Hooked Up 22

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up ISSUE 22 2019


New Zealand Sport Fishing Council is one of the longest serving incorporated organisations representing recreational anglers. The NZSFC was formed around the IGFA fishing rules and ethics so that a consistent standard could be set when comparing catches. The NZSFC offers additional records classes for New Zealand records beyond what IGFA offer for juniors and small-fry anglers. We have refined some of the IGFA rules to make them more suitable for our contests. Our New Zealand based IGFA representatives keep a close liaison between IGFA and (NZSFC) and have regular input into issues that could affect New Zealand anglers. We have promoted valuable marine research that is internationally respected. This includes the game fish tagging programs for marlin, sharks, tuna and kingfish which now has a history of 17 years of information. The Council created and continues to support the NZ Marine Research Foundation (NZMRF) for the primary purpose of conducting research on fish species benefiting our membership that could not, or will not be financed by government agencies. Information from research carried out by the NZMRF has been very valuable when justifying our position in species management. All they have to do is remind themselves, that the majority of what the NZSFC does is for the benefit of individual members rather than equal benefits for each club. More fish in the sea, better access, water quality, individual legal protection, record recognition, research, advocacy, fishing data collection and dissemination are all individual benefits of belonging to the NZSFC.

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CONTENTS 4 6 9 12 14 16 20 22 23

President's Report EDITOR

From the Office AGM Debrief

Helen Pastor CONTENT ENQUIRIES Helen Pastor 027 485 3600

LegaSea Update LegaSea Projects

secretary@nzsportfishing.org.nz ADVERTISING ENQUIRIES Dean Andrew 021 862 579

Fisheries Management Report FishCare

sales@nzfishingnews.co.nz www.nzsportfishing.co.nz

Getting Ready for the Water Club Marine

Cover Shot Congratulations to Brian Rhodes for winning the Hart Trophy for best live photo with his winning Mahimahi photo.

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WELCOME TO THE OCTOBER EDITION OF HOOKED UP! I’m writing this less than a week after the 2019, 63rd AGM and Conference and Wow! What a time was had by all. Very thankful that the whole weekend went really well, with an outstanding venue and amazingly good food. Superbly organised by Helen Pastor, Scott Macindoe, Allan Davidson, the crew from Mana Cruising Club and the LegaSea Crew, in particular Pieter Battaerd. It truly was a fantastic effort by all concerned. We were also blessed to have Miah Dixon (yes they’re related) of NZ Fishing Media going above and beyond duty snapping photos and taking notes all through the weekend. I can’t wait to see the write up and photos! Thanks to the finely tuned constitutional skills of our very own Lewis Avenell, the normally boringly dry and contentious notices of motion were all done and dusted, bar one, by the close of proceedings of day one, and the final one was wrapped up first thing Saturday morning. The AGM started with an opening address from the Honourable Stuart Nash, who gave a very good address, and gave some extremely candid answers to the very challenging questions. He followed up a couple of them on his way back to the airport with some very clear actions resulting from the fresh understanding he got about our concerns while at the meeting. Awesome stuff indeed. 4  www.nzsportfishing.co.nz

