NZ Fisher Issue 2

Page 1

ISSUE 2 October 20 2010

Monsters from the Deep - Hauling Hapuka// So, where do the Snapper go? //

What makes a good jigging rod? // 1

THE RUM THAT INVENTED RUM Enjoy the adventure, drink responsibly


Pg 6



Sea Ox’s Sea Monster Trip Report

How to: Boat fishing for Hapuka


Reader Pics


Competition for fishing pics.



Staying in the Area - Know

when to Holdem’

Increase your chances


The World’s Best

Smoked Fish - Yours

Tips and tricks for Smoking Fish


The Scientist & The Fish

Tracking fish


Kayak Fishing


What makes a Jigging Rod, a Jigging Rod?


Regional Reviews


The Clubhouse

Tauranga Fishing Club


NZRFC Report

Pg 22

Pg 17 3

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ABOUT / Short and sharp, NZ Fisher is a free e-magazine delivering thought provoking and enlightening articles, and industry news and information to forward-thinking fisher people.

EDITOR / Derrick Paull



OW! In my wildest dreams

This month we focus on simple Hapuka

ART DIRECTOR / Jodi Olsson GROUP EDITOR / Trudi Caffell CONTENT ENQUIRIES / Phone Derrick on 021 629 327 or email

I could not have imagined

tips & techniques with one of the best at


the positive & encourag-

landing these deep sea beasties, our very


ing response to NZFisher from our

own Sea Ox. Hapuka are one of the tastiest

new readers. The geographic breadth

fish in the sea and with the right gear can

& diversity of those who opened issue

provide a very challenging & exciting fight.

one has blown my mind. While we

Dr. Darren Parsons poses the question

Phone Alastair on 021 866 036 or email

had a wee delay on launch day, Issue

& offers a few answers as to where our

ADDRESS / NZ Fisher,

one came out and was opened, read &

snapper go over winter and smoker

C/- Espire Media, PO Box 137162,

forwarded on with gusto. I can tell you

extraordinaire Grant Bittle shares

Parnell,Auckland 1151, NZ

that issue one has, as of the 15th Octo-

his well researched & often practiced


ber, been opened & read now over 2o00

techniques for smoking fish!

times. WOW! Thanks NZ fishers – you

We have begun a brand new section

have paid us the greatest compliment.

called ‘The Clubhouse’ for issue two going

At this rate we’ll be the most read publi-

forward where we will profile many of

cation in NZ in no time ;)

New Zealand’s fishing clubs including

The launch was a great occasion, lots of

Angling & Casting, Sports fishing,

fishy personalities and names from the

underwater & un affiliated ones – there’s

fishing world. We couldn’t have done it

hundreds and we’re starting in Tauranga.

without the sponsors, so thanks again

We’ll always be asking for your fishing

to Fin nor, Swashbucklers, Mount Gay

photo’s and this month is the very first

Rum, Bait Station & Active Duty.

time we’re giving something back. We

It’s spring and the fishies are hungry – whatever your excuses have been over

This is a GREEN MAG, created and distributed without the use of paper so it's environmentally friendly. Please think before you print. Thank you!

have some great prizes every month for the best pics – so email them now!

winter there are none left now – get out there and enjoy the spring bite, it won’t

Enjoy issue two and let us know what

last all year!

you think.

Happy Fishing!

Derrick 5

boatfishingHAPUKA howTO

Sea Ox’s Sea Monster Trip Report 6


Pics and words by Graeme ‘Sea Ox’ Cox, cover photo by Jason Long

, Bass and Hapuka Fishing

the deep, but we’ve learned they are

We have been pretty fortunate to fish

very very wrong!

in some superb locations around New Zealand for Bass and Hapuka. Everyone that I have talked to about

What these guys did suggest, which I am glad we had actually listened to, was that we needed to ensure that we

fishing for Bass and Hapuka had

had plenty of spare terminal tackle. If we

mentioned that from their experience it

were fortunate enough to locate some

was like trying to lift a sack of spuds from

big fish they would more than likely be very uncooperative in leaving their lair which had the effect of decimating our supply of terminal tackle. Before we get too far into how to fight these mighty fish, we need to review the tackle that we had available to allow for a successful result. One memorable trip recently saw us plumbing the depths east of the Princess Group of Islands, on the Middlesex Banks for the delicious table fish, Bass and Hapuka! Our skipper, Rick Pollock, had located some good sign on a group of pinnacles but prior to our drop we would have to complete a dummy drift that gave us indication of how the boat was going to behave with the ferocious currents that boiled up around these amazing fish habitats. We were trying to land our baits on top of a small pinnacle that we had noted was holding some serious sign. The pinnacle that we were trying to land on was approximately 200 meters below the surface less than ¼ the size of

to The Tackle we utseedr Bass land these mons

a football field from a canyon that sunk away to over 700 meters. We had some luck with a couple of small pups and then we started into the gear annihilation size Bass. 7

” See I can bring these Bass in 2 @ a time” Jason Long with double bass

Our deckie then set up my baits with

that with 72oz of lead connected to my

½ my spool gone and we had only been

a full Skippy on one of the 15/0 hooks

rig you could have been forgiven for

fighting this fish for 10 minutes. The call

and 5 Lolligo squid on the other 15/0

thinking you were trying to anchor the

was made for me to put some hurt into

hook, which we had connected onto my

Queen Mary.

this fish before I was spooled so I started

Penn International to hopefully provide

With so much lead connected to

some lift to move these hopefully 40kg

my rig we managed to land bang on

plus Bass back towards the surface.

the target approximately 200 meters

Back to how we set up my rig. I noticed

below the surface, with the expected

battle continued, another 10 minutes

that a couple of the guys had basically

result. At first I thought that I had

passed with a little line being gained

been spooled and all they were doing

been connected to the pinnacle but

and then lost straight away. We

was trying to hit the top of the pinnacle,

all of a sudden the fish took off like it

decided to inch the drag up a notch

but they had totally missed, and were

was a freshly hooked Kingfish and the

or two and this finally had the desired

heading into the depths down the side

fight was on! It was then I recalled the

effect and I managed to gain a little

of the drop off.

comments that my mates had made,

line (at 20+ lbs drag, who could blame

but this was no sack of spuds, this was

him for giving up a little!)

