21 minute read

Cutting Edge CLE


NYSACDL is noted for our innovative, interesting and informative CLE programs, which we present at various locations around the state each year. Seminar Registration Available at www.nysacdl.org Questions? Call the NYSACDL office at (518) 443-2000 or email jlvanort@nysacdl.org


Calendar listings on p. 49 STEVEN EPSTEIN, CHAIR, CLE COMMITTEE

Cutting Edge CLE — Where We’ve Been...Where We’re Going

The CLE Committee has been working to meet the needs of our membership from the start of this crisis. The first task at hand was the rescheduling of the programs scheduled for April and May. We look forward to delivering them to you later in the year. The second task was to respond to the needs of our membership: professional education, affordable CLE credits, professional and social interaction and helping our members get through this difficult time. for 1 CLE credit for $49 via webinar. Our speakers will be Xavier Donaldson, Sherry Levin Wallach and Mike Baker, with topics to be announced shortly.

To help address our members’ mental health needs we offered a series of free webinars given by Pema Sherpa, a graduate of Harvard and a mindfulness expert who guided us through breathing exercises, meditations and taught us ways to process news and handle stress.

We utilized Blue Jeans software to deliver the “Lunch and the Law” CLE Series. These discussion-based lectures, designed to be informative and driven by the attendees’ needs, included Motor Vehicle Mondays, Trial Practice Tuesdays, What’s New Wednesdays, and Forensic Fridays. These sessions gave our members the opportunity to learn and interact both professionally and socially with colleagues. Lunch and the Law will continue through June, at least, every Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday from 1:00 pm to 2:00 p.m. This discussion-based interactive CLE program will be offered Many of our clients who are incarcerated face the perils of Covid-19 and our members needed help advocating for their release. We produced “Pathways to Freedom,” a free live half day webinar for 3 CLE credits which educated attendees on how to advocate for the release of inmates in both Federal and State prisons. This was offered to both members and non-members as we felt it was such an important need. The initial seminar was attended by 500 attendees (our maximum capability on Zoom) and then over 200 were able to watch the recorded version. Eleven days later, we again produced the same CLE, but this time it was geared more towards the Western District of New York and upstate audiences. This presentation focused on the issues in their prison populations.

We also offered free member webinars designed to help our members in private practice on topics such as “PPP Loans for Solo Practitioners;” “Employment and Labor Law Issues During COVID;” “Markets and Investing During COVID;” and “PPP compliance and planning for forgiveness.”

We look forward to meeting your needs as we move forward in the “new normal.” We have created a CLE schedule that is mindful of your current and future needs and best utilizes our resources to keep our members educated and connected to one another. I suggest you take a look through the forthcoming presentations described below and choose one or two or more of interest and save the date(s).

We will continue to provide free member webinars for our members on topics related to the pandemic and the businesses of their practices. Upcoming programs including a roundtable on careers in public defense, and on practice and business development.

April 1, 2020, brought changes to discovery and bail. On May 20, we will offer a live webinar “What Every Crimi

nal Defense Attorney Needs to Know About the 2020 Changes to Bail and

Discovery Laws” for 4.5 CLE credits. Topics include “Speedy Trial Motions in the Wake of the 2020 Amendments” by Drew DuBrin, “What’s New with Discovery?” by Andy Kossover and Yung-Mi Lee; and “What’s New with Bail?” by Al O’Connor.

As we all begin to practice law via Skype and other electronic media, we are worried and concerned with how we best advocate and what the concerns are for our clients’ rights. On June 12 we will hold live via webinar a ground-breaking CLE entitled “Litigating in the Wake of Covid-19: the New Normal” for 4.5 CLE Credits. Topics will include “6th Amendment Concerns of Litigation in the Virtual Courtroom,” “Voice and Presence for the Camera: Persuasion in the Virtual Courtroom” by Neill Hartley and Steven Epstein, and “The Basics of Preliminary Hearings” by Jill Paperno.

In June, we will continue our “Lunch

and the Law Series”

We look forward to continuing to bring you our regional lectures and hope to do them live, but CDC recommendations and “stay in place” orders are being closely monitored and, if necessary, we will be prepared to do these by webinar.