I reflect back on my first 12 months as President of this Council with a blend of satisfaction and frustration. Satisfaction because we do a pretty fine job of a lot of things. We’ve continued to set the bar high with our fisheries management and advocacy work. The Fisheries Management Standing Committee chaired by Lewis Avenell have offered direction and mandate to the experienced and reliable team of contractors that serve us so well. Thank you to John Holdsworth who has been such a stable and constant source of practical and insightful advice. Together with Trish Rea and Josh Barclay the NZSFC are engaged and participating in all relevant fisheries management processes. I am proud of the powerful and relevant submissions that the Council is making. Let’s hope that those advising the Minister are paying attention. We celebrate the work undertaken by the LegaSea team to help elevate public awareness of the work that needs to be done to rebuild our fisheries and also the efforts to inspire people and businesses to contribute to this work. Thank you to Sam Woolford for your deeply committed leadership of the LegaSea team of Trish Rea, Si Yates, Benn Winlove, Pieter Battaerd, Angela Janse Van Rensburg, Louise O’Sullivan, Scott Cushman, Brie Handford and Jess Beetham. The steady growth in LegaSea Legends is testament to your authenticity team. I take this opportunity to acknowledge both the long standing Platinum and Gold Partners and the new. Your commitment to stand by this Council year after year is humbling. Whilst your financial support is vital, your endorsement of the work we do means so much. It has been so pleasing to see the mind-set shift in people’s attitudes towards full utilisation and respect for the fish we take. The Kai Ika project being trialled through the Outboard Boating Club of Auckland and the Papatuanuku Kokiri marae at Mangere sees teams of people combining to deliver over 40,000 kilograms of heads and frames to people who truly appreciate this healthy food. Thank you to the Bobby Stafford Bush Foundation for your generous support that has allowed us to purchase a 3-tonne refrigerated truck this year, Scott Seafood in Henderson for your tremendous gifts of fish, and now thanks to the ‘Working together More Fund’, an expansion into Wellington based around the leadership of the Mana Cruising Club. Nothing more powerful than a good idea whose time has come. Similarly, the Fishcare project has taken the lead on work required to shift people’s attitudes and behaviours with best practice for handling the fish we keep and those that we release. More good work made possible by a growing family of funders and partners. The New Zealand Sport Fishing Council and our subsidiary LegaSea have every reason to be proud of this leadership work and the alignment with other organisations achieved. It is all about our values and the principles and policy made possible by being a Council of like-minded people. Very little of the work we do in Fisheries management and LegaSea would be possible without the passion, enthusiasm, general weirdness (his own words) and resources of one Scott Macindoe; The general roustabout who continues to passionately and enthusiastically fill any gap that needs filling not only in FM, LegaSea but the council in general. This month, we also celebrate 10 years of Hiwi the Kiwi Goes Fishing performances in 1300 schools to an estimated 416,000 kids! At age 67, The Minstrel is approaching retirement. The Council is actively looking for a replacement so the undoubted success of “Hiwi the Kiwi Goes Fishing” can continue well into the future. 5  www.nzsportfishing.co.nz

This year we publish the inaugural Weigh Masters Handbook. Thank you to Mark Hemingway, Pete Saul, Helen Pastor and all those that provided content for this milestone piece of work for the Council. We also went live with our new website. A much cleaner presentation that responds to the device that you’re viewing it on incorporating some handy features that help you not only find your local club(s) but message them directly as well. Now that we have a powerful, versatile Content Management System (CMS) you can expect our website to become ever more useful and rich in relevant reference material and tools. We are ready to commit to new software for running the Nationals, but have put that work on hold until we can find some external funding to cover the higher than budgeted cost. We’ve completed the ‘requirements collection process’ and are just wrapping up the procurement phase. We are on target for having the new system online for next year’s Nationals. Some will be aware of the challenges we had from this year’s Nationals with the system locking up on us and with several functions not working consistently. We believe we have the right stuff in place to ensure we can get one last roll of the dice from the current database. This is about where it gets frustrating. We are doing a good job in the fisheries management space (some would argue that we could be doing better which is another frustration in itself) with a solid team of contractors coupled with some very committed volunteers with the passion and ability to make their time and resources available for doing this work to a high standard. Conversely, for the development of the Sport of Fishing and the club support side of our business we have Helen and a team of volunteer Board Members who have day jobs, businesses, family and responsibilities with their home clubs and, of course, the urge to go fishing to balance. Needless to say, getting stuff done and making meaningful progress with club or Sport of Fishing initiatives is frustratingly slow and laboured. We have many opportunities to do a better job here as well as clubs questioning what value the Council provides despite the huge amount of work we do in the fisheries management area, with member benefits like Go Fuel, Club Marine, the Nationals tournament, awards, trophies, record keeping, affiliation/visitation, courtesy weigh benefits among others. We can do more and I welcome the challenge. We need strategy coupled with resourcing and funding to lift our game in these areas and truly deliver value and relevance. This is why we’ve decided to take the plunge and commence the recruitment process for a CEO. Without this corner stone resource/leadership, I fear we could still be here in 10 years’ time with approximately 55 members clubs, representing 34,000 members, many of whom are still unclear what they get for their $9 per member per annum affiliation and $2 donation to the New Zealand Marine Research Foundation. This time next year I’m expecting to report back on a year of having a CEO in place and presenting our strategy for how we will deliver more value back to our member clubs, what we’ve already started and what still needs funding. So, here’s to the year that was and the exciting changes for the year ahead. Thank you for your support and encouragement.


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FROM THE OFFICE AGM now done and dusted and what a busy time it was. Mana club and marina area is a hidden gem, but more about that later. Congratulations to Brian Rhodes for winning the Hart Trophy for best live photo with his winning Mahimahi photo. This will be on the front of our yearbook this year. Well done!

