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LEO (7/23 - 8/22) Your ascendancy is a cause for envy in others if you overdo it with bragging. Stabilize what has been achieved so far and harmonize your relationships with others. Just be a bit more patience and everything will work out fine. You may get quite frustrated with others. The celestial influences are encouraging you to think up all kinds of plans and schemes in order to attract someone’s attention. Find the time to consider the excuses you owe to people on whom your happiness depends. A trip, even on a rainy day,will be refreshing. Money matters will be a big focus. Someone will surprise you with news of a happy event related to your personal life. Consider your words.
VIRGO (8/23 - 9/22) Chasing you is a feeling of discontent,which is a cause of irritability and a tendency to quarrel. Don’t forget to have faith that what you are working on will be successful. Unexpected new contacts are coming your way and you may not be able to avoid them,but if you decide to conserve them,you will gain universal admiration. Go easy on yourself and be patient. Be careful if you’re traveling. Try to assess the events objectively and without prejudice. You should not negotiate loans. Events happen differently from what you have outlined,but new turns will benefit you. Carry through your conceptions for the near future. Actualize postponed meetings and contacts with people who are pleasant to be with.
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PISCES (2/19 - 3/20) It’s hard for you to master your emotions. The key to prosperity is your conscientiousness. To achieve balance,do not get involved with unnecessary conversations. Search for the right decisions with composure during this difficult period. This is a very analytical time for you. While it is true that you do need to think clearly about how to achieve your goals and plans,only your heart can tell you what those really are. You will enjoy immensely a trip to a local meeting place,or perhaps an outing somewhere in the country. If you have been neglecting important matters associated with finances,then you will benefit by looking into these issues without delay. There are powerful changes occurring in your life on very subtle levels. All difficulties are easy to overcome if you don’t worry too much.
Consumer Cellular - same reliable,nationwide coverage as the largest carriers. No long-term contract,no hidden fees free activation. All plans feature unlimited talk & text,starting at just $20/mo. Call 1-877-751-0866
AQUARIUS (1/20 - 2/18) Try to be more patient. Forbid yourself to interfere in quarrels that do not concern you. Unwavering good luck will see you through to success. The planetary alignment encourages you to express how you feel,and if you have been suppressing particular emotions,you may find that you can no longer hold them back another moment. You enjoy success in life,but it is good to make real assessment of the situation you are in. Financial news will come your way that is not especially favorable. Some special events could be on the horizon,and will have a more profound effect on your life than you can currently appreciate. Your trips will be successful,especially if you are going to see an old friend. The horoscope warns that your plans may develop unexpectedly during this period. Impatience and explosive behavior hurt you.
Do you know what’s in your water? Leaf Home Water Solutions offers FREE water testing and whole home water treatment systems that can be installed in as little one day. 15% off your entire purchase. Plus 10% senior & military discounts. Restrictions apply. Schedule your FREE test today. Call 1-866-247-5728
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Portable Oxygen Concentrator may be covered by Medicare! Reclaim independence and mobility with the compact design and long-lasting battery of Inogen One. Free information kit! Call 877-305-1535
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SAGITTARIUS (11/23 - 12/21) At the time of this period,you tend to meet inappropriate people. The energy from the planets creates a mood of harmony for you. Success is coming your way very soon. The astral alignment encourages you to slow down and appreciate what you have. Careful analysis of what is going on during this period will help you gain extra benefit for yourself. Put into effect the useful changes in your life. Now is not the time for business trips. You can expect minimal revenue. You will be angry with your loved ones because they may ignore your ideas and plans. Do not run away from reality and don’t trust unverified information.
Llame hoy mismo al 914-962-3871 Ext 806 - Cindy ***Hablamos español***
Place your ad with us! Package includes an image to help make your ad stand out *Remember: Deadline is Friday,12:30pm for the following week,so call today to be sure you get your ad in on time. Call 914-9623871 ext. 801 or go to www.nypennysaver.com
Dental insurance from Physicians Mutual Insurance Company. Coverage for 400+ procedures. Real dental insurance - not just a discount plan. Get your free Information Kit with details! 1-855-526-1060 www.dental50plus.com/ads #6258
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Water damage cleanup: A small amount of water can cause major damage to your home. Our trusted pro-fessionals dry out wet areas & repair to protect your family & your home value! Call 24/7: 1-888-872-2809. Have zip code!
