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VIRGO (8/23 - 9/22) Success is at hand. Listen to the suggestions of your closest ones and agree with them because it is in your favor. This cycle’s lesson for you is to be patient and don’t try to tackle everything at once. The planetary atmosphere may create preconditions for you to become entangled emotionally. Carry through your conceptions for the near future. Incorrect advices can affect your meetings and conversations if you trust everything without first considering it. Change of a most positive kind is in the air. Take a fun trip. Financial news will come your way that is not especially favorable. Be responsible,moderate and abstained.
Replace your roof w/the best looking & longest lasting material steel from Erie Metal Roofs! 3 styles & multiple colors available. Guaranteed to last a lifetime! Limited Time Offer up to 50% off install + Addi-tional 10% off install (military,health & 1st responders.) 1-833-370-1234
Place your ad with us! Package includes an image to help make your ad stand out *Remember: Deadline is Friday,12:30pm for the following week,so call today to be sure you get your ad in on time. Call 914-9623871 ext. 801 or go to www.nypennysaver.com
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Jacuzzi Bath Remodel can install a new,custom bath or shower in as little as one day. For a limited time,waving ALL installation costs! (Additional terms apply. Subject to change and vary by dealer. Offer ends 12/29/24.) Call 1-844-501-3208
FALL CLEAN-UP, SNOW-REMOVAL FULL LAWN MAINTENANCE: Planting,Mulching, Re-Seeding,Top Soil. MASONRY: Unilock Design,Cobblestone,Patios, Sidewalks,Bluestone,Flagstone,Stonewalls,Stone Veneer,Stucco, Steps,Concrete Work,Bricks,Pillars,Chimneys,Drainage System. COMPLETE TREE SERVICE: Large Removals,Stump Grinding,Brush Chipping,Pruning,Trimming,Land Clearing. FENCING: Vinyl,Wood. POWER-WASHING: Houses,Decks, CARPENTRY WORK & PAINTING Interior/Exterior. EXCAVATION WORK.WE DELIVER TOP-SOIL, GRAVEL AND MULCH. Excellent References,Fully Insured/Licensed,WC-30512H18/PC-7573,Commercial/Residential. ALL WORK GUARANTEED. Call us for FREEESTIMATES. Danny 914-382-1592. 10% DISCOUNTS Senior/New Customers Only.
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ARIES (3/21 - 4/19) The current planetary aspect indicates you are thinking very carefully about your feelings. You need to take a more understanding approach if you want to be successful. Be patient instead of making a major move. Do not seek manifestation in areas where you are not on the right level. There some incoming changes that may prevent you from coping with your tasks,despite your self-confidence. You may get so involved with the analytical thought process that you forget that your true strengths lies in your intuition and sensitivity. Difficulties will unexpectedly cause you to change your immediate plans for the time being. Don’t travel. Expect material attainments. Your intuition is getting stronger Don't Pay For Covered Home Repairs Again! American Residential Warranty covers ALL MAJOR SYSTEMS AND APPLIANCES. 30 DAY RISK FREE/ $100OFF POPULAR PLANS. 833-928-1051
Prepare for power outages today with a Generac Home Standby Generator. Act now to receive a FREE 5-Year warranty with qualifying purchase* Call 1-855-948-6176 today to schedule a free quote. It’s not just a generator. It’s a power move.
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AQUARIUS (1/20 - 2/18) Be patient and practical in your communication. The celestial influences indicate that you won’t be able to hide your emotions behind a sweet and cheery facade. Be careful in your actions and you will achieve great fruition. Be careful,during this period you tend to allow people in your life who do not deserve it. The stars suggest a trip somewhere exotic and expensive. Do not allow feelings to interfere with your reason to see the true traits of people who are in the process of your plans. Revenues are an excellent starting point for stabilizing your material position. Try not to analyze everything some are saying,and why they might be saying it. Changes are useful if they are not surprising and you are prepared for them. Avoid self-deception and do not overdo yourself.
This Publication now takes classified ads in Spanish. Call The Classified Department today! 914-962-3871, Cindy at Ext. 806.
By Showcasing your items with the New Multi-media packages that are now being offered for ads appearing on our website it will help you get the results you are looking for. Remember a picture is worth a thousand words!
