OP RUA More than 5,000 Afghan officers trained
AUMANGEA CLOSES The end of an era
AMPHIB SKILLS HONED: Exercise Joint Waka
NEWS Elijah North dies
PEOPLE Aumangea closes
New command team at 2/1
Mental health battler recognised
Bulls Challenge
SPORT Linton football
Burnham boxers
Linton rugby
Preparing our Army for the Future Operating Environment Tena Koutou Whānau o Ngāti Tūmatauenga. ARMY25 focuses on being modern, agile and adaptable. In 2019 Army confirmed the need to evolve our Army Training System (ATS) to one that is soldier centred and technology enabled which led TRADOC to commence the Army Individual Training Evolution (AITE) project. When developing this project we used the ARMY25 themes transposed into a learning concept. Being modern means incorporating innovative and engaging blended learning solutions. This means both traditional instructor-led learning methods as well as more studentcentric technology-enhanced learning approaches. Being agile and adaptive is about how we can access and deliver learning solutions that best suit our learners.
For the past 18 months TRADOC units have been given opportunities to innovate and ‘fail fast’ in order to rapidly identify what learning techniques, technologies and environments would best suit our Army in the future.The results have been outstanding. So what have we learnt? • You learn better when you understand how you learn • Our instructors need to be part coach, part mentor and part instructor; switching roles dependant on the topic and learning outcome • We still need hard physical training that provides both physical and mental stress thereby improving our physical and mental resilience • We want to be able to access online training anywhere and at any time. This will require continued cooperation and coordination with Defence CIS and Defence College projects • Numerous technologies are available now that can enhance our learning • Some technologies are still too immature or too expensive for use by our Army right now – this will change in time
• Our classrooms / formal learning environments need to be IT enabled and equipped with movable furniture to allow for multiple uses • Most modern learning methods enhance current systems, not replace • We need to target individual course programmes to build capacity and capability • Our people are innovative, passionate and future focussed • We need to grow learning designers and content developers within Army or contract in • Our policies need to evolve in order to allow change in certain areas
environment. The Army Individual Training Evolution will go a long way to achieving this.
• Our recruits and Officer Cadets are already comfortable in the blended learning and digital learning space.
Nga Mihi
I am excited about the future of our Army. Investing in our people and modern learning solutions will ensure we are prepared for the future operating environment. To give our people the cognitive edge to win and the agility to do so, our Army needs to improve its training
WO1 Jason Rapana COMD SM TRADOC (NZ) Place your phone camera on the QR codes for a learning experience.
Cover: An officer talks with his section’s sig during Exercise Ypres (see page 10). Photo: Corporal Dillon Anderson
The Army News is published for the Regular and Territorial Force and civilian staff of the New Zealand Army. Editor: Judith Martin Ph: 021 240 8578 E: Printing: Bluestar, Petone. Design: Vanessa Edridge, DPA, NZDF Editorial contributions and letters are welcomed. They may be sent directly to Army News and do not need to be forwarded through normal command channels. Submit them to The Editor, Army News, DPA, HQ NZDF, Private Bag 39997, Wellington, or by email. Deadline instructions: Army News is published on the third Tuesday of each month, except January. Please have all contributions to the editor by the first of the month. Nothing in the Army News should be taken as overriding any New Zealand Defence Force regulation. Readers should refer to the relevant service publication before acting on any information given in this newspaper. ISSN 1170-4411 All material is copyright, and permission to reproduce must be sought from the editor.
The importance of completing honest, accurate and fair reporting, within required time frames, cannot be over-emphasised. A current PDR is singularly the most important document that an individual being considered at a promotion board can have presented on his or her behalf. Whilst reference to previous reports, including end of tour and course reports, may be made, it is only on the PDR relevant to the present year that a promotion clearance (grading) can be made. PDR3 is a fundamental shift in reporting for Army – there is a move away from reporting purely on technical competency to also looking at behaviours. The Leadership Framework level behaviour expectations explain how we should be conducting ourselves while achieving technical competence. Together they form performance, and both components are equally important. The coming final reporting period is our first with the new PDR. It provides an opportunity to engage with our teams, and to reinforce our core values across the six behavioural standards. As the career boards sit in the future, demonstrating behaviours that reflect our values-based culture will continue to be as important as our military skills.
PDR Actions This Month Members • Must check that their 1 and 2 UPs are correct. Please amend as required. A shortcut to instructions on how to do this is displayed on the left side of the PDR screen. • Are encouraged to actively prepare for their End of Year Review meeting with their 1 UP Manager.
Managers • 1 UPs will meet with the member to discuss their performance across the entire year, the recommended Promotion Clearance and the ratings that they will be giving. • 1 UPs complete all End of Year Reviews NLT 20 Nov 20 • 2 UPs complete all End of Year Reviews NLT 01 Dec 20
Additional Participant in a PDR • Must complete their comments before PDRs are moved to End of Year Review on 1 Nov 20.
Key Dates 27 Sep – 1 Oct 20 OSB 02/2020
Unaccompanied Postings A reminder that, if you are intending to post unaccompanied, an Application for Change in Posting Status to Unaccompanied (MD853) must be processed through your Chain of Command to DACM no later than your posting date.
17 Oct 20 TF CMB 18 Oct 20 TF WOEB 23 Oct 20 Last day for OSB 03/2020 applications to DACM 1 Nov 20 All Army PDRs will be moved to the End of Year Review stage 3 Nov 20 Minor SCMB Selections for Dec 21 CO/RSM appointments 6 Nov 20 Last day for LPF 44s and LPF 44As to be submitted to DACM to ensure processing prior to Christmas standdown 6–10 Dec 20 OSB 03/2020 7 Dec 20 Posting Date Last day for MD 853s to be submitted to DACM 14 Dec 20 All LTCOL and COL SCMB 1-Pagers to be with DACM
O3: Operations, Outputs and Outcomes – It is a junior leader’s fight “The mission of the rifle squad is to locate, close with, and destroy the enemy by fire and manoeuvre, or repel the enemy’s assault by fire and close combat...The squad is the fundamental manoeuvre unit of the Marine Corps Infantry...time and again, the tide of a battle has been changed through a squad leader’s decisive employment of their squad.” The above quote is the first couple of lines of the U.S. Marine Corps publication, ‘The Marine Squad’ updated in May 2020, but fundamentally the same since the U.S. Marines came into existence some 244 years ago. Two aspects from the quote are pertinent. Firstly, the U.S. Marines, despite being a force of some 200,000, consider the squad, or in our case the section, is the fundamental manoeuvre unit (not the Company, Battalion or larger), and secondly it is the junior leader (not the General) that has the biggest impact on operations. Covid-19 has thrown us a different kind of threat to counter, more akin to a population protection or population support mission, and one that the NZDF will be engaged in for as long as required. This has not, however, relieved us of our requirement to maintain current operations, and meet contingency threats, nor to stop undertaking military engagements and activities, our “O3 – Operations, Outputs and Outcomes”. The distributed nature of our Op Protect support for Managed Isolation and Quarantine Facility management and security tasks throughout the country, together with the deployed force elements on operations, and the current Training Team deployment to Fiji, point to a common theme; operational effects are best delivered by small groups and led by junior leaders. Examples of this are abundant. Our recently concluded Op Manawa Building Partner Capacity mission in Iraq, and our deployments to Afghanistan, delivered not only a operational effect but through our example, standards and conduct, an exemplar of an Army centred on a
core of professional junior officers, Non-Commissioned Officers, and soldiers. Locally, we have supported communities building bridges on the West Coast, fighting fires in Tasman, Australia or North America, and of late, providing reassurance, capacity and leadership in the All of Government response to Covid19, to name but a few. In essence, ‘acting locally’, junior leaders and small teams delivering, on our behalf, strategic effects. Covid-19 has thrown us a unique operation. Unique in that our support (Op Protect) requires us to deploy forces within NZ; unique in that our deployment lengths are currently shorter in duration than the usual six months; and unique in that its success largely will be testament to our ability to apply our ‘soft skills’ rather than traditional hard, direct or kinetic effects. Additionally, Op Protect support is demanding of our tactical leaders and requiring junior leaders to deliver with greater responsibility and accountability. Covid-19 has also significantly reduced our ability to train overseas with our partner nations, now, and for the foreseeable future. The effect of this for our Army is twofold. Firstly, the reduction of available overseas individual and small group training, coursing and engagement opportunities to grow and maintain core and specialist skills; and secondly, our access to combined, joint and all-arms collective activities for high-end war-fighting training. The Land Component will address the latter through assuming some risk to its readiness and repurposing of some NZ-based training activities, to achieve individual and collective outcomes for 1 (NZ) Bde, JSG and TRADOC (NZ) coursing personnel. We will also seek to create training solutions including distance education, virtual and simulated training to bridge the gap until ‘normal business can resume’. Where appropriate, we will send personnel abroad for specialist coursing to retain or grow specific capabilities.
Rest in peace Elijah By Sharon Lundy
Elijah “Wonderboy” North should have started school on October 12. Instead, Captains Laura and Tane North sent him “Onward to Heaven”. Elijah died peacefully on 6 October after suffering a seizure at home several days earlier and being airlifted to Auckland’s Starship Children’s Hospital. The boy who touched so many hearts and inspired his parents, supported by their New Zealand Defence Force and Army whānau, to undertake their “Walk for Wonderboy” from Wellington to Auckland was born with microcephaly and an undiagnosed genetic condition. He couldn’t speak, was legally blind, was fed through a tube and had a total of 14 health issues. But, as Laura told those who gathered at Trentham Military Camp to celebrate his life, Elijah had taught her many lessons. “You have taught me that disability is nothing to fear. You have taught me empathy. You have taught me how lucky I am,” she said, flanked by Elijah’s older sister and brother, Ellamae and TJ.