In August, we will be in Lake Placid, New York at a date to be announced for our NYSACDL Regional 2020 Criminal Law Update. On September 26, 2020, we will be in Syracuse for our NYSACDL Regional Criminal Defense Seminar: “Syracuse 2020 In-Depth Cross Examination” at which Rob Wells and a group of experienced trial lawyers will provide you a system of cross-examination you can master. The morning session will introduce you to the method and the tools. Then, in the afternoon, attendees, in small groups in a safe and nurturing environment, aided by experienced trainers, will learn to develop, design and practice this style of cross-examinations utilizing any of six simple hypotheticals provided. The way to learn, is to do, and this is your chance to do both in a single day. We will also be returning to Binghamton to bring our Regional CLE Seminar to Binghamton, NY.

On November 6, 2020 our popular Superstar Trial Lawyers Seminar will bring some of the nation’s top DWI attorneys to Buffalo, New York. This seminar will provide attendees with 7 CLE skills credits and topics will include: challenging blood test evidence, challenging drug recognition evidence, challenging standardized field sobriety tests, the trial of a vehicular homicide, challenging breath test evidence, cross examination of the arresting officer and storytelling in summation in a DWI case. Each of the speakers are all Faculty from the National College of DUI Defense. They include Ed Fiandach, Peter Gerstenzang, Steven Epstein, Doug Murphy, Steve Oberman, Joe St. Louis and Bill Kirk.

In the Fall, we look forward to holding the previously scheduled “Jack Litman Memorial Roundtable Discussion on

Criminal Justice Reform” in New York City at a date to be announced.

Our 31st Annual “Weapons for the Firefight” program will be held over the course of two days on December 5 and 6, 2020, in New York City. Day one will cover fundamental trial skills including the ethics of pre-trial investigations, confirmation bias in jury selection, opening statements, direct and cross examination and summation. Day two will focus on the trial of the forensics case. Attendees can attend one day or both days. Those attending both days will receive a discounted price.

Please feel free to contact me (sepstein@ barketepstein.com) to provide feedback on how we are doing. The Committee welcomes your criticisms, compliments or suggestions. Until we meet again, I wish the best for you, your family, friends and colleagues. A

“Cross to Kill”, one of our flagship programs, will be held live via webinar on June 12 for 7.5 CLE skills credits. Topics include “ABCs of Cross Examination” by Steven Epstein; “The Law of Cross Examination” by Richard Willstatter; “Impeachment” by Andre Vitale; “Cross of the Expert Witness” by Al O’Connor; “Cross of the Snitch” by Xavier Donaldson; and “Cross of the Child Sex Crime Witness” by Aida Leisenring.

Scorpion is honored to be the 2020 CLE Series Sponsor for NYSACDL! As the only NACDL approved agency and the only agency with an entire team special izing in criminal defense – we want to know we are here for you. Scorpion is a digital marketing company that specializes in the growth of law firms. Over the span of nearly two decades, Scorpion has helped thousands of law firms build their online exposure, attract more of the types of clients they want, and increase their marketing return on invest ment. We look forward to seeing you at NYSACDL CLE programs in 2020!

Prosecutor: I respectfully dispute that point.… [I]n fact, I don’t have any concern about that.

—Hearing transcript, United States v. Lara (Northern District of California), December 2013 “Secret Origins of Evidence in US Criminal Cases”,

Human Rights Watch (2018), www.hrw.org/report/2018/01/09/ dark-side/secret-origins-evidenceus-criminal-cases

Conclusion While consumers enjoy the functionality, connectivity and convenience of cell phones and other mobile devices, many others see these developments as nothing less than a technological assault on privacy rights. Telecommunications companies, corporations and government institutions are armed with indiscriminate, dragnet-type data collection capabilities. Those entities claim that by using our phones we voluntarily agree to hand over information about ourselves that we do not even know is being collected. That very personal information is then sold and commodified on a mass scale. Law enforcement and tech companies have realized accessing that bulk data is a mutually beneficial proposition. The most important question of our time is how technology will affect our concept of individual privacy. The answer will be the subject of continuing constitutional debate. And criminal lawyers will be the first line of defense. A

Thank you to the 2019 Defenders Circle!

