NZ Fisher Issue 78

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April 2018

The Turn of the Tide

ENDORSED BY NEW ZEALAND’S TOP SPORTS FISHERMEN “Honda provides me with reliability, fantastic fuel savings, quietness on set, low emissions and incredible harmonics which pull the fish.” NICKY SINDEN, ADOS Addicted to Fishing


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ABOUT / Short and sharp, NZ Fisher is a free e-magazine delivering thought provoking and enlightening articles, and industry news and information to forwardthinking fisher people.

EDITOR / Derrick Paull




Phone Derrick on 021 629 327 or email derrickp@NZ ADVERTISING ENQUIRIES / Phone Derrick on 021 629 327 or email derrickp@NZ ADDRESS / NZ Fisher, PO Box


47794, Ponsonby 11144





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50. 3



t feels like summer has all

realms of just ‘fishing’ because,

but said goodbye, and we are

as you are aware, the fishing

welcoming autumn, maybe not

industry covers so much more. This

with the same enthusiasm as we did

issue will perhaps provide some

summer! On the bright side, it brings

insight,everyone has a story about

with it new fishing opportunities.

how they got into fishing, and the

The changes in water temperature

industry beyond just catching fish,

influences fish behaviour and what we target and how we do so. It’s quite exciting that I find myself back in the Editor’s seat for this issue, 12 months after putting together my last issue. I’m thrilled that, once again, we have a female-focused magazine. This month we venture beyond the


it’s also the people that bring you the stories and are at the weigh station or leading the club you belong to. I chat to Miah Dixon who is taking up her new position as Deputy Editor of NZ Fishing News Magazine, and to Diane Furze who is at the helm of New Zealand’s biggest NZSFC affiliated Fishing Club.

If you don’t belong to a fishing club, I

continue to learn, change or refine

would encourage you to think about

techniques, all in search of becoming

joining. These clubs promote the

a more successful fisherman.

interests of recreational fishing for all New Zealanders. If you’re wondering which club is best for you, The Fishing Website is a good place to start. These clubs belong to organisations which advocate for responsible and sustainable management of our marine environment. They’re also a great opportunity to get together with like-minded people, knowledgeable fishers who love sharing a yarn over a cold beverage or two. Anyone who has undertaken a boat rebuild will know the commitment this takes, the hours and finances invested, and the toils and troubles it brings, but also the satisfaction and excitement as you watch the transformation unfold. Delicia Romani shares her boat rebuild

Passionate fishers, Lisa Noble and Leah Phillips, share their love for fishing and some of their compelling journeys thus far and finally, in the latest update from Legasea you’ll read some interesting findings from the largest survey of recreational fishing-crayfish interests in New Zealand, and FishCare provides us with some techniques to avoid catching undersized fish. Next month brings the Hutchwilco boat show again. Whether you’re making the trek to check out the latest innovations, products, advancements or just catch up with mates in the beer tent, there’s no shortage of people to talk to or things to see.

journey with us, and her motivation

NZ Fishing News will have a bigger

to see the project through to the end.

stand this year with some interactive,

We dive beneath the surface again, this time with young spearo Kat Mager. Relatively new to spearfishing, she is quickly learning and extending her repertoire, something that many of us can relate to as we

fun things to see and do. If you have ever had ambitions to be on the cover, now is your chance - go to Stand 177 in the fishing hall and check it out!

Naomi 5


Passion for the Sea!

Super-keen angler Lisa Noble loves fishing and being out at sea – and this is why... 6

Always a pleasure when getting the punters their personal best. Angler - Helena Sophie


y passion for the ocean

charter boat Pursuit with Rick Pollock.

began at the Seaview Wharf

He’d always return home with inspiring

in Wellington. From a very

stories of yellowfin going crazy over

young age, my dad used to take me

bait balls and marlin jumping. He’d

fishing down there, and I loved it.

enthuse over the pure excitement of

After growing up in a rural town,

screaming reels. It wasn’t long before I

having the ocean become my backyard

asked Dad if I could go too!

was awesome. I really enjoyed catching

Finally, at the age of 12, we booked

mackerel most summer weekends,

my first trip out to White Island. I

getting excited about pulling up

was ecstatic. I remember seeing my

two, three and sometimes four

first kingfish in the flesh and dreamt

macks at a time. As I grew older, we

of hooking one myself. Sure enough,

started to fish off friends’ boats for

with some of the best fishermen

snapper, tarakihi and other species.

mentoring me, I hooked and landed

The more time I spent on the water,

my first kingfish. The excitement

the more passionate I became.

of holding the reel in free-spool

Every year I used to watch my dad pack

waiting for the powerful run of the

his bags and head off for Whakatane

kingie, then pushing the drag into

to fish the ‘Nationals’ on board the

gear and striking got me hooked. 7


Double hook up on kingies - anglers anonymous

Fine kingfish about to come on board - anglers anonymous

For the following ten years, Dad and I

marine life and being amongst nature

continued our White Island trips with

tops the whole experience off. Seeing

Rick Pollock. In the process I achieved

hundreds of dolphins swimming together,

many personal bests, one being a 25-

schools of saury skipping across the

kilo kingfish at the age of 16, which I

surface, flying fish going nuts at the back

am still determined to beat!

of the boat at night, the fantastic scenery

For me, it’s not only the fishing that feeds

of untouched lands and, of course, the

my love for the ocean. Experiencing the

many memorable sunsets.


