NZ Fisher Issue 59

Page 1


May 2016

Year of the Tuna Autumn Snapper EVERYWHERE! (And BIG ones!) 1

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CONTENTS 4... Editorial

ABOUT / Short and sharp, NZ Fisher is a free e-magazine delivering thought provoking and enlightening articles, and industry news and information to forwardthinking fisher people.

8... World. Record. Tuna. EDITOR / Derrick Paull

15... Fishing Video of the Month

GROUP EDITOR / Colin Kennedy ART DIRECTOR / Jodi Olsson

16... Banks Bound

CONTENT ENQUIRIES / Phone Derrick on 021 629 327

20... The Gulf Journal 22... Wealth of Trout

or email derrickp@NZ ADVERTISING ENQUIRIES / Phone Derrick on 021 629 327 or email derrickp@NZ ADDRESS / NZ Fisher, PO Box 47794,

27... Trout Competition

Ponsonby 11144 WEBSITE /

28... Gifts from the Kings 34... ADOS Addicted to Fishing

This is a GREEN MAG, created and distributed without the use of paper so it's environmentally friendly. Please think before you print. Thank you!

36... Legasea Update 38... Reader Pics 42... New F3 WideScan WASSP Sounder

Cover Image: Cam’s new PB - 68cm of deepwater snapper 3


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I DON’T WANT TO begin with more tales of woe, but…on the 16th of May, the true extent of the rout committed against New Zealand by our glorious fishing industry was released. The catch reconstruction data released by The University of Auckland has shed some light on this atrocity. Please read below an excerpt from the press release. “The study is part of an international collaboration between 400 researchers that sought to fill the gaps left by official catch data. This landmark, 15-year ‘Sea Around Us’ project is run out of the

by recreational and customary fishers. The New Zealand researchers drew on an extensive body of documentation, including stock assessment reports, peer-reviewed literature, unpublished reports, and information obtained under the Official Information Act, as well as 308 confidential interviews with industry experts and personnel with first-hand knowledge of fishing and reporting practices. They combined this data with official catch data to statistically ‘reconstruct’ a more

Institute for the Oceans and Fisheries,

comprehensive, robust catch estimate. The

University of British Columbia.

same method was used throughout the

Catch statistics that New Zealand

global series of studies.

and other countries report to the

The findings also reveal how the QMS,

United Nations’ Food and Agriculture

despite its intentions and international

Organisation (FAO) do not include illegal

reputation, actually undermines

or otherwise unreported commercial

sustainable fisheries management by

catches and discards. They also leave out

inadvertently incentivising misreporting

or substantially under-report fish taken

and dumping.


“A striking finding was the extent of

Makes the ‘We only take this much’ ad’s

misreporting to avoid deemed value

a bit more of a Tui. Yeah right’ really.

penalties – at sea and on land,” said Dr. Simmons. “This highlights a weakness of the QMS, which relies on full and accurate reporting, yet, in practice, incentivises misreporting. Fisheries management and stock assessment officials must spend more time talking and listening to the fishers themselves, observers and compliance officers.” The evidence shows the QMS is in need of a robust critical review, along with consideration of alternatives to ensure the latest information, processes and technology are being utilised, he said. “Improving the

The 2.7 multiplier takes the catch from 14 million tonnes over the last 61 years to an estimate of 38 million tonnes that’s 24 million tonnes or 24 BILLION kilogrammes of unreported, dead fish. The report shows occasions where nets full (and that means between five and 60 tonnes) of unwanted fish are simply opened and their contents simply dumped out of site as the boat sets its nets again and searches for the next ‘shot’ of hopefully target species but on average it would seem their efforts are pretty dismal.

transparency and reliability of fisheries

When I these numbers were revealed,

data reporting is essential,” the

I literally had tears in my eyes after

researchers conclude in the report.

I read the report and digested the

Māori have a critical role to play in terms of Kaitiakitanga or guardianship over all New Zealand’s fishing sectors, they argue. “The future sustainability and certification of fisheries will depend on how the government addresses the under-reporting problems, which have long been a cause of concern.” “ So, to the numbers. The catch reconstruction data shows the real catch, the real number of fish that die is 2.7 times the number actually reported.

impact, the real level of deception and absolute carnage. If you have a moment or an hour, read the report. Read it deeply and get an understanding of the extent to which the public have been hoodwinked. I hope the rest of your month is productive, but whatever you do manage just remember; We’ve been lied to about the killing of 24 billion or so fish over the last 60 years.