By Evelyn J. Mocbeichel
I smile when I hear an old time expression that my parents or grandmother used to say. Often we hear them and wonder how the expression started or its origin. Over the holidays our daughter and grandchildren visited for the week and one such expression was said by their mother. Our young grandson was running tap water in the kitchen for something and my daughter told him to “Fill the bowl with lukewarm water.” He turned and asked what that meant, as he knew the word Luke as a boy’s name. Neither of us had an answer how this expression came about, so I looked it up and found variations of the meaning. One answer said it comes from “the 14th or 15th century when luke was spelt ‘lewk,’ which in old English used to mean tepid.” Another site said the word came from Old Dutch and it also meant “neither cold nor hot, tepid”.
Placing a PennySaver Classified Ad has never been easier! Just Email your Ad,along with your Contact Information or PennySaver Account Number. Be sure to specify the Zone and Category you would like your Ad to appear in and let us take it from there! For more information contact a member of our Classified Team at 914-962-3871 or 845-298-8178
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If Classified Ads Worked As Well Elsewhere This book wouldn't be full of them THE PENNYSAVER IT WORKS!
After this exchange I asked several friends this trivia to see who knew lukewarm’s origin. No one had an answer, but shared other expressions they heard growing up. My friend, Dorothy, said her cost conscious dad would always say Put the light out before leaving a room. Is my name Rockefeller? Her mother would remind Dorothy and her brother “Don’t forget to wash behind your ears” and “Eat your carrots and you will get curly hair.” I told Dorothy my mother would say to us, “Eat the crust on your bread and you will get nice curly hair. My father would remind us about turning off the lights when we left the room and ask “Do you own stock in the electric company?” As an eight year old, I had no idea what owning stock was. See if any of these strike a pleasant cord and puts a smile on your face just reading them. “Money doesn’t grow on trees, you know.” “Close the door! –Were you raised in a barn?” Here’s the one every child remembers being told “Stop crying before
I give you something to cry about!” “We’ll cross that bridge when we come to it.” Then there is the admonishing if you copied something dumb a friend did, the parental question was “If your friend jumped off a bridge, would you do it, too?” Foul language was never tolerated and even a very mild word that might slip out like damn, would be followed by a threat from mom that “I’ll wash your mouth out with soap if I ever hear that word again!” The old warning about “Wait till your father comes home”, was another goodie. Here are two expressions that every child would hear if they were caught making faces at a sibling across the table. “Your face is going to freeze that way.” Or if one made a funny face at someone and crossed your eyes, mom would say “If someone hits you on the back of the head when you are doing that, you will stay that way!” Think of when you were raising your family how many of these old expressions you may have continued to use on your children despite promising to yourself never to do so!
CAPRICORN (12/22 - 1/1) You will learn a great deal when you are patient,calm as this will allow you to pay more attention. Success is yours,embrace it. Be cautious in communication with people around you, especially in your family. Don’t undertake any new activities by no means under the influence of emotion. You situation really isn’t that bad,it’s just your fear of tackling it so go ahead with confidence,and all will resolve itself in the end. Take on seriously your tasks that help you carry out your plans. Do not spend,pleased with future earnings,that you can’t expect too soon. Now’s a good time to reconsider some of your ideas and beliefs concerning your current situation. It is not desirable to travel because you are distracted. Don’t be greedy.
This Publication now takes classified ads in Spanish. Call The Classified Department today! 914-962-3871, Cindy at Ext. 806.
WE DO IT ALL! Handyman,General Contracting,Home Repairs & Remodelings,Flooring,Siding,Sheetrock,Finish Basements, Concrete work,Patios,Porches/Decks,Sidewalks,Stairs, Small Jobs Welcomed. DISCOUNTS AVAILABLE!! Free Estimates. Call Edward 845-728-6264
You’re Reading a Print Ad,But Some Would Tell You That Print is Dead 89% of all impressions are from “offline”or traditional media Only 13% of Ad revenue is offline Customers are more responsive to “PRINT” advertising than all other media (Adweek Media)
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GEMINI (5/21 - 6/20) You may find yourself in a deeply pensive and philosophical mood,turning various events and conversations over and over in your mind in order to try and get to the bottom of a dilemma. You must not be impatient,only because of minuscule obstacles on the road. Realize that difficulties hamper your words to reach the people they are intended for. Be careful in your actions and you will achieve great fruition. The changes that could occur with current celestial configuration could be very profound. Begin to analyze your motives for adopting certain patterns of behavior in order to gen a new perspective. You have the opportunity to realize all your plans and ideas if you concentrate enough only on them. Increased pursuit of material success will earn you hostile attitude and communication problems. Soon you will try something new and different, especially if it involves traveling. Do not turn your back on your principles.
