Bodhi Sabongui

from the editor
In this Star Power issue, we got to chat with actor Bodhi Sabongui who can be seen in one of the biggest films of the year, Black Adam
We also got to have a #QuickChat with actress Daire McLeod, who plays Charli Allen in the latest season of Ghostwriter on Apple TV+
As usual, I hope you enjoy reading the issue and that it inspires you to go after your dreams

I can do the rap verse from Godzilla.
I got in trouble a lot in elementary school
My last name is Arabic, Written in French, Pronounced in English
Fluent in French.
Practiced MMA since I was a kid.

Bodhi Sabongui
Although acting runs in the family Bodhi Sabongui didn't always see himself following in his parent's footsteps. Even now, with television shows and a blockbuster film under his belt, Sabongui sees himself pursuing the sciences in college. Until that moment comes, we can find him playing a range of characters on our televisions and the silver screen. He talked to NYOTA about acting alongside The Rock in Black Adam, preparing for the role of Amon Tomaz, and learning from his co stars.
Growing up with actors as parents, did you always see yourself following in their footsteps?
I didn’t think I would become an actor. I still want to play football and go to college probably to study something in the sciences. My mom put me in her short film years ago, and I noticed the impact it had on audiences and discovered that there were good things that could come out of storytelling. It just took off for me from there
What drew you to the role of Amon Tomaz, and how did you go about stepping into his shoes?
The coolest part about the character of Amon Tomaz is that in the comics, he eventually becomes Osiris. The idea of possibly playing a superhero one day got me excited about the role. Not to mention he’s named after one of my favorite Egyptian mythological Gods.
Was there a lot of preparation and training that had to be done for the skateboarding and different action packed scenes in the film?
The Baby Sitters Club was fun! And I made some close friends on that show. A Million Little Things was a delicate and important storyline in terms of representation. Honestly, at the age of 12, when I started this journey with Black Adam, I don’t think there is anything that I had done that could prepare me for a movie of this caliber. Everything else I had done moved fast; we’d just get it on camera and move on. Meanwhile, sometimes, it would take us two weeks to shoot just one scene in Black Adam The magnitude of the sets, camera equipment, budget, and fans were all on such a different level.
I spent my first three weeks of production learning how to skateboard Throughout the shoot, any free time I had, I would be at a skate park practicing so that I could be sure I didn’t let the crew down when we were filming those scenes. It was so fun. For the action scenes, I did as many stunts in the movie that production would allow me to do.
You have had roles in shows such as A Million Little Things and The Babysitters Club. How do you think those roles and being on different sets helped prepare you for Black Adam?
Throughout the film, Amon is the one who helps Teth Adam tap into his humanity. Did you and The Rock do a lot of off-screen relationship building so your moments on screen would translate well?
I spent every second between takes talking with him and getting to know him Mostly we were just joking around and talking about football.
By the end of the film, Amon is leading the way for those in Kahndaq to overthrow their occupiers. Were you excited to be part of a superhero film that was about much more than the typical good guys vs. bad guys storyline?
I really liked that part of the storyline because, the whole movie, he [Amon] just wants to make a difference I had this big speech that was such an important and pivotal moment for Amon. It was fun to film because I was able to put so much energy into it. Unfortunately, that scene was filmed a year after principal photography during reshoots. I had grown so much, and my voice had gotten deeper by the time we filmed that. They did a bunch of audio editing in post production to try and make me sound like I did when we first started filming. They ended up replacing my performance with AI in that scene (and some other places in the movie) which was surprising when I saw it for the first time since it didn’t really represent what I did on the day. The experience of shooting it was still awesome.
It’s rare for young actors to have an integral role in a superhero film of this scale. Did you seek advice from any of your castmates or your parents when it came to being one of the leads in the film?
I learned something different from every single person on that set. I was in a position where I was working with several legends in the cast and the filmmakers, including Lawrence Sher.
In Black Adam, you shared the screen with your father a couple of times. How did it feel to have the movie become a bit of a family affair?
My dad has been doing this for a long time, and he has so much experience with action sequences It was cool to have him on set to help me out with all of that.
As you get older, have you found yourself interested in other parts of the business, such as writing or directing?
Directing would be cool. It feels like the director really gets to create the world of a story and has a point of view.
What advice do you have for aspiring actors?
The creative side of being an actor and the business side of being an actor are completely different. Once the movie wraps, it’s creatively out of your hands. Surround yourself with people and friends who get you and support you. Don’t let it take over your life, and stay true to who you are.