Derrick 7


World. Record. Tuna. Donna Pascoe does it again BY Donna Pascoe



The wind had got up to gusts of 36

tuna last year - an 80.54kg Southern

knots while I was playing the fish

Bluefin Tuna to go with her 411kg

and I was getting drenched from the

Northern Bluefin landed in 2014, here’s

waves coming over the back of the

are the stories of both:

boat. The waves were so big at times

I was fishing in the National Tournament

even Scott, the skipper up on the

and had travelled to the Three Kings on

flybridge got wet.

our boat Gladiator. There were about

Scott kept telling me it was a stubborn

20 boats fishing at the Kings while we

fish but I informed him that I was also

were there in the first few days of the

extremely stubborn and I was going

tournament but due to the weather not

to win this one. About three hours

being very good and winds up to 35 knots,

into the fight and still wondering what

all but three other boats had headed back

was on the line, I finally got it to the

to North Cape to continue fishing.

surface and at the boat when Scott

On 19 February we had arrived on the

yelled out from the flybridge, ‘tuna,

King Bank after spending the night

world record’.

sheltering against the cliffs of the

Paddy grabbed the leader and Ken

islands and we were trolling around

got the tag pole. We had originally

for marlin to tag. The weather was

planned to just tag all our fish. The

a bit misty and the wind was quite

tag went in and Scott realising the

strong. At 9.10am one of the rods

size called out to gaff the fish. The fish

started screaming so I shot out into

obviously heard this and disagreed

the cockpit, grabbed the rod out of

with the decision. It decided I hadn’t

the holder and jumped in the chair, or

had enough of a workout and was

rather staggered into the chair as it was

making another run. Paddy let go of

pretty rough. The line was peeling out

the leader and I settled down again

like it was attached to a freight train.

for more of a battle.

As usual, I was pretty nervous that I

Finally after over an hour more I had

might get spooled as the line was 60kg

the fish at the boat again and this time,

on an 80W reel so there wasn’t a lot of

thankfully all went well. I was pretty

line on it. Thankfully the fish stopped

spent after over four hours of trying to

running and I was able to get a bit of

fight the fish and the elements. Scott

line back in. From then on it was a

said it all when the fish was at the back

game of the fish taking line and me

of the boat, “I’m amazed you lifted that

getting it back.

girl, absolutely Gobsmacked!”. 9



Trying to boat the fish was interesting. The four men of the crew all had hold of the tail and the rope around the tail and could not bring the fish onboard. Finally after a lot of discussion it was decided to run a rope along the side of the boat and up to the anchor winch. The winch is rated for 1500kg but even so it really struggled with only moving an inch at a time. Finally after a little under 40 minutes with the help of the anchor and the crew pulling, the tuna slid onboard amid lot’s of yelling and screams of delight. After over four hours of being on this fish and at my age (56yrs), I naively thought my day was done but Scott had other ideas and said we were going to continue fishing for another eight hours and would then make our way back through the night to take the fish to shore to weigh. And I thought my husband was a hard taskmaster. The 10 hour trip through the night back to the weigh station was rough. No one was able to get any sleep while trying to stop being thrown out of the bunk. Arriving back to shore at the Houhora weigh station at 6am we were thrilled to see a big contingent from the Houhora Big Game & Sport Fishing Club who had all come down to the weigh station so early in the morning to see us come in. Coming from Auckland, it made us feel proud to be members of such a tight knit club who support all their members. My tuna was lifted from the back of the boat and attached to the scales. The tail

