The New York Law School Reporter
RAVE REVIEWS: .. He is the source of enrything you would want to know about entertainment and nobody would tell you.··
A Prominent NYLS alumnus and professor talks about his experiences in the entertainment industry
-.\/ichele Peters. 2L anti former Grammy 11omi11atet! producer
"\\hat he taught me really impressed my bosses. E\er~·thing he talked about in class came across m~· desk at work. Hegan.' me the tools to achien at my job:· -.lolrn Sirota. 3/,, ttspirillf.: e11terttti11me11t /au:rer "..\professor who puts his students' concerns first. .. -.\/att .!ones. 3L
"The resident oracle of deals in Hollywood." -.\/idwel La11d.s111a11, 3L "In his class there was no fluff. \\e were always learning something." -Do111: ./acohwm. 3L NYLS A lumnus, Professor Seymour Feig
Interview on page 5
Question of the Month, page 18 ~.---D-o_m_e_s-tic-Vi-10-le_n_c-e,--....--S-t-ud_e_n_t_O_r_ga_n_i-za-t-io-n-s,-.....
City Law Breakfast, page 6 page 7
Professor Gross, page3 Sensational Sabrina, page4
Tips For 1Ls, page 12 Irish Peace Process, page15 October 1997
page 22 humming, page 25 Dear Dr. Joel, page 27