NZ Fisher Issue 38

Page 1


July 2014

Rooster Rica 1

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Contents 6.. Rooster Rica 12.. A Quick Flick 14.. Aitutaki Bones 20.. Superfly 19 Debut 22.. L egasea Update July 2014 24.. Opinion: Isn’t it all about the take

ABOUT / Short and sharp, NZ Fisher is a free e-magazine delivering thought provoking and enlightening articles, and industry news and information to forwardthinking fisher people.

EDITOR / Derrick Paull GROUP EDITOR / Jennifer Liew ART DIRECTOR / Jodi Olsson CONTENT ENQUIRIES / Phone Derrick on 021 629 327 or email derrickp@NZ ADVERTISING ENQUIRIES / Phone Richard on 09 522 7257 or

28.. Reader Pics


30.. R ecipe: Smoked Meringue

C/- Espire Media, PO Box 137162,

ADDRESS / NZ Fisher,

32.. RISE Fly Fishing Film Festival 2014 34.. The Big Easy 3in1

Parnell, Auckland 1151, NZ WEBSITE / This is a GREEN MAG, created and distributed without the use of paper so it's environmentally friendly. Please think before you print. Thank you!

36.. Video of the month 37.. Competitions

Cover image: Leanne ‘Reel Adventures’ Dixon with her first and HUGE Costa Rica Roosterfish 3

Editorial ONCE AGAIN MY EYE turns to the weather, but this month, while cold, there’s been very few opportunities to get out for a fish – so much wind and rain! The rain seems to have stirred up the in-shore waters with some really good catches showing up for the shore fishers in the North, but it’s been slim pickings elsewhere – even kahawai have been hard to come by for some mid-north fishers. For those hunting fresh water fish, trout in particular, it’s been a decent winter to date. As the rain falls, the rivers swell and trout head up-stream to spawn, at which point we have our best shot. Sadly, the wind has caused a bit of grief, but the boys at Rod and Reel still managed a few decent fish with the help of world fly fishing champion Roman Heimlich, who’s been spending some time fishing and guiding on the Tongariro River this season. If you want some real guiding, get the Rod and Reel team to hook you up with Roman. Our cover girl Leanne has deserved this spot for many of her great captures over

the last few years, but it’s the roosterfish she’s posing with that seals it. While Leanne’s trip to Costa Rica was in search of sailfish in the World Offshore Fishing Champs, it’s this magnificent fish that really highlights her hot run. Roosters are sought after world-wide, much like our (yellowtail) kingfish are seen by the rest of the world’s anglers – only sexier with those quills! Read up on her rooster adventure later and keep an eye on her adventures on her Reel Adventures facebook page. This month we are pleased to have a brief from the Legasea team on their new initiative, Building Legasea. There are many issues this year – elections bring issues to the boil – but Legasea plan on making our fisheries paramount, and this initiative brings some strong allies together for the sake of our fish. Once again, we ask you to lend your support and make our voices heard. Tight lines NZFishers,

Derrick 5


Rooster Rica Another one bites the dust Words and Images by Leanne Dixon of Reel Adventures AFTER BEING LUCKY ENOUGH to be on

There were 64 teams from 24 countries

the winning team at the Royal Pahung

competing, and our team managed to

International Billfish Competition in

finish day one in first place with 27 sailfish

Rompin, Malaysia last year, I found

released in a day; as well as two dorado

myself in sunny Quepos in Costa Rica

for the weigh in. Not only that, but I was

representing Team Xzoga at the Offshore

top angler, tied with two others. Sadly, we

World Championship 2014 Event.

finished in 25th place overall after the boat


draws didn’t go in our favour for the last two days. However, it was an amazing experience to be part of a tournament that saw the world record broken for the most fish released, with a total of 2735 billfish releases over the four days of the competition. After such hectic fishing on sailfish it was time to spend a few days relaxing, so I headed to the beautiful marina of Los Suenos to see if I could tick off the most prized species I have had on my bucket list: the mighty roosterfish! I teamed up with Captain Michael Alligood from Reel Intense Adventures on his good ship EPIC, and longtime crewman Randal Garcia. Rumor has it

these guys are the best in town, and they definitely didn’t disappoint! We only had one day, and word on the dock was that bait had been hard to find. A decision had to be made whether to catch some smaller models off the beach or chase the Holy Grail and risk not finding bait – meaning coming home empty handed. It was a tough decision, but I couldn’t get the thought of a big rooster out of my head and we headed out into the Gulf of Nicoya to hunt down some bait and start the mission. As if it was meant to be it didn’t take long and we were into some nice-sized bonito: we had rooster candy onboard! We filled up the tubes and wasted no time getting to the spot to deploy these beauties into the water. 7