was then lifted off the ground. The scales read 250kg with just the tail lifted so I was hoping it would make it to 300kg. The rest of the fish was lifted up and when it was off the ground we all looked closely at the scales. 411.6kg. Our eyes popped out of our heads and it is still trying to sink in that I beat the 2013 women’s world 60kg record by 188kg, as well as the alltackle 2013 record by 76kg. It was also confirmed as the biggest fish on record ever caught by a lady angler in New Zealand. Certainly my ‘fish of a lifetime’. Unfortunately, I am now not able to get away with telling my husband the groceries are too heavy to lift in from the car and he will have to do it. Game Fishing is certainly not a sport for sissies, especially at the Three Kings in atrocious conditions. The bruises came out the next day all over me from sliding from side to side in the chair as the boat was side on to the waves. I had lost 26kg in the last 18 months and I no longer fitted ‘snuggly’ into the game chair. I had fished the New Zealand Nationals the previous year and caught a world record bronze whaler shark that unfortunately ended up with me in hospital having surgery on my shoulder. The surgeon had said I may not get the full use of my arm back so I was not sure if I was going to be able to catch fish again as it was my winding arm. Thankfully, 11 months later that proved not to be the case. 11


Meritorious Points of the catch: 1. Pending World record women’s 60kg line class. 2. Pending All-Tackle world record (our understanding that Donna will be the only women to hold an all tackle world record for gamefish species i.e. marlin, tuna, broadbill. 3. Beat the 2013 all tackle record by

time were 30 knots plus which had Donna sliding in the chair like a rag doll and at one stage Scott Sutherland, the skipper commented to Donna that it was a very stubborn fish to which Donna replied “I am very stubborn too!”. 7. At the beginning of the week at the Kings, there were probably up to 25 boats fishing and on the catch day our

76kgs and smashed the women’s

understanding is there were only us

60kg record by 188kgs. Since 2013

and three other boats left due to the

records book came out, both these

weather being so bad.

records have been beaten during the 2014 season but Donna’s fish has beaten these new records by significant margins. 4. Largest fish on record ever caught in New Zealand by a lady angler on a rod and reel to IGFA rules. 5. While caught on 60kg line, Donna


6. Conditions on the King Bank at the

8. Eleven months prior, Donna had shoulder reconstruction surgery on her winding arm after pulling in her world record bronze whaler. 9. Scott Sutherland, a skipper with a number of world records to his credit, was amazed that a woman was able to put up with the conditions and

was only using a 37kg Tiagra reel so

the pressure and even more so that

line capacity was a real issue for the

Donna was actually able to reel in a

first one hour of the fight.

fish of such size.

I ran to grab the rod and jumped into the chair and strapped myself in. I had memories of four hours on a 411kg pacific bluefin tuna and the fight I had so was prepared for another battle. Amazingly the fish appeared very light and didn’t really fight.

One Sunday afternoon in August 2015

We arrived in the area about 5.30am and

we headed out in Gladiator to run the

saw a boat on the radar. Going over to it

new engines that we had put in the

there was no sign of life onboard so all

previous week. Of course, no use going

must have been sleeping. Off we went

round and round in circles running them

trolling with two 60kg lines in the water.

in so it was a good excuse to go and do

I was not keen to have any other

some winter fishing.

lineweight in the water as I would have

We had planned on fishing the Garden

been disappointed if we had caught a

Patch up the top of the North Island and

tuna and it was not on 60kg.

started heading there from Auckland.

At about 6.45am I saw a pod of whales

We were about four hours into our trip

in the water so we decided to head

when there was talk about the Southern

over to them and see what was going

Bluefin tuna off the back of Barrier. As

on. Five minutes later we hooked up.

the area is very big and we had never

I ran to grab the rod and jumped into

previously fished that area, we were not

the chair and strapped myself in. I had

keen to just head there without having

memories of four hours on a 411kg

some idea of a particular place to target.

pacific bluefin tuna and the fight I had

A quick text to a commercial fisherman

so was prepared for another battle.

that we know and we had an area to

Amazingly the fish appeared very light

try. The commercial fisherman himself

and didn’t really fight.

was going to head there as well. On

Based on this we thought it may have

looking in the book we realised the 60kg

been an albacore. I had the fish alongside

lineweight for women was vacant. We

the boat in a very short time and we

did a sharp 90 degree turn and off we

were able to see that it was in fact a

headed, 60 miles out from the back of

reasonable size bluefin tuna. 11 Minutes

Great Barrier Island.

in total for this fight. 13


Once onboard we started to identify

flashes, very humbling to be greeted

the tuna and became very confident it

by so many people.

was a southern bluefin tuna. We called Far North Radio on our sat-phone and asked them to make arrangements at the nearest club that would have a weighmaster capable and prepared to weigh a pending world record. This station was at Whitianga, 80

