2 minute read
Employer perspectives
Fish ’n’ chips!
Small gestures to thank the team go a long way, says Tracy Pleasants of Foleys.
For the last few months, we have been rabbiting on about fish ’n’ chips. It’s become a bit of a thing. Why? Well, obviously, not for any physical health benefits—but we believe that, alongside chocolate fish, coffee cards, Friday beers and cooked breakfasts, the simple Kiwi favourite of fish ’n’ chips goes a long way to keeping us happy.
I recently attended an event where one of the presenters spoke about trust. As we know, when customers trust us, they are more likely to like our brand, favour it when considering which plumber to choose, forgive our errors and possibly recommend us to others.
In recent history, people’s default position has been to trust until proven otherwise… but not anymore. According to the latest Edelman Trust Monitor data, distrust is now the default mode for more than 50% of people. What does this mean for us? It means we must work even harder to earn trust through the experience our customers have with us.
To build trust takes time, and with more people than ever being distrusting, we need to work hard to ensure we’re reinforcing our brand consistency and delivering great customer experiences. With some customers only needing our services every three to five years, we’d better be sure that the experience they have with us is memorable for all the right reasons.
The fish ’n’ chips delivery to our office was magic. We opened the paper, spread it out on the filing cabinet, a wee plate each and stopped to chat. We have a smoko room, but we don’t all stop at the same time and the informality of gathering to share some hot chips around the filing cabinet was priceless. We learnt more about what was happening for people in those 10 minutes than we had in the preceding 10 weeks. Part of this is due to people coming and going with illness (will it ever stop?) and the nature of people’s roles that they are not office-based all the time.
This small gesture went a long way. Sometimes—and it’s always best if it’s a bit impromptu—we all like to receive a bit of thanks for simply doing our job.
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