New Zealand Post
aori tamp
Ka rere ra re mihi nui ki Poucipeta Aotearoa mona kua whakaputa i enei panekuini hei whakaatu ki le ao he mana tonu to te reo Maori. I tenei, i Te Tau 0 Te Reo Maori, ka mihi r:i 1995 is a pivotal year for all New Zealanders - it is the year for celebrating and sharing one of our greatest national rteasures, the Maori language. New Zealand is the only country in the world where Maori language is spoken and wrirten and this alone makes it a potentially rich tool for distinguishing our country internarionally. Thousands of new Maori words are creared every year, which demonstrates the language's flexibility and its capability as a 21st century
These six stamps focus on the importance of the Maori language, and commemorate Maori Language Year. The Maori Language Commission has designated 1995 to be Te Tau 0 te Reo Maori (Maori Language Year) as part of continuing attempts to revive the language and teach it to the young. About 50,000 New Zealanders are fluent in Maori but the Commission is concerned that not enough young people are learning the language to safeguard its furure. As a result, there is now a strong emphasis on reaching ~~ . . . 80 ... "=0....
communication tool.
As an official language of New Zealand, the Maori language belongs to all of us. However with that ownership comes a responsibiliry to support and promote its use - and that is what He Taonga re Reo is all about.
the young. This is mosr visible in the kohanga reo (language nest) where pre-school children are immersed in the Maori language. Growing numbers of older students are also receiving their lessons
The Maori Language Stamp Issue produced by New Zealand Post is a major contribution to He Taonga Te Reo and promores the language in a creative and visual way. New Zealand Post has shown initiative and flair by choosing to work with Maori artists to produce this stamp issue for the year. It is a fine example of whar a partnership can achieve in support of Maori language.
in Maori, and state-funded Maori radio starions promote the language and culture. The Maori language came to New Zealand some 1000 years ago from what is now known as French Polynesia. The language developed independently after those long-ago migrations. Its vocabulary has many words common to a wide range
Kiti, kua puta enei panekuini, ko ci citou he hoko, he whakapiri ki a cirou reta ka MU ki wiw., ki wawa, ki rua o ciwauwau hei titiro, he whakaroiha ma te =gata, ii, kia mohiotia mai ai ie ko tenei Te Tau 0 Te Reo Maori.
of Polynesian languages.
Niku noa
454 704 804 $'.00 $'.50 $' .80
Professor Tirnoti S Karetu Maori Language Commissioner TeAhorangi
K6hongo Reo MOpihi Poonomu {'ieosureC l.anguage Neslj Waiob 'Nhokooho Wail1JO (Sihg b awoken the spi,;~ He Akorongo kei ng6 PiJr6kau (Acquire knowledge through 5IoIies) Monu Korihi 'Nhokalou Monuhiri (TOe welcoming coli) 'Nhokapopo ruhonohono Tangob (Recite the geneologies that link people) 'Nhoik6rero 'Nhokolokolo Tikango (Tell the kxe of the people)
The glories of stained glass, an ancient craft that in genetal means windows made of coloured glass, feature on New Zealand Post's 1995 Christmas issue.
Ihildren'sWealth 'amps The 1995 Health Stamps come in a special shape - a ttiangle. It's just the second time in 140 years of New Zealand philatelic history that ttiangulat stamps have been issued. The fitSt was in the World Wat 11 yeat of 1943 when a young Princess Elizabeth, now Queen Elizabeth 11, and her sistet, Princess Margaret, featured on the health stamps. Because of their shape and subject, the 1943 stamps were exceptionally popular with collectors. Health stamps have been issued every year since 1929 and New Zealand Post Limited supports the Children's Health
Camps movement just as sttongly as did its ptedecessor, the New Zealand Post Office. From the beginning, the stamps have carried a small sutcharge and when they are sold the surcharge becomes in effect a donation by the purchaser. The sale of Health stamps now raises more than
$100,000 a year for the Children's Health Camps Board which operates seven permanent camps for needy children. A boy on a skateboard (45 cents postage, plus 5 cents surcharge) and a girl on a bike (80 cents postage, plus 5 cents surcharge) featute on the 1995 stamps.