We had spotted this and added

to dig deep and put some pressure . Well that was the theory anyway! The fish had other ideas and the

another 36oz Puka bomb onto my rig

a street fighter that was determined to

to try and hit the top of this pinnacle

stay in his cave & hard on the bottom.

off the bottom the fight was looking

by getting the gear down faster, where

I had become locked in a tug of war

more positive. With the fish some way

the fish were still showing ready for the

battle with what we were guessing was

from the bottom the swim bladder

next drift. We got the call and my rig

a reasonable Bass or Hapuka.

had started to expand which had the

plummeted to the bottom. I must admit 8

I was losing line at a fast rate, with nearly

Once we had managed to lift this fish

effect of taking the fight away from this

” My Best Bass to date at 63 kgs”

” My Best Hapuka so far at 45 kgs” locomotive from the deep. With the fishes bladder still expanding all that was left for me to achieve was to wind in my line as my fish made its own way to the surface. When it surfaced we were blown away by it’s incredible size. After some struggles at the transom door we finally managed to get him on board and with a stuggle, onto the scales. My new personal best weighed in at 61 kgs and was identified as a very big Bass. We used the Black Magic Gimbal & Harness system, a Penn International 70VSW 2 speed reel spooled with around 900 meters of high Vis mono, bolted onto a Penn 37kg Formula Rod.

72oz of lead. So if you want to try some Bass and

of these beautiful table fish you might be best to head out on a charter trip or two

The terminal tackle was 300LB tough

Hapuka Fishing get yourself some charts

to learn the techniques, locations and

trace dropper rigs which were tied en-

and look for reef structures in areas

best bits about setting up the rigs. But

route to the fishing spot, with 2 x 15/0

of depths of at least 100 meters. To

either way, you won’t catch them sitting

Circle hooks that were connected to

enhance your chances of landing a few

at home on the couch! 9


Captain Snappy // Reader’s Pics

Send us y

our pics o f your win ter missio from the ns be it shore or th e boat. Big come by fi sh a re hard to in winter, but shots of you ou doing it a t there re ok too. Get on th e water a photo – y nd take a ou’ll be I for the gre at prize b elow!

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Forsyth’s GT wins this month – nice Fish mate – bet that pulled some string! 11


Staying in the Area - Know when to Holdem’ // Increasing your chances By Kurt Bennetto

he key to consistently catching marlin and converting an OK season to an outstanding season is to get the bites. To do this you need find the fish and stay in the zone. Now staying in the zone may sound easy, however a lot a fisherman find this extremely hard to do as it can get quite boring. When I say “staying in the zone” I mean staying within a couple of square miles of where you have had or herd there has been some action. It’s amazing how many guys get strikes on the way out in 80 to 90 meters of water, loose the fish, reset the gear and carry on heading out to their set detestation which is normally some sort of GPS mark, only to find that the bite they encountered in the morning would be all the action for the day. This defines driving against fishing. Think about it, why would you leave the area? And the answer is because most people think they are to shallow and believe that you have to go miles off sure to catch marlin. However the key is to determine if that early bite was a random lucky fish or is there more to come? Whatever it may be you need to be able t read the signs. 12

Find the fish

been active for hours and are more often

circles and if they are on to something

Bait fish, Birds and sighting marlin are

than not dolphins feeding, however in

they will return to the same spot and

the key aspects to determine whether

saying this, it is still worth a look.

then start feeding or putting their head

or not the marlin are there in numbers;

There have been many of times when

in fact I would go so far to say that the

I have seen gannets and Mutton ducks

birds are best indicator. In New Zealand

sitting on the surface in 90 meters of water

there are two types of birds to look for

as we troll past them in the morning.

Some areas where Marlin are present

when game fishing, these are Gannets

This is a classic sign that something has

may not necessarily mean there are birds

and Mutton ducks (Sooty Shearwater).

happened in this area previously and

around. This is where looking at water

more often than not will happen again.

temperature, structure and finding bait

that there is some action happening

These birds are extremely cunning and will

fish on the sounder comes into play.

and the easiest to spot. Because marlin

patiently wait for there next feed which is

generally feed in such short bursts the

in tandem with the marlin.

Diving Gannets are a dead giveaway

in the water for a look. They also stay right in the heart of the action. But don’t just get caught up on birds.

When marlin are feeding on sauri you sometimes don’t see birds as the feeding

best work ups are the smaller ones from

Sometimes Gannets however are not

2 to 15 Gannets and a few mutton ducks

present which makes things somewhat

mark sauri on your sounder. This is where

wheeling around the work up. Small work

tricky but the next sign to look for are

some dedicated eyes and generally a

ups occur because the other birds don’t

the Mutton ducks. These birds are the

good pair of polarized sun glasses come

have time to get in the zone as the result

biggest bludging and scavenging things

in to play. Any sign from a splash to a

of the marlin feeding in such short bursts.

around and are never to far from the

mutton ducks sitting on the water is

Generally the big works ups you see have

action. Mutton ducks generally swoop in

worth a drive by.