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Get DISH Satellite TV + Internet! Free Install,Free HD-DVR Upgrade,80,000 On-Demand Movies,Plus Limited Time Up To $600 In Gift Cards. Call Today! 1-866-782-4069
By Evelyn J. Mocbeichel
There are so many fun events packed into this season that it takes
The Historic Hudson Valley provides a list of wonderful events throughout their historic sites. No Christmas season would be complete without seeing the beloved holiday tale of Dickens’s Christmas Carol. Their Master storyteller, Jonathan Kruk, with musical accompaniment by Jim Keys, are featured at the Old Dutch Church in live afternoon performances. The dates run from December 7-22 this year. https://hudsonvalley. org/events/dickenss-christmas-carol/
Speaking of churches, Union Church of Pocantico Hills has awe inspiring stained glass windows by Henri Matisse and Marc Chagall to see inside this church on the grounds of the Rockefeller Estate. Built in 1921 by John D. Rockefeller it was his plan to develop the town of Pocantico Hills that is below his estate Kykuit in Sleepy Hollow so he commissioned the artists to design the windows. https://hudsonvalley.org/historic-sites/ union-church-of-pocantico-hills/ Let’s not forget
DIRECTV Stream - Carries the most local MLB Games! Choice Package $89.99/mo for 12 mos Stream on 20 devices at once. HBO Max included for 3 mos (w/Choice Package or higher.) No contract or hidden fees! Some restrictions apply. Call IVS 1-866-859-0405
DENTAL INSURANCE from Physicians Mutual Insurance Company. Coverage for 350 plus procedures. Real dental insurance - NOT just a discount plan. Do not wait! Call now! Get your FREE Dental Information Kit with all the details! 1-855-434-9221 www.dental50plus.com/44 #6258
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Attention oxygen therapy users! Discover oxygen therapy that moves with you with Inogen Portable Ox-ygen Concentrators. Free information kit. 1-866-477-9045
Washington Irving’s cottage, Sunnyside, also in Sleepy Hollow. This romantic riverside cottage was designed by America’s “Founding Father of Literature” and is open weekends for tours through December 22nd. Then add Philipsburg Manor to your list of historic mansion tour sites for your next outing. Visit https://hudsonvalley.org/ for information about all locations and events throughout the year.
Something for all ages, but particularly fun for children is Muscoot Holiday Lights on the Farm held on their grounds. Guests go inside decorated barns to see the animals and participate in holiday theme activities, listen to music and enjoy food there, too. It’s a charming trip back in time to when Westchester County was a farming community. Reservations are required and the dates run through December 21st. https://www.muscootfarm.org/ programs-events/ Also close by there is another magical holiday experience Holidays on the Hill Annual Train Show at Lasdon Park in Somers. Step into a winter wonderland at the Conservatory
Plaza, where you’ll encounter whimsical holiday exhibits leading to the Conservatory. Inside, you’ll be surrounded by thirteen multi-level tracks with trains chugging along, going over bridges, through tunnels, under waterfalls, and by charming holiday scenes. Colorful seasonal plants and decorations will add to the festive atmosphere. The exhibit is open through January 5, 2025 and most enjoyable during the twilight hours. https://www.lasdonpark. Westchester’s Winter Wonderland Drive-thru Holiday Light Extravaganza at Kensico Dam Plaza in Valhalla another not
December 31st, the 1.2 mile drive through the display includes elves, glittering angels of peace, dancing trees, glowing snowballs, candy cane lanes, characters, hear jovial music on your car radio and www.wwinterwonderland.com/ Whatever events you manage to see, invite friends and family to join you to make this truly Pennysaver readers a Merry Christmas and Happy
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SCORPIO (10/24 - 11/22) The astral alignment puts you in a very optimistic and slightly surreal mood. Do what you do best – take things one step at a time and be patient. Stay away from unnecessary disputes and conflicts. All endeavors will be fruitful if you believe in your strength and do not tail away. Only allow people who you can rely on to be close to your plans. Be careful of scams,which aim to revenge you by provoking money loss. Do not travel abroad. At this point it is of the utmost importance that the proposals made to you are properly assessed. You’ll have the chance to add the much-needed change to your life. Take measure of your words and actions carefully.
DIVORCE $389 - Uncontested divorce papers prepared. Only one signature required. Poor person Application included if applicable. Separation agreements. Custody and support petitions. 518-274-0380
Expert Vinyl Siding,Roofing,Tile installation,Remodeling,Kitchens & Bathrooms. Free Estimates. Licensed & Insured. Lic# WC-22355-H09 Gonzalo 914-560-6093
By Frank J. Rich
Fewer than 40 percent of graduating high school seniors have mastered reading and math, making the majority of graduating classes poorly equipped for college and real-world life. This group of students (generally) passes to the next grade—regardless of performance—and is at a serious disadvantage with a higher chance of falling behind and dropping out of college. (National Assessment of Educational Progress [NAEP] 2015).