Stained glass began appearing in the windows of Christian churches as early as the fifth century. Today such windows are part of the western world's religious and cultural heritage. The stained glass windows of the great cathedrals of Europe still exert a powerful spiritual influence on viewers.
c:~".1I••• IUS
Christchurch artist Ken Hall, who designed the seven stamps in this issue, found inspiration and material for his designs from church windows and the "arts and craft" movement from
the first quarter of this century. The 45 cent and 70 cent stamps depict the Annunciation - the Archangel Gabriel's announcement to Mary that she was to give birth to Jesus - as it appears on stained glass windows in St Mary's in Merivale. The 80 cent, $1.00, $1.50 and $1.80 values show details from a Nativity (the birth of Jesus) window at St Luke's Anglican Church, Chtistchurch. The 45-cent booklet stamp features the cheviot angel from St John the Evangelist Anglican Church in Cheviot, North Canterbury. The booklet stamp will be issued on 9 November 1995. Stamps in full colour were not available at Foe'" printing time.
Join the mailing list If you would like to receive information about stamp issues by mail, simply write to: Basil Umuroa, Manager Customer Services, Philatelic Bureau, Private Bag 300 I, Wanganui, New Zealand.
[ientenary oflNugby fleague DATE OF ISSUE 26 JULY 1995 Rugby League. a winter game rhar originared in rhe I north of I England. I I celebrares irs centenary in 1995. In addition to four stamps featuring Early Rugby League (45 cents). Mini Footy ($1.00), Ptovincial Rugby League ($1.50) and International Rugby League ($1.80), New Zealand Post is ptoducing a 45 cent stamp booklet. a miniature sheet carrying the $1.80 stamp and (WO separare firsr day covers - one wirh rhe stamps and rhe orher wirh rhe miniature sheer. A Rugby League presentation pack will also be released. A feast for stamp collectors and Rugby League supporters!
I ~
The first game of league was played in England on 7 September 1895 with the sporr making its New Zealand debut in 1908. In this country, league has always played second fiddle to rugby union bur rhe popularity of the game has soated in recent yeats. Interest in the game is set to surge again because a New Zealand team, the Auckland Warriors. has joined rhe Winfield Cup competition.
FOR RELEASE Club Rugby League, $1.00 Mini League, $1.50 Early Rugby League, $ 1.80 International Rugby League
"mited fidition The Cricket Limited Edition Collectors Pack has been an immense success. The pack is nowl rerailing at up to 104% above the issue price and many applications fot rhe pack were turned away du," to oversubscription. The pack has also received favourable reviews from rhe Personal Invtstor and Ml1rkaing magazines. New Zealand Post has just released its second prestigious pack entirled "Butterflies". This pack contains the $1. $2, $3. $4 and $5 definitive Butterfly stamps
ack IIpdate
and a souvenir fitst day cover personally signed by rhe designer of rhe stamps - Pauline Morse. [n addition there are six perforated separations showing rhe individual colours used to print the $5.00 red admiral stamp. The future of rhe umited Edition Collectors Pack market looks brighr. The Maori Language Limited Edition Collectors Pack will contain a unique sheerlet of 24 stamps. The fourrh Limited Edition Collectors Pack entitled "Rugby League" will feature an
imperforate miniature sheet. This sheetlet and imperforate miniature sheet can only be obtained by purchasing a Limited Edition Collectors Pack. If you would like to join rhe Limited Edition Collectors Pack Wairing List, please write to: Basil Umuroa. Limited Edition Waiting List, Philatelic Bureau, Private Bag 300 I. Wanganui. New Zealand. The Limited Edition Collectors Pack is a philatelic investment not to be missed.
[lo/lectors [lomer Exhibitions More and more children are joining me Stamp Hunters Club every day. Membership has more than doubled (to 17,000) since rhe lasr issue of Focus. Most members are in the 8-12 year age group, but it is also encouraging ro see that 22% are in their teens. Stamp
Collecting is "in" and me objective of injecting fun into philately certainly seems ro have been achieved. The Club also continues to auracr interest from parents and teachers who appreciate the educational value in stamps. Stamp Month this year will be in Ocrober and centres
around "Famous New Zealanders". While Stamp Month is nor exclusively for children, it will be a very interesting issue for them to focus on.