Laura thanked him for Thea, his little sister with Down Syndrome – a condition diagnosed while Laura was pregnant – and vowed to continue championing the beauty that disability brought to the world. “Thank you for choosing me to be your mum. My heart aches and I will forever long to hold you again.” Tane told mourners his son was an enigma who had arrived in a hurry. “In true soldier fashion you arrived five minutes before the five minutes before time. “We instantly knew you were more than unique – you were one in a million.” Elijah’s final journey home from Auckland took him on the reverse trip to the Walk for Wonderboy – something Laura and Tane said “felt so right”. They completed the 700km walk last year with a huge amount of support from their comrades, aiming to raise $56,000 for
Continues page 6...
Elijah’s mother, Laura, older sister Ellamae and brother TJ farewell their son and brother.
several blocks of treatment for Elijah at the Neurological and Physical Abilitation (Napa) Centre in Australia. They raised far in excess of the target and now planned to set up a trust to aid other children who would benefit from Napa treatment. The treatment had led Elijah to first drag himself on his arms and then to crawl – milestones the family had never known he would reach. Now, Tane said, his son would be running, surrounded and loved by other whānau who had passed. “I release you into Heaven.”
OP RUA AFGHAN NATIONAL ARMY OFFICER ACADEMY The Kiwi contribution to the Afghan National Army Officer Academy has helped more than 5,000 Afghan cadets become fully trained Army officers.
New Zealand Army mentors have been supporting the Afghan National Army Officer Academy (ANAOA) since its creation in 2013. This contribution, peaking at 12 personnel, formed part of the international mentoring team together with the United Kingdom, Denmark, and formerly Australia and Norway. The Academy trains about 1,000 new officers a year in three intakes. The intakes are resident at ANAOA at any one time, organized into three battalions. These battalions consist of junior, intermediate and senior classes and advance every four months, each term concluding with a graduation parade for the senior class. Until mid-2019 about 120 international mentors supported ANAOA Staff with 1 to 1 mentoring. As the confidence and skills of the ANAOA staff has increased the number of international mentors has been reduced to eight. The New Zealand training advisor, Major Brendon Jones says mentoring the academy means any day could see the team in meetings with its ANA counterparts offering advice, providing feedback on training or helping link in with other
international mentors across the NATO Resolute Support mission. “These efforts have been complicated with the spread of Covid-19 amongst the Afghan population. Infection rates are under reported and this presents a difficult challenge in mentoring and advising. Whenever we depart Camp Qargha for meetings and training visits we must therefore adhere to a strict social distance protocol or conduct the meeting via phone instead. Masks, hand sanitizer, surface wipes, no physical contact and minimum two metres spacing is mandatory in meetings. In fact, during the summer we prefer to have meetings in the open air, which is ideal to view training. To maintain force protection regular Covid screening tests are conducted for the mentors. “Despite the difficulties posed by Covid and security threats and the limited occasions we get out to the task site and provide advice, we have focused our time spent with our ANA partners, and naturally allow the ANA staff and instructors to take the lead. The Academy is doing well with limited resources.”
Major Jones said another success for the Kiwi team was the work it had done towards integrating women into the ANA. “The officer academy has been a leading example to other ANA institutions. It graduates about 5–10% females in each class. They are organized into a company structure called the Zarghona Tolay, which is all female and looks after all administration, including the delivery of some culturally sensitive lessons. Captain Frankie Thompson from 2 Engineer Regiment was recently presented with a commendation from the Commander Joint Forces Rear Admiral Jim Gilmour for the influential role she played of the ANA female success story.” In September the 17th class of cadets graduated, which marked the 5,000th cadet to pass out from the Academy. The graduation parade was held at the Ministry of Defence HQ in Kabul and was attended by his excellence President Ashraf Ghani and international senior military representatives. New Zealand Senior National Officer Colonel Ben Bagley, said
the mission had directly supported the warfighting contribution, with graduate junior officers serving in all combat operations across Afghanistan, and former graduates holding 70% of the posts in the ANA. “The mission has contributed to the leadership pool of the ANA with some graduates from 2013 already employed in full Colonel positions. This is due to the direct and positive influence New Zealand mentors have had on officers of the ANA. We have progressed through multiple rotations of ANAOA mentors and real-life support staff, Resolute Support (RS) HQ staff and Gender Advisors over the years. Each individual, section, or rotation has faced its own complexities and challenges; and the challenges of this rotation have included the impacts of Covid-19, drawdown of the RS mission, and increased scrutiny as Afghanistan Peace Talks commence – all in a dynamic and dangerous environment. Despite this, enthusiastic and professional New Zealanders continue to proudly serve both Afghanistan and New Zealand.”
New Zealand officers In front of the ANAOA training area at Camp Qargha.
Major Brendon Jones
A message from LCC – Continued from page 3 The lack of collective training opportunities, and significant commitment to Op Protect for the foreseeable future, does however allow us to essentially ‘double down’ on our investment in junior leaders, supporting TRADOC (NZ) to grow our ‘core’ and enhancing training opportunities at section and platoon level during off-cycle
periods from Op Protect. We will safe-guard NCO training and core courses to grow our young leaders for the future. Further we will adjust these, to take advantage of the Army Individual Training Evolution (AITE) initiatives and strengthening of the resiliency framework to better support professional military education and leader development.
Over the past month, we have reprioritised unit training and available ‘white space’ activities in order to generate time and resources to enable and support individual and small team training. We will get our ‘sets and reps’ in for core warfighting and trade skills at individual and up to platoon level. This can only be led at the junior level. By doing so, when we come off the current heavy operational commitment, we are better prepared to regenerate collective warfighting capability. To be successful we need our junior leaders to rise to this challenge, to treat the uncertainty of the current Covid environment as we would for operations, to hold ourselves and each other to account, day to day, to continue to innovate, and to seize the current opportunity to develop both subordinates in land domain mastery and themselves as leaders. This is a challenging but rewarding time to be a junior leader in our Army. We have clear and
present leadership requirements at home and abroad. As travel opportunities open up, we will look to re-engage at the tactical and junior leader level with our Pacific partners, as we have done with the Fiji Military Training Team. We are also looking at how we deploy and operate in a pandemic environment. Conflict will not wait for the pandemic to pass. If required, we will be prepared, equipped, deployable and sustainable to not only survive operations, from humanitarian and disaster relief through to combat, but thrive and win in that environment. This will require well-led, resilient small groups and highly trained individuals. I acknowledge that our current overseas mission tempo might seem low, but the number of deployments in the past twenty or so years suggest that we must be agile to respond to new and different threats, as the next operation, so often, is just around the next
corner. Our reputation as an Army is hard won by generations of young officers and NCOs, but it can easily be lost through an ethos and values, safety or performance misstep. Similarly, our future capability and preparedness is fragile if we don’t protect the fundamental core of our Army, the section, the detachment, the patrol; or we neglect our most influential leaders – our junior officers and JNCOs. These are the leadership challenges in the ‘current fight’, and our priority investment for the future. Land Component Commander Brigadier Jim Bliss
The Chief of Army, Major General John Boswell presents the commendation to Geoff White.
When Geoff White released from the Army as a Lance Corporal in 2012 he left without receiving an important award – the Chief of Defence Force Commendation. His prior service as an Electronics Technician earned him recognition from the CDF for extraordinary performance of duty over a period of time. The citation for then-Private White captures his contribution to the Operation CRIB16 Contingent in 2010. While deployed in Afghanistan PTE White was primarily responsible for repair and maintenance of comms, STANO and ECM equipment, however his initiative and creativity led him to develop several unique and highly effective solutions to equipment issues. Most notably, he designed and built a rapid alignment system for the HUMVEE turrets which was highly effective and caught the attention of the United States Army who recommended that he be awarded for his skill. In addition to this he developed a repair technique for the Personal Role Radio which prevented many of the radios from having to be written off. Perhaps most impressive however was the solar power system he researched, designed and built to support the Afghan National Police communications systems at their outpost positions. This system enabled the ANP to have reliable access to HF Comms and the ability to power an array of small electronic devices which significantly improved their C2 network.
Throughout his deployment PTE White consistently exceeded all the requirements of his job, displaying exceptional technical skill, initiative, professionalism and a great attitude. This performance was deemed worthy of recognition at CDF level. Lance Corporal White subsequently deployed on CRIB19, and on RTNZ sought release from the service. The delay in having the CDF commendation processed and approved meant that LCPL White released before the award was approved. Fortunately, LCPL (Rtd) White attended the CRIB16 10 year reunion in Trentham in August and during a catch up with the Chief of Army, who was the Commanding Officer of CRIB16, the conversation revealed that this award had never been presented. On Friday 25th of September at Defence House this was rectified. Geoff White was finally presented his CDF commendation by Major General Boswell on behalf of CDF. Geoff’s partner, Emma, and daughter, Sasha, attended the presentation after traveling down from Taranaki where Geoff runs a successful Electrical Engineering business. Members of the CRIB16 Contingent took time to attend as well.
