New Convention, New Westchester Team Westchester Medical Center nurses, who recently elected a new Executive Committee and new delegates, came to Convention with more members participating than ever before. Their preparation and enthusiasm reverberated as they led new workshops, brought forth new resolutions and amendments, and participated in debate to make our union more democratic, inclusive and strong. Zina Klein, RN and Westchester Med Grievance Chair explained the new format of the NYSNA Convention: “I love the whole idea of delegates, because it’s bringing more people to the table, and a lot more ideas and perspective from around the state. Nurses from all over the state feel like they have a voice. Every delegate is bringing many voices to the table.” For some facilities in the state, this was the first time nurses participated in the NYSNA Convention. Westchester RNs were excited to network with nurses from some of the smaller upstate facilities, and to welcome the newest members of NYSNA from Albany Medical Center and Putnam Hospital.
There were many new attendees from Westchester Med, as well. Jessica Cronin, RN, was elected as an alternate delegate and stepped up at the last minute to cover a colleague. “It’s an honor to be elected, and it’s very eye-opening” she said. “Being here has given me a bigger picture of nursing and our practice and the things we need to fight for. I’m looking forward to taking this information and sharing it with Westchester nurses and the people on my unit. I feel that’s my job—to let them know what I’ve learned, and to spread the message.” Team Westchester is already setting its sites on 2019. The Executive Committee recently met with a new Chief Nursing Officer at Westchester, Paula Fessler. They’re looking forward to building a good relationship with nurse management and making progress on some issues that remain, like better staff ratios for nurses and ancillary staff, scheduling guidelines, and safety.
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nn An active shooter training developed by the Westchester County Police Department will be tested in February 2019, then rolled out to the nursing staff in March. You will be released to attend the March NYSNA membership meetings, where the trainings will take place.
Progress on Staff Safety NYSNA nurses have been very active since the August 8 active shooter incident at Westchester Medical Center; collecting nurses’ suggestions for improving our collective safety, and working with management to see that our recommendations are implemented. The private safety consultant company hired by the hospital recently concluded its study, finding many of the same flaws that nurses identified. Westchester Med has already started making improvements to key areas of security, including: limiting access, stronger visitation policy/enforcement, weapons screening, and emergency communications and training. A HCCS learning module regarding personal safety reminders/emergency codes and visitation practices will be rolled out in January 2019 to all staff, but some highlights of the new changes include:
nn Patients may receive no more than two visitors between the hours of 11 am to 9 pm. All visitors must wear a pass, and designated support persons must wear a wristband. Security officers will increase rounding and communication with Charge RNs 24/7, especially outside of visiting hours. Security failures should be reported to the head of security: Thomas. You can call x8535 to report disruptive visitors. nn Plain language communications for codes: color codes will still be used, but they will immediately be followed by plain language instructions. We are encouraged by the progress so far, and look forward to seeing even more safety measures in place soon. Some items still in progress include: an organization-wide public announcement system, including cell phone alerts, expanded visitor management system, turnstile or other increased security screening, and limited access points to the hospital. Thank you to all the nurses who participated in making recommendations, engaged in health and safety meetings, and are seeing this process through, so that all nurses can work in the safest environment possible.
New Convention, New Westchester Team, Continued According to Wilma Wynter, RN, “The biggest issue is still short staffing on my unit, not being able to get breaks, the ratio of patients are insane. In Med-Surg, we are supposed to be 1 to 3, but a lot of times we are 1 to 5.” David Long, Westchester Medical Center CCU and LBU 1st Vice President is hoping that nurses bring the excitement and enthusiasm from the Convention back to their units. He concluded, “This is a pivotal time in the healthcare industry—things are changing very quickly, and we need to change with the way hospitals are changing and become stronger as a union. NYSNA is the support, the platform, and the members. Each and every member is NYSNA, and we are the future of nursing!”
There’s a lot happening at Westchester right now. We have a new Chief Nursing Officer, a new Executive Committee, and new delegates, which has gotten more people involved in the union. I want Westchester nurses to know: your union is working hard for you, and good things are happening.” - Zina Klein, RN
A Newsletter for NYSNA RNs at Westchester Medical Center
Know Your Scheduling Guidelines (Non-modified work week/ 7.5 hour shift employees) PENCIL SCHEDULE: 1. A pencil schedule will be placed on the unit a minimum of 6 weeks prior to schedule start date to allow staff to enter time. 2. The pencil schedule will reflect any pre-approved Vacation time, Holiday Time and/ Education Time. 3. Any further requests for HT, MT, Education Time or Vacation Time must be requested on the appropriate “request for time off” form and submitted for approval. The approved slip will be returned to the employee. 4. Each FT, PT, and Agency Contract staff must fill in the pencil schedule by the due date posted on the pencil schedule. Per Diem and Agency Per Diem may place their requested work shifts on the pencil schedule.