We had some wonderful nominations for trophies this year and I must say a great number of junior anglers. All I can say is well done to them all. I have attached the photos of the nominees that were sent to me. Such fantastic photos I just had to share them. So good to see all these young people getting involved in the sport of fishing. See the junior nominees photo montage on the following page. Now the AGM is now over, I can get back onto other things. Would all clubs who have not already done so, please send to me the club information, catch reports and club numbers for our yearbook. The deadline for the yearbook this year is the 15th of October and I would like to avoid the mad panic at the end getting information correct. John from Blue Water Marine Research is waiting on the catch numbers so he can update his records. I will be sending out the affiliation invoices in the middle of October. Please let me know if any of your clubs have had a change if email address for your secretary/office. It’s coming up to tag ordering time again. I have some here and have ordered more so please don’t leave it to the last minute to get your orders in. NZSFC have a few more measure boards available, so anyone who is wanting to order some let me know. I would like to finish this report with a great big thank you to Pieter Battaerd and the LegaSea crew for all their help over the AGM weekend. Pieter worked tirelessly helping me with all sorts of things, he was everyone’s wingman. Thank you Pieter I really appreciated all you did to help me out.

Helen Pastor

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prize nominations for junior fishers

Muriwai Aiden Gerrard Junior of the Year

Whangarei Madison Ross Old Man & The Sea and Top Junior

Tauranga Olive Armistead Junior of the Year

Tairua Junior of the Year

Tairua Junior of the Year

Tauranga Ezra Tairua Junior of the Year

Zach Pennell Tairua Junior of the Year

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AGM DEBRIEF The 2019 AGM has been wrapped up for 2019 and it has been another fun filled weekend with some work going on as well. I must say it was a very busy time, I did 13,000 steps without leaving the building one day, but the meeting brought together all our delegates in one room to discuss issues and to agree on constitutional changes. The issues the Council as a whole are involved with are huge, and I must say it is quite impressive to see clubs working together to achieve, or try to achieve these matters. The ladies who came along were treated to beautiful weather, and a lovely trip to Greytown and Martinborough. Shops, food and wines were had, although I think it was a little colder there than in Wellington. Mana Club put on a great event for us and many thanks to Tony O’Connor (the Club Manager) and his team for making things happen for me.

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It was great to see 5 presidents, both past and present in one place – lots of experience and history there. FT PRESIDENTS FROM LE PAST AND PRESENT 2015 to 12 20 or nn Co 2011 / Mark Richard Baker 2008 to t day sen pre to 19 20 ll tse 07 / Bob Gu Jeff Romeril 2000 to 20 2018 Phil Appleyard 2016 to

Our special prizegiving night was a rounding success with 140 people attending the dinner. Many thanks Rob Lemoto from Police 10/7 who came along to make the night an interesting and fun event. With or without the tazers! But there is no prizegiving without the nominees and prize winners. Well done to each and every one of you.

PRIZE WINNERS Bill Webb for the FIRST MARLIN OF THE SEASON TAGGED Jim Nicholson for the FIRST MARLIN OF THE SEASON weighed. FIRST MARLIN OVERALL went to Jim Nicholson. THE SAUL TROPHY FOR THE MOST TAGGED GAME FISH went to Seal Mackay from Whangaroa Sport Fishing Club tagging 18 fish. John Mawer from Bay of Islands Swordfish Club won the LORD NORRIE CLUB FOR THE HEAVIEST STRIPED MARLIN OF THE SEASON – 191.5kg. THE FISHERMAN OF THE YEAR AWARD (HEAVIEST GAMEFISH) was won by Alan Langdon from Muriwai Sport Fishing Club. He caught a Broadbill weighing in at 335.20kg. THE PETER AND NOELENE SHORT MEMORIAL TROPHY – MOST TAGGED BILLFISH was won by Rod Haines from Bay of Islands Swordfish Club with 10 tagged and released billfish. THE OLD MAN AND THE SEA IS A TROPHY WHICH IS AWARDED TO THE MOST MERITORIOUS CATCH and this year it was awarded to Alan Langdon from Muriwai for his 335.20 kg Broadbill (see photo over). Brian Rhodes again took home the HART TROPHY FOR THE BEST LIVE PHOTO with a fabulous phoro of a Mahimahi (see front cover).

