NZ Fisher Issue 73

Page 1


November 2017


Northland Issue

“Honda provides me with reliability, fantastic fuel savings, quietness on set, low emissions and incredible harmonics which pull the fish. We’re now saving around 40% on fuel from one of my previous boats running like for like horsepower engines” Nicky Sinden ADOS Addicted to Fishing

“The choice of Honda engines was simple. Our experience with Honda reliability and support has been outstanding. The power is incredible, because the engines are hardly working, the economy is amazingly good.” Captain Phil Barchet Blue Water Adventures

“With a heavier hull on the new boat and a large array of pumps and electronics the big powerful 3.6 litre V6 with a 90amp alternator was the logical choice” Tony Orton Offshore Adventures






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Phone Derrick on 021 629 327 or email derrickp@NZ ADVERTISING ENQUIRIES / Phone Derrick on 021 629 327 or email derrickp@NZ ADDRESS / NZ Fisher, PO Box 47794, Ponsonby 11144 WEBSITE /


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Cover Image: Jo Davis with her long sought, hard fought first ever 20lber




Slow pitch jigging has taken Japan by storm, we have tested and enhanced these Japanese lures, making them irresistible to most fish species.

Irresistible to snapper and most fish species • Made from Zinc for increased hangtime and toughness. • This state of the art jig can be used as a slow pitch lure as well as several other techniques. • The edges of the lure create its unique swimming and vibrating action that triggers an attack response in most fish species. • Bright holographic colours on one side with natural fish design on the other draws attention to the lure from a distance. • Pre-rigged with 1/0 stainless steel jigging hook and heavy duty PE assist cord. • Available in 20 gram.




COLOURS: Ballistic Blue, White Warrior, Orange Assassin & Shady Lady.








ummertime, and the livin’ is easy’

need is action!

- oh yes, summer’s here

Early indications

(at least in spirit!).


At the time of writing this editorial

anecdotal) are that 2017/18 will be a

our spring fishing is absolutely on fire

bumper snapper season for us - already

with fish of generally solid proportions

the spring work-ups and spawning

showing up along both coasts inshore

areas are producing significantly more

and out in the deep. While we have seen

and notably larger fish than the last

some incredible results for those fishing

couple of years. This is exciting and

sliders and micro-jigs, but this month we

encouraging, but I must remind our

want to look at how the big fish can be

readers that the last time (2011-12) we

found while drifting - not always easy, but had such an exceptional year we were so productive if you get it right! We’ve immediately confronted by a reduction also bought you an excellent suid piece - there’s still time this season, so get out one of these warm nights & give it a go!

in our daily allowance. Now, I’m confidently informed by a source within the fisheries system that

On the political front it’s been pleasing

there’s much better rec catch data now

to see immediate and positive action

and the averaging out of catch over a

from our new government and the

period of years will reduce the risk of

new Minister of Fisheries (since the

another knee-jerk reduction, but please

announcement that MOI will be

let’s not take the piss!

disestablished in favour of a separate Fisheries, Forestry and agriculture ministry. It appears that our new leaders have a clear and, to Quote the PM, relentlessly positive path to resolving our shared fisheries issues. We have lamented the lack of action for 9 years and been

When you’re out for a fish keep what you need but don’t just keep caching because you can. Fish are a finite resource and we all want there to be some left for next time, the time after or the first time our grand kids want to get out for a fish!

quite concerned by the seemingly non-

Whatever you do, make sure you get a

existent space between industry and MPI

line wet, it’s starting to get warm and the

on the direction of our shared fisheries.

fish are out there waiting!

We now have a PM and Minister of Fisheries saying the right things - all we

Derrick 5


Hunt for the 20lb Snapper BY Jo Davis



y quest to catch the holy grail of snapper fishing - the mighty 20lber, began many

years ago. Has it been an obsession, something that takes over your life, where you are not able to function or do your regular activities? Noooooo

It had been a long time between drinks

way, it has never stopped me from

with Rob, however, and I didn’t start

fishing regularly! Okay, so let’s agree to

fishing with him in Houhora until 2015.

call it a healthy obsession!