Live baiting for big roosters is a bit like game fishing in NZ and it can be a long wait between bites. As lunchtime rolled around one of the reels went off and I had my first fish on! As I settled into the fight I was a little disappointed at how easy it was. I was told to wind slowly and keep the line tight – it felt like catching a snapper, and I had been told these things put up a hell of a fight. Then, all of a sudden as the fish neared the boat I was pulled to the rail, and about to spend the next ten minutes pinned to it, getting a taste of what these powerful fish can do to a poor unsuspecting angler. Fishing on 15kg mono made this a great game of tug of war. These fish have so

much power and seem to pull harder and longer at the boat than a kingfish! I finally saw the quills sticking up out of the water, but this fish wasn’t finished with me yet, continuing to pull me down to the rail and ragdoll me around the boat. Finally, Randall grabbed the leader and my rooster was pulled into the boat with an estimated weight of 35kg. Not only was this a tick off the bucket list, this was the trophy rooster all anglers dream of! After a few quick pics it was back in the water and free to fight another day. It was amazing to watch this beautiful specimen swim back down to the depths to grow even bigger and after a big high-five with the crew I had completed another Reel Adventure! 9

SPORTFISHING Captian Michael Alligood took us on a little detour on the way home to try our luck at few of the smaller models of the beach. It was like catching kahawai as they jumped out of the water and pulled string. I definitely think the roosterfish has to be one of the best sport fish I have ever had the chance to catch. So, if you ever find yourself in roosterfish territory, get into it – you won’t regret it. If you can get there, Costa Rica is home to many of these amazing fish. You can book yourself on a trip of a lifetime by checking out:


Leanne will be joining Bea Bagnall from Offshore Adventures who will be guiding an all Woman's 9 day fishing trip to Costa Rica from the 26th April to 4th of May 2015. Bea is looking for 3 more female anglers to join in on this trip of a life time. The adventure will include 3 days fishing the pacific coast targeting Blue Marlin, Sailfish, Roosterfish and Cubera Snapper then relocate to the Caribbean Coast for 3 days fishing for Giant Tarpon. Offshore Adventures - Ph: 021 208 0797 Email: Web:●

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A wee trouty on the Tongariro Words by Neil Wagener, roving writer and keen as fisher

IT WAS VERY, VERY COLD on the 9th of August, but with only an hour free between breakfast and the first meeting in Taupo, I had a limited opportunity to grab a fish for the whanau. It was actually minus two degrees on the water and there was ice on the puddles in the car park. Somehow I thought two pairs of socks would do the trick, but it was still stupidly cold. There were four other guys on the river as the sun broke through; no one seemed to be getting much action. I was fishing a red copper bomb and a new golden egg imitation pattern.


Everyone was using nymphs and one of

under and I thought it had snagged, but like

the others landed a fish after about ten

the video says, “Strike!” – so I did, and this

minutes (hands still had feeling, but it was

little beauty came home with me. My hands

getting pretty shaky). It was a small fish, but

were so cold that I couldn’t even push the

probably a keeper. Then it was my turn. I

button on my car remote, and when they

mis-cast and my indicator was really close

actually did thaw out, they swelled up like

to my feet, maybe a metre away. It went

balloons. Weird! ● 13



Bones Words by Matthew ‘Matto’ von Sturmer

IT IS CLEAR TO ME that fly fishing is whatever you want it to be. However, there is extreme satisfaction in knowing that the particular fly, (made or chosen) when cast, results in the tug on the end of the line. The ultimate is casting to a target; whether it be a cruising kingfish, a distant rock where you imagine a snapper to be holding, or a tailing bonefish on a crystal clear tropical sand flat. So for me, fly fishing and fly casting go hand in hand. The fishing I am seeking is all about using the skills and challenges of casting, so each and every time I feel that solid weight from a fly caught fish, I know that I have put all the elements of the fly fishing system together.


Being a saltwater fly fisherman in New Zealand is easier than most people realise. It does require commitment and dedication, and you cannot compete with other methods all the time, but the rewards are there, and we have only begun to tap the potential in our harbours, flats and coastline. Over the next few months I get to test myself and our fishing as I put a custom saltwater fly-fishing boat and charter operation into practice. What I really want to do is provide a platform for experienced fly fishers and beginners to share and test the flies, techniques and skills required to make New Zealand world famous – not just as a trout destination, but somewhere that locals and visitors alike will think of for world class saltwater fly fishing.