“To receive a Commendation a decade on from CRIB16, for what seems like a lifetime ago is an absolute testimony that the Army does care about their soldiers whether enlisted or not,” said Geoff. “ The humility shown by those presenting was humbling. There is no doubt in my mind that the NZ Army is a force for good. I have huge respect to anyone serving or who has served. Ma Nga Hua Tu Tangata.”
Geoff, partner Emma and daughter Sasha.
Members of CRIB 16 attended the presentation.
AUMANGEA CLOSES ITS DOORS After ten years of operation, the Aumangea programme is being wound down.
The brainchild of MAJGEN Dave Gawn and WO1 Danny Broughton, the Aumangea Programme supported the ideal of creating a way to further generate a modern, agile, highly adaptive individual who can operate, survive and thrive in an environment that is complex and, often, unwelcoming. “Since the Aumangea Programme was introduced, the NZ Army training practices and phases that were once the domain of the Aumangea Programme have evolved and been incorporated within courses for the wider organisation to further benefit from,” said Land Component Commander, Brigadier Jim Bliss. The focus of the Aumangea Programme was not based on learning military hard skills but rather on individual growth within the domain of mental, physical and spiritual wellbeing. The programme strengthened an individual’s resilience, perseverance, innovation, self-belief, self-awareness, selfdiscipline, self-determination and self-confidence. It also used learned psychological resilience tools to develop an individual’s thought process and behaviour, enabling them to be comfortable with austerity, to overcome adversity, to be agile of thought and in action, be adaptable to the complexities of the contemporary battlefield. “The programme expanded an individual’s mind-set with a singlemindedness on how can I do this, rather than how I cannot,” says BRIG Bliss.
“The dedication and passion of our soldiers and those members of Navy and Air Force who adapted and developed the programme has been fundamental to its success,” BRIG Bliss said. “However we can now deliver similar effects more broadly.” Changes that have occurred in the NZDF training space since the programme’s inception include: • The NZDF Leadership Development Framework (LDF) has been developed which contains the resilience framework – and the Army specific adaptations. While it is different from the Aumangea Programme, this will provide a greater throughput of students to develop their resilience though promotional courses and Experiential Leadership Development Activities (ELDA) conducted by Army Leadership Centre (ALC). • The NZ Army Marae, Rongomaraeroa O Ngā Hau E Whā is developing the cultural education of Ngāti Tūmatauenga which will conduct the holistic cultural outlook required. “The Aumangea programme was uniquely different to all other NZ Army courses which provided volunteers a medium to grow and develop skills that were not directly linked to their chosen career,” says BRIG Bliss. “It was ideal for those service personnel who were struggling to find purpose: volunteers were removed from day to day distractions and immersed into a world of survival, self-help and combat; pushing personal limits and
coming out the other side a better soldier, sailor, or airman or woman.” Since inception in 2010, the Aumangea Programme has qualified 317 soldiers, sailors and airmen, including personnel from the US Army and Canadian Armed Forces. A ceremony marking the end of the Aumangea Programme will be held at the NZ Army Marae in Waiouru in November. The programme officially closes on 12 December 2020.
ADVANCE ON THE BEACH The Defence Force’s amphibious warfare capability takes a leap forward as we test our latest beach vehicle during Exercise Joint Waka at Whangaparaoa. Navy Today editor Andrew Bonallack joined HMNZS CANTERBURY and 5 Movements Company to watch the action.
The concentration is evident on the face of Omar Statham, contractor for plant machinery company TerraCat, as he stands near the cab of his company’s latest innovation for the New Zealand Defence Force. He’s in the cargo deck of HMNZS CANTERBURY, wearing a life jacket and fluoro vest and staring at the open stern ramp and the expanse of choppy water between the anchored ship and Army Bay, Whangaparaoa. The ship is all action, readying for the amphibious landing phase of Exercise Joint Waka. There’s a lot of “if you don’t need to be here, move back to that line”. Mr Statham will drive a substantially adapted 18.2-tonne CAT 555D Forestry Skidder from the cargo deck to one of CANTERBURY’s Landing Craft Medium (LCM), once it’s married to the stern ramp. The huge skidder, named the Beach Preparation and Recovery Vehicle (BPRV), has never been to sea and has never done this manoeuvre. “Nice and slow”, were the closing words from the ship’s Executive Officer in the briefing the night before. It’s unlikely Mr Statham needs reminding. So he stares at the exit, and plenty of sailors and soldiers do as well, making pessimistic comparisons with the gap between two steel blocks on the stern ramp – buffers for the LCM’s ramp – and the substantial four-metre wheel base of the BPRV. We’re told there is enough room – 65mm clearance on either side – and that was only made possible by putting on slimmer tyres than usual. But to a casual observer it doesn’t look doable.
The BPRV, one of two, is the culmination of nearly three years of planning and engineering by the Defence Force’s Capability Branch and TerraCat. Forestry skidders are used to push and drag logs, and it’s those strength elements that make the 275hp BPRV so useful, says Warrant Officer Class 2 John Flintoft. In a Humanitarian and Disaster Relief (HADR) situation, such as a Pacific Island damaged by a hurricane, the BPRV can be deployed ashore to “smooth the way”, pushing a path through cyclone debris and towing heavy items clear. A forestry skidder normally has a massive grappling hook at one end, but it’s not needed for a BPRV. “What we’ve done is re-engineer this, to suit the task. There’s a big 18-tonne winch at the rear, and a 13-tonne winch at the front. You drive it using joy sticks. Young operators pick it up really easily. It can be used in 1.5 metres of water.” The driver can rotate the seat so that front becomes back, and camera screens in the cab provide views of blind spots. It includes a 360-degree view of the entire vehicle from directly overhead. Above the driver is an escape hatch, should the vehicle ever roll over. Waiting behind the BPRV in the cargo deck is another behemoth, the CAT 938K loader with a FAUN trackway dispenser attached to the front. Also one of two, it was first-phase vehicle in the overall Logistics Over The Shore (LOTS) project that Capability Branch started in 2015. Unlike its newer cousin, it has been used by CANTERBURY before.
The 20-tonne CAT 938K can roll out a modular aluminium trackway, 40 metres long, and can deliver more lengths to roll out and connect to the first. This allows less robust trucks to drive onto a beach with less risk of becoming bogged – although if they do, the BPRV is already on shore and can assist. “We’ve proved the BPRV on land,” says WO2 Flintoft. “Now we do the maritime part, and that’s the exciting part. There’s a bit of apprehension – as there’s only a little bit of clearance on the ramp. Omar will be in the cab, and I’m on the ground, giving him hand signals.” Captain Wayne Small, Capability Branch says an Amphibious Beach Team (ABT) from 5 Movements Company will head ashore with the BPRV. “The ABT will let us know what the conditions are like at the beach, and identify whether the land is suitable. Normally, if this was a HADR situation, we would likely be joined with an advance force of hydrographers and divers from HMNZS MATATAUA doing beach reconnaissance.” Mr Statham starts the engine and eases the BPRV down the ramp, neatly threading the gap. The front wheels drive on the LCM, and after a short pause Mr Statham guns the engines, to climb the slope caused by the weight. The front wheels of the BPRV carry six tonnes, while the rear wheels bear 12 tonnes, and the disparity rocks the LCM. CANTERBURY’s marine engineers have already calculated its best position on the LCM, and the BPRV finds its chalk-marked spot.
Opposite, top: The 5 Movements Company Advance Beach Team with the CAT 938 Tractor and a FAUN beach matt dispenser at Army Bay, Whangaparaoa. Above: A truck carrying fuel reverses onto the Landing Craft at Army Bay during Exercise Joint Waka.
Reaching Army Bay, the ABT has to wade ashore, while the BPRV makes short work of driving off. It’s now the ABT’s job to prepare the beach, setting up beach marker panels to guide follow-up LCMs. Next off the ship is the FAUN trackway dispenser, then a Pinzgauer troop carrier, driving over the newly-laid aluminium trackway. Lieutenant Josh Morete, the ABT commander with 5 Movements Company, says every beach has its own challenges. “With this beach, the tide comes in really fast, and you have to adapt to it, and make changes on the fly. “If something happened in the islands, we would be required to assist, embark on CANTERBURY, and get stores pushed across the beach. We train to be ready for cyclone season. It’s great to have this beach where can work with CANTERBURY. And having all three services in one place, it feels more alive.” Waiting on shore is a special attachment for the BPRV, an extension block with rubber pads. Soldiers bolt it onto the BPRV’s blade, and the BPRV is pointed towards the LCM, which has been deliberately grounded. It only takes a slight push, and the LCM floats back like a paper boat. It’s another tick in the box for the BPRV’s first sea trial.
Lieutenant Commander Jonny Bannister, CANTERBURY’s Executive Officer, says he loves the amphibious work. “It’s when we get to do exercises like this where all three services are working together, with excellent professional people all joining in to deliver a fantastic capability.” From 23 October, cyclone season starts, with CANTERBURY on 24-hours notice to respond to a HADR call in the South Pacific. In that instance the ship’s captain, Commander Martin Walker, would become the task group commander for all three services, says LTCDR Bannister. “We’re using significant pieces of equipment, like the beach trackway, and the BPRV. People thought it would be touch and go, with that gap. But the best thing of all was seeing the contractors watching 2.5 years of work come to fruition, to see their vehicle drive off a LCM and do what it’s designed to do.” Amphibious operations are a complex business. “There’s very few navies and Defence Forces in the world that can deliver this kind of capability. It makes me incredibly proud to represent New Zealand like this, with the ability to deploy to anywhere in the South Pacific with a credible capability to support any of our island nation partners, should any of them be unfortunate enough to be struck by a cyclone.”