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Last but not least we had two of the newer trophies the TOP JUNIOR OF THE YEAR most metitorious and the VOLUNTEER OF THE YEAR to a person who the clubs feel have given above and beyond for their club. THE TOP JUNIOR THIS YEAR went to Madison Ross from Whangarei Deep Sea Anglers Club who caught a blue marlin 302kg on a 15kg line. In catching this fish Madison broke quite a few records; • WDSAC junior girls record • WDSAC women’s club record •NZ junior girls record • NZ women’s record • World Junior girls record • New World women’s record Well done Madison. A fabulous effort. It is very said that we cannot give all the junior nominees a prize for their enthusiasm and it does seem that the sport of fishing is looking well supported for the future. (See all the junior nominees photos in a collage on page 8 so you can see all their great catches). THE VOLUNTEER OF THE YEAR this year went to Ray McIntyre from Tairua Pauanui Sports Fishing Club. Ray works tirelessly for his club and his president Warren Mayer said that “Ray is the Volunteer I wish I had ten of, a true old school club member and salt of the earth” Ray was supported at the AGM by a large group from his club and this goes to show how appreciated he is when 20 supporters joined him in Wellington at the AGM Prizegiving Dinner (see photo below).

So now we have closed the chapter on another AGM and will start the new season. The AGM in September next year will be held at the Bay of Islands Swordfish Club in Paihia. I look forward to seeing many of you there. Save the date!!

Pauanui porters from the Tairua Ray McIntyre and 20 sup Sports Fishing Club

Alan Langdon from Mu riwai catching his 335.20 kg Broadbill

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LEGASEA REPORT LegaSea held its AGM in conjunction with the New Zealand Sport Fishing Council AGM in September, in Wellington. The LegaSea Annual Report was presented to the NZSFC club delegates and invited guests. The following report includes the main talking points from that presentation.

LEGASEA PROGRESS LegaSea is pleased to report positive growth over the past year. The team continues to improve its skill level, its outputs and outreach. We have taken the bold step in engaging both a professional fundraiser and a digital expert. We expect Angela Janse van Rensburg and Benn Winlove will help LegaSea increase our annual income and overall profile over the next 12 months. Since 2012 LegaSea has reached deep into recreational fishing circles. We now need to expand our horizons and engage the wider public in the discussions concerning our marine environment. Restoring fisheries abundance, diversity and resilience can seem to be complex issues however, we have the opportunity to leverage off the climate change discussions and relate that back to our fisheries. We know from our polling there are five major issues that concern the public, they are: Bottom trawling inshore • Fish dumping • Sustainability • Depletion • Gifting of fish. Over the past year LegaSea’s messaging has focused on these areas. This has resulted in much higher engagement and response rates from our database and supporters. It is clear the status quo is not serving anyone. From a LegaSea perspective, it is pleasing that, the public is waking up to the need to restore our fisheries and marine environment. We would like to say a special thanks to the following organisations who share our vision for the future and are actively supporting the need for change. Spearfishing New Zealand, Whitehaven Wine, Barkers Clothing, ITM, Sustainable Coastlines, Bobby Stafford-Bush Foundation, the New Zealand Angling & Casting Association, Yachting New Zealand and the Hokianga Accord.

GOVERNANCE LegaSea regularly reports to the Council through the Fisheries Management Standing Committee and LegaSea Governance Advisory Standing Committee (LGAS). The LGAS guide operations and includes LegaSea directors, Mark Connor and Peter Campbell (Chairman), and NZSFC Board and co-opted members Richard Baker, Lewis Avenell, Scott Macindoe and Ross Lucas.

SUPPORTER ENGAGEMENT LegaSea is supported by a growing number of corporate sponsors, over 45,000 subscribers, 42,000 Facebook followers, and the generosity of thousands of Kiwis who care about the environment.

EVENTS Over the past year, the LegaSea crew attended, hosted or participated in 67 events around the country. This included the Hutchwilco Boat Show, Fieldays, the Gisborne and Hawke’s Bay A & P shows and the Auckland-based On Water Boat Show. Through these events, we directly engaged with an estimated 17,000 people. Simon Yates and Pieter Battaerd remain the driving force behind these events. 12  www.nzsportfishing.co.nz


KEY EVENTS OF THE LAST YEAR INCLUDE THE: Hutchwilco New Zealand Boat Show. Event organisers Premiere Exhibitions, particularly Dave Gibbs, gift LegaSea exhibition space each May. Thanks also to our valued crew of volunteers who generously give their time. We couldn’t do it without this team. On Water Boat Show. NZ Marine generously make space available for LegaSea to promote the FishCare programme in 2018. Due to America’s Cup-related events, space restrictions mean LegaSea will not be present at the 2019 event. LegaSea appreciates and acknowledges NZ Marine’s ongoing support. New Zealand Agricultural Fieldays. For the third year ITM donated part of their stand to LegaSea. We presented our messages to the show’s 120,000 attendees in June.