Programs such as STEM that encourage girls—who usually do better than boys in most subjects—in the study of science, math, and technology helps, but the majority of U.S. graduates are disadvantaged in the workplace in comparison to many other industrialized nations.
The fallout is evident to most business and NFP (Not For dates that show promise, if not the skills already in place that are necessary to job performance. While poor language skills are
the discipline of an everyday job, the resourcefulness that fuels growth and opportunity, and the basic nature in risk taking.
Perhaps, as it relates to our educational system, we are asking the wrong questions. A focus on literacy and basic academic skills fails to identify key elements of success in the marketplace, which also encourage the personal growth and development that lead to
1. Resourcefulness
2. Respect
3. Risk
The three Rs of Enterprise may be a reasonable place to start. Simply, Resourcefulness, Respect, and Risk may offer the oppor-
a more achievable goal for lazy students, encouraging academic participation. Clearly, 60 percent of high school graduates may be unable to outline the elements of international balance of
era of isolationism in America for 100 years. They would more easily be able to describe the ways they repaired a separated doorknob for mom while dad was at work, or the discovery of options, or the mental calculation used to judge a skateboard stunt, or the deference paid to a disabled person in helping them. On these foundations—common to all—most any could
an informed approach to learning. I think we call this education.
What’s taught in school? Coursework is the answer, for its focus on academics. Missing is the method common to all learning that resourcefulness, respect for the subject matter (in practical terms) and the risk that raises hands with questions, subordinating natural fears, engenders. Also missing are the business calisthenics so
In the end, some part of all things must be done alone—critical thinking, ideation, planning, “what if” analyses, funding, market analysis, pricing
personnel development (leadership), and growth modeling. All come into play for household management; something we all need to learn so as not to model the error in governments that
and practice resourcefulness. There is no substitute for this ability
Respect calms the process, answers the “why” in what we
Respect for the work, the staff, the process, the customer, the community, the industry, end goals, and individual choice, put all peoples, created equal under God, on an even plane to compete cooperatively. If we are better able to see another through the eyes of hope in us, we reveal the path to the most spoken urging of politics and people—coming together.
Risk Management must become an internal model, wholly
training. What a 3rd baseman does when the shortstop attempts best outcomes, driving prices down, and quality product and
3. Staff attrition risk management—A measure of organizational reward (liking where we work and what we do), and opportunity assessments.
Frank Rich is founder and CEO of Encore Príst International, an organizational development company that helps individualsand or ganizations reach their full potential through the practice of effective business fundamentals. You may reach him atfjrepi@gmail.com, or by phone at 866/858-4EPI.
LEO (7/23 - 8/22) Try not to get impatient now as it will surely hurt you. Try not to be mad with people around you. You are to expect a period of prosperity that will be remembered with solving many problems. Forbid yourself to interfere in quarrels that do not concern you. If you must do some shopping,take only a minimum amount of money with you. Plan your time with accordance to priorities. If you have been feeling rather down lately it’s time to try to arrange a trip. Begin to analyze your motives for adopting certain patterns of behavior in order to gen a new perspective. At this point it’s important that you refrain from making important decisions for long-term changes. Do not allow to be constrained and do not run counter to your principles.
THE CAMERA ICON IN THIS PUBLICATION tells our readers that there’s a PHOTO OR SLIDESHOW of the item(s) ONLINE. You can submit ONE photo for FREE or several for a small fee. We make it easy for you! Send us your pictures and we will do the rest! For more information,call the Classified Department: 914-962-3871 ext 5021, email: ads@pennysaver.net or visit: www.nypennysaver.com
Llame hoy mismo al 914-962-3871 Ext 806 - Cindy ***Hablamos español***
NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE: The following self-storage unit containing household items and other goods will be sold for cash by storquest self-storage,588N. State,Briarcliff Manor NY 10510. 914-361-4199 to satisfy a lien on 12/19/2024 at approx. 12:00pm at www.storagetreasures.com.
#00309 Alan Steinberg
#00302 June Carver
TAURUS (4/20 - 5/20) Now is time to conduct urgent conversations and meetings with relatives. The planetary aspect indicates that it is difficult to be patient concerning things that are bothering you. Don’t forget to have faith that what you are working on will be successful. Be careful meeting new people because you are in the power of emotion and your judgment is not right. Remember that your charm can create miracles,but do not rely solely on it to achieve your goals. You’re looking ahead to favorable changes or news related to your personal life. If you are preparing to travel,protect yourself from thieves and unfair people who want to get you involved in a joint venture. Do not invest your time if you have not considered your goals well. You will improve your financial status unexpectedly,with tasks that you’ll accept and finish with finesse. Show insistence and lead initiative more often.
