands of women who had been exposed ro DES and, consequently, had eirhcr developed cancer or were unable co bear children were able to obrnin compensation. Subsequently, Sybil Shainwald was inmumenral in changing the Statute of Limitations in New York Scare ro a discovery statute. She filed the firsr case under the Revival Scarure, which allowed dismissed cases be filed for a period of one year. In addition, Sybil Shainwald represented two thousand women in the Dalkon Shield class action against A.H. Robins and obtained equality for the women of Bangladesh, India, Kenya, and China; consequently. her picture hangs on the walls of many Bangladeshi homes. She has pioneered in many areas of women's health, including bringing the inirial cases for the lactacion supprcssanr, Parlodel (a product by Sandoz Corp. rhat is now off the market), the pregnancy test, chronic villus sampling, and many others. Where 1raditional remedies have been inadequate, Sybil Shainwald has devised innovative litigation strategics co achieve her clients' goals. Sybil Shainwald persuaded the Courr to establish an Emergency Fund co enable chose women who had suffered from tragic injuries resulting from exposure to DES to adopt children or use surrogacy, so that cheir dreams could come true on their own timelines, and nor rhat of their pharmaceuricaJ litigation. In short, her passionate concern for women's health and her unflagging devotion to her clients has transformed che practice of mass cons to enable women and men to have families, and co ensure safe and effecnve health care for American women and women in developing nations. In addition to her advocacy in che courtroom, Sybil Shainwald has been an exemplary force for proactive education and information dissemination from Appalachia co Africa. For example, she was chair of che National \Xlomen's Health Network and co-founded Health Acrion Internacional, two organizarions cbac enable women to preserve their health and rights to sound hcalchcare through knowledge. Throughout her career, Sybil Shainwald conducted meetings in places as far as Kenya, Cosca Rica, and Bangladesh to acquainr women co che toxicity of various women's health products including rhe Dalkon Shield, Depo Provera, Norplam, and silicone br=r implants. Moreover, she served as an advisor for ,cveral international documentaries on women's hcalch, H
Nrw YoRlo: LA\\ Scuom I l 5lll COMMENCf.MlNT
MAY 20, 2007
I 35
Sybil Shainwald '76 Member ofthe Board ofTrustees, New York Law Schoof President, law Offices ofSybil Shainwald c oN¡nNUED
established a book club, and contributed to numerous books. To be sure, her extensive writings, lectures and appearances before Congressional subcommittees, the Food and Drug Administration, and national and imernarional media, including all of the major national and incernarional news stations, have raised global consciousness on crucial women's health issues. Sybil Shainwald's volunteer service has also been unending, and the list of philanrluopic and social organizations that she has served is lengthy. For example, she was a founding member of the Trial Lawyers for Public Justice, a member of the Food and Drug Adminisrracion's Consumer Consorcium, a pare ofTrial Lawyers Care (a group of attorneys representing the September 11th victims' families on a pro bono basis), Chair of the Environmental and Toxic Torts Section of chc American Trial Lawyers Association (ATLA), a representative co the End-of-the Decade Conference on Women, Health Advisor co che United Methodist Church, an inregral part of the Fim Black Women's Health Conference and the first Rural Women's Healch Conference, just to name a few. Additionally, Sybil Sha.inwald has served a number of important grassroot~ women's organizacions, which she also helps fond. SybiJ Shainwald has served on numerous boards, past and present, including: the Board of Trustees of New York Law School, and the Boards of Direcrors of che National Women's Health Nerwork (Chair), the Consumer l ncerest Research lnsticure, Hyscerectomy Education and Resource Services (HERS), Heal th Action lnternational, Civil Justice Foundation, the New York Academy of Arr, American Friends ofTel Aviv Museum, and the Washington National Opera. Perhaps most imporcamly, Sybil has ensured rhe continuation of her and her lace husband, Sydney Shainwald's, legacy of professionalism, ethics, and social responsibility by empowering the next generation of socially conscious activists and advocates. To this end, Sybil has established the Sidney Shainwald Public Interest Lecture Series at New York Law School in loving memory of her late husband. As a result of Sybil's endowment, New York Law School has been able to bring such distinguished speakers as Special Master Kenneth R. Feinberg, Senator Edward M. Kennedy, and Supreme Courr Justice Stephen Breyer ro address srudenrs and faculty regarding meaningful issues the world faces. ln addition, she has served as a professor and lecturer on issues related to corporate responsibility, women's healch, and mass torr litigation at universities, law schools, the Association of Trial Lawyers of America, che American Board ofTrial Associares, and many other national and international organizations. Sybil Shainwald's academic career was as stellar as her legal one. At che College of William and Mary she was the President Bryan Scholar and graduated Phi Bera Kappa. She received an M.A. degree in Political Science from Columbia University, before securing grants from rhe National Endowment for the Humanities co found the Srudy Center for the Consumer Movement al Consumers Union, where she served as Director. Because of her significant work in consumer affairs, Sybil Shainwald was awarded a Rockefeller Foundation grant and ochers for the purposes of an oral and wrircen history of the Consumer Movement. Indeed, Sybil Shainwald's legal achievements are all the more inspiring, as the law was her second career, and she attended law school in che evening after her children were grown. New York Law School honors Sybil Shainwald for her inspiring leadership, her unswerving dedication, and her superb and innovative legal skills on behalf of che global women's health movemenr.