Reserve Force soldiers from the South Island’s 2nd/4th Battalion, Royal New Zealand Infantry Regiment have been honing their skills on Exercise Ypres in Tekapo. The live field firing exercise was an opportunity for soldiers from around the South Island to come together to work on a number of light infantry tactical scenarios. Reservists from all over the South were there including Alpha Company from Greymouth, Nelson, Christchurch and Timaru, and Bravo Company from Cromwell, Dunedin and Invercargill.
Soldiers from 25 Engineer Support Squadron have built four new huts at the NZDF training facility Dip Flat, at the base of the Saint Arnaud Range in an exercise designed to enhance individual trade skills and reinforce key stakeholder relationships. The Army’s engineers must always be ready to help with humanitarian aid and disaster relief (HADR) and Exercise Bulls Challenge went some way to achieving that state of readiness. Exercise Bulls Challenge was organised in partnership with Defence Estate and infrastructure (DE&I) and contributed to DE&I infrastructure delivery. The Southwest Pacific tropical cyclone season officially runs from 1 November to 30 April, however a tropical cyclone can form at any time of the year. This requires 2 Engineer Regiment to have a HADR force prepared to deploy at short notice to provide water production, debris clearance and construction outputs post disaster.
Operation Protect requirements meant the exercise was scaled down from a squadron level exercise to a section level one. “While the climatic conditions of Dip Flat don’t represent those of the Southwest Pacific, the successful construction of lightweight timber framed buildings in remote areas, utilising centralised control and decentralised execution, has enabled 25ESS to achieve the required level of readiness for HADR construction outputs,” 25ESS Officer Commanding Major Gabby Gofton said.
The Regional Support Centres (RSC) are the glue that hold New Zealand Army Camps together. Most likely there won’t be a time in your Army career where you haven’t come across them and the support they provide. Prior to 2018 each Army Camp had its own separate garrison support, however following a Chief of Army directive, all regional support was put under a single command which saw the establishment of Regional Support (Army). Located in Waiouru, Linton, Trentham and Burnham, the RSC’s in collaboration with other New Zealand Defence Force (NZDF) service providers help to enable the Army’s operational units by providing garrison support services. Commanding Officer Regional Support (Army), Lieutenant Colonel Nikki Gardner is now moving the unit forward by implementing Project One-Way, an initiative which is aimed at establishing “one way of doing business” across all camps. “In essence this means that all RSCs, in the near future, will have standard systems, processes and procedures across all camps,” she said. Project One-Way is important for a variety of reasons, including that many officers and soldiers travel regularly between camps and it should be “simple” for them to get things done., she said. “Part of that “simple” is having systems and processes which are the same for each camp. “An equally important part of the project is reviewing how we are delivering our services, asking ourselves how we can do this better, and improving our level of support to the operational units in camp,” said LTCOL Gardner. She said if they get it right, they will be providing all camps and units with a standardised and improved level of service. “No matter which Camp our personnel are working at, the processes for getting things
done need to be the same, and most importantly, they need to be simple,” she said. Project One-Way comes hot on the heels of the standardisation of the naming conventions across all Regional Support Centres (see Army News 513). In addition to, and following the single alignment of the RSCs, they are all sporting a new patch to support the formation of Regional Support (Army). The patch includes a Whare which signifies the RSCs as always central, recognisable and welcoming.
“No matter which Camp our personnel are working at, the processes for getting things done need to be the same, and most importantly, they need to be simple.”
In the next issue of Army News we will profile some of the roles within the Regional Support Centres.
What your Regional Support Centre can provide you • Range and training area management • Advice on safety • Advice on security • Community support though the Defence Community Facilitators (DCF) • Deployment support through the Deployment Support Staff (DSO) • Social workers • Non-Public Fund equipment hire • Coordination of visits to Army Camps by both NZDF and non-NZDF personnel
Regional Support Centres work closely with other NZDF service providers Who manages barrack accommodation? DSSG Who provides administration to soldiers and officers? DSSG Who runs Camp Q-stores? LMNZ Who looks after our infrastructure (offices, barracks etc)? DE&I Who do I talk to if there is a problem with the barracks? DSSG or DE&I
NZ Army Commendations Making the important measurable
Formally recognising performance is an important motivator for our soldiers and officers and a satisfying aspect of both command and service. Through ground up feedback, the ability to formally recognise performance and achievement was seen to be limited to higher level Service Chief and NZDF awards. As of October 2020, the NZ Army has introduced additional commendations into the Honours and Awards system. Now see both Component and Formation Commanders have the ability to recognise performance and achievement in the following levels: Commendation Level
Formation Commendation
Bronze (Level 1) for high or noteworthy achievement
Component Commander Commendation
Silver (Level 2) for excellent achievement in the application of skills, judgement or devotion to duty
Chief of Army Commendation
Gold (Level 3) for superior achievement or devotion in application of skills, judgement or dedication to duty. Gold (Level 3) to recognise the superior achievement by all members of a team or work group.
Those in command, leadership and management positions are encouraged to use this tangible mechanism to recognise and promote excellence.
CHIEF OF ARMY WRITING COMPETITION 20.2 Open and accepting submissions The Chief of Army Writing Competition is open to all NZDF personnel, military and civilian, regardless of rank. It provides an opportunity for personal and professional development, to share thoughts, opinions, and professional perspectives so that all may benefit and the organisation may grow. The Chief of Army Writing Competition 20.2 is currently open and accepting submissions. The writing competition hosts four categories: Officer, Warrant Officer/NCO, Private Soldier, and civilian. The winners of the competition in each category will be selected by the Chief of Army and announced at the end of November. The winning submissions will get published and receive special recognition on KEA. All submissions will get individually published on KEA in the future after the competition closes and the winners are announced. Written entries must be submitted between 1 October 2020 and midnight on 31 October 2020 to be eligible. They must follow the submissions guidelines for KEA, be 1,000 words or less, and answer the competition question listed below. Answering the competition question in 1,000 words or less will require authors to be selective in their topics and to precisely offer a perspective in their written work. Articles can be submitted by going to KEA ( and clicking on the submissions tab at the top of the page.
Submissions guidelines for KEA can also be found by clicking the submissions tab at the top of the KEA webpage.
Competition Question: In 2040, the Army will continue to make significant contribution to New Zealand led operations within the South Pacific region. Operations globally will likely be conducted in coalition with international partners as part of a multinational effort. To remain a valued partner, whilst acknowledging comparative capacity limitation, the Army must ensure it can provide valued contributions to coalition operations, either through comparative scaling to complement international partners or investing in specific refined capabilities. How does a future focused NZ Army adapt and evolve, now and over time, to remain a partner of choice as a relevant and viable force that can continue to add value within an integrated coalition in 2040?
WAIOURU NAMING CONVENTIONS The names of Waiouru facilities have been consolidated to eliminate confusion. In the past Waiouru and the training area have been referred to by a variety of names. With the recent aligning of the Regional Support Centre (RSC) names there was a need to consolidate names.
The following names and acronyms are to be used to refer to the functions of Waiouru Military Camp: • Waiouru Military Camp – refers to the camp itself, which is in line with other Army camps. • Waiouru Military Training Area (WMTA) – used to reference the training area in Waiouru, in line with Tekapo Military Training Area (TMTA). • Waiouru Regional Support Centre (WRSC) – used to refer to the in-camp Regional Support Centre, in line with other RSCs.
LTCOL Cory Neale salutes.
The new Commanding Officer and Regimental Sergeant Major of 2nd/1st Battalion, Royal New Zealand Infantry Regiment (RNZIR) are back in the South, where they started their careers.
RSM WO1 John Cantwell
Lieutenant Colonel Cory Neale and Warrant Officer Class One (WO1) John Cantwell both recently took over their new positions. LTCOL Neale enlisted into the New Zealand Army in 2001 and completed both the Kippenberger University Scheme and the New Zealand Commissioning Course, before graduating into the Infantry and Delta Company 2/1 RNZIR in 2004. WO1 Cantwell enlisted in 1984 as a rifleman and following recruit training and Infantry Corps training he was posted to Charlie Company 2/1 RNZIR. “Any Officer who has aspirations in this organisation aims for Commanding Officer. To be appointed CO of 2/1 RNZIR is literally a dream come true,” said LTCOL Neale. WO1 Cantwell said as an Infantry soldier becoming the RSM of 2/1 RNZIR was the highlight of his career. “If someone had said to me years ago that one day I would be the RSM of 2/1 RNZIR I would have laughed at them,” he said. The new team is committed to ensuring that everyone at the Battalion feels they are a part of the team, and feel they can provide value to the unit. “Any unit is only as strong as it weakest part, so it is really important that 2/1 RNZIR continues to strive to be better broadly. The unit has a rich history that we need to understand, respect and build upon as our legacy. “It is critical that everyone starts with the same perspective, feels invested in a singular focus, are happy, healthy and feel a sense of satisfaction at the end of each day,” said LTCOL Neale. This includes working hard to build and maintain strong, productive and mutually beneficial
relationships with all stakeholders. “At the end of the day life is about working together for positive outcomes so being close to other regular, SOF and reserve units remains central to collective success,” he said. “As we work towards Army 2025 2/1 RNZIR need to, like all units, be willing to embrace change. As an organisation we are in a constant state of change. Between Network Enabled Army, new and cyclical capability projects, as well as cultural initiatives such as OP Respect you can see how dynamic the NZDF really is. “Even how we train ourselves is changing through the Army Individual Training Evolution to modernise consumption and testing of core subject matter. “The best any unit command team can do is ensure our people stand ready to embrace and excel in this environment and in some ways this uncertainty,” said LTCOL Neale. WO1 Cantwell said the command team have the responsibility to develop and shape leaders of the unit “which is a challenge, but also a great opportunity”. “We are only the custodians for a short time, however, all our energy will be towards ensuring that 2/1 RNZIR is ready and able to face the future,” said LTCOL Neale. WO1 Cantwell said soldiers of today are the same as they have always been, but we expect more of them today. “The current generation of soldiers demand to be challenged and well led, and it is our responsibility as leaders to provide this during challenging times. Capabilities may have changed, but the effect remains the same,” he said. 2/1 RNZIR currently has just over 440 personnel spread amongst five Companies and the Battalion Headquarters.
