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Mastering “Survival Integration” for the Mortgage Industry
Covering over 200 processes within eight functional classifications, this detailed sector report provides the framework for sustainable operational improvements that must be made by organizations seeking answers, while incorporating downstream financial implications.
February 2008 Release 1.08
Achieving Success Beyond Traditional Operating Models using Business and Knowledge Sourcing Augmented by Significant Process Transformations The U.S. mortgage lending industry is ripe for takeovers and bankruptcies. Fueled by historical risks, recessionary markets, and vanishing customers, the operating climate for 2008 and beyond, points to permanent financial and process modifications. Organizations are ill‐prepared for the consequences of the new markets including foreign investments, illiquid assets, and demand for rapid transformations. With banking loan losses the highest in over 20 years, survival integrations or M&A’s will accelerate forcing established players into difficult terms and conditions, while allowing nimble well capitalized organizations with experienced management teams to alter the competitive landscape. Additionally, with funding sources severely reduced, the ability to singularly finance organizational profitability cannot be achieved using the operating models of the past. Arcane processes and fixed cost over‐capacity will accelerate the drain on resources hastening operational losses and forcing integration / M&A events which can only be addressed with process transformations and collaborative global sourcing.