15 years had passed since his last big

It started with my mother packing five-

catch. In quick succession, I had made

year-old me and my twin brother into

some six trips with one goal in mind. I

the Holden on our way to Castlecliff

witnessed many trophy fish coming on

wharf in Whanganui with a couple of

board, but none of them hooked to my

handlines, chunks of gravy beef and lots

rig! I was beginning to think I was jinxed

of expectation. Herrings were the catch

but set out yet again in October with

of the day, and a successful catch was

fishing gal pal Bev Rickett.

mostly dependent on a knowledge of the

The forecast was good, but the water

timetable for the offal release from the

was a dark green, so not ideal. Bev’s

freezing works next door.

hope of a good stray line session with

Fast forward quite a few haircuts and life

huge baits was quickly discounted by

getting in the way, and the obsession

Mr. Parker and even worse we would be

is still real! I have fished with Snapper

soft baiting which is not her thing at all.

Sorcerer aka Rob Parker for over 20 years.

First throw and we both hook up, mine

He has caught Fourteen fish in the 30lb+

being a solid 10+ lber to start off. I was

mark in this time and countless 20lbers,

feeling pretty confident at this stage

so he is the real deal.

but containing it just in case. 7


21 lb Houhora beauty

After some 15 minutes Rob guides the fish close to the boat and to everybody’s

After several more fish in quick

amazement (and I hate to admit: my

succession, things go quiet, and we

disappointment) it is a horse of a fish

move further out to the 40-metre mark.

well over 25lb. Rob released him to fight

As this was a ‘mates trip’ we allowed

another day as silence fell. I know I was

Rob to show us how its really done and

thinking that was it, that was the big fish

drop the odd line in with someone still

for the day and again the trophy snapper

mumbling about straylining. Rob then

had eluded me.

hooked a fish which took a bit of line but

After picking my lip up off the floor, we

he labelled it another Houhora panny.

were back into a steady stream of fish

For the uninitiated, a Houhora panny is

until my fishing buddy hooked up a solid

usually a 12 to 16lb fish and common

fish. It’s hilarious fishing with Bev as

as muck! All of a sudden this fish really

she is very animated, she exhibits what

came alive and it was looking bigger than

can only be described as a ‘bedroom

anyone thought.

performance’ of grunting and moaning


for 20 minutes and lands another 20lber.

When I got the fish to the boat, we

This fish was not going to survive the

could see it was a nice fish and close

40m haul so was into the slurry after

to the prize but yet another 19lber to

plenty of pictures of her PB and a new-

add to a very long list for me. I couldn’t

found love for soft batting. My heart sank

be disappointed though and it had

a little further. Two 20+ snapper down

been another magical day in one of my

and there was no way I was going to fulfill

favourite places in New Zealand with

that dream on this trip.

damn fine company and some very

Ten minutes pass and I’m retrieving my

respectable fish.

soft bait lethargically when something

But wait, there’s more!! C’mon, the

grabbed it. This fish did not muck around

story couldn’t end there right?? While

and took off like the proverbial freight

playing the soft bait game all day

train. Could this be the one – I was so

Rob had been sending out the odd

worried about losing it that I played the

pilchard on the big stray line set with

super cautious game and let him run as

no interest at all, so had bought it back

much as he pleased. There was no chance

in. Forever the optimist I had insisted

of being busted off here, so it seemed like

on sending one more pilly out there

the ploy of a trophy fisher.

just in case and left the rod in the rod holder as I went back to the softbaits. 9


And then it happened – the rod

Rob scooped him into the boat where

(almost of game rod proportions) bent

we could see his magnificent colour,

right over like it had been snagged on

boff head, and an impressive tale girth.

Aotearoa and the line was going to

But better still, this was 21lb of prime

snap at any second. I went to grab the

Houhora snapper. Yeah, boy!!

rod and struggled to get it out of the

We headed for shore with a couple of

holder as this THING was going off and

super chuffed Fish’n Chix and two trophy

managed to get into position to began

fish. I feel somewhat relieved to get

the fight of my snapper life.

the hoodoo off my back as it were and

My previously broken arm, another

will probably be a little more relaxed

fishing trip story, was giving me plenty of

out there now although I have another

gip but the adrenalin was running hot, as

trip booked with the Master in early

were the nerves, and I was screaming like

December so I guess next stop is 30lber

a demented thing as I managed to inch

glory – the obsession is real, people, the

him closer to the boat.

obsession is real! 