I Ntw YORK I.Aw Su100 1 1151H COMMENC:EMfNr -
MAY 20, 2007
Maurice R. Greenberg '50 Chairman and CEO, C V Starr & Co., Inc. Trustee Emeritus, New York Law School Board ofTrustees aurice R, Greenberg is Chairman and CEO of C.V. Scarr & Co., Inc., a global investment firm. His tenure at C.V. Scarr & Co., Inc. began in 1960, when he joined C.V. Starr as Vice President. Mr. Greenberg retired as Chairman & CEO of American Internacional Group, Inc. (AIG) in March 2005, after serving as Chairman and CEO from May 1989 until March 2005. He became President and Chief Executive Officer of AJG in 1967. He was largely responsible for transforming AJG into the largest insurance company of the world and generated unprecedented value for AJG shareholders during his cenure. During the nearly 40 years of his leadership, AIG's markeL value grew from $300 million to $180 billion. Mr. Greenberg is the founding Chairman of che U.S.-Philippine Business Committee and Vice Chairman of the U.S.-ASEAN Business Council. In addition, he is Honorary Vice Chairman and Director of the Council on Foreign Relations; former Chairman and current member of the U.S.-Korea Business Council; a member of rhe U.S.-China Business Council; and a member ofThe Business Council. Mr. Greenberg served on the Board of Direccors of the New York Scock Exchange, the President's Advisory Commirtee for Trade Policy and Negociacions, and The Business Roundrable. He is rhe past Chairman, Deputy Chairman, and Director of che Federal Reserve Bank of New York Mr. Greenberg served in die U.S. Army in Europe during World War II and in chc Korean conflict, rising to che rank of capmin. He is a recipient of the Bronze Smr. Mr. Greenberg received his pre-law certificate from che Universicy of Miami and an LL.B. from New York l.1w School in 1950. An alumnus and former trustee of New York Law School, Mr. Greenberg established New York Law School's largest ~cholarship fund, die C.Y. Smrr Scholarship. co honor AIG founder Cornelius Vander Scarr. with an initial gifi of $175,000 by The Scarr Foundation. N Chairman of The Starr Foundation, he oversees die disbursement of major financial support tO academic, medical, culrural, and public policy institutions. For his out5tanding contributions as borh a businessman and a philanchropisr, New York Law School is honored co have Maurice R. Greenberg as che presenter of this year's honorary degree co David Boies.
Arthur N. Abbey '59 Senior Partner, Abbey Spanier Rodd Abrams & Paradis, LLP Chainnan ofthe New York Law School Board ofTrustees chur N. Abbey '59. Chairman of che New York Law School Board ofTruscecs, founded his wn law firm, Abbey Spanier Rodd Abrams & Paradis, LLP more than 30 years ago wich ju~t ne associate. Today, the firm employs 20 lawyers, half of whom are New York Law School graduares. The firm speciali:zes in the representation of investors in class and shareholder derivative actions, consumers in class actions for defective pro<lucrs, and purd1asers who have been damaged by violations of the and-cruse laws. Mr. Abbey received his B.A in I 957 from Hofstra University, his LL.B. in I 959 from New York Law School. and his M.B.A. in I 961 from New York University Graduate School of Business Administration. Over the year~, Mr. Abbey has appeared in almost every federal court in che United Scares as well as many different scare courts rhroughout the country. He is particularly proud co serve the Law School as Chairman of che Board ofTruscees and co help rhe School navigate many of the exciting changes char are currently underway. Mr. Abbey established a rellowship co provide financial support for student work in the U.S. Arrorney's Office for rhe Eastern or Southern District of New York. He also established scholarships at New York Law School in honor of his wife and his parents co help srudcnrs in need. New York Law School is proud co have our very dbcinguished alumnus and Board Chairman Arthur N. Abbey as the presenter of chis year's President's Medal of Honor to Sybil Sha.inwald '76.
MA,. 20, 2007
The President's Medal of Honor Recipients (2002 to the Present)
Awarded co New York Law School's most ourstanding and accomplished aJumni and itS mosc generous benefactors, the President's Medal of Honor acknowledges those who have made che most significant conrributions co the history of the Law School by their ex.emplary professional lives and their generosity.
