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Multi-Targeted Solution for Mitigating Acne-Affected Skin

Martin Vethamuthu (Sytheon)

Acne is a multifactorial disease that affects the pilosebaceous unit of the skin Der matologists have shown that the pathophysiology of acne disease is a permutation of follicular hyper-keratinization, microbial colonization, sebum production, inflammation, and post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation

As a result, there are many different etiologies of acne, including acne cosmetica, acne mechanica, and hor monal acne in this category been rationally designed to overcome all major targets in acne-care therapy while preventing any post become plugged, skin bacteria begin to grow inside the sebaceous glands leading to inflammation manifested as cysts and papules The first strategy with Synactin AC is to minimize inflammation and i m p ro v e sebum quality need to be controlled. The final strategy is to target anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory pathways that can reduce or prevent serious acne breakouts, hyperpigmentation spots, and scarring of skin.

Clinically, an acne control lotion with Synactin AC showed significant reduction of whiteheads, blackheads, and number of total acne lesions in a six-week pilot anti-acne study The study also demonstrated reduction in erythema, post inflammatory hyperpigmented spots, and improvements in pores as well as the overall texture and appearance of skin n Martin Vethamuthu, Ph.D.

Dr. Martin Vethamuthu is the R&D Director at Sytheon Ltd. Martin ear ned his Ph D in Colloid Science from the University of Uppsala, Sweden and has over 24 years of experience specializing in new product innovations and multifunctional active ingredients for skincare, hair care, fragrances, and functional foods. At Sytheon, Martin’s big thrust is on the research and innovation of a powerful and unique portfolio of antioxidants inspired by nature with proven perfor mance for personal care applications

Lipidated Glycines as an Alternative to Conventional Anti-Acne Ingredients

Sabrina Behnke, Ph.D. and Anneliese Schlick (TRI-K Industries)

Lipidated glycines represent a mild and skin friendly alter native to conventional, monographed anti-acne ingredients such as salicylic acid and benzoyl peroxide Our data shows excellent activity of a capryloyl glycine and undecylenoyl glycine mixture (tradename: Galguard LipoG) in time kill studies against Cutibacterium acnes as well as in clinical studies on volunteers [measured as the overall reduction volume (mm3) of acne]. Lipidated glycines are known for their 5α reductase efficacy, helping to regulate sebum on the skin while keeping the skin pH at a level beneficial for microbiome health However, lipidated glycines bring additional benefits to for mulations as they help with production protection and reduce the amount of preservative that needs to be added The molecules are produced by a patented green chemistry process, featuring 100% atom economy, non-hazardous reagents, and a biodegradable catalyst. Galguard LipoG is a skin-friendly, sustainable alternative to conventionally used ingredients n Anneliese Schlick

Anneliese Schlick is a Product Management Specialist for Modern Preservatives at TRI-K Industries. Anneliese manages product portfolios and product marketing initiatives as well as facilitating moder n preservative business development She obtained her master’s degree in Cosmetic Science at Fairleigh Dickinson University in an accelerated 4+1 program Even at a young age, Anneliese had a passion for cosmetics and skin care, but most importantly the art of transfor ming people’s inner beauty onto the exterior W ith her passion, she has developed three years of sales experience and has expansive consumer knowledge of the beauty industry. This allows her to flourish at TRI-K Industries while collaborating with Marketing and the Business team to provide the best raw materials and for mulations to customers.

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