Doug Rankin has been involved in fly fishing in New Zealand for a long time. He is a past, current and future record holding salt fly expert and freshwater angler. Doug is the new owner of Rod and Reel fly fishing store in Newmarket. Doug has been a big supporter of other fly fishing devotees, and it’s through my dedication and obsession that I have been able to fish with Doug on Aitutaki, with Itu Davy and the guides of E2’s Way. It’s that experience of fishing the clear tropical flats, where fly casting is put to the test on challenging, spooky fish, that gives me the perspective to make fly casting a key that will unlock our local potential – and it’s easier than most people think! A fly does not have the weight required for the conventional ‘swinging lob’ forward that then carries line from the spool when using spin or surf casting gear. When fly fishing, the weight is supplied in the line and the rod becomes a tool to bend under the load of the loops of line in the air. The final delivery is the result of that energy increasing the speed of the line travelling forward. As the loop of line unrolls, the fly follows. The final aspect of the cast, if all goes well, is that the extra line at your feet flies through the eyes of the rod, and you watch a beautiful cast land delicately 30 metres away. Throwing tight loops and unrolling straight casts to sighted fish, or places you imagine fish to be, is so satisfying that catching fish becomes a bonus. Other than unlearning the old habits of conventional casting, the challenge for the beginner is to understand the importance of keeping the rod tip travelling in a straight line path, and coming to an abrupt stop at the beginning and end of each casting stroke. The rod loads (bends) and unloads during the pause, as the now

straightening loop pulls the rod to reload in the other direction. Line speed is what you are after, and this is what will ultimately shoot the loop forward to deliver your fly. Timing and feel are more important than muscle, and for that reason it’s something that anyone can do. For saltwater fly fishing, special fly line tapers create weight-forward lines that load quickly and can be cast with one or two casting strokes. Not only do you want to get your fly quickly to a fish, but the longer the line is in the air, the higher the chance that wind, fishing buddies, or the back of your own head will meet with the pointy thing on the end. Master the idea of the straight-line path of your rod tip and accelerating to a crisp stop and you will be casting a fly 20 metres very quickly.

Aitutaki and casting to spooky bonefish

The forecast was for trade winds to blow every day for the duration of our stay, and it was no surprise that on our first morning with Victor, (on E2’s Way) he announced we would drift flies in the deeper water of the lagoon, as it was too windy to pole the boats or wade up on the flats. John Rae and I paused for a moment, (Doug and Bruce and the young guys were on the other boats) and, picking our moment, suggested we would rather walk in the lee of one of the islands and risk catching fly lines in the coconut palms than drift flies from the boat out in the lagoon. Victor obliged us and we were soon ashore, walking one step at a time, scanning the few metres of calm water ahead for the elusive bonefish. It was not long before John and I had taken a turn each at spooking good size 15

SALTWATERFLYFISHING bonefish, but this was what we were here for, and we were loving every minute of it. I let John and Victor continue up the beach, where they paused while several bones almost came within range. Meanwhile, I had spotted a bonefish and presented a reasonable cast by wading out into the water and casting long-ways to the beach. I spooked it, but left my fly on the sandy bottom and started chatting to the boys as they reported from up the beach. We decided to set off in the other direction, and as I started to retrieve my fly I came up solid and then proceeded to lose 50 metres of line in milliseconds. Thinking I had busted a knot, I was strangely relieved to see a straightened hook at the end of my line! Several lessons quickly re-learnt to start the day! The fly was one I had tied that morning, after realising that of the 50 flies I had tied for the trip, and the other 20 I had from

16, I needed something different for the clear sandy beaches. Obviously I got something right, but I could not remember which brand of hook it was. I also checked my drag and it was set to high. The trick with these strong bonefish is to let them run, as you really have no chance of stopping them. So, there we were stuck on a tropical island under the coconut palms, and nothing to do but work out how to get our casts to the fish without snagging on the trees behind or spooking them. Later that day I was dropped on another island while John went with the guide. Poling the boat along the shallows in the small patch of lee water, I managed to spot and present to at least five bonefish and had them come onto my fly. In my mind I could hear the guide’s call of “feel the tap”, yet on each occasion I ended up with weed on the line or fly. I realised that the lee shores were

where that particular fine green weed grew the strongest. I walked back to meet John and Victor, thinking about weed guards and flies that I could leave stationary – and perhaps the 6wt rod next time. As soon as I was close enough, John’s attempts at not being smug were obvious, and he eventually blurted out that he had caught two bonefish. The biggest was close to 80cm, and had smoked most of his backing off before he turned it. Back to the accommodation: beer, shower, 6wt fly rod and time to stalk the bonefish and trevally around the accommodation. We then met up with the young guys, who were having a ball on tiny spin-sets, flicking wax-wings and jigs among the coral. I joined them for a fly versus spin competition, and on my second cast a hole appeared where my crease fly had landed. However, what was probably a big trevally ran towards me, and I just could not stay connected. They won the species count but at least I had almost caught the biggest. The evening meal was always a good catch up on the various fishing stories and the best jokes of the day. Going with a group who are all trying different things makes the conversation interesting. It’s a great time to establish new theories and also rivalries to make the next day’s fishing even better. I had worked out an approach for the yellowtail, giant and bluefin trevally that patrolled the edges around the