2007 SYBIL SHAINWALD '76 Member of che Board ofTruscees, New York Law School President, Law Offices of Sybil Shainwald 2006 Awarded posthumously to PHILIP M. DAMASHEK Member of rhe Board ofTruscees, New York Law School Managing Parmer, Schneider, Kleinick, Weitz, Damashek & Shoot President, New York Stare Trial Lawyers Asso6acion (1990-91)
2005 LAWRENCE S. HUNTINGTON '64 Former Chairman of the Board of Trustees Chairman Emeritus of the Board, Fiduciary Trust Company Lnrernacional Generous Benefactor
J. BRUCE LLEWELLYN '60 Member of the Board of Trustees Chairman and CEO of Philadelphia Coca-Cola Boeding Company, Inc. Founder of« 100 Black Men" 2003 Awarded posthumously to SHEPARD BROAD '27 Member of the Board of Trustees Founder, Broad and Cassel Benefactor, Shepard Broad Scholarship Fund Benefactor, The Shepard and Ruth K. Broad Student Center
2002 Awarded posth1,mousLy to BERNARD H. MENDIK '58 Chairman of the Board of Trustees President, Bernard H. Mendik Company, LLC Benefactor, The Mendik Law Library
MAY 20, 2007
Honorary Degree Recipients (1955 to the Present)
The Honorable Charles William Froessel ' 13 The Honorable John Marshall Harlan '24 Archibald Robinson Warson
Alfred]. Bohlinger '24 Leo M. Cherne '34 The Honorable W Averell Harriman
Alben Cohn 1908 Albert Conway Denis O'Leary
Nathaniel L. Goldstein '18 Charles H. Griffiths ' 10 David W Peck
The Honorable Ramsey Clark Tom C. Clark David Finkelstein Orison S. Marden Robert Morris Morgenchau Edward Joseph Mortola
1969 The Honorable Joseph A. Cox James Thomas Hallinan II Gerald Nolan Ferd.inand Pecora
Jerry Finkelstein '38 John-Seward Johnson John Vincenr Thornton
Bernard Botein Theodore Granik Philip M. Kleinfield '16 Edward J. Neary '15
Adrian P. Burke Joseph I. Lubin '30 Joseph Edward Lumbard Jr. Samuel Miller '26
Willard Heckel John E. SciJeppi
Maurice R. Greenberg ' 50 Samuel Rabin The Honorable Whitney North Seymour Jr.
The Honorable Paul J. Curran Charles H. Dyson Harry B. Hdmsley E. Donald Shapiro The Honorable Joseph Weintraub
Charles Stewart Desmond
Robert Moses
Staruey Howells Fund Sylvester Comstock Smith Jr. '18 Murray Scockman '15
Sydney E Foster
George J. Beldock Hunter Labarut Delatour 1906 Marvin R. Dye Alfred Gross
The Honorable Brendan T. Byrne Walter M. Jeffords Jr. Samuel J. LeFrak The Honorable Owen McGivern
Edwin L. Weisel The Honorable David T. Wilentz '17
Daniel Gucman John Van Voorhis
The Honorable Charles D. Breitel William J. Curran Gen. John Einar Murray The Honorable Peter W. Rodino Jr. Stefan Treschel The Honorable Robert F. Wagner 1900 William Weary
20, 2007
Honorary Degree Recipients (1955 to the Present)
The Honorable Warren E. Burger Milcon Helpern Mary Gardiner Jones Gen. Rowland F. Kirks Harry Osrrov '25 The Honorable Edward D. Re Joseph Solomon '27
The Honorable Dennis DeConcini Elizabeth Hughes Gossett The Honorable Howard T. Markey The Honorable Daniel Patrick Moynihan Albert M. Sacks
The Honorable Griffen B. Bell The Honorable Gerald R. Ford The Honorable Erwin N. Griswold The Honorable Damon J. Keith Rabbi Emmanuel Rackman
The Honorable Benjamin R. Civiletri The Honorable Lawrence H. Cooke Barbara Knowles Debs Abraham S. Goldstein The Honorable Jacob K. Javics The Honorable Wade H. McCree Jr. The Honorable Francis T. Murphy '52 The Honorable Poccer Stewart
The Honorable Richard Reeve Baxter The Mose Reverend Terence Cardinal Cooke The Honorable Richard N. Gardner A. Leo Levin The Honorable Lewis F. Powell Jr. Edward Allen Tamm Mario M. Biaggi '63 The Honorable William Frank Buckley Jr. The Honorable William Joseph Casey The Honorable Matthew Joseph Jasen The Honorable James Skelly Wright
M,w 20, 2007
The Honorable Mary S. Coleman The Honorable Alfonse M. D'Amato Archbishop Jakovos Rex E. Lee The Honorable Shigeru Oda Thomas Grey Wicker
The Honorable Harry A. Blackmun The Honorable Sherman G. Finesilver The Honorable Constance Baker Motley Albert Parker '21 The Honorable Lowell P. Weicker Jr.