Gorginas (client) first fish NZ, just before being rigged up as the perfect marlin lollipop.

15 years of age 2015 with one of my kingfish on board pursuit at White Island

Holding onto a big blue mumma (other decky wired this one) Steve called her 350

I remember, at the age of 14, saying to

I must add he didn’t seem too fazed

my dad, “Man, I’d love to be a deckhand

at what he’d done, until he asked me,

or skipper one day!” Dad laughed and

“Lisa, what have I just landed?”, when I

replied, “No, you wouldn’t!”.

replied, “A kingfish,” his eyes lit up, and

On the last few trips, my mum Gerry,

he was over the moon. I love being able

step-dad Mark, and Mark’s two kids

to share my hobby with my family.

joined us on our adventures. I’ve had

Last year I was lucky enough to join

great joy in watching my step-brother

the Nationals tournament alongside

John get into fishing, too. As he’s mostly

my dad and his close group of friends.

been an indoors kid to this point, it’s

This was my first-time game fishing,

great to see him getting amongst it

but I knew what I was in for; Dad told

all. My favourite memory of John’s

me how many hours you can spend

experiences was when he caught his

searching for a moving needle in a

first kingfish - a decent-sized fish, too.

mammoth haystack - and he was right! 9


My dad, Tony Noble, and I with our rat kingies caught off White Island 2016 on board Pursuit

We tried to target the trevally section off Cape Maria Van Diemen; instead, I hooked and boated a personal-best snapper of around five kg on a 3-kilo line. It was my first time fishing with light gear, so landing this neat fish was quite an accomplishment for me. Well, the excitement didn’t end there. On day seven of the nine-day trip, we heard a rod go off while trolling. It was my rod. Dad said, “Go Lou-Lou, get it!” The excitement was on again!

My first Mahi Mahi caught on board Pursuit during Nationals 2017 in the Far North.

However, it was the following day that provided me with the experience of a lifetime. While putting away my washing, I heard the boys yelling “marlin in the lures!”. Soon afterwards, the port flat-lined lure went off, which

I was blown away when an amazing fish

was on my dad’s rod, but he looked over

covered in spectacular colours came

at me and said, “It’s yours, Lou-Lou!”.

into view. It was the most beautiful

Well, as you can imagine, I was fizzing

fish I’d ever seen. Then, when my five-

with excitement. I grabbed the rod,

kilo mahimahi came on board, my grin

and the team verbally guided me. With

grew from ear to ear - I had just ticked

some of the best fishermen supporting

off another species on board Pursuit

me, I knew I was in with a high chance

alongside my dad.

of landing this fish.


Smoked and soaked from my 7 hour battle with my Blue Marlin in the Far North during the nationals on board Pursuit. Est 180-220kg 11



I had to wind as fast as I could, and not get too distracted by the amazing creature going berserk on the surface!


My good friend John and I with our snapper, caught off Mana in 2017 on my birthday charter on board on board Black Pearl Charters

The fight was on right away - I had to wind as fast as I could, and not get too distracted by the amazing creature going berserk on the surface! Then the fish settled down and so began a long, dour stand-up battle! About five hours into the seven-hour fight I felt I had to pinch myself: I’d come up to the Nationals only hoping to see a marlin in the flesh, not hook one. This was happening! Hooked on just 15-kilo line, I had to be careful how I played this estimated 180kg blue marlin, but plenty of determination and support helped me to stay positive throughout this tiring event.

PB Snapper est 10lb, caught on 3kg line off Cape Maria Van Diemen during the 2017 Nationals on board Pursuit

However, as we got the big fish close

fantastic experience with a fish of that

to the boat, we realised she was tail-

size and was stoked that the broken

wrapped. As a result, every time we got

trace meant the fish had a great chance

close, she would get spooked by the

at survival afterwards.

boat and plough off deep again. It was a

I remember, after my fight, one of

very frustrating game of cat and mouse.

the boys said to Dad, “That’s one hell

Finally, the trace gave way, thanks to

of daughter you’ve got there, Tony!”.

the sharp anal fin. Lost. It would be an

I saw Dad’s grin widen in response

understatement to say I was gutted, but

and I knew I had made him proud

I was also privileged to have had such a

and couldn’t wait to do it all again. 13


This fine snapper showed him self as we were cleaning up, we couldn’t resist putting a line in the water. What a beauty, from the dock!

Being on the water remains my happy place; I get such a rush from experiencing the wildness of marine life. I’ve begun

I know I have a long road ahead of

to follow my young 14-year-old self’s

me, including sleepless nights, rough

dream, and I love every moment of it

seas, freezing weather, burning sun,

so far. I spent a month in Tonga last

heartbreaking losses, wonderful

year doing work experience with Steve

accomplishments, tough criticism and

Campbell, and now have moved up to

the pure, simple luxury of

the Bay of Islands and crew on a variety

being on the water. But I am ready to

of boats to widen my knowledge. I’m also

take on whatever the ocean has

off to fish in Vanuatu next month.

to throw at me.