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a, Coo

k Islands 11


Fishing the Bay of Islands


FISHING SEASONS • A world-renowned striped marlin fishery takes up residence off-shore late summer through to autumn. • At the same time, a tuna fishery, especially albacore and skipjack tuna can be accessed even by small boats


ecognised as a world-class fishing

and kayaks. • An all year round inshore snapper

destination, despite the close

fishery peaks during spring and

attention such a reputation

early summer.

attracts, the resilience of the Bay of Island’s marine habitat continues to provide both local and international fishers with memorable fishing experiences. Also, the bay is sheltered from most weather by the extensive Cape Brett peninsular and countless islands.

• Hapuku and tarakihi can be targeted from mid-winter until high summer. • Kingfish and kahawai fishing on and off for much of the year but peaking late summer thru autumn. • Apart from a seasonal restriction

The result is a winter playground for

on scallops, while both oysters and

boaties with options a-plenty in all but

mussels are available all year, they are

the most severe of northerly gales.

at their very best during spring. 13

FISHING & DIVING WIND DIRECTIONS - FISHING OPTIONS The prevailing wind direction for the region is south-westerly. However, during high summer, prolonged periods of eastnor-east may also occur. This latter cycle is more often than not associated with inclement weather. Open sea conditions may be unsafe if not unfishable.

NORTHERLY QUARTER Primarily NW from this quarter and short-lived, the Kerikeri inlet right out to the Ninepin and including the Mangonui aka the Te Puna inlet are the safest bets. Even the Black Rocks and the lee side of the main islands should be considered,

• Trailer boats

especially Moturoa Island.

Any of the concrete launching ramps found in the north-west of the Bay, viz:

• Rock fishing

Waipapa Landing, Rangitane, the Doves

Consider Marsden Cross and Whale Bay

Bay Marina or Opito Bay. Note the well-

as well as the lee sides of the Russell

marked and obvious Brothers and Slain’s

Peninsular and sheltered headlands west

Castle rocks at the junction of the Kerikeri

of Rawhiti.

and Te Puna inlets. For those based in the Paihia region, after launching at Opua

• YakYaks

Marina or Waitangi, in addition to the

Launch from Opito Bay or Te Tii Beach

aforementioned locations, Nobbys Is, and

and work the Te Puna Inlet. Also try the

the Brampton Reef may be well worth a

inside of the Russell Peninsular as well as

visit. A Rawhiti launch may provide access

inside the Island cordon. Check out the

to the lee sore of En Island and the very

Cocked Hat fouls out from Opito Bay.

fishy Albert Channel.


EASTERLY QUARTER Weather from the easterly quarter most often settles in as Nor-East. Because

• Rock fishing

there are few opportunities to find cover

Marsden Cross, the Waitangi Golf course

when it blows from the east, an easterly

or Tapeka Point.

is often regarded as an excellent time to stay home. The prevailing diurnal on-

• YakYaks

shore wind during high summer and also

Rawhiti, Russell or Opua. Try also Te Tii at

the direction most often associated with

the top of the Te Puna - Mangonui Inlets.

serious gales and tropical storms, on the rare occasion an NE wind is benign,

• Trailer boats

fishing can be hot. Both before and after

Consider departure from the ramps at

such a blow-up, fishing can be very

Rawhiti, Russell or Opua. Depending

good, especially along the open rocky

upon wind and sea conditions, a Kerikeri

coastline. And during summer, it always

inlet launching may also be possible.

takes an easterly blow up to bring the

Safe fishing under these circumstances

game-fish-laden blue tropical waters

can be found in behind the outer string

in close. On occasion, this 21 to 23°C

of islands, as well as up the Te Puna inlet

tropical aquarium can rub along the

and Veronica Channels towards Opua and

entire northeastern coastline.

the Waikare Inlet. 15



• YakYaks

Wind from the south and the fish close

All sheltered waters west of the Russell

their mouths. While a dominant south-

to Rawhiti road as well as the Waikare

south-east cycle often provides the most

Inlet and Veronica Channels. There are

settled weather and calmest seas, the

also several opportunities along the

fishing can be diabolical. Apart from early

southern shore of the Kerikeri Inlet. First

winter morning winter hits on tarakihi

is via public land at the very end of Inlet

and hapuku, the balmy seas of a southerly

Road, then there’s Quinces Landing off

cycle can be disappointing. First and last

Wharau Road, and finally, the very end

light for snapper fishing or drifting during

of Wharau Road itself.

the day may break the drought.