The Honorable Geraldine A. Ferraro The Honorable A. Leon Higginbotham Jr. Eugene V Rostow Robert B. Stevens Oreo L. Walter '54
The Honorable Mario M. Cuomo Robert B. McKay Bill Moyers The Honorable Ellen Ash Peters Donna E. Shalala
Barbara Aronstein Black The Honorable William Joseph Brennan Jr. The Honorable Edward I. Koch Myres Smith McDougal The Honorable Spottswood W. Robinson UJ
Fred W. Friendly The Honorable Thomas Howard Kean Frederick A.O. Schwarz Jr. Ellen V Futter
The Honorable Patricia McGowan Wald Archibald R. Murray Ernst C. Stiefel
J. William Campo The Honorable Roger J. Miner '56
Alvin J Bronstein '51 Linda A. Faimein The Honorable Milcon L. Williams '63
Joseph T. Arenson Lawrence S. Hunringron '64 Vernon E. Jordan Jr.
The Honorable David N. Dinkins The Honorable John I I. Sununu
The Honorable Guido Calabresi
2000 1992
The I Ionorablc Sandra Day O'Connor James E Simon
Sybil Shainwald '76 Harry H. Wellington The Honorable Ralph K. Wimer
Shepard Broad '27 Drew S. Days III The Honorable Judith S. Kaye
Taylor R. Briggs (posthumously) Ira Glasser The Honorable Judirh 8. Sheindlin '65
The Honorable Rudolph W. Giuliani Bernard H. Mendik '58
The Honorable Pierre N. Leval, LLD. The Honorable Charles E. Schumer, LLD.
fhe Honorable Jose A. Cabranes Alexander D. Forger
The Honorable Jack B. Wcinsrein, Ll.D.
2004 1996
The I lonorablc Sidney H. Asch Boris Lcavirr '26 The Honorable Jon O Newman
The Honorable Alexis M. Herman, U.D. Anthony Lewis, LLD.
The Honorable Bob Kerrey, LLD.
The Honorable Joel I. Klein, LLD.
David Boies
The Honorable Harry I. Edwards Dr. Raymond D. Horcon Lewis M. Sreel '63
NEW Yoiu; l~w Sa 10<1L 11 Sm C.mt~tt"Ncu1E..'fl.
MAY 20, 1007
I 41
About New York Law School Learn Law. Take Action. FOUNDING New York Law School was established in 1891 bv Columbia College School of Law faculty, scuden~s, and alumni who were protesting che,r trustees' .mempts to dictate the teaching methods used by professors. The central figure in the revolt against Columbia and the subsequent creation of New York Law School was Columbia Law School~ founder, Theodore Dwight, a major figunâ&#x20AC;˘ in the history of American legal scholarship.
THE EARLY YEARS Almost immediately, New York Law School anained a formidable repucation due to the excellence of its scudencs and faculry. From its beginning, New York Law School has been dedicated to providing diverse rouces co achievemenr through innovarion in scholarship, seivice, and professional training. By 1904, New York Law Sd1ool was che largesr law school in the counrry. Thar year, rhc school's founders created one of the nation's first evening divisions ro provide a Aexiblc alternative ro full-time legal education for those in the workforce or with family obligations. The Evening Division also allowed students to build upon previously established successful careers or to begin a second career. Among the Law School's early leccurers were Woodrow Wilson and Charles Evans I lughcs. The first class included James Gerard, who went on co seive as ambassador to Germany during World War I, and Bainbridge Colby, who became secretary of state wider Prcsidenc Wilson. Ocher early graduates included Robert F. Wagner, a furure U.S. senator from New York and a leader in developing national labor policy, and two Pulirzer Prize winners: Wallace Stevens (poetry) and Elmer Rice (drama). Another prominent alumnus from the pre-World War I era wa., che Honorable James S. Warson, a distinguished judge and an important member of New Yorks Afncan American communiry. The judge's daughter, Barbara Watson, also arrended the Law School and was 1he first woman to anain the rank of Assistant Secretary of Scare of rhe United Stares. Many of chose attending ar the beginning of the twenciech century became founden or name partners of leading law firms, including I lenry Hurlbut Abbott of Breed, Abbott & Morgan; Edwin Sunderland of Davis, Polk, Wardwell, Sunderland & Kiendd; and Thomas Debevoisc of Debevoise & Plimpton.
Classes of the 1920s and 1930s produced graduates who would play a leading role in che profession. Among the most notable was U.S. Supreme Court Justice John Marshall Harlan. Ocher prominenc graduates included Alben Parker, a founding partner of Parker, Chapin, Flattau & Klimpl; Randolph E. Paul and John I. Wharton, founding partners of Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton & Garrison; Alfred Rose, a founding partner of Proskauer, Rose, Goen & Mendelsohn; Cameron F. MacRae, a former chairman of LeBoeuf. Lamb, Greene & MacRae; Chester Carlson, who invented the xerography process leadjng to che founding of Xerox Corporation; and Justice Emilio Nunez, the first Latino ro be named co the bench in New York Scare. New York Law School closed for one year during World War I, interrupting a steady expansion chat had lasted until the mid I920~. While the situation improved by rhe I ace I 930s, the draft in 1940 dealt the institution another blow when the I.aw School was forced co dose 111 1941 for the duration of World War II.
