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NYSCC Suppliers’ Day 2015 Rules and Regulations

1. Contract: This application properly executed by Applicant (Exhibitor) shall upon written acceptance by New York Society of Cosmetic Chemists (Show Management) constitute a valid and binding contract. It is understood by both parties that the signatures on the contract are made by those with full authority to do so, therefore binding the Exhibiting Company and Show Management to all contractual terms. No change in employment status will exempt the Exhibiting Company or Show Management from fulfilling the terms of the contract as agreed upon by the signatories. Show Management reserves the right to render all interpretations and to establish further regulations as may be deemed necessary for the general success of the exhibition. It is further agreed that the conditions, rules and regulations as herein stated and as outlined in the Exhibitor Service Manual are made a part hereof as though fully incorporated herein, and that the said Exhibitor agrees to be bound by each and every one thereof. 2. Use of Space: Show Management reserves the right to decline, prohibit or expel an exhibit which, in its judgment, is out of keeping with the character of the exhibition, this reservation being all inclusive as to persons, things, printed matter, product, conduct, sound level, etc. Distribution of advertising material and Exhibitor solicitations of any sort shall be restricted to the Exhibitor’s booth. Exhibitor’s display or product may not extend beyond the limits of the Exhibitor’s booth and part of any exhibit or product may not extend into any aisle. No Exhibitor shall so arrange his exhibit so as to obscure or prejudice adjacent Exhibitors in the opinion of Show Management. Any provision of refreshments to the public by Exhibitors must be approved by Show Management and in keeping with the catering regulations of the facility and confined to the booth space rented by the Exhibitor. No Exhibitor shall assign or sublet any part of his assigned space without the consent of Show Management in writing. Any space not occupied by the time set for completion of installation of displays will be reassigned at the discretion of Show Management. Deposit will be forfeited unless special arrangements have been approved by Show Management. Exhibitor will keep his exhibit open and staffed at all times during the show hours. BOOTHS/STANDS—Each 10’x10’ booth includes:1 electrical connection (2 outlets), 8 Exhibitor badges, Black wall-to-wall carpeting, 8' high back drape in black, 3' high side rails, drape in gray , 6' skirted table in black, 2 chairs, wastebasket and Booth ID sign. If an Exhibitor plans to install a constructed display no part thereof shall so project as to obstruct the view of adjacent booths. No display or its contents may exceed a height of 8’ nor may the side walls be higher than 4’ within a distance halfway between the back wall and aisle. Raw wood, cardboard or similar material for wings to booths must be covered or painted if they are visible in adjacent booths. Failure to comply with the rules and regulations of this contract and as stated in the Exhibitor Service manual will result in the alteration or removal of the booth at the Exhibitor’s expense. Rental fees for services and exhibit space are not refundable. Exhibitors shall be bound by all pertinent laws, codes and regulations of municipal or other authorities having jurisdiction over the exhibit facility or the conducting of said exhibit, together with the rules and regulations of the owners and/or operators of the facility in which the exhibition is held. Exhibitor must provide Show Management with a Liability insurance certificate for $1,000,000 indicating Show Management, NJ Exposition & Convention Center and Metro Exposition Services, its employees and agents as additional insured. 3. Payment: No booth space reservation contract will be accepted or assigned without 100% payment. All booth registrations will not be confirmed and locked into a specific date until payment is received (on-line or via check). All checks are to be made payable to the NYSCC. Absolutely no reservations will be accepted by telephone or fax. 4. Cancellation: REFUND POLICY—There will be a 50% cancellation fee assessed after January 2, 2015. There will be no refunds after February 13, 2015.

