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New Landonline application captures attention

The Landonline – Survey application is on track to provide endto-end survey capture functionality, following an 18-month pilot.

More than a third of all surveyors who use Landonline are now working in the new application – including students at Otago University’s School of Surveying – and Toitū Te Whenua is eager for more to get onboard before it becomes available to all Landonline users from April this year.


Developed in consultation with the Survey Working Group and surveyors to ensure that it’s fit for purpose, the new application has a modern look and feel, and is more intuitive.

The Survey Working Group is a reference group of surveyors from around Aotearoa New Zealand working with Toitū Te Whenua Land Information New Zealand to help inform the Modernising Landonline programme.

Importantly, the way customers enter information into the new application is similar to previously, but the process is easier and more efficient. Feedback from pilot users has been positive.

Our focus is to get more people using the new application before April to ensure there’s an experienced support network in survey firms to help, if needed.

It’s anticipated these users will become champions for new Landonline within their firms. Firms already using the new application are encouraged to expand their number of users.

We’d also like to onboard users in firms who don’t currently use the new application but have indicated an interest to do so.

Migrating to new Landonline

LINZ’s focus this year is to bring users onto the new application.

We’re confident from our pilot that the functionality we’ve delivered is ready, and that it’s right.

Users can capture survey datasets in the new application but will need to revert to Legacy Landonline to complete plan generation and sign and submit.

In April and May, we’ll be driving voluntary uptake as much as possible. We’ll then look at providing certainty on when migration to the new capture functionality must be achieved.

We’ll then review migration progress, and the steps required for full use of capture in the new application.

Completing the migration to the new application will enable us to focus on new Landonline enhancements for you.

Outside of the functionality that’s accessed in new Landonline, you’ll continue to work in Legacy Landonline on the same transaction, as the systems are fully compatible and integrated.

Contact us

If you’d like to sign up or find out more, please email engagement@ linz.govt.nz •

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