bursts are so fast. It is also very hard to

The bite time Of course there are some days when the marlin just don’t bite, even if you are in the zone. and if they do it is generally for a vary shot period of time. This is called the Bite time! It is for this reason that finding the fish and staying put will pay off. I have experienced this time and time again. When we have had reports or experienced good fishing the previous day in one particular area and have made a mental note of what time in the day the action hotted up. A good thing to consider when you get a hot bite is the tide. I have found it is generally (not always) high or low tide and the bite the following day is generally half an hour later which is in tandem with the tide. I experienced something extraordinary one day when I was fishing the nine

” A nice stripy taken

after a ferocious bite on a live Mackerel”

pin trench off the Bay Of Islands. The previous day had a great 12.30 high tide bite. As our day wore on we noticed the bait fish appear on the sounder, the funny thing was that we had been in the same spot all day and they had only just 13

There are many different things that come in account

such as gear, equipment and methods that can really increase your catch rate, but the above points are key aspects. After all, you could have the flashest boat and gear in the world but it wouldn’t be much good to you if you were fishing for marlin in Antarctica would it? Being in the right area is paramount. shown up? And in schools?

another boat drive past and hook up in

in the world but it wouldn’t be much good

front of me which is extremely frustrating!

to you if you were fishing for marlin in

tide the bait schools we climbing their

However on the positive side it reassured

Antarctica would it? Being in the right area

way up the water column. As high tide

me that I was in the right spot.

is paramount.

As the clock ticked closer towards high

approached the bait was only 5 to 10

Of course there are many different

meters below the surface and all of a

things that come in account such as


sudden the rigger went of with a bang

gear, equipment and methods that can

THE MONTH – Watch here as Grant

and we were hooked up!

really increase your catch rate, but the

‘Espresso’ Bittle plans to catch a Marlin

above points are key aspects. After all,

single handed, hooks up and....well,

you could have the flashest boat and gear

watch the video!

A lot of people put this down to coincidence but I have experienced this many of times. It is all about staying active and looking for the signs. At the end of the day three key aspects of increasing your chances are… •

Finding the Marlin / Bait

Staying with the Marlin / Bait

Being patient and anticipating the bite

This may not work the first time you try it and it doesn’t work every time, but in the long run it will pay dividends. I have even been in the same spot all day to have

” Kurt with the result of following a bait school for hours. Persistance pays off”

  

Ask for the Active Duty sun and bug skin defence range at selected pharmacies and retailers throughout New Zealand or order online at

“If it works for the NZ Army, it’ll work for you!”

As used by the NZ Defence Force! 15

Every issue, all NZ Fisher subscribers* go in the draw to get hooked up with some fantastic prizes courtesy of generous NZ Fisher supporters. To find out if you’ve won simply check this section in each issue to see if your name has been drawn and then get in touch with our Editor before the deadline to claim your prize. Sweet as!!! *Sorry—only NZ residents eligible for prize draw.

Congratulations to our Hooked Up prize winners for Issue #2! If you’re one of the lucky NZ Fisher subscribers listed below, simply fire an email to our editor before 5pm Friday 29 October 2010 to claim your prize!

Aimee Rensford of Auckland You’ve won an Active Duty sun and bug skin defence pack from Skinshield NZ including sunscreen, repellent, lip balm and Permethrin clothing treatment kit! For more on the Active Duty skin defence range see

Geoff Marmont of Auckland You’ve won a fantastic goodie bag courtesy of the team at down at The Bait Station and including a selection of jigs, poppers and slow jigs - don’t blame us if the fishing’s no good! Check out some of the merchandise at

Matt Mitchell of Whangaparaoa You have won a 700ml bottle of premium Mt Gay Eclipse Rum courtesy of Hancocks Wines & Spirits. Produced on the same plantation in Barbados for over 300 years, it’s a top drop! For a list of fantastic Mt Gay Rum cocktail recipes visit

The small print… Yes it seems like they won’t let you do without it, even when you’re giving stuff away. Anyway, please note that to be able to win stuff in the Hooked Up section you need to have been a confirmed email subscriber to NZ Fisher e-Magazine as at a date no less than two working days prior to issue date (‘cos that’s when our prize winners are drawn) and be a resident of New Zealand at the time of the draw. To be eligible to claim any prizes including, but not limited to, alcoholic beverages, travel, motor vehicle/boat usage, tattoos, sharp things or any other prize that might require you to be over than 18 years old, you must have been over 18 years of age at the time of the draw! Cheers. 16


Primal Urge

Smoked Kahawai

There’s something basic and naturally fundamental in us all when it comes to hanging out ‘round a campfire with friends and family, experiencing real NZ life, or easily solving the world’s woes over a BBQ and a beer. You know the times when it all just comes together of its own accord and a great night follows, memories are made with plenty of laughter and good times. Great tasting food is often pivotal, an integral part of this time honored ritual and more often than not food prepared with that special outdoorsy, natural smoky taste makes your taste buds soar – yes such prime food like fresh fish can only truly be appreciated when ‘traditionally’ smoked. Sometimes however pot plants get fed smoked fish – with the failures as you surreptitiously hide a dubious tasting piece of fish flesh thrust at you from an enthusiastic neighbor. “Mmmm” you murmur while the sympathetic nervous system does its best to stifle your gagreflex. Usually the fish tastes excessively


of meths, is undercooked, or tough


‘n tasteless, dry and overcooked with bones, sawdust, overly fishy, too salty too, too….yuk. So what’s the difference between the good the bad and the ugly of smoked fish? How do you separate disappointment from the delectable delight of tasty smoked fish easily? Well like my old man used to say about most worthwhile things in life, it’s all in the preparation. I’ve now added ‘the simpler the better’. Tortoise and Hare Information and recipes abound on the

internet about smoking fish, a simple

why not hot smoked delicious fish on

search provides more options than you

the spot, outstanding with an ice cold

can poke a mouse at. So here’s a quick

drink, true rewards reflecting upon the

cast on fish smoking.