POST-WAR REBUILDING In 1947, New York Law School reopened and began to rebuild. A major impetus came from graduate., who formed a committee spearheaded by New York Scare Supreme Court Jusnce Alben Cohn. The new program was small, bur the Law School made significant mides, and gained accreditation from the American Bar Association in 1954. Many graduates, now promincm in rhe bar, chc judiciary, and business, were students during rhese years. They include the Honorable Roger J. Miner '56, United Scare~ Courr of Appeals for the Second Circuit; Presiding Justice Franm "L Murphy '52, New York Stare Supreme Court, Appellate Division: Administrative Law Judge Mary E. Cerbone '59: Judge Judith B. Sheindlin '65, supervising Judge of the New York City Family Court; Lawrence S. Hwitington '64, Chairman Emcrirm of the Board. Fiduciary Trust Incernational and former chairman of the Law School's Board ofTruscees; rhe Lue Otto L. Walter '54, found111g partner, Walter, Cons1on, Alexander & Green: and rhc late Bernard H. Mend,k '58, real estate 111dustry leader and fom1cr ch.11rman of the L,1w School\ Board ofTrn~cccs. Steady growth marked the next decades. With rhe appoi111menc of E. Donald Shapiro as dean in rhe early I970~, che Law School joined the Associac1on of American Law Schools and the trustee~ authorized an increase in che
:-1~ YORK I.AW So!OOL I l 5nt O)MMl),;Ul,IENT - MAY 20, 2007
size of rhe full. time faculty. Admissions requirements were raised and enrollment grew. As facilities expanded, an endowment fund was established. In 1975. the School received its first endowed professorship, the Joseph Solomon Distinguished Professorship of Law. The School's fir5r center for spccialired study, the Communicarions Media Cemcr (now the Media Cemer), opened in 1977.
THE PRESENT AND OUR SHARED FUTURE Richard A. Matasar, a nationally recognized Kholar in civil procedure and federal jurisdiction, was named the fiflcenth proidenr and dean of New York Law School on July I, 2000. Almost immediately, Dean Matasar led a comprehensive, collegial self-evaluation process involving all members of lhe New York Law School community in an
GROWTH AND REVIli\LIZATION Dramatic growth and rcvitalizacion continued under the leadership of James F. Simon, dean from J 983 unril J 992. A series of major facility renovations were begun, highlighrcd by rhe opening of rhe Mendik Library in
1990. This was followed by the conmuction of the Samuel and Ethel l.eFrak Moor Court Room, rhc Ernst Stiefel Reading Room, and the Shepard and Ruth K. Broad Student Center. An extensive remodeling and modernization program transformed rhe Law School's classrooms, offices, and specialty training areas. During
exercise diar sharpened che definition of irs goals. The School arnculated a mission statement centered on rhrce goals thar focus its approach to legal education: • to embrace cnnovation; • ro foster integrity and professionalism; • to advance justice for a diverse society. On this principled foundation, che Law School creaced a plan for irs future to srrengthen skills and values education for its studencs. The words "Learn L1w. ·fake Acrion." express rhe Law
Dean Simon's tenure, chc Rita and Joseph Solomon
School's commitment co teach Hudents ro use the skills and
Professorship of Wills, Trum, and Estates was added, and
knowledge they acquire as lawyers to do something valuable
rhc Law School introduced an innovative Lawyering Skills Program into che currirnlum.
for others. By fostering an internal culture- that embraces innovation and creativity, rhe Law School encourages
In 1992, Harry H. Wellington, Sterlmg Professor of Law Emerirus and former dean of Yale Law School, became the founeemh clean and president of New York Law School. Under Dean Wellington's dynamic lcader,hip, a strategic plan was implemented to position New York Law School as a vital urban law cencer with ,in academic program that integrates rhe strategic and ethical perspectives
students ro develop che ability co adapt to new sicuariom as chc-y arise, co change their behavior when change requires it, and to gradu:nc with a commirmcnt co a lifetime of learning. Tiuough an extensive program for professional development, with an emphasis on integrity and professionalism, the faculty and staff engage students in the ongoing improvement of the legal profession.
of rhe practicing anorney. Dean Wellington broadened rhe The faculty has adopted a new curricular approach,
In addition to the Media Center, two new centers for \pccialized ~tudy opened. The Cenrer for New York City
grounded on ,l strong J.D. curriculum, 10 provide s1ude111s with differenr avenues for academic success. Dubbed "lhe
L1w was esrablished in 1993 ro focus on lhe srudy of New York Cicy govcrnmenr. Founded in I 996, lhe Center for
acknowledges ch,u diflerenr practice senings require
lnrernarional L1w suppons teaching and research
differing levels of ,raining. For example, studenrs working
all areas
of inremarional law but concentrates on the law of internacional rrade and finance. During Dean Wellington's renure, the Ernst C. Stiefel Professorship of Comparauve Law was created.
Law School's curriculum to increase emphasis on the developmenc of professional skills.
