1 minute read

Member benefit


Our Privacy Act resources are here to help members comply with the new rules.

With so many of our business operations now conducted online, the Privacy Act has been updated to reflect the way we collect, store and use customer and company data.

A privacy breach can be extremely damaging for your business reputation— and you must notify the Privacy Commissioner of any breach that could cause serious harm to the people affected. This is a job for your Privacy Officer, so make sure you have someone in your business to carry out this role.

Master Plumbers has a Privacy Policy template that you can use in your business to ensure your customers and staff know what personal information you collect and how you use it. We’ve also developed guidance on complying with the Privacy Act plus a data retention checklist, which shows how long you must retain specific types of employee data.

Don’t wait for a hack to happen—know what assets you need to protect and have a plan in place with the help of our privacy resources.

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