hunters prowess. The stories flow and

A nice quickie, the infamous hot smoke

grow along with the enjoyment of freshly

– the cheap ‘n cheerful fast and on the

smoked bounty on the spot is like no

spot small stainless smoker. Great for

other. Yes they can work fine (placed on

when you’ve proclaimed hunting rights

top of a BBQ eliminates the meths), but

on your arrival back at home base, back

when you’re ready for the next level,

from fishing the seas, an impromptu

enter my mate Bradley.

party quickly grows among family and

Einstein’s (that’s Grant Einstein of

friends right on dinner time at home

Whangaparaoa, not Albert with the

at the batch or a campground, hey

electric hair) theories comes into their 17

own i.e. taste is a function of time with truly gourmet smoked fish. The taste rewards rocket skyward geometrically at light speed as soon as you enter this realm. I finally chose a Bradley smoker because it does it all perfectly easily, it can cold smoke or hot smoke (for a quickie), it has innumerable flavours to choose from with woods such as Alder, Cheery, Mesquite and Maple all imparting their own unique and delicious flavours. Bradley has the world’s easiest curing process (just sprinkle some powder on), and best of all I can have food traditionally cold smoking for many many hours to absolute perfection…for example while I’m out fishing or waiting for the big game that night. Slow and steady wins this race. When I’m back the world’s best smoke fish (yours) is ready to be unveiled and devoured, probably again at light speed! The depth of flavor, the intensity of taste and combinations is amazing and like most things, once you’ve had the best - that becomes your standard, you can’t go back. Push a couple of buttons to set how long you want to smoke the fish for, the wood bisquettes are automatically smoldered (no flame at all) at just the right temperature for just the right amount of time…instantly turning you into a world class gourmet chef at literally the push of a button. Another great thing I like is minimal smoke i.e. no need to be spotted by Google Earth with billowing clouds of smoke all day permeating the washing freshly hung on the line to the ire of you know who. Wisps of divine wood smells gently swirl providing mouth watering wafts now and then barely noticeable a few metres away. First KISS Success at smoking fish is so simple but unfortunately often not achieved, here’s how: Kill the fish. From the moment of capture the flavor begins, if the fish (like Kahawai for instance needs bleeding do Snapper Vacpacked

so) but kill (Iki) the fish quickly on capture. Ice the fish immediately, into salt water



ice slurry if possible. Right the first two

you add it. Personally I like the Demerara

for 4 hours, raise temp and smoke/cook

steps are done!

or Maple cure, with a rub of dark

for another 2 hours. ENJOY!

Fillet how you wish. I take the two main

Muscavado sugar onto the flesh either

fillets of the side of the fish leaving the skin

while curing or just after the cold smoke

Last Baits

on and removing the central blood line with

stage as you turn up the heat.

It’s all about flavor is right, with minimal

the bones, put the fillet into a zip loc bag and either back on ice or into the fridge. Sprinkle some Bradley cure onto the meat

Smoke the fish. Superb visual and taste

basic preparation, food flavor is

results are close now as you extend

enhanced 10 fold along with the ensuing

the index finger and push the button,

enjoyment. I love giving premium

adding any other personal concoctions

automatically the smoker starts at 4

smoked fish to friends and keeping some

you feel like or have in the pantry at the

hours…perfect. Once this period of cold

vac-packed in the fridge for weeks, or

time and leave to marinade in zip locs

smoking and slight surface drying of

freezer (for months happily). From the

for a couple ‘o days, while you bask in

the fish occurs, smoke for another hour

freezer with some potatoes and leftovers

the pending glory of divine food! Very

or three with a very gradual increase in

makes outstanding Smoked fish patties/

importantly let the fish flesh drain, all I do is

temp (a button to push). Then here’s an

pie, Smoked fish pate’ (capers and

angle the zip locs a little on the fridge shelf,

inside secret - right at the end of the

coriander goes extremely well), and if

and every now and then let the juice out.

smoke, turn the temp up over a 100c

you serve crispy bacon on smoked fish,

for just a bit – the resulting glaze on the

over a salad, all drizzled in Balsamic,

fish as these are the ones to smoke…what

fish is both supremely tasty and visually

well what can I say?! Try some you’ll be

a load of burley, Mackerel are delightful

tempting. Set this up - then head out

amazed at your flavor expertise.

smoked, and pannie sized Snapper are

fishing for the day.

Most people wait until they catch big

just the best. All fish can be smoked and enjoyed, it’s not just big boy’s toys.

Vacuum packing once smoked


enhances presentation and storage

Smoking fish is just the beginning, there

life, but zip locs can work well enough.

will be others, like chicken, duck, ham,

so you don’t have to use the Bradley

Caught heaps of fish at one time? Either

smoked garlic mussels & scallops in the

cure, but I find the simplicity, the flavor,

smoke and freeze or freeze fresh (skin on

shell, smoky pork spareribs, lamb, beef

lack of mess and keeping ability of the

etc) then defrost, marinade and smoke

jerky…the food world will become your

fish greatly enhanced, and you can still

as desired within next couple of months.

oyster and you’ll be volunteering to

A standard marinade is salt and sugar

add other flavours…fish rubs, various

In summary it’s as easy as - catch some

honeys, coriander (best freshly cut on

fish (the hardest part), sprinkle Bradley

top as you serve), hot ‘n spicy chillis or

cure on, marinade for a couple ‘o days,

sauces, cracked peppers, you name it,

then hand over to Bradley to cold smoke

make the main. Right, I’m off to make Marlin Salami! 19


The Scientist & the Fish //

Kelpys or Schoolies: How far did that Snapper go

By Darren Parsons, Fisheries Scientist, NIWA ishermen have known for many

at different locations.

years that snapper are capable of undertaking long- distance

infer movements. Tagging in these studies was predominantly conducted

Tagging Snapper –Two Types of Study

in deeper water. More recently,

movements or being resident to small

The best way of monitoring a

technology such as acoustic tags has

areas. This is not surprising as know-

fish’s movements, however, is by

allowed more detailed information

ing when ‘the schooling snapper are

directly monitoring the movements

to be obtained from tagging.

in’ or whether there are any ‘kelpys’

of individual fish through tagging.