PARTNERS AND SPONSORS Our partner programme continues to grow. We welcome Boating and Outdoors, SOPERSMAC® and Whitehaven Wines as new entrants to the Platinum Partner space. LegaSea currently has nine Platinum Partners, 38 Gold Partners, 40 Works Partners and 25 Building LegaSea Partners. Having a growing number of organisations feel so strongly about the issues facing our coastal fisheries that they are investing in LegaSea is a critical success indicator. The message is getting through. People are realising our marine environment is worth investing in.

COMMUNICATIONS Interest in LegaSea’s message continues to grow. Over the last year, LegaSea has published at least 120 articles, opinion pieces and press releases. A special thanks to our leading magazines New Zealand Fishing News, New Zealand Bay Fisher and Fishing in Godzone, who are consistently supporting LegaSea by generously offering space in their publications. Our digital reach is increasing. We now have 45,000 Facebook followers, Instagram is the platform which captures younger New Zealanders’ attention. With 1,700 followers and counting, communication through this channel is also growing. To produce engaging, interesting content for print and digital media, we recently formed the “The CoOp”. A group of passionate volunteers who are committed to raising awareness of the issues facing our inshore environment. At its core are respected marine cameramen and photographers Mike Bhana, Dan Westerkamp, Sam Wild, Guy Macindoe and Alex Wallace. All contribute their skills and artwork at no, or least cost.

FINANCES Since 2015, 100% of public donations to LegaSea have been transferred to New Zealand Sport Fishing Council. These funds are carefully managed by the Fisheries Management Standing Committee. We have relaunched the LegaSea Legends recurring donor programme. This has resulted in a 20% increase in new regular donors since June. It feels like we are only just scratching the surface so we expect more positive results over the next 12 months. While LegaSea’s profile continues to grow, it is essential to reinforce how critical the New Zealand Sport Fishing Council has been in every step of this journey. Firstly, for having the strategic vision to create LegaSea and secondly, for providing the necessary support. For another consecutive year, LegaSea met budget. Distributions to the New Zealand Sport Fishing Council totalled more than $140,000 thanks to our magnificent and committed LegaSea Legends.


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legasea projects RESCUING FISHERIES At the 2018 AGM the New Zealand Sport Fishing Council confirmed its support for the research and study of fisheries management systems that will deliver abundant fisheries and a diverse marine environment. Over the past 12 months the Fisheries Management Standing Committee has overseen the development of Rescuing Fisheries. While elements of this work continue to evolve, it is clear there are fundamental issues that need to be addressed. Fisheries management is a hugely complex issue that we have to get right. We’ve been working on the problems and what must be done for the past 20 years, and have a very good understanding of what can work for all. However, there are key stakeholders – Māori, the public, commercial fishing interests, decision-makers – that we must engage with constructively before we do anything. The team will continue to develop policy proposals that address the issues highlighted in the first part of this research project. Once fully developed these will be made public and presented to the government for their consideration. Success will depend on everyone working together for New Zealand’s good.



FISHCARE – The school of best practice is an educational programme designed to help recreational fishers reduce their impact on the marine environment. The programme recognises that all fishers; commercial, customary and recreational, have a responsibility to look after the resource they use and gain benefits from. FishCare is centered around five core principles: FISHING TECHNIQUES Use methods that target the fish you want and where possible avoid catching juvenile fish. FISH HANDLING AND RELEASE METHODS Handle appropriately to ensure maximum survival rates of fish returned to the water. MAXIMUM UTILISATION Ensure you make the most of the fish you choose to keep or share them with those that will. IMPACT MINIMISATION Respect all marine life. Reduce your environmental impact and enjoy respectful interactions with birds and mammals. SAFETY PRINCIPLES Maximise personal safety while on the Water. The programme has enjoyed a notable expansion of reach over the last 12 months. Programme partners such as NZ Marine, the Hutchwilco New Zealand Boat Show, New Zealand Fishing News,, New Zealand Bay Fisher magazine, the NZ Fishing Community and Fishing in Godzone have all made generous in-kind contributions to facilitate FishCare. LegaSea continue to work with Kelly Tarlton’s Sea Life Aquarium in developing their Ocean Youth programme. This programme is built on a foundation of the FishCare principles and is designed to engage the next generation of salty sea dogs.

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More than 1400 respondents participated in the annual FishCare survey in 2019. This is double the number of participants in 2018. With an objective to adjust recreational fishers’ behaviour, it is encouraging to note that awareness continues to grow. For example, 55% of those who fish 12 or more days per annum said they had seen or read the FishCare principles.