accommodation, and each morning I was up before the sun and standing back from the edge with a size 2 crease fly and 6wt ‘Method’ fly rod. I would only cast once the trevs made a move on the panicking baitfish, which were at my feet one second, then 20 metres away amongst the reefs the next. Watching the slow-moving bow waves accelerate, then bust the water and send baitfish leaping onto the beach was a great thing to do before the desire for the first coffee kicked in. I often caught two or three before breakfast, and found it to be really exciting fishing, especially as they were great adversaries on the lighter gear – this is all before the real fishing day had started! With the trade winds blowing out most spots the following day, we made a move to the other side of the island and Doug and Bruce headed out beyond the reef in Itu’s new big boat. I am sure Doug helped along the way, and he could be seen still sitting on the forward console seat, with all the remaining guides forming a busy gang – getting heavy trolling gear and spin rods in order. As the big boat left the wharf it was clear the huge forward and aft cockpit meant there was heaps of room left. It will be a great new offer for those wanting to chase gamefish, tuna and big GT’s from the FAD’s, and outside reef edges. Rua was to be my guide and Sharka was with John. Less than a minute later, we beached the boat on the nearby sand-flat and started 17


a slow wade, looking for bonefish. All flycasting comes from saltwater fishing, and I am comfortable to be casting flies into the wind, so punching out casts in the direction of sighted bonefish was no problem: getting the fly to land without spooking them was. As the morning moved into afternoon, and with an incoming tide, we started to see more and more bonefish, despite the difficult conditions. After a few fly changes we moved into an area of low coral rubble and weed. By moving very slowly, Rua amazed me with his ability to spot bones. Spotting them up on the sandy flat had become easy, but at close range in this terrain, and with a chop on the water, I began to think he was bluffing. That was until I followed his advice and flicked a fly five metres ahead. I was rewarded with a short lived hook up before leader met coral. This continued for an hour and I only saw two of the ten bones that were within ten metres of us. Two more spectacular bust offs was making for interesting fishing. After spooking a few, Rua stopped to give me a lesson in doing a short range presentation. Having concentrated on doing long casts in the saltwater fishing back home I needed that lesson badly. By this stage the sun had warmed the flat, and the high tide brought a number of bonefish up onto a sandy patch. Putting a new fly tied onto a Gamakatsu SL12 size 2, at least I knew the hook would be strong. I made an acceptable cast to an


oncoming bonefish and he liked the look of my new fly so much he did not hesitate to have a go at it. I managed to strip strike at the right moment and lift my rod high to clear the line as this silver bullet took off. Rua grabbed my Go Pro and started filming me winding in after that first run, and even after editing most of it out, it remains a record of how much line they strip from your reel. I am amazed how fast and far that fish went. This one was caught, and I was extremely pleased to have a 61cm bonefish landed that I had caught wading on the flats. After releasing that fish, Rua pointed out another bonefish, and after delivering a backhand cast 15 metres on my opposite side I hooked up again. That fish soon busted me off. Not having had time to check my leader from the previous fish, chances are it had damage from the long fight. Thankfully, I remember the main features of that fly, and will be trying a few more like it. However, chances are something else will be ‘hot’ next time. You must be prepared with a range of flies, and I always like to take a tying kit. If you are thinking about Aitutaki there is now another option, with the big boat and chasing game fish. However, I really hope those excellent guides continue to find guys like us who love to cast, stalk and sight those beautiful silver bullets of the Pacific, Albula vulpes, or bonefish – even if it means casting in the wind. ●

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Superfly 19 Debut

at Hutchwilco Boat Show, sponsored by RAILBLAZA A new concept in recreational fishing boats was on show for the first time at the Hutchwilco boat show. CONSTRUCTED IN HIGH-MODULUS polyethelene (HMPE), and thermoplastic extrusion welded, the Superfly 19 is a major departure from conventional boat building materials. Unashamedly targeted at serious sport fishers, the Superfly 19 was born from a desire to produce an uncompromising fishing machine to perform in shallow water harbours and lagoons, as well as being open-water capable to reach remote fishing locations. The boat had to be stealthy – quiet in the shallows. It had to be light and manoeuvrable, have excellent sea-keeping qualities, be a good load carrier, easily pushed, and economical to run. Built to MSA survey, the boat will operate as a salt water fly-fishing charter boat


under ‘Salt Fly Fish’ skipper and salt fly expert Matthew von Sturmer. “The choice of HMPE material was logical. It is a very tough material, with the highest impact strength of any thermoplastic presently made,” says owner Brett Patterson. “When we are stalking big fish in skinny water a quiet boat is vital to our success. Alloy was out of the question. We also land anglers in remote and rocky locations. We needed a boat that could take a hard grounding with no concerns. We have a casting platform in the bow with a leaning bar, and sealed buoyancy chambers around the gunwales, but you would never know that by looking at it.”

