MAY 2019
Nurses Stand Up for Their Rights at H+H Annual Meetings NYSNA nurses began making their voices heard at H+H Annual Board Meetings in the boroughs. Dozens of nurses who serve the communities of the Bronx packed the room at Jacobi Medical Center on the evening of April 30 to speak out for safe staffing and respect. Nurses from Jacobi, North Central Bronx and Lincoln spoke passionately about the unacceptable staffing levels that leave them feeling like they are abandoning their patients. Thomas Riley, RN, from Jacobi’s ED said, “On most shifts, the AuBonPain café at Jacobi has more staff making sandwiches than we have in the ER. The admin knows about the safety issues and their response to the nurses has been anything from lukewarm to negligent.” On May 7, nurses from Elmhurst, Queens Hospital and Correctional Health packed the room and testified about unsafe staffing levels and workplace violence that is compromising the health of both patients and nurses. Elmhurst LBU President Pauline Williams, RN, played the Bob Marley classic, Get Up Stand Up to rally and energize the nurses.
“I have filled out 19 POAs since the beginning of the year,” explained Yau Li, RN, from Queens Hospital. “The new standard on my unit is 6 plus 1, or 6 plus 2 patients-per-nurse, and we believe this is an unsafe standard.” He then called on members of the H+H Board of Directors to sign onto our campaign for Healthcare Justice for the Other New York. NYC H+H Board members in the Bronx and Queens listened attentively throughout the meetings. Dr. Katz and four members of the board—Sally HernandezPiñero, Robert F. Nolan, Barbara Lowe, RN, and José Pagán—signed onto our contract campaign pledge.
Brooklyn nurses—now it’s your turn! Sign up with your Rep to testify at the next H+H Annual Meeting on June 18 at Woodhull Hospital.