FISHCARE AMBASSADORS Matt Watson, Tony Orton, Mandy Kupenga and Matt Von Sturmer are LegaSea’s founding FishCare Ambassadors. All four have a well-established record of promoting ways that recreational fishers can minimise their impact on our marine environment.


www. kaiika.co.nz

‘HE IKA HE TAONGA’ – THE GIFT OF FISH Facilitated by LegaSea, the Outboard Boating Club of Auckland (OBC) and Papatuanuku Kokiri Marae have developed the Kai Ika Project. This project utilises fish heads, frames and offal which were previously going to waste. Since November 2016, over 45,000 kilos of previously discarded fish parts have been collected from the OBC and redistributed to families around South Auckland. For many, these fish parts are prized for their sweet flesh. In te reo, the head of the fish is known as rangatira kai or ‘the chief’s food’ and is considered a real delicacy. Until Kai Ika OBC members discarded tonnes of fish heads, frames and offal every year. Now, the OBC collects these previously unwanted fish parts. Papatuanuku Kokiri Marae volunteers collect and distribute the heads and frames to an appreciative local community. The offal is used as fertiliser in the marae gardens where locals are encouraged to help grow their own vegetables. The success of this project is driven largely by the 1500 volunteer hours and 17,000km kilometres required to pickup and distribute fish parts. We are grateful to the Trustees of the Bobby Stafford-Bush Foundation for their generous grant that has enabled us to purchase a three tonne refrigerated truck that is making the collection and distribution so efficient and best practise.

EXPANSION With the generous assistance of BECA and the Ministry for the Environment we are currently focused on expanding the project. The charter fleet at Westhaven (Z Pier) has committed to supplying the Kai Ika Project this summer. We estimate a four-fold increase in fish parts. The fledgling Wellington Kai Ika project has already featured on radio and in news columns, drawing largely positive responses.


To cover the expected increase in expenses, a fish filleting service will be provided at OBC this summer. This service is ensuring a revenue stream which in turn will facilitate the growth of the Kai Ika project.

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council policies NOW WELL DOCUMENTED

Full utilisation of the catch and the prevention dumping is one of the aims of the Rescue Fish campaigns 16  www.nzsportfishing.co.nz


What an amazing year to step up to the role of Chairman of the Fisheries Management - Marine Protection Standing committee. My first note is to thank the dedicated team, Bob Gutsell, Peter Campbell, Mark Connor, Dave Wallace, Scott Macindoe, Richard Baker and Dirk Sieling and all our contractors. Without you all we would not be in the position we are now. We deliver a regular Quarterly Report for club delegates and their members. The feedback we receive is invaluable and fuels us - thank you. We now have a dedicated ‘NZSFC Fisheries Management Policy Document’ that records all of our policies and objectives relating to fisheries management and marine protection. It is these policies that give guidance/alignment for our team and contractors to write submissions on your behalf. On average we are given a mere 19 working days to research, draft and complete submissions. This document can be updated and modified by a notice of motion at any AGM, if you or your zones have any requirements please notify the FMMP or make notes in your Zone Minutes. Through the following year we will strive to add more species to Section 5 to be signed off at the 2020 AGM. We are at a stage in national fisheries management where the status quo cannot be accepted. The Quota Management System (QMS) no longer sits atop its pedestal of being ‘worldleading’ as one after another of our fisheries are tipped from the knife edge of Maximum Sustainable Yield (MSY) onto the floor of ‘over exploited’ - Cray2, Tarakihi 1/2/3 and Hoki as examples of unacceptable fisheries management. 17  www.nzsportfishing.co.nz

It has been uplifting to see the evolution of ‘Rescuing Fisheries’. This project has highlighted for me the challenges and pitfalls of fisheries management through the QMS, what other systems are being used internationally and how they could be adopted to serve us here in New Zealand. Please refer to the Rescue Fish section elsewhere in this edition for more details. The positive attitude of this project is a complete turn around on the daily frustrations set upon us by the Fisheries New Zealand (FNZ) submission process and battle to restore depleted fisheries with excuses such as “unreasonable economic hardship” taking precedence over an abundant fishery. We all must act now to ensure that we are the first to leave the fishery in a better state for the next generation then we have now.

The Rescue Fish campaign is all encompassing of the NZSFC Manifesto we created a few years ago for our future vision of our fisheries and includes... • Establish a Royal Commission of Inquiry into fisheries management and the Quota Management System. • Amend the Fisheries Act 1996 to include an Allocation Principle. • Remove industrial fishing methods such as trawling, seining and dredging from the inshore zone. • Establish a separate, well-resourced Ministry of Fisheries. • Amend section 13 of the Fisheries Act 1996 to replace the minimum stock target of BMSY with a minimum biomass target of B50, that is 50% of the unfished stock size.