The weighing went very smoothly led by Warren Harris. We couldn’t have been in better hands as Warren is a board member of the New Zealand Sportsfishing council and a Zone 3 Representative.

miles from where we were and slightly

All the necessary documentation was

south. On arrival at the weigh station

done with Warren, including the next

word had got around and there were

day where he took his own samples

over 100 people standing on the wharf

of line to test. He did three tests on

waiting to see the tuna being weighed

their line tester and all three came in

in. I felt like royalty with all the camera

under the lineweight. ď Ź



Getting Back to Basics

bit of a twist, how ’s this for LETS LOOK AFIELD this month - and with a pretty keen to get back to a start. This is a very, very cool video and I’m basics here again too! the beaks off shore - hell of a Back in NZ, here’s some ‘real’ kiwi fisho’s hitting video! Nice fish there Jamie! KAYAK! And not just any And, most excitingly for me, TUNA FROM THE has been chasing Northern Tina - Jason Milne of Viking Kayaks Australia the last year and finally Blue fin Tuna (locally known as Longtail) for he one-upped himself nailed one - check it out here. On his next trip and they are beautiful fish. Well done Jason! 15


Banks Bound

You need one ‘Trip of a lifetime’ to know how stupid that saying really is BY Michael Walkley, Admin NZ Fishing Community

THEY SAY GOING TO this remote and

This trip I was to be made an example of.

rugged part of coastline is a once in a

He wanted to see that fear and pain in my

lifetime experience, but for me it’s safe to

eyes and I sure as hell didn’t disappoint

say that’s a lie, because I’m hooked! The

him. We started bright and early, leaving

allure of this place will always draw me back from the amazing scenic views to the monsters that lay beneath. I was fortunate enough to secure a spot down to these wild waters with a group of mates out on Coastal Fishing Charters

the sheltered waters of Waihou Bay and heading across land to Hicks Bay to rendezvous with the man himself. First on the agenda was live bait and lots of it. We anchored in the crystal clear waters of Hicks Bay, pumped a burley trail and loaded up on big kahawai and

weapon of a boat ‘Strictly Fishing’

trevally; these Ranfurly kings have a huge

skippered by the renown Aaron Sargent, a

appetite and we were bringing the main

legend in these waters.

course straight to them.

16 17


These fish go like a bat out of hell and don’t mind punishing soft Auckland anglers. After an agonising battle, the first of these beasts hit the deck and it’s a healthy mid 20kg model.

Now here’s the great part, it only takes one hour to get to the banks from Hicks Bay. None of this waiting around for hours chugging your way down the coast, you hammer down and get there in no time. Time to get railed. With me and five other mates on board, a rotation method is in place and trust me you need the rest time to function here, two at a time for the kings and three at a time for puka/bass.


Ready, set, drop! Fishing the 150m drop offs of the outer banks, we sent livies down into the sign and we didn’t have to wait long, 13 colours down. Pause. Wait. Engage! And hold on! These fish go like a bat out of hell and don’t mind punishing soft Auckland anglers. After an agonising battle, the first of these beasts hit the deck and it’s a healthy mid 20kg model. A great accomplishment on its own but no, I wasn’t done there. After the rotations were done I was up again. Next drop 15 colours down this time (150m), and this one hit like a freight train. This fish was nothing like the last. I got 10 metres, he took 15, this tug of war went on for a good 25 minutes before I managed to subdue this 30kg+ fish. The moment I saw the wind on the leader I collapsed in pure agony and watched as a mammoth kingfish came up over the gunnels and flopped onto the deck. Success! And by the look on my face, you can see the pure thrill and excitement I had coursing through my veins.

COASTAL FISHING CHARTERS Day Trips to Ranfurly Banks 1 hour from Hicks Bay

Still yet to recover from the fight of my life I was thrown into the hot seat with my first successful puka drop, and successful was an understatement as CUSTOMER ROD & REEL LTD PUBLISHING 26/11/15 I not only got one but two of these SALES REP BRAEDEN.SAUL PUBLICATION FISH AND GAME NZ beautiful fish in one drop. Those who ADVERTISING DESIGNER Unknown SECTION RUN OF BOOK PROOF PROOFED 21/10/2015 SIZE 19X14 think these fish don’t fight you’ve been 6:59:38 a.m. AD ID 6937434AA FAX 5543 misled, they sure as hell don’t want to leaveAPPROVE their rubbleTHIS patchAD and fight like aAS POSSIBLE. NOTE THAT ANY ALTERATIONS PLEASE AS SOON wounded bull.MUST BE FINALISED BY OUR MATERIAL DEADLINE. With arms well stretched and bodies of broken anglers sprawled across the floor the call was made to head home, and to be able to get back on land and clean up within a matter of a couple of hours is a joy within itself, this ain’t a trip of a lifetime this is one of many. 