ARIES (3/21 - 4/19) Those of you who are developing something on their own will soon reap unexpected success. Wait before making an irrevocable decision. There is a real flow of energy now,and the vibrations are wonderful for creating a great mood of harmony in you. You may meet people who will insist on getting acquainted with you. Maybe you should be thinking about investing at least part of your money for future stability. Now is not the time to think about changes in your life. Avoid heavy traffic and be careful if you have to drive. You are filled with hopes and plans, most of which are achievable and a sufficient reason not to feel uncomfortable. Evaluate what you have achieved. Do not deny help to loved ones or friends.
SCORPIO (10/24 - 11/22) You enjoy the iron grip you usually have over your emotions. Don’t rush or allow aggressive action only to prove your rightness. A possibility is coming for you to trigger a successful idea. Try not to follow any advice that may be in your harm – especially if you are obsessively charmed by the one who gave it. If you need to travel,be especially careful. Your financial situation may get worse. During this cycle you will have a chance to change certain areas of your life The period’s planetary configuration brings all kinds of creative and inspiring opportunities to make plans for the future. Think clearly instead of acting haphazardly. Don’t decline help.
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Do you need a Roof or Energy Efficient Windows & Help paying for it? YOU MAY QUALIFY THROUGH NEW RELIEF PROGRAMS (800) 944-9393 or visit NYProgramFunding.org to qualify. Approved applications will have the work completed by a repair crew provided by: HOMEOWNER FUNDING. Not affiliated with State or Gov Programs.
TAURUS (4/20 - 5/20) If you are contemplating any major decisions,it is better to wait until you are sure of all facts. Protect your interests without being aggressive. Recognition and prosperity are guaranteed if you look closely to what is happening around you. Current circumstances may force you to argue and stand your point of view. Money matters are high on the agenda,so take the time to address these issues carefully. Life is a continuing succession of changes and perhaps one your part will pay off. This is the perfect time to arrange an outing. Reflect on your plans for the near future. Your actions will not be well appreciated unless you consider them in advance. Be responsible for your actions.
Jacuzzi Bath Remodel can install a new,custom bath or shower in as little as one day. For a limited time,waving ALL installation costs! (Additional terms apply. Subject to change and vary by dealer. Offer ends 3/30/25.) Call 1-844-501-3208
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Don't let the stairs limit your mobility! Discover the ideal solution for anyone who struggles on the stairs,is concerned about a fall or wants to regain access to their entire home. Call AmeriGlide today! 1-833-399-3595
You can now buy Gift Certificates for anyone placing an ad with the PennySaver Community from Contractor to Tag Sale Ads. We Have Something for Everyone! Please call the Classified Department at 914962-3871 or 845-298-8178 for further information.
PEST CONTROL: PROTECT YOUR HOME from pests safely and affordably. Roaches,Bed Bugs,Rodent,Termite,Spiders and other pests. Locally owned and affordable. Call for service or an inspection today! 1-866-448-8311 Have zip code of property ready when calling!
CANCER (6/21 - 7/22) Do not react emotionally to what’s going on around you. You risk ruining a stable relationship,if you don’t demonstrate the needed calmness and composure. You should not insult and argue with your relatives if you are not satisfied with their assessments towards you. Communicating with partners will help you stabilize your financial situation and lay the foundations for your future successes. A little analysis brings fascinating insights. A great deal of money comes along with an interesting offer. This is not a time to stay at home and read or watch television,commit yourself to positive change. Organize an active holiday, a trip,related to sports,hiking in the mountains or cultural entertainment. Do not be irritable if you see that what is planned is happening slower than expected. Be restrained and cool when your interests are involved. MobileHelp America's premier mobile medical alert system. Whether you're home or away. For safety & peace of mind. No long term contracts! Free brochure! Call 1-888-489-3936
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LIBRA (9/23 - 10/23) Remember that the key to your success is knowing yourself and what you are capable of accomplishing. Your excessive emotion and sensitivity with everything may harm you. Planetary energy now may be a decisive factor in the way you perceive situations,so don’t make any judgments at this time,rather wait a while until you can make a more informed decision. Beware of involving too much in the emotions of people around you because that way you harm yourself. Weigh the upcoming events well. A message from the universe – you need to change. Be careful of scams,which aim to revenge you by provoking money loss. Planetary configuration brings a lot of good ideas and you may have some wonderful ideas for plans. Don’t be tempted to travel if you feel even slightly uncomfortable. Trust your intuition because it’s on your side.