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NYSCC Suppliers’ Day 2015 Rules and Regulations 5. Insurance: Exhibitors must carry workers’ compensation, comprehensive general liability including products and completed operations, independent contractors, personal injury, and blanket contractual liability in the amount not less than $1,000,000.00. Prior to taking possession of booth space on show site, the Exhibitor must submit proof of required coverage to Show Management in the form of a Certificate of Insurance which names Show Management and NYSCC Suppliers’ Day 2015 as the Certificate Holder for the dates of the contracted period. The EXHIBITING COMPANY’S NAME AND BOOTH NUMBER(S) must be referenced on the certificate for the certificate to be accepted as valid by Show Management. While the exhibition provides security guards, this is solely as an accommodation to Exhibitors, and Show Management assumes no responsibility for any loss, damage or injury to any property of the Exhibitor or to any of its officers, agents, employees or contractors, whether attributable to accident, fire, theft or any other cause whatsoever. The Exhibitor expressly agrees to save and hold harmless Show Management, its officials, agents and employees from any and all claims, liabilities and losses for injuries to persons (including death) or damage to property arising in connection with Exhibitor’s use of the exhibit space. 6. Available Services: On behalf of the Exhibitors, Show Management has designated official Exposition Contractors to provide the following: drayage, cartage, furniture, booth and floor decoration, signs, hanging banners, photographs, internet and audio visual services. Services of electricians, plumbers, carpenters and other labor will be available and charged for at the then prevailing rates. Contractors and rates will be listed in the Exhibitor Service Manual to be issued separately. Show Management assumes no responsibility or liability for any of the services performed or materials delivered by the foregoing persons, parties and organizations. Arrangements for these services and payments are to be made between Exhibitors and official Exposition Contractors. Rules and regulations for union labor are made by the local unions and these regulations may be changed at any time. Where union labor is required because of building or contractor requirements, Exhibitor agrees to comply with the regulations. 7. Protection of Facilities: Nothing shall be posted on, tacked, nailed, screwed, or otherwise attached to the columns, walls, floors, or other parts of the convention hall exhibit area without permission from the proper building authority. Distribution of promotional gummed stickers or labels is strictly prohibited. Fluids, caustic or staining, must not be used where they may damage floor coverings. Packing, unpacking and assembly of exhibits shall be done only in designated areas and in conformity with directions of the Exhibit Manager, the convention hall manager or their assistants. 8. Installation and Dismantling: The specific requirements as to time for installation and dismantling of exhibits shall be as set forth in the Exhibitor Service Manual supplied to each Exhibitor for this particular exhibition. Such requirements shall be binding upon the Exhibitor as though fully set forth herein. No children under the age of 16 are permitted on the exhibit hall floor during the exhibition, decorator installation or dismantling. 9. License: In the event Exhibitor intends to play or display any music or other material protected by U.S. Copyright Laws, it shall obtain necessary licenses from the proper licensing agency. A copy of such license shall be furnished to Show Management. Exhibitor will indemnify and hold Show Management safe and harmless from any claims, including costs and attorneys’ fees arising from the actual or alleged unauthorized use of such materials. 10. Conflict of Interest: By completing and signing the Exhibitor Contract for booth space rental at NYSCC Suppliers’ Day, the Exhibitor declares himself to be familiar with the objective of the event which includes conferences and exhibition, and agrees to support the objective by participating in full measure, specifically by not scheduling meetings, conferences, or social gatherings which would be in direct conflict to those scheduled by Show Management on the Exhibitor’s behalf. The Exhibitor agrees that at no time will he seek to rent space within the facility from the date of installation through to include the date of dismantling without written permission of Show Management.

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NYSCC Suppliers’ Day 2015 Rules and Regulations 11. Infringement: Exhibitor agrees not to display, offer for sale or sell any goods or services which constitute an act of unfair competition, or are an infringement of any third party’s intellectual property rights, including but not limited to copyright, patent right, or trademark right. Exhibitors assume liability for all contents and claims of exhibit products and services, and agree to indemnify Show Management for any and all claims or lawsuits arising from libel, plagiarism etc., which may be predicated on the contents of the exhibit. 12. Operation of Displays: Show Management reserves the right to restrict the operation of, or evict completely, any exhibit which, in its sole opinion, detracts from the general character of the exposition as a whole. This includes, but is not limited to, an exhibit which, because of noise, flashing lights, method of operation, display of unsuitable material, is determined by Show Management to be objectionable to the successful conduct of the exposition as a whole. Use of so-called “barkers” or “pitchmen” is strictly prohibited. All demonstrations or other promotional activities must be confined to the limits of the exhibit space. Sufficient space must be provided within the exhibit space for the comfort and safety of persons watching demonstrations and other promotional activities. Each Exhibitor is responsible for keeping the aisles near its exhibit space free of congestion caused by demonstrations or other promotions. Booth Height Restrictions: The New Jersey Convention and Expo Center has an 18’ height limitation from the floor for island booths and the booth structures, banners, balloons, etc. are not allowed to exceed this limit. This does not include hanging signs. All other booth configurations (peninsulas, single booths, linear booths, end caps) will have a maximum 8’ height limitation. This rule has been implemented so exhibitors will not obstruct the view of neighboring companies. The New Jersey Convention & Exposition Center is a smoke free facility. The NYSCC prides itself on providing technical information in a professional manner. It is at the Suppliers’ Day Committee’s discretion to determine if any display and/or entertainment are deemed inappropriate, and if so, your company will be asked to discontinue the entertainment for the duration of the show. To avoid any last minute changes to your displays and presentations, please consult with the Committee no later than 30 days prior to the opening of the exposition. Contests, Drawings & Lotteries: All unusual promotional activities must be approved in writing by Show Management no later than 60 days prior to the opening of the exposition. Each Exhibitor is limited to prize(s) totaling a $500 maximum for the 2-day event. Exhibitors will be responsible for distributing their booth prizes to the winners. The NYSCC will be giving away prizes drawn from pre-registered exhibitors and attendees. The NYSCC will not be accepting any donated prizes from the exhibitors. There is also a day-of raffle for National SCC Continuing Education Course certificates and Center for Professional Advancement courses. Literature Distribution: All demonstrations or other activities must be confined to the limits of the Exhibitor’s booth space. Distribution of circulars may be made only within the space assigned to the Exhibitor distributing such materials. No advertising circulars, catalogs, folders, or devices shall be distributed by Exhibitors in the aisles, meeting rooms, registration areas, lounges, or grounds of the host facility. Trade publishers are prohibited from soliciting advertising during the Show. Trade publications may be distributed from their booth, but automatic distribution is prohibited. Samples: Exhibitors, who sell, giveaway, or sample beverages and food, including water, must have a permit and pay all appropriate fees with the Edison Health department. Sound: Exhibits which include the operation of musical instruments, radios, sound projection equipment, or any noisemaking machines must be conducted or arranged so that the noise resulting from the demonstration will not annoy or disturb adjacent exhibitors and their patrons, nor cause the aisles to be blocked. Operators of noisemaking exhibits must secure approval of operating methods before the exhibit opens. Serving alcohol in any form is prohibited.