14 15


Challenge Accepted

Taking on a boat rebuild BY Delicia Romani


f being a dedicated mother of four children and running my therapeutic massage business wasn’t already

challenging enough, taking on a boat rebuild project was not on the agenda.

I’ve learned hard work pays off.

It’s been a labour of love, counting down

In August 2015, after some strict

those days, pushing through long work

budgeting and saving, I purchased my

hours and parental duties, running on

own small 14ft boat which currently

that pure addiction to fishing until I will

runs a 50hp Mercury Force engine. Its

finally get a lure out and say to myself,

an achievement many anglers aspire to,

“Yes, I made it”.

and I’m proud of myself.


Trailer stripped of paint and Anti Rust protection applied

VTNZ called this trailer ‘dead’

Brand new tyres

As each coat of primer was added it took me 6hrs to master the skill of sanding down a whole side of a boat daily

After welding, grinding, scraping, and treating, time to be painted with a product called Hammerite Steel Bond Paint

Barr y Harpe r, the man w ho would be personal rebu come my ild advisor an d beloved fr iend

Prepped ready for the top half coat of white paint 17


New Steering Wheel, Multiflex cable and bezel and helm

I had to cut a new hole for the helm install the new steering wheel

Following my drawing I used brass connections and taps with a clear fuel cell to see that the transition of fuel tanks have taken effect

All I was anticipating was a fresh lick of paint when I called out for help and met the late Barry Harper from the fishing community in 2015. Barry became my rebuild advisor and beloved

Placing the boat onto a stack of tyres in

friend. Well experienced in panel,

my garage, the trailer was the first focus.

paint, boating and fishing, Barry would

VTNZ declared the unwarranted trailer

check in every few days and would

‘dead’ due to safety concerns and rust

chuckle as he stated, “Missed a spot”,

damage, but I didn’t accept this decision. Thanks to Nic Clegg and his skills

making sure my workmanship was up to his high standard. He shared a lot of wisdom, qualifying me for the next

working with steel, we rebuilt the trailer

stage. Unfortunately, we uncovered one

to near new condition and legal by May

problem after another which lead the

2016, much to VTNZ’s surprise.

project into an unexpected full rebuild.


Matt black framework and new blacked out perspex windscreen

Live bait tank and baitboard

I sanded down the exterior and interior shell from June to October 2016; they were long, hard months. After hours on the commercial sanding machine, my body turned into a weak fuzz, and it became amusing to my children when I couldn’t grip anything firmly. I lost count of how many coffee cups I broke because anything I tried to hold after sanding just fell out of my hands! Painting and sanding layer upon layer of primer was an

Motor test, turns out it needs a new impaller

exciting step up. Yes, there was plenty of blood, sweat

Eventually, Barry agreed she was ready

and tears involved. Fibre-glassing and

for paint so from November to December

resin work was interesting chemistry.

2016 off to Shape & Spray Automotive

I reinforced fixtures, structures and

Limited she went. The result was

accessories with marine ply to the boat to

exceptionally professional and beyond

avoid future stress fibre fractures.

my expectations. 19


Nothing beats the WOW factor a wrap adds to a dull hull

From January to December 2017, I

each week as finances allowed. I wanted

started the momentum of creativity. It

to alleviate hassles out on the water and

was a calculated art. You can only imagine

put my energy into fishing, so I made a

the responses a female received from

few calculated decisions on her design.

local hardware store staff as I questioned

Onboard, she has two 23-litre tote tanks

them about marine boat fabrication.

for those long trips, and I set up an A to B

Accessorising my boat was exciting,

fuel tap system and installed the brand-

I’m a lady who loves to shop, and I was

new throttle shift from Outboard Marine

impatient to install each piece as quickly

Technologies Ltd.

as possible. Although I have concluded,

I knew I needed a live bait tank

that marine grade silicone and I will never

onboard. I asked Santana Walters,

be friends. Burnsco Mount Maunganui

a talented and skilled aluminium

became my frequent shop for most

fabricator, to construct my unique

boating accessories as I purchased items

custom design piece for my boat. The


tank adds a range of possibilities for the

providing high-quality tackle, lures and

fishing adventures to come.

amazing accessories to spread fishing

I installed the live bait tank in the centre

enjoyment to all onboard, bent rods

of the rear bench seat, including an

and knees at the gunnel is in the plan of

overflow pipe and a drainage tap. Also

action very soon.

included onboard is a Bilge Pump T20

Fishing has transformed my life. My

Series and a washdown pump and hose

natural characteristics of mathematical

system. Owen Porter from BPC Ltd, did a

and calculated thinking are put to

great job constructing my rear bench seat

use, especially within the high-profile

support frames.

technique of topwater fishing. To

Hand pulling an anchor isn’t everyone’s

challenge the kingfish aggression and feel

ideal task. I’d much prefer to put my

the sense of well-earned accomplishment

energy on the rod and reel, so I scored

is a self-reward for my mental stability.

a mint second-hand Maxwell Windlass

I feel most proud to meet other women

anchor winch.

who fish; we are moving quickly up

I contacted Marine Graphics Ink in

the ladder of a male-dominated sport.

Australia and worked with Brave Design

Fisherwomen deserve respect for getting

Ltd, who did a fantastic and generous

their hands dirty, fighting the fight and

job pushing through the Christmas rush,

reaping the rewards and records.