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Attention oxygen therapy users! Discover oxygen therapy that moves with you with Inogen Portable Ox-ygen Concentrators. Free information kit. 1-866-477-9045
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HEARING AIDS!! High-quality rechargeable,powerful Audien hearing aids priced 90% less than competitors. Tiny and NEARLY INVISIBLE! 45-day money back guarantee! 855-819-7060
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ANTIQUES & ESTATES, interesting vintage items wanted to buy. Collections, basement to attic. Prompt,courteous service. Professional since 1978. References. Tag sales and appraisals. Call for free appt. anytime,Neil Vaughn,914-489-2399.
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We Buy Houses for Cash AS IS! No repairs. No fuss. Any condition. Easy three step process: Call,get cash offer and get paid. Get your fair cash offer today by calling Liz Buys Houses: 1-888-704-5670
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Beautiful garden apartments for people of various income levels with No Maximum Income limit! Efficiencies start at $985,One Bedrooms start at $1,365,Two Bedrooms start $1,470. Includes Heat/hot water,cooking gas,Satellite TV,Internet available. Clubhouses,activities,easy transport to NYC. Pet Friendly. Call 914-737-6954 or visit our website at www.springvaleapts.com
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Did you know that 27 million small businesses across America count very little revenue from digital sales. The majority of the world continues to read newspapers,magazines,and books in print.
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Great condition. 2014 CrossRoads Zinger. For price,Make me an offer. Email mmendez1488@gmail.com for details.
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SAVE A LIFE. Adopt a loving,gentle,quiet ex-racer. Low maintenance and easily trained. Docile personalities make them great for children and seniors. Visit our website www.greyhoundrescuerehab.org
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Deadline for placement in this Publication of Help Wanted ads is 4:00PM Thursdays. Each ad placed after 4:00PM will be subject to a $10 late fee.
Compassionate Individual to Work with Elderly in Small Group Facility, 7am-1:00pm,Will Train. Call between 3pm-6pm.
Carpenter: 15 Years Minimum Experience in all Aspects of Remodeling. Must Have Own Tools and Transportation. Carpenter Helper: Experience Not Required/Basic Hand Tools. Clean & Promptwith Proper Working Papers. Salary Based on Experience. CALL:914-447-4499
Join our 5 Star team. Excellent top earning Potential! Reputable 30+ years established Limo Co. increasing our staff.Full-Time/Part-Time serving top level customers in our luxury fleet vehicles. Flexible working hours for you to work around other obligations.Must be at least age 26.NY residents required license Class E Or a CDL with “P” endorsement.CT residents must have PSL license. Retirees & Military welcome. Hourly salary garage to garage + tips & health insurance benefits. CALL: 845-279-2377 x102
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A Westchester sign manufacturer has a position available in their art department. Must be familiar with operating Digital Printers. Responsibilities include organization,production work flow and quality control. Knowledge of Corel Draw and Adobe Illustrator helpful. Position is full time with benefits. Please send letter of interest to rosanne@thesignworks.com
$65/HOUR, 10-HOUR DAY, WILL TRAIN,MEN/WOMEN. CALL:508-342-6243/973-801-0513
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1988 20-FT. BOAT CRAFT 200-HP,Asking 2,500-Negotiable. Also 12ft. Sears Aluminum Boat, Trolling Motor with Battery and Seats. Asking $1,200. Call John, 914-774-9239
2021 JET SKI KAWASAKI ULTRA LX914-589-8418 (Ebony/riptide turquoise) 9 hours of use. Includes 2021 Karavan Aluminum Trailer. $11,000
Private parties only!Advertise your car, truck or boat in print &online until it sells!! Only $58 for 15 words for all areas. Full circulation of 230,762 mailed & demand distribution over 2 weeks.