ATTENTION OXYGEN THERAPY USERS! Discover Oxygen Therapy That Moves with You with Inogen Portable Oxygen Concentrators. FREE information kit. Call 1-855-399-2719
PISCES (2/19 - 3/20) The celestial alignment signals a time when you may feel more than a little infatuated with a certain person. You are currently finding it difficult to make new acquaintances with friends of your loved ones. You may find yourself displaying quite a lot of impatience during this cycle. The only way you will be successful is if you demonstrate that you can meet other people’s expectations. If you need to travel,finish your tasks first. Take on seriously your tasks that help you carry out your plans. Events happen differently from what you have outlined,but new turns will benefit you. Think about the new ideas you were offered to save yourself from downfall and losses. Maybe you should be thinking about investing at least part of your money for future stability. Share and tell around only the most necessary if you can not keep silent.
PONGA SU ANUNCIO EN ESPAÑOL Anuncie su negocio por medio de esta Publicacion en Español y alcanze la mas rapida expansion del Mercado en Westchester.
CAPRICORN (12/22 - 1/1) Stubbornness can prevent you assess the situation correctly,and you may get a lot of disappointments if you don’t show patience and self-control. Reject your desire to stand out in front of people who do not care. The energy from the planets brings a very laid back feeling. There is no need to struggle in order for you to be successful. Refuse a trip that is costly and will reduce your savings. Take a look at your financial situation. Look forward to pleasant news about your personal life. Evaluate what you have achieved. The planetary energy assists you in evaluating your progress toward certain goals. If necessary, be compromising.
Become a published author. We want to read your book! Dorrance Publishing trusted since 1920. Consul-tation,production,promotion & distribution. Call for free author’s guide 1-877-729-4998 or visit dorranceinfo.com/ads ADS@PENNYSAVER.NET
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You can now buy Gift Certificates for anyone placing an ad with the PennySaver Community from Contractor to Tag Sale Ads. We Have Something for Everyone! Please call the Classified Department at 914962-3871 or 845-298-8178 for further information.
SAGITTARIUS (11/23 - 12/21) You have the ability to be successful on your own so do it. Don’t be impulsive on only because of your sympathy towards problems of the people surrounding you. You tend to have a problem with setting boundaries for yourself,which means that at times people feel as though they can walk all over you. You lean towards offensive behavior. The stars advise you against traveling. Thanks to the current astral configuration,the tendency to very rarely take the straightforward path toward anything,preferring to meander back and forth in a zigzag fashion toward your goals and plans,is likely to be increased. Now is not the time to think about changes in your life. The cycle’s planetary constellation may spell out a cunning plan in which your bank balance can suddenly rocket to higher levels. Find the time to consider the excuses you owe to people on whom your happiness depends. Actualize postponed meetings and contacts with people who are pleasant to be with.
Int/Ext Painting,Tile,Decks,Carpentry,Taping,Sheetrock, Siding/Window Installation,Kitchen/Bath Remodeling,Powerwashing. MICHAEL: 845-464-1883
Esta Publicacion ahora acepta anuncios en Español. Llame al Departamento de Clasificados al 914-962-3871,extension 806 Cindy.
Ponga un anuncio en esta publicacion. Por solo $22 su anuncio puede llegar a mas de 75,000 casas cada semana incluyendo publicacion en el internet. Llame hoy mismo! 914-962-3871 Ext. 806 - Cindy **Hablamos su idioma**
LIBRA (9/23 - 10/23) Material problems because of your mistakes will spoil your mood. It doesn’t have to be all go-go-go; you are allowed to slow down and be patient. Harmony in your relationship,calmness and generosity are a wonderful way to achieve the desired fruition. Do not give a sign that you know about intrigue among people around you because such do not concern you. You can expect minimal revenue. Although you may be tempted to do something drastic,chances are that you will adopt a reasonable approach and make changes gradually. Analyze your achievements not only for the moment but also for the whole period and eliminate your own mistakes to avoid penalties. If your plans are promising and you can convince the people around,you will get support and help. Take the journey that you think will bring success and recognition – it help you relax. Distribute your strength properly to avoid overload.
CANCER (6/21 - 7/22) In order to avoid the mischief of your enemies –don’t share your intentions. Be patient with others and try not to overreact. The current aspect at play could tend to bring out a few of the insecurities that you usually manage to keep safely and discreetly tucked away. Disappointments are to be expected. Analyze your achievements not only for the moment but also for the whole period and eliminate your own mistakes to avoid penalties. Be careful if you need to check financial documents. Plans made during this cycle will be extremely useful. You will be pleased with news of upcoming happy events. Use your free time to consider traveling or a vacation outside the country. Avoid naivety.