CHAMPIONS ($1000 Donation)

Mark A. Foti James Grable Jr. Benjamin Ostrer

COLLEAGUES ($250 Donation)

George Goltzer Kevin D. O’Connell Jennifer L. Van Ort

SUPPORTERS ($100 Donation)

James A. Baker Paul M. Callahan Joseph R. DeMatteo Brian J. DeSesa Karen L. Dippold Michael G. Dowd Mario F. Gallucci David I. Goldstein Trevor W. Hannigan James P. Harrington Daniel J. Henry Michael D. Horn John Ingrassia Robert P. Leighton Oscar Michelen Greg D. Lubow Christopher X. Maher Mark J. Mahoney Michael P. McDermott Kenneth Moynihan Steven K. Patterson Roland G. Riopelle Anastasios Sarikas Oliver S. Storch Vivian Storch Cannon Scott B. Tulman John S. Wallenstein Susan J. Walsh Richard D. Willstatter

The Defenders Circle is a donation program that benefits New York State Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers (NYSACDL) mem bers, seminars, and programs. NYSACDL has experienced tremendous growth over the past several years in membership, seminar attendance, advocacy efforts and more.

Defenders Circle members play a crucial role in ensuring that NYSACDL maintains its success and strength as the leading criminal defense organization in New York State. Donations starting at $100 are included in the Defenders Circle. Among other benefits, Defenders Circle members will be showcased on the NYSACDL web site and in the quarterly Atticus publication.

For more information on the Defenders Circle, including ways to donate, please visit https://nysacdl.site-ym.com/page/DC. *NYSACDL is a 501(c)6 organization. Donations are not consid ered tax deductible.

(As of 5/14/2020 - Subject to Change)

Details, Pricing & Registration Online at www.nysacdl.org

Monday May 18, 1pm: Law @ Lunch Talking DWI W/Steven Epstein: Addressing Confirmation

Bias During Jury Selection — Virtual CLE Series

Tuesday, May 19, 1pm: Law @ Lunch Trial Pract w/Rob Wells: Cross-examination – If Anything

Can Go Wrong, It Will, Part 1 — Virtual CLE Series Tuesday, May 19, 4pm: Free Member Zoom Conference

Taxes in the Time of COVID-19 – Developments for Individuals and Businesses

Wednesday, May 20, 12pm: CLE Webinar

What Every Criminal Def Attorney Needs to Know About the Changes to Bail & Discovery

Friday, May 22, 1pm: Law @ Lunch Forensic Fridays w/Ben Ostrer: DNA – Likelihood Ratios,

CPI , StrMix, True Allele — Virtual CLE Series

Tuesday, May 26, 1pm: Law @ Lunch Trial Pract w/Rob Wells: Cross-examination – If Anything

Can Go Wrong, It Will, Part 2 — Virtual CLE Series

Tuesday, May 26, 4pm: Free Member Zoom

Business Development and Networking for Solo Practitioners and Small Firms

Tuesday, June 2, 1pm: Law @ Lunch Top Summation Tuesdays w/Xavier Donaldson: Where Do I


Tuesday, June 2, 4pm: Free Web Event Public Defense Career Paths in New York Now & In The

Future: A Roundtable Discussion

Friday, June 5, 12pm: CLE Webinar

Litigating in the Wake of Covid-19: The New Normal

Tuesday, June 9, 1pm: Law @ Lunch Top Summation Tuesdays w/Xavier Donaldson: What Do I

Say and How

Wednesday, June 10, 1pm: Law @ Lunch

Working WIth Experts w/Sherry Levin Wallach: Working with a DNA Expert in a Touch/Mixture DNA case with Heather Miller Coyle, Ph.D.

Friday, June 12, 9am: CLE Webinar

Cross to Kill 2020

Tuesday, June 16, 1pm: Law @ Lunch Top Summation Tuesdays w/Xavier Donaldson: It's All About


Wednesday, June 17, 1pm: Law @ Lunch Working WIth Experts w/Sherry Levin Wallach: Using a

Forensic Psychology Expert in a False Confession Case with

Marc Janoson, Ph.D.

