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Current Solutions
The Advisory Group would be remiss not to consider that there are existing interventions and information sources which already play a role in informing participants and reducing incidents.
National campaigns
These interventions are not specific to Angelus Hut, however, are safety messages which attempt to reduce commonly occurring incidents and are focused on influencing trampers during the planning phase. They are relevant to the key causal factors which the advisory group are attempting to suppress.
The Land Safety Code is a joint initiative of DOC, MSC, NZ Police, LandSAR, RCC, NZSAR and MetService which exists to provide simple messaging to those planning and participating in land-based outdoor recreation. The messages are shared by all organisations involved via digital, print and social media.
MSC runs campaigns targeting specific messages to specific audiences such as hunters, trampers, back country skiers and mountaineers. The 2020-21 summer campaign focused on prompting trampers to have a backup plan and not to get sucked into the threat of ‘destination focus’. It also focused on ensuring trampers have the necessary equipment for their tramp, including considering what they may need in poor weather or an emergency situation.