*Only available when speaking with a Representative. Call 914-962-3871 to place your ad.
2019 HONDA NC 750X914-310-3616
KTM 390 DUKE With top carrier and cell-phone holder,8,000 Miles/Like new,$4,250. Rod:347-538-2455 2012 POLARIS PRO-R 600 SNOWMOBILE914-245-1811 Excellent Condition,Low Mileage. Asking $6,800obo. Also Available:
56K Miles,1-Owner,New tires,New battery,4WD,$15,500. 845-800-4753 Before 8pm.
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Private parties only!Advertise your car, truck or boat in print &online until it sells!!
Only $58 for 15 words for all areas.
Full circulation of 230,762 mailed & demand distribution over 2 weeks.
*Only available when speaking with a Representative. Call 914-962-3871 to place your ad.
Excellent condition,all service records from Acura,165k miles, $4,500obo
2-Door,High Mileage,Needs mechanical and body work,$950. mdreatta@aol.com
Premium Pkg,original owner,immaculate,150K,Silver/Black int. $6,500obo
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2014 BMW 320
4-Door,White,135,000 Miles,Like New,$12,200 Negotiable
2008 BMW 328
4DR,Low mileage A beautiful,well maintained,BMW with only 106K for only $4,900 priced to sell
2007 BMW 328 XI914-278-3904
Automatic/4x4,Sunroof. Fully-Loaded. Runs/Needs Minor Work. Clean Title. $4,500 OBO
Burgundy,67,000 Miles,Top shape,$6,000
75,000 Miles,Runs good,Well maintained,Leather/Moon roof, $3,500 OBO.
Black Exterior w/Red Leather Interior,All Power,Air Shocks,Cassette Player. Original Hood Ornament,Trunk Key Medallion... Engine Size=500, 77K/2 Owners. $6000. Call Joe.
1971 CAMARO Z28
High compression 396 street/track,All new tires,Posi rear. $30,000.
Z51,2LT White/Black Top,10K,Performance Exhaust, Mint Condition $46,900
77,000 Miles, $4,700 or Best Offer. Contact Gary, 914-450-5182. or Email: garysw1963@hotmail.com
Low mileage,Excellent running condition,Original owner,$4,500 OBO
2003 CHEVROLET BLAZER 845-721-1198
S10/4DR 4WD,V-6,AUTO,120K,Fully-Loaded, Runs Good/Needs some work. $2,500
2009 CHEVY IMPALA LT914-760-1272
180K Highway Miles. Auto,Black,Well-Maintained,Dependable Car
Asking $4,500
2016 CHRYSLER PREMIUM VAN914-649-8474
Wheelchair Accessible. Provides ability to go further. 11K miles. $36,000
2001 CHRYSLER SEBRING LXI-2.7L 845-204-9532
V6,White Convertible,Runs well,Classic,Garaged,Good Body,$4,900.
76,000 Original miles. Always garaged. Well maintained,call for more information 914-912-5457
Red with red interior,48,000 miles,Excellent condition,Computer has been tuned up for more power. Heavy duty breaks with red calipers.
Asking $29,500.
2007 CORVETTE ZO6 845-878-4959
Orange,19,000 Miles,$44,000.
1970 DODGE CHARGER RT917-548-5454
Asking $85,000 obo. 440 Magnum engine,numbers matching, Fully restored muscle car.
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2012 FORD FUSION 917-295-9393
4DR,AC,Low mileage,Vehicle in great shape. Leather interior, Moonroof,new alternator,new battery,new tires,new brakes. Text 917-295-9393. $7,000 obo
2011 FORD 12-PASSENGER VAN914-438-8046
Excellent condition,200K miles,$7,500.
2.0-Liter engine,transmission with over drive button,AC,New tires, Doesn’t burn oil. 150,000 miles,As is. 914-420-7451/914-837-2108.
1959 FORD THUNDERBIRD 914-523-7961
2-Door Hard Top, 1955 DODGE CORONET,4-Door Sedan. Call for Details
1939 FORD SEDAN 845-559-9521
Brown with flames,AC,327 Automatic,$16,500. ONLY SERIOUS BUYERS.