December 2017 to January 2018, to

I am proud to be a fishing chick in this

have the wrap finished and installed by

community; the ocean is a massive piece

Rutherford Sign Company, Tauranga.

of my soul and welcome therapy for my

Nothing beats the WOW factor a wrap

chaotic weeks. I’m incredibly proud of

adds to a dull hull.

my achievements thus far, and I want to

Along with all the other accessory installs

empower other women.

I accomplished with my own two hands,

I look forward to epic fishing adventures

there’s nothing more important than

throughout the Bay of Plenty, either on

the right fishing equipment to get those

the East Coast or out to the West, where I

fish onboard. Thanks to Catch Fishing for

hear the fishing is best! 

In loving memory of Barry Harper, 17 September 1960 – 28 August 2017 21


A Girl in the Wild

Majorly hooked on fishing, Leah shows us it’s never too late to catch the fishing bug...

BY Leah Phillips

Kayak fishing, a new venture for me 22


rowing up in Methven at the foot

and moan until he took me back to the

of Mt Hutt along the range of the

campsite. I was a landlocked girl from the

Southern Alps meant I didn’t think

Canterbury Plains; I spent more time on

much about saltwater fishing. My dad,

the snow than I ever did near the ocean.

Ron, is a fishing master, fly fishing the

After moving to Auckland in 1999, I

rivers for salmon, fishing on the southern

found myself lucky enough to get out on

lakes for rainbow trout and bank fishing

the water numerous times to follow the

the canals along the Waitaki.

America’s Cup. Every time, without fail,

If he ever convinced me to go out on

I quickly ended up below deck throwing

the lake, I would get motion sickness

up and hating being trapped out there. 23


Soon, I turned down every invite to sail, do water sports or fish because I couldn’t get over my extreme seasickness. I could not understand why anyone would spend an entire day out on the water catching fish. Four years ago, a friend who owns a fishing tackle company tried to convince

Filleting my catch

me to try fishing. I explained to him that “I get sick in the bathtub”. He said he knew of some miracle pills from the Takapuna Pharmacy. I have heard that thousands of times. They never work. Ever. Nevertheless, I bought some.

I couldn’t believe it when we headed out over the bar at Mangawhai (scariest bar ever by the way) in very large swells, and I felt amazing! The view, the weather, the not being

My father drove 1200km up from

sick, the catching snapper on every

Methven to fish out of Mangawhai,

drop. That was it! My seasickness

and I bravely tagged along, to prove

was treatable, and I became

my tablets would not work.

hooked. As in majorly hooked.


Fishing in Rarotonga with my dad 25


I learned to fish left handed on Dad’s left-handed reels. Now all my reels are set up this way

Fast forward four years to present day

where he climbs up the windscreen

and I am now venturing into kayak

onto the roof and pulls while I

fishing. I am part owner of a company

push it up. Once it’s secured we

called Fisher Apparel that sells brands

drive to one of the eastern beaches

like Fisherchick clothing for women

and head out into the channel.

who fish. I’ve won first, second and third place for largest kingfish in various fishing competitions. I’ve even caught a mako shark over 140kg. I’ve fished for yellowfin tuna and wahoo in Rarotonga with my dad and have clocked many hours trolling for marlin in Northland

I fish with bait less and less often as it is easier on the kayak to use lures. My go-to lure is a Catch Fishing Kabura because it has caught me decent fish of many species. I either slow or mechanical jig and have another rod

(I am yet to catch a marlin). I’ve had a

out the back of the kayak with live

stand at the Auckland Boat Show and

bait under a balloon to catch kingfish.

worked at ladies nights in fishing stores.

The many people I’ve met from both

I now get up in the early hours

kayak and fishing communities have

of the weekend with my son and

been incredibly helpful with tips and

struggle my 3.8m kayak onto the

advice. I am spoilt for choice with

roof of my car. We have a technique

people to fish with and places to go.


I’ve passed on my love of fishing to my son

The many people I’ve met from both kayak and fishing communities have been incredibly helpful with tips and advice. I am spoilt for choice with people to fish with and places to go.

It feels more natural to have my stronger more dominant arm on the rod, especially on a big fish 27


Kingfish! When it’s too rough for the kayak, we’ll fish from the rocks

I get a bit of flack because I fish left

moment, they too want to give it a try.

handed (even though I am right

One thing leads to another, and they

handed). This is my dad’s fault. He is

are regularly booking charters or are

left-handed and the only reels I used

buying kayaks to join me on the water.

when learning were his. Now it feels

I am also an astro photographer, so

more natural to have my stronger

those trips up north or to Central

more dominant arm on the rod. I find

Otago with the darkest skies in the

it difficult and awkward to fish right-

country means I can indulge in both

handed when I find myself using a

hobbies in one weekend.

game set on a charter or a friend’s

I still have so much to learn, I am a

boat without my own gear.

beginner and am lucky to have great

I’ve passed my fishing addiction onto

people around to show me the ropes.

numerous friends, workmates and

I am also yet to master taking selfies

people who follow my Girl in the Wild

with a live fish in my hand on a kayak

Instagram account and Facebook pages,

in deep water. But hey, #noregrets.

as well as my eight-year-old son Sam.