West Coast Coy, 5th/7th Battalion, RNZIR –
Battalion Birthday and Chunuk Bair Commemoration By Lieutenant Jared McMahon
The soldiers who fought and died on the beaches and hills of Anzac Cove were remembered and honoured when the companies of 5th/7th Battalion, RNZIR commemorated 105 years since the battle of Chunuk Bair recently. The Battle for Chunuk Bair rightly holds a special place in the history of the New Zealand Army, and especially for descendent units of the Wellington Bn, which now make up part of 5th/7th Battalion RNZIR. In Whanganui – Headquarters for West Coast Company – we held a flag lowering ceremony, followed by a small speech in tribute to the exploits of Wellington Bn at Chunuk Bair. Medals were then presented to soldiers currently serving in the Company. We were joined in celebration by members of the local Whanganui community, including many former soldiers from the 5th Wellington, West Coast and Taranaki (WWCT) Bn. The New Zealand Army Reserve is unique among the different branches of the New Zealand Defence Force in that we are fully integrated within our communities. Our soldiers live in towns and cities
London-based New Zealand Defence staff with sword maker Robert Pooley.
across the length and breadth of the country. These connections with the communities we live in are the key pillar that supports the Army Reserve and allows us to serve our communities more effectively during natural disasters and civil emergencies. It ensures that the Army Reserve can be quickly deployed to support civil authorities, just as we have been required to do as part of the government response to the Covid-19 pandemic. Our battalion birthday celebration and other similar events are a great way to strengthen this connection. By bringing members of the community into our organization, we build a foundation of mutual understanding and trust that will benefit everybody when the time comes that local reservists are activated to serve their communities. Many of the guests that we welcomed to our function from the Whanganui community didn’t have a history of ties to the military within their circle of family or friends. But they displayed a genuine curiosity about the Army, the Reserves, and were especially interested in the historical connections that exist between our country’s armed forces and the small towns dotted across Aotearoa. It was a privilege to provide for them some insights into life as a Reservist. Thank you to our esteemed guests from the Whanganui community: Harete Hipango, MP for Whanganui, and his Worship Hamish McDouall Mayor of Whanganui; principals of the local schools, Sharon Steer (Whanganui Girls High), Wayne Brown (Whanganui Collegiate), Justin Harper (Cullinane College)
and Ellison Pickering (Academy Director, Whanganui City College). Thanks also to Mac Mcallum and Wally Wallbutton from the Whanganui RSA, and to the members of 5 WWCT Association. And thank you for the support of the 5 WWCT Pipe Band and to all other family and friends who came together to celebrate and remember with us. The following medal recipients were thanked and congratulated for their service during the function:
British sword maker Robert Pooley has gifted New Zealand Defence Staff in London a handcrafted sword to mark the New Zealand Army’s 175th anniversary.
built in 1886, was amongst the machinery purchased. Mr Pooley’s motivation in buying the business was simple — he wanted to continue to produce “British Military and Commonwealth swords in the Wilkinson tradition of quality and craftsmanship”, employing ex-Wilkinson craftsmen and technical expertise. All Pooley blades are forged from high carbon steel and tested to the highest standards in the traditional way in Sheffield as laid down by Henry Wilkinson. The finished sword is finally etched and finished to the same fine standards expected by all British and Commonwealth Armed Forces. Even the scabbards are made to the same exacting standards as the swords. The scabbard bodies are produced from rawhide leather, steel, wood covered with pig or goat skin, and the sword grip is made from fish skin. A team of inspectors ensures that the quality of the sword is maintained to the
New Zealand Defence Staff in London visited Mr Pooley at his sword making factory in Shorehamby-Sea, Brighton recently to receive the gift, and learn how ceremonial swords and scabbards are made. Pooley Sword was established in 2005, after the very distinguished sword makers Wilkinsons Sword, who had been established for over 200 years, ceased trading to focus on making razor blades. Mr Pooley who had been commissioning swords from Wilkinsons since 1964, purchased their drawings, product records, spares and much of their tooling including both heavy and light machinery. A Ryder Mechanical Hammer which was
The celebratory cake is cut.
Defence Force Service Medal (DSM) with Territorial clasp PTE G. Schoultz LCPL S.J. Quigley LCPL B.B. Cribb 2LT J.A. McMahon Defence Force Service Medal (DSM) with Regular Clasp PTE A.A. Ryan Defence Force Service Medal – Regular Clasp SSGT A.J. McKenzie
Just before dawn, on 8 August 1915, the men of Wellington Bn, New Zealand Expeditionary Force, captured the summit of Chunuk Bair, Gallipoli. Under the leadership of Lieutenant-Colonel William Malone, the New Zealand forces, which consisted of soldiers from Wellington and Whanganui, conducted a desperate night attack to seize the position from its Ottoman defenders. Once they had dug in, a wretched struggle ensued; the fighting lasted through
Congratulations are offered after the presentation of medals.
the entire next day and into the night. It claimed hundreds of lives. The Kiwis fought from hastily dug trenches – nothing more than shallow holes scraped in the rocks – repelling assault after assault. The Ottomans frequently reached the Kiwi trenches, forcing brutal hand-to-hand combat. Malone’s men faced additional withering fire from the Ottoman Turks holding high ground to the north as they repulsed numerous counterattacks throughout the day.
same high standards expected by each individual. Pooley Sword has had an enduring and special relationship with the New Zealand Defence Force since 2005. The business has been making swords for Officer Graduation ceremonies, for private purchases, and Mr Pooley himself has on a number of occasions, gifted swords to mark special occasions in our history. In 2019 he even travelled to New Zealand, to make a presentation on the evolution of swords to the Officer Cadets undertaking the Initial Officer Training Course. “During the defence Staff visit to Pooley Sword, we instantly felt the passion and pride in their craftsmanship. It’s a small family owned and operated business who are making swords to the highest standards and traditions. They believe in what they are doing, and they truly care,” said Military Adviser, Lieutenant Colonel Emma Thomas.
When Wellington Bn was finally relived on the evening of the 8th, they had taken more than 690 casualties, including LieutenantColonel Malone. Only 70 of their original contingent of 760 made the slow trudge off the hill. Their efforts marked a high point in the Gallipoli campaign: 2 days later Chunuk Bair was taken back by the Ottoman Turks. Allied forces never recaptured it.
If you are interested in finding out more details you can visit the Pooley Sword website or email his front reception at enquiries@
WAR LAW By Judith Martin
Maritime law – in other words, what you can and can’t do at sea – is all part of the advice military Legal Advisor Captain Pablo Hamber provides. That said, while the Aucklandbased lawyer could be on a ship one day, the next he could be debating public law as it relates to NZDF, and then helping commanders navigate the DM69 flowcharts and administer military justice. NZDF legal advisors are a truly tri-service unit, and have a considerable breadth and depth of practice, from operational and international law, to employment or disciplinary files. Most of Capt Hamber’s time as an NZDF Legal Advisor has been spent working in operations law at HQNZDF which means he has become very familiar with the Law of Armed Conflict (LOAC) and Rules of Engagement (ROE). ROE are orders from the Chief of Defence Force about what the Armed Forces can do whilst deployed on operations. “The planners for an operation will sit down, usually with the help of a legal advisor and draft the ROE, which will go up through HQJFNZ to CDF, and then approved by Government. Following such approvals, CDF then issues ROE as orders.” NZDF legal advisors are then often responsible for the training of these ROE on PDT, alongside Command. Much of the Law of Armed Conflict starts with the original Geneva Conventions in 1949 and
the subsequent additional protocols which were introduced following the conflicts of the 20th Century. They ultimately set the standards of conduct during an armed conflict. This area of the law continues to grow as conflict becomes more complex, the meaning of battlespace changes, and new weapons are developed. “NZ holds itself out as a responsible global citizen, so it is important for us to uphold these standards. Doing so ensures that we have legitimacy on ops,” says CAPT Hamber. There have been examples in recent history, such as incidents at My Lai or Abu Ghraib, which CAPT Hamber says serve to show the consequences of failing to meet those standards. “And it is just as important for NZDF to get New Zealand’s view of LOAC out there internationally, whether that is by teaching Iraqi recruits in Taji about the requirements of LOAC, attending international legal conferences to debate developments in the law or even pushing back against partner interpretations on exercise.” ROE is important as a tool for enabling mission command, says CAPT Hamber. “With very clear parameters, commanders are empowered to achieve their mission in accordance with the Government’s wishes. If you
Captain Pablo Hamber
feel your ROE are stopping you achieving your mission, you need to convince your command to change the ROE.” The advice NZDF legal advisors give very much depends on the operation. “The key for me is keeping the lesson engaging and interactive. I am not surprised to hear audible groans when people are told it is
time for the legal brief, but I like to say that this can be an hour of me reading slides or it can be an hour of interesting back and forth discussion. Being there to answer the “what about” questions is often the most interesting part. The imagination of some of our junior personnel is unparalleled.”