A Special thanks to Scott Macindoe, Barry Torkington, Trish Rea, Josh Barclay and Sam Woolford and Andrew Charleston for their dedication to this project.


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Remove industrial fishing methods such as trawling, seining and dredging from the inshore zone is part of the Rescue Fish manifesto


Toitū te marae a Tāne-Mahuta, Toitū te marae a Tangaroa, Toitū te tangata. (If the land is well and the sea is well, the people will thrive)

Lewis Avenell NZSFC FMMP Chair

At aged 90, Stuart Smith is as competitive as ever!

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Seagrass meadows can be more productive than coral reef systems, but are sensitive to water quality degradation.



The benthic environment can play host to a delicate nursery that plays a pivotal part in the health of our fishery, minimising damage is important. 20  www.nzsportfishing.co.nz


The Hauraki Gulf is a very productive snapper fishery if you consider that there are a lot of recreational fishers surrounding this body of water. When compared to the Bay of Plenty, which has fewer recreational fishers and more area, the Hauraki Gulf has a richer biomass of fish. What is the difference between these two areas? Bottom trawling is banned across the inner Gulf while the Bay is mostly open to bottom trawling. Bottom trawling has an adverse effect on the seabed, the benthic environment. The delicate ecology of the benthic environment can act as a nursery, playing an essential role in sustaining finfish populations. This nursery zone is adversely affected by both the trawl gear smashing over the top of it as well as the sediment plumes that are created due to the trawling. The suspension and re-suspension of the sediment alters light levels and can eventually smother the sea floor, reducing productivity in many parts of the ecosystem. There are a variety of nursery environments, but one important ecosystem is the seagrass meadow. Scientists internationally consider seagrass meadows to be one of the most productive ecosystems in the world, ranked even ahead of coral reefs. Research reveals sub-tidal seagrass meadows in northern New Zealand are important juvenile fish nurseries, particularly for snapper and trevally. This nursery value changes, depending on the depth and size of the seagrass bed, the coastline, and latitude. New Zealand’s seagrasses have proven to be acutely responsive to environmental changes, especially those altering water clarity. Clarity is affected by sedimentation, chemicals, nutrient run-off from land and rubbish from city streets. The productivity of our harbours and estuarine environments has decreased over time, ultimately affecting the abundance and diversity of fish. Bottom trawling is destructive, but do recreational fishers have an impact on the sea floor? One area for consideration is scallop dredging. Although not as heavy as commercial gear, the frequency with which recreational fishers drag dredges can add up to be environmentally adverse. Delicate ecosystems like seagrass meadows are susceptible to having heavy objects dragged over them and are slow to recover. Maybe it’s time to try hand gathering scallops now that scallop season is upon us if you have previously used a dredge? Give some thought to where you anchor. Respected charter operator Tony Orton has a policy of not anchoring when fishing at the Mokohinau Islands simply because of the damage anchors can cause to the reef system, ripping up kelp beds. Tony has developed his business and fishing techniques to be environmentally friendly and drift fishes instead of anchoring. These are all important factors to consider as we think about how we can collectively reduce our impact on the marine environment. We want our fisheries to be restored and we want a healthy marine environment, not only in our life time but for future generations as well.

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getting ready for the water

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If your boat has been stored over the winter, you’ll want to check a few things before the new season’s first outing … The sun is out, the thermometer has crept into double-digits day and night, and you’re itching to take the boat for a spin. But, as you pull the tarp back for the first time in months, you’re met with a musty odour … and then you spot a little rust here and there, a spider crawls out from under the seats, and something looking suspiciously like possum poo is scattered around the cockpit. “Mmmm, nothing a quick blast around the bay won’t fix. There’s even a little petrol left in the tank – bonus!” Of course, most experienced boaties realise that it’s essential to give any boat a thorough going-over after they’ve been idle for a while. Boats and trailers require regular servicing, especially when it comes to engines and electrical and fuel systems. And if they’ve spent the winter idle, they’ll need to be prepared for action before hitting the water this spring.

MAKING A LIST, CHECKING IT TWICE While some maintenance tasks can be undertaken by the capable DIYer, others will require servicing by a professional marine centre. Here’s a rundown of what should be on every boat owner’s seasonal checklist when their pride and joy comes out of hibernation.