Four years ago I wouldn’t have dreamt

People ask me what I love about fishing

I’d be out there slaying it. It’s never

and when I explain the amazing therapy

too late to catch the fishing bug.

I get from it, the peace and quiet as well I’m just happy I am on the water and as how the technique you are always perfecting helps you to live in the


not throwing up. 








*Rods & reels not included in prize.

17–20 MAY 2018

ASB Showgrounds, Greenlane, Auckland 10am – 6pm Daily, Late Night Friday (9pm) Admission $18** online or $20 at the gate – Kids 16 & Under FREE **For the total ticket(s) purchased online, a ONE-OFF delivery fee is chargeable. Last day for online ticket sales, 10 May 2018.

news 29


Underwater Adventurer BY Katrin Mager

Great catch at Mana Island


A very nice mixed bag from the South Coast


here is a pull that can’t be

and soon my summer was all about

denied that draws me to the sea,

spearfishing and competitions.

but my life-changing passion

for the ocean really started with my first scuba dive in 2014. I was lucky enough to experience the underwater world of the Great Barrier Reef, and I went on to dive different parts

From the six competitions I entered in this summer, the Marlborough Sounds Summer Slam stands out for many reasons. It was my first and I was with a great buddy team and got my first

of New Zealand like Kaikoura, the

kingfish after only three months of

Marlborough Sounds and Wellington.

spearfishing. My team partner and I

In September 2017, I became curious

placed fourth out of 57 pairs, which

about spearfishing and was fortunate to

was a stunning result, and I also won

be able to learn from a few experienced

the women’s section. The buzz from

people who invited me on spearo

the trip lasted weeks, and our success

missions. I bomb dived - sometimes

opened more doors for me, like the

literally - into every opportunity,

invitation to join Team Cressi. 31


My PB Kingfish from Kapiti

I realised early on that New Zealand in

With all the support and

general, and Wellington, in particular,

opportunities extended to me, I

has an incredibly generous spearo

couldn’t be more grateful. It’s inspired

community where people look out for

me to contribute to the spearfishing

each other. This close-knit community

community by connecting women

spirit became especially clear during

who are interested in the sport

a lost diver search off Makara when

through our Facebook group Women’s

the local spearos teamed up with the

Spearfishing Wellington and inspiring

police, the Coastguard and other groups

them to dive more.

to bring home one of our mates.


Having fun with my scuba friends from the Wellington Underwater Club

I love the different elements of

I can connect with the ocean in

spearfishing. It adds a lot of excitement

an extraordinary way through

and at the same time, relaxation

spearfishing. Not only do I get the

to my life. It’s breath-hold diving,

chance to observe fish in their natural

exploring the stunning underwater

environment, but I also live off the

world, learning about ecosystems and

sea. How could I not love it even more

fish behaviour, gathering food, taking

for that?

photos and sharing videos with your

There’s always more to learn about

friends, companionship, nature trips

the rocky reefs that provide for us,

and the thrill of the hunt.

about how the fish, invertebrates,

There’s also the fantastic wildlife

seaweed and the climate (to name

interaction like swimming with rays,

just a few factors) all work together.

seals, sharks or dolphins. I’m able to go to It doesn’t take much to realise the some of the wildest and most beautiful

responsibility we have to protect

places to have great experiences with

these treasures, to take kaimoana in a

like-minded people and bring home

sustainable way and make sure future

dinner for my family. It is much more

generations can also enjoy the beauty

than a sport; it’s a way of life.

and bounty of our oceans. 33


First attempt at the pole spear was quite a success

For some people, there seems to

PB Blue moki, 65cm and 5kg gilled and gutted, on the pole spear

be a conflict between hunting and environmentalism, but for

Taking care of the environment is

me, the two go hand in hand. For

a way to take care of ourselves as

example, I’m currently working on

we act as guardians for everything

a project about seaweed with the

that lives in the ocean.

Wellington Underwater Club and

Spearfishing can be quite exhausting

learning a lot about the functions

and has a significant physical aspect. I

and importance of marine algae.

certainly feel the long surface swims,

We’re looking to find ways to

currents, deeper dives, days out on

support seaweed growth to restore

the boat and the occasional hike along

habitats for smaller critters, who

the shore. I am very motivated to stay

in turn attract bigger fish and rock

fit to improve diving performance

lobster, which ultimately are a food

and safety in the water. This winter

source for me. Spearfishing provides

will be a great time to train and learn

a very selective way of catching

more about breath-hold diving as well

fish, minimising damage to non-

as where to find fish in readiness for

target species or undersized fish.

next summer’s competitions.


Paua goodness at Breaker Bay

Despite its relative simplicity,

I’d love to get a kingfish on the stick.

spearfishing is an endless journey

Kingis are one of my favourite fish

of learning and discovery. There are

because they are amazing to swim

always new spots, new dive buddies,

with, to hunt and to eat. I shot three

new techniques and new equipment

this summer, and I won’t forget these

to explore. I’ve barely even scratched

experiences anytime soon. The fish

the surface. Getting my first pole

were all in the first ten metres of

spear in February added a whole new

water, coming in to check me out.

element to my ocean hunting. I call

Many of my friends had a tasty bite of

it the most expensive stick I’ve ever

sashimi, smoked, baked or fried kingi.

bought, and I can’t wait to get out

Being able to share my catch is the

with it more often. You need to get

best thing about spearfishing for me,

closer to the fish than with a speargun

and I’m looking forward to doing more

and develop your skills even further.

of that. What an adventure!  35


Fishing Techniques How to reduce impact on fishery


ndersized fish and fishers have

as softbaits and slow jigs catch fish of

one thing in common - neither

legal size more often, and they are far

want to be attached to a hook.

less likely to gut hook fish.

Fishers will sometimes catch and

If you are a bait fisher, using large

release numerous juvenile sized fish

hooks with large baits is another

before capturing their target, legal

effective way of avoiding the capture

sized fish. The problem is that the

of undersized fish. Circle hooks are a

catching and releasing process can

good first choice of hook type as they

harm or kill juvenile fish meaning

lip hook fish more often. Large J-style

they will not have a chance to breed

hooks such as size 7/0 or larger, will

and build the population.

gut hook undersized fish less often

Two good ways to avoid catching

than smaller hooks.

undersized fish are; using suitable

If you are bait fishing with large

lures (like softbaits or slow jigs for

hooks and losing lots of bait to the

example) and using big baits with

small ones, changing to smaller

big hooks. A third option for later

hooks to catch the bait thieves is not

discussion is Target appendage hooks;

the answer. Some patience can pay

they have some thorough research on

off with larger hooks as losing bait

their effectiveness. Modern lures such

and feeding the fish can draw the


larger fish to your area where they

and means they are more likely to

eventually get caught. A potentially

contribute to a healthy and fully

more productive option is to simply

functioning ecosystem.

move to a different location and see if you can find the sort of habitat that holds larger fish. These techniques are important because gut hooked fish have a very low chance of survival when released.

It is all about being smart and selectively targeting legal sized fish. Think about how you fish - can you adopt some of these techniques to help our fishery?

The FishCare recommendation is to

For more information, go to

what you can to avoid catching the To keep up

small ones in the first place. Avoiding

to date with topics related to the

any handling of fish increases their

management and health of our

chances of survival in the wild

fishery, sign up for our newsletter.  37


A stunning snapper, Miah loves to get out fishing when staying at the family caravan at Waipu Cove

The New Vintage

Just like a fine wine, this is sure to continue getting better over time! BY Naomi Peterson


Est 90lb yellow fin tuna from Kona, Hawaii


here’s a new kid on the block at NZ Fishing Media, although

When the position became available

she’s no newbie to New Zealand

with the resignation of long-term

Fishing News. Miah Dixon, a familiar

Editor, Mark Kitteridge, Miah jumped

face to some and name to many (yes,

at the opportunity. “How could I

Dad Grant is the managing editor and

not! It’s still a bit surreal to think I’ve

co-owner), embarks this month on

achieved a life goal so early”. At 24

her new role as Deputy Editor.

years old, Miah could be called the

“Growing up with New Zealand Fishing

baby, but she thinks of herself more

News, it was inevitable that at some point

as a ‘new vintage’.

somewhere in my career I would take on

The trio of Grant Dixon, Sam

a role within the magazine. I could have

Mossman and Mark Kitteridge have

hardly predicted it would happen so soon

built New Zealand Fishing News to

though.” Having spent years at various

be New Zealand’s biggest fishing

boat shows helping out on the magazine’s

magazine by far. Mark’s resignation

stand, there were always jokes of ‘oh

opened the door for some fresh blood,

one day you’ll be Editor, Miah. Low and

albeit the same bloodline as already

behold, here she is deputy editor.

there, but just ‘fresher’. 39


Fishing is in the blood. Getting to share an amazing moment with her number one fishing bud

When considering how her new

position as a woman and young

appointment might influence New

deputy editor which she hopes will

Zealand Fishing News, she’s got a few

provide more diversity and a female

tricks up her sleeve.

viewpoint from within the industry.

“Not the content of the magazine

Her previous role was in digital

though, that’s first class, it’s more

product management, so she has a

about the way it’s delivered and how

good grasp on ‘where to from here’.

we communicate with our readers.

She’s full of new and exciting ideas so

How can we share our ideas beyond

watch this space!

just the written word? This is the next

Miah is lucky to have lots of like-

stage of the magazine, to really take it

minded fisherwomen to feed off,

to the next level.”

such as Mandy Kupenga whom she

Miah was raised with her Dad’s

has a lot of respect for. “She’s true to

views on New Zealand fisheries, but

herself and her values regardless of

university opened her mind to other

what crosses her path”. Miah admires

perspectives, which led to healthy

her goals and mission and has an

discussions around the dinner table.

appreciation for how and why she

And it’s those ideas and her unique

does things.


Miah and Mandy fishing together for the ‘Get Your Fish On’ TV series

Miah’s passion for fishing is clearly evident

Miah has a ‘take it as it comes’

to share new ways that people

attitude to the challenge of being a

are catching fish, their success

young female in a new role within

with fishing, and helping to create

a male-dominated industry. She

memories is what it’s all about. “When

believes that there’s nothing that

I get a call with positive feedback,

can’t be overcome. At times it can

or meet all the great people in the

be head down to produce a great

industry, that’s what I love”. There is

product and experience for people,

also the business relationships that

while being able to show different

turn into friendships.

perspectives even though we all have

The ultimate reward for Miah though

a common interest. “It’s not just

is working in an industry that she

fishing all day, every day as much as

is so passionate about. “Whether it

we’d love it to be!”

happened now or further down the

But the rewards far outweigh any

track, how could I not jump at such an

potential challenges. Being able

exciting opportunity”.  41


Legasea Update

about crayfish goes beyond the tide, and people are now thinking

about what their kids and grandkids


might miss out on in the future.

New Zealand. If you were a survey

will be used to inform the pre-October

participant thanks, your input is highly

discussions about recreational bag limits,

valued. A report of the 7-week survey

commercial pot limit controls or other

is available here.

changes to the fishing regulations.

egaSea has completed the most

LegaSea is committed to conserving fish

extensive survey of recreational

for our next generations. The detailed

fishing-crayfish interests in

comments collected during the survey

There is high public interest in crayfish management. This is not

Measuring Recreational Harvest

surprising considering around 95%

The old chestnut of ‘we don’t know what

of live crayfish is exported to China,

recreational fishers catch’ can finally be

hiking up local prices and depriving

put to bed. New Zealand’s methods of

Kiwis families of a favourite delicacy.

estimating recreational marine harvest

CRA2 is the management area from Te Arai Point, Northland, to East Cape. In the survey, 89% of respondents who had fished in CRA2 rated the size and availability of crayfish as poor or decimated. Less than 3% consider it good or plentiful. There is strong support for closing

are internationally-recognised as being robust and reliable. A scientific paper has been published in the international peer-reviewed journal, Fisheries Research, highlighting the high-quality work being undertaken in Aotearoa. The report, by experts from Blue Water Marine Research, NIWA, and the National Research Bureau, was published in

CRA2 to all fishing (for a time)

March and is now a quotable source for

amongst non-fishers. Public concern

researchers worldwide.


How much fish do recreational fishers actually take?

The overriding constraint is that these

Excluding aquaculture, recreational

national harvest surveys are expensive and currently only undertaken every five

fishing represents a. Less than 3% of the total harvest

or six years. Much can change in that timeframe. For example, during the last

from New Zealand’s marine waters.

national survey good size snapper moved

b. Less than 20% of total harvest from

close into the Hauraki Gulf in unusually

the inshore fisheries in which the

high numbers during the summer

public has an interest.

of 2011-12. These were used as the

c. Less than 10% of total harvest from

benchmark for snapper catch in Area 1 and, despite the warnings by recreational advocates, these catch rates were ultimately used to inform management

public has an interest, excluding snapper and kahawai. Recreational harvest has a significant

decisions. This was a mistake.

impact in some shellfish fisheries and

In 2015, NIWA reported to MPI that

a few inshore finfish stocks such as

the web camera/ramp survey index suggests that the recreational snapper harvest in the Hauraki Gulf decreased by about a quarter (-26%) between

snapper and kahawai on the North Island’s northeast coast, and blue cod at the top of the South Island. Most other inshore fish stocks are dominated by

2011-12 and 2012-13, followed by a further substantial decline in 2013-14 (-71%) from the 2011-12 harvest.

the inshore fisheries in which the

commercial harvest. Generally, existing controls have proven to be effective in managing recreational harvest. The full results from the current round of surveys and the direct comparisons with the 2011-12 harvest will be available in 2019. 

LegaSea is a public outreach initiative of the New Zealand Sport Fishing Council. The Council has an experienced fisheries management, science, policy and legal team. On behalf of the Council LegaSea raises funds and provides public-friendly information about a variety of processes that are important to restoring abundance in our fisheries for future generations.

Call 0800 LEGASEA (534 273)

Subscribe at

Email us

Read more at 43


NZ’s Biggest Fishing Club’s New Commodore

With a female at the helm, this club is making waves BY Naomi Peterson


hangamata Ocean Sports Club,

the Year’ award last year, and now is the

with its million-dollar view,

first fishing club in New Zealand to have

runs the biggest female fishing

a female commodore at the helm.

tournament in New Zealand annually, is the most prominent New Zealand Sports Fishing Council affiliated fishing club in New Zealand, won the council’s ‘Club of


This month I chat with Diane Furze, elected in as Club Commodore in June 2017.

Diane is now leading the fishing comps, on hand to ensure eveything runs smoothly and present prizes

Diane’s involvement in the

commodore. Initially hesitant, Diane

Whangamata Ocean Sports Club

told the members they would need

began when she and husband Errol

to need to convince her husband

joined as members. In those early

she should accept. It would be a

days of being a club member, Diane

big ask to take on the role. Due

approached the committee to host

to the responsibilities, it involves

a charity fishing competition for

commitment from partners as well,

IHC. Extremely competent at gaining

and they had to consider the impact

sponsorship for the very successful

the position would have on family

competition, her abilities didn’t

and work commitments. Errol knew

go unnoticed, and in 2004 she was

Diane was more than capable of

invited onto the committee.

taking on this role and encouraged

After 13 years of service on the

her to accept the nomination.

committee, Diane intended to exit

Diane’s nomination was unchallenged

from her role as secretary but stay

at the AGM. Elected in by club

within the club and help on a sub-

members, Diane is now ten months

committee. The club had other

into her two-year position as

intentions though. Some executive

Commodore. “The New Zealand

committee members approached

Sports Fishing Council were very

her to consider the position of club

impressed with a female at the helm”. 45


Encouraging female anglers is something the club proudly supports

First time fishing the Nautigirls, Diane’s daugher and friends also entered the photo competition

This is Diane’s first year not fishing any club competitions as she’s been at the helm leading them instead. “It was an easy sacrifice to make. This year it allowed three first-timers to fish NZSFC Club of the Year award

the Nauti Girls fishing competition in our boat with Errol”.

“It was a really good time for me to

The three young ladies (one of whom was

take over. The club was in a great

Diane’s daughter) had a great time and

position, having just been awarded

even entered in the photo competition.

the Sports Fishing Council Club of the

The annual ‘Nauti Girls’ is not

Year award. A new club manager and

just a fishing competition but

kitchen manager provided the club

also incorporates photo and

with a new vision and a fresh look. A

fashion competitions as a part

lot of hard work had been done before

of the weekend. The annual

I was elected, and it was the Rear

ladies fishing competition is one

Commodore’s work that secured the

way that the club supports and

Club of the Year award”.

encourages female anglers.


The Melbourne cup is the perfect opportunity to get dressed up and head to the club

The atmosphere and the comradery

and keeps the committee on track,

of women together are what makes

reporting to them as well. Decisions

‘Nauti Girls’ such a great tournament.

are made with the agreement of the

The prizes are just a bonus.

team. She also makes presentations,

The competition has some anglers

meets and greets, and is at the

without access to a boat. To help

forefront of club functions.

with this, the club asks local boaters

It’s important to be able to manage

to take out the female anglers for

the balance between what the club

the competition and invites charters

provides for its members.

from outside Whangamata to help.

“We’re primarily a fishing club,

“There’s always club members

and offer things for anglers such as

willing to skipper a boatload of

tournaments, but have to consider

excited female anglers for the day”.

all members. We cater for the whole

Along with running fishing

family, holding events for the children

competitions, it’s Diane’s role to

during the year as well, and for the

oversee the club manager. They liaise

members who don’t fish, we offer

to ensure everything runs smoothly.

events like wine tastings, live music,

Diane heads the executive group

charity functions etc. 47


Whangamata Ocean Sports Club has a strong female membership


The club supports tag and release

There is a responsibility to ensure

the future. When you’re the biggest

everyone is considered and we’re

club in New Zealand, you have a big

always looking for new ways to

voice. Make it count”.

entertain our members and look to

Despite being a female commodore in

improve already existing events”.

a predominantly male domain, Diane

People join fishing clubs for the

is well-respected by club members.

comradery and the knowledge shared

And “the satisfaction of knowing we

amongst club members. The fishing

run a successful club” is just one of

club is proud of its strong female

the rewards of her position.

memberships as well.

Diane is backed by a great team, but

“The club has a responsibility to

I think that a great team comes from

educate when a group of fishermen

having a great leader. Diane’s taken up

are together and to keep members

the challenge the role has presented,

informed. Being a club member is also

and by my observations with her at

your chance to vote, to have a voice

the helm, the club is full steam ahead

to ensure the fishery is sustainable for

in the right direction.  49


A nice snapper for Stephanie, fishing around the Happy Jacks in 38m with the Kaveman Hornet

11 year old Alexis Shaw with the first kingi speared in the South Island by a female 50

85 year old Madam Low on the jetski with a 10lb snapper caught in the shallows around Kawakawa Bay on a Kaveman softbait

Alex Edwards nailing her PB snapper on the snoop with the wettie 120 sniper speargun

Celyn with a couple of 10lbers caught in the shallows off Maretai on a jetski Fiordland Crays, you just can’t beat them. Alex Edwards sure knows how to catch them!

Georgie Bydder and her 74.5cm snapper which was released and also won her club snapper Comp in Kapiti last month

Early season kingi out of the Aldermans for Alice Porter 51


Hillary with some Black Gold from Wellington

Hillary’s first Tarakihi while spearfishing around Wellington

Jess Ashford’s Coromandel kingfish caught on a livebait Julia MacLean absolutely stoked with her kingfish, caught from the Marlborough Sounds area

Jordie with her frist kingi, caught slow-jigging out off Mana Island


Lena Tapurau’s first 20lb snapper caught while surfcasting Sand Island in the Kaipara Harbour

Megan Brown’s PB hapuka caught on a squidwing lure onboard Smada fishing charters

Nicole outfishing her partner with this kingfish from the Whangaroa Harbour

Pure exhilaration. Mary Walker’s first kingfish on the kayak. This chick is hooked! 53


Solid Coromandel snapper Jess Ashford caught on a livebait The early start was definitely worth it for Ora, picking up this solid 15kg kingfish on a livebait out from Whangarei Stephanie with a respectable snapper from the shallows around Ponui Island, caught on Kaveman softbaits


This kingi scoffed Allison’s whole kahawai dead bait. Caught on a Stella 14000 and Ocea Plugger Full Throttle pe6

Trevally were smashing Maddison Millar’s gravy train injinku jig

Moi Peterson with her first blue Cod, caught on a girls fishing trip out from Coromandel

Wellington blue cod for Maddison Millar 55


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