GEMINI (5/21 - 6/20) Protect yourself from unwanted meetings and conversations with little-known acquaintances. The celestial influences bring out some deeply buried feelings from within. Your successes are secured if you do not make mistakes because of your lack of inattention. Now is a time for you to slow down and be more patient. Expect excellent financial profit. Current planetary energies give you a feeling of stability and security as far as your latest plans are concerned. Evaluate and discuss your new ideas. Those of you who have made their mind about trip can do it. Changes now are in your favor. Be careful if you want avoid wrong course of action.
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**Autos**Empleo**Alquiler**Compra-Venta de casas**
Para mas informacion llame al 914-962-3871 Ext. 806 - Cindy
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Commercial property for sale. 5-Rooms,2BTH Building,plus commercial yard,Water front & Railroad siding. 845-656-3551
We buy houses for cash as is! No repairs. No fuss. Any condition. Easy three step process: Call,get cash offer & get paid. Get your fair cash offer today by calling Liz Buys Houses: 1-844-877-5833
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**Autos**Empleo**Alquiler**Compra-Venta de casas** Para mas informacion llame al 914-962-3871 Ext. 806 - Cindy ***Hablamos su idioma** Se aceptan anuncios en ingles o en español
Adopt a loving,gentle,quiet ex-racer. Low maintenance and easily trained. Docile personalities make them great for children and seniors. Visit our website www.greyhoundrescuerehab.org
By Showcasing your ad with the Multi-media packages that are now being offered for ads appearing on our website it will help you get the results you are looking for. Remember a picture is worth a thousand words!
For additional information,please call the Classified Department at 914-962-3871 or 845-298-8178 or visit www.nypennysaver.com
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DIGITAL MAY DOMINATE THE CONVERSATION, BUT PRINT DOMINATES READERSHIP! If you are reading this ad then you are in good company. The majority of the world continues to read newspapers, magazines and books in print.
Deadline for placement in this Publication of Help Wanted ads is 4:00PM Thursdays. Each ad placed after 4:00PM will be subject to a $10 late fee. CARPENTER\FOREMANFT914-381-6900
Residential Remodeling Firm looking to immediately hire experienced Carpenter/Foremen to meet the following requirements:
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Salary is based on experience up to $ 85,000 yearly.
Immediate hire.Please call 914-381-6900 or email your resume to RemodelConsult@Optonline.net
Do you want your ad to stand out from the rest? Try adding one of our new logos! Ask your Customer Service Representative for more details. Call the Classified Department at 914-962-3871.
Busy Deli seeks responsible,friendly person for various shifts including weekends and holidays. Experience preferred but will train right person. Must be 18yrs or older, MUST have valid SS# and must be able to speak & write English. ROCKY’S MILLWOOD DELI.
$65/HOUR, 10-HOUR DAY, WILL TRAIN,MEN/WOMEN. CALL:347-637-6650/856-518-0542
NEW YORK STATE VETERANS HOME AT MONTROSE has immediate opportunities for entry-level PT Food Service Workers and Cleaners with additional hours available. Starting salary $15.95 per hour with excellent Civil Service benefits package,yearly raises,and opportunities for advancement. Day and evening shifts available with weekend hours required. 252 bed nursing home for our Veterans. Contact Human Resources at 914-788-6102 or fax resume and cover letter to 914-788-6019. You may also email your resume to Montrose.hr@nysvets.org. We look forward to hearing from you. A.A./E.O
Salary $60-90K based on experience. Benefits/PTO. Clean driver’s license. CDL Preferred. Location: Brewster,NY.
Do you want your ad to stand out from the rest? Try adding one of our new logos! Ask your Customer Service Representative for more details. Call the Classified Department at 914-962-3871.
Place your ad in the PennySaver Classified Help Wanted section! Call 914-962-3871 ext. 801 or go to nypennysaver.com
NYS VETERANS HOME AT MONTROSE,a 252-bed nursing home for our veterans has exciting opportunities for FT/PT RN’s LPN’s,and CNA’s for all shifts. New grads are welcome. Competitive starting salaries & excellent Civil Service benefits package are offered. For immediate consideration, please submit resume/cover letter via email to Montrose.hr@nysvets.org or via fax to 914-788-6019. You can also call the Human Resources Department at 914-788-6102. for further information. Salary ranges based on experience and shift assignment (pro-rated for PT).