• Trailer boats

• Rock fishing

The Cape Brett peninsular running north

Starting from Rawhiti, anywhere along

from Rawhiti provides good cover during

the lee shore of the Cape Brett Peninsular. a southerly cycle with sections of most Check out especially the headlands of

islands as well as the upper Kerikeri

Oke Bay or the Rolls Royce of rock fishing

channel also supplying cover. Best shots

locations beneath the lighthouse at Cape

are the cement ramps at Rawhiti and the

Brett. Takes a full day walk to get there

Opua Marina. The Tapeka Point ramp

and you have to be in very good shape.

might also be worth a good look.


WESTERLY QUARTER Any time the wind blows off-shore is good for fishing. A sou-west is the dominant wind of the region, and during high summer, east coasters fail to recognise that it is, in fact, a sea breeze arising from the Tasman. This is why a summer sou-westerly always collapses at the end of the day. This is very good for dusk and evening fishing. With most

of the Bay of Islands in the lee of a westsou-west wind, both sea conditions and fishing are good for both the inner and outer Bay. • Rock fishing

The Russell Peninsular fromTapeka Point via Long Beach through to Paroa Bay. • YakYaks Same as for southerly conditions. • Trailer boats Launch anywhere. The Waitangi ramp

would have to be the most popular in the Bay for all weather conditions. Rawhiti can get you closer to the action quicker. • Target Species Apart from the very seasonal striped marlin fishery, the two major reason fishers visit the Bay of Islands is to catch either snapper or kingfish.

Any time the wind blows off-shore is good for fishing...a summer sou-westerly always collapses at the end of the day. This is very good for dusk and evening fishing. 17

FISHING & DIVING KINGFISH BEST LOCATIONS Cape Brett and environs, as well as Hanson’s Reef to the north-west of the Ninepin, are the two most highly regarded habitats. More sheltered habitats include Kingfish Reef, Bird and Onslow Rocks as well as the Whale Rock - Red Head region. Further down the priority list, one would have to include The Sisters, The Ninepin, The Black Rocks and Capstan Rock.

By spreading the message, a berley trail will always strengthen the chances of success. There are three basic methods of live bait deployment: 1. Dead slow and drift trolling about 5 to 10 metres behind.

TECHNIQUES The technique that has been most favoured over many years is to deploy live baits to appeal to the predatory

2. Drifting the live bait out under a balloon, and 3. Hanging the fish of a weighted, single-hook ledger-style rig

instincts of the target species. While dead

The last few years have seen a remarkable

baits and well-deployed plastic baits will

uptake of Japanese-designed knife-style

be taken on occasion, by far the most

extra long jigs. Imitating an injured fish

successful strategy has been the live bait.

more surely than smaller jigs, when

This traditional method requires an

deployed radically/vigorously as in

initial bait-catching session with jack

‘speed-jigging,’ this style of jigging is fast

mackerel or kahawai the most likely

replacing the more traditional live bait

targets. Remember that the bigger the

technique. A much busier method of

bait, the bigger the kingfish, so while

fishing, success rates when employed

a large kahawai may seem excessive,

over correctly identified schools of

although your strike rate will be reduced,

kingfish are so high that most are

the chance of a 20kg plus kingfish will be

released to meet fishing regulations and

proportionally enhanced.

to ensure the fishery survives.


SNAPPER The two regions of Red Head-Ninepin and

The seasonal behaviour of snapper has

Roberton Island-Capstan Rock provide

not been well documented. In essence

more exciting snapper fishing than all

there are two snapper communities:

others combined. Having said this, trophy

one a migrant community that winters

snapper can be found almost anywhere

off-shore in deep water but returns to

and at almost any depth and anytime.

ancestral spawning grounds every spring,

Other possies of interest include Cape

the other a resident community that

Brett and the Albert Channel as well as

occupies a defined territory.

the Black Rocks and the Brampton Reef.

As serial spawners, migrants mingle with

While most fishing strategies can work at

locals, and they all start to spawn once

times, stray-lining with whole mackerel/

the water temperature settles above

pilchard squid baits or their plastic

18°C. In heavily fished locations, resident

equivalents is the most proven if a trophy

snapper are often fished out over winter

snapper is on the menu.

and are only replenished when spring

By spreading the message, a berley trail

migrants take up vacant habitats.

will always enhance the chances of

Another pattern worthy of note is

success - the thicker, the better. The Rolls

the tendency of some snapper to visit

Royce of snapper catching strategies is to

shallow estuaries during autumn. During

deploy fresh bait captured in situ, alive

this cycle, snapper can even be caught

but wounded and bleeding.

amongst the mangroves. Typical fish


weigh in the one to three kg range.