Tuesday, June 23, 1pm: Law @ Lunch Top Summation Tuesdays w/Xavier Donaldson: Leave No


Wednesday, June 24, 1pm: Law @ Lunch Working WIth Experts w/Sherry Levin Wallach: How to

Critique the Prosecution’s Forensic Expert’s Report &

Prepare Your Cross with Marc Janoson, Ph.D.

Saturday, September 26: NYSACDL Regional Crim Def Seminar

Syracuse 2020: In-Depth Cross Examination

Friday, November 6:

NYSACDL Superstar Trial Lawyers Seminar, The DWI Case – Buffalo

Thursday, December 3 & Friday, December 4:

NYSACDL Weapons for the Firefight, The Trial – NYC

Join the Committee

NYSACDL standing committees are chaired by members in good standing who are appointed by the President. Committee membership is a rewarding opportunity for members to network with colleagues throughout the state and to explore various issues in depth. Members are invited to join committees to further the important work of our association. If you are interested in joining a standing committee (listed below), please contact the committee chair or the Executive Director’s office: jlvanort@nysacdl.org, 518-443-2000, for more information.


Co-Chairs: Timothy Murphy (Timothy_Murphy@fd.org), Richard Willstatter (willstatter@msn.com) Members: Steven Epstein, Mark Fernich, Alan Lewis, Claudia Trupp


Chairs: Lori Cohen (locohen@aol.com), Timothy Hoover (thoover@hodgsonruss.com) Members: Edgar De Leon, Alice Fontier, James Grable, Renee Hill, Andrew Kossover, Brian Melber


Chair: Steven Epstein (sepstein@barketepstein.com) Members: Michael Baker, Laura Fiorenza, Timothy W. Hoover, Andy Kossover, Yung-Mi Lee, Allison McGahay, Brian Melber, Peter Mitchell, Kenneth Moynihan, Timothy Murphy, John S. Wallenstein, Richard Willstatter, Robert Wells


Chair: John Wallenstein (JSWallensteinesq@outlook.com) Members: James Grable, Timothy Hoover, Arnold Levine, Elizabeth Macedonio, Brian Melber, Kenneth Moynihan, Donald Thompson, Richard Willstatter


Chair: Alan Lewis (Lewis@clm.com) Members: Lori Cohen, Edgar De Leon, Andrew Kossover


Chair: Michael Baker (mbaker@co.broome.ny.us) Members: Stephanie Batcheller, Alice Fontier, Jessica Horani, Mark Hosken, Arnold Levine, Greg Lubow, Jill Paperno, Craig Schlanger, Donald Thompson, Karen Thompson, Mark Williams


Chair: Greg Lubow (gdlubow@gmail.com) Members: John Ingrassia, Tucker Stanclift


Chair: Timothy Hoover (thoover@hodgsonruss.com) Members: Marc Fernich, Alice Fontier, Jill Paperno, Richard Willstatter


Chair: Kevin Stadelmaier (kstadelmaier@legalaidbuffalo.org) Members: Derek Andrews, Lori Cohen, Alice Fontier, Jessica Horani, Scott Iseman, Andy Kossover, Yung-Mi Lee, Alan Lewis, Greg Lubow, Amy Marion, Kenneth Moynihan


Chair: Donald Rehkopf (usmilitarylaw@gmail.com) Members: Kenneth Moynihan, Andre Vitale, Mark Williams


Chair: Edgar De Leon (edl@thedeleonfirmpllc.com) Members: Steven Epstein, Timothy W. Hoover, Lindsay Lewis, Greg Lubow, Karen Newirth


Co-Chairs: Ben Ostrer (ostrerben@aol.com), John Wallenstein (JSWallensteinesq@outlook.com) Members: Cheryl Meyers Buth, Alan Lewis, Timothy Murphy, Russell Schindler


Co-Chairs: Susan Walsh (SWalsh@Vladeck.com), Arnold Levine (nyccrimlaw@aol.com)