DOCTOR ON BOARD By Andrew Bonallack
For a Christchurch-based Army doctor, a posting to a Navy vessel for fifty days is out of the ordinary, but Covid-19 breeds unusual postings. During August and September 2020, Captain Afshin Nazmi, a member of the Southern Health Support Squadron in Burnham, deployed to Exercise Rim of the Pacific (RIMPAC) on board HMNZS Manawanui. The Dive Hydrographic vessel was the New Zealand Defence Force’s representation at the US-lead biennial international maritime exercise, near Hawaii. In contrast to previous RIMPAC exercises, the pandemic had reduced this year’s wargames to an at-sea phase, with no disembarking. Nonetheless, CAPT Nazmi was there to provide expert advice on the necessary logistical stops the ship would make. “The pandemic is hardly under control and resurging in many parts of the world. My job was to assist the command with medical advice regarding health issues on board and also help with development of Standard Operating Procedures during the logistical port stops in order to minimize risk of exposure and maintain health of the crew.” The ship made contactless stops in Honolulu and Tonga, the latter to deliver charity goods.
It was his first time in a Navy ship, where he worked alongside the two ship’s medics. “I was able to keep up to date with evolving medical knowledge and prevention advice with regard to novel Covid-19 virus worldwide and back in New Zealand. I provided training sessions with the medics on various medical and environmental health topics, such as working in ‘hot’ environments.” CAPT Nazmi had been on a busy five-month deployment in Iraq earlier in the year and thought the time at sea in Manawanui would pass slowly. “To my surprise, the time flew by. As well as my day to day duties, there was a lot to learn from everyone on board on basics of seamanship. Being familiar with the unique environment and the hazards on board the navy ship and knowing the emergency procedures is key to effective medical support should it be required. It took me a few days to learn some of the naval terminology, like how and where to ‘ditch gash’ (rubbish) and that when I take a soft drink from the fridge, to tick the ‘goffa (meaning
Captain Afshin Nazmi
soft drink) column rather than the spirit column on the Ward Room drink tick-up sheet which I had been doing! He says the command team helped him integrate with the crew, and joining in with the daily gym sessions helped maintain his physical and mental wellbeing. “My favourite time of the day was when I could reflect while watching the beautiful sunsets over the Pacific Ocean from the upper deck. “Another highlight of my journey was when Commanding Officer Manawanui, Lieutenant Commander Andy Mahoney and some of the crew joined me in a virtual happy birthday message for my daughter’s
sixteenth birthday, helping me try to make her day special from afar.” It was a great experience to be part of Manawanui family for 53 days, he says. “I consider serving as a commissioned Medical Officer in NZDF an honour which I am proud of. It is a rewarding challenge both on personal and professional levels. There are vast and diverse opportunities to develop professionally and add value to the organisation. On a personal level I enjoy being part of a team with the sense of comradeship and shared purpose, while contributing to provision of quality healthcare for our motivated NZDF personnel.”
The Army Marae went through a transformation earlier this year. A team from Makakahi Enterprizes restored all internal and external carvings. The project was the first of its kind to be conducted in Aotearoa and the first time that all carvings remained in place whilst the restoration team performed their magic, says marae spokesman Warrant Officer Class Two Aaron Morrison. These images display the depth and authenticity the restoration has brought to our Meeting House, he said.
MAJ GEN Brian Poananga, CB, CBE Chief of General Staff 1978–1981 This carving sits in the Wharenui at the foot of the first Poutokomanawa. Photos: CPL Naomi James
He Hoia: The Soldier sits on the top of the entrance way to the NZ Army National marae: Rongomaraeroa o nga hau e wha.
MAJ GEN Anthony Birks, CB, OBE Chief of General Staff 1992–1995. Promoted to Lieutenant General and to the position of CDF 1995–1999. This carving sits at the foot of the second Poutokomanawa.
Te Whare Tū Taua ā Tūmatauenga
Charles Hazlitt Upham VC and Bar One of three people to win the Victoria Cross twice for his actions in Crete 1941 and Egypt 1942. The only person to have achieved this as a Combat Soldier.
When Colonel Clare Bennett joined the New Zealand Defence Force as a psychologist in 1987, mental health was mostly talked about in terms of serious mental disorders.
Above: Mental health champion Colonel Clare Bennett with members of her team.
More than 30 years later, things are a lot different, and COL Bennett, now Director of Integrated Wellness, has been recognised for her part in that transformation, earning a Lifetime Achievement Award at this year’s New Zealand Workplace Health and Safety Awards, which are supported by WorkSafe. The award recognises that she has devoted a significant portion of her working life to advancing the cause of health and safety in New Zealand. Crucially, she recognised that in order for the NZDF to maintaining well-trained and equipped personnel who can react to a crisis at short notice, it needed to ensure that they were mentally fit for the nature of military service and broader life challenges. A 180-degree culture shift was needed, where seeking help with psychological distress was perceived to be a strength, not a weakness.
Today, the NZDF has a suite of mental health and wellbeing tools and resources which provide a holistic mental health and wellbeing ‘safety net’ and follows the Te Whare Tapa Whā model of health, which recognises the importance of four health cornerstones: physical, mental, spiritual and family health. Most government agencies and many NGOs have now adapted or adopted the NZDF resources. There’s been a significant shift in thinking from “mental illness” to instead more “mental health”, COL Bennett says. “Back then individuals were less likely to recognise the early warning signs or know how to manage these, which meant by the time people reached people they were really struggling and had a longer recovery road ahead. Or sometimes people just left the organisation. “Now we can help people address mental health and wellbeing challenges early and there’s an expectation that most people will make a full recovery.”
According to surveys in 2016 and 2019, about a quarter of NZDF people are experiencing some level of psychological distress. “This is not out of kilter with broader NZ society, but we have a higher duty of care for our people.” Sustained over time, people risk developing more serious physical and or mental health-related issues if nothing changes. “By coming up with a plan to address those things that will reduce the likelihood of something more chronic developing,” COL Bennett says.
“Now we can help people address mental health and wellbeing challenges early and there’s an expectation that most people will make a full recovery.”
By Major Grant Palmer
Members of the NZ Army Drone Racing Team recently helped design and build a high-performance drone. The stages of the build include design, create, problem solve, calibrate, systems check and pilot. This brought together multiple skill sets, and built teamwork, learning, and problem solving. The team shared information and worked towards continual improvement to refine, explore and find the best ways to do things. At a competitive team-racing event, these skills enhance agile thinking, with systems requiring repair and re-build testing our team members under competition and time constraint pressure. The technology build was led by NZ Army Electronics Technician Lance Corporal Aidan Clow, and was hosted in the 2nd Workshop Company, 2nd Combat Service Support Battalion. Building a drone takes time and patience, and it’s not without its challenges. “During this build there were a few head scratching moments, with the motors spinning backwards and the video signal being blurry, but all was able to be set right thanks to some help from fellow team members,” said LCPL Clow. Information Systems Operator, Royal NZ Corps of Signals CPL Reuben Ellett became interested in drone racing as a result of the Chief of Army Roadshow ARMY25. “I was going to turn my motorcycle into a track bike, buy a trailer, and attend race meets at Manfield Track, but drone racing jumped out as a better alternative for multiple reasons. Piloting race quads remotely takes a lot of the risk away from the user”, CPL Ellett said. “If I go 160 km/h into a tree I’ll have a broken drone, but I’ll be okay.” It is also an easy sport to access for participants as a simulator exists for practicing in the virtual world. “I’m a bit of a gamer, so having the option to jump into the simulator and race others or get a bit of practice in once the stars are out is fantastic. It really helps to improve your technique and reactions too.”
SSGT Gary Wilson is an Artificer Automotive Technician, Queen Alexandra’s Mounted Rifles. “For me, drone racing enhances technical knowledge, co-operation and competitive spirit and brings an awareness of the rapid developments facing the future battle space globally,” he said. “The tech and fun aspect is a huge drawcard, and the sport certainly generates an adrenalin rush on race days.” “I enjoy the psychological and physiological responses the race environment generates. It is the only sport in which I have encountered a resting heart rate of 140+bpm and a mild panic response as obstacles rush towards you at up to 100km/hr and you have to make split second tactical and engagement decisions. You become so focussed on the task at hand that everything else fades away. A successful round puts you on a high and equally failure can knock you down, an emotional rollercoaster if you will that develops resilience. For me all these things translate to skills the soldier must employ to function effectively in a dynamic and ever evolving combat environment,” he said. The ARMY25 strategic plan has approved the development of drone racing as a military capability. Drone racing enhances military capability and has multiple low cost benefits, including an increase in recruitment, positive public perception, and diversity.
Drone construction underway.