HULL AND GENERAL CHECK • Check the hull for any damage, including rudder trim and seals, running gear, trim tabs • Check the sacrificial anodes • If the boat spent the winter on the water, it’ll need to be cleaned of biofouling • Check lines, cleats, handrails etc for integrity • Inspect the anchor chain and line, winch, and other anchoring parts – ensure it is correctly attached to the boat • Run the bilge pumps, clean any debris around the pump inlets, and check and replace the bung seals if necessary • Grease. Lubricants can dry out over time, so check all moving parts that might need a refresher, including less obvious spots such as antenna lowering brackets, zips and snaps on clears and covers, and the swim ladder • Switch the lights on … if the globes need replacing, consider switching to LEDs • Check all electronics for proper operation < Some boaties have in the back of their vehicles a ‘tow kit’ containing a wheel brace, bottle jack and wooden blocks, tow ropes, lubricant, brake fluid, spare winch handle, shackles, tie downs, grease and the like to take care of emergencies big and small.

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ENGINE AND FUEL • Have the engine(s) serviced by a qualified service centre if they’re due • Fuel can become stale if the tank is not sealed and evaporation occurs • Discard old fuel, as it can damage the engine and might not burn properly • Check the fuel lines, looking for loose or leaking fittings, cracked or hardened lines and even the smallest signs of wear and tear • If not already fitted, now is a good time to consider installing blowers or other components to extract fumes, as well as flame arrestors and backfire traps

SAFETY EQUIPMENT • Do you have everything that’s required, including enough lifejackets of the applicable type and size for you and your passengers? • Lifejackets – do they comply with current regulations? Check whether inflatable models are due for inspection or servicing. Ensure straps aren’t frayed, buckles close properly and mould or decay hasn’t taken hold • Check expiry dates on flares and EPIRBS • Check the radio is in working order and do a test call before leaving the launch area for the first time • Replace batteries on battery-powered equipment, including torches and EPIRBs • Inspect the fire extinguisher according to the manufacturer’s instructions • Replenish the first-aid kit • Now is also a good time to review your emergency plans

BATTERIES • Flat batteries are a far too common cause of rescue operations. Check them – if in doubt, take them to a marine service centre • If they aren’t already, replace batteries with dedicated marine models • Check battery cases for damage or leaks, and test they’re secured properly • Check leads are secured

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STEERING SYSTEMS • Check mechanical steering arms for full and free movement – lubricate if needed • Hydraulic steering – turn the wheel hard over, top up the fluid if there’s further movement • Check the propellers for damage or marine growth/fouling

HEAD SYSTEM AND WET AREAs • Check the head works as it should and replenish treatment chemicals if necessary • Check all valves, hoses and clamps • Flush the water tank, check water system, pumps and hoses for leaks

TRAILER • Check for any signs of deterioration, including wiring • Check the brakes and lights for proper operation • Refresh grease or lubricant where required • Inspect the winch and winch strap/cable, towing hitch and safety chains • Walk around the trailer and check obvious parts such as tyres (including tread wear and inflation), rollers and pads, mudflaps, guide posts, straps, steps etc • Check the registration This list is by no means exhaustive, and it’s worth compiling your own checklist and adding to it every time you complete a maintenance task. It’s also a good idea to keep a service logbook, just as you would for a car. Meanwhile, your boat might not be the only thing that got a little rusty over winter – refresh your memory of boating rules and safety procedures by reading up on them in the most recent boating safety handbook. You’ll find all you need to know on the Maritime NZ website. And have a look at the latest weather tools for boaters – such as the weather website, Coastguard app, and the Club Marine App’s weather functions. While you’re at it, check that you’ve registered your member details on the Club Marine App so you’ll receive severe weather alerts and can make full use of the emergency functions.

Rust is the biggest enemy of your boat trailer, especially if left untreated.

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GET PEACE OF MIND AND MORE WITH CLUB MARINE. At Club Marine, we know your boat is your pride and joy and we want to help you protect it. You can enjoy quality cover, as well as other membership benefits, including Club Marine Assist, Club Marine TV, Club Marine Member Rewards and Club Marine magazine.


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Assistance services are provided by NZ Roadside Assistance Ltd Company No. 2140119 as agent for AWP Australia Pty Ltd ABN 52 097 227 177 (Incorporated in Australia) trading as Allianz Global Assistance. Club Marine Insurance is underwritten by Allianz Australia Insurance Limited ABN 15 000 122 850 (Incorporated in Australia) trading as Club Marine, Level 11, Tower 1, 205 Queen Street, Auckland 1010. To decide if this product is right for you, please carefully read the Policy Wording, which is available on clubmarine.co.nz. Policy terms, conditions, limits and exclusions apply.

happy fishing & goodluck with the season

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