Acoustic tags do not rely on fish

mooching about during winter is

Previous tagging studies conducted

being recaptured and can provide

important information for any fisher-

on New Zealand snapper (dating

thousands of accurate positions for

men. Much of a fisher’s knowledge

back to the 1960s) fell into two main

individual fish. They are expensive,

of snapper movements likely comes

categories. Early snapper tagging

however, so fewer fish can be tagged

through observing changes in catch

studies marked thousands of snapper

and the receivers used only allow fish

rates at different times of the year and

and awaited their recapture to

to be tracked over a few kilometres




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Fishermen have known for many years that snapper are capable of undertaking long- distance movements or being resident to small areas. at the most. The application of these

individuals spending the vast majority

vessels. Snapper were released

high-resolution tagging studies on

of time within only a few hundred

throughout the inner Hauraki Gulf, and

snapper has been largely restricted

metres of where they were tagged.

along areas of rocky reef off Kawau

to areas of shallow rocky reef.

Island and near the town of Leigh.

The two different types of studies

NIWA Tagging Study Bridges Gap

have, not surprisingly, produced

To serve as a bridge between these

fishers provided information to NIWA

different results. The snapper tagged

two types of tagging study, NIWA

on recaptured snapper. In return

in deeper water were generally

conducted a study that used external

these fishers were put into a prize

recaptured within 20 km of their

dart tags, but released snapper in

draw for the rods and reels that we

release point, although some snapper

both shallow reefy areas and deeper

gave away each month. We have

moved up to 400 km. Conversely,

water. Over the summer of 2006–07

received information on more than

snapper tagged in shallow reefy areas

just under 10 000 snapper were tagged

900 tagged snapper to date, which is

were far more residential, with most

and released from chartered longline

a fantastic response.

Both recreational and commercial 21


// Hooking ‘em’s easy – then what?

ne of the most common ques-

started! With Tas getting towed faster

supply – not recommended if you’re

tions that I get asked by custom-

than I could paddle to keep up with

releasing them though!)

ers in my kayak store is `how do

him we were already on the wrong foot.

you handle a large fish with a kayak`?

So now he had his fish, what to do

He landed that fish after a rather long

with it? In a small 2.7mt sit in kayak the

careful fight on 6kg line with the jig that

only choice was to stuff it between his

playing around in McLeod’s Bay catching

the kahawai had eaten in the corner of

legs and start a long paddle back to

kahawai and small snappers we didn’t

the kingfish’s mouth holding by a tiny

McLeod’s from the Snake Bank where

think about what would happen if we

piece of skin. That very reasonable

we had ended up – against the current –

hooked up to something large.

Kingfish had towed him approx 4 km

surprise surprise.

About 14 yrs ago when we first started

That was until the day that Tasman (Tas) O`Dey and I were working the

from where we started!

We were both hooked on the potential

With no gaff, the only way to secure

possibilities of targeting larger fish from

kahawai schools fishing in two small sit

his fish was to grab the fish in the gills

kayaks.After that day we knew that a sit

in perception minnows and Tas hooked

and hang on tight! (this is still our

in kayak would not do at all, so time to

a kahawai only to have it eaten by a

method for kingfish as there is no blood

look at other options.

15kg kingfish!!

and by getting a good hold on their

That was when the learning really 22

gills you cut off their oxygen and blood

At the time about the only suitable kayaks for fishing were the Perception

Kayak Fishing Range Because one kayak won’t suit everyone

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Swing and the Tempo by Viking. I decided

water and I was hooked up to the first of

soaking me in the process. When he had

on the Swing for my first fishing kayak.

hundreds of kingfish from a kayak.

calmed down I was able to slide him behind

Setting up rod holders and a sounder

When I fished this area from the tinny

me into the pod area and secure him.

were the first things to do then it was time

the motor was started as soon as possible

to try and get a kingfish for myself. Back

upon hook up and to work the fish out on

another go and once again dropped the

then we didn’t worry about wearing our

to the sand away from the many rocks.

jig over the side. This time it made it to the

PFDs but always had them handy, much

With no motor on the yak I decided that

bottom and I started to wind it to the surface

the same as in the boat (so if the kayak

the go-hard approach as opposed to

as fast as the Abu would go. BANG! Hook

police complain about photos this was

softly to clear of reef was the way to go.

up and away I go onto another good fish.

before any standards had been set ).

