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PPP INDUSTRIES LTD INSTALLED THE FIRST PRESSscrew separator at a New Zealand dairy farm in Northland in 2001. This was quickly followed by another unit in Manawatu.
Since 2001 PPP has installed systems in most provinces of NZ, but the range of customers is now expanded to include piggeries, truck wash stations and meat works.
The design and installation are an important part of all its projects but the quality of the separators ensures PPP has never experienced a failure.
PPP offers three models catering in size from flow rates of 5-10m3 per hour up to large projects of 80m3 per hour. The separators can deal with heavy flows of solids such as paunch material through to diluted waste such as in the dairy industry.
Since the company’s involvement in business waste streams other opportunities have developed such as composting. Its supplier of separators also manufactures “in-vessel composters” so smells can all be contained. These systems have minimal power and labour demand so are very efficient. These composters are part of the success that enable our systems to turn protein waste, such as dead birds from the poultry industry into a biological fertiliser in 24-30 hours.
PPP Industries Ltd was established in 1962. Since the inception of the business the company has been a leader within the poultry industry, dairy feeding systems, sheep dipping equipment and now has laid out plans to revolutionise the composting industry.