The naval architecture and engineering was handled by Jim Pauling Yacht Design.

speed than other boats of this length,” says Jim Pauling.

“We are excited to be involved in this project and the boat is a development of our earlier PE longboat. It was a perfect marriage between the customer’s charter fishing requirements and our original longboat hull, and the two came together seamlessly. The design features higher topsides with a traditional and elegant sheer line which has allowed us to incorporate a ‘buoyancy ring’ for additional safety (even though the material is buoyant in its own right). We have developed the original hull shapes, taking an already efficient and sea-kindly hull to another level, making the boat both economically viable as a charter boat and very comfortable and safe for her passengers and crew. The vertical accelerations of the boat underway are significantly reduced compared to conventional boats, and she can run comfortably all speeds, as there is no major transition from displacement to planing. That means she is efficient even in the semiplaning range, and is fully planing at a lower

Construction is handled by the highly experienced Gerard Richardson of PFP Plastics Ltd; one of NZ’s leading HMPE welding experts, and is built under contract to Rêvo Boats. “I have worked with HMPE for years, so know its advantages; no rust or corrosion, shock absorbent, UV stable, and low maintenance,” says Richardson. The Rêvo Superfly 19 is a semiproduction boat, available turnkey, in centre console or tiller steer variants. The boat comes standard on an all-alloy custom-designed trailer, and can be optioned for jet drive or outboard. Specifications: •

Overall length: 6.0m

Beam: 1.758m

Deadrise: Variable warped plane

Recommended horse power: 40-60

Passengers: 5

Weight: 654kg ● 21


LegaSea Update July2014

To rebuild our fishery we need qualified tradesmen By Trish Rea, LegaSea team


of conversation on the building

construction industry.

site as the weather.

Statistics reveal that Kiwis involved in

Construction industry companies can now

construction, whether in materials supply,

officially join the Building LegaSea project

plumbing, building, electrical, machinery;

for an affordable monthly contribution,

even design, love to fish.

and receive a list of quality rewards and

Fishing is as much the subject

benefits in return.


LegaSea was approached by a number of passionate construction industry leaders with a logical suggestion: “If you’ve got a big building project, why don’t you get the New Zealand construction industry to help?” This insight has evolved into the new “Building LegaSea” funding and support initiative with its own unique identity. It is designed to attract the support of all entities involved in our construction industry, and even the dentists and mechanics that keep our tradies going! Building LegaSea is enabling a range of entities to join forces and empower LegaSea to achieve improved fisheries management of our wild and valuable marine resources.

By putting fishing and building together we have a far better chance of rebuilding our fishery than we’ve ever had. After several months LegaSea can report an unprecedented level of support and understanding from construction industry leaders, big and small. “It is so refreshing talking to the guys in the construction industry about the challenges we face in attempting to rebuild our fisheries,” says Building LegaSea Project Leader, Simon Yates. “We have an industry of fishers that really care about an abundant fishery and meaningful fishing experience for our future generations.” “It’s time to stop getting nailed by poor fisheries management.”

Commercial fishers trawling inshore have ‘hammered’ our stocks of popular recreational species. This, combined with the high juvenile mortality rates and dumping of unwanted fish, puts a real strain on our ability to develop a healthier fishery, long term.

To find out more about Building LegaSea and to get involved contact LegaSea. Email us at or visit ●

LegaSea is now talking to the construction industry, because building and fishing is in their blood.

Subscribe at

Call 0800 LEGASEA (534 273)

Email us

Read more at 23



Isn’t it

all about the take? The Fisho website recently featured a great little video clip of an enthusiastic barramundi following a lure and smashing it under the rod tip. This reminded me of some of the debates I’ve had recently with angling friends in both the UK and Australia as to what it is that gives us the greatest buzz in fishing. WHILST THE LURE OF fishing for many is about the wonderful places it takes us and the friends we make along the way, there has to be that extra ingredient that gets the heart pumping and keeps us coming back for more. Perhaps for the died-in-the-wool big fish hunter or the competition angler it really is all about the size or quantity of the fish caught. For the purist, perhaps it is how they catch their quarry – whether this means a wild trout on an upstream dry fly in the surface film; or tempting an English chalk stream roach or grayling on a stick float and centre pin. I think it was the writer Bernard Venables that once wrote that there are three phases in the development of an angler. First we want to catch the most fish, then we want to catch the biggest we can, and then, in our


later years, we reach that ‘state of grace’ where it is no longer solely about numbers, and far more about where and who we fish with, and how we catch them. Whilst I still get a thrill out of notching up a new personal best for a species, I’m now very much in this latter category. I’m lucky to live within a 20 minute drive of some of the best spots for specimen chub, barbel and tench in the south of England, and only an hour or so away from some good sea-bass marks. Yet, increasingly, I find myself favouring venues that allow me catch in a preferred style or location, rather than those where bigger fish can eventually be ‘bored into submission’. It’s not that I no longer enjoy catching quality fish – far from it. It’s just that I get that extra