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NYSCC Suppliers’ Day 2015 Rules and Regulations 13. Exhibits & Public Policy: Each Exhibitor is charged with knowledge of all laws, ordinances and regulations pertaining to health, fire prevention and public safety, while participating in this expo. Compliance with such laws is mandatory for all Exhibitors and the sole responsibility is that of the Exhibitor. Show Management and service contractors have no responsibility pertaining to the compliance with laws as to public policy as far as individual Exhibitor’s space, materials and operation is concerned. Should an Exhibitor have any questions as to the application of such laws, ordinances and regulations to his exhibit or display, Show Management will endeavor to answer them. All booth decorations including carpeting must be flame-proofed and all hangings must clear the floor. Butane or bottled gas is not permitted. Electrical wiring must conform to National Electrical Code Safety Rules. If inspection indicates any Exhibitor has neglected to comply with these regulations, or otherwise incurs fire hazard, the right is reserved to cancel all or such part of his exhibit as may be irregular, and effect the removal of same at Exhibitor’s expense. Exhibitors must comply with City and State fire regulations. If unusual equipment or machinery is to be installed, or if appliances that might come under fire codes are to be used, the Exhibitor should communicate with Show Management for information concerning facilities or regulations. 14. Union Labor: Exhibitors are required to observe all contracts in effect between Show Management, service contractors, the facility and the labor organizations involved. 15. Storage of Packing Crates and Boxes: Exhibitors will not be permitted to store packing crates and boxes in their booths during the exhibit period; but these, when properly marked, will be stored and returned to the booth by service contractors. It is the Exhibitor’s responsibility to mark and identify his crates. Crates not properly marked or identified may be destroyed. Show Management assumes no responsibility for the contents of crates or boxes improperly labeled as “empty.” Crates, boxes or other exhibit materials unclaimed by the Exhibitor after the Show will be removed at the Exhibitor’s expense. Exhibitors will be billed by Show Management for removal time and materials at prevailing rates. 16. Social Activities: Exhibitor agrees to withhold sponsoring hospitality suites/rooms or other functions during official show activities, including exhibit hours, social functions, educational seminars and any other related activity scheduled by Show Management. 17. Americans with Disabilities Act: Exhibitors acknowledge their responsibilities under the Americans with Disabilities Act (hereinafter “Act”) to make their booths accessible to handicapped persons. Exhibitor shall also indemnify and hold harmless the, Show Management, and facility against cost, expense, liability or damage which may be incident to, arise out of or be caused by Exhibitor’s failure to comply with the Act. 18. Indemnification: Exhibitor agrees to protect and hold Show Management forever harmless from any damage or charges imposed for any violation of any law or ordinance whether occasioned by the negligence of Exhibitor or those holding under the Exhibitor as well as to strictly comply with the applicable terms and conditions contained in the agreement between the facility and Show Management regarding the Exhibition premises; and further Exhibitor shall at all times protect, indemnify and hold harmless Show Management and the facility against and from any or all loss, costs, damages, liability, or expense arising from or out of any accident or other occurrence to anyone, including Exhibitor, its agents, employees and business invitees, which arise from or out of any reason of Exhibitor’s occupancy and use of the exhibition premises or any part thereof. By exhibiting, Exhibitor for and on behalf of itself, its employees, agents, and invitees, release and waives any and all claims, demands or actions against Show Management and the facility and their respective officers, directors, employees and agents resulting from any act or omission of Exhibitor, its employees, agents and invitees. 19. Any and all matters not specifically covered by the preceding rules and regulations shall be subject solely to the decision of Show Management. Show Management shall have sole authority to interpret, amend, and enforce these rules and regulations, provided Exhibitors receive notice of any amendments, when made. Each Exhibitor, and its employees, agrees to abide by the foregoing rules and regulations and by any amendments or additions thereto in conformance with the preceding sentence. Exhibitors or their representatives who fail to observe these conditions or contract or who, in the opinion of Show Management, conduct themselves unethically may be immediately dismissed from the exhibit area without refund or other appeal.

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