Trophy snapper can be found almost anywhere and at almost any depth and anytime. 19



The Bay of Islands are chock-fill of fat mussels. Late winter finds them in great condition and well worth the effort.

OTHER SEAFOOD HAPUKU Hapuku and groper fishing is at its peak from August through until October. They can be targeted on most of deeper pinnacles labeled where you find kingfish and on numerous areas of deeper foul off Cape Brett. The most productive technique is probably using live mackerel


fished hard on the bottom, but jigs can be

The Waikere and Te Puna Inlets have

useful if fished on solid marks.

reliable flounder fishing for those in the know.

MUSSELS The Bay of Islands are chock-fill of fat


mussels. Late winter finds them in great

Oysters are everywhere up the inlets.

condition and well worth the effort.

Looks for an exposed mud bank at low

Remember scuba gear cannot be used

tide and be prepared to get wet. If

for gathering mussels. Any rock exposed

this method is not to your liking fresh

to the swell in the Bay will produce the

oysters can be bought locally from

goods. Best spots are the Black Rocks and

places like Ben’s Oysters on the road

foul around the Nine Pin.

between Paihia and Opua.


DIVING If diving for the table is your thing, then

Freediving is very popular in the Bay of

put crayfish and scallops on the menu.

Islands, and numerous locations like Bird

Crayfish can be found in most places, but

Rock and Piercy Island provide excellent

the best diving is probably on the coast

spearing opportunities.

between the Ninepin and the Cavallis

The Black Rocks is a popular but very

or the Eastern side of the Cape Brett

dangerous location to dive. Filled with

Peninsular. Scallops are plentiful inside

silt-laden caverns, many divers have

the main island group and in a few other

found themselves lost here and there

locations but stay within the season and

have been fatalities. Snorkelling for

within the other fishing regulations.

mussels is worth a look, however. Area Fishing Map - Bay of Islands Download a larger area map HERE. ď‚&#x; 21


Twenty tips for Successful Deep Water Drifting

BY ?



ou are ‘out wide’ and drive over a pin holding fish on its downcurrent side on 40 to 60 metres

of water. Reluctant to anchor in such a depth, how do you present your bait to the fish showing on the sounder and keep that offering in the bite zone for as long as possible?

2. Use a stray-line rig that allows the

1. For a start, unless there is little or no wind, you will need a decent sea anchor to slow the boat’s drift speed.

ball sinker(s) to sit directly on the leading hook which is placed through the ‘nose’ or eyes of the bait.


I recommend the Whangarei-based

There will often be fish higher in

John Hewinson Canvas Ltd’s product

the water column above the pin, so

– it is not the cheapest, but is very

slow the bait’s descent by thumbing

effective and solidly constructed.

your overhead reel’s spool or lightly

Depending on the wind and current

running the line coming off the spin

situation it’s possible to fish baits,

reel’s spool through your winding

soft-plastics, and slow-jigs after

hand’s fingers.

attaching the sea anchor to the bow or stern (be aware that waves can ‘flop’ over the transom and into


the cockpit in the latter situation,

To prevent the sinkers from sliding

though). If fishing from a twin-screw

up the trace, thus twisting around

launch with a dedicated skipper, the

the mainline on the descent, pin the

motors can be used to hold anglers

weights in place with a toothpick or

over the zone beneath the fish.

tie a rubber band around the trace. 23


6. If fishing for records, ensure both hooks are fixed – snooded – onto the trace, as a running keeper hook is

5. Use a double-hook rig, so your

illegal under IGFA rules.


whole bait (squid, pilchard or piper)

If unconcerned about IGFA

is attached head-first and swims in

requirements, use a keeper-hook

a natural but erratic manner when

rig with the rear hook knotted on

moved or retrieved. The back hook

and the second hook allowed to

is often placed through the fish just

run free on the trace. This method

near the anal vent, while the top hook

allows various-sized baits to be

goes through the eyes. The same rig

easily accommodated. Place the back

is useful on a small live-bait such as

hook in the rear of the bait (whole

a jack mackerel or koheru, except the

or cut) and then just twist the trace

top hook tends to be placed through

around the keeper hook’s shank to

the soft tissue just in front of the

hold it firmly before placing the hook

bait’s eyes.

through the eye or nose of the bait.




