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October 6, 2013 Dear Exhibitor: It is almost time to register for the 2014 Suppliers’ Day show, sponsored by the NY Chapter of the Society of Cosmetic Chemists. This two day event is a great opportunity to present new products, as well as discuss the latest innovations with technical, marketing and business associates from around the world. Thanks to your past support and participation, NYSCC Suppliers’ Day has become the largest event of its kind globally! The show will take place on Tuesday, May 13 and Wednesday, May 14, 2014 at the NJ Convention and Expo Center in Edison, NJ. Show Hours: Tuesday, 9am – 4:30pm and Wednesday, 9:00am – 4:00pm. Booth spaces are 10x10 ft. and will include the following: • • • • • • • •

Standard carpeting 8’ high background drape 3’ high side rail 6’ skirted table 2 chairs 1 electrical outlet 1 Exhibitor ID sign Exhibitor Badges

Booth registration will open on the NYSCC Suppliers’ Day website on October 15, 2013 at 9am. Companies have the option of booth registration online with payment via credit card or check. Booth assignments are placed on a first paid, first served basis. Please visit and click on the Suppliers’ Day link on October 15. Please note that all attendees must be at least 18 years of age. No one under 18 will be admitted. *Please be sure to mark your calendar for October 15 at 9am, as there will not be another reminder prior to the opening of registration. In past years the show has sold out prior to December.* Please review the show information which follows this letter for more detailed information including deadlines, fees and the New Technology Showcase. On behalf of the Suppliers’ Day Committee and the New York SCC Chapter, we would like to thank you for your continued support of the show. Sincerely,

Danielle Kennedy Suppliers’ Day Chair 2014

Show Information Show Production Company: Curtin Creative Productions will be handling registration and production of the 2014 show. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Carolyn Curtin by e-mail at or By phone: (800) 455-0445. Booth Registration: Booth registration begins on October 15, 2013. Booth assignments are done on a first paid, first served basis. The registration deadline is Thursday, January 2nd, 2014. Registrations submitted after the deadline will be subject to a late fee. Companies have the option of online booth registration with payment via credit card. Please see details for this method of registration and payment on the website, (click on the Suppliers’ Day link). If you have not opted for online booth registration and credit card payment, please send a completed booth registration form printed from the website and full payment by check (Made payable to NYSCC) to the address below: NYSCC Suppliers’ Day Committee c/o Kristine Van Iderstine SKC & Company, LLC 1 Mars Court, Suite 1 Boonton Township, NJ 07005 Please note that all reservations will not be confirmed and locked into a specific date until payment is received (on-line or via check). All checks are to be made payable to the NYSCC. Absolutely no reservations will be accepted by telephone or fax. There will be a 50% cancellation fee assessed after January 2nd, 2014. There will be no refunds after February 15th, 2014. There are a limited number of double booth end caps available this year. Please be sure to register for this space early! As in previous years, there is a maximum allowance of six booth spaces per corporation. This six space allowance will encompass all of a corporation’s affiliated companies, divisions, exclusive distributors, partners and joint ventures. There will be a limited number of islands available to accommodate the four and six space block requests, so please make sure to specify your booth configuration accurately (i.e. six spaces in a row or six spaces as an island). See diagrams on the registration form. All exhibits and promotional activities are subject to the approval of the Suppliers’ Day Committee and must be in accordance with the New Jersey Convention and Expo Center’s floor plan. The New Jersey Convention and Expo Center has an 18’ height limitation for island booths and the booth structures, banners, balloons, etc. are not allowed to exceed this limit. All other booth configurations (peninsulas, single booths, linear booths, end caps) will have a maximum 10’ height limitation. This rule has been implemented so exhibitors will not obstruct the view of neighboring companies. Large and non-

transparent walls may not be used in your booth configuration if it will in any way obstruct the view of neighboring booth displays. As you consider booth themes, please remember that the NYSCC prides itself on providing technical information in a professional manner. It is at the Suppliers’ Day Committee’s discretion to determine if any display and/or entertainment is deemed inappropriate, and if so, your company will be asked to discontinue the entertainment for the duration of the show. To avoid any last minute changes to your displays and presentations, please consult with the Committee well in advance of the show dates. Included on the website is a floor plan of the New Jersey Convention and Expo Center (click on the Suppliers’ Day link). On your application, please indicate in which area you would like your booth to be placed. Upon receipt of your registration form and full payment, we will make every effort to accommodate your booth location request. *If a request comes in from a company asking to have another company’s booth located next to theirs, this request will be honored to the best of our ability, but the location will be based upon the date of the last payment received. It is recommended that both payments arrive together so that all companies involved can have their requests honored fairly. Late Registration: Booth registration received after January 2nd, 2014 will be online only via credit card. Any company registering after January 2nd, 2014 will be assessed a late fee of $500 and cannot be guaranteed a booth and/or specific location. Sponsorship Once again, there will be many opportunities and levels of sponsorship. The details will be listed on the website: Torch of Technology This is an opportunity to showcase your newest technologies in a separate room designed to focus on Innovation. Please visit for details. Booth Assignments Notification of booth assignments is expected to be on a monthly basis. A copy of the floor plan with updated booth availabilities will be accessible on the website. Badge Registration Badge registration will be available online at (click on the Suppliers’ Day link). We strongly encourage exhibitors to bring their badges with them or to pick up replacement badges on Monday, May 12th during set-up to avoid waiting in long lines during show hours. International Shipping: Please ship your materials to the Exhibition Site in a timely manner to avoid delays. Please contact Kelly Connors - for additional information

Exhibitor Services Kit This kit will be sent under separate cover from the New Jersey Convention & Expo Center. Exhibitor Set-up: Exhibitor Set-up will take place on Monday May 12th from 9:00 am – 5:00 pm. Food and Beverages: A complimentary buffet lunch will be provided from 11:00 AM to 2:00 PM, on both days of the show. There will be several beverage stations and coffee bars available to all those exhibiting and attending. Exhibitors are reminded that they are prohibited from serving alcohol, in any form, during this event. Prizes The NYSCC will not be accepting any donated prizes from the exhibitors. The NY Chapter will be giving away prizes drawn from pre-registered exhibitors and attendees. There is also a day-of raffle for National SCC Continuing Education Course certificates and Center for Professional Advancement courses. Individual suppliers may still choose to have their own prize(s) at their booth space. Each supplier is limited to prize(s) totaling a $500 maximum for the 2-day event. Suppliers will be responsible for distributing their booth prizes to the winners. Press Releases Several press releases, via E-mail blast, will be sent throughout the year. They will include information regarding new additions/services designed to improve and enhance the show. Please make note that many people opted to ignore e-mails in previous years and thereby missed out on several important updates. Please make every effort to open and read any email from or If you would like to receive future press releases, be sure to provide your e-mail address on the registration form or on the contact info update form at, (click on the Suppliers’ Day link). Special Notes #1: Hospitality suites at neighboring hotels are encouraged by the SCC. However, any supplier, who demonstrates new products or new technology in their hospitality suite during show hours (9am to 5pm), will be banned from participating in any future NYSCC Suppliers’ Day. #2: In an effort to be fair to all exhibitors and their displays, booths may not employ the use of large solid walls that will obstruct the view of any neighboring booths, regardless of height. Any company found to be in violation of this rule will be asked to remove the obstructing display and be subject to exclusion of participation from all future Suppliers’ Day shows. Any questions regarding this rule should be addressed to Carolyn Curtin.

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