This year we are running a nationwide poll, so that all New Zealanders can have the opportunity to vote for their choice of famous New Zealanders to appear on six stamps to be released later this year. The purpose of the poll is to recogmse ew Zealand's famous people, and also have the people of ew Zealand involved in deciding who should be featured on rhis special stamp issue. The poll will have ended when you receive this copy of Focus and the design of the stamps 'Jill be under way. However, me people chosen to appear on the stamps will not be announced until 4 October 1995, the official release date of the stamps.
FOR RELEASE 804, $1.00, $1.20, $1.50, $1.80. The six famous New Zealanders will not be announced until 4 October. 45~,
The most popular question asked by nO\'ice collÂŤTors is, "where do I get information about St:lrnps?" The answer is obvious for the' modern issues, all of the information is
aV<lilable from your POSt Shop or the Philatelic Bureau. For older issuC$ the' answer can Ix both complicated and expensive, bUI wilh one major o:ceplion - Exhibitions! AI any exhibition 21 Club, Regional or
Nationalle\'d rou can see on display the results of hundrtds. JXrhaps thousands. of hours of research carried out by Ihis country's philatelists. A f~ hours sclttti,'C' noteo taking at each of thrtt or four o:hibirions willlxnefil your collection in a
variety of ways. GenC'r:l1 knowledge' will assist in classifying all materiaJ accur:ndy. Background information will make mt' collection more interesting IQ look :1.( and work on. SpÂŤialisro knowledge on )'our chosen collection will make it easier (0 identify the varieties you may have or may wish to look for. If this ideo! sounds amaaive then you should approach OI.ny exhibition with a clQr plan. Make certain you have a notebook and pen. Buy an exhibition catalogue before doing anything else. Find the coffee shop and
enjoy a cup of coffet' whilst roding the catalogue and identifying those displays which may provide the type of information you need. Find the displays )'ou marked and check them all quickly to assas their potential for your needs. Selro the best twO or thrtt displays and rod them from stan to finish making notes as rou go. If any display is of "cry specific interest ask around and sec if you can find the owner. If successful ask for a photocopy of the collection. (Don't forget to offer to pay for the photocopying,.) All ex~rienced collroors are happy to assist fellow enthusiasts and rou may well be pleasantly surprised with the quantity and quality of assistance available. How to find Out about exhibitions? Join a stamp club. You don't ha\'e to attend mtttings (although this is another marvellous way to IQrn about the hobby). The club news.leue-r will generally kttp you up to date with what's on and where. If you need the addlnS of your local dub then ask the Secretary of the New Zealand Philatelic Federation. PO Box 1547,lnvercargill. He knows evcrything! Tom Lee, President New Zealand Philatelic Federation Ine
Children and thematic collectors, especially those who collect animal stamps, will enjoy this booklet collection of Farmyard animalssheep, deer, horses, cows, goats,
turkeys, ducks, fowls, pigs and dogs. The farmyard booklet is designed by Joanne Kreyl.
In December of 1994 the Sramps Business Unit achieved a global distinction - it was accredited with 150900 J: 1994 certification. We have since betn informed that we are one of only [Wo phil;uelic admini5[r,uions [Q achieve this di5[inC[ion! ISO is an imernationally recognised standard in determining business C'xcellence. To qualify for ISO accreditadon, the unit needed m auain cruciaJ objectives. They were [0 achieve nandards which conrinually meet customer needs, (0 meet set managemem standards and to produce and supply namps and related produC[s which continually reach quaJity and customer acceptance levels, We imend [0 cominue this level of service as well as work towards improvemenrs for the future. Keep an eye our for new customer service systems in 1995. We welcome your views, so thank you for your ongoing suppon and feedback. With ISO we trUSt that the current service and quality of product you are experiencing will keep gerring bener.
