3 minute read
by nzlogger
Zero tail test
In-house thinning: It still works! Hybrid harvesting update
G. White Logging operator, Clint Maxwell, is enjoying being in the hot seat of the John Deere 859MH.
POSTAL ADDRESS: PO Box 112 062, Penrose, Auckland 1642 STREET ADDRESS: 172B Marua Road, Ellerslie, Auckland 1051 PHONE: 09 571 3544 WEBSITE: www.alliedpublications.co.nz
SUBSCRIPTIONS: $80 (incl. GST) for one year (11 issues) within NZ. Overseas rates available on application. Sue Woolston: 021 411 950, accounts@trucker.co.nz PUBLISHER: Trevor Woolston, 027 492 5600, trevor@trucker.co.nz ADMINISTRATION: Sue Woolston, 021 411 950, accounts@trucker. co.nz EDITOR: Hayley Leibowitz, 027 211 5048, hayley@trucker.co.nz ADVERTISING SALES CONSULTANT: Olivia Beauchamp, 0276855066, sales@nzlogger.co.nz DESIGN: Luca Bempensante Zarko Mihic PRINTING: Bluestar DISTRIBUTION: ARE Direct Distribution NZ Logger is published on the second Tuesday of every month except January. NZ Logger is published by Allied Publications Ltd. CONTRIBUTIONS: Editorial contributions are welcomed for consideration, but no responsibility is accepted for loss or damage of submitted materials (photographs, graphics, printed material etc…). If the return of material is required please include a stamped, selfaddressed envelope. Please contact the editor by mail or email prior to submitting material. NZ Logger reserves the right to edit submitted material. COPYRIGHT: Articles in NZ Logger are copyright and may not be reproduced in any form – in whole or part – without the permission of the publisher. Opinions expressed in the magazine are not necessarily the opinions of, or endorsed by, the publisher or editor.

NZ Logger Magazine
Net circulation – ended 30/06/2015 3,271 www.nzlogger.co.nz
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AS WE NEAR THE END OF ANOTHER TUMULTUOUS YEAR WHERE VIRTUAL conferences gave way to real ones, log prices continue to fluctuate and worker shortages became more challenging, the hurdles keep on coming.
We go to print on the back of the farmers’ Groundswell NZ protest against Government’s new agricultural emissions pricing plan, and in the midst of a tangle of governmental legislation and proposals for our own industry (which we attempt to unweave on our Forest Talk pages).
Of course, our primary industries are intertwined and those in the forestry industry are watching the protest and its outcome closely, keeping in mind the potential knock-on effect on forestry legislation.
While there is debate whether much of the recent proposed legislation is taking the industry backwards or forwards, our features this month demonstrate that New Zealand foresters keep on innovating – in both directions!
In-house thinning is making an impressive comeback at Gisborne’s Aratu Forests, with a well-incentivised and highly motivated crew keeping safety and production top of mind.
On the opposite end of the spectrum, there’s a taste of the future, with Mike Hurring Logging & Contracting’s Logset 8H GTE diesel-electric hybrid wheeled harvester continuing to impress. Of course, machines don’t work without the people behind them, and the Mike Hurring Training School is still churning out skilled workers.
That’s because no matter the level of talk and debate, the hard work continues in the forest. Take this month’s Iron Test for example. The John Deere 859MH zero tail swing tethered levelling harvester is surprisingly stable and nimble for its size – not unlike our industry.
So, while we look forward to seeing what the new year will bring, right now the December break is looking quite welcoming – a well-deserved one for all the hard-working men and women who make the Ngahere their daily office.
Until next time, stay safe.