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Gulf Journal BY Derrick Paull

A NEW Gulf Journal aims to tell

incorporate feature stories about people

stories that support inspired

who are really making a difference.”

management and action around the

Issue One, which went live this week,

Hauraki Gulf/Tikapa Moana.

features the vision of New Zealander of the

Hauraki Gulf Forum Executive Officer

Year finalist Rob Fenwick, remembers Dr

Tim Higham has overseen the production

Bill Ballantine, and explores Ngati Rehua –

of 33 issues of Weaving the Strands,

Ngatiwai ki Aotea’s conservation work and

a quarterly newsletter documenting

interests on Great Barrier Island.

issues and activities around the Gulf.

Forum Chairman John Tregidga suggests

“We wanted to take that up a level and

Government needs to tread ‘gently


gently’ and to recognise the importance

journal of the Auckland University Field

of the Sea Change - Tai Timu Tai Pari

Club, published from 1948 to 1999. “The

process within its new approach to

stories in journals like Tane inspire me to

marine protection.

learn more, think smarter and best of all

The ambition of the journal is explained

enjoy what I do. They remind me why I

by ecologist Jo Ritchie, who has been

love the Hauraki Gulf and of the place of

involved in many restoration initiatives

people in its success.”

around the Gulf. “The Gulf Journal is intended as stories from people who live, work and play in the Gulf but written in such a way that tease out the bigger picture, spark ideas and innovative

She is one of five subject matter experts helping Tim to assemble content each quarter. The site also brings together the State of our Gulf reports, education and

solutions and understanding of differing

seminar materials produced by the Forum

opinions,” says Jo.

into an attractive, easy-to-navigate site.

Jo first proposed the new story-telling

Sample the first issue of Gulf Journal,

website having been inspired the work

subscribe, or consider contributing your

of the Forum and by Tane magazine – a

story to a future edition. 

The Gulf Journal is provided by Tim Higham, Executive Officer of the Hauraki Gulf Forum

NEW PRODUCTS IN STOCK NOW AT ROD & REEL SWAGE GX-1 Gimbal • The lightest and one of the most comfortable gimbal belts on the market today! •

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SWAGE PR Bobbin New to the NZ market for 2016! These are one of the coolest and most functional, PR Bobbins we have seen! •

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SWAGE 800g Sliding jigs It’s Hapuka and Bass time! Get in now and get these 820g jigs, perfect for getting down in 300m plus. These have been absolutely deadly at the 3 Kings!

HOTS Keitan jigs • These have been killing it at the 3 Kings! • Great action and easy to jig • Very strong body, so no bending • Available in 250g and 350g in a variety of colours. • One of the best jigs on the International market today!

Cary Wesley



Wealth of Trout


Greg Gilbert

HAVING FISHED FOR nearly 35 years

the growth of sea fishing took over.

now I reckon I’ve had a good run at it.

New Zealand’s trout history is rich in

I’ve caught snapper and kings, marlin

tales of dedication beyond ‘normal’

and sharks but it’s bloody trout that

by those looking to introduce then

ring my bells the loudest these days.

re-capture trout. They’re a sought

I take such pleasure in wandering

after prize and menace (to those who

streams, watching, pleading to see a

cannot catch them, as well as the

shadow move across a pool and often

environmentally friendly who would

cast at just shadows anyway.

rather see them dead).

It’s such a pleasure to get the sort

Please enjoy a sample of the best images

of response we had to the flyfishing

received in the FlyTackle Sage fishing

competition we launched last month

competition below. We have received so

in NZ Fisher. Trout have long been

many images that we’ve only been able to

scorned in New Zealand as second rate

fit in a sample but all received are in the

fighters and subjected to ridicule as

draw. Thank you and good luck!  23

Alastair McEwen

Dale O'Donohue with a stunning Waikaremoana Brown - great pic!

