3 minute read
Dispatches from 90 State
John S. Wallenstein Ben Ostrer Russell Schindler
A publication of the New York State Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers ©2020 NYSACDL 90 State Street, Suite 700 Albany, New York 12207 Phone: 518-443-2000 Fax: 888-239-4665 www.nysacdl.org atticus@nysacdl.org
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Jennifer Van Ort Executive Director
Like everyone else, I have a little bit of a different view as I write “Dispatches from 90 State” for this issue of Atticus. Since our January issue, the NYSACDL offices have transitioned from 90 State Street to my home a little further up the Hudson River. While not commuting is always a pleasure, I am looking forward to the day my view returns to downtown Albany – and when I can start travelling to all the areas of our state to see members and friends when we can again have in-person programs.
In March, NYSACDL worked with you as you fought to be deemed essential – you wanted to make sure you could run into the fire to support clients and incarcerated individuals at risk of contracting COVID-19. I have always been proud to say that my job is to support criminal defense lawyers, and I take that job more seriously now than I have ever before. Throughout this time of selfisolation, NYSACDL has stepped to the plate with programs and services geared toward supporting members as they support clients, colleagues, employees and family. As you will see throughout this issue and on nysacdl.org, we have extensive plans to continue this support as long as necessary.
Early on in this crisis, the NYSACDL Board and CLE Committee took the challenge we were going to face with the postponement of our regular spring programming and immediately made it an opportunity to increase and enhance our online programming. The innovative Law @ Lunch program was proposed by CLE Chair Steve Epstein and supported by Board members and Past-Presidents – Yung-Mi Lee, Benjamin Ostrer, and Robert Wells. This program has been popular among criminal defense lawyers throughout the state and we are thrilled to be able to continue it into June with programs from Xavier Donaldson, Sherry Levin Wallach, and more! Now that we have jumped into this world of Zoom, webinars, and online connection, we will not look back. These types of programs will continue to be a part of our CLE planning in the new normal coming soon.
Many of our other committees have also needed to innovate and adapt to continue our level of service to our members. For example, this issue of Atticus will be an online-only issue – which provided new opportunities for design enhancements and changes. The Legislative Committee adapted virtual lobbying during the NYS Budget process – making sure your voice continued to be heard during that critical time. And, of course, this has all been led by President Tim Hoover, who has led the charge and made sure that NYSACDL has been at the forefront of anything that needed the input of criminal defense lawyers.
I hope that you are continuing to stay safe and be well as we start thinking about transitioning back to some level of “normal.” As always, if there is anything you need or thoughts about ways NYSACDL can enhance its support of our members, please do not hesitate to contact me. Throughout the next few weeks, at least, email will continue to be the best way to reach me – jlvanort@nysacdl.org. Thank you, as always, for all you do.