Deep water pins are a great place to

Three key rules of drift fishing,

target big snapper, so use at least 60-

regardless of the scenario, target

80lb trace (Black Magic ‘Tough Trace’

species or your terminal tackle set-

has served me well, but other similar

up, are ‘relocation, relocation, and

products should also do the job).

relocation.’ This strategy is made

There may also be hapuku or kingfish

necessary (and possible) by the

around, so the extra-heavy trace is a

water’s tidal flow catching the line

bonus if one gets hooked up.

like a long thin sail, leading to the bait constantly lifting. In response,


anglers need to let line out regularly in a controlled fashion, so the bait

On arriving at your spot, make a dummy

drifts back down into the bite zone

drift while you get your gear set up to

again (usually the few metres of the

see which way the wind and current

water column closest to the bottom),

takes you in relation to terra firma.

accompanied by occasional winding to

10. Once you have established the drift, make sure the track line shows on

remove some of the bowed line and improve contact with the bait.


your GPS and make a note at which

To make the most of each bait drop,

point you get the bites/fish, then

cast slightly ahead of the boat if you

concentrate your efforts through that

can. Then, when your line assumes

location repeatedly.

more than a 45-degree angle after adopting the lifting and dropping method described earlier, wind your bait up and start afresh. 25


13. Overhead-type reels are far better for deep-water drift fishing than spin reels as they enable more direct control to be maintained during the bait’s descent and allow the angler to continually adjust the rig’s depth and location once down in the strike zone.

15. The lighter the weight of lead sinker used when stray-lining with baits, the more naturally the bait will act as it


drifts down. However, your rig also needs to get down into the strike zone,

Braided line is suitable for deep water

so use just enough sinker weight to

drift-fishing as its thin diameter

achieve this. You’ll find the tidal strength

means less water resistance. Also, as

varies over each phase, and that it pays

contact is more direct, it pays to rig

to adjust the weight occasionally.

up with circle hooks so when the bait starts receiving some attention, it’s possible to merely wind up quickly,


taking the slack out of the line and

Use a variety of terminal tackle on

hooking up, as opposed to giving the

the initial drifts – baits, jigs and soft-

hell strike. Be aware that if you and

plastics – to determine which ‘flavour’

your crew are using a combination of

appears to be doing the business.

mono and braided lines, the braid will

Have these pre-rigged and ready

cut through the mono if they cross

to go, so time is not wasted while

when under load.

changing terminal tackle.


19. When fishing in deep water, you are playing for keeps – fish pulled out of 60 to 80 metres of water invariably ‘blow up.’ Popping the gut that’s been forced out of the fish’s mouth is a

17. Should inexperienced anglers be on board, set them up with a ledger or flasher-type rig with circle hooks

death sentence, so you may as well keep the fish if it is a legal size.


attached to a reasonable amount of

While snapper may be your main

weight. They will be able to stay in

target over a deep-water pin, other

touch with the bottom more easily.

tasty species such as tarakihi and red snapper may be present. It pays


to occasionally vary your tactics and drop down a rig suitable for these

If the bite peters out, but you know

other worthwhile species – a ledger

the area is holding fish, drift some

rig with smaller re-curve hooks, or a

distance over any sand/mud adjacent

pre-tied flasher rig such as a ‘Tarakihi

to the foul. Quite often the fish will

Terror.’ Don’t be surprised if bigger

be holding here, away from the pin.

fish are attracted to such offerings.  27


Extreme 885 BY Grant Dixon


Tony says the focus with the boat was


to give his clients all the advantages ew people get another shot

a big boat offers, yet be as simple as

at ‘fine-tuning’ a sportfishing

possible to operate single-handed.

trailer boat. Grant Dixon checks

out Tony Orton’s second Extreme 885 Centre Cabin charter vessel (a rebadged 850), noting several refinements over the first version.

With over 17 years in the charter business, much of it skippering and managing big boat operations overseas, Tony has refined his Extreme 885 Centre Cab operation, so it’s user-friendly for

When Tony Orton and Bea Bagnall set up

both him, as a sole operator, and his

their Offshore Adventures fishing lodge

anglers. Consequently, when given a

and charter business, they aimed to

chance to set up another Extreme 885,

produce a top-notch service that was as

he especially concentrated on the boat’s

simple to run as possible. Their booking

fishability, ease of access to essential

sheet, littered with repeat business, is an

tackle and gear, and to enable a simple

indication they have got it right.

clean-up procedure. 29


There are two apparent changes at either end of the boat. The transom

The cockpit sole has been raised

has been extended by around 40cm

to ensure the gunwales are at the

either side of the motors so anglers

optimum fighting height for anglers

can more easily keep their lines clear

using spin reels while complying with

of the props and fight their fish. At

survey requirements. As a centre cab,

the sharp end, the forward casting

the boat is full walk-around, with just

platform has a raised rail to provide

two easily-negotiated steps from bow

stability when tossing surface lures

to stern. Any cleats that might collect

about, with the SeaDek underfoot

line or toes are recessed.

providing particularly effective grip.