**Autos**Empleo**Alquiler**Compra-Venta de casas** Para mas informacion llame al 914-962-3871 Ext. 806 - Cindy ***Hablamos su idioma** Se aceptan anuncios en ingles o en español
1988 20-FT. BOAT CRAFT
200-HP,Asking 2,500-Negotiable. Also 12ft. Sears Aluminum Boat, Trolling Motor with Battery and Seats. Asking $1,200. Call John, 914-774-9239
2021 JET SKI KAWASAKI ULTRA LX914-589-8418 (Ebony/riptide turquoise) 9 hours of use. Includes 2021 Karavan Aluminum Trailer. $11,000
Private parties only!Advertise your car, truck or boat in print &online until it sells!! Only $58 for 15 words for all areas.
Full circulation of 230,762 mailed & demand distribution over 2 weeks.
*Only available when speaking with a Representative. Call 914-962-3871 to place your ad.
2019 HONDA NC 750X914-310-3616 2,300 Miles,like new,$7,000 OBO.
1999 HONDA VALKYRIE 845-216-4090
18K Miles,6-Cyl,Maroon,Customized,Asking $6,200.
2018 KTM 390 DUKE
With top carrier and cell-phone holder,8,000 Miles/Like new,$4,250. Rod:347-538-2455
2012 POLARIS PRO-R 600 SNOWMOBILE914-245-1811 Excellent Condition,Low Mileage. Asking $6,800obo. Also Available: 8ft Triton Enclosed Trailer,Asking $1,800.
2022 YAMAHA YZ250F
Must be Experienced. FT Position. Valid Driver’s License and Social Security Required. treeneed@optonline.net914-403-2415
Remodelación residencial que busca contratar inmediatamente carpinteros/capataces con experiencia para cumplir con los siguientes requisitos:
* Capacidad para leer y ejecutar planos de trabajo.
* Completo conocimiento y experiencia en la construcción de estructuras de madera para incluir paredes,pisos y techos.
*Experiencia en instalación y acabados de gabinetes personalizados. Debe tener herramientas y coche propios. Para este puesto se requiere licencia de conducir válida y tarjeta de seguro social. El salario se basa en la experiencia hasta $85.000 al año. Contratación inmediata... Llame al 914-381-6900 o envíe su currículum por correo electrónico a Remodelconsult@optonline.net
No hay nadie que no conosca el PENNYSAVER Y es por Usted, el Cliente
El Pennysaver funciona como ningun otro
Monster Racing Edition. Only Used 6 Hours. Never Raced. $8,900.
The deadline for placement of Truck ads is 5:00PM Thursday. Each ad placed after 5:00PM is subject to a $10 late fee.
2012 CHEVROLET SILVERADO 250 HD 914-310-0220
CREW CAB,119K Miles,Very Good condition,Asking $19,000.
2006 F350 TURBO CHARGE DIESEL 914-557-4700
72,000 miles,Dealer maintained,Very clean,Comes with snow-plow and rock salter.
2008 FORD F350 914-262-2186
4X4,Utility Body,V10,Bed Slide. 40,460 Original Miles. Asking $20,500
2008 FORD E350
Heavy Duty,Automatic transmission electrical van with shelving,bins & drawer unit,Roof rack with ladder roller & aluminum wheels. Well maintained,Runs well,167,992 Miles,$7,000 OBO. Call 914-755-9762 or 914-906-4109
5.4L Triton Black/Black,Fully-loaded,beautiful work truck/family vehicle,4WD,Runs like new. Custom Flowmaster exhaust w/intake system,upgraded stereo system w/12in. aftermarket subwoofer. 120K.
$9,450. Ask for Mr. North 914-497-9667
1995 Ford F350,Dump Chip-Box. 1998 F700 Chip Box Dump. Negotiable
DT466,65H,70’ Working Height $29,500. ALSO: 2007 VERMEER352 Diesel Stump Grinder w/Trailer,low hours $13,500 203-585-3210/203-966-5015
Excellent condition. Includes all household accessories including bulldog GFI protector,Stabilizing tow hitch system. Asking 28,000.00 845-222-7508
2017 MITSUBISHI DUMP TRUCK 914-949-1214
Low Mileage - 10K! ALSO: 2000 Ford F800 Bucket Truck & 2000 International Log Loader/Dump Truck(under CDLRequirements). Negotiable Pricing.
56K Miles,1-Owner,New tires,New battery,4WD,$15,500. 845-800-4753 Before 8pm.
**Autos**Empleo**Alquiler**Compra-Venta de casas** Para mas informacion llame al 914-962-3871 Ext. 806 - Cindy ***Hablamos su idioma** Se aceptan anuncios en ingles o en español
Private parties only!Advertise your car, truck or boat in print &online until it sells!!
Only $58 for 15 words for all areas.
Full circulation of 230,762 mailed & demand distribution over 2 weeks.
