Kings and Queens Rally for Safe Staffing and Respect NYC H+H nurses are heating up the summer with actions to demand safe staffing, respect and fair working conditions. On July 22, nurses at Queens Hospital poured out of the hospital, showing off their creative side with handmade signs demanding change. They called for better staffing and an end to bullying and intimidation from management. On July 31, more than 50 Kings County nurses rallied for respect outside of the hospital. Management tried to dampen participation by scheduling another meeting at the same time, but it didn’t discourage nurses from making their voice heard. New York City Council Member Dr. Mathieu Eugene and Alyshia Goodridge, Chief of Staff for Assembly Member Diana Richardson also stopped by the rally to express their strong solidarity and support.
What’s Next Public sector nurses are getting out in the community, letting patients know that we are struggling in our contract to improve their quality of care. On Saturday, August 17, we tabled for Harlem Week, where more than 150 community members signed our petition to support nurses fighting for a fair contract. We will also march in the West Indian Day Parade on September 2, and the NYC Labor Day on September 9 to spread the message of Healthcare Justice for the Other New York and gain even more community and labor support. To join us, contact Nurses are also getting organized for the next bargaining sessions on September 11 and 12. CAT members are circulating our bargaining platform and a petition to demonstrate to H+H management and the City that we are united for safe staffing and a fair contract that nurses and our patients deserve. RSVP to bargaining by emailing henry.rose@nysna. org, and visit to sign the petition!
SAVE THE DATES! Next Bargaining Sessions: Thursday, September 11 Friday, September 12