A nice birthday tarpon for “martinthepom” from Cuba. But was it the bite or the fight that put a smile on his face?

thrill from hooking barbel on lighter float gear, stalking chub on a small stream, or catching bass on surface lures, rather than simply soaking a bait in the ocean. But irrespective of the place fished or the angling style employed there is another ingredient that keeps us coming back for more. I now argue that it is all about the take. Think back to those personal angling highlights indelibly etched in your memory and how many of them feature a rod-top crashing round, a huge pair of lips engulfing a surface bait or lure as time stands still, or a float disappearing at the end of a trot, and the answering strike being met by that satisfying thump of a good fish as it battles for freedom. I guess we can all shut our eyes and replay these magic moments again and again. I used to contend that the most adrenaline filled experience in fishing was a screaming reel and a hard battle with a quality fish. Having just returned from Cuba with my first tarpon under my belt – a fish that took over a hundred yards of line on its first run – I’m certainly not decrying the thrill of the battle. It’s just that, what is it we all want to do once

our fish is landed? Surely it’s to cast out again to see if we can get another take? The fascination of fishing is in fooling a wild and sometimes wily creature into taking our carefully presented lure, fly or bait. It may be the thrill of the chase that keeps us coming back for more, but I contend that it’s that moment of contact with the quarry, when the plan and the technique come together, that delivers the essential buzz that fuels the obsession that is fishing.

My first barbel came from the River Thames at Windsor in the 1960s, and whilst I can still picture those three pounds of bristling muscle lying in the schoolboy landing-net, the image I’m left with is the violence of my first barbel bite, which came close to catapulting that old bamboo and solid glass-fibre rod halfway to London. Even now, half a century and several thousands of barbel later, that “three foot twitch” never fails to excite. Much of my fishing in Australia and New Zealand was with surface or shallow diving lures, and there is no doubt that this style delivers some thrilling takes. I’ve had barramundi come clean out of the water 25

SPORTFISHING Check out this great sequence of Phil Bolton tangling with some angry kingies off White Island in NZ.

and head-butt the mangroves in their determination to be first to the feed. Watching a pack of angry yellowtail kingfish chasing a popper towards the boat is one heart stopping thrill of which I will never tire. Of course, seeing a marlin or sailfish light up in attack mode as they swing in behind the teasers, before seizing the lure and grey-hounding over the ocean is one of the greatest angling experiences of all. There are fish that take a bait or a lure with an aggression that is simply frightening. I’ve been lucky enough to tangle with two giant trevallies, or GTs as they are more commonly called, and the sheer violence of these creatures can be breathtaking. On one trip to the Indian Ocean atoll of St Francois,


we were privileged to witness what the guides call the Cappell Shoal, named after the guy who first spotted this extraordinary aggregation of GTs that patrolled the reefs like a menacing band of desperadoes. They came past in pairs in a long line just a few metres from us, flanked at times by much smaller reef sharks, and in a manner that reminded me of those huge military processions in Red Square during the Communist era. Our guide Devan was up to his waist in water holding the front of the boat steady – and giving instructions to my fishing partner “Crunchie” on where to cast his fly – when a particularly angry brute of a fish broke from the formation. Incredibly,

Martin with a nice barra on his first trip to NT – an example of a fish that gives a special bite!]

it charged at his legs with malicious intent, causing this normally tough and calm South African to yelp in surprise and to leap back into the boat in the nick of time. It was at that moment I realised why GTs are so famous for the aggression with which they hit a lure, and why they are called “Gangsters of the Flats”.

Like everyone else, I go fishing to catch fish and have a good time along the way. Much as I will be pleased as punch whenever I land a trophy fish, it is the next bite I’m after. For me it really is all about that take. Is it the same for you?

Check out this great video of the same name for more heart stopping GT action.

flapping fly from his clothing before ripping it free and belting back out into the surf!

Although I never saw it happen, I’ve seen enough of GT behaviour to believe the following story to be true. Perhaps this could even win an award for the greatest take of all time?

The story has a happy ending, as the fish was eventually landed and the angler’s honour restored. If there is ever a more enthusiastic take I’d like to be there to see it, and although I have no doubt that, like all GT’s, this fish would have given the angler a great battle, the enduring memory would not have been of the fight but of the bite.