The joyride that followed taught me

He was a little smaller than the last but he

how to turn a kayak by using the rod as

put up just as good as fight for 15 minutes.

new kayak I drove over the hill to a bay

a towing point, keeping the line close

Utterly stuffed, I headed back for the beach

close to where I had caught kingfish from

to the bow to maintain a good centre of

and a cold beer. The fish weighed 13kg and

the boat before. My Trusty Abu 7000 was

gravity and balance. When the kayak was

15kg not bad for a maiden fishing trip in my

loaded with a 10kg line and paired with

on top of the fish the rest was fairly easy.

kayak and all in an hour.

my favourite CD Albagraph 6 and a 120g

If the Kingfish went right I moved the rod

Spaniard Raider jig. Simple and effective

tip of the left. The bow comes around

majority now released to fight another

from the boat; why not from the yak?

and follows the fish.

day) on the kayaks we have found many

This was my maiden fishing trip with the

I had a short paddle to the rip which

The kingfish first went with the tide then

On down – how many more to go? I had

Now after hundreds of kingfish (the

tricks to help in a successful capture not

marked my target. The sounder showed

made a 180turn and swam against a 4-6

only with jigs but live baiting methods

a school of something mid water. I

knot current still towing me. The look on

as well. The next article I will write about

stopped paddling and got my rod ready.

some boaty’s faces when I flew past them

these and how by keeping things simple

I still remember my hands shaking as I

with my rod bent over still makes me laugh!

you can catch large fish, safely.

dropped that first jig over the side and

The fish slowly came to the surface right

let it sink the 15 meters to the bottom.

beside me. I managed to grab him by

It never made it. The jig was hit mid

the gills and hang on as he went ballistic

Paul Head is the Kayak & Watersports consultant at Payless Plastics, Whangarei – Ed. 23


” Scotty Gordon putting

a Smiths rod through it’s paces (Kids, don’t do this at home!)”

// Strength in science By Derrick Paull

here has been a massive increase

brands still largely dominate the market.

the handle taken on each lift. It flutters

in the number of people jigging

Jigging Master, a Japanese sourced brand

the jig up and slightly down on each

for Kingfish & snapper in recent

was promoted & developed well by Chris

lift, enticing a bite. Mechanical jigging

years, mostly thanks to the great tech-

Wong, the new father of New Zealand

requires a rod with a flexible tip section

nology bought down from Japan.

Jigging. Chris’ passion & drive introduced

to fold away and ‘flick’ the jig on the up

what is now a major fishing industry within

stroke but maintain enough grunt down

have been known of for over 100 years

tackle sales. You couldn’t help but notice

low to stop the fish once hooked. These

but the modern techniques of speed

the number of new & different brands at

rods are generally 4’6 to 6 foot in length

and mechanical jigging have allowed

this years Auckland Boatshow.

with the majority at the shorter end.

Jigging is not new, forms of jigging

for a greater range of game species to

So now there’s such a full market how

Jigging rods are rated in a different way

be targeted. New Zealand is relatively

does one decide what they need and

to conventional blanks; they’re usually

late in adopting these techniques, but

decipher all the new jigging lingo that

given a PE or ‘Gram’ rating. The PE rating

our abundant Kingfish & snapper stocks

goes with this new technology?

roughly equates to ten times the number

means we have adapted very quickly. For the first few years only a couple of ‘jigging’ brands were available and these 24

The technique most suited to NZ

– in pounds. i.e. a PE5 is effectively a 50lb

conditions is ‘mechanical’ jigging. This

rod – and is a guide of the line weight to

is where the rod is lifted and one turn of

fish over it. The ‘Gram’ weighting roughly

relates to optimum jig weights to get the best results from the blank. This helps the angler choose the blank with the right flex for the jig weight they’ll be using. Gram ratings are a standard gram weight, usually 150, 250, 350, 500, 600gm etc. Choosing the rod can be a bit

”Hayley Bonicci being railed by a monster King on the JM 350”

problematic. For example if most of your fishing is Hauraki Gulf based you’ll be fishing in less than 80m of water and fighting fish up to 20kg (generally the max). For this a PE 3-5 150 or 250 gram rod will do the trick. However if you’re off to the Three Kings of Ranfurly Banks any time soon you’ll be looking for a PE 5 – 8 capable of dropping 500gram jigs all day. This means most of us will have at least two rods in our arsenal. Weight of the rod & corresponding reels are very important. The heavier

unique composition of braided lines the

The experts, of whom there is an

the gear the sooner you’ll be too tired

type of guide required is quite specific.

ever increasing number, recommend

to jig it and some days the weight of

Traditional ceramic guides run the risk of

their favourites and these are generally

anglers gear finishes more anglers than

cracking or forming ruts as braid is pulled

Jigging Master, Xzoga, Smiths & Jig Star,

the fish they’re fighting.

over them at speed. The best guides are

but there are plenty more out there.

Some of the best rods for the job are

either Silicone Carbide or Alconyte. Both

Okuma, Shimano, Daiwa, Pflueger, Tica,

a little heavier due to the increased

are incredible strong, smooth and hard

Kilwell, Van Stal, Fin Nor and others are

number of carbon fibre wraps used

– therefore they’re less likely to crack or

also making names for themselves as the

in their production. But the biggest

chip under pressure & cutting your braid.

technology and designs filter through

burden on jigging rods is the ‘bling’

Most dedicated jigging rod

the brands, so don’t be afraid to try

that’s added by rod builders and

manufacturers now specify silicon

these well established brands too, they

preferred by some fishers for purely

carbide & alconyte as standard, but it’s

are often very cost effective.

cosmetic reasons. The average rod

best to check. The best way to decide

Whatever the outcome, the rod can

weights are between 300 & 350grams.

on the right rod for you is to have a go

only do so much. You must find the fish,

Any more and you’ll be getting tired

with a few different models – borrowed

drop your jig & get some action going

arms without even hooking up.

from friends, on charter trips or possibly

that will entice the bite. We’ll look into

on loan from retailers (depending on

these aspects in future issues.

Because of the very high pressure applied in this form of fishing and the

how good the terms you’re on!)