Chair: Scott Iseman (siseman@oalaw.com) Members: Joshua Dratel, James Grable, Timothy Hoover, Alan Lewis, Brian Melber


Co-Chairs: Lori Cohen (locohen@aol.com), Lindsay Lewis (llewis@joshuadratel.com)

NYSACDL Membership

The Largest Criminal Defense Bar Association in New York State



Timothy W. Hoover, Buffalo


Alice Fontier, Manhattan


Brian Melber, Buffalo


Steven B. Epstein, Garden City James W. Grable, Jr., Buffalo Yung-Mi Lee, Brooklyn Timothy P. Murphy, Buffalo Russell A. Schindler, Kingston


Edgar De Leon, Manhattan


Alan S. Lewis, Manhattan


Jennifer Ciulla Van Ort, Albany


Daniel Arshack Wayne C. Bodden Peter E. Brill Lori Cohen Anthony J. Colleluori Terrence M. Connors Anthony Cueto Gerard M. Damiani Telesforo Del Valle, Jr. Joshua L. Dratel Russell M. Gioiella Lawrence S. Goldman Renee Hill E. Stewart Jones, Jr. Kathryn M. Kase Ray Kelly Lee Kindlon Terence L. Kindlon Seth H. Kretzer Gerald B. Lefcourt David L. Lewis Thomas F. Liotti Scott Lockwood Zachary Margulis-Ohnuma Florian Miedel Aaron J. Mysliwiec Brian Joseph Neary Thomas J. O’Hern Benjamin Ostrer Paul D. Petrus Frank Policelli Murray Richman Stacey Richman Joel B. Rudin Todd J.W. Wisner


George Goltzer Kevin D. O’Connell


James A. Baker Paul M. Callahan Joseph R. DeMatteo Brian J. DeSesa Karen L. Dippold Michael G. Dowd


Mario F. Gallucci David I. Goldstein Trevor W. Hannigan James P. Harrington Daniel J. Henry, Jr. Michael D. Horn John Ingrassia Isabelle A. Kirshner Robert P. Leighton Greg D. Lubow Christopher X. Maher Mark J. Mahoney Michael P. McDermott Oscar Michelen Kenneth Moynihan Steven K. Patterson Roland G. Riopelle Anastasios Sarikas Oliver S. Storch Vivian Storch Cannon Scott B. Tulman John S. Wallenstein Susan J. Walsh Richard D. Willstatter James W. Winslow


Rebekah Sokol


Vanessa Burdick Tahanee Dunn Mariam Hinds My Le Filaree Moore Naomi Oberman-Breindel Olivia Scheck Alexandra Valdez


Dan Delbridge


Brendon Riley


J. Justin Woods


Kayla Hardesty


Anthony Burger Anthony Cillis James Coughlan Gerardo Gutierrez Ronald McGaw Kent Pritchard


James Richard Maloney Lillian Medina-Zelazny Susan C. Ministero Mark Sacha Claudia S. Schultz Michael Stachowski Jane I. Yoon


Michael C. Viscosi


Veronica M. Kosich


Arthur Louis Aidala Alexandra Bonacarti Jacqueline Caruana Maryanne Kaishian Igor B. Litvak Al O’Connor Bert Roughton Alison Stocking Iris Ying


Drew DuBrin


Louise Hochberg Michael Gerard Postiglione


Virginia Alvarez Joseph Z. Amsel Khiabeth Burgos Thomas Dollar David Gray Phillip Hamilton Seymour W. James Danielle Lerro Michael L. Marley Joseph Daniel McBride Peter Rounds Mitchell Mildred Morillo George Santangelo Steven Schiesel Hanna Shoshany Luis M. Torres Juan Vera Michael Vitaliano


Michael Kerwin Gary Pieples


Delton Caraway Heather Crimmins Nancy Farrell Alicia Grasso Kevin Karnyski Jennifer Kehoe Brian Leeds Jonathan Lorge Matthew Mix Bradley Porter