'tamp [follecting
It's what you make it For some time I have been concemed at criticism of New Zealand Post's stamp issuing
poljey and row face value cost. It is a worldwide=: complaint that PostaJ Adminiscrarions are issuing tOO many Stamps, far tOO often. I would like to ~ this forum to attempt to answer dlo~ concerns. New Zealand POS( endavours to maintain a progr:unmc= that is both interesting and has imegril)'. Integrity is not a word we take lightly and we are absolutely adamant that our stamp issues meet postal needs, repr~nt accurate postal denominations for destination rates and reflect, wherever possible. the wishes of our coUectors (especially rhose imerested in thematic collecting). Meeting postal needs could obviously be satisfied with definitive stamps, but a combination of customer and community wants and company objectives result in a programme that consists of approximately 12-13 issues 1Xr year. with (Otal face value of our issues averaging $60.00 IXr annum. This will vary occasionally. if for enrnple a 520.00 definitive is produced. When it comes to miniature sheets, albums and first day covers, wc believe the collector has a choice. Either they purchase or they do nor.
Stamp numbers within this programme have increased. with the introduction of more bookJets into the programme. Thjs has led to more junior collectors finding stamps on parents' mail and greater revenue for charity collectors of bulk, used Stamps. While the numbers of stamps has increased, the actual cost of collecting has remained relatively constant.
New Zealand Post Financial Year (ApriJ-Marclt)
Face Value No. Issues No. Stamps
1991/92' 1992/93 1993/94 1994/95 1995/96
$46.85 12 ~
$48.25 13 ~
$63.70 14
$68.85 12
The Hagner System The Hagner System effictively provides collectors with a looseleaf stamp stockbook - elimiru:ting the needfor hinges. The polyester strips discourage fading, dampness and chemical damage to your stamps. Here we offer you the Album to keep your sheets in. plus a range ofdifferent sized single-sided sheets to meet your needs. 1 strip 245mm 2 strips 122mm 3 strips 8o",m 4 strips 6o",m 5 strips 47mm 6 strips 38mm 7 strips 32mm 8 strips 28mm 3 strips - FDC block and single
DBa 1 strip
2 strips
3 strips
4 strips
5 strips
6 strips
7 strips
6 strips
$69.55 13 ~
$65.35 13 68
Our face values are slightly higher than Australia and Canada, but less then Great Britain and USA. We believe that $60.00 per year makes collecting affordable (what else can you collect for $1.15 per week?) Our issue tOpics cater for the New Zealand collector who makes up the vast bulk of our customers, as well as the thematic collector. We endeavour ro cater to all demands and the programme is no exception. John Hotchner (unns Stamps News 26/9194) agreo with this approach: "Now, faichful readers know that I'm nor opposed to the issuance: oflots of stamps. A large and varied programme provides challenge and colour, knowledge and interest, and for those reasons contributes to the n..Iture of our hobby. To those who lament that mo~ Stamps and higher face values make the hobby tOO difficult and too expensive, my response is mat the hobby is what you choose to make it." I hope my explan.ation helps provide understanding of the fine line we tread between meeting customers' needs and wants, and overstepping the limits. You, the customers, att paramount to our business and we believe the produet5 and service: we provide, meet yow expecr:uions.. If they don't, please let us know and we will anempt to rectify it.
Stamp Hinges
Many collectors prefer the fltxibility that stamp hinges o!fir them. ~ have two brands for you to choose from - both in packs of 1000.
ReganI, General Manager Stamps
I-t.~ '1"'.tq
Please Note: Some of the stamps illustrated in this publication are taken from proofs or original artwork and may be subject to minor alterations. Likewise, some of the stamp issues and their release dates may be subject to change.
• 0 .... ~ '1'vQ""~ ....
Acknowledgements 'Focus' is prep.ared at New Zealand Post Headquaners, WeUingron, and published rwice yearly. Each issue is distributed free to some 60,000 stamp collectors, both in New Zealand and overseas. Articles may be extracted for reprinting without further permission. Acknowledgement to 'Focus' would be .appreciated.