Leah Phillips

Neil Cuthbert 24

Brett Rigby

Connor Scott

Cohen McCormick proves trout like surface lures too 25

Greg Terras

Lake Pupuke Brown by Connor Scott


✦ Max Graham


COMPETITION! WIN A SAGE #5 Combo spooled with Rio line.


WIN A SAGE #5 Combo spooled with Rio line. Sage Hats and apparel also up for grabs every month from April to September with NZFisher, Sage and Rio. Just send us a trout or Salt fly photo to enter. Enter by posting a Trout or Salt Water Fly photo on the NZFisher Facebook page or sending to: Major prize drawn 30th September 2016. Winner advised by email 2nd October. Prize must be collected from Rod & Reel Newmarket or delivered by agreement with the sponsor. Entrant must reside in New Zealand and be over 18 years old unless images are submitted by a parent or guardian. Minor prizes drawn 5th of each month and will be notified by email. ■ 27


Gifts from the Kings Three Kings treasures

WORDS BY Mark Pandelidis & Naomi Peterson IMAGES BY Chris Wong & Mark Pandelidis


Mark Pandelidis with his stunning, surprise Kings Bluefin

Chris Bluenose

Chris Puka


What also makes for great fishing

Mark Pandelidis and six other keen

is the underwater terrain, several

anglers set off for the Three Kings on

banks with a range of deep trenches

a six-night fishing trip with Enchanter

and seamounts, and a submarine

Fishing Charters.

plateau with strong warm nutrient

The Three Kings, also known as

abundance of bait fish.

Manawatawhi, are a group of 13 remote rocky uninhabited islands located approximately 50 Nautical miles northwest of Cape Reinga, New Zealand. Because of the area’s remoteness, it is rich

currents and upwellings which hold an Enchanter Fishing Charters, captained by Lance Goodhew, regularly fish the Three Kings at this time of the year. They target Bluenose, Hapuka, Bass, Broadbill

in fish life and known for producing some

Swordfish, Gem Fish, Trevally, King

massive fish, and this fishing trip would

Tarakihi, Kingfish, Marlin, Mahimahi

certainly prove that right!

and Tuna – Skipjack, Albacore 29


and Yellowfin. But no one could have anticipated what was to be caught on this particular trip. Chris Wong from Jigstar had organised a trip where they planned on jigging for Kingfish but also managed to get some trolling done in between jigging spots. The first night was spent at Mangonui wharf catching live baits, before heading off in the morning trolling to the Three Kings stopping at a couple of places for a jig along the way. On the day that was to take everyone by surprise, they were trolling and it just so happened to be Marks turn on the rod when something hit the Pakula Lumo Sprocket lure they were running. Mark saw it happen and thought it was a Marlin. But when it never jumped they realised it probably wasn’t a marlin and was more likely a Yellowfin Tuna. What Mark had


It wasn't just a tuna trip! Where's Mark?.

Mark giving the SBT some scale! 31


Marks fish Bluefin with the rod that subdued it

actually seen, was, in fact, a Tuna explode

target the Hoki in this area, feeding

on the lure, but on its side so its pectoral

up and putting on condition before

fin stuck out of the water like the dorsal

migrating North again. This, combined

of a Marlin.

with the reduced numbers of Southern

The fight lasted around 45 minutes on

Bluefin, makes it pretty unique for a

24kg gear, and it wasn’t until the last

Southern Bluefin Tuna to be caught

couple of minutes that they actually

North of New Zealand.

got to see the fish and realised what a

Whilst the trolling for Marlin was

good one it was. Finally getting it on

unsuccessful, the trip produced well

the boat the guys knew it was a Bluefin

in other fish species, aside from the

and Captain Lance did some research

surprise Southern Bluefin, with the

and worked out due to certain markings

guys getting their arms stretched on

and colourings that it was a Southern

some serious fish, 30-plus kg Kingies,

Bluefin and not a Northern.