Rebecca King


Heather L. Nickolas


David Squirrell


David Louis Cohen Michelle Minkin Dennis B. O’Sullivan Christopher Van Zele


Patrick Carle Alvin Spitzer SARATOGA

Alex Shmulsky


Gregory Haynes Antonia LoBello Cory Morris Caitlin Ortiz


Andrea L. Gamalski CK Morgan


Mark Diamond


Richard W. Youngman


Paul Hanft Samuel Jones Kevin Kennedy Andrea Loigman Matthew Montana Hannah Robbins Vivian Shevitz Ketienne Telemaques

NYSACDL Member Benefits

MEMBER BIOGRAPHICAL INFORMATION IN OUR MEMBER PROFILE – Members can now include brief biographical information (positions held, bar admissions, schools attended, honors or publications) in our online searchable Membership Directory. This directory is available to the general public and is referenced by those seeking counsel and assistance throughout the state. NYSACDL LISTSERV – NYSACDL offers both a Federal and State Practice Listserv which provide members with invaluable forums in which to pose questions, seek information, exchange ideas and share resources with members statewide. CLE SEMINARS – NYSACDL is an Approved Provider accredited by the New York State CLE board. We sponsor numerous CLE seminars during the year throughout the state at reduced rates for members. Practical nuts and bolts topics alongside cutting edge issues make our CLE programs invaluable to new members as well as those with years of trial experience. Our speakers are among the most respected and experienced criminal defense attorneys and leading experts in the country. NCDC SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM – NYSACDL members in good standing are eligible to apply for the Twelve Angry Men scholarship to the annual National Criminal Defense College in Macon, Georgia.

LEGISLATIVE ADVOCACY – NYSACDL’s Legislative Committee, working with a retained lobbyist, develops and pursues positions on legislative issues relating to the criminal justice system thereby providing a respected voice of the defense bar in Albany. Members have an avenue to become involved and stay informed. Our members were involved in the recent reforms of the Rockefeller Drug Laws. AMICUS BRIEFS – NYSACDL provides amicus assistance on issues of particular import. COMMITTEE MEMBERSHIP – NYSACDL committees are active in areas throughout the state and work on issues vital to strengthening the criminal defense community. Membership on a committee provides an excellent opportunity to pursue specific interests, serve the criminal defense bar and to network with lawyers throughout the state. MENTORING AND STRIKE FORCE ASSISTANCE – NYSACDL members provide mentoring and assistance for other members. If a question or need arises, a member will be there to give assistance. NYSACDL members are ready to step in to help other members who are subpoenaed, threatened with contempt, or otherwise under attack for the vigorous representation of the accused.

Membership Application Please print or type

Name: _____________________________________________________ Firm Name: _________________________________________________ Address:____________________________________________________ City/State/Zip: ____________________ County: ____________________ Phone:__________________________ Fax: _______________________ Email:______________________________________________________ Website:____________________________________________________ Bar Admission State:_______________ Year Admitted: _______________

Please circle membership type *All memberships include $15 donation to the NYSACDL Foundation, Inc. o Please check here to remove.

Lifetime Member $2,525. Quarterly pymts over 2 years $316.25 President’s Club $575. Sustaining Member $345. Regular Member $245. Income over $50,000 or In practice over 5 years New or Part-Time Attorney Member $160. Income under $50,000 or In practice less than 5 years Full-time Public Defender $160. Allied Professional Member $220. Non-lawyers who assist in the defense of criminal cases (consultants, investigators, etc.) Retired Attorney $105. Recent Law School Alumni (less than one year since completion) $80. School: ________________________ Graduation date: ________ Law Student Free

Membership dues can be paid by check or charged to American Express, MasterCard, Visa, or Discover Please charge to my credit card. Credit card #:

Our Mission

NYSACDL is dedicated to protecting the rights of criminal defendants through a strong, unified, and well-trained criminal defense bar. Our guiding principle is that vigorous defense is the strongest bulwark against error and injustice in the criminal justice system. In an era when the United States has the highest incarceration rate in the world, we expand on the question most often posed to our members and ask “how can we defend those people most effectively?”

NYSACDL’s goals are to: n Serve as a leader and partner in advancing humane criminal justice policy and legislation.