~,,'Q~ •••. o(
~~'" ~.s
r-----.; See the Order Form for details.
lE AOO52
6JPril ~hop NJindow
ril~hop NJindow
First Day Cover Albums
Hawid Mounts
First day cover albums help collectors prevent their colleetiom from creasing or tearing. Choose from the three albums we have available fOr you - they come with 10 sheets already in them and we also have refills available.
For over 30 years Hawid has provided stamp collectors with a system ofmounts as an alternative to hinges. With jmt a little moistening the pre-gummed mounts stick to your Album page immediately. Hawid mounts are saft fOr your stamps and with a choice between black or clear backings you'll have an attractive way in which to display your collection.
pttdts of25 strips
AOO30 (refills AOO31)
• 210mm long $11.35 11.35 1002 bi4<k - starter pack " " 024 bltKlt - 24mm high " " 1027 bi4<k· 27mm high" 1029 block - 29mm high " " 1030 bi4<k - 30mm high" 1031 black - 31mm high $14.20 1033 black - 33mm high $14.20 1036 black· 36mm high 1040 black - 40mm high 1041 black - 41mm high $11.35 1044 black - 44mm high 1055 black - 55mm high
2002 ckar· starter pack 2024 clear· 24mm high 2027 ckar . 27mm high 2029 ckar - 29mm high 2031 ckar· 31mm high 2033 ckar· 33mm high 2041 ckar - 41mm high 2044 <kar . 44mm high 2055 <kat - 55mm high packs of10 blocks 1202 black· 148 x 105mm 1203 black - 160 x 120mm 2203 clear· 160 x 120mm AOO401
Davo and Lighthouse both produce popular stockbooks. The three we have made available to cmtomers ofthe Philatelic Bureau all have hard covers with both glassine interleaving and glassine strips on white pages. Choose between 16 or 32 sides.
Hawid Accessories This cutter and ruler set makes altering the size ofyour Hawid mounts so much easier. Or you could me the guillotine imtead. Both are available now through the Philatelic Bureau.
mm See the Order Form for details.
See the Order Form for details.
ril~hop NJindow Collecting New Zealand Stamps
Global Collector Album
By Robin Gwynn. This soficover book is a practical guide to New Zealand stamps and the world of philately. It takes a look at all sorts oftopics - from types ofpaper and printing processes to geography and history.
For the collector who would like that little extra. A superb padded binder with attractive gold lettering and a complementary slipcase. Each delwce illustrated page clearly lays out all New Zealand stamps issued between 1855 and 1992. Updates are available for 1993 and 1994. (Please note: Album and slipcase are sold separately from the looseleafpages).
The Image Maker - The Art oflames Berry By j.R. Tye. This is the story ofJames Berry - one of the worlds leading coin andpostage stamp designers. He was involved in this field for thirty years in New Zealand - winning acclaim for dcsigllS of both products such as the decimal currency. This entertaining biography follows Berrys early lift, the development ofhis career and the triumphs ofhis later years.
1994 New Zealand First Day Covers Pack Inclnding 17 first day covers from issues released between October 1993 and September 1994 this pack would be an ideal gift for any collector. The pack is attractively presented with interesting background reading on each ofthe issues included.
1994 New Zealand Stamp Pack
â&#x20AC;˘ ~
Premier Albums Here we have another Album that pictorially presents New Zealand stamps for you. Not only are you able to effortlessly present your stamps in a clear and concise fashion but you can easily see which stamps you still need to complete your collection. Supplements are now available for 1993 and 1994.
. , . . , . . - A0061
In addition to this top range Album, we have a padded three-ring Premier Album which comes complete with looseleafgraph leaves. Refills are also available. For the beginner, we've included this fastbound New Zealand Album, also by Premier. It has graphed paper ready for stamps to be inserted with mounts or hinges. AOO51
See the Order Form for details.
See the Order Form for details,
rii T Shirts 'Ull th< worldyou lov< stamps. Theu shirts I1rr a more
unusual way to mjoy your hobby. ~'" four d<signs to choos< b<twun - th< consmJation block, th< tuatara, Ross pmguin, and th< round kiwi. AvailAbk in thru sius (small, m<dium and lArg<) - pick yours now.