Hapuka, Bass, and even a stunning 47kg

Southern Bluefin Tuna are usually

Yellow Fin Tuna for Chris.

found in Southern Oceans, and in New

The guys used a mixture of bait and jigs,

Zealand tend to be concentrated on

using Zest jigs up to 900g and fishing

the South Island’s West Coast. They

as deep as 250m. Mark’s heaviest King

32 come away with some stonking fish in such a magnificent fishing area – one that should be on your bucket list for serious anglers...

tipped the scales at 38kgs and was caught on bait but on a jigging setup - a Jigstar Ninja Medium Heavy rod and an Accurate Boss 600N reel.

They also caught some Trevally and King Tarakihi on the jigs, and some Arrow Squid at night. One night saw them do a broadbill drift, they had two shots but unfortunately didn’t hook up either time. They concluded it was definitely a Broadbill as the Skipjack Tuna was slashed in half. All in all, it was an amazing trip, the weather started rough the first day but then came right and the conditions were great until the last day when it rained non-stop. There was still no wind though so a bit of rain didn’t matter. And to come away with some stonking fish in such a magnificent fishing area – one that should be on your bucket list for serious anglers - topped off by a surprise Southern Bluefin Tuna, I bet these guys will be amping to get back there next year!  33


ADOS Addicted to Fishing Hooked for Season Three

AFTER A STELLAR SECOND season, New Zealand’s most exciting fishing and lifestyle show, ADOS Addicted to Fishing gears up for season three, premiering Saturdays at 5pm on Prime TV and will give viewers everything from the monstrous Billfish of the Far North to the South Island’s Blue Cod. Host, Nicky Sinden says viewers will see everything in season three and says the show will continue to appeal to a wider demographic than the traditional fisher blokes. “The show is intended not to just grab the attention of New Zealand’s predominantly male fisher folk, but to also resonate with the growing number of female anglers and children that


seek a TV show that showcases a female presenter week after week learning the secrets of how to catch fish or the best way to find them,” says Sinden. “This show is all about girls getting out there the same way the blokes do, get the boat in the water, get out to the right spots, find the fish, and get them in the catch bin.” Season three’s premiere episode sees Sinden embark on an epic adventure to the infamous Wanganella Banks, a location that most fishermen would only dream of. Sinden and her team travel a staggering 400 nautical miles offshore over six days, where she lands numerous Yellowfin tuna that are more than 65 kilograms in weight.

Later episodes see Sinden tow her

to catch her first marlin - yes just the girls!

boat down to the South Island as she

With a great family of series partners,

fishes with a number of locals in the

Sinden is able to provide the viewer with

stunning Marlborough Sounds. Sinden

some amazing insight into the latest

teams up with a fifth generation

fishing methods, technology and also how

fisherman in a small coastal village

to care for the variety of fishing-based

in the Pelorus Sounds and the two

products most kiwis have access to.

wrangle Blue Cod and then they’re off

“Season three will not only see us

dredging for scallops with the kids.

undertaking some exciting adventures but

Trout fishing is a favourite amongst

we also want to educate the viewers on

southerners and Sinden is quick to learn how it’s done in the southern rivers. Trout virtually commit suicide when they see Nicky and her fresh-water fishing companion Stephen Greaney coming! More than 40% of the new season will see Nicky sharing her fishing knowledge with ladies who are keen to learn more about the sport. In an upcoming episode, Sinden takes two beginner female ‘fishos’

the basics of fishing, how to get out there and ultimately catch fish. Season three wouldn’t be complete without a swordfish thrown in the mix for good measure.” “The diversity of the fish caught in season three will blow people away and we make a huge effort to explore as much of the country as we can to make it a truly national show.” What:

ADOS Addicted to Fishing


Starts Saturday May 7, 5.00pm


Prime TV

In one episode, Sinden takes fellow female



angler, Mandy Kupenga out on the water

com/adosaddictedtofishing 

out of their comfort zone and has them catching monster fish of the deep in more than 400m of water depth.

Check out the most awesome experience an angler can have Yellowfin! Click here to check out how Nicky gets on! 35




Aquaculture reclassified as a prohibited activity Update by Trish Rae, LegaSea


In addition to securing significant

to the Northland Regional Council’s

aquaculture-free zones in Northland,

coastal policy means that new

the Environment Court ruling is set to

aquaculture operations are prohibited

influence plan changes by other councils,

from many popular boating and fishing

benefiting boaties nationwide.

areas, anchorages and navigation routes

LegaSea supporters and the New

on the northeast coast. The Council’s

Zealand Sport Fishing Council members

revised coastal policy, applicable from

acknowledge the effort and resources

May 9th, reclassifies aquaculture

required since 2007 to achieve this

operations as a prohibited activity in

positive outcome for boating and

specific areas.

recreational fishing interests.