Structurally, the only other change is

There are also two vertical rod holders

an upgrade in the hull construction

up forward so anglers can leave tackle

from 6mm to 8mm alloy, which has

rigged and ready to go, “If we spot a

added a little weight and stiffness to

kingfish boil-up, the anglers can get to

its performance. This is a good thing,

their gear quickly and start casting.”

especially in rougher conditions.

Underneath the platform is the

Tony says the difference in the hull’s

Savwinch, which stores and deploys the

performance is quite noticeable.

ground tackle, not that it gets much

Only the hull has been painted; the

use. The winch now has a stainless steel

topsides are coated in Nyalic, which

motor casing, which should reduce

Tony says gives excellent durability and

maintenance even further.

makes the boat easy to clean.


The cockpit fishing area is designed around the practicalities of sportfishing. There are four tuna tubes across the transom, each with an adjacent rod holder. “When using jack mackerel or similar for live or pitch baits, each one has its own tube, so it’s ready to be instantly deployed without the risk of tangling other gear,” Tony says. The large live-bait tank positioned in the cockpit’s centre means it can be accessed from all sides. On top are a bait preparation and rigging area, with lockers on either side enabling all the essentials to be close at hand. 31


“When in the middle of a hot bite and there is a need to re-rig, you don’t want to be scrambling through tackle boxes up forward, you want everything there within easy reach.” The passenger seats have been enlarged to give more individual space when traveling. Under the port side is much of the safety equipment, while the starboard side is kept clear for client’s gear. “In the past, the angler’s kit has been thrown into the cuddy cabin, where it

The Extreme 885 Centre Cabin is

has impeded access to the toilet and

primarily a day boat, but there are

been untidy.”

a couple of in-fills and upholstered

Now the relatively spartan cabin

squabs if Tony, Bea and young son

space is used to store fenders and

Sami decide on doing an overnighter.

spare ropes. There are an additional

The only home comfort is an electric

13 spaces in the cabin-top rocket

flush toilet, with utilities such as a gas

launcher to complement the six at

cooker and refrigeration left out in the

the rear of the bait-station and five

name of simplicity. A roller door offers

adjacent to the tuna tubes.

privacy for those using the bathroom.


The helm and navigator’s seating has been raised to allow maximum view over the lure spread when trolling, although this is also covered electronically. Tony has installed four Garmin Virb XE cameras at strategic points around the boat, hard-wired to the electric system, as well as relaying back to the 16-inch Garmin GP Map 7416 XSV sounderplotter screen. All the action can be observed and recorded for later playback (“So that’s what we were doing wrong!”). Tony says he has stuck with Garmin electronics for several reasons: clarity of the sounder picture, making it easy to interpret what is beneath; ease of use; and the performance in ‘auto’ mode.

Tony plans to run a dredge on one side and a daisy-chain teaser on the other, with bait or lure above or behind them, plus one other bait or lure as a shotgun. He says three baits/lures are ‘plenty’ to raise a fish, especially when teasers and dredges are deployed. Once again it is all about the KISS theory – Keep It Simple, Stupid! The outriggers have double halyards once again, giving some options depending on whether lures or baits are being run. The ‘riggers are controlled from within the cabin via

“The simple integration between

Rupps Tee-Top Bases, and the poles

sounder, plotter, radar, autopilot,

detach when not required.

and cameras makes the Garmin userfriendly – I mostly use it in auto mode, and it does everything I want.”

In the fishing department, the boat is fully loaded with the latest Shimano tackle, covering everything from

On the game fishing front, Tony has

swordfish through to baitfish. Tony had

installed two Shimano Beastmaster

a part to play with the refinement of the

9000 electric reels to run his teasers

Energy Concept range of rods, explicitly

from inside the cabin.

designed for New Zealand conditions.

