A Cultural History of Bruce Lee
Daryl Joji Maeda Highlights Bruce Lee’s in uence beyond martial arts and lm
The Lives of Immigrant Sons
Anthony Christian Ocampo e stories of secondgeneration immigrant gay men coming of age in Los Angeles.
Why Asian Americans Don’t Reach the Top of the Corporate Ladder
Margaret M. Chin
A behind-the-scenes examination of Asian Americans in the workplace
Identity, Power, and Justice in an Evolving America
Charmaine L. Wijeyesinghe Illuminates how recent shi s in demographics, policy, culture and thinking have changed how race is understood today
Patsy Takemoto Mink, First Woman of Color in Congress
Judy Tzu-Chun Wu and Gwendolyn Mink
e rst biography of trailblazing legislator Patsy Takemoto Mink, best known as the legislative champion of Title IX
Julia H. Lee Reveals the legacy of the train as a critical site of race in the United States
High-Skilled Workers, Indian Families, and the Failures of the Dependent Visa Program
Pallavi Banerjee
Unravels how US visa laws fail Indian professional workers and their legally dependent spouses and families
Why Good Schools, Good Grades, and Good Behavior Are Not Enough
Pawan Dhingra
An up-close look at the education arms race of a er-school learning, academic competitions, and the perceived failure of even our best schools to educate children
336 PP | CLOTH | $30 9781479812868 456 PP | CLOTH | $35 9781479831920 240 PP | CLOTH | $28 9781479824250 304 PP | PAPER | $30 9781479812776 232 PP | PAPER | $20 9781479842766 336 PP | PAPER | $32 9781479841042 352 PP | PAPER | $19 9781479812660 304 PP | PAPER | $30 9781479801411Queer Aesthetics in New York City
Shanté Paradigm Smalls
Unearths the queer aesthetic origins of NYC hip hop
In Postmillennial Pop
Critical Approaches
Editedby Lori Kido Lopez
A foundational collection of essays that demonstrate how to study race and media
In Critical Cultural Communication
From Gaming Technologies to Model Minorities
Tara Fickle
How games have been used to establish and combat Asian American racial stereotypes
In Postmillennial Pop
The Ends of Asian American Art
Susette Min
Redraws the contours of Asian American art, attempting to free it from a categorization that sti es more than it reveals
The Failed Promise of Muslim Inclusion
Evelyn Alsultany
How diversity initiatives end up marginalizing Arab Americans and US Muslims
Social Media, Feminist Activism, and the Neoliberal Sel e
L. Ayu Saraswati
Explores the perils and promise of feminist social media activism
Race, Erotics, and the Global Rise of Video Games
Christopher B. Patterson Turns to erotics to reinvigorate the potential passions and pleasures of play
In Postmillennial Pop
Edited by S. Heijin Lee, Christina H. Moon and Thuy Linh Nguyen Tu
How transnational modernity is taking shape in and in relation to Asia
In Social and Cultural Analysis
216 PP | PAPER | $28 9781479808205 320 PP | CLOTH | $30 9781479823963 344 PP | PAPER | $30 9781479889310 224 PP | PAPER | $28 9781479808335 272 PP | PAPER | $30 9781479805952 344 PP | PAPER | $35 9781479895908 272 PP | PAPER | $30 9780814764305 320 PP | PAPER | $30 9781479892846The Mission to Change America through Transnational Adoption
Soojin Chung
Explores the role played by missionaries in the twentieth-century transnational adoption movement
Citizenship, Belonging, and the Limits of Assimilation
Dana Y. Nakano
How race shapes the lives of later-generation Japanese Americans
In Asian American Sociology
Korean Children and Women at the Crossroads of US Empire
Susie Woo
An intimate portrait of the postwar lives of Korean children and women
In Nation of Nations
Asian American and Paci c Islander Women
Shirley Hune and Gail M. M. Nomura
An innovative anthology showcasing Asian American and Paci c Islander women’s histories
Cultural Memory and the Korean War
Daniel Y. Kim
Enables a reckoning with the legacy of e Forgotten War through literary and cinematic works of cultural memory
African American Adoption in the Wake of the Korean War
Kori A. Graves e origins of a transnational adoption strategy that secured the future for Korean-black children
How Syrian Immigrants Made a Home in the American Midwest
Edward E. Curtis IV Uncovers the surprising history of Muslim life in the early American Midwest
232 PP | PAPER | $30 9781479808854 336 PP | PAPER | $30 9781479805365 256 PP | PAPER | $30 9781479816378 328 PP | CLOTH | $45 9781479872329 336 PP | PAPER | $32 9781479880539 256 PP | CLOTH | $30 9781479812561 520 PP | PAPER | $35 9781479877010292 PP | PAPER |
Edited by Cathy J. SchlundVials, K. Scott Wong and Linda Trinh Võ
Introduces key terms, research frameworks, debates, and histories for Asian American Studies
In Keywords
280 PP
Asian American Women on Skin Color and Colorism
Nikki Khanna
Heartfelt personal accounts from Asian American women on their experiences with skin color bias, from being labeled “too dark” to becoming empowered to challenge beauty standards
Multiracial People in Interracial Relationships
Melinda Mills
How multiracial people navigate the complexities of race and love
224 PP | PAPER | $20 9781479818259
296 PP | CLOTH | $30 9781479803828
688 PP | PAPER | $35 9781479826223
An Introduction
Richard Delgado and Jean Stefancic
Updated to include the Black Lives Matter movement, the presidency of Barack Obama, the rise of hate speech on the internet, and more
In Critical America
Inequality and Opportunity in Silicon Valley
France Winddance Twine
An inside account of gender and racial discrimination in the hightech industry
A Multidisciplinary Reader
Edited by Min Zhou and Anthony Christian Ocampo e third edition of the foundational volume in Asian American studies
Edited by Shilpa Dave, LeiLani Nishime and Tasha Oren
A toolkit for understanding how Asian Americans in uence, consume and are re ected by mainstream media
464 PP | PAPER | $30 9781479884353
Palimpsests of Nation and Diaspora
Edited by Martin F. Manalansan and Augusto Espiritu
e productive frameworks that open up new archives and innovative landscapes of knowledge for Filipino and Filipino American Studies
$28 9781479803286 | PAPER | $27 9781479800292 312 | PAPER | $30 9781479802418 400 | PAPER | $32