SCHEDULING RULES: 1. Each FT, PT, and Agency contract staff may place 6 requests numbered R1-R6 (most to least). There is no guarantee that all requests will be granted. We will make every attempt to honor these requests. • Request may include school days, the day before/after an approved vacation or educational classes. 2. Staff may be scheduled for up to 26 weekends during the calendar year. Weekends consist of Saturday and Sunday. If the employee wishes to split the weekend, the request must be accompanied by a letter stating that they are requesting a split weekend and voluntarily doing so. This will then count as a half weekend and not a full weekend worked. Requests in writing need to be submitted for each schedule. 3. Per diems will schedule for vacant shifts as per CBA language section 5.01. If additional shifts are requested and available, they will be granted after the posting of the schedule
BALANCING: 1. All staff should work cooperatively with their peers to submit a balanced schedule. 2. The scheduler will initially balance the schedule with FT/PT staff first, Agency Contract and Per Diem staff to reach core staffing. If any changes are necessary to balance the schedule the sequence for moving staff is as follows: agency, per diem, full and part time based on seniority. 3. If a shift needs to be filled the scheduler will look first to fill the shift with an employee who has not requested the day off. 4. In the event that a request needs to be denied to fill a vacant shift, consideration will first be given to the employee who has the most need (R1 as opposed to R6). 5. In the event that two people request the same shift with the same priority request (R1) the shift will be granted based on seniority.
POSTING: 1. 1. Changes to a posted schedule may only be done with a completed written request form approved by department leadership. This will be reflected on the posted schedule and/or weekly unit roadmap and communicated with the department time keeper for Kronos entry. 2. A shift vacancy grid will be posted on the unit for staff review within one week after the schedule posting date. Within 2 weeks after schedule is posted, leadership will review vacancy grid and grant requests to work in the following order: • Any PT staff • Per Diem (non- OT up to 2 shifts per week) • WMC FT staff –OT Staff • Per Diem - OT • Agency/Contract Agency - OT 3. Leadership will grant OT requests based on the above guidelines in a fair and equitable manner. 4. Shift changes should be made with the goal to remain budget neutral.
(For more information or to register, ask your NYSNA Rep)
MEMBERSHIP MEETING (7-9AM & 12-2PM) January 2, Taylor Care Conference Hallway
EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Claire Maggio, RN, President Nursing Operations David Long, RN, 1st Vice President CCU Debra Coyne, RN, 2nd Vice President 5N
February 6, NYSNA WMC Office
Corinne Noonan, RN, Grievance Co-Chair 4N
February 7 & 8, NYSNA WMC Office
Deb Cava, RN, Night Chairperson Nursing Supervision
Jayne Cammisa, RN, Secretary NYSNA Release Time Representative
January 16, Main Hospital Cafeteria
March 27 - April 3, Guatamala
Zina Klein, RN, Grievance Chairperson Telehealth
WELCOME NEW MEMBERS! MaryEllen Masilto Utilization Review BHC Justin Wesley TICU
Mellissa Gannon 4S
Olivia McGuire 4S
Mary King 7NE
Michael Stark BHC A2
Lexi Valvano 4S
Janeniz Alba 4S
Damion Toran BHC B3
Allison Dorfman OR
NYSNA WMC Office: Phone 914-493-8329 Fax 914-493-7175 Email Integrated Disability: Phone Lisa Okoro 914-493-2630 Email NYS Retirement System: Phone 866-805-0990 or NYSNA Welfare Funds: Phone 800-537-1237 or Payroll Services Hotline: Phone 914-493-2704 Email Kronos Help Hotline: Phone 914-493-246793 Email Corporate Compliance: Phone 866-545-0038 or 914-493-2600 Personal Protection and Safety Hotline 24/7: Phone 844-492-1321 SPAN: Phone 800-457-7261 WMC Health Benefits: Phone 914-493-7144 Email Aetna Medical/Rx: and Aetna EAP: Teladoc: Cigna Dental: EyeMed Vision: WageWorks FSA & Commuter Benefits: