Airborn #208

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Issue 208; November, December 2018, January 2019


The X-Pisas Blackbird Paramotor Southern Photo Comp

7.50 Including GST


9 771170 992006

Big Spring Hang Gliding


any pilots visit flying sites outside their own region. To ensure that you don’t jeopardise arrangements between land owners and local flyers you must ALWAYS check with local pilots BEFORE flying. That way you won’t upset land owners or pilots, you will be shown all the best sites and will be welcome back. We don’t publish site names and locations

because flying sites have been lost by visiting flyers who have upset land owners. To assist travelling pilots, people wishing to learn to fly or to contact hang gliding and paragliding clubs, here is a list of people who can help you. Those on the list or wishing to be listed, should contact their Club Secretaries who should keep Airborn and the NZHGPA website updated of changes of contact details.

NORTHLAND H.G.P.C. C/- Guntram Gross 1 Brook Road Whangarei Email: Pres, Airsp; Shane Gross...............09 436 0268 Sec/Treas; Guntram Gross.............09 436 0268 PGSO; Wolfgang Harder................09 403 7594 HGSO; Stephen Chambers............09 430 3689 Herman Ahrens...............................09 432 9333

MANAWATU H.G.P.C. C/- Andrew Brownlie 11 Hollows Crescent Takaro Palmerston North 4412 Email: Pres, Airsp: Ricky Winduss (Wanganui) .......................... 06 345 7659, or 027 447 4117 Sec/Treas, HGSO: Ross Gray......021 126 0892 PGSO: Andrew Brownlie ...........027 444 8911

AUCKLAND H.G.P.C. PO Box 47813 Ponsonby, Auckland 1144 Email: Pres: Stefan Sebregts .................027 225 2255 Sec: Graham Surrey ..................021 0262 5023 Treas: Malcolm Dawson...............021 052 1568 HGSO: Fraser Bull .......................027 801 4044 PGSO: Reuben Muir.......................09 446 0020 Airsp: Leslie Graham .....................09 579 6485 Stefan Sebregts ...........................021 266 1287 Steve Price ....................................021 781 828 Eva Keim .......................................09 446 0051 Skywings Paragliding ....................09 570 5757 Aqua Air Adventure Hang Gliding.. 027 288 0193 Wings And Waves Paragliding ......09 446 0020

BAY OF PLENTY H.G.P.C. C/-Dominique Le Sellin 41, Ririnui Place, Maungatapu Tauranga 3112 Email: Pres: Dave Washer.......................0275 992 934 Sec: Dominique Le Sellin...................... 021 617 111 PGSO: Darrell Packe........................027 249 2702 HGSO: James Low.......................021 102 5004 Airsp: Rhys Akers.........................021 177 7563 Sites: Dave Shaw...........................07 575 9560 Kiwi Air.........................................021 1046 208 Mount Paragliding........................027 249 2702

WAIKATO H.G.P.C. Inc. C/- Ian Manton PO Box 131, Matamata 3440 Email: Pres: Mark McDonald...................020 444 9995 Sec/Treas: ................ Ian Manton 027 546 2832 PGSO: Bruce Vickerman .............027 498 9941 HGSO: Rick Hawkeswood.............07 868 6250 Airsp: Neil Howe.............................07 304 9631

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KEY Pres; .............................................. President

Sec; ............................ Secretary/Treasurer PGSO; ............. Paragliding Safety Officer HGSO; .......... Hang Gliding Safety Officer CFI;...........................Chief Flying Instructor Airsp;.................................Airspace Officer

AORANGI H.G.C. C/- Tom Knewstubb PO Box 5976 Dunedin Pres, Airsp; Kevin McManus........021 134 0463 Sec, HGSO; Tom Knewstubb (wk) 027 289 6103 PGSO: Lisa Bradley......................021 156 3256 SOUTHERN H.G.P.C. C/- Mark Hardman PO Box 1122, Queenstown 9348 Email: Pres; Tim Brown...........................021 182 4243 Sec: Melanie Heather...................021 204 0163 Treas: Kat Cerna.........................021 0291 0851 PGSO: Blake Round.....................027 367 7679 HGSO: Pete Helliwell ......................................... Sites: Cathal McLoughlin...........021 024 00350 Events: Chris Shaw......................021 051 2905 IT/Web: Daniel Diaz Rizo.................................... Airsp: David Hansen........................................... Craig Smith...................................027 343 3537 Helen Jeffery................................022 303 2738 Mark Hardman................................021 809 275 Coronet Peak Tandem PG & HG..0800 467 325 Skytrek Hang Gliding & Paragliding.0800 759 873 Extreme Air............................ 0800 PARAGLIDE Infinity Paragliding School..........021 0228 2939 Paraventures Paragliding...............021 809 275

Photo; Jane Muller

TARANAKI FREE FLYERS C/- Dennis Green 38 Kaitake Rd RD4, New Plymouth Pres, Airsp, Sec/Treas, PGSO; John Morgan ...................................................... 021 726 183 HGSO; Dave Austin....................021 0283 6797

MARLBOROUGH H.G.P.C. C/- Richard Evans PO Box 546 Blenheim Email: Pres, Airsp: Jason Gluer.............021 0824 7543 Sec/Treas: Richard Evans..............021 648 783 HGSO: John Urlich: .......................03 577 8886 PGSO: Russell Read....................027 448 0888 Kris Ericksen.................................021 116 4558

CANTERBURY H.G.P.C. Inc. C/- Cliff Swailes 22 Hemingway Place, Spencerville, Christchurch 8083 Email: Pres: Simon Corbett.................... 021 205 0878 Sec/Treas; Cliff Swailes................021 204 9960 PGSO; Sam Bartholomew .............021 819 755 HGSO; Max Gebhardt................. 022 159 6101 Sites PG; Rob Kennedy................021 220 7993 Sites HG; Reece Fisher..................021 806 390 Airsp; Peter Taylor........................021 066 9886 Website; Stephen O’Shaughnessy.03 326 7373 Canty HG School; Bill Degen.......021 247 2676 Cloudbase Paragliding.................027 532 4874 Nimbus Paragliding......................027 432 4874 ParaPro.........................................0800 548 323

Duncan Macnab flying at Treble Cone Wanaka

HAWKES BAY H.G.P.C. Inc. 30 Kaweka Place Havelock North 4130 Email: Pres, Rebecca Rae.........................021 605 204 Treas: Duncan Macnab.................027 624 6434 Airsp: Shaun Gilbert.....................022 477 8804 PGSO: Ken Beach........................021 191 6388 HGSO: Ross MacKay.....................06 877 2052 Sites Liason; Euan Talbot ..............06 877 8999

WELLINGTON H.G.P.C. PO Box 9824 Marion Square Wellington 6141 Email: Pres: Jeff Lean............................020 4102 0567 Sec/Treas: Grant Firth................... 021 422 698 HGSO: Grant Tatham...................027 636 3491 PGSO: Matthew Williams.............027 552 5205 Airsp: Ian Miller ............................022 176 8205 Communications; Irwin Imhoff..... 22 087 2173

TASMAN H.G.P.C. C/- Annett Teichner 1137 Motueka Valley Highway, RD1, Motueka 7196 Email: Pres; Josh Benjamin ....................021 136 5405 Sec; Annett Teichner..................021 0231 0755 Treas; Brian Erasmus .....................03 545 1003 PGSO; Greg Benjamin....................03 545 1543 PGSO; Pete Polansky ...................03 528 7374 HGSO; John King..........................03 548 8263 Site Owners; Tim Percival .............03 548 7397 Site Maintenance; Frog Twissell ....03 538 0339 Airsp; Claus Petry.........................021 250 4836 Nelson Paragliding.........................03 544 1182 Adventure Paragliding....................021 762 769 Hang Gliding NZ.............................03 540 2183 Tasman Sky Adventures...............027 229 9693

ISSN 1170-9928

printed on recycled paper

Magazine of the NEW Zealand Hang Gliding & Paragliding Assn. Inc. Published every three months for hang gliding and paragliding enthusiasts in New Zealand and abroad ● Subscription is by membership of NZHGPA (a

legal requirement for all hang glider and paraglider pilots in NZ) ● For non

flyer and foreign subscriptions please contact the NZHGPA Administrator for current rates, or see advertisement in this issue ● Opinions, claims and advice

expressed by authors and advertisers in this magazine are their own and are

not necessarily shared by the NZHGPA or the editor ● All articles, photos

and graphics are copyright to the author, photographer, editor or designer and may not be reproduced without their permission

Contributions All articles, photos, news items, press releases, safety tips and letters will be

gratefully accepted for publication ● Articles should preferably be computer text files in any unformatted word processor file. Airborn can use Apple Mac,

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only ● Photos, discs, flash drives and articles will be returned if clearly marked 'to be returned' with your name and postal address

N.Z.H.G.P.A. INC., 46 Quail Rise, Stoke, Nelson 7011, New Zealand

Administration and Licensing Chief Executive Officer

Evan Lamberton, 35A Manly Esplanade, Browns Bay, North Shore City 0630, 09 478 0063, 021 407833, Administrator

Nicky Hamill, 46 Quail Rise, Stoke, Nelson 7011, 027 202 1806, Executive Committee President

Duncan Macnab, PO Box 28100 Havelock North 4157, 027 624 6434, Vice President/Secretary

Mark Hardman, 021 809 275, Hang Gliding Operations Manager

Carlos Palmer, 38 Milliken Ave, Mt. Roskill, Auckland 1041, 027 487 7654, Hang Gliding Training Manager

Grant Tatham, 4 Phillip St, Carterton, 5713, 06 379 7322, 027 636 3491, Paragliding Operations Manager

Ian Manton, 027 546 2832, Paragliding Training Manager

Blake Round, Queenstown, 027 367 7679, Executive Member

Ross Gray, 021 126 0892, Executive Member

Glen Ogilvie, Mt Wellington, Auckland, 021 684 146, Appointed Officers National Airspace Officer

Nick Taber, 27 Strathaven Place, Dodson Valley, Atawhai, Nelson 7010. 03 545 0766, 021 420 742, Website Manager

Adriel Kind, 027 964 5397, Chief Medical Advisor

Samuel Bartholomew, 3A Dalleys Lane, Lyttleton, Christchurch 8082, Internal Auditor

Kris Ericksen, 11 Koromiko Road, Aro Valley, Wellington 6012, 04 938 6539, 021 116 4558, Disciplinary Committee Convenor

Duncan Macnab, PO Box 28100 Havelock North 4157, 027 624 6434, Bookshop Manager

Evan Lamberton, 35A Manly Esplanade, Browns Bay, North Shore City 0630, 09 478 0063, 021 407833, Hang Gliding Competition Committee

Advertising All advertising enquiries and payments to the editor ● Classified

advertisements are $0.50c per word to commercial operators and non-

NZHGPA members, personal classified advertisements are free to current

members who quote their PIN number ● Classified advertisements are

automatically deleted after each publication, for repeats please re-send or quote identifying words and phone number ● Advertisements for new hang

gliders and paragliders must state certification status and meet our standard

Mark Alton, 167 Mahoenui Road, Coatesville, Auckland 0793, 022 195 5746, Dennis Thorpe, Max Gebhardt, 03 312 7899, 022 159 6101, Paragliding Competition Committee

Johnny Hopper (chair), 021 056 2275, Tim Brown, 03 442 5319, 021 182 4243, Wayne Rohrs, 021 663 383

In This Issue... Southern Photo Competition......................................................4 Big Spring US Hang Gliding Nationals.......................................8

conditions ● For display and other advertising rates and conditions please

The X-Pisa’s................................................................................12

Instruments for FAI Competitions.............................................20

contact the editor

Editing, Graphics; AeroDesign, Bill Degen Printing; The Caxton Press

Please send advertisements, photos and articles to the editor:



Airborn Magazine

99A Panorama Road Christchurch 8081 New Zealand

The Blackbird Paramotor...........................................................16

Your Eyes and Flying..................................................................22 Our New Executives...................................................................26 Events, Site Notices...................................................................29 Cross Country Championships............................................30,32 FRONT COVER: Infinity Tumbling Over Queenstown. Photo; Brooke Whatnall

Next issue deadline: 30 December 2018 A

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Southern Club Photo Comp 2018

ABW Winner; Richard Sidey Golden Hour, Lake Hawea Making the most of the calm autumn days, stable air and golden light during my final hike’n’fly of the season. After hiking an hour up the Pakituhi track, part of Te Araroa, one is rewarded with fantastic panoramic views over Lake Hawea. The views while flying back to the car, catching gentle thermals on the way, are even better. It’s an a immersive and relaxing experience. The stable air here allowed me to fly a camera behind my wing, capturing this image during my descent.

In September, the Southern Club ran an annual photo comp for the second time. Just in time to get everyone pumped up for the start of the Spring flying season, the competition was organised over the Club’s Facebook page. The Club had a great response to the competition, with lots of entries, likes and some great shots. As Southern Club is affiliated to the Federated Mountain Clubs of NZ, the 10 ten shots over various categories were entered into the FMC comp, vying for over $3100 in prizes. If your club is interested to run it’s own comp, there’s a helpful resource on FMC’s blog site with ideas on various ways to do it at https:// meetings/photo-competitions/

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ABW Runner up; Blake Round; Glacier ride An epic day in the mountains shared with friends. The weather was looking ominous, we almost pulled the pin due to flat light conditions, however an hour later up on the ice it changed.

ABN Runner up; Blake Round; Coronet Sunset Sunset on an evening before an overnight on Coronet Peak summit and dawn flight down to Flight Park.

NFF Runner Up; Nicolas Sand; Parawaiting on top of Roys Peak, with some company... Hiked up Roys peak for sunrise, but couldn’t fly because the valley was covered with low cloud. Hence I set up my Gopro in timelapse mode and started parawaiting for a couple of hours. That little bird spent probably one hour right next to (or in front of) the camera, kind of looking at the valley with me. It was an unexpected and relaxing moment. Somehow I’m still smiling thinking I spent an hour with a bird on top of a mountain, so random :)


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NFF Winner BBW Runner Up

BBW Winner; Brooke Whatnall; That Wanaka Tree under a fire red sky Waking up early to hike Roys Peak before work is one of the luxuries of living in Wanaka. This particular morning our plans were slowed down by one of the most incredible sunrises I have ever

NFF Winner; Rodney Lofts; Hike and Fly

BBN Runner Up; Tim Shoultz; Broken River Taken during a Ski the Clubbies trip where we took a week to ski and fly in the Arthur’s Pass area. Shot near Allan’s Hut in Broken River Ski Field.

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Admiring other forms of

BBW Winner; Brooke Whatnall; Infinity Tumbling Over Queenstown After years of training in Organya and flying comps in Europe, there’s still no feeling quite like returning home to play around on your local sites and realise we really do live in one of the best places on earth.

ABN Winner; Brooke Whatnall, Mt Cook in the early morning sun We had a goal last summer to capture a glider infinity tumbling over Aoraki, and March was our time to go. Hiking and camping on top of the Mueller Hut track, we were planning to fly from the summit at sunrise to capture the best light of Mt. Cook and the valley. Unfortunately, wind and cloud issues stopped us from flying but gave us a magical sunrise to enjoy of Aoraki/Mt. Cook. The dream is still there, to capture a glider tumbling in front of Aoraki for sunrise.

BBW Runner Up; Luke Welch; Local laps at Queenstown


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Big Spring 2018 By Attila Bertok Photos by Audray Luck


’ve recently moved to a new town and was busy to set our life up there. I had a plan to go to Europe for the Europeans and the Pre-Worlds though.

Unfortunately or fortunately, it depends how you look at it, I ended up buying a house which meant no trip to Europe this year. Anyway, sitting in the Australian winter I was thinking about when my next comp might be, when Vix asked me if I want to go to Big Spring in Texas for the US Nationals. She had a ticket already, so it was hard to resist, not that I wanted to resist too much. So, after a non-stop 16 plus hour flight from Sydney to Houston, then a short hop to Midland I was almost there. I picked up the rental car and arrived at our usual Plaza Inn hotel in Big Spring. I’ve stayed here the last three occasions, so I am kind of attached to the place. It

could be a better motel, but there is an oil boom going on Texas, so nothing goes under $150 a night, so the Plaza prices made the decision rather easy. God bless them, they have a special price for hang glider pilots. I am quite resistant to bed bugs anyway... The place could do with a little renovation. Now Big Spring is not exactly a tourist destination, but if you like big fat flatland thermals as I do, then you have come to the right place. Big Spring hosted a lot of very successful competitions in the past, including the 2007 Worlds and this place has an enviable track record when it comes to days flown per competition. This year turned out to be the exception

to the rule, but if I put things into context it was still a very good comp (and I am not saying this because I won ...again :-). Davis and Belinda have done a great job again organising the comp. We enjoy the love of the locals here and it was nice to see that they genuinely love to have us here. This year we had 3 classes in the comp, the Open, the Sport and the Class 2 Swifts. Having the Swifts was a nice surprise, because usually the people in this class find it too far to travel here with their big glider boxes. It was a delight for me to meet Steve Morris, who designed the Swift when he was a post graduate student at Stanford. We had a nice engineer to

engineer talk. After all these years it was his first competition on his own creation. It all went well on the training day, my brand spanking new Litespeed RX Pro performed exactly the way I’ve expected. I say as I expected, because I must say I am more than a little spoiled with the quality of the equipment I receive from Moyes. I’ve lost count how many brand new gliders I had on the competitions in many years, but I don’t even remember having any problems with any of them in recent times. Mysterious turns are the thing of the past and this is a testament to the Moyes production team. Since I have a fair bit of experience in hang glider manufacturing I know that this is something very hard to achieve. Glider tuning is something I can do, but it is not exactly a thing I want to spend my time with before a competition, so having good gear out of the box is very pleasant (and necessary). Here in BS we had only one limited training day, so things had to work straight away. Other than the jet

left; A safe place for the gliders to rest and a beautiful site to see when walking into the hanger that the Big Spring Airport provides for us.

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Left; Pilots anxiously wait in the launch line to join the beautiful clouds forming in the sky above. Right; Big Spring Texas is known for their dust devils. Here is an example of a huge dusty on course line.

lag and a slowly developing cold, I was ready for the first day. This was cancelled by the safety committee because the wind was too strong. After seeing a mini dust storm sweeping past the staging area, nobody was complaining. So off I went to Walmart, buying stuff I didn’t really need, except for a tripod for my new GoPro6. After this I stuffed my face with some bean burritos and went back to the Plaza. The next morning things looked more up, so we set the task for each class. I was part of the task setting committee, but usually the task was set by Zac and Larry so I was mostly nodding. They had good ideas anyway, and besides I had a feeling that they didn’t really want me to set something crazy. Reputations, reputations... So the open class ended up going north to Plainview in a slight dogleg shape, same for the Swifts and slightly shorter for the Sport class. The day again turned out to be windy, nearly borderline for a safe day, but off we went. We had clouds at first, and ok conditions. We could see that there was a lot of dust in the air and big dust devils. Here in Texas this is a good sign, because the dust is relatively heavy, so a dusty means good lift. I had my fair share of them this year. After a relatively easy run to Lamesa, things started to change

into cloudless conditions. At Lamesa, after gliding past an enormous area covered with solar panels I got quite low, about 400m from the deck, so I decided to take it a bit more easy. The drift was very strong, so I knew the second leg would be far from easy. After touching the turnpoint circle it became obvious that today’s task was going to be rather on the difficult side. After getting low a few times by trying to fight a strong cross wind I’ve spotted a glider circling up from low. This wasn’t too far from the goal, but not quite on glide yet, so I was patient. I didn’t realise that it was Zac, but we headed off to find our last thermal together anyway. He stopped in something and I pushed on. He was right and I was wrong, since a little later he was on final while I was low saving. Demoralising. These are the moments when it is clear that I should fly more competitions to not end up in heroic (= stupid) low saves. Anyway, I was looking at where the goal might be. My numbers were ok, but where is the goal? Well, the goal occupied about half my vision field, the Plainview airport was so big. Well, aviation infrastructure is in quite a good shape in the US. This particular “country” airfield would be perfectly adequate for an international airport in most countries! Zac won the day very deservedly. Bruce came 2nd, I was 3rd. I was just happy to make it, after all I’ve made about one week worth of mistakes, but it is better be there in goal than not to be there at all. On the way home we stopped in Lubbock in some big Texan style steak house. Nothing is small here! Finally I was happy to make it back to the hotel, since the cold was getting the best of me by then. Air conditioning in the airliner, plus in the hotel, plus jet lag is not the best combo I can imagine. Come the second day we decided to give up on the “epic” task idea, instead have a more technical zig - zag shape with cross wind legs, but an easier retrieve. It suited me fine, and people generally thought it was a good idea, but I guess many people would rather drive longer than land out. The Swifts decided

Right; Kelsey assists her father, Ric Caylor on the launch line.


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Left; Launch line crew members like Spinner and Kate Griffin are essential to these events. They make sure every pilots gets off the ground safely. We are incredibly grateful for their dedicated work. Left; Pilot Robin Hamilton gets help on launch as dusty starts to form in the background, a normal occurrence on launch in Big Spring.

that they hate to break down their quasi-sailplanes, so they’ve opted on a returning short task. In my modest opinion a task length of about 3 times would have been more realistic for them, but they said they just wanted to have some fun (?). The Sports went for a shorter one than the Open. The wind was still strong. I did the first clock rather out of necessity than a choice. I had a start which falls into the shameful category: low, late and worst off all I could have stayed for a better one. Anyway, halfway through the last leg I’ve done pretty much everything wrong, but finally one of those before mentioned Texan

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dusties saved my back side from embarrassment. Things were looking up from here on. First turnpoint was in the canyons, but it was not too bad, it just looked that way. I caught up with Rudy shortly after the turnpoint and I suspected that he did the first clock too. We pushed on after a strong climb. He stopped in something I deemed too weak, so there I was alone again. Nobody wants to fly with me. My wife tells me that I am anti-social. She is probably right... I picked a thermal from seeing the vegetation moving in a field in a swirling fashion. I did the 2nd

turnpoint and the cross wind got stronger. I went way upwind to a field with two dust devils. This is a typical situation. You’d think that there surely is a good climb and there is nothing really much at all. Then the typical mind game starts thinking about this clumsy move. I ended up pushing harder after my perceived mistake, which means going lower. I rounded the last turnpoint quite low, exactly when I needed to be high, what is more I am doing a low save drifting me to, like... Canada. Not happy. Contemplating how long it will take to do this last leg in saw-tooth mode I am thinking that if I made one

week worth of mistakes yesterday, then today I am making about 2 weeks worth. I can see Brownfield, our goal far away. I wish I could find a dusty now about... there. I keep looking and actually the dust begun to rise from where I was looking. I’m telling myself that it is time to stop being negative. I reach the dust devil, nice 3 to 4 meter textbook lift. Fast final glide, almost a non-event. I should be so lucky... Rudy is in goal, but I arrive second so I am happy with it. A lot of people come shortly after. I came 4th for the day, but I am happy to be there because for many people it is very different. I am not proud of my decision making, but I end up moving up to 1st place with a fair margin. Zac didn’t make goal and this is significant since he is one of the very best, especially around here. I remember how hard it was to beat him five years ago. He is fast, I keep joking with him that I want to fly next to him to experience a sonic boom first hand on a hang glider. Third day. The longer term weather forecast isn’t looking good, some

Above; No flying was happening on this day! Above Right; The Open Class winners of the 2018 Big Spring Competition! Attila Bertok comes in 1st, Davis Straub comes in 2nd and Rudy Grotes in 3rd!

say it might be our last day. We hope not, but nevertheless we have to modify the task from somewhere going further to the north west to a zig-zag ending up in Lamesa, because the weather change is already not that far north from us looking at the radar. The last leg looks straight into the wind. This is going to be exciting. The Sport class goes somewhere else but into the same goal. I end up doing the second clock, not by choice, again. This annoys me a little, but this time I get more motivated by it. I also know I have to be more careful because I have the feeling that I just want to go like a race horse. The first leg turns out to be picture perfect. I fly with Robin, he is on his RX3.5 Pro today, doing the same speed. I am happy to see him, at least we can fly together. After the first turnpoint there is a big dust devil, no thinking is necessary because it is so obvious. 5 to 6 m/ sec on the vario occasionally. This puts us in reach with the group of people from the previous clock. Not all of them, but many of them. Good enough. I keep pushing for stronger lift, but not quite getting it. I broke the USB port on my trusty Kobo instrument yesterday, so I am navigating with old technology. It is a harder to line up the optimum point on the turnpoint circle today,

because we are using large radii, but this is not the time to worry about this. I keep looking to see how many people are coming back from the 2nd turnpoint, but not many, so I think I am doing good. After turning I realise just how strong the cross wind is, yet I see people turning in light stuff and drifting way off course. I decide to be more proactive and push a lot more into the wind. I have company and we have good climbs so this really pays off. I am dreading the thought of the last leg though. I touch the 3rd circle and hoping for the lift, but I am down to 600 meters, so I know that I am going to see the turnpoint circle again. I spot Zac and Derreck circling up. There is no other choice. After this, magic happens. We climb out and there is no sink. We hit the perfect lift line all the way to goal. I had about 10 to 1 to goal which normally would be far from being enough on a windy leg like this, but what we are experiencing is not normal. Zac is slightly ahead and above, he sees about 7 to 1. I stop for a few circles then get greedy as I see Zac disappearing. After this I just literally had to hang on. Zac is in goal but took the clock before me. I see other gliders but they are all Sport class.

This means good points and 1st for the day. Stoked! A few guys come in after us, including Davis. This puts him up to 2nd place. He will be happy with this I am sure. I am in the lead by 480 points, so it looks like that this comp is mine to loose now. Forth day. We turn up for the task setting. We set up the tasks, but unfortunately we are in the storm sector of the weather system. Luck can help here, meaning the part of the sky doesn’t blow up by the time we get there. We are not so lucky today. Day cancelled. Same story for the last two days. Not really the outcome most of us could have predicted. But if we put it in perspective, we had 3 proper, long enough, fair tasks and that is something we always want on a competition. In some other parts of the world people don’t fly this much in a full week of comp flying. We moved the prize giving up a little so people could leave earlier. I was very proud to wear my golden bird Moyes T-shirt for 1st place. Davis was very emotional on 2nd place. 3rd place went for Rudy. He was so happy, and we were all happy for them. It was very tight between 2nd and 5th, just a few points. We had 3 Litespeeds in the top 10 and I think it is great, especially that this is not our home turf.

In the sport class we had Matt Pruett 1st, Zach Hazen 2nd and Pete Wall 3rd. Zach flew our Gecko 170 and made us proud! The Gecko’s are much loved in the US and rightly so. It has everything that a recreational or an aspiring up and coming pilot wants. What’s not to like? I won’t write more about the Sport class, because as everyone can see they are all over the social media. I guess we are too busy with flying in the Open class. We can learn from them. It was good to see a lot of young faces in this class, after all they are the future of our sport. The Swifts had a good time, Chris Zimmerman 1st, Greg Chastain 2nd, Brian Porter 3rd. From my part, I cannot complain about Big Spring, 4 out of 4 as far as winning goes. 1st Pre-Worlds (2006), 1st Worlds (2007), 2 US National rounds (2013 & 2018). Thank you very much Big Spring, I take it! The way home was a little delayed because the weather which didn’t let us fly on the last 3 days persisted, so I had to stay one more day. I am happy to be home now and after all I still ended up going somewhere for a comp. Thank you Moyes Gliders for the great gear again and thanks Vix for giving me the opportunity to go to Texas.

Left; Sport Class top 10 pose proudly for a picture during the awards ceremony. 1st place goes to Matt Pruett, 2nd place Zach Hazen and 3rd place Pete Wall! Right; The Retrieval Goddess driving crew spreads their wings in celebration of a successful event at the end of the week.


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The X-Pisa’s

A Snow Shoeing

By Melanie Heather


aught by race fever from the Red-Bull “X-Alps” paragliding adventure race, Melanie Heather comes first on her own imaginary race closer to home; from Cardrona to Cromwell; the “X-Pisa.”

The internet is amazing. Nothing else exerts the same power over our rational brain. My past week had been consumed following the “hike and fly” Red Bull X-Alps paragliding race. New Zealand was represented by our friend Nick Neynens. I was totally inspired. Somehow, I forgot I dislike the cold. The internet made me feel super human. My usual snow shoe plod would miraculously accelerate to the pace of the peloton of ski tourers I was planning to follow, whilst participating in my own imaginary race; the X-Pisa’s. I put my computer in hibernation mode, left Nick to his race, and made my way to the Waiorau Snow Farm with the crew. I panicked as we arrived at the top of the road. Not because of the confusion over whether we would access the Pisa Conservation Area through the DOC easement or through the Snow Farm, but because I realised I only brought one of my two hot water bottles and a cold clear night was forecast. Day one of Nick’s

adventure saw him break away from the main pack of pilots. Rather than learn from his mistake, the internet clouded my judgement, and I strapped on my snow shoes. My imaginary competitors, the rest of our group, stepped into their skis and slid off gaining an initial advantage. To be honest, I was still more concerned about my hot water bottle. Check point one was DOCs Kirtle Burn hut, for lunch. Tactics are important in a multi-day race. I haven’t done one before, but I Googled it. I could recall a story from my childhood about a tortoise and a hare... My tactic was to be the tortoise and I made it to Kirtle Burn hut for afternoon tea. One or two of the ski tourers had been dropped from the pack. Two people sharing one set of skis would explain this, but that’s another story. We followed the Kirtle Burn Track to the north of the hut, climbing until we could see down into the Cliff Burn. Check point two, and a compulsory overnight stop, was Robrosa Hut(s). Every serious competitor needs to have a “special move” to take the race lead. I chuckled to myself, as I prepared my paraglider for launch. Although the ski tourers were all out of sight, I knew I’d glide past them. Arriving at Robrosa Hut(s) first would set me up for a stellar performance on day two... I’d have more time

Main photo; Melanie flying through Sally’s Pinch The peleton of ski tourers!

12 A i r b o r n

for the consumption of performance enhancing mulled wine. The short glide up the Cliff Burn was a pleasant break from the clumsy snow shoe plod. The ski tourers must have got lost, I thought, as I lined up for landing. I didn’t have the height to glide all the way to the hut(s), but it was close. It was a strange landing... a little like landing in a corn field. As I descended through the cold white fluff, I wondered how deep I would go. It was a lovely soft landing, but the snow crater would lead people to believe otherwise. Would I be able to extract myself? I was so happy. I flew. I was a multisport athlete, hah! For a moment, as

Photo; Mark Hardman

Photo; Melanie Heather

the sun set, I thought I was making snow angels in the powder. I got cold and recalled my hot water bottle dilemma. I realised I wasn’t making snow angels. I was rolling, flapping, swimming, and generally hating packing my gear and dragging myself to some firmer ground. I got there, changed up a gear, and the race was back on. I arrived at the hut(s), confused, but happy. The ski tourers had arrived and claimed they’d had an easy day. I assumed they were lying and thought I shouldn’t mention the race.

and Paragliding Adventure

Critically important trip notes:

We woke to a beautiful morning. The group of ski tourers split, most in search of pow pow down the Prince Burn. I had my own agenda, and the name “X-Pisa’s” was born. Like Nick was traversing the European Alps, I would traverse the mighty Pisa Range. On with the snow shoes and up to point 1956 for a sunny morning tea. A lazy jaunt along the ridgeline took us past Sally’s Pinch, and on to the summit of Mount Pisa. Today was going perfectly. I prepared my wing on the gentle north-western slope. The midday sun created a light uphill breeze. I’ve referred to my clumsiness already and running in snow shoes was not an option. I delicately walked forward to inflate my wing, with my snow shoes packed in my harness. Each time I accelerated, the snow gave way and I was left cursing in a thigh deep hole. My fortunes eventually turned, and I was airborne. A right turn had me through Sally’s pinch and the steep east face of the Pisa Range dropped away beneath me. I was a multi-sport athlete, again. I was delighted to land safely beside State Highway 6. I called my brother with the desire to share my excitement and found myself gently persuading him to pick me up. 30 minutes later we were enroute for the Cardrona Pub, a logical finish line to my imaginary race. My tactic, that of the tortoise, had me victorious. I won by a margin of one Guinness and celebrated by sharing stories with the skiers as they slowly arrived. Celebrations were cut short as the internet called and we needed to check on Nick’s progress. Like I, he moved up through the pack...

X Pisa map; Red = snow shoeing/ski touring, Blue = paragliding

• Minor aspects of the story, like any good story, have been slightly exaggerated. • There is a $20 toll for use of the Waiorau Snow Farm road. • Robrosa hut(s) can be booked through Aspiring Guides in Wanaka. Mulled wine is essential as there is no fire. • To create a good story, “I” was used in place of “Mark and I”. Playing in the snow alone would be considered foolish, and I’m far to sensible for that kind of behaviour. The author is a member of Southern Hang gliding and Paragliding Club (Southern Club), which is affiliated to the Federated Mountain Clubs of NZ (FMC). This story was originally published on the FMC blog FMC celebrates and advocates for amateur mountain recreation, representing its 20,000 members. Since the Southern Club is affiliated, FMC has a mandate to advocate for issues affecting Southern Club’s flying. Affiliation to FMC gives Southern Club members access to thousands of dollars of prizes in their annual photograph competitions, FMC member discounts on things like DOC hut passes, magazine subscriptions, gear and tours, plus copies of the quarterly magazine Backcountry. If there are looming access issues on public or private land, FMC can help. If your club is interested in joining in with the 20,000 Kiwi outdoors people that FMC represent, visit or Melanie can point you in the right direction:

Successful ski landing Photo; Melanie Heather


i r b o r n



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ozone new zealand - raglan

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flagship store 0211 702 472 022 415 0331

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2 3 4


5 6




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14 15 16 17

kites/gliders/speed gliders available for demo all products available in store 9 bow st • raglan

the rush 5 is a top class sport-performance-intermediate wing developed with enzo 3 and zeno technology. next-gen 3d shaping, a refined ozone sharknose, a new low-drag line plan and enhanced internal structure have taken the speed, glide and solidity to a level not seen before in this class.

EN B certification

p i l o t: C o dy T u T l e p h o t o : C h e r i s e T u T T l e l o c at i o n : l a s i e r r a

The Blackbird Journey; by Brett Pettit


t’s hard to know how far back to trace my desire to build my own flying machine. I do know that I had an interest in making them, particularly unique ones, from a very young age.

There is a common theme to many of my early memories ranging from drawing intricate plans of improbable contraptions to building tree huts high enough to look out over the forest canopy. I remember my older brother making his own ‘hang gliders’ out of black polythene plastic and wood and encouraging me to attempt take off when it occurred to him that I was lighter. At the age of 17 I began the process of realising the dream of flight by working towards my private pilots license. Soon after this my friend Aaron Graham, possibly from fear of missing out, began looking into hang gliding. I had just heard stories of new foot-launched parachutes that had been seen at the local ski-field and I managed to convince him that these looked more interesting. And so began our paragliding adventures. The first step along the journey began when Aaron and I decided to purchase a 2nd

hand paraglider from the acclaimed alpinist Athol Whimp who had previously used it to descend mountains he had climbed. The glider was a ‘9 cell model’ that was produced by ParaPacific in Christchurch and cost $800. Many weekends and lunch hours were spent soaring with the seagulls or descending, often rapidly, from the local hills resplendent in the fluorescent glow of pink and purple ripstop nylon. We were living in Kaikoura at the time and soon a small group of fellow enthusiasts formed, three brothers, three cousins and a friend. Various specialised equipment such as helmets were difficult to source and expensive in the early days so many of us would make our own, some being more successful than others. Paragliders developed quickly during this time and within 18 months we were flying wings that would appear very similar to the modern

Blackbird Ergonomics

16 A i r b o r n

equivalents to the casual observer. Kaikoura has a selection of great coastal soaring sites but our access to ideal thermal sites was limited. We had heard of European pilots strapping engines on their backs and freeing themselves from the need for rising air and we tentatively looked into constructing one for ourselves. Around 1993, Steven Butcher (a cousin of mine) had gone as far as sourcing parts to build one around a large chainsaw engine. Suffice to say the project was dropped until many years later. Nearly twenty years later in fact and my younger brother, Danny decided it was time to stop talking about paramotors and built his own. Three of us followed as soon as we were able to convince our wives that this wasn’t just a midlife crisis and the thousands of dollars involved wasn’t better spent on the mortgage. The others copied Danny’s proven design but I couldn’t help myself

Semi-reclined Seating

Innovations From A Kiwi Shed and I started from scratch with a new approach. This was the start of the design evolution that would eventually be produced as the Blackbird paramotor. Many hours were spent tinkering away in a kiwi shed experimenting with ideas that seemed unique and worthwhile to pursue. Some of these ideas were incorporated into the Blackbird, some were shelved for possible future models and some were wisely abandoned. The initial design consideration was to use the Vittorazi Moster 185 engine instead of the Polini Thors as used by the others. I had spent many years previously involved in the experimental aircraft scene and had learned the hard way that there was wisdom in the saying that (with regard to powered aircraft) “you don’t fly an aeroplane around but rather you fly an engine around”. The engine choice and management, are arguably the most important considerations in design and operation. After much research I concluded that the Moster was the closest to my ideal. It provided the best balance of power to weight, proven reliability, compact longitudinal dimension and overall simplicity. Another aspect of the design was to make use of CNC automation and bolt together construction as opposed to using welded tube. This led to the use of laser-cut aluminium sandwich structures that could be easily assembled and repaired. This also proved to be cost effective and was easy to scale into production. At the time of designing, a few new paramotor designs came out with the ‘swan neck’ style swing arms pivoting from an attachment point in-line with the thrust-line. Torque was mitigated with the riser attachments being offset to one side. This configuration, once understood, seemed obvious and was incorporated in the design from the start. (These are now standard across most manufacturers.) A major innovation that I included was a pivoting lower seat back that enabled an optimised take-off

thrust line as well as an ideal inflight thrust line instead of a static compromise between the two as most current designs do. The ergonomics of foot launched aircraft represent an interesting design challenge. There is an ideal body position for take-off and another ideal position for flying. Free-flying paragliders have achieved both decades ago but they don’t have the increased challenges of requiring a horizontal thrust line and the extra aft weight associated with powered paragliding (PPG). Paramotor pilots however have long accepted compromised comfort in cruise due to an upright seating position. Most current paramotor designs maintain a vertical seat back because it’s easy to design and manufacture and gives generally good take-off performance. I had seen this dynamic seating position concept incorporated in a couple of previous designs but both required pilot action to adjust and hold. I managed to achieve this function with a self adjusting mechanism that changed according to body position. Other innovations incorporated was an outer hoop frame constructed like a geodesic dome (technically described as a ‘Space Frame Truss’) and a thumb throttle. A year or so of flying and tinkering in a shed convinced me I could justify making another frame to incorporate what worked from the original and what I had learned since then. Several prototype frames later I committed to it’s commercialisation and created the company Paradynamics Ltd. During the evolutionary process I dropped the geodesic hoop frame as it limited pack down utility and was unnecessarily strong and heavy. I incorporated a more conventional spoke and tube arrangement and increased the prop size up to the more common 130cm size. I improved the reclined seating position and included a rigid footrest that extended from within the new and improved pivoting structure. I made it lighter and stronger where necessary, partially by the increased use of aircraft grade aluminium. Effort was put into

Daryl Flying an early prototype in 2014

Steve Butcher building Paramotors in a Kiwi Shed ease of assembly and it’s compactness when disassembled. The finished product has functionality no other manufacturer currently offers. The pivoting seat back improves aerodynamics by moving the fuel tank away from the prop and into a more streamlined position. Fuel burn doesn’t effect the thrust line (as some designs do as the tank is located under the C of G.) The foot extension combined with the reclined seating position improves comfort especially on extended flights. During flight it is easily extended by hooking your heel into a half hoop and sliding it out as you would a speed bar. It is held in the extended position by a latch that is actuated by the weight of the pilots feet. It self retracts as soon as the pilot lifts their feet. The whole sliding extension is easily removed preflight by depressing two quick release catches. This lightens the frame by 780 grams and removes a couple of moving parts. Mine tends to stay as the added function and comfort has become an expectation even on shorter flights. The footrest also pivots, acting as a weight shift assistance input or as a subtle rudder when minor course corrections are required (taking photos etc.) I am currently testing the incorporation of the foot extension with reflex gliders that have speed systems coupled with trimmers (such as Apco’s OAA). This will simplify the transition into and out of the reflex configuration that corresponds with the cruise/reflex and take-off and landing/ non-reflex settings. One more advantage the pivoting seat back offers, is the improved versatility when parked on the ground. When stored or transported the frame can be configured to sit within a very compact footprint or alternatively, out in the field, its front stand can be pivoted forward to greatly improve ground stability. Production is progressing as I expand my knowledge of domestic and international suppliers. It has proved challenging to consistently source small quantities of aircraft grade materials and machining within a budget that doesn’t make your eyes water. The learning curve has been steep at times and along the way I have learned more ways not to build a paramotor than how one should be made, however I am convinced the end result compares favourable to its contemporaries. The production Blackbird is the realisation of a passion to create a high performance paramotor in NZ for under NZ$10k and is Paradynamics Ltd’s entry into the world of paramotor production.


i r b o r n



The improved FUN2 by

The slow speed ability of paragliding combined with the safety in CORD 329 kms/205 turbulence, extra top speed (as much as 75kph+) and the glide WORLD RE an miles Dist ce con performance (10:1) of hang gliding. Straub flying Fal Skyfloaters are light and responsive without being unstable, with By Davis Texas ata Zap complete control authority. They launch easily; even in no wind and from land so slowly that flare timing is barely necessary, you can just run 1st = at 2013 e!! or even walk to stop! Craigieburn Leagu The superior control, manoeuvrability and climb ability make it easy Convert your old Fun to a Fun2 with the new Sail to soar above everybody, they have a great glide and a good dive FALCON 4 Retro kit. Everything supplied. See the review at speed to get out of trouble. They are extremely light and can be rigged in 5 minutes or less! They easily last 10 years or more. Fun, Falcon are the most versatile, enjoyable and Perfex skyfloaters use genuine 7075 alloy tube for superior glide and popular hang gliders by far in NZ. performance and strength as well as lightest weight. As well as being The Falcon 4 has improved handling and performance with full mylar the best first glider, their superior performance in sink rate and climb leading edge inserts and optional short pack to approx 2m. The new ability makes them suitable for more advanced flying too. They can enhancements allow pilots to downsize to a lighter, even easier handling circle in half the space a conventional performance glider needs, size than before. 4 sizes including Tandem. so you can get up in tiny thermals or light lift when others are forced to land! Pilots using skyfloaters for cross country regularly score top Falcon, Perfex and Lightfex can shortpack down to approx 6ft (2m). positions in major competitions. Tandem skyfloaters are also available. Perfex and Lightfex feature no tools shortpacking & assembly. Strong, 7075 frame and battens, Perfex & Lightfex have SHV & DHV certification. The AirBorne Fun and Wills Wing Falcon are similar with USHGMA certification. 7075 airframes for strength and light weight (19 - 23kg). The new Wills Wing Alpha is here now; the ultimate beginner & training They can be flown prone (or seated with paraglider harness). They glider with super low flying speed and amazing soaring ability.

SKYFLOATERS combine the best features of hang gliding & paragliding; Stress free total control for learner flying and real performance for cross country, recreational, dune soaring or just plain fun flying without hassles


Ultra performance rigid wing gliders with a glide of 20:1, sink rate of just 120 fpm, and super light handling, these aircraft are the ultimate glider. Multiple World Champs winner. Range of sizes. DHV Certified.

Sting 3 has a lighter, stronger 7075 airframe, better glide & speed range, lighter pitch for towing, but keeps the super low stall speed and control for climbing. Speedbar, aerofoil uprights, VG, PX matrix leading edge & lever tip battens are standard. Higher performance & ease of use for the advancing pilot. 154 & 168 sizes. Motorharness ready with pull out keel end and very low minimum flying speed for light or nil wind launches. Mylar Race option. DHV certified.


Training, XC or pneumatic wheels (or with VG hub), Hand fairings, Hook knifes, Parachute swivels, bridles, Instrument brackets, Tow bridle kits, Tow releases etc.

AUTOLOCK HG Carabiners No forgetting to screw up the gate. No exposed threads to damage hangloops. Stainless or plated steel 30-35 kN all with webbing lock ring.

Used Gliders

All traded gliders are strip checked, test flown and trimmed so you know they are safe and fly perfectly. Ring or email for current stocks.

Glider Spares

NZ’s largest stock of Wills Wing, Airborne Windsports, Finsterwalder and Enterprise Wings spares. Wires and tubes made to specifications. Round, aerofoil and rubber backed uprights, Quick-pins, etc

T2, T2C XC and comp wings with loads of international comp wins and the world XC record. Features include lightweight battens, carbon spars and high tech cloths. The T2C has most extras included such as carbon speedbar & sprogs. Options include raked tips, window lower surface and carbon aerofoil keel.136, 144 & 154sqft sizes. USHGMA Certified. U2 for performance and XC ability without the extra weight, battens and stiffer handling of WNZ Champs 2012 topless wings. It has a kingpost NE2nd but no lufflines, using topless Longest flight Omarama XC Classic 2012 style inner sprogs. Choice of aerofoils and aerofoil basebar. Mylar and window sail options. Best value in its class. 145 Check out the new SPORT 3 (above) at (29kg) and 160 (31kg) sizes, Better performance, USHGMA Certified. handling, black airframe, raked tips and mylar sail options.

Hang Glider Harnesses

The best Italian harnesses from Woody Valley. Aerodynamic, stylish and tough. Models for racing to recreational. The ultimate race harness TENAX 4 with tilt control options and removable skin. FLEX2 AERO and Flex2 ACRO (right) has the Tenax footcone and upper body construction, with strengthened risers & independent back supports. A faired aerodynamic harness that’s lighter, more flexible, gives easier landings and a much more convenient packed size. AeroDesign APRON The most comfortable and practical harness for training and dune flying. Unrestricted vertical/prone transitions, strong webbing and cordura fabric for maximum strength and durability, parachute container, stash pocket, storage, plus autolocking carabiner, stirrup and instructions included.

DROGUE CHUTES Turn your race wing’s glide into a skyfloater’s for small landing areas. The PDA and short bridle with swivel gives the smallest, safest and easiest to use drogue. At low speed it has little effect, but speed up and your height disappears with little excess speed to burn off. The safest and most versatile drogue system.

Full backup Service Glider & harness repairs, stripdown checks & trim/tuning. Student pilot instruction

w w &w . hP gA pR gA.GLIDING c o . n z SU P P LIES H A NG GLIDING Phone 021 247-2676 (021 AIRBORN), a.h. 03 326-6411 email

post 99A Panorama Road, Christchurch 8081

The Best Gear at the Best Price

Insider & No Limit Helmets by

http://www.brauniger. com/en/home.html

Wind meters

Read the true wind speed so you can tell how strong or gusty it really is, indicating turbulence or whether it is safe or soarable. Essential for safe flying. WeatherFlow Wind Meter A compact, accurate, affordable wind meter that plugs into your Apple or Android device showing wind gust, lull & average plus direction using the device’s GPS. Share by SMS, email, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Vine etc. Reads in meters/sec, miles/hour, knots, kilometers/hour, & beaufort. Range 1 m/s (3.6kph) to 56 m/s (201.6 kmh).

Aerodynamic helmets with 96% field of vision & strong, light kevlar/aramid reenforced shell weighing just 650gms to save your neck muscles. Shock absorbing EPS liner for maximum brain protection. Breathable inner fabric. Scratch resistant colours including metallics, matt & carbon. Sizes 53 - 62 cm head circumference. EN966 certified for hg & pg. No Limit has faired back and optional polycarbonate visor for wind protection & aerodynamics, gives 100% UV protection and is anti-reflective, anti-fog & antiscratch. lours and Range of co stock in s size

OUDIE 4; GPS/alti/vario/nav. Sunlight readable colour touchscreen works with gloves. World maps, airspace & 3D terrain installed & updated as required, wind, thermal assistant, task & triangle optimiser, glide, terrain, IGC tracklogs, micro SDHC, customisable display & audio, 12 hour battery life. In Basic or Full comp / XC versions.


Hyper; pocket size with advanced features makes it ideal for daily flying including hike-and-fly. It will help you navigate simple routes, around complex airspace and also record all details of your flight. Pocket size (107x70x18mm), Lightweight (135gm), Sunlight-readable color LCD touch display, Wifi & Bluetooth connectivity, Airspace, Hike-and-fly mode.

HALL compact (11.5cm) ‘Small Hall’ is the best priced airspeed meter available. Simple and accurate. Brackets for hang or para. Never needs batteries!

NEW DIAMOND cross Hang glider models come with UV and abrasion protected bridle. Optional swivel. Up to half the packed size and weight of conventional HG reserves. 125, 160 and 220kg sizes.

EMERGENCY PARACHUTES • Fast, reliable, opening. • Reduced weight & pack size due to high strength material and Dyneema lines. The reduced size and weight is especially useful for tandems and hang gliders. • Optional steering PG (can be retro fitted). • Extremely low sink rates by horizontal travel of the cruciform canopy in diagonal direction. • Sizes for 100, 125 and 160kg. Tandems 160 and 220kg. • Pendulum-free smooth descent. • 12 month packing cycle due to pack system design and construction. • Inner container with stowed lines makes deployment easier and minimises risk of tangling. Check out videos at; http://finsterwalder-


ELEMENT; Element TRACK has 3D GPS track recording, USB downloads. Wind, All you need for comps & XC. Element SPEED has GPS wind direction & speed for soaring & XC. Easy to operate, affordable & practical. Element ALTO; Robust, reliable & simple alti/vario with GPS alti, 250 hour battery life. Switch on and fly! Choose the right instrument at;

FLYTEC 6030/COMPEO; GPS/vario/alti/ flight computer. 20 channel GPS, Speedto-Fly, Total energy, Pitot airspeed etc. Limited supply available.

PG Front Chute Container; Mounted where you can see, reach & deploy fastest with either hand. Less drag & the instrument flight deck is where you see it best, also it zips off as a protective carry bag.

AIR The ultimate flight computer. 99 channel GPS, 5D glide display, jigh resolution LCD, G-meter, 3 accelerometers & gyros, compass, SD card, Bluetooth output & optional pitot airspeed, Live tracking.

by Many accidents happen close to the ground, so a fast, reliable opening is most important. The ‘Revolution’ dual canopy, pulled down apex system opens fast & reliably. Leading German manufacturer Charly makes the Revolution double canopy PDA reserves. Many NZ pilots have been saved by their reserves; even with deployments below 50ft!! which shows how fast these really do work. Paraglider models fit built in harness containers or front mount cockpit containers. Hang glider model fits most harnesses and comes with a UV shielded bridle. An optional swivel can be included. Reserve models for for Tandem to lightweight Vol Biv. Tested to DHV certification and proven. Fly with confidence knowing you have

Over 30,000 rescue systems sold world-wide

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post 99A Panorama Road, Christchurch 8081

Instruments accepted for FAI Category 1 competitions 10 July 2018 Brand Model(s)

Software/firmware versions








NOT accepted

No declaration from the manufacturer


XC-Trainer (all other models except MXP)



NOT accepted

No declaration from the manufacturer


XC-Trainer MXP



NOT accepted

Doesn’t record GPS altitude





NOT accepted

Doesn’t record GPS altitude





NOT accepted

No declaration from the manufacturer



>= 2.27





>= 1.22




IQ Basic GPS

>= 1.3.07




IQ Compeo+

>= 3.38m




IQ Competino+

>= 3.10r





>= 3.02




C-Pilot Evo



NOT accepted

No declaration from the manufacturer


C-Pilot Pro



NOT accepted

No declaration from the manufacturer


Easy Pilot



NOT accepted

No declaration from the manufacturer



>= 501




Leonardo Plus



NOT accepted

No declaration from the manufacturer


Leonardo Pro



NOT accepted

No declaration from the manufacturer





NOT accepted

No declaration from the manufacturer


F1 module



NOT accepted

No declaration from the manufacturer



>= 2.02a





>= 2.02a





>= 2.02a





>= 1.07a





>= 1.07a





>= 2.02a





>= 2.02a





>= 1.07a





>= 1.07a







NOT accepted



>= 1.22





>= 2.27





>= 1.3.07





>= 3.10r





>= 3.38m




Connect 1





Element Track






>= 3.02




models with pressure sensor



NOT accepted

Doesn’t record ICAO ISA altitude. Doesn’t record GPS altitude


models without pressure sensor



NOT accepted

Doesn’t record ICAO ISA altitude


Android phones with pressure sensor



NOT accepted

No declaration from the developer


Tracker, Androidphoneswithpressure sensor

>= 8.01




Oudie 3





Oudie 3+





Oudie 4





Oudie 4 Basic








NOT accepted

Doesn’t record GPS altitude





NOT accepted

Doesn’t record GPS altitude


VGP Competition



NOT accepted

No declaration from the manufacturer

Sky Bean

Sky Drop

>= 3820







NOT accepted


2.0 PLUS

>= 1.75





>= 3.0.8







NOT accepted

Doesn’t record ICAO ISA altitude


SYS’GPS V1 and V2



NOT accepted

Doesn’t record ICAO ISA altitude



< 3.2


NOT accepted

Doesn’t record ICAO ISA altitude



>= 3.2


NOT accepted

No declaration from the manufacturer


SYS’NAV V1 and V2



NOT accepted

Doesn’t record ICAO ISA altitude

No declaration from the manufacturer

No declaration from the manufacturer



< 3.16


NOT accepted

Doesn’t record ICAO ISA altitude



>= 3.16


NOT accepted

No declaration from the manufacturer


V2 with pressure sensor



NOT accepted

No declaration from the developer







Android phones with pressure sensor



NOT accepted


Android phones

>= 0.6



XC Tracer

XC Tracer




No declaration from the developer

Group descriptions: 1 - Instrument generates and signs IGC file from recorded flight data on internal file system; The file system is accessible through standard USB Mass Storage Device. 2 - Instrument generates and signs IGC file from recorded flight data; The file is accessible through serial port by PC software. 3 - Instrument stores flight data on internal memory; The data is accessible through serial port; IGC file is generated from the data and signed by PC software.

Above is the list of approved flight instruments for FAI Category 1 published at CIVL website. The list contains the models that are compliant to the CIVL Flight instrument specification, approved by CIVL Plenary in February 2018. Download the list at - Elena Filonova, CIVL Administrator & Competition Coordinator, FAI Hang Gliding and Paragliding Commission (CIVL)

20 A i r b o r n

Your Eyes and Flying

By Jeremy Wong, a sports specific eyecare and eyewear specialist Optometrist in Auckland.


ou’ve got all the gear but are you protecting your most important asset? Yes, you need to protect your eyes. It goes without saying; if you can’t see you can’t fly. As a sports vision optometrist I help my patients enjoy and perform at the highest level they want to achieve in their chosen sport be it recreational or competitive. I find out what your visual requirements are for your sport and what are the most important things I need to help you see and to protect your eyes. Optometrists also check your eye health to ensure absence of conditions or diseases that threaten vision which can develop with no early warning signs. So you need good distance vision to see where you are going to land and the cloud formations, also where your fellow flyers are around you. And you need clear close up vision to read your instruments to know your altitude, distance to turnpoint and speed. All pretty essential stuff. If you are lucky enough to have normal vision; what the Americans call 20/20 (we call it 6/6 because it’s metric), then it’s easy for you. All you need is some UV blocking sunglasses. Not just any sunglasses though. The best type would ideally have a wrap-around frame so wind

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Above; Good eyewear for Shayne Erceg and passenger flying over Queenstown doesn’t get around the side of the lenses. The wind can make your eyes dry and then you’ll blink more and get watery eyes which could blur your vision and be very annoying to clear away. The sunglass frame shouldn’t touch your cheeks or else it will fog up the lenses. They should fit snuggly and not fall off if you lower your head. Some sports people like the Oakley style arms that curve around the skull compared to normal arms that have a bend in them to go around the ears. Both types of arms work with a helmet and it’s just which is more comfortable for you. The sunglass lenses should ideally be made of polycarbonate so if anything hits the lenses they won’t shatter into your eyes. Glass lenses often found in Ray Ban or Serengeti sunglasses are really nice to look through but can shatter. The colour of the lenses is up to you but a dark grey colour gives true colour perception which means a red looks like red and a blue looks like a blue. A brown lens warms colours up which some people really like. Rose coloured lenses are high contrast which means they enhance light so it is easier to see in low light conditions. There is an option of photochromic lenses which change colour

depending or how much UV radiation is hitting them, these are not recommended for flying due to problems adjusting to light inside and outside the cockpit, but this doesn’t apply the same for hang gliding and paragliding so photochromic are the most versatile lens as they go dark grey in the bright sun and lighten to nearly completely clear in low light conditions. They are great as they change depending on how bright the day is. The sunglass lenses should be non-polarised;- if you use polarised lenses which are great for glare, they won’t let you see subtle changes in cloud formations to help you catch the next thermal and they

Right; Guy Williams with some close fitting, ventilated shades can block vision of small specks in the distance. Polarised lenses cut out one direction of light like a venetian blind, this makes colours seem more vibrant, they let fishermen see fish in the water and make reflected glare like you get when you drive far more comfortable to handle. They can also make your watch, phone or any lcd screen very hard to read. If you really want to use polarised lenses then Italian sports sunglass brand Rudy Project have one which doesn’t distort or make screens black. Some sport specific sunglass lenses like Oakleys have a hydrophobic coating on them that makes water bead off the lenses, very handy if you some encounter rain showers on your flight. If you need prescription glasses they can be made with all the features I have recommended above. If you are over 45 and need progressive lenses to read your instruments then that can nearly always be incorporated into a sports sunglass frame. Contact lenses are another

Left; The 2012 NZ hang gliding team sporting a selection of glasses and colours of lenses Photo; Bruce Wayne

option which your optometrist can advise you if they are suitable for your needs. Optometry is not just about the sale of glasses. The Association of Optometrists recommends a regular eye examination every 2-3 years for healthy adults. After 65 years, more frequent exams are a wise precaution to ensure early diagnosis and treatment of sight threatening conditions such as glaucoma and age-related macular degeneration (ARMD). I hope this helps you enjoy and do your hang gliding and paragliding better. Jeremy can be contacted at

Safety Checks X-RATED 7 paraglider harness

Identification Number 01/2018 Date of Issue 22/08/2018 This safety note regards all X-Rated 7 with all serial numbers. X-Rated7 homologation number: EAPR-GZ-0541/16. Requirement: Mandatory before flying. Problem: The long elastic loops gradually tend to overextend eventually compromising the rescue deployment. Inspection: Open the long magnetic edge that covers the closing elastics of the rescue chute container and remove the metal pin connected to the rescue handle. Make sure the white elastics can untie and don’t get entangled with each other.

Both elastic loops may overextend, even if the rear one (the farther one from rescue handle location) is the most important one. Make sure the length of each elastic does not exceed 8cm.

Required action: If the elastics are longer than 8cm then they must be replaced with new ones. Remove the overextended elastics by wiggling your hand into the ratchet pulley area and between the fabric layers (as shown in the pictures) till you reach the elastic knots inserted in a white plastic bar. Pull them out and put the new ones in.

To have the new elastic loops, contact your local WOODY VALLEY dealer or WOODY VALLEY headquarters directly. Close the rescue chute container following the procedure explained in the manual and finally make sure you can extract the rescue chute with ease. en/X-R7_manual_ENG.pdf While waiting for the new elastics, you can temporarily shorten your overextended ones as follows: Undo the knot, bend the elastic in half, measure 12 cm and mark that point with a marker. Redo the knot at the mark and make it as tight as possible.

Put the elastic loops where they were originally, close the rescue chute container following the procedure explained in the manual and finally make sure you can extract the rescue chute with ease. These closing elastics must be replaced ideally every 6 months, or compulsorily every 12 months when you refold your rescue chute, as periodically required. Woody Valley s.r.l. fax: +39 0461 950819 ph: +39 0461 950811

All OZONE OZIUM 2 pg harnesses

We have been made aware of a potential safety issue with the Ozium 2 reserve parachute pod and handle. There is a possibility that the handle can become detached from the inner pod during the parachute extraction process. This could lead to a failure of the deployment system. Action required: Mandatory replacement of all Ozium 2 reserve deployment pods. The reserve deployment pod on all Ozium 2 harnesses MUST be replaced before next use. The new pods are currently in production

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and will be sent automatically to your Ozone dealer ASAP. Please contact them to request a replacement. The new updated pods are clearly identifiable by the yellow reserve pins and extra reinforcement around the material joining the pod to the handle. The original incorrect pods have clear plastic reserve pins. We recommend you to not fly your Ozium 2 until the pod has been replaced. For any questions regarding the replacement of the handle, please contact your local OZONE Dealer or Contact us directly.

SUP AIR ALTIRANDO 3 pg harness

Problem: Reserve parachute rotating inside its pocket. Published date: 28/06/2018 N° document: SUPAIR_2018/06_001 Description Your reserve parachute size is not adapted to your harness rescue parachute pocket.

If the emergency parachute does not have a snug fit inside the rescue pocket, it could potentially rotate on itself while using the harness. The risers then roll up around the rescue parachute pod handle and prevent a deployment. 1 Inspection A/There is no play: Your reserve parachute is snug inside your harness reserve parachute pocket and can not rotate on itself. Close the harness’s rescue parachute pocket as it was before, and have a nice flight! B/There is play: follow the necessary procedure 2 to adjust your harness’s reserve parachute pocket size. Repair instructions can be downloaded at; secu_retournement%20secours_GB.pdf SUPAIR - 34 rue Adrastee - 74650 Chavanod - FRANCE - tel : +33 (0) - email :

the ground during a reserve parachute deployment, to check their harness as follows: Open the pocket, take the parachute out (if there is one inside), and pull the pocket from the inside out. 1st possibility If the pocket fully unfolds toward the outside (similar to a pulled sock): You need send us the harness for repair. 2nd possibility If the harness stays connected by the bottom of the airbag: no problem, install your reserve parachute, do a hang-test (as done after each reinstallation), and close it following the normal procedure. Take care of your gear and happy flights! SUPAIR - 34 rue Adrastee 74650 Chavanod FRANCE tel : +33 (0) email :

AIR ATOS Main bolt securing/control cable

All ATOS series with C control and folding pin as main bolt safety. ATOS C, ATOS CS, ATOS VQ, ATOS VQ race, ATOS VR, ATOS VR plus, ATOS VR 190, ATOS VRQ, ATOS VRS 135, ATOS VRS light, ATOS VX, ATOS VQ190, ATOS VRS 190, Stratos (ICARO 2000). Background: It has been reported that the control cable, which is guided at the front of the keel by the pulley, can jam under the hinged pins used to secure the lower main bolt. In operation, the control cable rubs against the pin of the cotter pin, which can damage the cable. This can lead to complete loss of control when tearing the control cable.

SUP AIR ALTIRANDO 3 pg harness

Problem: Reserve parachute pocket could separate itself from the airbag base. Date: 20/07/2018 Document N°: SUPAIR_2018/07_002 During a crash test, we noticed that the reserve parachute pocket could separate itself from the airbag base. When the pocket’s holding strap is torn off or the stitching damaged, the pocket is no longer securely held inside the airbag, and a reserve parachute extraction can become difficult if not impossible. Our various tests show that the pocket damage does not take place when the reserve parachute is inside the rescue pocket (closed). The pocket could be damaged upon impact when used without housing the reserve parachute or when the emergency parachute is deployed. Torn strap INSPECTION To prevent any issue, we recommend to pilots who have flown without a reserve parachute, or impacted

Incorrect installation

Correct installation Action: 1. Pre-flight check: As part of the pre-flight check, make sure that the control cable runs above the folding pin. 2. Shortening the Folding Cotter: The pitch of the Folding Cotter must be shortened so that the protrusion over the ring is 1 mm. 3. Affected Folding Plates can be exchanged at AIR against submission of the built-in device for free. Note: The main bolt securing device with split pin with rubber ring is NOT affected by this safety notice. - Your AIR team

Complete Lightweight simple powerful

2018 Executive Profiles

Grant Tatham

Duncan Macnab

A somewhat unexpected thing has happened and I can honestly say that I have never gone to bed at night and woken up in the morning and thought “wouldn’t it be great to be the President of the NZHGPA”. Anyway; – that is what happened and I have ended up the President. I guess that the first thing I should say is that I do know it is not because of my flying ability and hopefully I have some other skills that can make a difference. As far as flying goes I am working on the theory if something is worth doing well, then it is worth doing badly while you get good at it – and I am still learning! I am a paraglider pilot who learnt in Nelson and still call Nelson home, but I have been wandering about in the later years. I had a couple of years in Queenstown and then headed back to Nelson. Another strange thing also happened about that time – I met Dishy Trish and became an internet bride, so now I am happily living up here in Hawkes Bay. So what’s up? Well, I have been on Exec for the last year and I am well impressed with calibre and dedication of some of the people who are involved in helping to run our sport. I see Nick Taber and the team of Airspace workers doing amazing things. If it wasn’t for the journey that Nick has taken us on, we would have lost a lot of sites and places we take for granted and have flown for years. We have learnt to speak the CAA and Airways language, we have built strong relationships and we have gained a large the body of knowledge that will serve us well in the future. We have had some great wins and airspace will continue to be a priority as there are many competing industries, technologies and organisations who see their own requirements as being way more important than ours. Currently Drones and RPAS are taking some time and effort by the team. I see our CEO (Evan Lamberton) working across many issues and bringing his wide ranging knowledge and experience to bear really positively across many issues. We have lots of operational things on the boil across safety, training and legislative requirements and of course every time we have a fatal accident or a bad publicity issue he is on the job and is often able to smooth over a lot of potential problems. I see some very skilled people involved with the Advisory groups. We welcome their input because good hard won knowledge in the school of experience is well worth incorporating into the fabric of what we do. The Advisory groups are a really important initiative. We have a full Exec team and there is a good balance of PG’s and HG’s with excellent professionally skilled people who will have a lot to contribute over the coming 2 years. From where I stand at the moment, things look good for our future. Yes; we have some challenges but what business, organisation or club doesn’t. Myself and the new exec team are just starting to learn to work with each other, but all things working together, we will make some positive changes, keeping what is good, improving some of what we can and having some fun along the way. It is looking good. See you in the air – fly safe

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Born and bred in the Wairarapa, I’m 58 years young, about mid thirties mentally. My body doesn’t always agree! I live with my wife Kate and our two dogs Wolf and Chewie, and those hangies that were around in the earlier days will remember Georgina, Vivian and Elena, my three stepdaughters whom have now left home. I would drag Kate and the girls out round the countryside most flying days back then, so they all got pretty well known! I currently work as workshop foreman at a Mitsubishi franchise in Masterton. Thankfully the knowledge that goes with the job hasn’t been needed on too many flying trips, though there was one quite memorable late night water pump job to get the Auckland guys home one Wairarapa League! I began flying a hang glider in 1978, won my first Nationals Intermediate class in 1980. I’ve gone on to fly most nationals and while achieving a few 2nds and 3rds, I’ve yet to win one. It’s not over yet. I was a member of the world team in 1991 to represent New Zealand at the Worlds in Brazil. Crazy place, but a great experience with many memories. I instruct hang gliding on a recreational basis, beginning in the 90’s out of a need to develop pilots - I was struggling to find others to fly with at that stage, and I’ve continued on a weekends/club basis. It’s been very satisfying, and good being able to give back to a sport that has given me so much.

Ian Manton

Started flying in July 2011 – Have always loved the air – saw some paragliders towing in a field near Matamata, and sat and watched them, and then decided that day I wanted to do that. Definitely a recreational flyer – with mainly costal flying, but wanting to get into the XC. There is nothing more satisfying than a quick fly after a long day at work. It’s my escape. Currently flying an Independence Sportster M, and an Ozone Fazer for those higher wind days Like a lot of people in the organisation – I am in the IT world. Own a business in Matamata, servicing the small-medium business market and home user. Why did I join the exec? It’s a sport I love, want to learn more about it, also to connect with the local clubs – I love the community.

Blake Round

Carlos Palmer Flying hang gliders for 21 years, instructing and tandems for last 7 years. When not flying - either a software engineer for billing software firm, playing in a couple of jazz bands or woodworking.

I fly a number of disciplines paragliding: Acro, XC, Tandem, Speed Riding and Speed Flying. The main wings I fly are: AirG Emilie, Ozone Delta, Ozone Rapido, Gradient Bi Golden. I have been flying for 10 years and have spent 5 of those years teaching in a paragliding school. The places I have been flying are: Switzerland, Australia, South Africa and all around NZ. Queenstown has been my home for over 10 years now where I currently fly tandems.

Mark Hardman

Mark took his first tandem flight in 1990 under the watchful eye of his father and under the piloting of Jocky Sanderson. There was no looking back. It would take more than fluoro colours and pink t-shirts to put him off flying and he learnt in 1994. Aged 13. Mark began training as an instructor in 2000 and has worked on and off as an instructor since 2002. He established Paraventures in 2006. He is an active cross country (XC) and competition pilot. If he’s not working (flying), he’ll be flying! If it’s not flyable, there’s a good chance he’ll be in his pack raft. Mark’s a committee member for Southern Hang Gliding and Paragliding Club. His list of voluntary positions doesn’t stop there though...! He’s been the Club Secretary and Airspace Officer, the New Zealand Hang Gliding and Paragliding Association (NZHGPA) Secretary, Paragliding Training Manager and is the current Paragliding Operations Manager, he’s been on the Paragliding Competition Committee and he’s organised the paragliding national championships on multiple occasions. Flying is undoubtedly his passion, and sharing the joy is one of his highest priorities in life.

also to cruise around in light conditions along the coast and other places. I fly a Buzz Z4 PWR wing, both for free flying and motoring, and when motoring I use a miniplane top 80 engine. My favourite flights would be powered flights because of being able to share the experience with other pilots and the amazing scenery while getting somewhere or landing out for lunch, is just amazing. I’ve flown quite a number of areas of NZ, so rather than list them all, suffice to say mostly top half of the North Island, and a range of spots around the South Island. I like to take my gear with me and head away with a friend or two to go explore, meet local pilots around New Zealand and fly with them, so have done that a number of times, and plan on more trips. I’m based in Auckland and work for a consulting company, where I write automation and designs using open source software, Linux and clouds such as AWS. This does also lead to me playing bits of embedded hardware and taking on things like keeping the lights on for some of the services we use for paragliding such as I’ve got involved in the NZHGPA exec because I want to see a focus on more things happening to make flying in New Zealand great for pilots.

Ross Gray

Nicky Hamill

Glen Ogilvie

I got interested in paramotoring in 2008 when I saw a paramotor in the back of an airline magazine on the way back from Brunei. Fast forward a few years and I started learning paragliding and paramotoring in 2014. Since then I’ve been flying every opportunity I get, with about two thirds of my flying powered, and have logged over 220 hours of airtime. I regard powered and unpowered as almost two different sports and enjoy both. I’m keen to improve on my XC paragliding skills and get some long distance unpowered flights in. When powered, I enjoy the ease of being able to fly long distances cross country and

I’ve been the NZHGPA Administrator for the past 5 years. I used to be a paraglider pilot, flew for 9 years, but retired Dec 2017. My last glider was a Nova Ion III which I loved! My best flight was in Takaka (Nelson) where I flew about 17km in one National competition, managed to climb up over the top of the ridge to look back down into Tasman Bay, was a fabulous flight for me. The only other place I’ve flown in the world is Rainbow Beach, Queensland, which was great fun! I live in Nelson, was born here but spent some time in Wellington as a kid and 7 years in England in my 20s. My day job is part-time Administrator for a quickly-growing IT company in Nelson which I love – I am the oldest and the only female employee and I work with 13 great guys – we laugh all day long! My husband and oldest son continue to fly paragliders and I still enjoy taking them up the hill to launch on occasions but now I have joined a pipe band with my younger son (hence the getup in my photo) and am loving being involved with that. I recently took part in my first public concert which was really special. What do I do in my spare time? What spare time???

Hello boys! I’m BAAACK!!! (I always wanted to say that legit) - Wait a minute... I’m back on the Exec - how did that happen? Club: Manawatu – Last Hangy left standing – about to turn the lights out on my way out. Raison d’etre: I’ve been keen on aviation since I can remember and hang gliding has been a particular passion since the late 70’s. I got my first taste of flight in a Hughes 300 at the ripe old age of 7. I first got to “fly” an aircraft, a Blanik sailplane, with the Air Training Corps and Ohakea Gliding Club when I was 15 (literally being winched up with No.8 fencing wire!). My squadron CO was quite the maverick so the more adventurous amongst us got to solo hang gliders and gyrocopters as part of our aviation activities. My cadet friends headed off to military careers, some as pilots, other as grunts but I followed another interest, science. My primary career until recently has been as a soil ecologist but having dodged the restructuring bullet for decades, I recently failed to dodge the last volley of AgResearch down sizing. So, I’m in the Army now – or more correctly I now work as a technical writer for the NZDF. I’m happily re-married with four children, my eldest being an Army officer, leader of a troop of Light Armoured Vehicles and who outranks me. Getting back to flying... Whilst I pursued higher education and my science career I flew hang gliders recreationally, my first glider being a Moyes Maxi Mk3 but most of my first 100 hours were flying a ubiquitous Pacific Kites Lancer 4L. I became a dedicated fan of Enterprise Wings gliders when I purchased a Foil 160B full race and since 1996 my glider of choice has remained an Enterprise Wings Elite. Kim Davies dragged me off to my first comp around 1990 and from then I was a committed addict, becoming my Clubs perpetual Secretary, OSO and CFI. Kim then conspired to see me appointed to the role of Association Secretary around 1994. I was “recruited” to resolve a crises that had developed over the administration of the Association – a crises that had grown to epic proportions when the PLF (Pilots Liberation Front) staged a coup. This group of concerned renegades had abducted the name NZHGPA when they discovered that the Association had failed to register its change in name from NZHGA to NZHGPA. “Those were the days” and I remember them with nostalgia. Since then I’ve been NZHGPA Executive of Management (thank you AJ for that term), Acting CEO (when Hamish Coop abdicated the throne mid-year, mid-Atlantic), Internal Auditor, HG Op’s, HG Training, CEO and President. Now I’m the primary source of institutional knowledge – just call me the Oracle. Hey, its all about the flying... Happy skies.


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Executive Repor ts

Meeting with CAA re Drones (RPAS and UAV) Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems, Unmanned Aerial Vehicles or what we usually call them, drones. We have had a few incidents reported and a lot of concern raised about the rapid growth in numbers that could lead to an accident. On 14 September, CEO Evan Lamberton and Airspace officer Nick Taber met in Wellington with officials from CAA to discuss our concerns. The meeting was called by the NZHGPA over two main issues: 1. The personal safety of our members. Due to the rapidly increasing numbers and the increasing size and weight of drones in NZ we believe there is an increasing likelihood of a serious accident involving hang gliders or paragliders. We believe that we are especially vulnerable due to the fragile nature of our aircraft and the vulnerable, exposed position of the pilot. 2. Loss of unrestricted airspace. We expressed our concerns that the increasing number of applications for restricted airspace for drone testing operations will result in less access to airspace for recreational flying across New Zealand. • HG/PG Sites and Airshare - We produced maps showing the 270 odd hang gliding/ paragliding sites across New Zealand and requested the support of CAA to raise awareness of the locations of all of these sites to drone operators through the use of the Airways drone information website “Airshare”. We suggested that if an aerodrome warranted a 4 km exclusion zone then so should our sites. Much discussion took place on the requirements for aerodrome status and it was considered that HG/PG sites are a mix of local authority and privately owned land and fall outside of the parameters of designated aerodrome status for the Airshare website. CAA have suggested a link on the Airshare website to the

NZHGPA website with mapping showing the main HG/PG sites likely to be effected by drone operations. The NZHGPA believe this will help raise awareness of low flying HG/PG in the same space as drones and will work with CAA and Airways on the best way to make this happen. • Aircraft Separation from drones – We made the point that HG and PG are fragile aircraft with an exposed pilot and are more susceptible to drone conflict in flight and on landing than other aircraft. Being gliders we don’t have a go-around option to avoid a drone during approach and landing. We do not believe the existing give way rule is sufficient because drone pilots often do not correctly assess the right of way or safe separation distance. We suggested a defined separation distance rule be applied. e.g. ‘You must not fly with in a 120 meters of an aircraft’. CAA have pointed out that a separation distance would require a rule change and is one the NZHGPA will have to lobby the Ministry of Transport on. The wording and graphics on the CAA pamphlet “Fly the Right Way” were discussed and it was pointed out by us that HG/PG are not depicted as aircraft in the pamphlet or website. CAA have agreed that the wording and graphics of aircraft could be more explanatory to include all aircraft types from aeroplanes and balloons to hang gliders and paragliders so that the public perceive HG/PG as aircraft and know that if they are flying a drone in the same vicinity they must give way or land immediately as per the pre flight check list in the Fly the Right Way pamphlet. • BVLOS (Beyond Visual Line of Site) Operation of drones - The NZHGPA raised concerns over BVLOS as well as detect and avoid technology. We believe the reliability and robustness of such operations should be a similar standard to IFR rules for quality and standardisation

Metflight Weather Access for NZHGPA Members

Metflight have a comprehensive aviation weather website that many of you have shown an interest in, at We have access to that using the following log in details: Username eg - HP4567 (HP and your PIN, no space in between) Password - HGPGA (everyone uses the same password).

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of equipment, training, administration and operations. The NZHGPA went on further to question using Restricted Airspace as a means to mitigate the risk for BVLOS operations. CAA explained that there are currently no approved BVLOS operations in New Zealand and until such time that the technology is proven safe enough CAA will not permit such operations. • Restricted Airspace – There is a clear directive from the government via the Ministry of Transport to CAA to facilitate the development of drone technology in NZ. The recent applications by Incredible Skies for Restricted Airspace for 874 square kilometers in the Hokianga region and by Skybase at Alexandra for 500 square kilometers, have raised concerns within the NZHGPA about the likelihood of similar commercial companies wanting their own restricted airspace for drone testing and the directive from government via the MOT leading to a proliferation of such spaces at the expense of general aviation. CAA explained that the technology is evolving quickly with solutions to BVLOS and detect and avoid technology likely to be found and integrated quickly into use and once that happens there perhaps would be no need for ongoing restricted airspace for trialing the technology. Despite this the NZHGPA are concerned about the interim period and would like to see a limited time frame placed on such Restricted Airspace to 3 years. CAA reminded the NZHGPA that all airspace must be reviewed every 5 years

to see if it is still relevant and so a time frame already exists for the restricted areas. • CAA gave the NZHGPA an assurance that there is not expected to be a proliferation of approvals for restricted airspace for drone testing and that a statement will be forthcoming shortly from the Director of CAA to that effect. The subsequent statement from the Director on this issue has not been as clear or definitive as expected and the NZHGPA remains concerned that in the short to medium term at least there will be great pressure for CAA to approve further applications for restricted airspace. • 5 Yearly Airspace Review – On behalf of the NZHGPA, Nick took the opportunity to formally thank Paula Moore for the consideration and professionalism shown to us during the last 5 yearly airspace reviews. The NZHGPA felt it received a fair representation and hearing in all airspace matters. If you have read this far then you might have enough interest in drone issues to help us out. We think that acting as an advocate and protecting our interests from any adverse effects of drones is an important enough job that we need someone to act as a specialist advisor. At this stage we don’t know how big a threat they might be, but we want to be fully aware of this rapidly evolving new area of aviation. We envisage a separate project under the guidance of our experienced airspace officer Nick Taber. If you are interested please get in touch with Evan ( or Nick ( - Evan Lamberton

Good Airmanship New NOTAM APP I would like to remind all pilots that it is good airmanship and your duty to check NOTAMS (Notice to Airman) frequently before flying for your own safety and others. NOTAMS will alert you to any low flying aircraft (especially the increase in Drone/RPAS activity) or unusual increase in aircraft activity like a military exercise in your locality or planned flight route. Airways have developed a very useful NOTAM App called IFIS Mobile making it easy to check any time anywhere, or go on line to check at: VNC Charts You still cannot beat a detailed 1: 250,000 Visual Navigation Chart available from your nearest aero club or on line from the Airways AIP Shop at $16.35 (updated yearly around mid November). Due to the ongoing CAA Airspace Review many airspace changes have taken place across New Zealand and I would urge individuals and each HG/PG Club to purchase a copy of the latest VNC chart for their region – especially after the 8th November 2018. Airband Radio The NZHGPA recently introduced its own Aviation Airband Radio Rating (ARO) specifically designed for hang glider or paraglider pilots (or powered versions of either). If you are serious about XC flying and want to open up flight paths into the numerous MBZ’s dotted across New Zealand then you need to carry an Airband Radio and hold either a NZHGPA ARO rating or full FRTO rating. Final thought: Remember through situational awareness and good airmanship; “We can all help to promote and protect the airspace we fly in” Wishing you all many happy flights. - Nick Taber, NZHGPA Airspace Officer, Tel: 021420742

NZ Competition Organiser’s Responsibilities It is the Comp Organiser’s responsibility to; 1. Obtain a list of current members from the NZHGPA Administrator. 2. Ensure every competition entrant is a current NZHGPA member. 3. Sign up any non-members. Any competitors found to be non-members will be listed and scored as ‘disqualified’.

EVENTS 2019 Hang Gliding Nationals Murchison Sat 26 Jan - Sat 2 Feb As the 2018 Nationals were such a success at Murchison, Matt Barlow and Shane Mackay are organising the comp again, at the same location. Base will be at the same campsite. Dates will be: Practice Days: 24, 25 Jan 2019 Competition: Sat 26 Jan to Sat 2 Feb with Sun 3 Feb being a reserve day. Let’s hope the weather will be as great as it was last summer! Registration for 2019 is now open - details are at; The earlybird fee is $185 up till Dec 31st; $200 thereafter. A minimum non-refundable deposit of $75 is required for registration. There won’t be an official pre-comp XC clinic this time. Accommodation & Maps links are the same as last year (see above web address). Everyone stayed at Riverside - plenty of room & great facilities. It’s the comp HQ. Start making wishes for the weather. Last year was exceptional... we hope not.

Omarama Hang Gliding Cross Country Classic Saturday 2 February to Sunday 10 February 2019


n as usual, this summer during the week of Waitangi Day. This time of year isn’t the hottest in Omarama but it gets the most flying days with least strong winds and turbulence so the most cross country flying opportunities. It can be hot, maybe windy and sometimes rough (thermals up to 3000 fpm+) but the competition format is stress free. Fly the whole week, just the weekends or only the best days. It’s up to you, just your best 3 flights count. Unlike in conventional comps, one unlucky flight won’t ruin your score. Flying will be spectacular; expect to get 9 or 10,000ft and an easy 20 to over 100km depending on your skill and luck. You’ll probably beat your Personal Best; height, distance etc, and move up the XC Champs table, or maybe fly to Mt Cook! The track up Magic Mountain is limited to 4WDs with low ratio gearing for safe descents. The track was bulldozed again last season so should still be in good order. To help maintain this track we ask everyone for a donation but the competition is free. THE MISSION; Fly open distance, in any direction from the Omarama area that you choose. Enter any number of flights. Take any days off, just your best 3 flights get scored. Flights can be entered each evening at the cottage next door to Omarama Hotel or at the camping area entry boards. There’s no entry fee, so no whining. The rules are few and pilots are responsible for making sure all their group are safe each day. Required; Advanced rating with mountain/ XC skills. Pilots with lower skill ratings may fly only if under supervision and if conditions are suitable. Printed site briefings are available. This is mountain high desert country so essential equipment is; a 2.5m rope for securing gliders during dust devils, radio,

NZ Paragliding Nationals

Tim Brown launching at Takaka Nelson 2019 Hamish Barker, supported by the Tasman Club, is directing and conducting the New Zealand National Paragliding competition to be held in Nelson from the 3rd February - 9th February, 2019. This will be an FAI Cat2 sanctioned event and is open to just 80 pilots. On site registration, compulsory briefing and a practice day are on the 2nd February. Nelson is a fantastic and spectacular place to fly. The primary launches are at: Barnicoat, Takaka, Inwoods Lookout, Mt Murchison, Havelock, Canvastown, Tapawera and Sherry River. There is a wealth of extra curricula activities for those non-flying days and for families. Cost: $200 prior to 1st December 2018 and $225 there-after. Stay tuned to Airtribune for online registration and further information https://airtribune. com/2019-new-zealand-pg-nationals/info

Site Notices Treble Cone Site Access

Getting high on the way to Mt Cook (centre distance) Photo: Bill Degen

cellphone, maps, GPS, water, survival gear (days can be over 30°C with frosts at night), basebar wheels, spare uprights, glider fully checked and a repacked chute. An Emergency Locator Transmitter may be a good idea. A satellite messenger such as a Spot is recommended for pickups as cell reception is often not possible. An extra sim card for the other phone network is a cheap and easy way to maximise coverage in the area. Airtribune is a free tracker for Android cellphones that can allow your pickup crew to follow you (within cell coverage). Bring a brave but careful 4WD driver, and a spade is essential for clearing slips off the access road and for some pickups. Or bring your aerotow or car tow set-up. Airband radio (118.6 Mhz) is mandatory for flying North of Ohau if you want to head for Mt Cook. All types of accommodation are available; free camping, cabins, caravans, motels and luxury hotels. The gliding airfield campground welcomes hang glider pilots and has weather briefings at 10am each day. There’s hot pools in Omarama for after flying too. For more information, site briefings, maps etc; contact Bill Degen or check for updates

Forbes Flatlands Hang Gliding Championships 2019 Sanction: 
FAI: Category 2 for Open, Women’s, Sport’s classes
HGFA: Open Class AAA, Sport Class AA Practice flying Thursday 27th and Friday 28th December 2018 Welcome night Friday 28th December 2018 1st competition day Saturday 29th December 2019 8th Competition day Saturday 5th January 2019 Presentation night Saturday 5th January 2019 All details on our website: - Vicki Cain

2018/19; The Treble Cone access road is closed to unauthorised paragliding and hang gliding activities. Please respect the closure until the Southern Hang Gliding and Paragliding Club (Southern Club) can negotiate regaining access. There has been a change of management at Treble Cone. Southern Club members are endeavouring to negotiate regaining access Pub Corner at Treble Cone which may include some revised terms and conditions. Treble Cone is without doubt the premier paragliding mountain flying site in New Zealand. It is a national paragliding/hang gliding treasure. We have previously had access purely at the grace of the lease holders: Treble Cone. The Treble Cone ski area and road is ‘owned’ by DoC but it is leased to Treble Cone. There is nothing in the lease that says Treble Cone must allow paragliding/hang gliding operations. Over this past winter, Treble Cone has turned a large portion of the normal landing field into a gravel carpark. Additional developments in the landing field are in the pipeline. Previously pilots have used a ‘combination lock’ procedure at the entrance gate but this hasn’t been that successful and was open to abuse. Treble Cone management and the Southern Club are negotiating a more suitable and controlled gate protocol. The road is maintained by Treble Cone. Treble Cone is concerned about the use, and abuse, it gets during the summer months, primarily due to pilot activity. 2WD vehicles are particularly hard on the road as are speeding vehicles. Treble Cone management is also concerned about the health and safety aspects of unknown members of the public using what is essentially ‘their’ road. The Southern Club is engaging a professional ‘health and safety’ company to look into H & S issues with TC management. If you intend to fly from Treble Cone in the coming season then it may not be as easy as just turning up, grabbing a lift (or driving) to fly. You may experience delays, or not even be able to access past the gate! As I write this, the access road is closed until further notice to unauthorised traffic, partly due to maintenance on the road and as Treble Cone clean up after the ski season. If we regain access, it is important to note that Treble Cone has major works planned for the road over this summer and it may be closed for extended periods of time. Hopefully we will be able to get Treble Cone management to advise the Southern Club of any restrictions and specific procedures that may be required when necessary. These will be posted on the Southern Club website and/or on the Southern Club Facebook page. Treble Cone is only too willing to negotiate and consider flying access at Treble Cone but it must be in accordance with protocol and procedures that protect their commercial interests and the obligations of their lease. It is important that members of the paragliding/hang gliding fraternity act responsibly, are accountable to, are polite, considerate and are able to contribute to the long term relationship with Treble Cone or whoever the lease holders at Treble Cone maybe. Happy Flying. - Tim Brown (President Southern Hang gliding and Paragliding Club)

Mount Maunganui

There is a strict protocol for the visiting pilots to fly the Mount. Pilots must fill a visiting pilot form. Here is the link of the form and all the information about our site Mauao. - BOP Hang Gliding & Paragliding Club, phone 021 617 111


There are some farms that still have newborn stock late in Spring so please check with farmers before flying.


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N Ne eww ZZeeaallaann dd C rC ro os ss s - -CCoouunntt rr yy

a glli idding ing PP aa rr ag CC hampi h a m p ioonships nships

April 1st - March 31st. Sponsored by Wings & Waves

April 1st 2017 to March 31st 2018. Top scores at 17 October 2018 Pilot, flight date/time





Pilot, flight date/time

218.49 p.

Pete Helliwell [bragskydiver] 1 07.10.18 14:29 Pakituhi 40.41 km 50.51 p. Leighton Joll [Leighton] 1 02.04.18 11:54 Kaimai 36.21 km 45.26 p. Jan Zimmermann [xcimax] 1 07.10.18 12:39 Mt. Cheeseman 43.35 km 43.35 p. Michal Talavasek [Tala] 1 07.10.18 12:36 Mt. Cheeseman 42.61 km 42.61 p. Samuel Leathwick [Stealthwick] 1 01.04.18 13:18 Kaimai 20.63 km 20.63 p. 2 19.08.18 13:01 Paeroas 13.66 km 0.00 p. 3 12.09.18 14:50 Alan’s Hill 7.75 km 7.75 p. Sarah McRae [smcr]♀ 1 08.09.18 14:40 Bealey Spur 16.76 km 20.95 p. 2 15.09.18 13:17 Mt Plenty 9.56 km 9.56 p. 3 19.08.18 12:44 Coal Hill 5.25 km 6.56 p. Emlyn Revell-Nash [thegremlin] 1 08.10.18 12:08 Moirs Hill 26.17 km 32.71 p. Stepan Kubecek [KubecekStepan] 1 12.08.18 15:48 ? 12.98 km 19.47 p. 2 12.08.18 13:31 ? 3.20 km 6.40 p. 3 26.05.18 15:07 Paekakariki 3.94 km 5.91 p. Nick Webster [nickwhl] 1 05.10.18 15:06 Te Mata 5.47 km 10.94 p. 2 03.10.18 14:15 Te Mata Peak 8.27 km 10.34 p. 3 03.10.18 15:43 Te Mata Peak 4.90 km 9.80 p. Adam Forbes [AdamForbes] 1 05.10.18 15:25 Te Mata 6.35 km 12.70 p. 2 08.10.18 11:56 Te Mata Peak 7.66 km 9.58 p. 3 28.09.18 12:48 Te Mata Peak 6.21 km 7.76 p. Anand Srinivasan [Anand] 1 01.04.18 14:04 Kaimai 22.57 km 28.21 p. Daniel Francis [DFrancis] 1 01.04.18 14:53 Colins Hill 12.68 km 25.36 p. David Krejsa [Lopper] 1 08.10.18 12:50 Mt. Cheeseman 25.34 km 25.34 p. Bianca Freytag [biancaf]♀ 1 01.04.18 13:38 Kaimai 15.49 km 19.36 p. Andy Spierer [aspierer] 1 15.10.18 13:28 Moirs Hill 9.87 km 9.87 p. 2 08.10.18 13:25 Moirs Hill 8.87 km 8.86 p. Bex Rae [bex1907]♀ 1 25.04.18 12:41 Te Mata Peak 14.37 km 17.95 p. Ben Levy [BenLevy] 1 01.04.18 13:34 Kaimai 12.57 km 15.71 p. Mike Ferguson [kiwisurferboy] 1 26.08.18 12:06 Glinks 14.93 km 14.93 p. Björn Striebing [bjoern.striebing] 1 01.04.18 13:37 Kaimai 10.66 km 13.33 p. Peter Grieve [petergrieve] 1 08.09.18 13:04 Treble Cone 8.33 km 0.00 p. 2 11.08.18 13:11 Lindis Pass 4.51 km 0.00 p. Richard Sidey [rsidey] 1 14.04.18 10:55 # 6.14 km 7.68 p. 2 30.04.18 16:36 Pakituhi 2.38 km 4.76 p. Dominique Le Sellin [Frogiwi]♀ 1 01.04.18 14:12 Kaimai 6.74 km 8.43 p. 2 22.04.18 13:41 Karioitahi 3.83 km 3.83 p. Jenna Hughes-Games [gauljg]♀ 1 26.08.18 15:57 Mt Dobson 9.31 km 11.64 p. Jessica Garland [Jessnicka]♀ 1 08.09.18 13:54 Treble Cone 7.78 km 7.78 p. Erica Caro [Airwrecka]♀ 1 26.08.18 12:18 Te Mata Peak 1.79 km 3.58 p. Mark Sedon [marksedon] 1 15.10.18 10:43 Roys Peak 2.51 km 3.14 p. Jan Necas [Pompidy] 1 03.10.18 13:28 Taylor’s Mistake 2.75 km 2.75 p. Kris Ericksen [SKFNZ] 1 30.06.18 16:08 Tora Red Cliffs 1.91 km 1.91 p.

189.61 p.

174.47 p.

115.34 p.

114.97 p.

107.28 p.

102.31 p.

88.68 p.

86.54 p.

85.42 p.

79.91 p.

73.83 p.

72.90 p.

70.69 p.

61.59 p.

56.89 p. 55.93 p. 54.32 p.

52.23 p.


The online web site for scoring and uploading your track logs is now XContest at:

30 A i r b o r n



Total 50.51 p. 45.26 p. 43.35 p. 42.61 p. 42.04 p.

37.07 p.

32.71 p. 31.78 p.

31.08 p.

30.04 p.

28.21 p. 25.36 p. 25.34 p. 19.36 p. 18.73 p.

17.95 p. 15.71 p. 14.93 p. 13.33 p. 12.84 p.

12.44 p.

12.26 p.

11.64 p. 7.78 p. 3.58 p. 3.14 p. 2.75 p. 1.91 p.

Photo: Ross Gray

Fraser Monteith [Icemaneli186] 1 07.10.18 11:28 Mt. Cheeseman 59.53 km 119.06 p. 2 22.09.18 12:40 Bealey Spur 72.49 km 72.49 p. 3 15.09.18 13:12 Mt Plenty 26.94 km 26.94 p. Stew Karstens [nelpara] 1 09.09.18 12:13 Inwoods 51.59 km 77.39 p. 2 19.09.18 12:25 Inwoods 60.29 km 60.29 p. 3 10.09.18 13:27 Inwoods 51.93 km 51.93 p. Tim Notman [TNotman] 1 22.09.18 12:33 Bealey Spur 67.40 km 67.40 p. 2 07.10.18 11:30 Mt. Cheeseman 66.23 km 66.23 p. 3 08.09.18 14:28 Bealey Spur 40.84 km 40.84 p. Paul Monigatti [paulmonigatti] 1 07.10.18 11:31 Mt. Cheeseman 36.06 km 72.12 p. 2 15.09.18 13:19 Mt Plenty 22.84 km 22.84 p. 3 10.09.18 14:45 Mt Plenty 20.38 km 20.38 p. Aaron Ford [AaronF] 1 14.04.18 13:30 Pakituhi 25.80 km 38.70 p. 2 07.10.18 12:06 Treble Cone 30.63 km 38.29 p. 3 08.09.18 13:08 Mount Brewster 30.38 km 37.98 p. Bruce Vickerman [Bruce.V] 1 18.05.18 15:08 Mathies 30.59 km 45.87 p. 2 02.04.18 13:01 Kaimai 34.18 km 42.73 p. 3 08.05.18 16:58 Mathies 14.94 km 18.68 p. Claus Petry [ClausPetry] 1 19.09.18 12:33 Inwoods 61.64 km 61.64 p. 2 10.09.18 13:23 Inwoods 31.28 km 31.28 p. 3 08.09.18 12:34 Takaka Hill 9.39 km 9.39 p. Doug Patterson [dougpatterson] 1 14.04.18 12:53 Treble Cone 31.96 km 47.94 p. 2 07.04.18 13:18 Treble Cone 29.50 km 29.50 p. 3 31.08.18 14:05 Treble Cone 11.24 km 11.24 p. Jeff Ripley [Jeff-Ripley] 1 01.04.18 13:21 Kaimai 50.44 km 63.04 p. 2 29.09.18 12:45 Moirs Hill 18.80 km 23.50 p. Ken Beach [ken.beach] 1 25.04.18 12:46 Te Mata Peak 19.35 km 38.70 p. 2 06.10.18 10:47 Burma Road 16.42 km 24.63 p. 3 29.09.18 11:25 Te Mata Peak 22.09 km 22.09 p. Mark Macdonald [Brick] 1 02.04.18 12:54 Kaimai 44.00 km 55.00 p. 2 19.08.18 13:23 Paeroas 18.63 km 18.63 p. 3 01.04.18 13:11 Kaimai 6.28 km 6.28 p. Peter Jones [jonesie] 1 02.04.18 13:18 Kaimai 31.47 km 39.34 p. 2 09.10.18 12:48 Alan’s Hill 15.03 km 18.79 p. 3 30.09.18 13:29 Harrys 12.56 km 15.70 p. Mark Hardman [mhardman] 1 07.10.18 11:43 Treble Cone 32.05 km 40.06 p. 2 05.08.18 12:26 Treble Cone 17.09 km 17.09 p. 3 19.08.18 12:50 Treble Cone 15.75 km 15.75 p. Bryan Moore [bryanmoore] 1 21.09.18 15:17 Pakituhi 20.76 km 31.14 p. 2 31.08.18 12:42 Roys Peak 24.77 km 24.77 p. 3 11.09.18 16:10 Pakituhi 7.39 km 14.78 p. Andrew Cavaney [AndrewCavaney] 1 14.10.18 11:39 Treble Cone 28.63 km 28.63 p. 2 07.10.18 11:46 Treble Cone 27.55 km 27.55 p. 3 13.04.18 14:39 Roy’s peak 5.41 km 5.41 p. Rob Gillard [rob_gillard] 1 02.04.18 12:54 Kaimai 45.51 km 56.89 p. Elliot Revell-Nash [slowtypinguy] 1 08.10.18 12:05 Moirs Hill 44.74 km 55.93 p. Rob Hughes-Games [robhughes-games] 1 15.09.18 13:42 Mt Studholme 22.00 km 22.00 p. 2 26.08.18 15:49 Mt Dobson 14.21 km 17.78 p. 3 22.09.18 16:03 Dasler 14.54 km 14.54 p. Dave Washer [bopflyer67] 1 02.04.18 13:16 Kaimai 34.51 km 43.14 p. 2 01.04.18 14:10 Kaimai 9.09 km 9.09 p.

Paragliding Competition Committee Write Up


inter is a pretty quiet time for the Paragliding Competition Committee but the flying summer season approaches and already the first of this summer’s competitions has taken place in Canungra in Queensland. Six NZ pilots participated in that competition but no-one nominated it for a ‘Regional Competition’ to be incorporated into the NZ scoring system which must be done in accordance with the Competition Rules! The PCC has a bit of a fractured year with Wayne Rohrs somewhat incapacitated due to his injuries at the Paragliding Open in February and Leighton has been just too busy with work and other commitments that he has asked to stand aside. Johnny Hopper assists on the fringes and his efforts are greatly appreciated. We have been working on a fairer and more equitable overseas competition ‘exchange rate’ than is presently published. There has been a change of leadership at the National level and so there is new impetus to create and encourage flying competitions. For all the newer pilots, competition flying is not scary and doesn’t need to be intimidating. I’ve always found competitions to be great fun. They encourage you to enhance your flying skills by flying further and faster and to places and in conditions that you might not normally fly when on your own and you learn about the rules and regulations that govern the sport. You push new limits of your flying abilities in a safe environment. Then, of course, there is the camaraderie as you connect with other members of the flying community, not just locally, but globally, especially if you choose to compete in international events. The rules and conduct of a competition are pretty much the same all around the world. There is a wealth of experience and encouragement to be tapped by flying competition and to that end the NZ Executive wishes to promote the establishment of more and more Regional Competitions with a longer term view of increasing the flying skill level and recognition of NZ pilots on the National and International scene. We would love for

New Zealand pilots to be better represented at more world class events. But we need competition organisers and directors. It is not necessary that a competition organiser be an active pilot but familiarization with the sport would be beneficial. Because the NZ flying fraternity is quite small, often the organisers wish to fly in their own competitions so it is really helpful if they can be assisted by a nonflying friend or companion, a competition director, that can look after things when the organiser goes flying! We need pilots and/or members with a passion for the sport that are willing to organise (even small groups) of pilots to compete in fun events. In fact, massive organisational skills are not required. The Competition Rules available at lay down the requirements to organise a competition and the PCC is always available to assist. A Regional competition only requires six pilots (an organiser can set a maximum number as well to keep it simple) and 4.5 days notice for a 3-4 day event. A simple letter or email to the PCC (nzhgpapcc@ is sufficient. A signed approval form will be issued and notification published on the NZHGPA website. Just pick a date and location and commit! A scorer is nominated by the PCC (there are several members available and qualified to use the Australian ‘Airscore’ system). Scoring can be done remotely and online. A few forms such as a Waiver form, a Safety Plan and a set of ‘Local Rules’ are to be created and templates for these can be sent by the PCC. A sample ‘task board’ format can also be sent. Waypoint and airspace files are available from the NZHGPA website (competition/downloads) for most sites in New Zealand. Perhaps it’s possible for Club members to create a database of set tasks, even

simple tasks, that can be called upon each flying day. These can be set up in advance, at anytime of year, and checked and scrutinized by more experienced task setters remotely and then used, with small tweaks, depending on the flying conditions of the day. If you really want to up scale a little “Airtribune’ is a great platform to facilitate pilot registration and to present information. It’s even possible to apply for FAI Category 2 certification. There are some costs and conditions associated with all of this. We encourage the Clubs to reach out to

the members by organising competitions. The organisers can hone their management and flying skills. New Zealand gains more skilled event organisers. Flying competitions in Australia are great fun too. The main events are in Canungra (October), Corryong (January), Bright (February) and Manilla (often around Easter time). The flying is varied and awesome with some of the world’s top pilots. Competitions are great fun, they promote enhanced flying and communication skills and are great social events. What a great way to spend the summer!

X-Alps 2019 Athletes Include NZ’s Nick Neynens and Kinga Masztalerz


he Red Bull X-Alps 2019 is returning for its 9th edition on June 16, 2019. Aptly named the world’s toughest adventure race, participants will journey by foot and paraglider from Salzburg to Monaco via a currently undisclosed number of turnpoints. At over 1,100km in distance, the journey itself plays a huge role in the story of Red Bull X-Alps - but even more important are those who compete in it. In 2019, 32 world-class athletes from 20 nations will push themselves to entirely new limits. Amongst them will be 2 female competitors and 30 males; of whom 14 are new to the race and one a defending champion. The lineup is as follows: Paul Guschlbauer (AUT1) - Veteran, Simon Oberrauner (AUT2) - Veteran, Helmut Schrempf (AUT3) - Rookie, Tom de Dorlodot (BEL) - Veteran, Alex Villa (COL) - Veteran, Stanislav Mayer (CZE) - Veteran, Thomas Juel Christensen (DNK) - Rookie, Benoit Outters (FRA1) - Veteran, Gaspard Petiot (FRA2) - Veteran, Antoine Girard (FRA3) Veteran, Maxime Pinot (FRA4) - Rookie, Manuel Nuebel (GER1) - Veteran, Markus Anders (GER2) - Rookie, Marko Hrgetic (HRV) - Rookie, Aaron Durogati (ITA1) - Veteran, Tobias Grossrubatscher (ITA2) - Veteran, Kaoru Ogisawa (JPN) - Veteran, Chikyong Ha (KOR)

- Veteran, Rodolphe Akl (LBN) - Rookie, Eduardo Garza (MEX) Rookie, Nick Neynens (NZL1) - Veteran, Kinga Masztalerz (NZL2) Rookie, Dominika Kasieczko (POL) Rookie, Toma Coconea (ROM) - Veteran, Evgenii Griaznov (RUS) - Veteran, Christian Maurer (SUI1) – Defending Champion, Patrick von Kaenel (SUI2) - Rookie, Adrian Keller (SUI3) - Rookie, Barıs Celik (TUR) Rookie, Gavin McClurg (USA1) - Veteran, Willi Cannell (USA2) Rookie, Cody Mittanck (USA3) - Rookie Whoever you’re supporting, you can learn more about the athletes on www.redbullxalps. com or follow them every step of the race with the advanced Live Tracking. Gear up and get ready, Red Bull X-Alps 2019 is going to be truly unforgettable. We’ll see you out there!


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N Ne eww ZZeeaa ll aann dd C rC ro os ss s - -CCoouunntt rr yy

HH AA NN GG gglli idding i ng CC hampi h a m p ioonships nships

January 1st to December 31st


t’s Spring as this issue goes to print we’re getting cross country flying conditions again and new entries on the table.

We need to get out there and take advantage of those spring thermals. Spring often turns on some great thermal days as sun heating is slower and if lapse rates are high, sea breezes don’t come in as fast to kill thermal activity. So far things have been heating up nicely and its shaping up to be another hot season. If you missed out earlier in the year, now is the time to catch up and get those flights on the table. If you haven’t entered before, there’s nothing like setting yourself a public goal to encourage yourself to do better. Only one person can win but the real challenge is to understand the weather and fly the best you can in the conditions you have available. Regardless of your score, you’ll get some great flights and may even pick up a local site record. Every season you’ll see your personal best flights get better. You’ll also find yourself doing much better in the usual competitions with the extra knowledge and skills you will get. Airtribune Live tracking For those who want quicker retrieves, get the Airtribune App for your Android smartphone. Airtribune will track your flight and let your retrieve driver look you up on their smartphone to see exactly where you are. It is limited to cell coverage but apparently satellite trackers like Spot work with it too. It’s easy on the phone battery but it still pays to have a backup battery as well. Note that Airtribune doesn’t calculate FAI Open Distance from the 2 furtherest points of your flight. You still need a tracklog for that as explained in the entry section. The Apple IOS version is hasn’t been updated for a few years and currently only works at Airtribune contests. Airtribune was recently sold to a new owner so hopefully an update will come. ONLINE RESULTS Latest results are posted as they come in at www. and on the NZHGPA website at www. Online scoring? Not yet, but if you have a 3D GPS you can enter any of the online contests as well. If you do this, just let me know by emailing me a link to your online entry and I’ll copy the data to the NZ HG XC Champs. It should have all we need to enter your flight. TO ENTER... It’s free and simple; fly anywhere in New Zealand before midnight on 31st December, email or post in your flight details (and tracklog if you have one) before 30 days has passed and you’re entered. Enter as many flights as you like. Your shorter flights are automatically replaced by your longer ones. Only your longest four flights are scored. For each flight entry, please supply; • Your name, email address and contact phone number. • Flight date, take-off/release place, landing place, and flight distance in kilometres and 10ths. • Tracklog file from a GPS that can be read by GPSDump, such as an IGC file. Best is a kml file optimised by GPSDump. • If you don’t have a GPS tracklog, then also supply;

32 A i r b o r n

The 2018 Cross-Country Championships Table so far... Name Flight 1 Flight 2 Flight 3 Flight 4 Total kms John Smith 163.3 120.5 114.5 62.5 460.7 Bill Degen 86.9 86.0 57.5 50.8 281.2 Derek McKee





Leslie Graham 52.1 46.3 32.2 30.8 161.3 Geoff Christophers 61.9 39.7 35.5 137.2 Pete Halliwell 52.2 42.1 23.6 14.3 132.3 Adriel Kind 57.5 16.9 4.2 78.6 John Collins 27.7 22.7 17.5 67.8 Guy Williams



Oliver Derry



Rod Stuart 20.2 12.6 7.9 4.2 44.9 John Burton



Kevin McManus 20.2 20.2 40.4 John Urlich 12.4 12.1 10.4 3.0 37.9 Marty Smith 23.2 12.6 35.8 Morgan Knoessen



Tom Mulder



Start and landing witness/s name & contact details. A GPS instrument has many advantages for XC flying, but for pilots who don’t have GPS, you can still enter the NZ HG XC Champs without one, you’ll just need to provide take-off and landing witnesses. GPSDump is free, comes in Windows, Mac and other versions and it reads GPS tracklogs from just about any instrument. It works out the best start and finish points for you automatically. It also works out if the flight fits any other FAI criteria such as out and return, triangle etc. It enables you to export it for viewing in Google Earth in 3D. Download GPSDump at; Rules You must be a paid up NZHGPA member during all flights or you don’t score. Entries must be postmarked or emailed within 30 days of the flight or don’t score. This helps ensure accuracy and prevents pilots holding back flights until the end, so we all to know how everyone’s doing. Please DON’T phone, txt, or tell me in the pub, all entries must be in writing (email preferred) with all flight details (and GPS tracklog if using remote launch and/or landings), or do not score. Don’t assume that because someone else was there or you were in a competition that your flight has been entered. It is each pilots’ responsibility to declare and enter full details of their own flight entries. Measure your flights in kilometres and 10ths of km, straight line from take-off to landing. Or for often a few more kms, optimised flight distances with a Remote Start and/or Remote Finish are welcome, if you send in a valid GPS tracklog. Aerotow launched xc flights are permitted, but your release altitude must be less than 5% of the flight distance (current FAI ruling) or does not score. This prevents super high tows followed by a downwind glide from scoring against pilots thermalling for xc. The flight scores from tow release position (not tow take-off) and verification can be witnessed by the tug pilot, or confirmed with known landmark photo or GPS tracklog. Out & return, triangle or multiple distances are not

6.9 ** Class 2 (rigid wing), * Skyfloater

eligible at this stage, however if a enough pilots enter them, I’ll table them as well. Note: If you don’t follow the rules by providing all relevant flight details, (including valid tracklog for remote start or finish flights) within 30 days of the flight, you DO NOT SCORE. GLIDER CLASSES Same as FAI rules. Flex wings including kingpostless gliders are Class 1. Rigid wings such as the Atos are Class 5 and Swifts are Class 2 or Class 5 without the pilot fairing. There is a special class for pilots flying skyfloater gliders such as such as the Fun, Falcon, Malibu etc. 30% double surface gliders such as Buzz, Gyro, Mars, Target, Ventura, Malibu etc can be flown in this class too. As long as it has exposed crossbars. Don’t forget to point it out on your entry if you have an exposed crossbar glider or rigid wing. You can enter in as many classes as you like. Skyfloater flights can be entered in a separate class and/or included in your Class 1 score, whichever you prefer. Classes can be scored separately if multiple entries are received. Meanwhile they will appear in the table above. Let me know if your flight is a site record too. SCORING The pilot with the best total of four flights is the NZ Hang Gliding Cross Country Champion for that year and gets first choice of prizes followed by pilots with second and third best totals. The pilot with the longest single flight gets fourth choice, then prizes go from fourth best total onwards. Flights for each years XC Champs must be flown between 1 January and 31st December and entered within 30 days. This ends one contest while pilots have good weather and starts the next the contest while everyone’s still keen. SEND YOUR ENTRY TO; (Please write “XC Entry” in the header and please keep your entry separate from other emails) or post entries to; NZ Hang Gliding XC Champs, Bill Degen, 99A Panorama Road, Christchurch 8081

N Z H G P A B OO K ROO M The art of Paragliding by Dennis Pagen. Instruction manual for beginner to intermediates. Large format 374 pages $80 Hang Gliding Training Manual by Dennis Pagen. Ultimate guide to Beginner to Advanced hang gliding flying skills $80 Performance Flying by Dennis Pagen. Hang gliding for intermediate to advanced flying skills, includes competition, cross country, towing $80 Understanding the Sky by Dennis Pagen. Sport aviation weather and micrometeorology for hang glider, paraglider and microlight pilots. $60 PARAGLIDING, BEGINNER TO CROSS COUNTRY by Sollom Cook. From basic techniques to competition flying $60 A PILOTS TRAINING MANUAL (PG) Includes zone free, 80 minute DVD with 9 chapters including; forward inflation, reverse inflation, manoeuvres, soaring, flying thermals to landing methods. Only $65! NZ Hang Gliding Training Handbook Essential Beginner/ Novice instruction information for NZ hang gliding students learning to fly. $15 NZHGPA Hang Gliding Tow Manual All aspects of towing with clear photographs and step by step instruction $15 NZHGPA Aerotow Manual In depth detail of aerotow procedure as authorised by MAANZ and NZHGPA $15 NZHGPA Paragliding Tow Manual This manual outlines requirements and procedures for towing $15

NZHGPA Logbook With rating record $15

NZHGPA MOVIE LIBRARY FLYING OVER EVEREST, DVD, Angelo D’Arrigo and the story of his flight over Mt Everest. PLAY GRAVITY, DVD, Extreme paragliding, snowboarding, BASE jumping, freeriding and speedflying in the most awesome settings. EAST WIND, DVD, German pilots fly hybrid recliner bike/ paramotors 1632 kms across eastern Europe; Hanover to the Black Sea. DYNAMIC DECISIONS, DVD, Shows how different DHV paragliders react when flying the most dangerous manoeuvres. THE RACE, DVD, A race between climber and pilot in the Italian Dolomites. Winner of 4 world film contests. Paragliding Learn to Fly, DVD Tutorial for PG Performance Flying, DVD by Jocky Sanderson Never Ending Thermal Pura Vida Flying Security in Flight & The Speed to Fly Birdmen of Kilimanjaro The Red Bull X Alps Managing Risk in Aviation CAA Red Bull X-Alps 2005  Check the NZHGPA web site for the latest special offers In order to cover the high cost of importing HG and PG DVDs, cost of hire and postage is $10 for 10 day loans   Postage and GST is included in price. Please send your order with payment to;

Evan Lamberton, 35A Manly Esplanade, Browns Bay, North Shore City 0630 Ph 09 478 0063, 021 407833

Hang gliding, paragliding schools and instructors that you can contact for qualified flight instruction in New Zealand NORTHLAND HANG GLIDING Skywalk Guntram Gross, Herman Ahrens Phone: 09 436 0268 or 09 432 9333, 021 072 0357 Email: AUCKLAND HANG GLIDING Aqua Air Adventure Paddy Monro Phone: 09 528 7594, 027 288 0193 Email: PARAGLIDING SkyWings Paragliding Alan Hills Phone: 09 570 5757, 027 498 2345 Email: Wings & Waves Paragliding and Kitesurfing Reuben Muir and Eva Keim Phone: 09 446 0020, 027 472 7013 Email: WAIKATO PARAGLIDING Wings & Waves Paragliding and Kitesurfing Reuben Muir and Eva Keim Phone: 09 446 0020, 027 472 7013 Email: OMAHU, THAMES/PAEROA PARAGLIDING Bruce Vickerman Phone: 07 862 4919, 027 498 9941 Email: HAWKES BAY PARAGLIDING Airplay Paragliding School Barry Sayer, Phone: 027 451 2886 Email: BAY OF PLENTY PARAGLIDING Kiwi-Air Mike & Aniko Phone: 07 929 5807, 021 104 6208 Mount Paragliding Darrell Packe Phone: 027 249 2702 MANAWATU HANG GLIDING SkyVenture (Manawatu HG & PG Inc. Club School) CFI: Ross Gray Phone: 06 357 8996, 021 126 0892 Email: WELLINGTON/WAIRARAPA HANG GLIDING Wellington Hang Gliding & Paragliding Club Grant Tatham Phone: 06 379 7322, 027 636 3491 Email: Oceania Paragliding School Chris Connolly, Phone: 022 676 5599 Email; school@oceaniaparagliding.

MARLBOROUGH PARAGLIDING High Adventure New Zealand Russell Read Phone: 027 448 0888 Email: NELSON/TASMAN HANG GLIDING Nelson Hang Gliding Adventures Glenn Meadows Phone: 03 548 9151, 027 275 1022 Email: Tasman Sky Adventures Trevor Leighton Phone: 027 229 9693 Email: PARAGLIDING Nelson Paragliding Stew and Zanna Karstens Phone: 03 544 1182, 027 446 3930 Email: CHRISTCHURCH HANG GLIDING Canterbury Hang Gliding School Bill Degen Phone: 03 326 6411, 021 247 2676 Email: PARAGLIDING Cloudbase Paragliding Grey Hamilton Phone: 027 532 4874 Email: ParaPro (Paragliding & Powered Paragliding) Dave Dennis Phone: 03 328 8255, 0508 548 323 Email:

WANAKA PARAGLIDING Paraventures Paragliding School Mark Hardman Phone: 0800 FLYSOLO (0800 359 765), 021 809 275 Email: QUEENSTOWN PARAGLIDING Infinity Paragliding School Alan Swann & Blake Round Phone: 021 0228 2939 or 027 367 7679 Email: Extreme Air Hang Gliding & Paragliding School & Tandems Lisa Bradley Phone: 021 156 3256 or +61 45 728 7200 Email: DUNEDIN PARAGLIDING Dunedin Paragliding & Hang Gliding School Lisa Bradley Phone: 021 156 3256 Email:


i r b o r n


Photos: Neil Brown, Ross Gray



Learn to Fly

■ Paid up NZHGPA members may run one advertisement per classification for free in each issue ■ Please email or post your advertisement to the editor, quoting your NZHGPA PIN number ■ Commercial operators, dealers, and non-members must enclose payment of $0.50c per word with their advertisement ■ Advertisements are deleted for next issue unless repeat request received ■ include your email address for the online issue ■ Buyers are advised that all used hang gliders and paragliders should have a NEW fitness check (WOF) when sold ■ It is dangerous to fly a glider or with equipment that is above your rated ability ■ PARAGLIDERS NELSON Home of Mac Para AU NZ – Mac Para combines cutting-edge design with quality manufacturing, to produce top performance paragliders and paramotors with uncompromised safety. Putting a smile on pilots faces since 1991. Check us out & FB @macparanz. Order now for those spring thermals & PG Nationals: Nick Taber 021 420 742, Proud supporters of NZ XContest. MAC Para Eden 6 EN B Ice Cool Blue for sale. Excellent condition: Size 28, weight range 90kg - 112kg, only 46 hours. Welcome to test fly in Nelson (Home of Mac Para AU NZ) or can post. Buy with confidence from Nick at Mac Para AU NZ 021 420 742 email nick@ facebook: macparanz PHI Gliders - - the revolution continues. Hannes Papesh and Mike Kung create the latest revelations in gliders - Maestro new high B - lets see what it can do! Symphonia - high B performance certified EN A. Also, the EN A Sonata and light weight Viola. Tenor and Tenor light, class B gliders with better than class performance and handling. Exclusively from SkyWings - email NOVA Paragliders - - exclusively by SkyWings - - email SPEEDFLYING specialists - and dozens of great XC wings - happy to trade - all kinds of harnesses in stock as well - or MOTOR Paragliding BLACKBIRD Paramotor. NZ designed and made. High performance comfort. Intro pricing $9350 email: Phone 03 325 4540. PARAMOTORING - exclusive Miniplane and PAP motors - SkyWings for courses and equipment - or HANG GLIDERS AIRBORNE Fun 190. Well maintained, recent new side wires. Sail still crisp, comes with wheels. White with Blue l/e ‘s, red keel pocket. Easy flying, any reasonable offer considered, contact Alex 027 453 5219, T2C 144; Fully optioned factory glider with transparent purple window lower surface, UVODLO (Technora) mainsail, speed battens, raked tips, carbon keel stinger with haul back fairing, black uprights, carbon basebar. Low hours. Fully checked and it really GOES. Ready to go for Spring/Summer flying. Contact Bill on 021 247 2676, 03 326 6411 or for info and photos. Review at

Keep in touch with the NZ hang gliding and paragliding scene, the latest developments, events, new and used equipment... M a g a z i n e All hang glider and paraglider pilots in NZ are required by law to be members, and receive Airborn magazine as part of their membership but non flyers and overseas pilots are welcome to subscribe. For Airborn SUBSCRIPTIONS please contact; NZHGPA Administrator, 46 Quail Rise, Stoke, Nelson 7011, New Zealand










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For Back Issues; send your order with payment to; Airborn Back Issues, 99A Panorama Road, Christchurch 8081, NZ

34 A i r b o r n

LAST MINUTE NOTICES Hawkes Bay Regional PG comp. 24th -25th November. Directed by Erica Caro. Details soon on Airtribune and the NZHGPA website.

Canterbury Hang Gliding League 16th to 18th Nov 2018 Stay at Rod and Marney’s place ~ Bring a sleeping bag. 57 Windsor Drive, Kirwee (40km west of Christchurch following highway 73) Please let us know if you plan on staying. Party and BBQ Saturday night 17th November in Kirwee. Organiser: Max Gebhardt ~ 027 434 0946, Accommodation: Rod Stuart ~ 027 434 4822


- Sorry issues marked with this symbol are no longer available


A4 size issues $4.- each 2018 issue numbers 2017 issue numbers 2016 issue numbers 2015 issue numbers 2014 issue numbers 2013 issue numbers 2012 issue numbers 2011 issue numbers 2010 issue numbers 2009 issue numbers

AEROS Combat L12 09 with tail, (can be flown with or without) 30 or so hours in very good condition, all white undersurface with see through top surface, 2 speedbars, 1 round with wheels and 1 alloy aerofoil, 2 spare uprights, goes like a cut cat!. $4000.00 phone 021 220 8302, AIRBORNE C4 13.5 For sale $1500 ono plus 1 spare downtube. 150 hours. Good condition. New W.O.F, Txt 0204 126 1590 or e-mail SKYFLOATERS; New and used; Fun, Falcon, fully strip checked, test flown and trimmed, trade-ins considered, contact Bill at 03 326-6411 or U2 160. Dacron sail, Mylar/Hydranet LE/TE, speed battens and raked tips. 2012 great condition, has flown approx 300 hours. email -, phone 027 670 8301 MOTOR HANG Gliding MOSQUITO harness, good cond, pod type, pull start. folding carbon fibre prop, and prop brake, $2500 ono. Phone 027 292 3928 or email RESERVE PARACHUTES RANGE of reserve parachutes for hang gliding and paragliding. Bridles, Front containers, Maillons, Swivels, Hook knives etc, in stock at HG & PG Supplies, Phone 021 247 2676 or email REVOLUTION 2 parachute for sale, for up to 120kg, second hand but never deployed, just inspected and packed. Phone 021 247 2676 or email INSTRUMENTS NAVITER, Flytec, Digifly, Aircotec flight instruments, audio only mini units and simple vario/altis to full GPS flight computers and even compact flight computers. Large range and new models in stock now. Phone or txt 021 247 2676, email ACCESSORIES Helmets, No Limit, Insider, Loop, Breeze (adjustable) and new better fitting PlusMax. Range of colours & sizes, No Limit has visor option, PlusMax has chinguard option, phone 021 247 2676 email EMPLOYMENT CORONET Peak Tandems Ltd, Queenstown, are looking for tandem hang gliding and paragliding pilots. Call 021 220 5932 SKYTREK Tandems Ltd, Queenstown, are seeking tandem hang gliding and paragliding pilots to join our growing tourism business. Please call Ian on 027 4301 741 or email ian@

We are all dependent on good relations with the farmers who own the land we fly from. Here are some guidelines to ensure that you and other pilots will be able to continue to enjoy flying there. ALWAYS CHECK with local pilots before flying at new sites. ALWAYS ask permission to fly unless you are absolutely certain that the owner allows use of the site without asking. CHECK AGAIN at Springtime as most farms have pregnant and newborn stock that can easily be frightened and injured. DO NOT show displeasure or abuse an owner if permission is refused. This could hamper getting permission in the future. ALWAYS GET PERMISSION to take a vehicle onto a property. Ensure that vehicles without gliders are not taken onto the property. Put all gliders on one car rather than have a convoy crossing the property. If stock is near, drive slowly. LEAVE GATES as you find them, gates may be closed to keep stock in or open to allow stock to feed. Ensure that all pilots and drivers understand. USE STILES and gates where ever possible, if you must cross a fence, cross at a post or strainer post. AVOID hay standing or cut unless permission has been given to cross it. AVOID landing in paddocks containing crops or stock. Carefully move off crops to avoid damage. DO NOT LIGHT FIRES at any time. DO NOT SMOKE during fire risk times. DO NOT TAKE DOGS onto any farm or property. DO NOT disturb plants or machinery, move around it. LEAVE NO RUBBISH.

FLIGHT PIX Rob Darby enjoying spring flying at Lindis Pass Photo; Melanie Heather

Load Carrier/Bike Rack Good for Supporting Hang Gliders Many hang glider pilots struggle with bracing to keep their gliders supported on their roof racks. For owners of sedans, SUV’s and those who want to carry bikes as well, I spotted this accessory on Torpedo 7’s website and checked it out. It’s fixed by 3 large hex screws to your tow ball, and adjustable in height with lock pins that don’t need tools (though you could use a bolt for more security). The glider carrying arms swing up to for a rack that’s as wide enough for 2 or

4 gliders. The bike rack pivots on a big bushed bolt and can be swung down by removing a pin when not carrying bikes. A great feature is whole setup can be swung backwards to allow tailgate opening on a SUV or station wagon. It comes with a hex wrench, a cam lock strap and plastic brackets with securing loops for 3 bikes. It’s seriously strong and heavy. Just the answer for many pilots. It’s currently listed at $249.99 or $224.99 for club members but goes on special too. Here’s the web link; www.torpedo7.

Both arms out for support and the bike rack removed

Everything you need • Ready to fly – no setup • Extremely responsive & accurate Vario assisted by inertial sensors • Sunlight readable LCD with Touch panel optimised for gloves • Long lasting battery with quick charger • Vector maps for the whole world pre-installed (towns, roads, rivers, lakes etc.) • Airspace files for most of the world pre-installed and updated • Software fully supports Competition and XC Pilots • Barometric and GPS altimeters • Easy and free software updates • In-flight FAI Triangle Assistant • Customizable data fields • Multiple wing profiles • Thermal Assistant • Wind Assistant • IGC tracklogs • Lightweight • Perfect size • Available in Full or upgradeable Basic versions • And more…

03 326 6411 021 247 2676


Email - Ph 0274 98 2345

New Class Of Glider Super high A. EN A safety with mid to high B performance, and best handling.

Exclusively from SkyWings


PARAMOTORING SPECIALISTS Miniplane - under 20kgs NZ’s most popular motor

27 years motoring & teaching. Our level of experience means everything when youlearn to motor

PAP - Exclusively from SkyWings

New Brand - Dream Team Hannes Papesh - world top designer Mike Kung - world top test pilot and their team are shattering everything with their new range of revolutionery gliders

Symphonia - high A Sonata- A Viola - A Tenor - B Tenor Light -B Maestro - New high B

MINIWING SPECIALISTS Half the size, twice the fun! Call Us


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