Daire McLeod
Interview by Carol Wright | Photographer: Ryan West | Stylist: Veronica Graye | Hair/MUA: Gabriela BandaGrowing up in a creative household. Did you always know you’d end up working in the arts?
Surprisingly no! My mom and dad are both very creative people. My mom competed in beauty pageants just so she could sing during the talent portion, and my dad was the frontman in an 80s rock band forever. Even though they are both so creative, they were also athletes, so I always thought I would go into sports like the rest of my family. Almost all of the women on my mom's side of the family were elite volleyball players, so naturally, I had that in my blood. I even played club ball for a while, and I’m actually pretty good at it; however, as much as I loved it, the arts took the top spot. I started playing piano when I was younger, and since then, I've learned guitar and ukulele. Because I'm a writer, it only made sense to combine my love for singing with writing. I’m embracing my family’s shared love of music in my new single, “Hey Honey.” It's officially available to stream on all streaming platforms
Ps. when my sporty family heard it for the first time, they were screaming with excitement!
You can be seen in the newest season of Ghostwriter on Apple TV+. What about the show interested you and made you want to audition?
Funny story, I didn’t know I was auditioning for Ghostwriter at first because of a secret project name. I only figured it out by coincidence. I was binge watching the first season of Ghostwriter at the time, and I watched the behind the scenes. When I paused it, there was a clapboard with the secret project name, and I totally FREAKED out! Even before I knew about the project, though, I’ve always wanted to be in a show with magic and mystery, so that was the main reason it intrigued me initially Also, who’s gonna turn down an audition where you talk to a scarecrow?
Tell our readers about your character Charli. How would you describe her in three words? I'd describe Charli as quirky, adventurous, and a firecracker! Charli is a capricious spirit and an adventurer by nature. She’s a magician and a fun loving girl who’s always willing to stand up for the things she believes in and for the people she loves An out of the box thinker, she sometimes can’t stop the flow of conversations about all the ingenious ideas in her head. However, her heart is always in the right place with her determination and unbreakable spirit.

Throughout Season three, you interact with characters from The Wizard of Oz, Charlotte's Web, and more. Did you read or re read these stories before filming?
I did! Some of the stories I had never read before, like Bayou Magic and The Mouse and the Motorcycle They are amazing to read, especially knowing I would get to interact with these characters. As an avid reader, It's incredible to get to be in a show where not only do I get to experience books I've never read before, but I also can inspire others to read those same books that I enjoyed!
Tell our readers about your nonprofit Daire to Read. What motivated you to start it, and what is the nonprofit’s mission?
I've loved to read since I was four years old. I have found that books can be one of the most valuable commodities we have. Every book can transport someone to a different world of their choosing. They provide laughter, joy, and, most importantly, hope. Unfortunately, not everyone has the resources available to enjoy these fantastic stories. That's why I've started “Daire
While part of the show is more on the fantastical side, Ghostwriter also tackles real world conflicts. Does the mix of reality and fantasy help you and your co-stars ground your performances?
I'm very proud to be a part of this project because not only do we entertain people through magic and mystery, but we also shine a light on important social topics. So not only do you get the joy and fun that this show offers, but you get a heart and beauty that can inspire kindness in the world. I also love that it can teach kids that they can stand up and make change happen regardless of how old they are
If you want to be an advocate and take a stand for what you believe in, you can and will make a difference.
What lessons do you hope viewers take away after watching the series?
I hope viewers can be inspired to dive deeper into books and literature because reading is a superpower! Not all books may be magical, like in our show, where pages on their own float through the air, but all books have a unique magic that can only be accessed by exploring one I also hope viewers can take away from Charli a “Daire to be Different!” attitude. Why go through life if you’re not living it as authentically and beautifully you?!
2 Read,” a nonprofit dedicated to changing lives one book at a time. My mission is to put a book in the hands of any child that wants one because not only can books uplift you, they can inspire you to achieve great things.
What advice do you have for aspiring actors?
1: “Daire to be Different!” Never change yourself to appease others. Your beautiful weirdness makes you unique; the right part will always come along.
2: Be kind. Remember, hundreds of people work super hard on a set, and they do that so that you can help create the best project possible. If you work hard and remain humble and generous, you can help create the best environment for everyone.
3: Always cheer for others! It's also important to cheer for yourself sometimes too. Be a cheerleader for everyone because you never know how much your positivity can mean to someone. If you keep kindness first, you’ll change the world
Bodhi SabonguiPUBLISHING
PHOTOGRAPHER Stephanie Diani
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