According to those who were there, an American angler was on a surf walk, again in the Indian Ocean, and spotted a group of GTs close in. He cast, stripped back quickly and his fly was charged by the shoal, and he hooked up briefly on one of the smaller fish in the group. However, the hook came free and the fly shot back towards him and embedded in the legs of his shorts, just above the water line. None of this deterred the rampaging fish, who simply charged the bewildered angler, knocking him off his feet and grabbing the

Like everyone else, I go fishing to catch fish and have a good time along the way. Much as I will be pleased as punch whenever I land a trophy fish, it is the next bite I’m after. For me it really is all about that take. Is it the same for you? Martin with a nice barra on his first trip to NT – an example of a fish that gives a special bite! ● 27


Sabir Saffia with his first 20lb Snapper landed off Coromandel earlier this year

Ethan Hunter-Wilson with a great landbased snapper - Well done Ethan!




Ethan Hunter-Wilson with a great landbased snapper - Well done Ethan!.jpg


Jonty Mein with pretty happy D’urville Is snapper from the cold weekend - nice shot!

ďƒƒWinner! Pete Thomasen and his new PB Trev caught out of Tryphena Harbour in June - on a jitterbug! 29


Smoked Meringue with

Poached Apples, & Salted Caramel Walnut Praline

OK, hardly a traditional method or a traditional fishing recipe, but think of the heads you’ll turn when you pull this one out of the smoker after dinner! Serves 4


Salted Caramel Praline


50g brown sugar 50g caster sugar 50g golden syrup 20ml cream 1 tsp Maldon salt 80g Walnuts, chopped Fresh thyme or micro mint Meringue 3 egg whites 150g caster sugar 1 tbs of corn flour 1 tbs of vanilla extract or 1 vanilla bean, seeds only Poached apples

2 granny smith apples, balled ½ cinnamon stick 2cm piece of fresh ginger, peeled and sliced 2 cups of water 1 cup of sweet dessert wine Cinnamon Cream

200ml thickened cream 1-2 tbs of ground cinnamon


1. Preheat Bradley smoke oven to 110-120 degrees and prepare maple smoke chips 2. Place baking paper onto rack 3. Place egg whites into a clean dry bowl and whisk with electric beaters until soft peaks form 4. Gradually add the sugar to the egg whites a small amount at a time, whisk in between to allow the sugar to dissolve – continue this process until all the sugar is all added and dissolved 5. Add cornflour and vanilla extract / vanilla bean seeds 6. Continue to beat mixture until it is thick and glossy 7. Transfer the mixture to a piping bag. Using a medium nozzle, pipe the mixture onto the baking paper in small dollops 8. Bake in the Bradley Smoker and smoke and bake for 30 - 40mins or until crispy 9. Once meringues are crispy, turn off Bradley Smoker and allow to cool in the smoker and leave door ajar to cool completely

Salted caramel praline

1. Place sugars and golden syrup into a saucepan with a dash of water and over medium to high heat allow to melt and simmer for 4 mins, swirl to continue to melt 2. With a candy thermometer, reach 110 degrees, and then slowly, carefully pour in cream. Swirl to combine 3. Bring temperature to around 130-140 degrees. Once reached, put the bottom of the saucepan in cold water until it stops sizzling 4. Pour out onto a silicone mat and sprinkle over chopped walnuts and salt Poached apples

1. Place water, wine, ginger and cinnamon stick into a large saucepan and bring to the boil

To serve: Tips: Meringue. To pipe perfect circles, draw circles onto the baking paper and create a cup-like form (allow the cup like centre to be big enough to hold the fillings). Pipe the bottom in a spiral motion first and then do the sides in a circular motion. Or you can spoon mixture onto the paper and flatten out with the back of a spoon for a more rustic look. AND If you’re after something a little more traditional for your fish, try this amazing battered fish recipe. They say traditional, I say perfect! �

2. Reduce heat to a simmer and place in apple balls. 3. Place some baking paper on top of the apples, (cut into a circle so it fits). This cartouche will help with the poaching 4. Poach for 5-8 mins until tender, remove and allow to cool Cinnamon cream

1. Whisk thickened cream and add ground cinnamon to taste, adjust with more if necessary, whisk until very thick 31


RISE Fly Fishing

FilmFestival2014 THE WORLD’S MOST extensive fishing film festival RISE will screen in New Zealand theatres between August 25th and September 12th. The festival locations include Auckland, Hamilton, Rotorua, Taupo, Hawkes Bay, Palmerston North, Wellington, Nelson, Christchurch, Dunedin and Invercargill. In its ninth year, RISE is on a quest to showcase the diverse world of fly fishing, to connect anglers through shared experience, and to create public awareness of fly fishing’s new vibrant emergence. The festival allows the fishing community to share their passion for the sport by attending film screenings across the country. RISE screens exclusive content from the world’s best fly fishing film makers. Cinema audiences will be gripped by stunning footage from: New Zealand, Iceland, Argentina, Bahamas, USA and Alaska, presented in high definition on the big screen.


