3 minute read
by nzlogger
A makeover makes a difference!
December 2021/ January 2022
| $8.00
ISSN 1176-0397
Firefighting: Ground or air? Log truck drivers: 17 years incident-free
Gisborne-based BBL Logging is among the first in New Zealand to put the Next Generation Cat 538 LL to work.
POSTAL ADDRESS: PO Box 112 062, Penrose, Auckland 1642 STREET ADDRESS: 172B Marua Road, Ellerslie, Auckland 1051 PHONE: 09 571 3544 WEBSITE: www.alliedpublications.co.nz
SUBSCRIPTIONS: $80 (incl. GST) for one year (11 issues) within NZ. Overseas rates available on application. Sue Woolston: accounts@trucker.co.nz PUBLISHER: Trevor Woolston, 027 492 5600, trevor@trucker.co.nz ADMINISTRATION: Sue Woolston, accounts@trucker.co.nz EDITOR: Hayley Leibowitz, 027 211 5048, hayley@trucker.co.nz ADVERTISING SALES CONSULTANT: Trish Barnett, 021 925 600, sales@ nzlogger.co.nz DESIGN: Luca Bempensante PRINTING: Bluestar DISTRIBUTION: ARE Direct Distribution NZ Logger is published on the second Tuesday of every month except January. NZ Logger is published by Allied Publications Ltd. CONTRIBUTIONS: Editorial contributions are welcomed for consideration, but no responsibility is accepted for loss or damage of submitted materials (photographs, graphics, printed material etc…). If the return of material is required please include a stamped, selfaddressed envelope. Please contact the editor by mail or email prior to submitting material. NZ Logger reserves the right to edit submitted material. COPYRIGHT: Articles in NZ Logger are copyright and may not be reproduced in any form – in whole or part – without the permission of the publisher. Opinions expressed in the magazine are not necessarily the opinions of, or endorsed by, the publisher or editor.
NZ Logger Magazine
Net circulation – ended 30/06/2015 3,271 www.nzlogger.co.nz
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Ups and downs
2021 IS COMING TO AN END AND SADLY DID NOT COUNTERACT THE miserable year that was 2020. Our Forest Talk pages are a bit grim this month as many crews find themselves parked up and facing a tight Christmas thanks to a drop in global log prices, lockdowns, shipping congestion worldwide and supply chain disruptions. This doesn’t come as much of a surprise with global economic woes compounding as COVID has captured the world’s economies.
Forestry is a long-term game though, and as Forest Enterprises’ Bert Hughes points out, more investors are looking to the forestry sector in these uncertain times, given that it is not affected by the short-term peaks and troughs of the economy. As investors re-evaluate their portfolios in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, they are turning to forestry for diversification and to reduce exposure to volatility in the financial markets, he says. Along with good returns, there are the social and environmental benefits to boot. The demand for local timber also stands strong.
In the meantime, everyday realities don’t go away and while summer signifies the great Kiwi migration (at least for the more than 3.4 million people eligible for their My Vaccine Pass) it’s also the time to be aware of forest fires. In our special feature this month, Forest Fire Advisor, Murray Dudfield, asks if the increased use of aircraft becoming the norm to fight wildfires in New Zealand is appropriate, or if we should return to greater use of fire crews and heavy earthmoving machinery. His evidence makes for thoughtful reading.
Also this month, we celebrate an industry that bolsters our own and which perhaps doesn’t feature enough in these pages. Where would we be without log truck drivers? Six exceptional drivers were recently honoured for seventeen years each without an insurance claim incident, by the Log Haulage Contractors Association. NZ Logger chatted to them and their employers about their service, their history and their love for the open road.
They’ll be enjoying a good summer and a well-deserved rest with their whãnau. We hope you do too!
Until next time, stay safe.