NF1t· YORK LAw Sc111x>1 11 Sm WMMINUMlNT ~ MAY 20. 2007
right program for each student," this new approach
in larger organizations wich cxlensive in-house rrammg programs have less need for hands-on training than those who will open a solo pracrke. Those in larger orga111za11ons may need training in a specialized area, while rhose in general practice \Ctungs may need more breadth and b~ spe,ialiied expertise.
The faculty approved and implemented several new initiatives which together comprise The Right Program for
&ch Student:
ACADEMIC CENTERS The School's academic centers, programs, and projects led by members of the faculty, continue
• The Joh n Marshall Harla,n Scholars Program, a
be developed
maximize the effectiveness of fuculty research and scholarly
new honors program named for New York Law
endeavors, teaching, and activism, and co increase
School's alumnus and United Stares Supreme Court
opportunities for students co engage in importam policy
justice who served on rhe Court from 1955 to 1971. The program offers top students rhc opportunity to
issues. The centers and projects complement course work in civil rights, international human rights, international trade
pursue in-depth study in a field of law through
and finance, constitutional law, urban legal scudies,
affiliation with one of five academic centers;
information law and policy, tax law, labor and employment
• The Individual Program provides a curricular focus for students in che middle of the class who arc likely to pursue careers as general pracririoners and advocaces;
law, real estate law, and professional values and practice. Seven academic centers, described below, play an inregral role in the Harlan Scholars Honors Program.
Center for International Law
• The Comprehensive Curriculum addresses rhe
In mid-1996, New York L1w School, aided by a grant from
needs of students who require a special course of
the C.V: Srn.rr Foundation, created the Cenrer for
study co enha11cc mastery of fundamental aspccrs
lnrernarional Law. The Center supports teaching and research in all areas of inrernational law but concentrates on
of legal analysis and wriring; and • The Professional Develop ment Project helps students develop their professional portfolio--
rhe law of incernarional trade and finance, deriving much of irs strength from interaction wirh New York's business,
volunteer opporcunities, extracurricular programs,
commercial, financial, and legal communities. The Center
solid legal skills-and a strong sense of
organizes symposia events to engage scudencs and faculty in discussions of important and timely issues with experts and
professionalism and legal ethics.
l11 2002, the Law School also introduced an innovarive admissions opcion, the Wallace Stevens Scholars Program , under which a small group of professionals with posrgraduare degrees and significant work experience will be admiued without having taken rhc LSAT. bur with the requirement that they rake it after admission co the Law School. The program honors the great American poet and New York Law School alumnus, Wallace Stevens Class of 1903.
Tn 2003, following a review by the American Bar
practitioners in the field. For professional development, 1he Cenrer offers extensive resou recs for studying and researching careers in international law.
Center fo r New York City Law Established in I 993, the Center for New York City Law is the only program of its kind in the counuy. lrs objectives are to gather and disseminate information about New York City's laws, rules, and procedures;
to sponsor
Association and rhe New York Scare Board of Regents, the
symposia, and conferences on topics related ro governing the city; and to suggest reforms co make city government more
Law School established a new degret: program, a Master of
effective and efficient. The Center's bimonthly publication,
Laws (LL.M.) in Taxation. The program is open to
Citylaw, cracks New York City's rules and regulations, how
graduates of U.S. and foreign law schools and offers advanced tax training for arrorneys who seek ro acquire a
they are enforced, and court challenges co chem. [rs Web sire,
thorough grounding in U.S. tax law and
master the skills
www.citylaw.org, contains a searchable library of more than 5,000 administrative decisions of New York Ciry agencies. In
needed to work at che most challenging levels of tax
2004, the Center launched a second publication, Cityland, a
pracrice. New York Law School is now one of only cwo law
monthly newslercer reporting the actions and decisions by
schools in rhe New York City metropolitan area ro offer chis
New York City's primary land use agencies.
advanced rraining for cax lawyers.
20. 2007
I 4S
Center for Professional Values and Practice
technology, and civil liberties. Participancs in the Institute
The School's Center for Professional Values and Practice provides a vehicle through which co examine the role of
aim not only to understand the interplay of law and
che legal profession and approaches co law practice. The
technology but to influence 1cs development. The lmticuce develops and applies theories of information and
Center's work supports the developmenr of lawyering skills and reAectivc: professionalism, including consideranon of
design new technologies and sr-,tcms that will best serve
how these have evolved over che decades, even as business and ethical pressures have intensified and become more
democratic values m the digital age. The Institute is, above all, a "do tank,'' where lawyers innovate, harnessing 1he new
complex, and che roles of lawyers in society have multiplied.
cools of information and communicarions co the goals of
Center for Real Estate Studies The Center for Real &c.ite Scudies provides srudencs with a unique educational opponunity to scudy both the private practice and public regulation of real esrate. Leveraging the School's locanon in che prime real estate market of New York City, the Cemer enable~ scudencs to gain practical experience in the real estate community and make comacts
the Mastery of Law Practice Technology. J"he program is intended co dcmonscrace co potential employers that chc student awarded rhe cercificacc is unusually qualified with respect co undemanding and use of technologies employed in law practice.