Gin-Clear Media’s Backcountry – North Island is the feature film of the festival. The backcountry of New Zealand holds a special place in the heart of all Kiwis. “Going bush” is a national pastime, and Kiwi fly fishers like nothing better than the sun on their backpack, the cold touch of a mountain stream and the opportunity to sight fish for giant trout in pristine settings. The film follows six fly fishermen, from different places and different walks of life, as they each explore a treasured corner of the North Island. This land of active volcanoes, rugged gorges and dense forests provides an epic backdrop for some of the best trout fishing on the planet. As each story weaves into the fabric of the film it becomes evident that, despite their differences, the characters are all bound together by their passion for the backcountry. As fly fishers, spending time in wild places brings us closer to the natural world. In this soulful place, we are catalyzed to enjoy,

learn and protect. RISE celebrates and shares this spirit by bringing each adventure to life on the cinema screen. For many, RISE Fly Fishing Film Festival has become so much more than just going to the cinema. These annual fish-fests have become a true celebration of fly fishing. It’s an excuse to get together with friends and reminisce about the past season, as well as

look forward to the season to come. The festival is presented by Gin-Clear Media. For more tour information, including local show dates, movie trailers etc. visit Check out ‘Backcountry - North Island’ at the Gin Clear home page ● 33



Big Easy 3in1 TRU-Infrared Smoker, Roaster and Grill

TRU INFRARED MAKES smoking, roasting and grilling easy at home or at the tailgate party. • Faster Smoking. Front-¬access smoker box holds half¬ pound of wood chips or pellets • Easier Roasting. No charcoal or traditional rotisserie hassles


• Tastier Grilling. Enjoy TRU Infrared grilling without troublesome flare ups

• Prevents Flare-¬ups

• Food thermometer measures internal food temperature

• Promises Much Juicer Food

• Connect to a standard gas bottle and the easy dual temperature control is preset at the ideal cooking temperature


• Eliminates Hot and Cold Spots

• Has a Wide Temperature Range • Uses Less Gas • Cooks Faster

Between the outer wall and inner wall of this versatile cooker is a fully enclosed, specially designed propane burner. The heated inner wall radiates natural infrared heat that penetrates food evenly and seals the juices inside. The hot air that is generated escapes out of the top of the cooking chamber before it has a chance to dry out the food. The result is meat that stays moist and tender. The Smoker, Roaster and Grill can easily serve as the only cooker in the backyard. Smoke your food by placing wood chips or pellets in the stainless steel smoker box, or roast by using the roasting basket that is an easy alternative to traditional rotisserie cooking. Grill meats and vegetables on the stainless steel grates without flareups. Includes roasting basket, lifting hook, stainless steel grilling grate and Two-pieces half-rack set. Roasting basket accommodates two chickens Contact us at â—? 35


of the Video


Phil Josephs and his fishing buddies have been at it again in the Bay of Plenty. This video, shot in early winter off the coast of Matakana Island, shows how autumn snapper fishing can really fire in the Bay. Nice work Phil!

ss’ is this ‘Damsel in distre e on h fis t ea gr r he ot An It’s e rounds on Facebook. video that has made th ap own trout’s ability to sn a stunning display of br ter. e the surface of the wa flying insects just abov


Lastly, yes it’s fly again, but this is AWESOME! Who wouldn’t want to fish these waters? Check out the pack attack at 12.05 minute


Competitions! Share an Awesome Photo and Be in to Win!

Share an awesome photo this month and be in to WIN a $50 GoFish Voucher! Share an awesome photo of you with a fish to our Facebook page, or email it to by 8th August and you’ll be in to win a $50 voucher for This months winner is Jonty Mein. Jonty has won a $50 voucher to shop online at Go Fish. 37


WIN with

Honda Marine THANKS TO HONDA MARINE we’re bringing you our freshest competition yet. We’re giving away a Honda Marine IceyTeck 70 litre Chilly bin and two Hutchwilco ‘Honda Marine’ inflatable Lifejackets! This is a prize that will keep your fish fresh and your whanau safe.

in the draw to win! The next winner will be announced in our August issue so make sure you, your family and friends all subscribe this month! Subscribe at •

All you need to do is be a subscriber to NZ Fisher and you will be automatically TERMS AND CONDITIONS Winner/s must email within 14 days of publication to claim their prize. Competitions are only open to NZ residents residing within NZ. One entry per person for each competition. Prize pack product/s may vary from pictures. Prize/s not exchangeable or redeemable for cash. Winner/s will be selected at random and no discussion will be entered into after the draw. Winner/s will be announced in NZ Fisher e-publication. If winner/s fail to make contact within the claim period, Espire Media may redraw the prize. Secondary winner/s will be announced on the NZ Fisher Facebook page. Prizes must be collected by the winner unless courier delivery is specifically offered by the sponsor as part of the competition. Your contact details will not be given to any third party, except for the purposes of delivering a prize.


The gods do not deduct from man’s allotted span the hours spent in fishing. ~Babylonian Proverb

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