9lew 'Y(Jrl( Law Sclioo ':EPO J4l ~.£J'lC'£ 0 'J 11YEAf SI9(.C'£ 1984
Rontance Bloonts in NYLS 's Corridors By Soriya Kowalsky If you ever thought romance could not occur in the Steifel Reading Room, read on. Some students are graduating with more than a law degree. Whether it's a boyfriend or a wedding ring, New York Law School is the situs of more than just casebooks and single students. Intraschool dating is on the rise, featuring many couples who met in our fumes-· ridden cafeteria or in our freezing classrooms. It's no surprise that amid some boring class lectures (lawyering?), students look for a pleasant diversions, such as an attractive classmate. While some secret-couples go to great lengths to avoid detection, others are as familiar as the "pita-pizza" served
TOP TEN WAYS TO KNOW YOU'RE by food service as was a really MISMATCHED WITH YOUR NYLS their every-day · strange Mti.IT: gourmet-feature. feeling. I When Jen really liked 1. At lunch, you hide in the comer of Weintraub was him the Debra Howard's office so he doesn't find introduced to Bill minute I met you. Spiegel, in our him." Asa 2. As of yesterday, you'll no longer very own cafetematter of lend him your notes. · ria, they knew it fact, 3. Your 90-year-old contracts profeswas just the Weintraub sor is beginning to look better than he does. beginning of liked him so 4. Eating stale food In the cafeteria is romantic momuch that she more appetizing than kissing him. ments. The blew off her 5. Going on a date is as much fun as crowded, noisy cousin's taking your MPRE. cafeteria provided wedding just a few precious, to prolong extra moments, their first with last minute catching up on Prosser's date. "We had dinner in the village and theories of torts or Sherwin's tak~ on · instead of going to the wedding, I called lawyering. According to Weintraub, "[i]t in sick."
Luckily for Weintraub, she need not call in sick to Consumer Law this semester since Spiegel sits by her side. "It's a·plus. Besides, it ensures that during finals, we can study together." While Weintraub agrees to sit next to her beau, he can't expect much more. '·'I'll hold his hand ...not overly though, to make people nauseous." According to a thirdyear observer of affection, Lori Weiss, "[public display of affection, especially in law school, is really cheesy!" To some of our couples (secret ones included) , having a boyfriend in our school is preferable to dating a man who doesn't know the difference between
Couples Continued on page 11
NYLS Moot Court Teaill Brings Nat'l Acclaiill to School .
By Jaques Nazaire Little did Lydia Payne and David Fish know when they entered the NYLS Froessel Moot Court Competition as 2Ls that they would later be teamed up to represent NYLS nationally and bring victory and acclaim to the school's hallways. Both made it to the octo-finals and Lydia went on to become a finalist in the prestigious and fiercely competitive school competition. The accolades did not end there. As fourth year evening students both were chosen by the Moot Court Association to represent the school in the Northeast regionals of the ABA-sponsored National Moot Court Competition, where they competed against 14 other schools. Quite simply, they won, defeating such schools as St.
John's, CUNY, Cardozo and Seton Hall.
until the octo-finals, where only 16 teams remained.
"I guess we always knew we would get that far," Payne reflected. "You sort of float as you go through it. You become numb. We just became stronger and stronger every time we went in front of the bench."
"When we finished arguing we felt very confident," Payne said, vividly recalling the night of January 24, 1996. Before the judges announced their decision the other team from University of Utah approached the team, congratulated them and wished them luck in the next round.
Having won regionals, the formidable team went on to vie against 28 other regional victors for the national title. The two continued to impress judges with their superb oralist skills, quick thinking, and articulate manner, advancing up through the two preliminary rounds
date and giftjdeas on Valentine's ·v------~ Day See page2
Continued on page 8
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