Justice A ction Center The Justice Action Cencer brings rogechc:r New York Law
offers an extensive selection of classroom courses, advanced
School faculty and students 111 an ongoing critical
seminars, and independent study projects, as well as
evaluation of public interest lawyering. Through scholarship
cxternships in governmencal offices and real estate firms. le
,ind fieldwork, the Cencer seeks co evaluate the efficacy of law as an agenc of change and social becrermenc. Through a focused curriculum, symposiJ, clinical experience, and
Center for Real Estate Studies aims co help bridge the
research opportunities, the Cencer seeks co instill in
existing gap between the private practice and academic
srudenrs a deeper intellectual undemanding of the law
study of real estate, and will become one of the premier
regardless of 1hcir final career goals, and to present
research cemcrs in che country for the scudy of real estate.
opportunities to mainca111 their ties co the social jusuce community beyond law school.
Center on Business Law & Policy The Center on Business Law & Policy was esrablished in academic year 2005--06. The Cencer is designed co provide its Harlan Scholars an enriched educational experience in the business, securities, and commercial law areas. The Center's goal is co prepare .1 mociv:ued, hard-working corps of students co excel as planners and counselors in general advising, litigation, and especially deal-making situations where businesses and ocher commercial enlities are clients. Cencer graduates will have a firm grounding in rhe fimdamencals needed to encer business-oriented law firms, law deparcmems in corporations, invcstmenc banks, financial services and brokerage firms, institutional investors, a.\ well as regulacors and other commercially oriented governmencal offices, and will be exposed co che area~ of law char arc relevanc to these types of praccices.
PROGRAMS AND PROJECTS Graduate Tax Program The Graduate Tax Program embodies a unique, measured approach co graduate tax study to enable m1dents co increase their mastery of tax law and refine their practice skills 111 order to better ~erve their dicncs and communities. All studencs complcu: a rigorous core CW"riculum and also choose an area of concenrracion. The core curriculum provides a solid foundacion in the fundamentals of substantive tax law and basic tax res<.'3rch and writing skills, while keeping the highest standards of professional responsibility always in focus. The wide range of elective courses allows each srudcnr ro fully prepare for a capStone research and wming scm111ar 111 his or her chosen area of concentration. The capstone seminars give srudcncs an opponunity co cackle sophhticatcd
Institute for Information law and Policy
problems at rhc forefront of current cax practice under chc
Established in 2003, the ln~tituce for Information Law and
guidance of practicing lawyers who are leaders in the field.
Policy is New York Law School's home for the study of law,
social Justice. In 2005, che Insmuce began che Ccrrifica1e in
for future employment. Launched in 2007, the Center
also sponsors conferences, symposia, and conrinuing legal education programs on J broad spectrum of issues. The
communication to analyze law and policy. It also seeks to
Nf~¡ \'oRK LAw Srnoot 115111 COMMf:N<.TME.Nl - M,w 20, 2007
Labor & Employment Law Program
innovation in information technology, and the Cenrer for
Ever since New York Law School alumnus Senator Robert F.
Professional Values and Practice. The Program provid~ a
Wagner-the "legislative pilot of the New Deal"-wroce and
forum for working journalim to learn about legal issue~, for
led che fight co enact the National Labor Relations Act,
lawyers co learn about the work of journalists, for scudents
New York Law School has remained on the curring edge of labor and employment law and public policy. Jn the
who are interested in legal careers ac the intersection of law and journalism, and for academics whose scholarly interests
rradirion of Senacor Wagner, New York Law School's Labor
may encompass both arenas.
& Employment L,w Program seeks co advance and inAuence law and public policy with an action-oriented,
public-interested agenda.
New York Law School is poised for continued success. Its
Lawyering Skills Center
vitalicy springs from rhe dedication of its stellar faculry, the talent and energy of its students, and the strong support
Experiential learning is an integral part of the New York Law School curriculum. Beginning with the firsr-year required course called Lawyering, every Student is given the opporruniry co apply her or his legal reasoning and analysis skills in the context of a simulated interview of a client, i.hen in an interview of a witness and finally in a session in which they counsel a client. This course is a groundbreaking and innovative way to introduce swdenrs to the tasks that lawyers are asked
perform. Building on the
Lawyering course, the Lawyering Skills Center offers advanced simulation courses, an exrensive Exccrnship Program, and a rich array of clinics.