NZDF PLUGS INTO ELECTRIC VEHICLES The New Zealand Defence Force has taken a major step towards reducing its carbon bootprint by purchasing its first electric vehicle (EV) and installing EV charging stations at Trentham Military Camp. The Hyundai Ioniq will join the fleet at Trentham, where the two Delta 7kW slow charging stations are also available for personnel to charge their private EVs. It is part of the Defence Force’s wider programme towards a more sustainable operation, which fits with the Government’s drive to put more EVs on the roads. The Trentham trial will determine how many chargers might be needed and how best a booking system might work. Defence Estate and Infrastructure Sustainability Manager Dr Lee Bint said the Trentham trial would help determine the most appropriate type of charging station. It will also guide the use of EV charging stations at other NZDF sites. Dr Bint said the Trentham pilot was part of the Defence Force’s sustainability roadmap Tuku Iho, which means “to pass on what you’ve received in at least as good as condition, if not better than, what you receive it in”. “The Defence Force is one of the biggest employers and landowners in the country. As such we have a huge responsibility to look after our people, buildings, land and taonga.
“From electric vehicles to efficient buildings, environmental stewardship and looking after our people’s growth and embracing our bicultural heritage, we want to make sustainability part of everything we do. “We are soon to adopt a roadmap where sustainability is part of business-as-usual operations. The NZDF estate includes 81,000 hectares of land (bigger than Tongariro National Park), 5,000 buildings and thousands of vehicles so we can potentially make a massive contribution to reducing the country’s carbon footprint.” The NZDF is already trialling four electric utility bikes for their suitability for use in the field, and electric carts are used at a number of bases. The Royal New Zealand Air Force is also replacing diesel passenger stair units with fully electric units at air bases around the country. Trentham Camp Commander Major Jim Maguire said a survey had shown there was good support for the charging stations. “A lot of our fleet vehicles are doing short trips around Wellington and EVs are perfect for that. “The Army is adopting new technology all the time and this trial will see how EVs can be used efficiently for our tasks while lowering our carbon footprint. “A lot of our staff are looking at buying their own EVs and having the charging stations on camp is an incentive because it offers them more flexibility about when they can charge up.”
Trentham Camp Commander Major Jim Maguire at the EV charging station.
CHANGES TO THE ARMY NPF PERSONAL LOAN SCHEME The Army Welfare Executive Committee has approved changes to the Army NPF Personal Loan Scheme effective 1 September 2020 as follows: • The minimum loan qualifying period is reduced from 18 months to 12 months full-time Army service. • Interest rates on all new loans are to be reduced for a 12 month period to: 7.4% for Secured Loans 9.4% for Unsecured Loans For additional information go to Army NPF Personal Loan under QuickLinks on the Army Command Post which includes the loan application form and qualifying criteria or at the following link: http://org/l-ags/pages/HR/Welfare/npf-home.aspx Point of contact: Army NPF Officer on Trentham DtelN: 347 8339 or call 0800 111 823 (use option #2)
Youth Development Trade in full swing By Charlene Williamson
A new trade— Youth Development Specialist (YDS) — has been created in the NZDF.
The establishment of the new trade has been a focus for Defence Reserves, Youth and Sport this year. The YDS Trade sees previous trades of Youth Development Instructor and Cadet Force Advisors combined to create an overarching trade for Youth Development. The YDS trade directly contributes to the New Zealand Cadet Forces, Limited Service Volunteer (LSV) programme, Youth Life Skills (Service Academies) and community support programmes such as Blue Light. Corporal (CPL) Sam Turner recently trade changed from a New Zealand Army Infantry Rifleman to YDS. He said he changed because he was looking to work with young people in New Zealand and knew that the Youth Development Unit had some of the highest success numbers of any other programme in the country.
NZ Army Quiz 1. What trucks did the Mercedes Benz Unimogs replace in the NZ Army?
“The work we do makes a difference in young people’s lives. We run 13 LSV courses nationally a year and after each course you can see a visible improvement in personal development of the youth who take part.” He said he does his best to help the young people who come to the courses change their lives positively. He is also continuing to upskill his qualifications. “With the formation of the trade comes better promotion opportunities in the future, allowing me to continue doing what I see as being valuable. “I get a lot of satisfaction seeing the change in young people, and enjoy working with a diverse group of staff in our unit,” said CPL Turner. The Youth Development Unit’s (North, Central and South) and Cadet Forces combined across the country deliver a wide range of courses to more than 6,000 youth per year.
Youth development Specialist Corporal Sam Turner
“I get a lot of satisfaction seeing the change in young people, and enjoy working with a diverse group of staff in our unit.”
How well do you know the NZ Army? Take our quiz to find out.
4. Possession of a highly polished nugget tin meant the owner had spent time where?
7. Who is the current Secretary of Defence?
10. How many NZ Army personnel died in Afghanistan?
a. Helene Quilter
a. Ten
a. Macks
a. SCE Ardmore
b. Gerard Hensley
b. Fourteen
b. RL Bedfords
b. The Trade Training School
c. Andrew Bridgeman
c. Twelve
c. Chryslers
c. The Officers Mess, RNZAF Woodbourne
2. What was the first operational theatre NZ M113 APCs were deployed to? a. Vietnam b. Bosnia c. East Timor 3. What were the three corps amalgamated to form the RNZALR in 1996? a. RNZAPC, RNZEME and RNZASC b. RNZCT, RNZASC, RNZAOC c. RNZEME, RNZAOC, RNZCT
5. NZ troops in the Commonwealth Occupation Force in Japan at the end of WW2 were known as what? a. Army of Occupation b. Nissei Soldiers c. J Force 6. Who was the most recent RNZN CDF (1991–1995) a. Vice Admiral Sir Peter Phipps b. Vice Admiral Sir Neil Anderson c. Vice Admiral Sir Somerford Teagle
8. What does the “I” in 3 CI stand for? a. Independence b. Integrity c. Industriousness
11. Have NZ troops served in Sierra Leone? 12. Who is the Colonel Commandant of the Corps of Royal New Zealand Engineers?
9. When did NZ troops first deploy to Somalia? a. 1992 b. 1987 c. 1990 Answers: 1. RL Bedfords; 2. Bosnia; 3. RNZEME, RNZAOC, RNZCT; 4. SCE Ardmore; 5. J Force; 6. Vice Admiral Sir Somerford Teagle; 7. Andrew Bridgeman; 8. Integrity; 9. 1992; 10. Ten; 11. Yes; 12. COL (Rtd) Paul Curry.
BOOK REVIEWS Attention Servicemember By Ben Brody Published by Red Hook Editions Ben Brody deployed to Iraq with the US Army as a photographer. And the first thing that strikes the reader about his memoir is the appearance of this book. The layout and format are radically different to 98% of military memoirs, it has the appearance of an “art” photography book – sparse text and a multitude of photos taken by Brody while on deployment. This will be confronting to many used to a straight linear narrative and no-doubt, uncomfortable for some, because its “different”… as such it is designed to make the reader think and it certainly achieves this. From the text, it is obvious that Brody brought more than just memories back from his deployments and this book is obviously an attempt at collating
and managing some of that baggage, PTSD or whatever you want to call it. In the text, Brody is candid and frank about his experiences in the PR service of the US Military and how disillusioned he became by the actions of his superiors in terms of what he saw and experienced on the ground and what they wanted to show people. He is also candid and frank about his drug use in theatre and it illustrates the dichotomy of a man who desperately wanted to be on deployment, but needed some mind altering substances to exist there. So it’s no surprise that a lot of the photos are blurred or of obscure subject matter. The point is that this is the reality on the ground in Iraq and Brody has chosen to use these images to show that the reality is often not best reflected in the official PR images that have been selected to represent that reality to the public.
The Changing Man – A mental health guide By Dr Cate Howell and Alex Barnard Published by Exisle Stress, anxiety, depression, family problems, sexuality and relationship issues –they’re all potent ingredients affecting the mental health of men today. And the mental health of women, too, of course. But in The Changing Man, a Mental Health Guide, it’s all about men and what makes them tick. What, why and how things can go wrong mentally, and what can be considered as ways of addressing them. It’s all very well recognising depression or anxiety – but what to do to ease it or better still, make it go away? While The Changing Man looks at a range of issues that affect men, it also provides a toolbox of ways issues can be approached. It’s all in there— substance related issues, anger, grief, addictions, trauma, and while The Changing Man is no substitute for professional face to face advice it’s a starting point to help men consider how they are feeling.
The Changing Man is written by an Australian Defence GP Dr Cate Howell, and her son Alex Barnard, an educator with a keen interest in anxiety and depression prevention and intervention. That it is a mother and son collaboration somehow appeals, as often similar books are written with a dearth of empathy. The Changing Man, makes the very valid point that it is okay not to be okay. It’s what we do next that matters the most. • Reviewed by Judith Martin
Army News has a copy of The Changing Man to give away. To be in the draw, send an email to with “Changing” in the subject line.
If, like me, you’ve read a bunch of different Iraq narratives written by Brits and Americans, grunts and pogues then I heartily recommend Brody’s work as something strikingly different. I can almost guarantee you won’t have seen anything like this, or have been challenged as much by a recent operational narrative as you will be by Attention Servicemember. • Reviewed by Jeremy Seed
A MESSAGE FROM SMA WO1 Wiremu Moffitt CHANGES TO THE WAY WE REPORT SAFETY As you know, the Chief of Army and I take safety seriously. Like you, we encourage training, sport and garrison activities that develop the skills and aptitude to meet Army outcomes, but we need to keep people safe. Last month I announced some changes, which will include a new safety reporting and risk management tool. The introduction of the Safety Event Management Tool (SEMT) has impacts for all of us and will support our role of making the NZDF a safer place to work. At the moment, the focus of activities is preparing to launch the tool. This has involved engagement and discussion between the SEMT Project Team, the Directorate of Safety, Army Health and Safety and unit command, to make sure the tool responds to the Army’s needs.