*Only available when speaking with a Representative. Call 914-962-3871 to place your ad.
Excellent condition,all service records from Acura,165k miles, $4,500obo
2-Door,High Mileage,Needs mechanical and body work,$950. mdreatta@aol.com
Premium Pkg,original owner,immaculate,150K,Silver/Black int. $6,500obo
2009 AUDI A4 QUATTRO813-218-5232
Good Condition,White w/Leather Beige Interior.180K Miles, $3,300-Negotiable. CALL: 813-218.5232/914-843-4532
2014 BMW 320
4-Door,White,135,000 Miles,Like New,$12,200 Negotiable
2008 BMW 328
4DR,Low mileage A beautiful,well maintained,BMW with only 106K for only $4,900 priced to sell
2007 BMW 328 XI914-278-3904
Automatic/4x4,Sunroof. Fully-Loaded. Runs/Needs Minor Work. Clean Title. $4,500 OBO
Burgundy,67,000 Miles,Top shape,$6,000 1974 CADILLAC ELDORADO CONVERTIBLE
Black Exterior w/Red Leather Interior,All Power,Air Shocks,Cassette Player. Original Hood Ornament,Trunk Key Medallion... Engine Size=500, 77K/2 Owners. $6000. Call Joe.
1971 CAMARO Z28
High compression 396 street/track,All new tires,Posi rear. $30,000. CAR DONATION URGENTLY NEEDED914-564-9113
WE ARE OPEN AND ACCEPTING DONATIONS. Help us help abandoned & abused animals by donating your running or non-running vehicle,truck,boat, or RV/Motor home. FREE PICK-UP . Donate your vehicle. Call 914-564-9113 &please leave a message or for immediate pick-up 1-877-565-6615. Please specify FOR THE LOVE OF ANIMALS. All proceeds go directly to the animals. Thank you!
Z51,2LT White/Black Top,10K,Performance Exhaust, Mint Condition $46,900
76,000 Original miles. Always garaged. Well maintained,call for more information 914-912-5457
Red with red interior,48,000 miles,Excellent condition,Computer has been tuned up for more power. Heavy duty breaks with red calipers.
Asking $29,500.
2007 CORVETTE ZO6 845-878-4959
Orange,19,000 Miles,$44,000.
1970 DODGE CHARGER RT917-548-5454
Asking $85,000 obo. 440 Magnum engine,numbers matching, Fully restored muscle car.
Donate Your Car to Veterans Today! Help and Support our Veterans. FastFREE pick up. 100% tax de-ductible. Call 1-800-245-0398
2012 FORD FUSION 917-295-9393
4DR,AC,Low mileage,Vehicle in great shape. Leather interior, Moonroof,new alternator,new battery,new tires,new brakes. Text 917-295-9393. $7,000 obo
2011 FORD 12-PASSENGER VAN914-438-8046
Excellent condition,200K miles,$7,500.
2.0-Liter engine,transmission with over drive button,AC,New tires, Doesn’t burn oil. 150,000 miles,As is. 914-420-7451/914-837-2108.
1959 FORD THUNDERBIRD 914-523-7961
2-Door Hard Top, 1955 DODGE CORONET,4-Door Sedan. Call for Details
1939 FORD SEDAN 845-559-9521 Brown with flames,AC,327 Automatic,$16,500. ONLY SERIOUS BUYERS.
1931 FORD MODEL A ROADSTER845-891-8930
Former Show Car,Family-owned,Nearly 100 years old! $19,999 OBO
Donate your car,truck,or SUV to assist the blind and visually impaired. Arrange a swift,no-cost vehicle pickup and secure a generous tax credit for 2025. Call Heritage for the Blind Today at 1-855-246-4458 today!
2008 GMC YUKON SSLT 4 wheel drive,excellent condition,168k. asking $7,500. Call 507-530-7336
GOT AN UNWANTED CAR??? Your car donation to Patriotic Hearts helps veterans find work or start their own business. Fast free pick. Running or not! Call 24/7: 1-888-251-3135.
2008 HONDA PILOT 4-WHEEL DRIVE Immaculate condition,$4,000 Negotiable. To see car,call John 914-423-0238 or 914-343-3174
Low mileage,Excellent running condition,Original owner,$4,500 OBO
S10/4DR 4WD,V-6,AUTO,120K,Fully-Loaded, Runs Good/Needs some work. $2,500
2009 CHEVY IMPALA LT914-760-1272
180K Highway Miles. Auto,Black,Well-Maintained,Dependable Car Asking $4,500
2016 CHRYSLER PREMIUM VAN914-649-8474
Wheelchair Accessible. Provides ability to go further. 11K miles. $36,000
2001 CHRYSLER SEBRING LXI-2.7L 845-204-9532
V6,White Convertible,Runs well,Classic,Garaged,Good Body,$4,900.