Richard Baker, LegaSea spokesperson,

terms of protecting our coastline, coastal

welcomes the news, “Having been

waters and anchorages from the adverse

through lengthy and complex legal

effects of aquaculture.

proceedings ourselves we appreciate

The full Yachting New Zealand release on

the substantial time and money that Yachting New Zealand, the Auckland

this decision is available here.

and Northland Yachting Associations, and other parties, have committed to


this effort.”

A central theme to the recent

Andrew Clouston, Yachting New Zealand’s

submissions to the Ministry for

Participation and Development Manager,

Primary Industries is the need for more

is pleased the Environment Court

precautionary management of our fish

decision has led to Plan changes that

stocks. The Minister’s decisions are a

recognise the importance of recreational

mixed bag, with cuts to commercial

activity, and the need for safe havens in

catch limits for selected scallop and

bad weather for all boaties.

crayfish stocks and significant increases

“Previously the plan didn’t consider that boats, particularly yachts,

in commercial surf clam catch limits around the South Island.

don’t always travel in a straight

The New Zealand Sport Fishing Council

line and deserve more than a

and affiliated Bay of Plenty clubs did

narrow transit corridor when

not support a recent proposal to close

moving around our coastline. As

Astrolabe Reef to all fishing for the

a result of the decision we have

next two years. The two nautical mile

seen recognised transit routes for

radius closure imposed after the Rena

vessels widened and expanded.”

grounding has now been removed.

LegaSea agrees with the successful

The recent proposal sought a three

challengers that this result is notable, in

nautical mile closure. 

Call 0800 LEGASEA (534 273)

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Email us




Brad Willets & his huge Whangaroa Big-eye Tuna


Adnaan with a sweet Hauraki Snapper


Brett Porter with his Whitianga Kingfish



Jack Lock




Brett Rigby releasing a summer trout

The results of a few days with good mates in the far north - 5 mint 20+lber’s!’ Clive Way


Briah Peterson and a nice Coromandel Pannie Snapper


Jason Christiansen with a beaut Far North Snapper of 4.8kg, surfcasting


Ben Willis


Josh Hill with his first Bluenose


Nirvana Porter with her PB 17lb Snapper

Orson Waldock Papa Aroha Kahawai


Orson Waldock Tutukaka 10lb Snapper

Quentin Peterson with a nice Whangamata snapper about to be released

Zuhayr with a 10.5kg Hauraki King caught on his mate Saffir’s boat 41


New F3 WideScan WASSP


A little too cool not to show off BY WASSP - ENL New Zealand


Director Gareth Hodson says “he is

WASSP Ltd of Auckland, New Zealand is

extremely proud of this new innovation

pleased to introduce the latest WASSP

and excited that he and his team get

Multibeam product made here in New

the opportunity to launch the product

Zealand, The WideScan Sounder F3.

in New Zealand for the first time.

Developed using the latest wideband

In 2006 we launched our first WASSP

CHIRP signal processing technology,

product in Hamburg Germany, 10 years

the WideScan Sounder F3 offers a more compact and user-friendly solution to complement the current WMB3230 (160F) used on over a thousand larger commercial vessels in over 30 countries. At the heart of the system is the innovative DRX hardware, a fully scalable platform that ensures future technology capability. This Kiwi designed revolutionary technology is being launched at the Hutchwilco New Zealand Boat Show following on from the successful launch of its sister product the S3 for

later it’s very special to be launching our three rd Generation Multi-Beam Sounder at home surrounded by all the world-class people that developed this product from sales to engineering”. ENL Group the owner of WASSP Ltd is celebrating 70 years in business, after more than 50 years as the Exclusive FURUNO Distributor, FURUNO Japan the largest manufacturer of marine electronics recognised the synergies with FURUNO and the WASSP technology globally became a 29.5% shareholder in 2015.

Professional Survey Mapping in London

For further information on WASSP

six weeks ago. ENL Group’s Managing

products please visit 


2. S3 3D View

Bathy 43

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