NYOS Season Brochure 2014

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The aim of the School is to create a happy, caring and ordered community in which each individual can achieve his or her full potential both academically and socially. With our strong commitment to Music, we are proud to suppor t The National Youth Orchestras of Scotland.

Junior School

Senior School

Tel: 0141 942 0158

Tel: 0141 954 9628

Email: adminjs@hsog.co.uk

Email: rector@hsog.co.uk

w w w. g l a s g o w h i g h . c o m The High School of Glasgow Ltd. Registered Charity No. SCO14768

** All of the above dates, times and venues correct at the time of going to print

NYOS Junior Orchestra is for ambitious young musicians aged 8 and over. It is the first step on the ladder for aspiring members of The National Youth Orchestra of Scotland, providing opportunities to perform large-scale symphonic repertoire under the orchestra’s Chief Conductor, Dutch maestro Roland Kieft. NYOS Senior Orchestra is the vibrant and ambitious orchestra for young musicians aged 12 and over, aspiring to become members of the National Youth Orchestra of Scotland. Under NYOS’ Orchestras Advisor, James Lowe, the NYOS Senior Orchestra perform two concerts at top classical venues each year. The National Youth Orchestra of Scotland is the flagship symphony orchestra of NYOS. Founded in 1979, it is a symphony orchestra for musicians aged 25 and under. The orchestra performs throughout the year in a variety of high profile venues in Scotland, the UK and around Europe and its musicians benefit from the invaluable performance experience this provides.

NYOS Futures is the cutting-edge contemporary chamber ensemble of NYOS. Drawn from members of NYOS Symphony Orchestra and NYOS Camerata it aims to introduce musicians and new audiences to the fascinating world of late 20th and early 21st century classical music. Membership of NYOS Futures is by invitation. NYOS Camerata is the showcase, pre-professional chamber ensemble of NYOS. Successfully bridging the gap between youth orchestra and professional ensemble, it comprises senior members of NYOS Symphony Orchestra and provides students with invaluable teaching and tutoring experience running workshops and working within Scottish communities. Membership of NYOS Camerata is by invitation.


The Summer School provides outstanding jazz tuition by a faculty of renowned jazz musicians and educators from the UK and beyond for instrumentalists and vocalists aged between 12 and 21. The summer school represents a wide range of ability but a common enthusiasm for jazz. Students gain experience of playing in small bands and enjoy a range of classes covering rhythm, harmony, listening, theory and much more, and each day finishing with a jazz club where anyone can take the floor. NYJOS Access is a training ground for the next generation of top jazz musicians. The courses and performances give young instrumentalists and vocalists the opportunity to refine their improvisation and key solo and ensemble skills, as a step along the pathway to participation in the flagship NYJOS ensemble. They perform a wide range of big band repertoire including traditional jazz standards and more modern repertoire; through this they learn key jazz history. The National Youth Jazz Orchestra of Scotland is the flagship jazz orchestra of NYOS. As one of Scotland’s foremost youth jazz ensembles, it represents the wealth of innovation and skill possessed by Scotland’s talented young jazz musicians possess. The orchestra has performed with renowned instrumental and vocal soloists at prestigious venues and also perform each year at major UK jazz festivals. NYJOS Collective is a flexible small ensemble, comprising the most dynamic and talented musicians invited from the NYJOS flagship ensemble and sometimes from NYOS Camerata. They are musicians on the cusp of their career and play professional repertoire with improvisation at its core. The ensemble has performed music written by its members as well as performing concert tours and at jazz festivals with leading international soloists. In addition it has taken part in residencies with other, and in community outreach projects, and has made recordings.




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