1994 New Zealand Stamp Collectors FolJer Th< N= ualAnd Stamp Colkctors FoltUr contains 71 stamps, including th< $20 Difinitiv<, 2 miniatur< shuts, and 4 philAtelic <xhibition miniatur< shms issu<d throughout th< 1994 cakndar y<ar. It is an <xtr.m<ly convmimt way to <mur< that you haw all th< 1994 stamps - th< compku colkction in on< foltUr.
Campbell Paterson 'New Zealand' Stamp' Catalogue This compr<h<nsiv< catalogu< of N<w ualAnd stamps lists ro<ry issu< and vari<ty in a simpk to locau, and <1lSJ to rif-rma syst.m. It is witkly r<cognis<d as an authority on N= ualAnd philAuly.
See the Order Form for details,
POSTAGE AND PACKAGING Overseas customers only Please use the following chart to calculate the postage payable for each item in your order. A. Australia!
Sth Pacillc
Stamps, booklets Miniature sheets Presentation Packs, Collectors Folder, Stamp Packs, Stamp Collectors Folder
B. C. Nth Amerieal 8th America Asia (excl. Europe, Middle East) Africa" Middle East NZ$1.50
• D.
Post All Countries
lOur details OR New Customer
First Name NZS2.50
Firsl Day Covers Packs
No charge
No charge
No charge
No charge
Albums, Stockbooks, Books, Global Collector products, CP Catalogue, T·Shirts
0000000 0 Please tick box
Customer umber
I Mr / Mrs / Miss / Ms I(please circle) I ========= I
Postal Address
Payment details
Hagner Sheets, rertlls, hinges, Hawid Mounts
and accessories
Important information. Please complete.
I am paying by (please tick box):
o o oD
ChequelInternational Money OrderlBank Draft (Enclosed, and made oul to New Zealand PosI Philatelic Bureau)
Adebit on my customer account
Currency Ready Reckoner If you are ordering from outside New Zealand, please use the following currency conversion rates. They are a guide only. Your invoice will be based on the actual rate prevailing at the time of receipt of your order.
Credit Card* (complete details below) Amex
D Diners D VISa D BankcanllMaster()ard
Card No.
£1 Sterling
NZ$2.45 approx.
Expiry Date
$1 Australia
NZ$1.l8 approx.
Please charge my credit card Z$
$1 US
NZ$1.55 approx.
.------'====== Name of cardholder I
$I Canada
NZ$l.lO approx.
*Credit card payments will be accepted for orders of $10 or more. All prices are in New Zealand dollars.
I~"'='II i-II~II
Ct1M: 'lJ1. D$ tfl_lI""..., 1 -
2. Other Products 8rAIIP PACII.
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Doo-New Zealand resident)
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7J1i IIJ1i IIJ1i IIJ1i IIJ1i IIJ1i IIJ1i IIJ1i
t A. If ordering from outside New Zealand please indicate
whether you would like your order delivered by air or EconomyPost. Use table on reverse to calculate postal charges and enter here.
t B. Proof of delivery guarantees full replacement of your order by the Bureau in the event of any loss. This service is optional.
11.36 IU6 lUll lUll lUll lUll lUll
*Platelimprint, positional or value blocks may be obtained by purchasing at least six stamps of each denomination with the exception of the Butterflies Issue which requires only two stamps. ** Barcode blocks may be obtained by purchasing at least two stamps of each denomination. Mint stamps will be supplied unless you specifically request otherwise. If you wish to order used Cv) or canceUed·to·order (C) stamps, please indicate this by writing the letter 'U' or 'C' as appropriate next to the quantity that you require. Used stamps are affIXed to paper and canceUed. CanceUed-to-order stamps are canceUed, but not affixed to paper.
IIJ1i IIJ1i IIJ1i IIJI lUll lUll lUll lllJli
I .. IIJIi 1&AIi 1.11 lUll 7.11 IJIi
8.10 11.10 11.10