Real 4-Wheel drive,119,000 Miles,Green with tan interior,3rd owner since new,Good condition. Asking $8,000 OBO. Call John 914-497-3355
Local attorney wishes to purchase your 3-4 year old Lexus car for 15% over dealer trade in offer. Email info & pic to HaroldDee@AOL.com.
Low miles,Garage kept,Brand new tires,Black,2-Toned leather interior, $39,500.
1993 MAZDA 929
V6,3-Liter,Dark blue,New fuel and brake lines,HD Radio/CD player,AC, 1-Owner,176K,Well maintained,$1,400 OBO.
100+K Miles,Gray,4-door,Reasonably good shape,Very good in the snow, $3,000
Silver/black. New Mercedes soft-top. Runs excellent. $7,800obo.
2006 MERCEDES C280 Black. $3,000obo.
1993 MERCEDES 300SD845-321-4911
Must see to appreciate. 159K miles,$12,000
2008 MERCEDES-BENZ E-CLASS E350 4-MATIC845-297-0195
Gold/Bronze,Beige Interior,119K,Asking $6,399.
105,000 miles,One Owner,Good condition,$4,000.
Midnight Blue/Java Interior,48K. Dealer Service since new. Excellent Mechanic and Cosmetic Condition.
Mint condition,always garaged,driven once a month,gorgeous. Asking $12,000
1995 MERCEDES-BENZ E320 CABRIOLET914-763-2239
Puchased in Stuttgart,Germany. White w/Beige Interior. 47,483 Original Mileage. 1 Owner. $32,500
Two(2) Door Convertible,Red,70,000 Miles,Hard/Soft Top,Everything works. $19,000
White with Blue Interior,Blue Soft top,71K Original Miles,Runs Excellent $10,750 obo.
By Showcasing your vehicle with the Multi-media packages that are now being offered for ads appearing on our website it will help you get the results you are looking for. Remember a picture is worth a thousand words!
1 Photo Free; 3 Photos $3.00; 4-10 Photos $5.00
For additional information,please call the Classified Department at 914-962-3871 or 845-298-8178 or visit www.nypennysaver.com
Auto,Complete New Brake Job,New A/C,New Tires,Digital Front Lights, No Accidents/Clean Car. Very Dependable. Spent $7,000 to Refurbish and Repair(All Receipts Available). Asking $3,250. For More Info, CALL: 845-204-9532
1986 NISSAN 300ZX
White,Mint condition,5-Speed manual. 64,000 miles,Always garaged, $13,000.
1983 NISSAN 280ZX
5-speed,Fully-Loaded,Leather,120K. ALSO: 1985 TOYOTA CELICAGT40K/One Owner. $8,500/ea OBO.
4DR,AC,Low mileage,Very carefully maintained and regularly
AWD,all leather,has a sunroof and a back-up camera,Mileage is 51,195. price is $5,900,Taking a down payment and financing the rest is possible.
4-Door Hatchback,Blue,10,500 miles,$12,500.
75K miles,Looks Great Inside and Out/Works Great! $18,700.
2006 TOYOTA PRIUS 914-419-1735
4DR,AC BEST OFFER TAKES IT!... Car needs battery,doesn’t run and must be towed. Great for parts. Silver,GPS,Leather,etc. Car is in Carmel, Putnam County. BEST OFFER! OBO 2018 VOLKSWAGEN TIGUAN AWD914-522-6662
3rd seat included,$15,800,69K-Miles,Car has been meticulously maintained including recent replacement of all four brakes,idler pulley belts,and scheduled oil changes.
914-819-8237 White,New Brakes,Tires,Shocks & Struts. Recently Inspected, 120K, EXCELLENT!$6,895
2004 VOLVO S60 2.5T AWD845-891-4140 Excellent condition,well maintained,$4,000. Call for more information/photos.
Thinking about placing an ad to sell your car, truck or van? It has never been easier - Visit our website www.nypennysaver.com24hrs/7 days a week and follow the directions. For more information contact a member of our classified team at 914-962-3871 or 845-298-8178.
by Linda Thistle
The idea of Go Figure is to arrive at the figures given at the bottom and right-hand columns of the diagram by following the arithmetic signs in the order they are given (that is, from left to right and top to bottom). Use only the numbers below the diagram to complete its blank squares and use each of the nine numbers only once.
Moderate Difficult GO FIGURE! answers
Go Figure!
Be prepared before the next power outage.
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