Promote the rights of criminal defendants through the adoption of policy positions, targeted concerted action, and the submission of amicus briefs on issues of significance to the fair administration of criminal justice and the protection of civil liberties. Advocate for individual and systemic accountability in the criminal justice system, with a particular emphasis on instances of judicial and prosecutorial misconduct. Develop a broad, inclusive and vibrant membership of private criminal defense practitioners and public defenders throughout New York State. Provide a forum for our members to exchange ideas and information, with a particular emphasis on mentoring those who are new to the profession. Provide quality continuing legal education to our members through live programs, a comprehensive and easily-accessible briefs and motions bank, e-alerts and website updates with new developments, and articles in our quarterly publication, Atticus. Defend our members in professional emergencies and honor their achievements through articles on our website and in Atticus, and awards at our annual dinner

Exp. date: Signature of applicant: Date: _____________________________CVV code_____________ Billing Address: ___________________________________________

Please make your check payable to NYSACDL and send it to: NYSACDL Office, 90 State Street, Suite 700, Albany, New York 12207 Fax: 888-239-4665

NYSACDL Online Video CLE Seminars Earn CLE credit quickly and conveniently from the comfort of your office or home with NYSACDL’s online video CLE seminars. These video reproductions of some of our most popular recent CLE seminars are sure to fulfill your educational needs for a great price! Available for purchase at www.NYSACDL.org • Individual Presentations $25/Credit Hour • Series Packages $50-$150

Topic Areas Available Include:

Alcohol & Drug Related Cases

Featured Faculty Include Marc Fernich, Esq John Ingrassia, Esq. Arnold Levine, Esq. Aaron Mysliwiec, Esq. Hon. Patricia Nunez Karen Smolar, Esq. Lisa Schreibersdorf, Esq.

Sentencing & Appeals

Featured Faculty Include Donna Aldea, Esq. Hon. Mark R. Dwyer Eunice Lee, Esq. Claudia Trupp, Esq. Patricia Wrath, Esq.

Direct & Cross Examination Including Expert Witnesses

Featured Faculty Include Samuel Adam, Jr., Esq. James Benjamin, Esq. Benjamin Brafman, Esq. Terrence Connors, Esq. Richard Convertino, Esq. Peter Gerstenzang, Esq. Jay Goldberg, Esq. George R. Goltzer, Esq. Susan Kellman, Esq. Ray Kelly, Esq. Susan Necheles, Esq. Peter Quijano, Esq. Roland Riopelle, Esq John Rosen, Esq. Russell Schindler, Esq. Gerald Shargel, Esq. Wesley Serra, Esq Bobbi Sternheim, Esq. Donald M. Thompson, Esq.


Featured Faculty Include Donald G. Rehkopf, Jr., Esq. Michael Ross, Esq. Yvonne Shivers, Esq.

Federal Practice

Featured Faculty Include Marc Agnifilo, Esq. Helen Cantwell, Esq. Amy Millard, Esq. Richard Willstatter, Esq.

Forensic & Scientific Evidence

Featured Faculty Include John Cunha, Esq. Alan Gardner, Esq. Jessica Goldthwaite, Esq. Shilpy Goswami, Esq. Jerry Grant Professor Maria Hartwig Allison Lewis, Esq. Mark Loudon-Brown, Esq. Amy B. Marion, Esq. Professor Erin Murphy, Esq. Benjamin Ostrer, Esq. Marvin Schechter, Esq. Mark L. Taff, MD Richard Torres, Esq.

Media Related Cases

Featured Faculty Include Daniel Arshack, Esq. Bruce Barket, Esq.

Registration date coming soon? NYSACDL Video Seminars provide a quick, easy & inexpensive way to complete your credits for BOTH New York & New Jersey. NYSACDL Members Receive One Free Hour of Video CLE Per Calendar Year – Take Advantage of Yours Today!

90 State Street, Suite 700 Albany, New York 12207

Phone: 518-443-2000 Fax: 888-239-4665 atticus@nysacdl.org www.nysacdl.org


“Miss Jean Louise, stand up. Your father’s passin’.” Townsfolk stand and pay their respects to Atticus Finch after the jury conviction of Tom Robinson in one of the most poignant scenes of Harper Lee’s great American classic To Kill a Mockingbird.

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