Tight lines! 25


Inner Hauraki Gulf Source: Grant ‘Espresso’ Bittle

he Hauraki Gulf’s many more

Rangitoto and south eastern Waiheke

enjoyable personalities are

they are a-swimmin’ in.

coming to the fore right now,

At the moment the males are producing

yes, today and every day no more

their milt and could spawn at any time,

waiting or promises. The lethargic

which also means their appetite has

and wintry Snapper bite has changed

been turned on. Large bait schools litter

and changed for the good. Spring has

the Gulf and the Snapper and Kingfish

sprung and is in full effect out there

are never far away, either lurking and

now. Within the past few weeks the

foraging along, lying in wait to join in a

water temperature has risen and the

mass assault with Dolphins, Gannets and

Snapper have developed a taste for

Whales or taking pot shots at any bait

true spring activities.

looking anything other than 100% fit. The

Male Snapper – note the 5 o’clock shadow on the lower jaw caught on the Catch Glowing Gecko are already ready

females are taking their sweet time, and are simply not ready, yet. The workups are hard, fast, and

‘n waiting for the females to present

mind blowing experiences - it’s been

themselves all primed up. From out

paying dividends to stay with the more

wide in the gates (Colville, Jellicoe and

intense action, even if this means one

Craddock channels) right through the

or two fish per small workup before

Tiri channel, in the northern areas of

moving off to the next melee. When the

Coromandel / BOP Source: Epic Adventures

The fishing over the last month has

workups aren’t a happening thing, and nature takes a smoko break, it’s also a wonderful time to drop down something you’re confident fishing with and enticing the bigger fish into a predatory strike i.e. not much to do with actual feeding mode. In this situation I prefer to use the slow retrieval approach as this often results in the bigger fish hooking up after hounding the SP many metres up the water column, when the more jerking motion simply doesn’t result in enough attention. The time has come, the time is now. Happy productive fishing!

Raglan Source: Sheryl Hart

and Aldermen Pins and it was some of

been off the chart, with some of the

the best fishing we’ve experienced.

eaps of good Snapper at

best kingfish action we’ve ever seen.

Check out the full report here

the 60 + m mark. Best rig

Surface bust ups and kings holding

the old favourite ledger.

very high in the water column have


As for Bait, anything that can stay

made for some exciting fishing with


on! They’re very hungry! Anchor up

kings smashing jigs metres from the

The outlook for the next month,

and just wait – they will come.

boat, and the chance to sight cast to

well the kings will only get higher

Watch the conditions, heaps of

surface feeding fish with poppers and

up with more kingfish tagging

boats being towed home to get the

stickbaits. The spring snapper have

along behind hooked fish making

maintenance that should have been

also been on the chew, often feeding

popper and stickbait fishing in the

done before not after. Lots of sand

on the same bait schools as the

deep even more of an option, not

gone off the beaches and the Raglan

kings, making for a touch dilemma of

to mention the chance to cast a fly

Bar has shallowed up quite significantly

what to target at times.

back to them. We’ve had sunfish

must be avoided at least 2 hours either

finished a trip where 12 anglers spent

amongst the kingi schools to so

side of low.

the week rotating between our boats

all the signs are there for an early

fishing the Mercury Bay, Merc Pins

game season!


We’ve just

Outer Gulf he warmth of spring


has bought massive

s the weather has improved (in patches)

schools of bait fish

and the water temp warmed we have seen a vast improvement in quality and

like pilchards, anchovies and squid into the gulf. These

quantity of snapper being caught. Bait is still

tasty morsels are hunted by

outfishing soft plastics and jigs down here, but

Kahawai, mackerel, kingfish and snapper as these

live baits have been particularly successful on big

species wake up from the slow cold of winter. What this has

fish. That said, a birdie told me of a local kayaker

meant for us is work-ups as far as the eye can see out to and

who’s warehouse special dropper rig tied to a

beyond the 45meter mark. Gannets have almost been a haz-

bait rod managed to haul in a more than respect-

ard, diving so constantly and so tightly packed chasing pods of

able 23lb snapper in about 23m of water not far

Dolphins – a sight to beholden. Snapper have been in very good

from town. Catches like this are not uncommon,

condition, hitting baits, softies and jigs like there’s no tomorrow

but it’s nice to hear that it’s not just million dollar

While most of them are in the 35-50cm bracket there is the odd

boats and fancy gear that hooks the big-uns! Time to service your gear folks, the snapper are

75+ cm fish coming through too. The best returns have been about 10miles north of Thumb Point (Waiheke) and the hot areas stretch

turning up and that means the game fish are just

north to Horn Rock, off Little Barrier. Our most successful rights

around the corner. Another month or two and we’ll

have been the Cyclops style 3 - 4oz heads and rubbery paddle tails

be talking about Albies and beakies too!

and geckos. Get out here folks – the snapper are going mad!

Nelson Marlborough / Underwater

Source: Mark Roden, Nelson Underwater Club he weather has been the

Fishing has been OK though, snapper

the last few years, most people would be

big factor all winter. Most

and kingfish around Stephens Island,

happy to see a one fish limit per person

weekend trips have been

reports that some guys have been going

per day for kingfish and grouper - no

cancelled, the only guys getting out

nuts and jigging 20 plus kingies in one

doubt this will happen about 5 years

have been the lucky ones who have

day, be interesting to see if there are

too late or we will end up with the

been able to drop everything at a

any left for the summer. Reports that the

same situation we have with the blue

moments notice regardless of what

gouper are getting harder to find as the

cod - total closures, be great to see the

day of the week it is.

known spots have been hammered over

authorities plan ahead for a change.