and commitment of irs graduates. The Law School'~ distinguished full-time faculry comprises productive scholars who are dedicated educarors. Some of che nation's mo~r prominent scholars from other law schools also have served as visiting professors. Student enrollment has remained at n level of almost I .400 students in che Day and Evening Divisions. Government leaders and judges from rhe Vnired States and abroad often speak at or visit rhe Law Scl,ool. These have included former President Jimmy Carter: Justices of the Supreme Court Ruch Bader Ginsburg, Harry A. Blackrnun, William J. Brennan Jr.. Stephen G. Breyer,
Media Center The Media Center, one of the oldest and most excen~ive
Thomas: fom1er New York State Governor Mario Cuomo;
programs of its kind, was established in I 977 in response ro rhe explosive growth of communication technologies. The
former New York Ciry Mayors Edward I. Koch, David N. Dinkins, Rudolph W. Giuliani and current Mayor Michael
Sandra Day O'Connor, Antonin Scalia, and Clarence
Cencer continues co promote education, discussion,
Bloomberg: U.S. Senaror Edward M. Kennedy: U.S.
research, and writing about mass-communications bw. The
Solicitor General Drew S. Days lll: former U.S.
faculry offers a substanrial number of related courses and extracurricular programs dealing with issues such as cable television franchising procedures, direct broadcasr satellites, videotext services, racial discrimination in rclcvision, and
Ambmador to che Uni red Nations Thomas P1ckermg: and Chief Prosecutor Luis Moreno Ocampo of the Internacional Criminal Court
the future of public broadcasting.
The School's success as a center for intellectual and cultural exchange will continue 10 grow with 1cs new state-
Mental Disability Law
of-the-art academic building. currently under conscrucrion.
Another unique program, New York Law School's Online
ln August 2006, New York Law School broke ground on a
Course in Meneal Disability Law, is offered co professionals
$ I 90 million expansion and renovation program that will
who work wich, or on behalf of, persons wirh mental
transform its TriBeCa campus into a cohesive architectural
disabilities. The fourteen-week course is delivered directly
complex nearly double its current size. The cencerpiece of
co scudencs through rhe convenience of distance education.
the expansion will be a new glass-enclosed, 200.000-squarcfooc, nine-level building-five stories above ground and
Program in Law & Journalism The Program in Law & Journalism, established io 2005, is New York Law School's home for rhe scudy of the relationship between and among law, lawyers, the media, and the public. The Program is affiliated with the lnsrirute for Information Law and Policy, che Law School's center for
four below-which will integrate with the School's existing three buildings. The new facility will allow New York Law School to enhance student suppon, expand che faculty, and deepen its extraordinary program. Completion of the twophase building program
slated for spring 2010.
Nrw YORK l.Aw ScHtX>I I 15rn CoMMF.NnMENT - MAÂĽ 20, 2007
I 47
The Tradition of Academic Attire and the Symbols of New York Law School Academic dress and graduation date back co che 12th century at che formation of early universicies in Europe. Historians believe char academic dress originated when scholars, who were largely clerics or aspiring clerics, wore long robes and hoods to keep warm in unheated buildings. From chese practical origins, che gowns, hoods, and caps have developed into the accepted attire char symbolizes scholarly achievemem. Over time, colleges and universities have customized the ensemble ro reflect their schools' unique symboh of visual identity such as the seal, school colors, and additional adornments chat become part of their commencement midicions. Faculty members, staff, and guests in today's procession are robed in the gowns appropriate to their highest degrees earned, and their hoods carry the distinctive colors of the institutions from which they received chose degrees. Differences in che doctoral, master's, and baccalaureate gowns arc illustrated below.
Caps According ro historians, academic caps were adopted for this use by the church in 1311 and are based on a close-ficring cap worn by the ancient Romans. There are rwo scyles of caps: rhe Oxford, a stiff mortarboard; and the Cambridge, a beret-like soft cap. When worn with baccalaureate and master's gowns, the caps generally have black tassels. Our students process with the Cambridge caps made of velver and with gold ta~els, as befits che doctoral degree.
Braided Cords lnrroduced as a new component of our academic attire in 2005, the braided cords are symbols of academic achievemem worn on cop of the gown on d1e right shoulder by the candidates for the postgraduate degree of Masrer of Laws (LL.M.) in Taxation.
Gowns Our graduating students in both che J.D. and LL.M. degree programs process with the traditional doctoral gown with bell-shaped sleeves. The gowns have three velvet stripes on the sleeves and velvet panels on the from and neck.
Hoods The hoods, designed wirh the Law School's official colors, blue and gray, are worn draped over rhe shoulders wirh che lining exposed on the back of the gown. The satin lining comprises a gray chevron on a blue background. The velvet border on the hood is of a prescribed width and color (purple) for rhe field of law.
Purple _ . i - -_ _ GrC)'
Lighr Blue
NEW YORK LAW S01001 115111 COMMENCEMENl' - MAY 20, 2007
The Law School's seal dares to rhe School's founding in 1891 , It is used on all documents related ro academic matters such as the diploma, certificates, and all publications and other print items related co commencement. In d1e center scroll depicted on the seal are inscribed che words of che juris praecepca of che Justinian Code: Juris praeceptll mnt haec: honeste vivere, alterum non lnedere, mum cuique tribuere (The precepts of law are these: co live honestly, not co injure anyone, and co render ro each person what is due.)
New York Law School 57 Worth Street New York, NY 10013 www.nyls.edu