“Between the autopilot and the

At the ‘blunt end,’ Tony has opted for

electric reels, I will have enough

two 250hp Honda four-strokes. With

control to be able to pitch the baits

much of his fishing done 50 kilometres

myself if necessary, allowing the

offshore around the Mokohinau

client to just worry about getting the

Islands and beyond, he needs to get

hook-up right.”

out wide quickly. 33


Tony has made the most of his opportunity and the available technology to offer his clients a sportfishing experience worthy of a big boat from a relatively modest-sized one. Tony says the boat tows well despite

While going up 100 horsepower, the

its size and weight and comes on and

fuel usage is less than when he ran two

off straight and true. The trailer has

200hp outboards, despite the fact this

been Corrosion X treated for longevity,

latest hull is slightly more substantial.

and a Carlisle electric braking system

It hovers on or around two litres per

has been fitted. This operates via

nautical mile in total for two engines.

the brake-light system and can be

The twin rig also gives him peace of

controlled by the driver, including

mind should a mechanical, or fuel issue

emergency braking.

occur with one of them.

Having had the chance to build on

“I had a dream run out of the 200s

what was already a great sportfishing

and don’t expect anything different

boat, Tony has made the most of his

from the 250s.”

opportunity and the available technology

The final aspect of the setup, while

to offer his clients a sportfishing

having no bearing on the fishing –

experience worthy of a big boat from a

other than the all-important task of

relatively modest-sized one. The result is

getting the rig to the water – is the

one of the best set-up trailer boat sport

Voyager Elite trailer.

fishers I have ever set foot on. 

34 35


Legasea Update Conservation through inspired leadership


pilot scheme involving an

marae then coordinates the collection,

Auckland boating club and local

quality control and distribution of

marae is drawing widespread

this ‘Rangatira Kai’, chiefly food, to an

acclaim for its conservation gains and

appreciative local community in need of

the bringing together of different

high quality nutrition.

communities and cultures. The joint

Since September last year over 7000 kilos

project is underpinned by principles of

of fish heads and frames, and offal, have

sharing and caring for our environment

been collected from the OBC and other

and each other, and could easily be

fishing clubs, and shared with the marae.

replicated in other parts of the country.

With the generous support of a LegaSea

The Kai Ika Project involves LegaSea, the

Partner, Kiwi Sizzler, the marae now has

Outboard Boating Club of Auckland and

two smokers to cook chosen fish heads

Papatuanuku Kokiri Marae of Mangere,

and frames before distribution. Another

South Auckland. Until mid-2016 the

LegaSea Partner, Go Fuel, has donated

OBC had used a disposal service to get

freezers so that other fish parts can be

rid of their unwanted fish heads, frames,

stored before being shared amongst

and offal. Now, club members carefully

local community groups, youth clubs,

sort and refrigerate these fish parts. The

churches and hospitals.

Massive (Bait or dinner?) Squid


The offal is a welcome addition to

the app to find someone in your area

fertilise the marae-based community

that will gladly accept the gift.

gardens. Prior to the Kai Ika initiative

This special partnership is enabled

Lionel Hotene, Valerie Teraitua,

by the ongoing support of many

their whanau and volunteer team

volunteers, Kiwi Sizzler, Go Fuel, the

had grown and shared more than

Guardians of the Sea Charitable Trust,

80,000 kumara to help wean south

OBC and Papatuanuku Kokiri Marae.

Aucklanders off fatty fast foods.

Kia kaha to all involved.

There is growing concern at the levels of obesity in the community

Fisheries Management Annual Report

and our Maori and Pacific people are

The LegaSea Annual Report has been

particularly vulnerable due to diet and

issued and is included in the New

economic constraints. This unwellness

Zealand Sport Fishing Council’s Fisheries

affects us all. Health budgets are

Management Annual Report 2017. The

chewed up treating preventable

report can be downloaded here.

diseases leaving fewer resources available for proactive care.

Subscribe a mate

The Kai Ika initiative provides a glimmer

To be successful we need people

of hope that with inspired leadership

engaged and learning about the state

we can learn to better utilise the fish

of our inshore fisheries. Ask your

we harvest from the sea. We can also

friends, family, any fishing folk, “May

conserve our marine resources by

I please have your permission to

taking fewer fish while sharing what we

subscribe to the LegaSea database?”.

don’t use with our community.

Then click here to enter their details.

If you have fish parts that others would

If you want us to do the data entry

enjoy please visit

send us an email with the details. or download

Easy as. 

Call 0800 LEGASEA (534 273)

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