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Tauranga Game Fishing Club (Inc)


// The first in a series of profiles on NZ Fishing Clubs he Tauranga Game Fishing Club was established in 1922

there are in the vicinity of 3000 members.

made an Honorary Life Member. In 1979

The TGFC was one of the original five

Johnny set a world record time of three

clubs that formed the New Zealand Big

and three quarter hours for capturing a

records you consult. Either way, this

Game Fishing Council (Now NZ Spoert

marlin, a trout and shooting a deer. This

makes the TGFC one of the oldest

Fishing Council) in 1957. Club records

record still stands today. Prior to that in

Fishing Clubs in New Zealand. Their

note that the best fishing seasons were

1975 he landed a world record 180.9kg

rich history includes captures of World

from 1946 – 1950 during which time

striped marlin.

record marlin, Junior records & some

there were an average of nearly 600

more unusual, but equally as impres-

marlin per season.

or 1923, depending on the

sive, multi-discipline captures. It appears from early records that the

The current TGFC clubrooms located

In March 2003, TGFC Junior Zane Roderick landed a Junior World Record striped marlin that weighed in at a very

at Sulphur Point, were officially opened

respectable 184.7kg. There are a number

Club started in 1922 or 1923 with a

in 1991 and since opening have been

of other New Zealand and World records

base being set up at South East Bay on

extended twice to accommodate the

that have been claimed by Club members

Mayor Island. In those early days the

increase in membership.

over the years and many of these fish

Club existed as an informal society of

The Annual TGFC One Base tournament

mounts are on display in the clubrooms.

members with various names such as

is held over four days during the first

Deep Sea Fishing Club and Deep Sea

week in March and attracts between

a family friendly Club located at the

Anglers Association. In 1937 the Club

600 – 1,000 anglers from all over New

Sulphur Point Marina which is open

became incorporated and was officially

Zealand and also some from offshore.

to Members, Guests and Members of

named the Tauranga Big Game Fishing

The Club conducts or hosts 18 fishing

other NZSFC member clubs. Facilities

Club and in 1984 the word ‘Big’ was

tournaments each year including our

include Bar, Lounge, Restaurant,

deleted from the name.

annual Trout Tournament.

Gaming Room. Conference Room and

When the Club relinquished its lease on

One of the clubs best known members

The Tauranga Game Fishing Club is

Outdoor Viewing Decks. It is open

Mayor Island and moved ashore in the 80s

is the late Johnny (JK) Boyle who was

seven days a week all year round for

there were about 240 members. Today

President from 1975 – 1978. JK was later

dining and socializing. 29


Introducing the New Zealand Sport Fishing Council ew Zealand Sport Fishing

time secretary and a Liaison Manager

(NZSF) was established and

for the Hiwi the Kiwi programme

to participate in the sport, the positives of

incorporated in 1957 and origi-

are employed along with specialised

membership are many and we encourage

nally named the New Zealand Big Game

contractors to assist with fisheries

all anglers whether young or old, male

Fishing Council. We are a not for profit

management matters.

or female to contact their local club and

organisation. Our purpose and reason

The early ‘80’s saw a rapid drop off in

Whilst club membership is not required

investigate the many activities and benefits

for being has altered and expanded

marlin catches as the fishery was impacted

that membership can deliver. Many

significantly since, with member clubs

by a substantial increase in commercial

members fish from shore and the beach.

now promoting all aspects of fishing, not

fishing. This saw the Council became

solely game fishing. Clubs hold hundreds

active in management and conservation

(aka “The Minstrel”), operates the Hiwi

of tournaments nationwide, many of

of their main game fish, which resulted in

the Kiwi Goes Fishing primary school

which benefit local and national charities

a government moratorium on commercial

fishing education programme. This

and support club initiatives.

fishers taking Billfish that still stands as a

has now been presented to over one

permanent regulation.

hundred thousand school children in 268

Our name was changed in 2009 to better

NZSF, in conjunction with Mark de Lacy

reflect our role, membership and the sport

The introduction of the commercial

itself. New Zealand Sport Fishing (NZSF) is

ban on the taking of marlin led Council

recognised by SPARC (Sport & Recreation

to introduce and promote the tagging

projects, runs “The Nationals” fishing

New Zealand) as a National Sports

and releasing of marlin and sharks for

competition and maintains New

Organisation (NSO) representing the sport

research purposes. This supported

Zealand’s Fishing Records along with

/ recreation of marine fishing.

conservation and also provides valuable

the New Zealand Angling and Casting

NZSF represents 56 Member Clubs

schools over the past 18 months. NZSF also develops activities, research

research data with in excess of 60%

Association, whom we value as a partner

and their 32,000 affiliate members

of marlin captured continuing to be

organisation in promoting fishing. We

nationwide. The structure of the NZSF

tagged each year. The tagging program

are also a member of the IGFA and have

is grass roots up model. Geographic

has been increased and now includes

developed close working relationships

regions have member clubs who elect

Kingfish and more recently Tunas.

with the world body.

delegates as zone representatives

NZSF representatives participate in

NZSF’s goal is to become a leading

who meet regularly to discuss local

MFish’s Recreational Fishing Forums

National Sports Organisation delivering

concerns, policy, programmes, fisheries

and various working groups on fisheries

enjoyable quality programmes, activities

management issues and strategy. A

management, and make numerous

and events, to provide pathways into

Management Committee is elected

submissions / provide advice to the

the sport / recreation of fishing for

annually by the members, with each

Government each year. NZSF also

everyone. To this end the organisation

region having representation. A

participates in the Hokianga Accord

is currently transitioning from a council

President and two Vice Presidents

(MFish’s mid North Iwi Forum) and has

of clubs to an operative National Sports

are also elected. The Management

developed close working relationships

Organisation promoting the sport of

Committee, who are all volunteers,

with Ngapuhi and Ngati Whatua and is

fishing nationwide.

are charged with the day to day

looking to further develop relationships

management of the organisation. A full

with Tangata Whenua.

Richard Baker, President New Zealand Sport Fishing

If you wish to know more please visit 30

// In the next issue of NZ Fisher… -

Big Snapper ‘old skool styles’


We test the Power Jig Rock G Inchiku 15 gram


The conclusion to “where do the Snapper go?”

Next edition out 17/11/2010

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