1931 FORD MODEL A ROADSTER845-891-8930
Former Show Car,Family-owned,Nearly 100 years old! $19,999 OBO
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2008 GMC YUKON SSLT 4 wheel drive,excellent condition,168k. asking $7,500. Call 507-530-7336
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2008 HONDA PILOT 4-WHEEL DRIVE Immaculate condition,$4,000 Negotiable.
Low miles,Garage kept,Brand new tires,Black,2-Toned leather interior, $39,500.
1993 MAZDA 929
V6,3-Liter,Dark blue,New fuel and brake lines,HD Radio/CD player,AC, 1-Owner,176K,Well maintained,$1,400 OBO.
100+K Miles,Gray,4-door,Reasonably good shape,Very good in the snow, $3,000
mileage,Very carefully maintained and regularly serviced. AWD,all leather,has a sunroof and a back-up camera,Mileage is 51,195. price is $5,900,Taking a down payment and financing the rest is possible.
2017 TOYOTA 86
Silver/black. New Mercedes soft-top. Runs excellent. $7,800obo.
2006 MERCEDES C280 Black. $3,000obo.
1993 MERCEDES 300SD845-321-4911
Must see to appreciate. 159K miles,$12,000
2008 MERCEDES-BENZ E-CLASS E350 4-MATIC845-297-0195
Gold/Bronze,Beige Interior,119K,Asking $6,399.
105,000 miles,One Owner,Good condition,$4,000.
Midnight Blue/Java Interior,48K. Dealer Service since new. Excellent Mechanic and Cosmetic Condition.
Mint condition,always garaged,driven once a month,gorgeous. Asking $12,000
1995 MERCEDES-BENZ E320 CABRIOLET914-763-2239
Puchased in Stuttgart,Germany. White w/Beige Interior. 47,483 Original Mileage. 1 Owner. $32,500
Two(2) Door Convertible,Red,70,000 Miles,Hard/Soft Top,Everything works. $19,000
White with Blue Interior,Blue Soft top,71K Original Miles,Runs Excellent $10,750 obo.
By Showcasing your vehicle with the Multi-media packages that are now being offered for ads appearing on our website it will help you get the results you are looking for. Remember a picture is worth a thousand words!
1 Photo Free; 3 Photos $3.00; 4-10 Photos $5.00
For additional information,please call the Classified Department at 914-962-3871 or 845-298-8178 or visit www.nypennysaver.com
Auto,Complete New Brake Job,New A/C,New Tires,Digital Front Lights, No Accidents/Clean Car. Very Dependable. Spent $7,000 to Refurbish and Repair(All Receipts Available).
Asking $3,250. For More Info, CALL: 845-204-9532
1986 NISSAN 300ZX
White,Mint condition,5-Speed manual. 64,000 miles,Always garaged, $13,000.
1983 NISSAN 280ZX
5-speed,Fully-Loaded,Leather,120K. ALSO: 1985 TOYOTA CELICAGT40K/One Owner. $8,500/ea OBO. nypennysaver.com
ONLY 38,000 ORIGINAL MILES,$9,500. 2003 NISSAN
124K Miles,Blue with black interior,Clean/Great condition,$12,900 OBO 2015 TOYOTA YARIS 914-490-4842
4-Door Hatchback,Blue,10,500 miles,$12,500.
2007 TOYOTA FJ CRUISER 914-494-6770
75K miles,Looks Great Inside and Out/Works Great! $18,700.
2006 TOYOTA PRIUS 914-419-1735
4DR,AC BEST OFFER TAKES IT!... Car needs battery,doesn’t run and must be towed. Great for parts. Silver,GPS,Leather,etc. Car is in Carmel, Putnam County. BEST OFFER! OBO
2018 VOLKSWAGEN TIGUAN AWD914-522-6662
3rd seat included,$15,800,69K-Miles,Car has been meticulously maintained including recent replacement of all four brakes,idler pulley belts,and scheduled oil changes.
2014 VOLVO SE60,T5 SEDAN 914-819-8237 White,New Brakes,Tires,Shocks & Struts. Recently Inspected, 120K, EXCELLENT!$6,895
2004 VOLVO S60 2.5T AWD845-891-4140 Excellent condition,well maintained,$4,000. Call for more information/photos.
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Thinking about placing an ad to sell your car, truck or van? It has never been easier - Visit our website www.nypennysaver.com24hrs/7 days a week and follow the directions. For more information contact a member of our classified team at 914-962-3871 or 845-298-8178.