Everyone will have access to the SEMT Landing Page, where you will be able to report a safety event, as well as look up safety and risk information. There will be additional training for those people who have extra safety responsibilities. Here is an example of part of the SEMT event reporting form. Everyone will be able to access this form from the SEMT Landing Page.
Can I get more information on the SEMT now? For more information, go to the DIXS Intranet Launch Page. Then go to HQNZDF, select Directorate of Safety. You will find a link to the Safety Event Management Tool in the banner at the top of the page.
Field level help is available by clicking the information symbol.
GETTING OUR PEOPLE FINANCIALLY SECURE A key goal of the Force Financial Hub (FFH) is to have all Defence households financially secure, with people either in their own home or saving to get into their own home, and then investing for retirement. NZ Army works actively with a variety of agencies to help deliver these Force Financial Hub goals. The latest offering is a series of podcasts provided by Milestone Direct Ltd (NZDF’s preferred financial advice service) covering a range of aspects to do with money management and which are aimed at Defence members and their families. NZ Army has contributed to the costs as we recognise their value to our people. These 40 minute podcasts will be delivered over the next two months.
WO1 Wiremu Moffitt
Topics include: • What do low interest rates mean for you? • Preparing household finances for the next crisis • Budgeting – small behaviours that make a big financial difference • How to buy your first home • KiwiSaver do’s and don’ts • Financial opportunities for those with stable employment • Save or invest, is there a difference? (clue: yes!!!) • Investing, including risk v return, when is the best time to start investing, constructing
an investment portfolio, diversification, asset allocation and so forth • Financial challenges facing women, especially retirement savings and buying a first home • The importance of financial planning, regardless of phase of life The podcasts are easy to find via either YouTube or by googling the Force Financial Hub, or Milestone Direct Ltd. I encourage you to listen in. The beauty of podcasts is that you can listen in when you like, your partner can also listen, and you can come back to them over and again.
Te Kiwi Māia Close to the heart Te Kiwi Māia, a Defence Force-endorsed charity, gathered some creative talent over lockdown to create their saleable charity T-shirt. Able Musician Rebecca Nelson, who founded the charity, unveiled the new design created by Corporal Renee Thyne, RNZAF. Te Kiwi Māia – the courageous kiwi – provides support and respite for first responders and New Zealand Defence Force personnel, both current and former, who have physical or psychological injuries as a result of their service to Aotearoa and our communities. Te Kiwi Māia’s aim is to establish a homestead and working farm designed and equipped to foster physical, psychological and emotional rehabilitation and recovery; somewhere for those who have committed to New Zealand, and who have been injured through their work, to recuperate and refresh.
CPL Thyne, a former children’s book illustrator and graphic designer before her Air Force career, says her design – images of headgear in a heart arrangement – represents the heads of our responders, while the heart represents both the health of those personnel and support of the person wearing the shirt. “I was only too happy to provide my skills to generate awareness and support for Te Kiwi Māia,” she says.
All profits from the T-shirt sale goes back to Te Kiwi Māia. See for more information and sales.
2LT Ants jones in action.
SGT Simon Fenton
Linton Men’s Reserve
By LT Connor McGechan, Chairperson
After a couple of years’ hiatus the Linton Football Club (LFC) is back and stronger than ever.
With two men’s teams competing in the 2020 season and a player base of around 50 members the club has had a large amount of success in the Manawatu football leagues. The first team taking out their league undefeated with the best defensive record in the region is by no means an easy feat, all thanks to the leadership and management by Team Captain SGT Jay Margison, Coach A/SGT Simon Fenton and Manager Mrs Tracy Breuer. The men’s Reserves has also been equally impressive in their division with players often having to play out of position. They were placed third which is a very commendable effort. This team was led by the ever reliable SGT Kyle Foster and SGT Richard Woodhead.
Linton Men’s 1st
The club has also done well in the local cups with both teams still in the hunt. Star players this season for the men’s Firsts included CAPT Tom Merrilees who would regularly commute down from Waiouru to represent the club, 2LT Ants Jones did much the same as Merrilees whilst being a Pl Comd at TAD. Local lad CPL David Spencer was merciless in front of goal damaging some of the goalkeepers’ pride so much that they have yet to be seen again at a football match. SPR Dave Emmens, SPR Nick Wells and SGT Jay Margison led the defence and can take great pride in their efforts and defensive record for the season.
In the men’s Reserve team several players often stood out for the team putting in good shifts on the field. SGT Kyle Foster who gifted himself the playing name ‘Fosnaldo’ was regularly a flash of lightning down the wing delivering some good balls and scoring a handful of goals during the season. LCPL Kodee Knight has regularly performed for this team along with the solid defensive crew of LBDR Jarryd Paish and GNR Tane Harris. Post-matches the teams have frequently got together for a few beverages and meals to catch up and enjoy each other’s company with a big focus on family being welcome to attend matches and post-match activities.
The club is already structuring itself for the 2021 season with the First Team once again looking for promotion. The club is looking to raise a women’s team in the 2021 season as well as maintaining the two existing men’s teams if not growing to three. The club is currently investing in new strips across the teams for a fresh start in the new season. The club is open to people registering interest at any time. However, an official recruitment drive will begin in early 2021 with a muster sometime in February. Please direct any playing enquiries to: CPL David Spencer – men, CPL Abi Gordon – women. Images courtesy of Alex Leech, Mags Media NZ.
CPL26 SamARMYSPORT Prosser and LCPL Steel.
Corporal Sam Prosser grew up with the smell of liniment and a pair of boxing gloves always at the ready. His dad was a New Zealand champion, and his uncles broke several Canterbury records. His mate and sparring partner Lance Corporal Jamal Steel was pretty much the opposite. He had never set foot in the ring until this year, and he is very much still learning about the sport. The pair however, have scored South Island boxing titles for themselves – CPL Prosser has won the South Island heavyweight title, and LCPL Steel the South Island super heavyweight title. The men, both members of the Burnham Boxing Club, are delighted. Although he grew up surrounded by boxers, CPL Prosser didn’t have his first fight until he was 16. “There was a bit of a lull then I came back to it last year. It’s a one man sport so you find out a lot about yourself psychologically. Especially being in the infantry, it’s good to put yourself in that fear zone. It’s kind of like the art of the unknown, and you put yourself on the line.”
He won the Canterbury novice heavyweight title last year. LCPL Steel has always played rugby, but this year decided to give boxing a go. “I wanted a bit of a break. “I’ve got a lot to learn but they are great at the Burnham Boxing Club. I have people like Uila Mau’u and Eleanoa Lilo there to give me advice, and of course the head coach Stu Adams. Elenoa [heavyweight] and Uila [super heavy weight] are both soldiers and current New Zealand Champions and were on the short list for the Olympic and Commonwealth games teams pre-covid. “I like the fact it’s an individual sport and you have only yourself to rely on. And that extra adrenaline rush is always good, ”said LCPL Steel.
LCPL Jamal Steel
MVP Crystal Mayes
A SHORT, SUCCESSFUL SEASON FOR LINTON RUGBY Linton Rugby Club celebrated the end of a short season with a prize giving held at the Elliott VC in September. It was a season of highs and lows, with the Club having for the first time in years a President’s team, Women’s team and U6 team in the club competition. However due to Covid 19 restrictions it was touch and go whether or not the competitions would start, semi-final games were cancelled and junior rugby games postponed. However, thanks to the perseverance of coaches, players and the committee members, it was a successful season. Congratulations to all coaches, players and supporters who won awards at Linton Rugby Prizegiving:
Tony Greig and John Broderson
Junior Rugby Club
Presidents Awards:
Senior 2nds Awards:
Most Improved
Team Person of the Year
Most Improved
Lucian Fowke
Tony Greig
Jack O’Neale
Team Player
Most Valuable Player
Most Valuable Back
Jack Groenendyk
Tony Greig
Taniora Te Kanawa
Presidents Best Supporter
Most Valuable Forward:
Cameron Groenendyk
John Broderson
Braedon Williams
Person of the Year Maitlin Kakau and Anneliese Nikorima
Senior 3rds Awards: Most Valuable Back Timothy Robinson Most Valuable Forward Hunter Anderson Most Improved Dillion Coatsworth Best Supporter Richard McLaren
Dianne Ackerman Most Valuable Player Richard McLaren
Laura Bayfield
Maitlin Kakau and Anneliese Nikorima
Best Supporter:
Womens Rugby Awards:
Nalia De Negri MVP: Jonty Hoosan
Most Improved Charlotte Hunt
Best Back
Linton Club Trophy: Parsons Cup for Valuable Club Member:
Cydney McNally
Phillip “Max” Maxwell
Most Promising Laura Bayfield
Best Forward Shasa Isaacs Players Choice Bridget Lake MVP Crystal Mayes
Nalia De Negri
The next selection for the New Zealand Special Air Service is in February 2021 Nominations open from 16 October – 4 December 2020. For more information or to submit your application, visit the SOF intranet page (http://org/nzsof/LP/Recruiting.aspx) or email