Orthopedic Injuries and Diseases at NYSCF

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6.3 Million

Bone Fractures

occur each year in the U.S.

Bone cancer is the


rd most common

cancer in teens; pediatric patients need repeated surgeries as they outgrow their bone grafts

More than

Million 200 People suffer from osteoporosis

Bone defects are normally treated with grafts from another part of the patient’s body, a donor bone bank, or synthetic substitutes. Current bone grafts may cause immune rejection or fail to integrate properly At NYSCF, we can make personalized human bone and cartilage out of a patient’s own cells in a transformational approach to treating injuries and bone-related diseases.

blood or skin cells from patient implanted bone forms nerves, connective tissue, and vasculature

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bone scaffold

bone defect

implant grows and syncs with the body

This stem-cell-derived bone has the potential to easily integrate into a patient’s body because it is generated from the patient themselves. These bone grafts can form nerves, connective tissue, and vasculature, and are less likely to be attacked by the immune system.


ARE THE KEY TO TREATING BONE DEFECTS AND DISEASE BUILDING BONE AND CARTILAGE FROM STEM CELLS At NYSCF, we create personalized bone and cartilage starting with a patient’s own skin or blood sample. We make these samples into stem cells, from which we create bone or cartilage-forming cells that we seed into scaffolds custom-built to match the patient’s defects. A bioreactor then feeds the cells so that the bone can mature and grow into the necessary size and shape. This personalized tissue has the potential to integrate into the body and change along with it, eliminating the need for pediatric patients to frequently replace their grafts as they grow.

FINDING EFFECTIVE DRUGS By creating the human bone and tissue cells affected by diseases such as osteoporosis, we can test novel therapeutics to see which may help to rebuild or maintain bone. In contrast to traditional drug discovery that relies on animal models, NYSCF’s approach is based on human cells, and can determine which types of interventions will work best for which conditions and which patients. This accelerates therapeutic development by advancing drugs that are more likely to work into clinical trials.

OPTIMIZING BONE IMPLANTS Most tissue engineering methods can only create small sections of bone. NYSCF has developed an engineering strategy called Segmental Additive Tissue Engineering (SATE) that allows us to generate larger bone grafts by combining smaller bone sections grown in the laboratory. This opens the door for treating large-scale bone defects. For stem cells to be used in therapies, they have to be manufactured under specialized conditions. We are working to ensure that cells generated in the laboratory meet the safety and quality standards necessary for implanting into patients.



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